I knew as soon as I heard "Please Please Me" that I was embarking on a happy trip. Yes, I would have preferred that they had remixed the stereo albums, but overall the sound is excellent. A good example is "Got To Get Into My Life." I almost felt I needed to duck out of the way of the trombone slide. Yet it was frustrating that even though I could hear Ringo's outstanding drumming on the track, I had to pretend that it was louder and centered in the mix instead of way off to the side and way too low. Same thing with the vocals on the early albums that are restricted to one channel. The liner notes nearly apologize for their placement on the stereo mixes. But it is still a peak experience hearing these tracks in the best fidelity ever. And thankfully, I can no longer say that the Anthology outtakes sound better than the released versions.
On the same day that I was blissing out about having the Remasters in my hands, Iamaphoney released an excellent new video.

Rotten Apple 77 focuses on an interview that Roby Yonge (one of the DJs who broke the Paul Is Dead story in 1969) did with with John Paul Roberts on June 13, 1995.
For a contribution (not to me--to them) you can hear the entire interview at ReelRadio.
Yonge was fired for his late night rumor mongering, although the "Bon Voyage" article flashed in RA 77 had nothing to do with that. You can find an excellent review of Yonge's career, including the "Bon Voyage" article and a recap of his encounter with Paul Is Dead lore at this Roby Yonge dedication web site.
The video uses interview footage with both Larry Kane and Denny Laine that could have been done at that Beatles Convention a couple years ago. And I'll tell ya, when I saw the cryptic statement from another DJ, Russ Gibb just before the two minute mark of RA 77, I freaked.
I know that a lot of us have been speculating that The Nutters, a group that has been putting out videos under the name LEWlSCARROLL, might have been at the helm of the Iamaphoney video team at some point. Their videos are interesting, and similar in style to our grand hero, but Rotten Apple 77 shows superior editing in my opinion. The Nutters latest video is Inside the org:9 The Nutcase 09:09:09.
Yet another spectacular event of the past week was the return of our dear friend Grandfather Aleister. He is back releasing videos under the name 999nowhereman and even received a Welcome Back message from his royal highness Iamaphoney himself, really. He has returned in wonderful form with a new video called Paul is Dead - 999.

Special thanks to my funny friend for giving me the heads up on GFA's return.
Now, another BIG thing that was supposed to happen this week was the release of a new Iamaphoney bootleg from MikeNL1038. Mike did release a new video called paul is dead - nothing is real 6, but I haven't been rocking to Iamaphoney yet.
Was the bootleg ever released, Mike? I would love to hear it. Some of the clips in Mike's video iamaphoney - the right album bootleg 03-10-09 promo were of significantly greater audio fidelity than the corresponding Rotten Apple videos. I don't know the reason for the delay, but I hope it has nothing to do with my own delay in putting out the message from the man who had the gun to my head. I told him I was very busy, but here it is:
"The RA bootleg is a bootleg.
The RA bootleg contains soundtracks from The Rotten Apple Series
and rare demotracks from the upcoming The Right Album
Seriously, I am sorry that I was unable to post anything on 09-09-09. I certainly had every intention to do so, but other priorities resulted in me not even being able to open my Remasters Box until the following day. I am feeling as rushed lately as Derek Taylor must have felt when he penned the liner notes to Nilsson's Pussycats album.
Don't forget that this wonderful week is not over yet. Tuesday, September 15, should see the release of Ringo Starr - Soundstage on DVD. It would be good if his Official Website mentioned it.

And if that's not enough for you, Sunssol, EliasCrowe, AdmiralAlbert, and yenohpehttonmai uploaded new videos this week as well.
Has it not be a banner week for crackpots like you and me?
1 – 200 of 1435 Newer› Newest»1st.
Was the bootleg ever released, Mike? I would love to hear it. Some of the clips in Mike's video iamaphoney - the right album bootleg 03-10-09 promo were of significantly greater audio fidelity than the corresponding Rotten Apple videos. I don't know the reason for the delay, but I hope it has nothing to do with my own delay in putting out the message from the man who had the gun to my head. I told him I was very busy, but here it is:
you're basically answering your own question, taf!
03-10-09 i'll release it.
i didn't have time to complete the cover for the album... so that's basically the reason.
and 03-10 is the next iamaphoney day. so if he'll put another song out in that video, i can still quickly add it to the album.
"Has it not be a banner week for crackpots like you and me?"
no, not really
"After a week of dramatic negotiations, all that followed was anticlimax."
i can't seem to find that message iamaphoney left for GFA.
Can we PLEASE stop including Michael Jackson with anything IAAP related?!
Let the man R.I.P
MikeNL said...
03-10-09 i'll release it.
i didn't have time to complete the cover for the album... so that's basically the reason.
and 03-10 is the next iamaphoney day. so if he'll put another song out in that video, i can still quickly add it to the album.
September 14, 2009 9:49 AM
Please do! I'll be waiting....
PS Hope The Flaming Lips have something good up their sleeves when they play Colbert this week!!
