Monday, September 14, 2009

What A Week!

I happened to be lucky enough to get the box set of Beatles Remasters at a real store on Wednesday, 09-09-09. Several people I know were shut out as early as 11:00 a.m. in my neck of the woods. I insisted on making a ritual out of it, so I am listening in chronological order. I have made it up to Revolver so far. Congratulations to those of you who had the time to listen to all of them already and my heart goes out to those who still don't have them in your possession.

I knew as soon as I heard "Please Please Me" that I was embarking on a happy trip. Yes, I would have preferred that they had remixed the stereo albums, but overall the sound is excellent. A good example is "Got To Get Into My Life." I almost felt I needed to duck out of the way of the trombone slide. Yet it was frustrating that even though I could hear Ringo's outstanding drumming on the track, I had to pretend that it was louder and centered in the mix instead of way off to the side and way too low. Same thing with the vocals on the early albums that are restricted to one channel. The liner notes nearly apologize for their placement on the stereo mixes. But it is still a peak experience hearing these tracks in the best fidelity ever. And thankfully, I can no longer say that the Anthology outtakes sound better than the released versions.

On the same day that I was blissing out about having the Remasters in my hands, Iamaphoney released an excellent new video.

Rotten Apple 77 focuses on an interview that Roby Yonge (one of the DJs who broke the Paul Is Dead story in 1969) did with with John Paul Roberts on June 13, 1995.

For a contribution (not to me--to them) you can hear the entire interview at ReelRadio.

Yonge was fired for his late night rumor mongering, although the "Bon Voyage" article flashed in RA 77 had nothing to do with that. You can find an excellent review of Yonge's career, including the "Bon Voyage" article and a recap of his encounter with Paul Is Dead lore at this Roby Yonge dedication web site.

The video uses interview footage with both Larry Kane and Denny Laine that could have been done at that Beatles Convention a couple years ago. And I'll tell ya, when I saw the cryptic statement from another DJ, Russ Gibb just before the two minute mark of RA 77, I freaked.

I know that a lot of us have been speculating that The Nutters, a group that has been putting out videos under the name LEWlSCARROLL, might have been at the helm of the Iamaphoney video team at some point. Their videos are interesting, and similar in style to our grand hero, but Rotten Apple 77 shows superior editing in my opinion. The Nutters latest video is Inside the org:9 The Nutcase 09:09:09.

Yet another spectacular event of the past week was the return of our dear friend Grandfather Aleister. He is back releasing videos under the name 999nowhereman and even received a Welcome Back message from his royal highness Iamaphoney himself, really. He has returned in wonderful form with a new video called Paul is Dead - 999.

Special thanks to my funny friend for giving me the heads up on GFA's return.

Now, another BIG thing that was supposed to happen this week was the release of a new Iamaphoney bootleg from MikeNL1038. Mike did release a new video called paul is dead - nothing is real 6, but I haven't been rocking to Iamaphoney yet.

Was the bootleg ever released, Mike? I would love to hear it. Some of the clips in Mike's video iamaphoney - the right album bootleg 03-10-09 promo were of significantly greater audio fidelity than the corresponding Rotten Apple videos. I don't know the reason for the delay, but I hope it has nothing to do with my own delay in putting out the message from the man who had the gun to my head. I told him I was very busy, but here it is:

"The RA bootleg is a bootleg.
The RA bootleg contains soundtracks from The Rotten Apple Series
and rare demotracks from the upcoming The Right Album

Seriously, I am sorry that I was unable to post anything on 09-09-09. I certainly had every intention to do so, but other priorities resulted in me not even being able to open my Remasters Box until the following day. I am feeling as rushed lately as Derek Taylor must have felt when he penned the liner notes to Nilsson's Pussycats album.

Don't forget that this wonderful week is not over yet. Tuesday, September 15, should see the release of Ringo Starr - Soundstage on DVD. It would be good if his Official Website mentioned it.

