Monday, September 14, 2009

What A Week!

I happened to be lucky enough to get the box set of Beatles Remasters at a real store on Wednesday, 09-09-09. Several people I know were shut out as early as 11:00 a.m. in my neck of the woods. I insisted on making a ritual out of it, so I am listening in chronological order. I have made it up to Revolver so far. Congratulations to those of you who had the time to listen to all of them already and my heart goes out to those who still don't have them in your possession.

I knew as soon as I heard "Please Please Me" that I was embarking on a happy trip. Yes, I would have preferred that they had remixed the stereo albums, but overall the sound is excellent. A good example is "Got To Get Into My Life." I almost felt I needed to duck out of the way of the trombone slide. Yet it was frustrating that even though I could hear Ringo's outstanding drumming on the track, I had to pretend that it was louder and centered in the mix instead of way off to the side and way too low. Same thing with the vocals on the early albums that are restricted to one channel. The liner notes nearly apologize for their placement on the stereo mixes. But it is still a peak experience hearing these tracks in the best fidelity ever. And thankfully, I can no longer say that the Anthology outtakes sound better than the released versions.

On the same day that I was blissing out about having the Remasters in my hands, Iamaphoney released an excellent new video.

Rotten Apple 77 focuses on an interview that Roby Yonge (one of the DJs who broke the Paul Is Dead story in 1969) did with with John Paul Roberts on June 13, 1995.

For a contribution (not to me--to them) you can hear the entire interview at ReelRadio.

Yonge was fired for his late night rumor mongering, although the "Bon Voyage" article flashed in RA 77 had nothing to do with that. You can find an excellent review of Yonge's career, including the "Bon Voyage" article and a recap of his encounter with Paul Is Dead lore at this Roby Yonge dedication web site.

The video uses interview footage with both Larry Kane and Denny Laine that could have been done at that Beatles Convention a couple years ago. And I'll tell ya, when I saw the cryptic statement from another DJ, Russ Gibb just before the two minute mark of RA 77, I freaked.

I know that a lot of us have been speculating that The Nutters, a group that has been putting out videos under the name LEWlSCARROLL, might have been at the helm of the Iamaphoney video team at some point. Their videos are interesting, and similar in style to our grand hero, but Rotten Apple 77 shows superior editing in my opinion. The Nutters latest video is Inside the org:9 The Nutcase 09:09:09.

Yet another spectacular event of the past week was the return of our dear friend Grandfather Aleister. He is back releasing videos under the name 999nowhereman and even received a Welcome Back message from his royal highness Iamaphoney himself, really. He has returned in wonderful form with a new video called Paul is Dead - 999.

Special thanks to my funny friend for giving me the heads up on GFA's return.

Now, another BIG thing that was supposed to happen this week was the release of a new Iamaphoney bootleg from MikeNL1038. Mike did release a new video called paul is dead - nothing is real 6, but I haven't been rocking to Iamaphoney yet.

Was the bootleg ever released, Mike? I would love to hear it. Some of the clips in Mike's video iamaphoney - the right album bootleg 03-10-09 promo were of significantly greater audio fidelity than the corresponding Rotten Apple videos. I don't know the reason for the delay, but I hope it has nothing to do with my own delay in putting out the message from the man who had the gun to my head. I told him I was very busy, but here it is:

"The RA bootleg is a bootleg.
The RA bootleg contains soundtracks from The Rotten Apple Series
and rare demotracks from the upcoming The Right Album

Seriously, I am sorry that I was unable to post anything on 09-09-09. I certainly had every intention to do so, but other priorities resulted in me not even being able to open my Remasters Box until the following day. I am feeling as rushed lately as Derek Taylor must have felt when he penned the liner notes to Nilsson's Pussycats album.

Don't forget that this wonderful week is not over yet. Tuesday, September 15, should see the release of Ringo Starr - Soundstage on DVD. It would be good if his Official Website mentioned it.

And if that's not enough for you, Sunssol, EliasCrowe, AdmiralAlbert, and yenohpehttonmai uploaded new videos this week as well.

Has it not be a banner week for crackpots like you and me?


«Oldest   ‹Older   801 – 1000 of 1435   Newer›   Newest»
fiona Apple said...

Across the Universe

stick a fork in 'em said...

They trashed that diner!

Anonymous said...


30 Seconds to Mars said...


Y0K00NO said...

it's going to happen oct 3 2009 - He Die
If it happens we WILL tell the world. We are not accepting the bound of silence anymore.

