TheWingedBeatle 2/5

TheWingedBeatle 3/5

TheWingedBeatle 4/5

If you are like me and miss the trippy, ambiguous and downright creepy work of Iamaphoney, just take a look at this new video that Paul McCartney released to his fans officially:
Paul McCartney - A Trip To Lagos

This man they call McCartney never ceases to amaze me.
1 – 200 of 713 Newer› Newest»what happened to your in depth dissections of these videos?
youtube can tell us when new videos are posted : ]
Wow... is Paul imitating the phonies now?
Are those coconuts supposed to suggest something else? Paging IAAP!
Mccartney's voice raw actually sounds like he does now.. either that, or that's a version of him singing recently xD
Anonymous said...
Wow... is Paul imitating the phonies now?
September 16, 2010 8:29 PM
No, Taf's posts are mostly tongue-in-cheek. That's not from Paul's official YouTube channel.
You can't even properly discuss the new Iamaphoney videos, can you, Tafultong?
This blog is so dead.
No, that pmc27 video can't really be from Iamaphoney. What with the 480p and 720p options and everything.
Anonymous said...
You can't even properly discuss the new Iamaphoney videos, can you, Tafultong?
This blog is so dead.
September 16, 2010 9:56 PM
Well look at this way:
IAAP's makes stunning new video about PID and it's relation to end times = 3,000 views
Katy Perry's ass = 6 million views.
I was once an avid fan of the former but now....I'm leanin' over to the latter, I gotta admit.
S'cuse me while I kiss the sky!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Wow... is Paul imitating the phonies now?
September 16, 2010 8:29 PM
No, Taf's posts are mostly tongue-in-cheek. That's not from Paul's official YouTube channel.
September 16, 2010 9:38 PM
because it was a video send around through email.
and it's on the official mccartney website.
IAAP's makes stunning new video about PID and it's relation to end times = 3,000 views
Katy Perry's ass = 6 million views.
September 16, 2010 10:11 PM
give it time, its only been out a few days!
besides, you are comparing apples to asses.
MikeNL said...
what happened to your in depth dissections of these videos?
youtube can tell us when new videos are posted : ]
September 16, 2010 8:14 PM
Are you guys not friends anymore or something????
Anonymous said...
You can't even properly discuss the new Iamaphoney videos, can you, Tafultong?
This blog is so dead.
September 16, 2010 9:56 PM
Make your own blog if you can do better. Taf, keep not talking about it. Its the sound of one hand clapping
can someone tell me what happened to the iamaphoney suitcases? not been here in for a bit. last time there was this german guy with a middle finger......
Maybe Taf has tuned in, turned on, and dropped a degree.
IAAP's makes stunning new video about PID and it's relation to end times = 3,000 views
Katy Perry's ass = 6 million views.
September 16, 2010 10:11 PM
give it time, its only been out a few days!
besides, you are comparing apples to asses.
September 16, 2010 10:49 PM
now if you were comparing peaches to asses, well.. then it's much more interesting
Can't blame him.
MikeNL said...
what happened to your in depth dissections of these videos?
youtube can tell us when new videos are posted : ]
September 16, 2010 8:14 PM
How about we have in depth discussions when there is an interview. Remember the interview that never happened? 9 questions, answer them and the in depth starts. Tell iamaphoney that Mike.
youtube can tell us when new videos are posted????
whoa whoa whoa there. Is taf supposed to say "how high?" when iamaphoney says jump? Is taf supposed to spend time that could be better spent elsewhere looking at the rehashed condensed winged beatle rotten apple movie?
So far this next level seems like level one. With only one installment left to it, going to have to be a doozy in under 15 minutes to knock the socks off.
How about YOU do an in depth dissection of the videos mike?
How about you ask iamaphoney what it is next level and pertinent about this and what he wants us all to know?
Yeah, what s/he said!
Until and unless Tafultong does in depth dissections of The Winged Beatle Rotten Apple Movie, there will be no 5th installment.... really.
Maybe Taf has tuned in, turned on, and dropped a degree.