And if that's not enough for you, Sunssol, EliasCrowe, AdmiralAlbert, and yenohpehttonmai uploaded new videos this week as well.

Has it not be a banner week for crackpots like you and me?


«Oldest   ‹Older   1001 – 1200 of 1435   Newer›   Newest»
I'm Down said...

look out! coming down fast!

Don't you know it's gonna be? said...

But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

Anonymous said...

2 more days to live!

Anonymous said...

You gave me something, I understand,
You gave me loving in the palm of my hand

I'm sorry that I made you cry said...

I'm just a jealous sky.

Jeff LeLand said...

I was shivering inside.

what does it matter to ya? said...

2 more days to live and let die!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maybe the blog IS dead. Fun, nonetheless. It's been years now we've been watching the series. It still entertains me to no end and allows me to toy with ideas that are most likley bull shit. Now all there's left is wait..................... for that revelation. And also wait...................... for Jarvitronics to spill the beans about this so called treasure. It won't surprise me if he takes years in doing that as well.

I don't know why if there was this big news that all of us have been waiting for, why they won't fucking just come out and say it.


September 30, 2009 2:54 PM

So tired? Me too!

Anonymous said...

'm so tired I don't know what to do
I'm so tired my mind is set on you
I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do

You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind

such a stupid get said...

I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind

give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind

Anonymous said...

miss him miss him miss him

sooo tired said...

Paul's version.

Anonymous said...

what the PID crowd doesn't get is that Chapman was almost exactly like a PID person in mindset, as was Manson and the guy that stabbed Harrison. So the PIDer, to offset the idea that he or she is an unhinged wacko like those guys, has to believe they weren't wackos, and that some cabal made them act wacko. And so it would be the case for a PIDer, if he or she were to (heaven forbid) act on their insanity and attempt to harm Macca, they would probably blame mind control, but not their own crappy conclusions or IAAP or any of the other PID sites. And yeah, if a PIDer did something like that of their own accord, the other sheeple PIDers would say they were simply used as a puppet by someone else. Viscious circle there.

Jeff Leland said...

Jeff LeLand said...
I was shivering inside.

Hey! I didn't tell you I needed a posting double today!

Why you.. *points sarcasm*

MilesDeo said...

Still A Round ?

Jeff Leland said...

Of course, but then again, I might actually not be Jeff Leland. I could be, well, a carbon copy.

Jeff LeLand CC said...


one less bullet said...

those freaks was right when they
said you was you was dead

Anonymous said...

someone woke up and drank some h8torade

damn h8ters

get a job!

Heather Mills said...

what the PID crowd doesn't get is that Chapman was almost exactly like a PID person in mindset, as was Manson and the guy that stabbed Harrison. So (etc)

What a load of rubbish!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather! Nice of you to join us!

Anonymous said...

Never saw THEIR videos, Leggy.... so I wouldn't know!

Anonymous said...


The Fireman Cometh said...

(And hell freezes over)

that will be the day: said...

коли рак на горі свисне

коли воша пчихне

Pan fydd moch yn hedfan

Pan fydd uffern yn rhew drosodd

除非太陽從西邊出來 [除非太阳从西边出来]

Når helvede fryser til is

Wanneer Pasen en Pinksteren op één dag vallen

Kun helvetti jäätyy

Quand les poules auront des dents

Wenn die Hölle zufriert

Majd ha piros hó esik

Majd ha a pokol befagy

Quanno pisceno le galline

Kakka malannu parakkum

Cuando las ranas críen pelo


the Crickets said...

That will be the day, that HE ^ DIE

all you need is said...

Space, Time, Matter

Jeff Leland said...

All you need is..

a King ;]

MikeNL said...

to live backwards is to control space and matter.

Anonymous said...

what do you mean?

ตอนเซเว่นปิด said...

give you everything I've got
for a little peace of something!!


Confucious say said...