Has it not be a banner week for crackpots like you and me?
Are we not Pepperpots?
I gave her one, they gave him two,
You gave us three or more;
They all returned from him to you,
Though they were mine before.
welcome back taf!
Blogger MikeNL said...
i can't seem to find that message iamaphoney left for GFA.
September 14, 2009 10:44 AM
Blame Kayne West Mike!
he is preventing the release ISNT HE!?!?
So Jesus dies and nary a mention?
Lawd forgive them, they sure dont know what the f*ck they do!
Good article Tafultong!
Nice review of the new Beatle remasters!
Blogger MikeNL said...
i can't seem to find that message iamaphoney left for GFA.
September 14, 2009 10:44 AM
me thinks the mike doth protest too much!
h8te to break it to you, Mike is GFA
Mike was prolly too busy working on the scary grandfathertoonies junk to actually get some real work done so we could play some Rotten Apple on our iPods.
Guess I will just listen to Kayne West Mike. And you are to blame.
Kayne West could have ripped the VMAward from Iamaphoney's hand instead of Taylor Swift's.
He could be famous.
No wonder you "can't seem to find the welcome back message" that Iamaphoney left for you.
If only you would stop your little pet projects, get serious, get a life, a girlfriend, and a job in that order. I mean, backwards cartoons? Pleee-ze!
The Nutters are indeed the editors. The style on #77 is not superior, it is identical. And this would not explain how the Nutters were putting out Beatle-themed videos with the same editing style and reverse tracks prior to the appearance of the RA channel. The RA series didn't even have that quick cut style and layers until later on. It also doesn't explain how one of the Nutters kids is the chubby-ish cameraman for Phoney in the outtake RA footage they happen to have, and why they call their series, "Behind the Org."
The Nutters are indeed the editors. The style on #77 is not superior, it is identical. And this would not explain how the Nutters were putting out Beatle-themed videos with the same editing style and reverse tracks prior to the appearance of the RA channel. The RA series didn't even have that quick cut style and layers until later on. It also doesn't explain how one of the Nutters kids is the chubby-ish cameraman for Phoney in the outtake RA footage they happen to have, and why they call their series, "Behind the Org."
September 14, 2009 2:44 PM
Good point, I don’t understand why Taf or anyone hasn’t pointed this out yet, instead of just saying the editing isn’t as good as his hero, when its quite possible his hero is linked or was linked to the nutters at some time. i guess he doesn’t address this because he's scared that it may all actually be a kids prank. and the nutters early films where a test for the rotten apple series.
It also doesn't explain how one of the Nutters kids is the chubby-ish cameraman for Phoney in the outtake RA footage they happen to have, and why they call their series, "Behind the Org."
September 14, 2009 2:44 PM
wait, WHAT?!? They have behind the outtake footage?!?!
wait, WHAT?!? They have behind the outtake footage?!?!
September 14, 2009 3:50 PM
yeah, bigger news then the video game or the remasters.... YAWN
wake me when its over
"Behind the Organization"
wait, WHAT?!? They have behind the outtake footage?!?!
September 14, 2009 3:50 PM
Taf wont mention it because he's hiding stuff on request from phoney.
What i figure has happened is The Nutters where working for phoney up until after the last rotten apple suitcase was dropped, then around that time they split for unknown reasons. Now on there own The Nutters have started the inside the org series and phoney has requested that taf blanks them.
Anonymous said...
wait, WHAT?!? They have behind the outtake footage?!?!
September 14, 2009 3:50 PM
Taf wont mention it because he's hiding stuff on request from phoney.
What i figure has happened is The Nutters where working for phoney up until after the last rotten apple suitcase was dropped, then around that time they split for unknown reasons. Now on there own The Nutters have started the inside the org series and phoney has requested that taf blanks them.
September 14, 2009 4:12 PM
To be fair Taf does mention them but that's only as far as he goes. Considering it's such a juicy aspect of the Iamaphoney story and a damaging one at that and considering Taf's affection for IAAP, he won't make that much of a deal out of it.
Gee! That Roby sure was a chick magnet!
The Eye Of Horus? You don't know your ass from your elbow. He's giving the Seven Daughters Insignia.
You can lead a Horus to water,
but you can't make him Wink.
To be fair Taf does mention them but that's only as far as he goes. Considering it's such a juicy aspect of the Iamaphoney story and a damaging one at that and considering Taf's affection for IAAP, he won't make that much of a deal out of it.
September 14, 2009 4:24 PM
We should start a petition to try and get taf to dish the juice of the nutters and update the blog about them a bit more. Whose with me??????
Well I'm In. Truth Behind the org here we come
Why don't you just wake the fuck up ?
Anonymous said...
Why don't you just wake the fuck up ?
September 14, 2009 5:08 PM
Guess he's in to lol
i'm in
juice of the nutters?
it's a dish best served COLD
does it have nuts in it because im Allergic
yay a petition im in, whats if for????
oh brother
he was mt brother, he was such a ??? NUTTER?
i'm in, come on people get taf to work
my liddle nutter, yeah yeah
i'm in, come on people get taf to work
so you don't have to?
i'm in, come on people get taf to work
so you don't have to?