September 16, 2010 10:54 PM
Right on
now if you were comparing peaches to asses, well.. then it's much more interesting
September 16, 2010 10:54 PM
When is someone going to talk about the Carnival of Peaches?
True, but Mike doesn't want to do a blog I think.. If I can recall, Taf is just a "fan". Mike's more of an insider then a fan.. If he were to tell us what Iamaphoney's point is in his perspective, that would pretty much be giving away what Iamaphoney is obviously trying to keep hidden until 2012.
I do see what you are saying though, and I agree. Tafultong's posts aren't as nearly good nor are they relevant compared to Mike's would be.. It's all apart of the game. Don't worry too much about the blog topics for they won't tell you anything about Iamaphoney. That is, if you're looking for a spin-off 5 second phoney video of a t-shirt.. Really, Taf?
Jesus could rise from the dead and Taf would be more interested in writing an article about a t-shirt which will probably never exsist.
LOL please tell me Iamaphoney just owned Tafultong.
iamaphoney said...
Until and unless Tafultong does in depth dissections of The Winged Beatle Rotten Apple Movie, there will be no 5th installment.... really.
September 16, 2010 11:07 PM
Oooooooooooh! The balls of this guy!
Hey Iamaphoney..... what we have here is what we call a mexican standoff.
Keep your suitcases, all of them.
Keep your last installment of the Winged Beatle.
We are doing fine without the interview too. Actually, if there was only you left to interview in the whole world, we probably would interview someone else.
Evel Knievel called. Said you jumped the shark already, time to jump the grand canyon.
Anonymous said...
LOL please tell me Iamaphoney just owned Tafultong.
September 16, 2010 11:12 PM
This is why I don't believe that Taf is an insider. He is standing up to them! GO TAF!!!!!!
Jesus could rise from the dead and Taf would be more interested in writing an article about a t-shirt which will probably never exsist.
September 16, 2010 11:11 PM
Anonymous said...
September 16, 2010 11:19 PM
I second that vote!
Circle the wagons, get some jiffy popcorn, and sit back and dont talk about iamaphoney!!!!
Passion of the Iamaphoney said...
Jesus could rise from the dead and Taf would be more interested in writing an article about a t-shirt which will probably never exsist.
September 16, 2010 11:11 PM
Well, if I saw Part 5 maybe I would know what you were talking about..
can you believe that?
it was one thing that iamaphoney said that Paul was into satan.
but mess with a man in his own blog?
oh no, not here.
This aggression will not stand!
You mess with Tafultong....
You are persona non grate iamaphoney, and your little dog too!
Well, if I saw Part 5 maybe I would know what you were talking about..
September 16, 2010 11:26 PM
it was in part 1
lol tafultong probably just signed off, went to the post off, mailed in his tax returns, and went to work.. not even thinking about what the all high and mighty Iamaphoney thinks..
King Shit Phoney over here..
Anonymous said...
Well, if I saw Part 5 maybe I would know what you were talking about..
September 16, 2010 11:26 PM
it was in part 1
Ahh, see.. If Tafultong posted a half-decent dissection of the video, we wouldn't be talking about it right now.
Anonymous said...
Well, if I saw Part 5 maybe I would know what you were talking about..
September 16, 2010 11:26 PM
it was in part 1
Ahh, see.. If Tafultong posted a half-decent dissection of the video, we wouldn't be talking about it right now.
By the way, that's the Passover Plot - not Passion of the Christ.
By the way, that's the Passover Plot - not Passion of the Christ.
iamaphoney said...
Until and unless Tafultong does in depth dissections of The Winged Beatle Rotten Apple Movie, there will be no 5th installment.... really.
September 16, 2010 11:07 PM
Remember the days when everyone was a big fan of everyone else?
Now we have hostage Rotten Apple movies over lack of critical discussion. If this ends up like the Iran Hostage situation I personally am going to get all Jimmy Carter and build some houses!
You dont want to see that happen, trust me. THOSE HOUSES WILL BE UNSAFE!!!!!!
By the way, that's the Passover Plot - not Passion of the Christ.