To live backwards is to control space and matter.

Yes, but only in the past, it would seem.
Better to get out of the illusion altogether.

Krishna said...

That's what she said!

Anonymous said...

"Confucious say said...
To live backwards is to control space and matter.

I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale

Harry Ram On said...

Hare Krishna
Hare Rama
Hare Harrison
Hare of the dog that bit ya!
Rama Rama
Hare Hare

Anonymous said...

1050 WEPN New York City

Hare and the Hendrixons said...


Anonymous said...

The King of Cosmania Rationale

Confucious said...

I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale

MikeNL said it before I did.

Anonymous said...

Those girls suck!

Anonymous said...

Mikey is Billy Joel?

Let It Be naked! said...

You ask me why...
Why I'm a hare guy.
I'm hare morning noon and


Like More Wizzers said...

He likes us! He really likes us!

Euro Blur guy said...

Aagh td iz not me! ghvh

Now it can be told! said...

Mikey is Billy Joel?


Anonymous said...

1060 KYW Philamadelfia

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Hi Heather! Nice of you to join us!

That's what she said.

Ohhh damn

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
1060 KYW Philamadelfia

Mr. Vermouth, please pick up the white courtesy phone and SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Anonymous said...

LOLZ. The girl who shakes his hand checks him out afterwards and has a smirk on her face.

Jeff Leland said...

Don't forget the lip biting..

lip biting is very important.


Mr. Leland, it's time for your meds.

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs said...

On with the show!

Anonymous said...


TAZ said...

too late!

help! said...

Run for you lives!

EuroBlurDude said...


MikeNL said...


Anonymous said...

Why are you posting that w/o an explanation MikeNL?

Lovely! said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. Vermouth, please pick up the white courtesy phone

Anonymous said...


but... 3-10-2009///comingsoon))

MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
Why are you posting that w/o an explanation MikeNL?

October 2, 2009 8:25 AM

oh yeah sorry;
this is a calendar date, you can read on the google what a calendar is.

also check out clock, pretty awesome...

But said...

You didn't answer the question, MikeNL.
You're starting to be like iamaphoney.
In fact, I've never seen the two of you in the same room at the same time. This is very disconcerting, so I hope you'll do one soon.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Mike and the Nutters in the same room either,
but I wouldn't want to.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to see Mike in any room.

Radio Lady GaGa said...

1080 WTIC Hartford, CT

Anonymous said...

classic, no doubt. k' dos

SHAKE IT UP!!! said...

twist and shout1

Anonymous said...

You know whats been really really cool, the lack of abject hype about the next iamaphoney video.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You know whats been really really cool, the lack of abject hype about the next iamaphoney video.

October 2, 2009 8:50 PM

You know what I like?
The complete lack of direction and substance that the Rotten Apple series has fallen into. Proving once again how empty the promise of some "great revelation" really is....

You know what the "bound of silence is"???


A complete lack of proof, interest, or credibility.

They cant say anything, because they dont know anything

Welcome to the "next level" kids..

Failure. Get used it to.

Anonymous said...

Failure. Get used it to.

October 2, 2009 9:09 PM

Since I am the one after 909...

Hey jerk, how bout you drink another glass of h8teraid, sit back and wait for the revelation revolution buddy.
You got a damn problem with having your mind blown?
This next video is going to be the best yet.
Just you wait..... just you wait

Anonymous said...

MikeyNL1038 (15 hours ago) when is the iamaphoney website being updated?

Anonymous said...

MikeyNL1038 (15 hours ago) when is the iamaphoney website being updated?

October 2, 2009 10:49 PM

what could this mean?

Anonymous said...

8:07am Saturday (CEST) - Time in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Anonymous said...

MikeyNL1038 (15 hours ago) when is the iamaphoney website being updated?

October 2, 2009 10:49 PM

Two schools of thought on that subject MikeNL1038

1 Never. Kind of like your interview. Permanent Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeelay.

2 Soon. Because you are making a fuss and publicly announcing it

Anonymous said...

