I am currently working on a new post, but I feel that I must respond to a new video by iamafunny. The video, entitled Iamaphoney Secrets #2 - The Rotten Apple Series, contains some information that has not been revealed publicly. Some of my readers are privy to this information, so there is no point in me denying it. I will keep a lid of things when someone asks me to, but I never intentionally try to mislead.

The Revelation has not arrived yet, but I must admit that at least one cat has left the bag.
I just want to be clear that I am in no way responsible for the delay in Iamaphoney providing his promised Revelation. I was told recently however that Iamaphoney is not the one behind the delay either. I do not know who is controlling the timing of the Revelation, but I know it isn't me and in a recent correspondence, Iamaphoney implied that it wasn't him either.
I realize how confusing this is, so I will quote Iamaphoney's remark regarding the apparent delay. This quote comes directly from Iamaphoney:
Sometimes I wish we take a shortcut, jump into a wormhole, and get this over with, really. Sometimes I wish some very close friends of mine could have stayed on this earth a little longer than they did. Once in a while I wish that communication could be just a bit more open and clear and Now and Then I wish this was only a harmless game.
For those who suspected all along that this tortoise pace was leading us all to Las Vegas in 2012, all I can tell you is, at this point, your guess is as good as mine.
watched the video, what was the news?
winking? walruses? superman? if there are secrets in here where are they? do you have to watch the video backwards?
A little mystery to figure out.....
I just want to be clear that I am in no way responsible for the delay in Iamaphoney providing his promised Revelation. I was told recently however that Iamaphoney is not the one behind the delay either. I do not know who is controlling the timing of the Revelation, but I know it isn't me and in a recent correspondence, Iamaphoney implied that it wasn't him either.
The Delaaaay status is really DUE to just YOU!
rotten apple pie.
is that some sort of "statement" mikenl?
i just felt like saying rotten apple pie.
The only thing rotten is Johnny and some cheese in Denmark.
Now I got a reason....
MikeNL? How do you feel about having the forth Baby of Vengeance named after you?
how can i get a "vengeance baby" named after me?
is the fifth up for grabs? oh, sorry, i mean the frith?
Whats the deal with Vegas in 2012?
You are all not staying my MY house! Rooms are so damn cheap here, $25 bucks a night on Freemont St.
Once again, proof that everybody here is in on "it"
I still don't understand the reasoning behind the "Run this town" being involved with PID other then the fact it's got Illuminati written all over the video and the lyrics.
I could see why some people get the Charles Manson shit, but I don't know which is more logical.
Did anyone else find it really freaky at around 4:47 in the video you see all three throwing up the pyramid sign? I don't think I've ever seen the group be so revealing like that.
i listened to the iamafunny video backwards, in the end, which is the beginging, you can clearly hear "Turn me on dead man"
this is of course because of the fact that it uses "Revolution 9".
The rap music, sounded pretty much the same forwards and backwards. Course, I am a not a rap fan
Did anyone else find it really freaky at around 4:47 in the video you see all three throwing up the pyramid sign? I don't think I've ever seen the group be so revealing like that.
October 21, 2009 7:51 PM
like the song says, they run this town....
not for long..
Like umm, yeah, Paul McCartney. Yeah, umm your fake death was cool and all, and I dont mean no disrespect or nothing, and Iamaletyoufinish and all, but damn yo
iamaphoney got the best videos of all time! Hook me up with your hommie and hook a brother up with him so I CAN FAKE MY DEATH TOO!
Anonymous said...
I still don't understand the reasoning behind the "Run this town" being involved with PID other then the fact it's got Illuminati written all over the video and the lyrics.
Did anyone else find it really freaky at around 4:47 in the video you see all three throwing up the pyramid sign? I don't think I've ever seen the group be so revealing like that.
October 21, 2009 7:51 PM
Kind of funny that Kayne West is Dead hoax happened just now... ISNT IT?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
And he is in the "Run this town" video....
Looking forward to your new post Taf, bring some rationality, credibility, and sanity back to this blog!