September 14, 2009 6:06 PM
stuff about the nutters is researched and published here and on NIR yet taf doesn’t mention it, Taf works hard, don’t get me wrong but most of the nutters stuff just needs to be put in some sort of order.
To sum up:
Mikey doesn't have a "bootleg." Phoney has to have a real album and distribution in order for someone to cut out the middle man. Mikey is the middle man.
A "banner week" is one that is worthy of a banner headline. There is nothing in the new RA video (or any other) worthy of a banner headline except for those who already believe it, in which case the RA series only sings to the choir, and convinces absolutely no one else.
The RA editing style is identical to the Nutters style. The Nutters flashcard style predates RA, and looks to be influenced by the "Real Love" video.
The Nutters like crazy stunts and PID, and it only makes sense that these kids made the silly Blair Witch video in keeping with their shenanigans.
RA was always about promoting a Beatle-esque Paul is Dead themed album for hard core PIDers, hence Taf promotes his work on this blog, which caters to PIDers and tolerates PIAers.
Mikey knows and works with the Nutters kids, and he is not eighteen.
To sum up:
Mikey doesn't have a "bootleg." Phoney has to have a real album and distribution in order for someone to cut out the middle man. Mikey is the middle man.
A "banner week" is one that is worthy of a banner headline. There is nothing in the new RA video (or any other) worthy of a banner headline except for those who already believe it, in which case the RA series only sings to the choir, and convinces absolutely no one else.
The RA editing style is identical to the Nutters style. The Nutters flashcard style predates RA, and looks to be influenced by the "Real Love" video.
The Nutters like crazy stunts and PID, and it only makes sense that these kids made the silly Blair Witch video in keeping with their shenanigans.
RA was always about promoting a Beatle-esque Paul is Dead themed album for hard core PIDers, hence Taf promotes his work on this blog, which caters to PIDers and tolerates PIAers.
Mikey knows and works with the Nutters kids, and he is not eighteen.
September 14, 2009 6:35 PM
Thank You, now if Taf had of simply poasted that in the first place there would have been no worry :)
has anyone been to the isle of wight recently, just wondered if anyone had seen any mad people with shopping carts, briefcases of cameras?
So Jesus dies and nary a mention?
Lawd forgive them, they sure dont know what the f*ck they do!
I'm sure he's planning a second coming..
Shall we dance?
i'v seen pictures of some of them that where linked to a wile back but i cant find them now, There was a picture of Arron and there been one's of phoney's camera man with kirsty who's married to arron, cant we colaberate all these pictures into one place and try and figure out how many org members there are and rule out who is and isnt involved
ever hear of spell check?
sorry "collaborate" you git
You mean we are actuALLy in labor? woo hoo!
Nutters on the job.
follow the cat
The Nutters are NOT behind the production and editing of the Iamaphoney videos. They would like you to think they are, however. They are drawing attention to themselves by mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors. It's mindfuck 101, and I've been there and done that. They really are just a group of kids with a camera.
like more wizards
meow, i didn’t know arron was married, when did this happen and why weren’t we invited to the wedding. or where are invites in the briefcase?
Really Jude? how do you know this?
The Nutters are NOT behind the production and editing of the Iamaphoney videos. They would like you to think they are, however. They are drawing attention to themselves by mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors. It's mindfuck 101, and I've been there and done that. They really are just a group of kids with a camera.
September 14, 2009 7:45 PM
well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?
ha ha just had a vision of the nutter's opening a lunchbox and biting into a peanut butter sandwich only to realise there’s a phoney DVD in the middle of it.
Anybody out there actually know the truth?
group of kids or not things have been a lot more interesting since they turned up. iamaphoney seems to just repeat himself in every video now.
Yes you can syndicate any boat you row
I told you so
syndicate : combination of persons or companies to carry out some commercial undertaking
Anonymous said...
meow, i didn’t know arron was married, when did this happen and why weren’t we invited to the wedding. or where are invites in the briefcase?
September 14, 2009 7:46 PM
it's funny how most the people (yes including me) are single males, yet arron is younger then me and happIly married rich and well educated. where did i go wrong. its about time a girl was involved with PID it might tidy things up a bit, WOO GO KIRSTY-LOUIZA PARKS.
I wish you could hear me laughing my ass off.
it's funny how most the people (yes including me) are single males, yet arron is younger then me and happIly married rich and well educated. where did i go wrong. its about time a girl was involved with PID it might tidy things up a bit, WOO GO KIRSTY-LOUIZA PARKS.
September 14, 2009 8:09 PM
ha ha, oh dear someone's having a mental breakdown. i must agree though as i fit into that male and single category.
Maybe Aaron's wife has a sister or two.
...or brother, for those inclined
shit is everyone on here single blokes then, all this time i thought i was talking to a load of hot girls. damm it, i shall marry kirsty-louiza. i shall break up the happy Couple through a series of hidden nutcases.