Get Smart said...


you weren't kidding when you said...

don't call me early

Anonymous said...

all we are sayin is give peace a chance
luap tnias raeh ew xificurc hctans

Anonymous said...

Y0K00NO said...
it's going to happen oct 3 2009 - He Die
If it happens we WILL tell the world. We are not accepting the bound of silence anymore

if what happens Y0K00NO ?

Anonymous said...


...or, LUPUS IN THE SKY......
Am I wrong to think that's funny!
I guess that's why I'm HERE......
C'mon, Taf..... update this! We CAN'T have THIS MANY POSTS.... it's just annoying!


WGY said...

810 WGN Schenectady NY

You lie!
WGN is in Chicago. At 720 KHz

LuLu said...

Am I wrong to think that's funny!

Shame on you, vince. Lupus is a very unfunny disease.
You're not allowed to make lupus in the sky jokes.
No Lupus Skywalker, no planes doing lupussy-de-loops, no Pulus is dead jokes.
None of that. Only Serious comments are allowed on this site.
Here we go lupus de Lou, here...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Roman Polanski was arrested. Just like anyone else would be for the same crime. And he had to watch his ass for 4 decades because he knew they would tag him at some point. Apparently he really isn't in some secret Satan worshipping cabal that controls the world. Summary: Satanic powers don't work. Polanksi has no power or clout with any secret group.
Now you goofballs can scratch that aspect of your conspiracy off the list.

Anonymous said...


There's always an jerk or two in the mix, ya know?

LSD said...

Lucy in the skY

Anonymous said...

If what happens Y0K00NO ?

Anonymous said...

Roman Polanski was arrested.

Hahaha but no, then they will just say he was arrested because he knew too much about PID and they have to silence him (3o years later).

Don't call us we'll call you said...

ok we should wait for that to happen.

Lief " Turn Left" Erikson said...

so October Fest is this Saturday!

Boundy Hunter said...

I don't understand. What's happening october third?

Anonymous said...

I wrestled with that, but I came down on the side of informing, to spread knowledge about the smoot as a unit of bridge measurement, in hopes that this might enrich the Phoney community's well of esoteric knowledge. Here today, gone tomorrow, though. The smoot will retain its obscurity and coolness, regardless. My physics professor used to throw in a few smoot problems in tests, just to give us a fun bit of work with units. Units and conversion are wonderful things to know and practice, don't you think?

Sir Leifr EirĂ­ksson Newton said...

told you it would FALL>

Anonymous said...

What or who does Y0K00NO know that we don't.

& What's the IF? to happen?

Parlez? said...

You didn't listen Sainte-Lucie

Anonymous said...


Saint Lucia is a member of La Francophonie

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

All I could say is..

Fuck 2012.

All you need is lo.. COKE

Oh god he's taking said...


Anonymous said...

Actually, it's Ritalin.. but, Adderal fits better with that song.. you know what I mean.

Jeff Leland said...


anybody see House earlier?

Greg said...

it's an amazing show..

Dr. Winston O' Boogie said...

It's a bloody marvelous show!

Charley Newports said...

It's not bad..

Jeff Leland said...


Anonymous said...


Jeff Leland said...

Oh, and Greg

Jeff Leland said...

So, how about that Illuminati.

Man, what a crock of shit lmao

A bunch of losers in robes playing with their little puzzles and magic..


Seriously, think about it.

Middle-aged/old people that actually believe in magic?!

That's 2 year old shit. PLEASE!

Jeff "3:16" Leland said...

This is what I'm going to do to the illuminati in 2012

Anonymous said...


Active Users In The Past 24 Hours

4 Members, 995 Guests, 1 Invisible User

MikeNL said...

rotten apple 37 dudes

TPF is in da house

Jeff Leland said...

lol, don't care?

JL said...

Mike, that wasn't directed towards you, lol

Anonymous said...


Jeff Leland said...

that pleasent fellow, duh

Charley Newports said...

Noo! TPF means "that's probably Faul!"

Jeff Leland.... yup... that's me... there's an airplane outside.. I hear it.. said...

lol, i'm bored..

Jeff Leland said...

aww shoot, it cuts off my name.. actually, it's not my name.. it's just a clever coverup I've created to hide my identity.

that's right, i'm really chuck norris.

Jeff Leland said...

rofl, that's funny..

yeah, i laugh at my own jokes. there a problem?

Jeff Leland said...

OH! LOOK! Percy's Paul's replacement!

LMAO yeah..

Anonymous said...


Jeff Leland said...

he heeee..