MikeyNL1038 (15 hours ago)

when is the iamaphoney website being updated?

October 2, 2009 10:49 PM

i made $20 because you said this you magnificent bastard. going double or nothing for your next comment, and if I know my MikeyNL1038, Jackson will have a twin soon

mommybird needs a new pair of shoes

Anonymous said...

'Hey jerk, how bout you drink another glass of h8teraid, sit back and wait for the revelation revolution buddy.
You got a damn problem with having your mind blown?
This next video is going to be the best yet.
Just you wait..... just you wait'

The problem is, these regular promises of 'revelation' and 'having your mind blown' always turn out to be just another youtube video virtually no-one notices. Not so earth-shattering really. Is there any reason to think the next video will reach beyond it's usual audience?

Anonymous said...

no, not really

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




Richard Starsky said...

"Don't call me by my stage name"

1+1+1 is 3 said...

Daughter of Beatles legend Ringo Starr is expecting triplets with Kasabian`s Jay Mehler

Anonymous said...

What is this iamaphoney website?

MikeNL said...


Ringo Starr said...

peace and love! peace and love!

Joshua Judges Ruth said...

To the LORD
Let praises be
It's time for dinner
Now let's go eat
We got some beans
And some good corn bread
Now listen to what the preacher said

(I drink your white courtesy phone)

Anonymous said...

white courtesy phone rulz

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney comments

65if2007 (7 hours ago)
It was 43 years ago today, at least according to the Prophet... I'll be disappointed if it doesn't contain at least one "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH".

So then, MikeNL comes on with....

MikeyNL1038 (6 hours ago)

and then....

MikeyNL1038 (34 minutes ago)


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh golly gee....
Isn't this exciting? I just can't wait for the new lamaphoney video!
I feel like a kid at Christmas.
I woke up this morning at 5 o'clock, and I just couldn't get back to sleep thinking about what the big surprise might be!
David Letterman and Faul had 'some fun' with the staff before the show? Mike and iamaphoney have announced their wedding?
Oh, what can it be?
Only time will tell...
(Oh! Please hurry!!!!)

Anonymous said...

MikeyNL1038 (34 minutes ago)

October 3, 2009 8:47 AM


Al Pacino... Scent of a Woman

~Fake Vince

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh golly gee....
Isn't this exciting? I just can't wait for the new lamaphoney video!
I feel like a kid at Christmas.
I woke up this morning at 5 o'clock, and I just couldn't get back to sleep thinking about what the big surprise might be!
David Letterman and Faul had 'some fun' with the staff before the show? Mike and iamaphoney have announced their wedding?
Oh, what can it be?
Only time will tell...
(Oh! Please hurry!!!!)

October 3, 2009 8:49 AM

The Dutch dont "get" sarcasm....

Mikey and iamaphoney said...


Mike's new look! said...

There's a commercial first :(

Anonymous said...


Watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat said...

YouTube is down?

Oh sure! That will be their next excuse:
"We couldn't post it because the YT was down."

I'll be iamaphoney did it with his magic twanger!

Anonymous said...

dot come?

drink some more h8teraid and learn to spell

Anonymous said...

We are currently performing site maintenance. Be cool - We'll be back a 100% in a bit

The illuminati! they are doing this.
to stop the revelation!



Anonymous said...

Well even the six or seven "believers' know deep down that all this is really just a gossip page. It's just talky talk about Beatles and Paul and whatever. The RA videos never reveal anything, they just insinuate. And that's fine if you take it in that spirit of Beatle-related mythology. The only revelation for them will be to realize that their theory falls in the crackpot category and that it's always been the same Paul. This has already happened with a lot of the old PIDers like Mikey and Jude.

Anonymous said...

This has already happened with a lot of the old PIDers like Mikey and Jude.