Anonymous said...
The Nutters are NOT behind the production and editing of the Iamaphoney videos. They would like you to think they are, however. They are drawing attention to themselves by mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors. It's mindfuck 101, and I've been there and done that. They really are just a group of kids with a camera.
September 14, 2009 7:45 PM
well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?
September 14, 2009 7:50 PM
well, the first video that lewiscarrol guy did was just basically my harmless game multitrack video reversed.
3rd video was footage they were given. they just released it, and added their own part to it to make you think that they're iamaphoney.
oh my word this place should be called Nutters/IamaphonyDating.com
When all the broken hearted people living in the world agree
if nutters had no connection with phoney or you mike then why would they simply be given unreleased footage. could you please explain this a bit more? also when where they given this footage and why would they have RA style video's before the RA Series started. Putting both stories side by side there seems to be a lot of unexplainable hole's in your version and if the nutters where phoney's ex editors trying to out what phoney is trying to do then it would make sense that you would do what Mr phoney has told you and remove the nutters out of the question.
Mike has said on record that he thinks phoney is mccartney. How 'bout a current statement on that, Michael?
do we have to?
Welcome back Tafultong, good post!
Anonymous said...
September 14, 2009 8:44 PM
yes, yes i am.
I Am A Yellow Submarine Sandwich.
i don't deny the rumors.
but, really... the right album is coming one day.
most interesting video on 090909 was that one wiht the bunny, really.
i don't know who kirsty is but i hope you'll be happy.
and by the way.
if the beatles rock band doesn't have multitracks, how is it that i'm able to do this:
The Beatles - The End Drum-Guitarless version TBRB PS3.mp3
The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun Drum-Guitarless version TBRB PS3.mp3
MikeNL and The Nutters Productions
The Real Story
Anonymous said...
Mike has said on record that he thinks phoney is mccartney. How 'bout a current statement on that, Michael?
September 14, 2009 8:40 PM
comment mike?
well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?
September 14, 2009 7:50 PM
YEAH! Answer THAT JUDE!!!!
/looking kinda heavy these days Jude, should try a slim fast
What's a Yellow sub sandwich?
Anonymous there will be an answer said...
What's a Yellow sub sandwich?
September 14, 2009 9:02 PM
A new roll of fat on someones flabby body, someone we wont name...
now this is interesting, hmmm mike, Do you know MP3J from the beatles remixers site by any chance?
Blogger MikeNL said...
but, really... the right album is coming one day.
A new roll of fat on someones flabby body, someone we wont name...
wow, that's HARSH!
well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?
September 14, 2009 7:50 PM
YEAH! Answer THAT JUDE!!!!
I am NOT Jude, but I believe as a Mississippi Boat captain I can answer for him.
Well "socreditcard", if that is your real name... which it probably ISN'T...
The Nutters started mimicking Iamaphoney's editing style BECAUSE IAMAPHONEY IS SO ARTISTICALLY TRANSCENDENT that they intuitively KNEW about it before Iamaphoney came up with his editing style.
Kind of like how Led Zepplin ripped off Spirit "Tarsus" to make Stairway to Heaven.
Led Zepplin = Iamaphoney
Spirit = NUTTERS
And the thing about how the unreleased footage ended up in the the lunchboxes?
So close... but no point "socreditcard"
drink another slimfast, you know you want to, WITH A DONUT.
wow, that's HARSH!
September 14, 2009 9:11 PM
yeah man! quit tryin' to harsh my mellow!
A doughnut (pronounced /ˈdoʊnət, ˈdoʊnʌt/) (also spelled donut) is a sweet, deep-fried piece of dough or batter.
favorite of cops, and blog fattytrolls everywhere
favorite of cops, and blog fattytrolls everywhere
September 14, 2009 9:17 PM
fattytrolls! LOL
Diet until tomorrow, let it bleed
fattytrolls! LOL
September 14, 2009 9:17 PM
I looked harsh up in the dictionary, this word fattytroll.. isn't a word!
Sticks and stones may break my bones but fatty + troll will never hurt me
We'll miss you, you magnificent bastard.
s3anl3nnon = Jesus = Patrick Swayze
you never saw them all in the same room
holy hell, and child of nature was the title of arrons bebo page to. so mike knows arron, interesting hows he gonna get out of this one.
Hay Mike does phoney know your friends with arron or are you all in this together?
So when Jesus comes back,
this time .... it's....
Gonna watch Roadhouse in your honor tonight Jesus!!!
s3anl3nnon died???!?!
I didn't even know he was sick!!!
s3anl3nnon died???!?!
I didn't even know he was sick!!!
September 14, 2009 9:33 PM
No comment
/wait for it....
So Mike is finally caught with his hand in the nutter jar...
should have reached for a slimfast instead
MikeNL is in on it??!? AND THIS IS NEWS?!??!?
s3anl3nnon died???!?!
I didn't even know he was sick!!!
September 14, 2009 9:33 PM
Yet Kanye lives.
where is your God now?!?