Kanye West death hoax hits the Web
Posted by: Alex Dobuzinskis
Kanye West is alive and well, despite an Internet hoax suggesting that the rap star died in a Los Angeles car crash on Tuesday.amber-rose-kanye-west
A fake story was circulated via e-mail and on social networking websites saying that West was killed in a collision that left a second person injured, a third arrested for manslaughter and a fourth person detained by police.
None of it was true. The rap star’s girlfriend, Amber Rose, posted a message on Twitter denying the story. “This ‘RIP Kanye West’ topic is not funny and it’s NOT TRUE!” she wrote, according to news website MTV.com. Her Twitter post has since been taken down.
By Wednesday afternoon, the Kanye death hoax was replaced on Twitter by the following popular wisecrack, repeated by several posters, “Whoever started the RIP Kanye West hoax, Imma let you finish, but Balloon Boy had the best hoax of all time!”
West, of course, interrupted singer Taylor Swift’s victory speech last month the MTV Video Music Awards with the words, “Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but Beyonce has one of the best videos of all time.”
West, who pulled out this month of a planned tour with singer Lady Gaga, isn’t the first celebrity to be the subject of a fake death report. But could it be the MTV incident that led the hoaxers to choose West as their target this time? If not, why have the mystery hoaxers got it in for Kanye?
Whoever started the RIP Kanye West hoax, Imma let you finish, but Balloon Boy had the best hoax of all time!”
This is amazing revelations.
Need more iamafunny.
MikeNL said...
This is amazing revelations.
Need more iamafunny.
October 21, 2009 9:26 PM
there has been too much of that idiot today
someone here start this Kayne rumor?
Anonymous said...
someone here start this Kayne rumor?
October 21, 2009 10:08 PM
pretty much the work of the usual suspects
i love iamaphoney
yo iamaphoney, i'm real happy 4u, i'mma let you finish, but MikeNL had one of the best videos of ALL TIME.
Twin Freaks
Mouldy honey pie.
Figure THAT one out, Mr. per usual.
Sometimes I wish some very close friends of mine could have stayed on this earth a little longer than they did.
anyone could say that, jude
Jude said...
Sometimes I wish some very close friends of mine could have stayed on this earth a little longer than they did.
October 22, 2009 6:26 AM
how do you figure?
Revi Sited
"Iamaphony's Playing At My House"!!
Couldn't help myself!
how do you figure?
Oh, but isn't it obvious?
"Sometimes I wish some very close friends of mine could have stayed on this earth a little longer than they did."
Obviously he means John Lennon and George Harrison! He even mentioned Now and Then right after that! It's SO CONVINCING, really! Haha!
*picks up the white courtesy phone*
Yes? Yes, what is it? I'm trying to get some rest in peace dammit, but all you gets won't let a poor dead former Apple CEO be!
*goes back to being a poor dead former Apple CEO*
Apparently I wasn't clear enough in my original post. The "new information" was the Vegas thing. I was aware of it but had only discussed it privately. That was the cat out of the bag.
Other new information in the post were the comments I recently received from Iamaphoney himself. I thought they were significant.
I thought the big secret was that you and he are going to be staying at the house of a man named Vince. What's this about Vegas and 2012 and you prophesying in the months to come?
We've lost him, he's now playing the game
Jude said...
I thought the big secret was that you and he are going to be staying at the house of a man named Vince. What's this about Vegas and 2012 and you prophesying in the months to come?
I only commented on the stuff I know about, so I can only answer part of your question. I have no plans on imposing on Vince, although I hope he will have a best seller by then.
Anyway, meet me and the boys and the girls in Vegas on December 22, 2012. I thought you would already you that you are invited. If Iamaphoney hasn't finished his project by then, that's the day I plan to bail.
I really don't know what my prophecy is, but thanks for asking.
Tafultong Said..
Anyway, meet me and the boys and the girls in Vegas on December 22, 2012. I thought you would already you that you are invited. If Iamaphoney hasn't finished his project by then, that's the day I plan to bail.
I haven't been personally invited by anyone in the organisation, but Iamaphoney did invited me to meet him in LA once. Anyway, I'm sure whatever IAAP has planned for that date cleverly coincides with the 2012 doomsday prophecies (that I don't believe in), so no thanks, I'll stay home and watch the telly.
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