October 3, 2009 9:22 AM

Wait.... what?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

the old PIDers like Mikey and Jude.

Oh you brute! How could you?!
Such a savage remark about two fine young - ok - middle aged men!
Wait 'til iamaphoney phinds out about this!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Well even the six or seven "believers' know deep down that all this is really just a gossip page

Believer #4 here... i am crushed. but have to admit, this is really a gossip page

/hangs head in shame
//curse you illuminati

Punch Drunk Mike and Judey said...

Leave us alone!

Anonymous said...

Believer 6 here,

what i learned today.

there is no Santa Claus

there is no Easter bunny

God is dead

Paul is alive

This is a gossip page

I have a drinking problem

Anonymous said...

6:48pm Saturday (CEST) - Time in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Anonymous said...

You had to know Iamaphoney would post a video today! I love this dude for keeping the “Paul Is Dead” legend alive!

I’ll post a bunch more stuff tomorrow!

Iamaphoney, the creepy guy who posts YouTube videos based around the “Paul Is Dead” myth strikes again! I love this guy, whoever he is. Don’t watch late at night - too weird and freaky!

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney on the Colbert Nation

/sux it pilots, get a new phone

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney on veoh

Anonymous said...

iamaphoney on archery forum

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing about McCartney dying and being replaced. Who cares?

He died and was supposedly replaced during the recording of Sergeant Peppers and his best musical period was from right before then (starting with Revolver) until he formed Wings. So who really cares if he was replaced with somebody who sounds just like him but was a better song writer and overall musician?

It would be like saying the JFK conspiracy is that Ruby and not Oswald was the lone nut who actually shot Kennedy. Who really cares?

Anonymous said...

It all makes sense, once you understand that I have no life.

Anonymous said...

km artlu

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:11 pm

Thanks, Vince. I'm glad you brought these videos to our attention.

It's about social engineering and its possible mind-boggling scope.

As primed as I naturally am to give outrageous theories enough temporary credence to pursue them, the "Faul" concept is one which has always been just too preposterous for me to sustain. And yet, I keep returning to it, poking around, following a gut feeling that something lies behind the curtain.

The first video in the series contains two personal points of reference; two locations. When I was a lad of 19, newly arrived in LA, I "worked" for a scoundrel known as "The Gee". My duties were to go where he told me to go and await further instructions. Sometime in late '67 the place to go was the Hollywood Bowl, for a Ravi Shankar concert.

When the performance ended, an announcement came over the PA saying that I should report backstage. Eventually I found myself exiting the venue as the driver for Patti Harrison and her little contingent of the larger George entourage. My mission was to deliver them to an address on Blue Jay Way.

This was pre-cell phones, pre- GPS, and I barely knew my way around a small Hollywood radius. Hours passed fumbling about. Patti, who I presume was accustomed to being whisked about effeciently, remained unfailingly kind and patient throughout the 2-3 hour trek winding through the hills. A lovely vision of a woman.

We finally found the address and they were ushered away by anxiously hovering cohorts. Given the obscurity of the location, its quite possible that George awaited the "friends (who) have lost their way" more than once. Still, its kinda cool to think my youthfull cluelessness was the inspiration for the song.

The other location in that first video which I have known is the house where Mal Evans died. Later on, in the mid-seventies, my wife of the time and I were briefly business partners with Mal's last girlfriend, who still owned and lived in that house. This was I'd guess within a year of Mal's death.

One evening the girlfriend, her current partner, my wife and I were hanging out in the room to the left of the front door as seen in the video. The guy and I were in the corner closest to the street; the girls had become involved enough in their own conversation that I felt it would be ok to quietly ask her partner about the incident which ended Mal's life. I learned that it had happened in the room directly above us.

After a few minutes of this talk, the guy suddenly glanced down at the back of his hand, then up at the ceiling, back at his hand, and then looked at me wide-eyed and pointed towards the ceiling. Drops of "water?" were now steadily plopping down in our vicinity.