He definitely put up a good fight.
Goodnight s3anl3nnonjesusswayze!
Mike is 18, Arron is 19, It would make sense that he is. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there not old school buddies. we already know mike is phoney's middle man. so thus the circle is complete. there all connected and cover each others tracks.
You fought with dignity and grace. And got to piss in a radiator in a movie.
Hopefully he went into the light.
you know mike just dobbed himself in on being part of the nutters...
heres the site mike has been making the multitracks for.
Now same site different page, scroll down to a members post called Yesterdays Hurt by a guy called Child Of Nature
this guy's location info is Location: Shanklin Isle Of Wight UK. and look at that arrow on the Child Of Nature logo. where have we seen that before. Its The Nutters. Mike is making Remixis and multi-tracks with them.
September 14, 2009 9:22 PM
what an cool site, i never knew it existed, child of nature/nutters has a few remixes in there so him and mike must be partly behind phoney's music to.
-noun, genitive Can⋅cri /ˈkæŋkri/
1. Pathology.
a. a malignant and invasive growth or tumor, esp. one originating in epithelium, tending to recur after excision and to metastasize to other sites.
b. any disease characterized by such growths.
2. any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively; blight.
3. (initial capital letter) Astronomy. the Crab, a zodiacal constellation between Gemini and Leo.
4. (initial capital letter) Astrology.
a. the fourth sign of the zodiac: the cardinal water sign.
b. a person born under this sign, usually between June 21 and July 22.
5. Absolute, undeniable evidence that god does not exist
You may want to scroll up a couple spaces. You guys in denial are starting to look like idiots...
i love the way as soon as mike was found out all this S3ANL3NNONJ3SUSSWAYZE!!! shit gets posted over an over to push all the info off the screen before anyone notices. i think we realy have cracked it this time guys. Mike=Nutters
Vaya con Dios, Brah
Anonymous said...
i love the way as soon as mike was found out all this S3ANL3NNONJ3SUSSWAYZE!!! shit gets posted over an over to push all the info off the screen before anyone notices. i think we realy have cracked it this time guys. Mike=Nutters
September 14, 2009 9:56 PM
S3ANL3NNONJ3SUSSWAYZE is funny though, but seriously good work breaking the MikeNL news!
Iamaphoney as a concept is looking more and more silly everyday
S3ANL3NNONJ3SUSSWAYZE is funny though, but seriously good work breaking the MikeNL news!
Iamaphoney as a concept is looking more and more silly everyday
September 14, 2009 10:03 PM
First 9/11 now this....
every time mike gets caught he just gets all quiet and then the rubes leave, new ones come in, the cycle is repeated.
wash rinse repeat
Does this technically mean that S3ANL3NNONJ3SUSSWAYZE will be co-hosting The View from here on out?
//Ghost, the movie, watch it, you'll see
This has turned out pretty amazing. I can’t believe mikenl is making music with the Nutters that’s it there all one unit of people making video’s and accounts all over the place saying there separate to cause conflict so everyone watches the video’s over and over and gets brainwashed into their music so they have a market for the right album, that’s all this thing has been about. Its been fun and very artistic, but if truth be known none of them know any more about PID then all of us.
kind of strange how grandfatherMIKENL had Patrick Swayze in his latest video... ALMOST LIKE HE KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!
but if truth be known none of them know any more about PID then all of us.
September 14, 2009 10:13 PM
B-I-N-G-O was his name-OH!
Welcome back Tafultong!
Anonymous said...
kind of strange how grandfatherMIKENL had Patrick Swayze in his latest video... ALMOST LIKE HE KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!
September 14, 2009 10:16 PM
There must be 10,000 MikeNL's out there, you must be mistaken, you got the wrong MIKENL!
Are you by chance.... overweight?
would explain your H8TE!
The Nutters really want to be phoney, eh?
So, nutters, why dont you give us some foorp?
but if truth be known none of them know any more about PID then all of us.
really, none of them - except......
There must be 10,000 MikeNL's out there, you must be mistaken, you got the wrong MIKENL!
Are you by chance.... overweight?
would explain your H8TE!
September 14, 2009 10:22 PM
Our MikeNL sent us the links to his multiply account where the multitracks he'd made from the rockband game where, the SAME links where poasted on The Beatles Remixers over the last fer days under the name MikeNL. Hence its the same guy, now the MikeNL on the remixers website talks to an makes Mixes with a guy name'd Child Of Nature Who Strangly enough has The Nutters arrow from there Logo attached between the Child Of Nature logo, his age says 19 and location is Shanklin Isle Of Wight. MikeNL is 18 it make's sence to think they would me friends.
Way to go kidsof... take the best thing that ever happened in your short little lives....and RUIN IT!