Billie Jeans not my lova

Amazing song..

Can I buy a "Iamaphoney 'really' vowel" please?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd like to solve the puzzle, Pat.

Anonymous said...


Jeff Leland said...

Ohhhh, I'm so scared..



yeah right..

more like Loser,lol

LMW said...

lose more win

Jeff Leland said...

Like more whimps..

Jeff Leland said...

Oh wait, a better one!

Look, more whimps!

28IF said...

Lady Madonna Weeps

Anonymous said...

Living in the Material World

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Active Users In The Past 24 Hours

1 Staff Member, 4 Members, 1,032 Guests, 2 Invisible Users

Anonymous said...

what is this code?

little piggies said...


MikeNL said...

He will die on 03-10-2009.
Nothing can prevent it.

Please beware of  03 10 2009

-MikeNL cannot login.

Anonymous said...

Fear mongering now?

Anonymous said...

uh uh! Mike can't log it? WHAT'S GOING ON???!!

Jeff Leland said...

The Magickian's obviously spelt a curse on his account, guys!


Anonymous said...


Is this news to anyone here? Just sharing in case it is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


888 said...


Heisaphoney! said...

-MikeNL cannot login.

You lie!
You are a phoney, fake MikeNL!

Anonymous said...

890 The one, the only: WLS Chicago

Anonymous said...

and the point of this blog is?

Anonymous said...

It's a training ground for up and coming comedians.

Anonymous said...

And to post 1,000 posts!
107 to go!

Comeedy N said...

Rate this joke:
Bernie Made off with millions of dollars!

* That's not funny
** That's a hardly Har Har
*** That's a chuckle
**** A real knee slapper!
*****Laughed til it hurts

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Don't forget that this wonderful week is not over yet. Tuesday, September 15, should see the release of Ringo Starr - Soundstage on DVD. It would be good if his Official Website mentioned it."

Anyone else think its weird that Ringo is so prominent in 999nowhereman video just before a release of a DVD...?

This whole thing with iamaphoney and others is just seeming so commercial. Like these little videos on Youtube are tied to commercial releases.

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
"Don't forget that this wonderful week is not over yet. Tuesday, September 15, should see the release of Ringo Starr - Soundstage on DVD. It would be good if his Official Website mentioned it."

Anyone else think its weird that Ringo is so prominent in 999nowhereman video just before a release of a DVD...?

This whole thing with iamaphoney and others is just seeming so commercial. Like these little videos on Youtube are tied to commercial releases.

Hi, I'm Jesus Christ.

Jeff Leland said...

la la

Jeff Leland said...

He heee

Jeff Leland said...

I wonder if I can make it to 1,000 comments all by myself tonight.

Ringo Suite 666 said...

This whole thing with iamaphoney and others is just seeming so commercial. Like these little videos on Youtube are tied to commercial releases.

September 29, 2009 10:45 PM

Not successfully mind you.
The IAAP Bootleg has not sold well.....

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...
Hi, I'm Jesus Christ.

September 29, 2009 10:47 PM

Hi Jesus, how are you doing tonight?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

I wonder if I can make it to 1,000 comments all by myself tonight.

September 29, 2009 10:48 PM

I should hope you could. If you can't... then the world is in trouble... know what I mean? know what I am sayin'?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

I wonder if I can make it to 1,000 comments all by myself tonight.

September 29, 2009 10:48 PM

I don't mean to test or question you Lord, but don't you think that 1,000 comments sets the bar a little low? Why not 2,000?

Remember that time with the loaves and the fishes?

I mean... 100 comments? The demons around here do that in a regular night.

Now, 100 comments of pure revelation prophecy?!? Now that would be impressive! Otherwise, shoot for quantity

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Jeff Leland said...

I wonder if I can make it to 1,000 comments all by myself tonight.

September 29, 2009 10:48 PM

I should hope you could. If you can't... then the world is in trouble... know what I mean? know what I am sayin'?

September 29, 2009

Well I obviously can't now because SOMEONE had to post other then me...

Anonymous said...

I stay up all night with you Jesus.

So, what did you eat for breakfast?

Anonymous said...

And why Tsunamis? Killed a lot of people?

Anonymous said...

909... the one after

Satan said...

Anonymous said...

And why Tsunamis? Killed a lot of people?

September 29, 2009 11:15 PM

What is this jeopardy? Everything has to a question with you?

Anonymous said...

Hey! If Jesus was getting ready to do the Sermon on the Mount, WOULD YOU HECKLE HIM?!?!?