September 16, 2010 11:30 PM
By the way, the footage that iamaphoney used to show Jesus, that was from the Movie PASSION OF THE CHRIST.
wait... what? iamaphoney used clips from The Passion of the Christ?
I find that hard to believe
Where are your sources? What is your proof? Thats a pretty serious allegation there.
Next thing you will claim that iamaphoney is using James Band car crash clips.
By the way, the footage that iamaphoney used to show Jesus, that was from the Movie PASSION OF THE CHRIST.
September 16, 2010 11:32 PM
Untrue! You just make everything up as you go along? The footage iamaphoney used was from the book Passover Plot. So there.
Iamaphoney's rubber, you are glue, everything you say bounces off of iamaphoney and sticks to you!
Next thing you will claim that iamaphoney is using James Band car crash clips.
September 16, 2010 11:35 PM
james band?????
The footage iamaphoney used was from the book Passover Plot.
September 16, 2010 11:39 PM
video from a book????
james band?????
September 16, 2010 11:39 PM
James Bond
video from a book????
September 16, 2010 11:40 PM
yes, iamaphoney uses lots of videos of books. proves you wrong. who is laughing now? iamaphoney is laughing, all the way to the bank. Took your lunch money and your girlfriend
MikeyNL1038 (1 hour ago)
wheres part 5?
Let the puppies breath iamaphoney, free the video. Kidnapping is not right.
I think that part 4 is gonna get a re-upload with an added segment. then part 5.
just watch the ending of 4, it isn't like the other 3.
01020723 (1 hour ago)
Somebody's getting lazy
Lazy? Are you familiar with hostage negotiations? Part 5 is being held hostage. Iamaphoney is off the freakin' reservation! He is drunk with power. He is holding it hostage until Tafultong acquiesces and starts posting in depth blog posts about it.
Since there has been no in depth discussion of the re-uploaded part 4 added ending, and only Mike noticed it, in addition to holding The Winged Beatle Part 5 hotage, I will burn a Quaran every hour until there is a new blog post for each of my new videos.
And it better be in depth because guess what?
Youtube tells you when new videos are posted.... really
Burn a Quaran? ARE YOU INSANE IAMAPHONEY? What did Islam do to you?!??!
Anonymous said...
Burn a Quaran? ARE YOU INSANE IAMAPHONEY? What did Islam do to you?!??!
September 16, 2010 11:57 PM
Islam didn't do an in depth dissection of my video, really.
Tell the Muslims to tell Tafultong to start typing
Tell the Muslims to tell Tafultong to start typing
September 17, 2010 12:00 AM
As a Muslim, I call shenanigans. You can't be serious. You don't want Jihad against the Rotten Apple.
Tell the Muslims to tell Tafultong to start typing
September 17, 2010 12:00 AM
As a Muslim, I call shenanigans. You can't be serious. You don't want Jihad against the Rotten Apple.
What Islam does not understand is that we have the Rotten Apple Army, and we are not afraid to use it.
Each member of the Rotten Apple army is equipped with lighter fluid and a Bic lighter.
Don't mess with the Rotten Apple army. You think we're afraid?
And its not the Smuckers guy announcing the videos either.
Don't mess with the Rotten Apple army. You think we're afraid?
September 17, 2010 12:08 AM
Will someone for the love of Jesus tell the muslims to tell Tafultong to start typing?
And its not the Smuckers guy announcing the videos either.
September 17, 2010 12:08 AM
So who was it?
So who was it?
September 17, 2010 12:12 AM
I am not telling, until there is in depth dissections.... really
but it wasnt the smuckers guy
How has the ending of Part 4 been changed? I don't notice any difference. It does seem about 3 mins. shorter than the others, though. Is that what you're talking about?
1. the Trip to Lagos video is real. it is exactly how it was posted on Pauls homepage
2. the voice is his contemporary voice. by the sound of the "song", i'd say it's from the fireman sessions.
3. the video does have a iamaphoney feel to it.
4. question is why?
Come on guys. some real discussion for once?
I don't think that is really iamaphoney talking
Rachel really rarely reports retro radio
Come on guys. some real discussion for once?