An investigation ensued, no explanation was found. My memory of surrounding details and how that night ended is sketchy. The bizarre was almost commonplace at the time, and linear memories of those days is rare.

Well, I guess I've just indulged in dredging up some personal history sparked by that video. If there's any relevance to the above, it is in how that spooky incident left me with some immediate sense of a supernatural undercurrent to the Beatles mythos.

I suspect that any of us on this board who lived as adults in the sixties could easily recognize the impact which the Beatles had on society, ourselves, and those whom we knew. There are some specifics along those lines, and some lingering questions, which I'd like to discuss here as soon as time allows.

Anonymous said...

km artlu

mk ultra

Anonymous said...

km artlu

driver to the stars

knows mal's last girlfriend

inspired the song blue jay way

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

October 3, 2009 10:16 AM

link no work

Anonymous said...


THE BEST ONE YET!!1!!11!!!

Anonymous said...

blue link it

3311 said...


what ya got to choose said...

so there's supposed to be a vid today? where is it? is it going to be as good as "shoes"?

Nice pair! said...

The other shoe will drop!

ante up! said...

Does a pair beat three of a kind?

Za Kode! said...

1+1+1 is E

Anonymous said...

E = MC Hammered!

Anonymous said...

Tupac beats a triad.

Anonymous said...

1140 WRVA 'Rich Man' Virgin ya

Anonymous said...

E = MC Hammered!

So E = MCCarthy being kilt!

Y0k00n0 said this would happen!

The Busty Women's Club said...

Eat your heart out phoneyphanz!

Martha Stewart alert! said...

Now I have to go wash my eyes with soap!

Anonymous said...

OK, that does it! I'm officially gay now.
I wouldn't want to be at the table with any of those
pigs. What pretentious phoneys.
Oh wait...that was the new video?!

Carloads Satana said...

It's a two-fer! See? Like a pair of shoes!

That was so 'last year' anyway said...

No, you got it wrong, bro!
If you're gay, you'll be invited to be at that table!

Take that h8ters! said...

Mariah sends you positivity!

Anonymous said...

So E = MCCarthy being kilt!

Who the f*ck is MCCarthy?

Anonymous said...

Ruby and not Oswald was the lone nut who actually shot Kennedy.

You're getting warmer.

Kennedy Rogers said...

Oh Ruby, don't take your positivity to town!

Anonymous said...

Has it not be a banner month for crackpots like you and me?

Anonymous said...

Me likes the Kilt. Don't forget the kilt, very important.

MikeNL said...

it's still love.

Tart Tartin said...

Has it not be a kilt month for crackpots like you and me?

Sweetykins said...

What is, love?

Mull over K'attire said...

It's a little to tight around the middle.

Anonymous said...

oh, that's too bad

Shoes at the Mull said...

Kintyre - the seat of satanic evilness where the son of LooseFur aka Krafty Macca-roni and Cheesy eats chilled wren for dinner.

Well, at least that's what I read at Paul is Fred, Miss Her!

Anonymous said...


Faul is Preg! said...

a little bit

Deliver Your Children said...

Deliver your children to the dinner table
Give me a fork and knife


Krafty Macca Roni and Cheesy said...

Well, I ain't no devil and I ain't no saint
But I can tell a dealer by the colour of his

Well, I was low on money
And my truck broke down
I was on my way to the lost and found
So I took it to a dealer
I said make it run
Well, I ain't got no money
But I got me a gun

(I sang it again!)

Anonymous said...

Faul is Preg! said...
a little bit

Is that why the kilt isn't fitting?

Anonymous said...

I said you robbed me before
So i'm robbing you back
And if it don't put you straight
It'll put you on the right track
Well, i ain't no devil and i ain't no saint
But i can tell a dealer by the colour of his paint

Anonymous said...