Leave the poor man alone, He was crucified for the love of God!

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
I stay up all night with you Jesus.

So, what did you eat for breakfast?


Anonymous said...

Jesus, are you mad?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I stay up all night with you Jesus.

Are you sure you will my son? Read your bible. You will fall asleep soon. And I will be alone with Satan.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, are you mad?

Jeff Leland said...

Yeah, because the advertisements on Hulu have gone from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

I might aswell watch fucking tv.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, if this were the real life bible times, who would everyone be here?

Like if Tafultong was in the bible, who would he be?

And who would Paul be?

Who would MikeNL and Jude?

Jeff Leland said...

When I become King of Earth in 2012, I will make Elisabeth Hasselbeck be forced to appear naked everywhere she goes until she's 42.

And when she's able to dress again, Jamie Lynn Spears will be next.

Fight the power!

Anonymous said...

What shows do you like on Hulu?

And is Hulu really run by aliens? Softening our brains?

i hope not. i mean, i hope you dont really watch Hulu. Because we need you really smart to save the world!

Anonymous said...

Is your brain able to deflect the hulu rays?

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Jesus, if this were the real life bible times, who would everyone be here?

Like if Tafultong was in the bible, who would he be?

And who would Paul be?

Who would MikeNL and Jude?

Take their respective traits and relate them.. that's a good point though..

Only one I've gotten so far would be Paul being God because he's.. well, that good.

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
What shows do you like on Hulu?

And is Hulu really run by aliens? Softening our brains?

i hope not. i mean, i hope you dont really watch Hulu. Because we need you really smart to save the world!

Not that I wanted to stop watching Hulu, but apparently the video's stopped loading all of a sudden..

I swear to god I'm not joking.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

When I become King of Earth in 2012, I will make Elisabeth Hasselbeck be forced to appear naked everywhere she goes until she's 42.

I Love you Jesus, this is going to be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Not that I wanted to stop watching Hulu, but apparently the video's stopped loading all of a sudden..

I swear to god I'm not joking.

September 29, 2009 11:30 PM

Maybe God the Father made it so you couldn't watch Hulu so that your brain wouldnt become space alien food.

I am glad you had eggs this morning. You are what you eat, and eggs are an ancient symbol for You. So that is more proof that You really are who You say You are!

Anonymous said...

I swear to god I'm not joking.

September 29, 2009 11:30 PM

When I read the bible, You didn't laugh much.. if at all, so I can believe that You aren't joking.
Of course, the best comedians never laugh at their own jokes, and since You made everything... and everything is pretty funny, no wonder You are not laughing.
Again, more proof You are who You say You are!

Anonymous said...

Jesus, are You ever lonely being God?

Jeff Leland said...

I don't know everything..

I like to watch new episodes of House without knowing what's going to happen

Anonymous said...

Jesus, is it ok that I don't hate Satan so much anymore?
You said to Love Your enemies..

Is Satan really Your enemy?

Anonymous said...

Is that why You made Satan? So You wouldn't be lonely?

And does Satan watch House too?

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Is that why You made Satan? So You wouldn't be lonely?

And does Satan watch House too?

He made House, lol

Anonymous said...

How come in the bible You spoke in parables and now You don't?

Do You rap? Can You spit the funky fresh flow? I would imagine You could, and probably well because You made rap. You probably are the best rapper alive, even better then Jay-Z.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Is that why You made Satan? So You wouldn't be lonely?

And does Satan watch House too?

He made House, lol

September 29, 2009 11:45 PM

So being lonely is a tough question that You ignore. Is our Love for You not enough? We believe in You, does that not bring You happiness?

Anonymous said...

Jesus, do You walk every where still? Or can You ride in a car or a plane?

Anonymous said...

Jesus, what is Your favorite animal? And do pets go to Heaven?

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Jesus, do You walk every where still? Or can You ride in a car or a plane?

Cars are alot easier..

Jeff Leland said...

Come on people! We can get to 1,000!

Anonymous said...

And does Satan watch House too?

He made House, lol

September 29, 2009 11:45 PM

why did You capitalize "He" when referring to Satan? Don't You still tell him to "Get behind Me, Satan!"

I mean, behind You he could sneak up and konk you out! Then we would be lost!
Why not keep him in front of You, holding a gun on him?
Or shoot lighting bolts out at him.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, do You smoke pot??

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
And does Satan watch House too?

He made House, lol

September 29, 2009 11:45 PM

why did You capitalize "He" when referring to Satan? Don't You still tell him to "Get behind Me, Satan!"