September 17, 2010 12:15 AM
I agree, knock it off you 4chan'ers
Part 4 doesn't seem different Mike, what differences are there?
Anonymous said...
How has the ending of Part 4 been changed? I don't notice any difference. It does seem about 3 mins. shorter than the others, though. Is that what you're talking about?
September 17, 2010 12:14 AM
No, it's been the same since it was posted..
The other 3 endings though have a Rotten Apple symbol of some kind flashing at the end, the fourth doesn't.
I can only assume that is what Phoney is talking about
And I am having a serious discussion, I just happen to be one of the smuckerheads posting aswell..
You can tell its iamaphoney, because it ends with really.
, Really
it was a fake moustache! OHHHHHHHHH
If someone could figure out who the Winged Beatle announcer is we could contact him and ask him who iamaphoney is........
ta da!
Ta da!!!!! said...
If someone could figure out who the Winged Beatle announcer is we could contact him and ask him who iamaphoney is........
ta da!
September 17, 2010 12:24 AM
why not wait until 2012?
who cares who iamaphoney is?
MikeNL said...
September 17, 2010 12:26 AM
link no worky mikey
that link contains a virus according to Norton Security. Warns before letting me go there.
No thanks, not going
Screw the virus,
Is the iamaphoney choir noise there?
not going if it is, that "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" shit is terrible
Anonymous said...
MikeNL said...
September 17, 2010 12:26 AM
link no worky mikey
September 17, 2010 12:28 AM
it does.
contains the website files.
and a small promo clip.
that link contains a virus according to Norton Security. Warns before letting me go there.
No thanks, not going
September 17, 2010 12:28 AM
Those of us intelligent enough to use Apple computers don't worry about your "viruses" LOLOLOLOL
Silly windows users, viruses are for suckers and Bill Gates sycophants
Norton sucks, there's no virus.
And the link does work.. It's just that Iamaphoney's brilliant website designer never activated the site yet, so we can all see all the files on the site.
You could even download the movie in it's entirety..
Norton sucks, there's no virus.
And the link does work.. It's just that Iamaphoney's brilliant website designer never activated the site yet, so we can all see all the files on the site.
You could even download the movie in it's entirety..
MikeNL said...
it does.
contains the website files.
and a small promo clip.
September 17, 2010 12:30 AM
Go there if you enjoy being virused
pretium, rhoncus tempor placerat fermentum, enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl rhoncus turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra, accumsan taciti. Sociis mauris in integer, a dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagittis felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, ut adipiscing, aliquet sed auctor, imperdiet arcu per diam dapibus libero duis. Enim eros in vel, volutpat nec pellentesque leo, temporibus scelerisque nec.
You could even download the movie in it's entirety..
September 17, 2010 12:32 AM
September 17, 2010 12:33 AM
McAfee says there is a virus too.. you going to tell me that both Norton and McAfee suck?
lol, computer hacker tricks Beatle fans into getting credit card information by hosting a video series on youtube about Paul McCartney being dead? I could picture that..
Both McAfee and Norton suck. There is no virus. And Mike, you jumped the gun on the website. Its been delayyyyyed.
lol, computer hacker tricks Beatle fans into getting credit card information by hosting a video series on youtube about Paul McCartney being dead? I could picture that..
lol, computer hacker tricks Beatle fans into getting credit card information by hosting a video series on youtube about Paul McCartney being dead? I could picture that..
HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sucks Phoney, doesn't it?
Post the video up or I tell everyone NOW.
I made a website in the past, so I know hosting and I know where to look.
i just bought a daed si luap t-shirt there, should I worry about my moms credit card information?
LMAO, you use
Here's a plan: download the movie, upload it on YouTube as some phonyphoney, and let's get this party started, really!
We'll all have a really rally, really!
Your moms credit card information is safe with me. What is her credit limit again?
Again, the link is safe. There is no virus at the website.
Start the in depth dissections of the videos and I will release Part 5. Otherwise, no video.
Part 5 is on the website... downloading it now.
boy did you mess up iamaphoney!