Well, the rain was a-failin'
And the ground turned to mud
I was watching all the people
Running from the flood
So i started to pray
Though i ain't no prayin' man
For the lord to come a helpin'
Knowing he'd understand
Deliver your children to the good good life
Give'em peace and shelter and a fork and knife
Shine a light in the morning and a light at night
And if a thing goes wrong you'd better make it right

Well, i had me a woman
She was good and clean
She spent all day with the washing machine
But when it come to lovin'
She was never around
She was out getting dirty
All over town


Well, i was low on money
And my truck broke down
I was on my way to the lost and found
So i took it to a dealer
I said make it run
Well, i ain't got no money
But i got me a gun

I said you robbed me before
So i'm robbing you back
And if it don't put you straight
It'll put you on the right track
Well, i ain't no devil and i ain't no saint
But i can tell a dealer by the colour of his paint


If you want good eggs
You gotta feed that hen
And if you wanna hear some more
Well, i'll sing it again

Anonymous said...

"We'll be reverse"

Last Supper $4 AYCE said...

Why are we watching Macy's commercials?

The House of Stewart said...

We were looking for iamaphoney, because, you know...
maybe someone in a dress. Macy/DC

I suspect "Martha" Stewart myself.
You know: "Martha, my dear, you have always been my inspiration!" So I figure Martha was RePaulaced!
Like a Connecticut yankee in King Arthur's court -
where people switch places with each other.

Martha was Paul
"Trump" was the walrus
Mariah was Yoko
Tommy Hellfinger was George Martin
You get the idea...

Maybe I'm a Macy'd!

Anonymous said...

My god, that was awful!

Anonymous said...

1170 WWVA Helen Wheeling, West Virgin ya

Anonymous said...


Chanel # 5 said...

Speaking of iamaphoney, wasn't there supposed to be a new video today?

Grinches All said...

I mean seriously, would you take the word of any of
these peoples? I'm starting to lose my faith in
Santa Claus now!

Coco Swim English Chanel said...

ubeblurr #5

Come play with us Danny said...

"It" lives forever and ever and ever
Martha Stewart, talking about Santa Claus

What a bitch!

Anonymous said...

oh, so you know Martha, My Dear?

IyamwhatIyam said...


ube n botany, this species is also known by the names "water yam" and "winged yam."

Ube (or ubi) is the Filipino word for purple yam (Dioscorea alata). It contains pigments that gives its violet color.
In India, this vegetable is known as ratalu or violet yam. In Marathi this is known as KondFal (कोंदफळ). In other parts of the Malay world, the word ubi refers to any yam or tuber. In Tonga: ʻufi (and is considered there as a royal food), in Hawaiʻi: uhi, in Tahiti: ufi. In the Philippines, ube is cooked with sugar and eaten as a sweetened dessert or jam called ube halaya which is a bright violet color. Ube is also an ingredient in the fruity dessert halo halo, another popular Filipino dessert.

The real Martha said...

Oops! I misquoted her.

"It lives and lives and lives..."

Anonymous said...

vid today? was that a thing or not?

such a sad lack of effort from the phoney camp

Wham! said...

1180 WHAM! Rochester NY

KondFaul (कोंदफळ). said...

It's a double Whammy!

M*ILF said...

*Martha said......

"she should have left after the first question,

then i stopped watching a movie I've never really watched, again.

maybe next time, yes I've heard it's so great....ok

yes, I'm windexing the phony right now.....MultiTask!!"

Rumours of my Death said...

Well, October 3 is practically over. Did HE^DIE?

Dead By Sunrise said...

Phoney! Don't let us down!

Dear Prudence said...

MikeNL says;

Ruth Etting said...

Shine On Harvest Moon

(in honor of the full moon tonight)

Tracy Chapman said...

Talkin' Bout A Revolution

Anonymous said...