At this rate, Sir Paul really better hope to make it to 100.
i am registered on echoingthesound.
i am interested in multitrack recordings.
so since i've gotten rock band... i've been trying to get those multitracks OUT of the game.
i recorded those guitar/drumless version to echoing the sound.
then this guy, MP3J contacts me.. and says, why don't you post your tracks over at bootlegzone/beatlesremixers.
about 4 hours later, i checked back with my uploads.. and guess what, it'd been downloaded 200 times per file at least.
i registered to beatlesremixers and started to post my own links there too.
and because you guys, really.. are NUT(S)(TERS) you link a Child Of Nature account with ME, while really... because of PID, we might be interested in the same things... like BEATLES?
and guess what BEATLES fans do?
they might register on a BEATLES forum.
it's all in your head.
i'm just a mike from the netherlands, and i enjoy playing my part in all of this.
no nutters connection, no grandfathermike.
i make my videos on MikeyNL1038.
i have a couple of other accounts. and i never post messages with them...
thinking of linking.
Hey Mike? why won't you answer the McCartney question?
Anonymous said...
Hey Mike? why won't you answer the McCartney question?
September 15, 2009 5:40 AM
what question?
oh i think i know.
someone needs to watch RA64 again.
what kind of answer is THAT? Don't tempt me Mike to turn evidence.....
Get Back to where you once belong....
well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?
Because as Mike said earlier, the unreleased footage was leaked to them by someone inside the org. Don't ask me why.
The deaf dumb and blind leading the deaf dumb and blind
I repeat: Ringo really does the Horus Eye with his fingers at peace sign ..turn the picture ,,,turn the picture
Those video game tracks suffer from bleed over from the other tracks and the most annoying loud 60 cycle hum which kills the sound making it unusable for anything of quality. I've heard a couple of center track extractions and they are absolutely bad.
I repeat: Ringo really does the Horus Eye with his fingers at peace sign ..turn the picture ,,,turn the picture
September 15, 2009 6:57 AM
wtg Ringo!
Hi Ringo! You get a GOLD STARR!
(( not to mention a Hollywood Walk of Fame TOO!)
Whats Brown And Comes Out Of Cowes Backwards?
The Isle Of Wight Ferry
hA hA hA
So why was phoney singing "he was a nutter"/
hA hA hA
trip le A's
Because Mr Swaffar And Mr Lansing are his Nutters Productions Brothers. The truth is there, Straight from the Phoney's mouth, there all playing a game with us,
what do you mean?
"there all playing a game with us"
or maybe someone is playing a game with them?
hA hA hA
Who's mr lansing? i guess mr swaffar is arron, husband of kirsty-louiza ;-)
Are you ready to play a new game? The rulz are really, really, really easy..........
what the fuck did i miss somthing, who are these people
Who's mr lansing? i guess mr swaffar is arron, husband of kirsty-louiza ;-)
September 15, 2009 8:16 AM
I could tell you but i'd have to kill you FIRST.
Nutters= N
Arron Michael Swaffar= AMS
Lansing= L
aMs N L
BTW, folks, a "Turned "a ", is an upside down " a"
a '"natural" E .............
Arron Michael Swaffar
Michael Nutter Lansing
Is that what your saying?
But who the hell is
Michael Nutter Lansing?
" Anonymous said...
what the fuck did i miss somthing, who are these people"
September 15, 2009 8:17 AM
meet the people taking over
i get it michael nutter lansing,
Bored now.
Our MikeNL sent us the links to his multiply account where the multitracks he'd made from the rockband game where, the SAME links where poasted on The Beatles Remixers over the last fer days under the name MikeNL. Hence its the same guy, now the MikeNL on the remixers website talks to an makes Mixes with a guy name'd Child Of Nature Who Strangly enough has The Nutters arrow from there Logo attached between the Child Of Nature logo, his age says 19 and location is Shanklin Isle Of Wight. MikeNL is 18 it make's sence to think they would me friends.
September 15, 2009 5:11 AM
Circumstantial evidence at best.
You have proven nothing.
Drink a slimfast you fattytroll
Well what a surprise his name is Michael Lansing from the Neverlands. Yeh MikeNL isn’t one of the Nutters My Arse
September 15, 2009 9:22 AM
Using your logic, you are Jude because you used the word "arse".
You cant prove anything by pictures, I think the feeble attempts to prove Paul is dead have shown this time and time again.
Stop trying to blame MikeNL for everything. He is actually a senior citizen who watches cartoons. Backwards.
Confined to a wheelchair.
There, are you happy now Mr FTroll?
You are picking on an old man.
Using your logic, you are Jude because you used the word "arse".
You cant prove anything by pictures, I think the feeble attempts to prove Paul is dead have shown this time and time again.
Stop trying to blame MikeNL for everything. He is actually a senior citizen who watches cartoons. Backwards.
Confined to a wheelchair.
There, are you happy now Mr FTroll?
You are picking on an old man.
September 15, 2009 9:47 AM
So what your saying the people in those pictures are two different people then?????
the real question should be, what would S3ANL3NNONJ3SUSSWAYZE do?
First off, come back from the dead.
Next, not blame MikeNL for your confusion based on too much cholesterol floating around your already clogged arteries.
Then, S3NL3NJPS would make us all millionaires, get us a weekly spot on Oprah.