By the way, it's a virus. Really!
I almost forgot to mention, there is one virus on the website!
Its on Part 5 of the video.
So if you don't download it, it would be better, really.
lol jinx!
hey iamaphoney, both McAfee and Norton say there is no virus on that Part 5 video on your website. So what is it you want me to do with this again?
Don't upload it! REALLY!
great minds think alike, really.
I just jerked off, really.
Well there is about to be some discussion of part 5 here really soon iamaphoney. That and some INTERESTING information on your incomplete website.
good god you people aren't going to believe this...... and i do mean REALLY
Take an easy there, Rotten Apple Hero.. Don't shit your pants, there isn't anything on the site -- really.
Seems like there are several other interesting files on this website...
oh my!
Is the LOVE CODE...a computer virus?
ITS A TRAP!!!!!!!
the website is down, nothing to see folks, move along
Well there is about to be some discussion of part 5 here really soon iamaphoney. That and some INTERESTING information on your incomplete website.
good god you people aren't going to believe this...... and i do mean REALLY
I just put my credit card into that site to order a DVD and CD combo.
The total was $23.23
When am I getting it?
Will you people shut up and just go to the site?!?!?
I just put my credit card into that site to order a DVD and CD combo.
The total was $23.23
When am I getting it?
I am a computer security expert, so I am getting a big kick out of this.
There is no virus there. I went. No virus. Very interesting site though.
No part 5 either. You people are just blowing smoke
Mike is there a virus there?
Mikey Superior jumped the gu-u-un!
Mikey Superior jumped the gu-u-un!
Anonymous said...
I am a computer security expert, so I am getting a big kick out of this.
There is no virus there. I went. No virus. Very interesting site though.
No part 5 either. You people are just blowing smoke
September 17, 2010 1:01 AM
This is better then Mission Impossible, I think it is actually!
Got to love the fans, thinking that the video would actually be on a hosting website other then youtube.
Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really
Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really
Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really
Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really
Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really
Got to love the fans, thinking that the video would actually be on a hosting website other then youtube.
September 17, 2010 1:06 AM
I know! These people are just plain gullible. I ran a high level scan on the site and there is nothing unusual there. They make mountains out of ant hills at every opportunity lolol
You know what the sad part is, everyone think it's a joke. They think the video will go up regardless, but won't happen. Tafultong will go away for a month without checking here, so what makes everyone think the video will go up? It will when Tafultong posts a review, good one too. Will be on his shoulders to get your video. Better not disappear buddy, fans are counting on you.. That buisness trip you had to take should wait, really.
Only way to describe this online moment right now where Iamaphoney and MiniMike are actually on the Blog.. lmao
I'm not going on that site until Taf tells me it's ok.
By the time Tafultong tells you, the site will be complete.
WOW what the fuck? You guys look into Aliester Crowley but when it comes to an unfinished website with the potential of it having lots of Iamaphoney content for the pickings, you turn into a little woman who's cornered by a bunch of angry black men and all she's wearing is a little skirt and tight shirt.
WOW we show a rational, if tongue-in-cheek, level of discretion regarding a dodgy website from a self-professed phony and YOU jump to racist and misogynist stereotypes. Way to go.
It's okay, I am black.
Oh, I'm sorry -- you meant skin color? Oh, I'm white..
I was just figuring, since -- afterall, this is about Paul McCartney and Crowley, and both of them being so evil and dark, I just thought you...
You get what I mean..
Who in the blue hell is Timo Bruns?
I'm not going on that site until Taf tells me it's ok.
September 17, 2010 1:16 AM
me either!
Taf, don't go there!
If Taf has a business trip he has to go! The whole Tafultong Posse is behind him, iamaphoney can wait. He can wait as long as we have for the interview. See how you like it.
We can wait all the way until 2013... CAN YOU, IAMAPHONEY????
alister crowley could only steal your soul, not your bank account, credit information, and identity.
so yeah,
not going to the iamaphoney den of identity theft
A2 Segensworth Business Centre
Segensworth Road
Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5RQ
thats the host dumbfuck
The iamaphoney org was formed by Neil Aspinall in 1990 to set the record straight about the death of Paul McCartney in 1966. Knowing it might scare most fans they decided to tell the truth (the revelation) over a decade.