I mean, behind You he could sneak up and konk you out! Then we would be lost!
Why not keep him in front of You, holding a gun on him?
Or shoot lighting bolts out at him.

Because I would come back to life and bitch slap him.. So it really doesn't matter if he's behind me or infront of me

Anonymous said...

Jesus, how come You don't stop abortions? And why did You let Hitler kill so many people? Is it because they tried to nail You up to the cross?

Anonymous said...

Because I would come back to life and bitch slap him.. So it really doesn't matter if he's behind me or infront of me

September 29, 2009 11:54 PM

See... You are mad
I can tell, because You are not turning Your other cheek

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Jesus, how come You don't stop abortions? And why did You let Hitler kill so many people? Is it because they tried to nail You up to the cross?

Simple explanation.. too many people.. One world, not enough room.

Harsh, but blame the people who take advantage of sex.

Jeff Leland said...

Oh nice!

Red Sox/Angels in the NLDS.

Anonymous said...

Simple explanation.. too many people.. One world, not enough room.

Harsh, but blame the people who take advantage of sex.

September 29, 2009 11:58 PM

Jesus, why are You so mean? Why not make less people some other way then pulling them apart and sucking them out with a hose?
Are You back to the Old Testament?
What about the New Covenant?

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Simple explanation.. too many people.. One world, not enough room.

Harsh, but blame the people who take advantage of sex.

September 29, 2009 11:58 PM

Jesus, why are You so mean? Why not make less people some other way then pulling them apart and sucking them out with a hose?
Are You back to the Old Testament?
What about the New Covenant?

Maybe, just maybe.. I might be the last thing everyone sees in 2012 before, you know.. Click my name, you'll get my point..

Anonymous said...

I don't see Your point. Could You please elaborate?

Anonymous said...

Jesus, have You seen No Country For Old Men?
I am watching that now. Want to come over?

Anonymous said...

that one guy is scary!
Tommy Lee Jones fought aliens in MIB I and II, and he seems really scared of the scary dude with a bad hair cut.
Are You a vegetarian? That captive bolt gun is scary too, and makes me worry about the poor cows. And I ate a hamburger today too... Will You forgive me that I paid someone to kill a cow for me so that I could eat a burger? It was delicious.

Jeff Leland said...

What did you have on the burger?

Jeff Leland said...

I wonder what everyone would do in 2012 if the final battle between good and evil featured John Lennon and Jesus Christ..

Honestly, from a person's view, that would be pretty fucking awesome!

Then Chuck Norris comes in and kills them both.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

What did you have on the burger?

September 30, 2009 12:16 AM

there was mustard, and onions and ketchup and about three thin pickle slices. I will go buy You one if You would like one

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

I wonder what everyone would do in 2012 if the final battle between good and evil featured John Lennon and Jesus Christ..

Honestly, from a person's view, that would be pretty fucking awesome!

Then Chuck Norris comes in and kills them both.

September 30, 2009 12:20 AM

Jesus, why aren't You funny??

Jeff Leland said...

Anonymous said...
Jeff Leland said...

What did you have on the burger?

September 30, 2009 12:16 AM

there was mustard, and onions and ketchup and about three thin pickle slices. I will go buy You one if You would like one

Only if there's cheese.

Anonymous said...

and why are You swearing?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Leland said...

Only if there's cheese.

September 30, 2009 12:23 AM

I will buy You one with cheese

Anonymous said...

What would You like to drink?

Anonymous said...

What do You do for fun Jesus?

Anonymous said...

Since You are now silent, here is what I have learned so far...

You like eggs

You like Hulu before the longer commercials

You like Chuck Norris enough to let him kill You and John Lennon

You like cheese on Your burger

You eat meat, only with cheese

You are mad about Hulu, and that people take advantage of sex
I gather that if people took advantage of sex on Hulu You might destroy 1/3 of the planet

You are pro-abortion

You aren't joking

Just like in the bible, You don't laugh much

Anonymous said...

Maybe, just maybe.. I might be the last thing everyone sees in 2012 before, you know.. Click my name, you'll get my point..

September 30, 2009 12:07 AM

Also, You don't explain Yourself well. Being God has meant You haven't had too....

Anonymous said...

Because I would come back to life and bitch slap him.. So it really doesn't matter if he's behind me or infront of me

September 29, 2009 11:54 PM

I also learned that You advocate violence against Your enemy...

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Jesus! Thank You for talking finally. Wish You luck in 2012, (as if You need it!)
I have this feeling that You will make everything ok again. Thank You for making me, and everyone I know. Especially my girlfriend..