Did you know S3ANL3NNONJ3SUSSWAYZE does not approve of the word "arse"?
Do you read your bible?
It says..
"Ye, verily I say unto you, if your brother has a speck in his eye, ignore the plank in your own, and do not under any circumstances call him an arse"
Another verse reads "For dearest brethren, on the third day I shall rise, and this time its Roadhouse rules motherfu@kers! WOLVERINES!"
I think we all learned a lesson today. Stop blaming MikeNL for everything. He is not the problem. The problem dear friends, is us.
Ask Gumby. He'll tell you.
So what your saying the people in those pictures are two different people then?????
September 15, 2009 9:51 AM
Quite obviously. I mean, take a protractor, take a caliper and really measure and compare.
Have you really done a scholarly scientific study. I have. I am a man of science. I took high school shop.
Anyone who thinks that those are the same people... well, lets just say I wouldn't be terribly surprised also probably believes Paul was replaced and also lives in a basement of their parents house. And doesn't have a girlfriend.
Using your logic, you are Jude because you used the word "arse".
You cant prove anything by pictures, I think the feeble attempts to prove Paul is dead have shown this time and time again.
Stop trying to blame MikeNL for everything. He is actually a senior citizen who watches cartoons. Backwards.
Confined to a wheelchair.
There, are you happy now Mr FTroll?
You are picking on an old man.
September 15, 2009 9:47 AM
So what your saying the people in those pictures are two different people then?????
September 15, 2009 9:51 AM
Interesting... Your response tells me so much.
It tells me, you are Jude. Because you didn't refute that you were.
It tells me that you also have poor eyesight because those are two different people. You also have poor reading comprehension, BECAUSE MIKENL ALREADY SAID HE WASNT THAT GUY.
I looked up "pure as the wind driven snow" in the dictionary, and a little picture of MikeNL
was there. Shaking his tiny little fists, denying everything. With a laptop uploading iamaphoney "bootlegs" and stolen Beatle isolated multitracks in 5.1
In a wheelchair.
Curiously, there were some nutter shit in the background, but it looked photoshopped to me. I can tell by the pixels. Probably put in by some h8ter.
and a little picture of MikeNL
was there. Shaking his tiny little fists, denying everything. With a laptop uploading iamaphoney "bootlegs" and stolen Beatle isolated multitracks in 5.1
In a wheelchair.
September 15, 2009 10:06 AM
what i wouldnt give for a tshirt of a tiny mikeynl1038 in a wheelchair shaking his tiny little fists!
Think you nutters need to merchandise this. There are probably, three to four people who may cough up $10-$12 a piece for something like that.
Who's really fatter? Mike or Jude?
nobody said MikeNL was the problem, he's a very clever person if he is running the nutters as Phoney's middle man.
is mikenl rich, that would explain whose funding the project, n that pic is of the same person, both mike its simple to see
who's fatter?
who's fatter?
who's fatter?
The Phoney-story is turning into a urban legend
The S3ANL3NN0N illuminati induction song unveiled!
finally they made a mistake.
Take a look at
that is yokos real account.
Look at " I Am A Witch "...
look at the video responses
iamaphoney is there.
But you cant just make a videoresponse
they have to approve it
jammie said...
finally they made a mistake.
Take a look at
that is yokos real account.
Look at " I Am A Witch "...
look at the video responses
iamaphoney is there.
But you cant just make a videoresponse
they have to approve it
Jammie I don't see the comment. Which one is it?
Anonymous said...
September 15, 2009 3:41 PM
Cute, although... "There" indicates location.
LIFE IS A RIDE said...
that's the problem right there....
shows how much you really know though.... thanks for the update
it's all out war, babe
Fuck sakes, its obvious after all the evidence that mike is part of the nutters, and that the nutters are or have been part of iamaphony, even connections enough to get them the unreleased footage and know there was going to be a rotten apple series before there was means that they must have regular contact or talk time with phoney, even if they don’t know him personally, that gives them more background of the org then we have so lets shut up arguing over if there involved or not because there’s to many unexplainable connections to disprove anymore, and lets please try and concentrate on what there trying to show. I think there video's have given us a big insight of how much the Beatles relate to the isle of Wight, Faul's first song was "when I’m 64" which talks of a cottage on the isle of Wight, a cottage that according to the nutters they visited on many summers, in 1969 they stayed there for the isle of wight festival. In the summer of 1963 its highly possible that Ringo visited it while filming that'll be the day. maybe in the grounds of that cottage is where McCartney was buried, just maybe and every summer they pay there respects or did at least. maybe the nutters are showing there upset towards the fact that these places and the grave of the world famous guy who wrote yesterday has just been left to rot to nothing the buildings are all crumbling to dust and if we don’t hurry up and find the truth there will be nothing left. maybe that’s why the nutters left phoney because he dragged it out so long for hes own benifit, the nutters have been making 3 films a month and for god's sake people take a look at inside the org 8 again because it looks like a piano in the corner of the burnt out room at the end.
it makes me almost want to cry to think that the beatles may have played on that once and now its left in ruins. if McCartney was buried there then it would make sense seeming that his cousin worked in Ryde, and they liked the island enough to base ticket to ride on it. An that’s without mentioning Lewis Carroll who wrote a lot of his books on the island an the beatles where big enough fans of him to base songs on his books.
lets please try and concentrate on what there trying to show
all the shit you wrote after that is BFS
lets please try and concentrate on what there trying to show
all the shit you wrote after that is BFS
September 15, 2009 5:02 PM
well you explain it all then mr i can insult everyone but never come up with any ideas, i was only trying to help and say what i saw.