Its oct 4 here, no iamaphoney.

airplane was delaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


/you would think they would stay out of the west indies after all these problems.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe iamaphoney is Roman Polanski...
and he cant put the video up because HE IS IN JAIL.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


October 3, 2009 8:05 PM


Joseph P. said...

It's the video in your mind.
It's the song in your heart.
It's the bounce in your step.
It's the love that's all around.
It's the light of the moon.
It's the Joy in the detergent.
It's the Almond in the Joy!
It's the fluff in the Nutters.
It's the purr in the cat.
It's the cheese in the rat.
It's all that and more.
I'm just stallin' for time.

Anonymous said...

Just $9.99 at the Home Shopping Network!

Anonymous said...

Try some today!

Phoney' s Airplane Trip said...

He used his cell phone to transmit this just now.

thinking of becoming a h8ter said...


October 3, 2009 8:05 PM

Umm, hey, where is it?

Anonymous said...

SB9381 (5 minutes ago)

Let us not. For when it happens, the duel between the two will be a small glimpse of what we can see. Please.

Anonymous said...

ummmm, guys?........

Anonymous said...

Let us not. For when it happens, the duel between the two will be a small glimpse of what we can see. Please.

October 3, 2009 8:52 PM

freestyle rap, ol school yo...

Anonymous said...

Joined: April 26, 2007
Last Sign In: 1 hour ago
Videos Watched: 2,550
Subscribers: 6
Channel Views: 1,150
"If this scene is around in 2012, the masses will be where I am today and I should be as groovy as Jesus by then."


Anonymous said...

Lucifer Sam

Anonymous said...

SB9381 (5 minutes ago)
Jacob, Jacob four in lye, five in time one will die. When the left becomes the right, I will see you there in meye sight.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh my god
that was the best video i have ever seen

Anonymous said...

too bad they took it down...

well, goodnight everybody!

Anonymous said...

ever notice the videos come out on FULL moons?

Loony bastards...

Pink Floyd said...

Lucifer Sam
(Barrett) 3:07

Lucifer Sam, siam cat.
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side.
That cat's something I can't explain.

Ginger, ginger you're a witch.
You're the left side
He's the right side.
Oh, no!

That cat's something I can't explain.

Anonymous said...

So 90021003 HE^DIE was just kind of a reminder, I guess. Which would be why the NEXT date on the calendar has 87 (78 backwards) after it. Man! What a letdown.

Make Believe. = (WILL makes it happen) said...

Jacob, Jacob four in lye, five in time one will die. When the left becomes the right, I will see you there in meye sight.

"The other day was driving to kinger's and
a flash came down from the dark night skies,
into meye left eye.
It sped away with it's agility...took it pretty nonchalant. Thought, have to tell Kinger about this. Course, forgot. Next night we are hanging out and I stretch across him to get something, and he sees an alien ship pretty up close - reminded him of the tentacles of an octopus the windows. Quietly freak. Oh, and remembered to tell him...wild. Still taking it pretty nonchalant. Artist takes it cool, in kinger fashion....

We are headed toward finally connecting through the higher spirituality = our 'second sight', psychic perception will come back to us. Aquarian Technology will be propelled by the instinct for survival increasing speed of time, yes, a higher resonance, a faster vibration....

The truth will prevail. Finally. Everything they prophecied and prepared us for in the sixties (listen to the music) is going to come to fruition....


Anonymous said...

That's our gal, wouldn't you say?
A self-proclaimed "nutter".
I'm investigating further.

There's a picture of her here:
(scroll down)

Anonymous said...

SO THEN????? NO VIDEO?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney promised no video today, blame the disappointment on yourself. it exists within you.


/tell me about your mother....

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney promised no video today, blame the disappointment on yourself. it exists within you.


/tell me about your mother....

October 3, 2009 10:30 PM



Anonymous said...


Its only 10:30, hang out, Iamaphoney has never let us down before. The video is loading, be patient!

Anonymous said...

"Iamaphoney has never let us down before."

line of the night

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