Anonymous said...

If Jesus was here, he'd say "you're welcome".

look up the number said...

"Good morning, Jesus, and welcome to Slaggers"

no place like home said...

Hey hey hey hey (Hey hey hey hey)
Hey now baby (yeah baby)
Ooh now girl (yeah girl)
I said yeah now come (welcome)
No no no no tell me baby what's been wrong with you?

Matt said...

what is this road code?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the Da Vinci Codex

Anonymous said...


MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
Goodnight Jesus! Thank You for talking finally. Wish You luck in 2012, (as if You need it!)
I have this feeling that You will make everything ok again. Thank You for making me, and everyone I know. Especially my girlfriend..

September 30, 2009 12:52 AM

Jesus has a computer?

Anonymous said...

Jesus blows up balloons all day
Sits on the porch swing watching them fly

Anonymous said...

MikeNL said...

Jesus has a computer?

September 30, 2009 5:51 AM

Wouldn't Jesus NEED a computer in this day and age? How would be check His email?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Jesus NEED a computer in this day and age? How would be check His email?

Palm Pilot....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Jesus NEED a computer in this day and age? How would be check His email?

Palm Pilot....

September 30, 2009 6:48 AM

Palm Pilots are mini computers!

Apple Computers said...

What do you think Palm Sunday is really all about?

Pontious Palm Pilot said...

I wash my hands of this.

Anonymous said...

24 Jr. Whoppers to go

Bill Shepherd said...

The 23rd Psalm pilot

Anonymous said...

22 - a power number

Anonymous said...

21 old enouff to drink and do stuff

Anonymous said...

20 You can't be on Sugar Mountain

Anonymous said...

19 No one ever left alive in __ hundred and 85 will ever do!

Alice Cooper said...

18 - I'm eighteen and I like it!

Anonymous said...

17 - I learned the truth...

Anonymous said...

16 - Neva been kissed :(

ISIS said...

15 ~ IS

Anonymous said...

14 miles to go now

Anonymous said...

13 - a teenager at last!

Anonymous said...

12 - a dirty dozen

Anonymous said...

11 seeing double

Anonymous said...

10 into the double digits!

Anonymous said...

9 the revolution!

Anonymous said...

Liverpool 8

Anonymous said...

7 days a week
(not 8, as some have sung)

Anonymous said...

Beatles 6

Anonymous said...

5 magicians

Anonymous said...

4 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Ringo

Anonymous said...

3 Beatles aka 3 Dog Night

Anonymous said...

2 Can bea s bad as....

Anonymous said...

1 it's the lonliest number

Cause here we go again! said...

We did it! FIRST!!!!!

(And hell freezes over)

Anonymous said...

'it's going to happen oct 3 2009 - He Die
If it happens we WILL tell the world. We are not accepting the bound of silence anymore.'

It would be easy to make the obvious flippant response to these kind of posts. After all, this is just the latest in a long line of predicted dates when we're assured something BIG is going to happen but never does. However, there's something disturbing about this one, something in the tone and the fact that I've seen it posted a lot elsewhere. There's nothing to suggest it's any more credible than previous predictions long will it be before some disturbed and suggestible 'Faul' hater decides to fulfill a prophesy?

Anonymous said...

You can't be serious.
What Faul h8ter would that be?

Let me put it this way:
Since the Lennon assassination was obviously arranged at
the behest of the powers-that-were
at the time, As Is
Almost Always the Case, do you seriously think that an Iamaphoney viewer would be the one to pop off Faul?
Get real. If he's done in, it will be by someone with
a real motive, not by someone who "found out" watching a rotten apple video.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt tell who is going to die

Anonymous said...

'You can't be serious.'

I am serious. PiD, iaap and the forums dedicated to the subject are (to me) fascinating but ultimately harmless ct fun. I know that perception will annoy the hell out of some people but there you go. But this 'he die oct 3rd' stuff strikes me as being disturbing, unhealthy and yes - I worry about the effect this stuff may have on some people.

Anonymous said...

You should worry more about the effect it doesn't have on some people more.

Anonymous said...

Won double o seven

Anonymous said...

same boring bullshit...

this site is worse than TKIN

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!
That hurt!

WINS said...

1010 WINS New York

Jeff Leland said...

Radio loser..

Jeff Leland said...

Oh my god, lets do 99 more comments to get to 1111, then we make a wish!

Anonymous said...

A little 'shot' at The Beatles: Rock Band by Andy's son, Harry!



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