Fuck sakes, its obvious after all the evidence that mike is part of the nutters, and that the nutters are or have been part of iamaphony, even connections enough to get them the unreleased footage and know there was going to be a rotten apple series before there was means that they must have regular contact or talk time with phoney, even if they don’t know him personally, that gives them more background of the org then we have so lets shut up arguing over if there involved or not because there’s to many unexplainable connections to disprove anymore, and lets please try and concentrate on what there trying to show. I think there video's have given us a big insight of how much the Beatles relate to the isle of Wight, Faul's first song was "when I’m 64" which talks of a cottage on the isle of Wight, a cottage that according to the nutters they visited on many summers, in 1969 they stayed there for the isle of wight festival. In the summer of 1963 its highly possible that Ringo visited it while filming that'll be the day. maybe in the grounds of that cottage is where McCartney was buried, just maybe and every summer they pay there respects or did at least. maybe the nutters are showing there upset towards the fact that these places and the grave of the world famous guy who wrote yesterday has just been left to rot to nothing the buildings are all crumbling to dust and if we don’t hurry up and find the truth there will be nothing left. maybe that’s why the nutters left phoney because he dragged it out so long for hes own benifit, the nutters have been making 3 films a month and for god's sake people take a look at inside the org 8 again because it looks like a piano in the corner of the burnt out room at the end.
it makes me almost want to cry to think that the beatles may have played on that once and now its left in ruins. if McCartney was buried there then it would make sense seeming that his cousin worked in Ryde, and they liked the island enough to base ticket to ride on it. An that’s without mentioning Lewis Carroll who wrote a lot of his books on the island an the beatles where big enough fans of him to base songs on his books.
September 15, 2009 4:42 PM
Well i think thats a very good post. even though i dont think paul is dead you explained a lot of why The Nutters might be doing it. anyone got any other ideas on there video's meaning
Open your eyes, and you will see everything.
But you don't need a vidoe
doe a dear a fe -mail dear
raye, a drppe of goldon son
me, a name , I call my self
a long long way to run!
a needle pulling thread
la a note to follow sow!
T a drink with jammin" bread
witch brings us back to.........
dough, dough, dough, dough
There proving that phoney talks poop for his own benefit. And have shown a lot more info over the last 3 months then phoney has in over a year.
he's avoiding the truth, if anything.....
got ya phoney
but, oohhhh don't look down
Fuck sakes, its obvious after all the evidence that mike is part of the nutters, and that the nutters are or have been part of iamaphony, even connections enough to get them the unreleased footage and know there was going to be a rotten apple series before there was means that they must have regular contact or talk time with phoney, even if they don’t know him personally, that gives them more background of the org then we have so lets shut up arguing over if there involved or not because there’s to many unexplainable connections to disprove anymore, and lets please try and concentrate on what there trying to show. I think there video's have given us a big insight of how much the Beatles relate to the isle of Wight, Faul's first song was "when I’m 64" which talks of a cottage on the isle of Wight, a cottage that according to the nutters they visited on many summers, in 1969 they stayed there for the isle of wight festival. In the summer of 1963 its highly possible that Ringo visited it while filming that'll be the day. maybe in the grounds of that cottage is where McCartney was buried, just maybe and every summer they pay there respects or did at least. maybe the nutters are showing there upset towards the fact that these places and the grave of the world famous guy who wrote yesterday has just been left to rot to nothing the buildings are all crumbling to dust and if we don’t hurry up and find the truth there will be nothing left. maybe that’s why the nutters left phoney because he dragged it out so long for hes own benifit, the nutters have been making 3 films a month and for god's sake people take a look at inside the org 8 again because it looks like a piano in the corner of the burnt out room at the end.
it makes me almost want to cry to think that the beatles may have played on that once and now its left in ruins. if McCartney was buried there then it would make sense seeming that his cousin worked in Ryde, and they liked the island enough to base ticket to ride on it. An that’s without mentioning Lewis Carroll who wrote a lot of his books on the island an the beatles where big enough fans of him to base songs on his books.
September 15, 2009 4:42 PM
damm it why isent there some sort of fund to look after those old buildings, it realy gets my goat. that you nutters at least the problem is to uor attention now, pauls grave or not these places shouldent be left to such a state. rotting away with peace, love and our 60's roots
It's FUCKING CRIME I tells ya.....
"thanks you nutters"
a PUNishable crime at that!!!
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