Neil Aspinall died in 2008 and left the org without any directions and a true false flag operation was planned. Now in 2009 the rotten apple series are runned by MPL, Paul McCartneys own firm.
Don't you mean a FAUL MCCARTNEY? :o
The iamaphoney org was formed by Neil Aspinall in 1990 to set the record straight about the death of Paul McCartney in 1966. Knowing it might scare most fans they decided to tell the truth (the revelation) over a decade.
Neil Aspinall died in 2008 and left the org without any directions and a true false flag operation was planned. Now in 2009 the rotten apple series are runned by MPL, Paul McCartneys own firm.
Thanks for the bullshit hahahaha
Why should Taf write a review of these videos? There's nothing to review. They suck. Especially in comparison to some of the RA videos.
As always, goofballs, you can't blame the audience for not caring.
It's always the fault of the artist.
Nice looking glass tie.
Nice looking glass tie.
plastered porters with ...........
Beatle with an A ⎮ Magic with a K
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula suspendisse nulla pretium, rhoncus tempor placerat fermentum, enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl rhoncus turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra, accumsan taciti. Sociis mauris in integer, a dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagittis felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, ut adipiscing, aliquet sed auctor, imperdiet arcu per diam dapibus libero duis. Enim eros in vel, volutpat nec pellentesque leo, temporibus scelerisque nec.
(2010) Copyright Iamaphoney
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula suspendisse nulla pretium, rhoncus tempor placerat fermentum, enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl rhoncus turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra, accumsan taciti. Sociis mauris in integer, a dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagittis felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, ut adipiscing, aliquet sed auctor, imperdiet arcu per diam dapibus libero duis. Enim eros in vel, volutpat nec pellentesque leo, temporibus scelerisque nec.
The Mofsdfsf
The Mofsdfsf
The Mofsdfsf
In fact eros upon or volutpat and not pellentesque lion temporibus crime and not.
some weird latin going on there.
something about a cat in pain and and arrow
an arrow
Anonymous said...
Wow... is Paul imitating the phonies now?
September 16, 2010 8:29 PM
I was gonna say THE SAME FREAKIN' THING!!
Just saw "Exit Through The Gift Shop"
Lots o' fun . Highly recommended!
Give them 5/5, Phoney, and I will grant you the interview.
Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it?
Paul isn't imitating the Phoney. Remember, it was Phoney who imitated the Nutter's video editing style, which itself borrowed from the Real Love video.
One might also speculate the whomever edits the RA series was one of the video editors working on the Band on the Run re-release, and as a side project started RA, timing the whole thing out to coincide with the release.
slowest release in history, Macca ! LET IT GO!
Let's all go to the lobby!
And where exactly is this Apple Army you speak of?
I see no one, and that is really, really bad.
Might be time to throw in the towel and let the whole think tank on it's own, since real support is at an all time low. You guys don't genuinely care about the revelation, so this should be no big surprise. Just don't say the proverbial opportunity didn't knock.
Quick, someone crack the password and hack Iamaphoney's site for the lulz:
Tafultong, you have exactly 24 hours to write actual reviews of each of the Winged Beetle installments or the series will be canceled. I wish I could say I was joking, really. But I Am not.
^ fake
You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’
Bora Bora Boring!
So sad we couldn't accomplish this....
I never, ever agreed to wait until 2012.
Suck it haters. It may be your only hope.
You guys don't genuinely care about the revelation, so this should be no big surprise. Just don't say the proverbial opportunity didn't knock.
hahaha sour grapes, much? Boo hoo you guys suck and wah you had your chance blah blah. If we don't care about it, it's because the videomaker didn't give us reason to, goofball. If you're part of it, blame yourself.
The videomaker promised an interview through Mikey and screwed him. A lot of people stopped caring because that's what happens when you f up.
He set a bunch of cases in the woods and left vinyl in there that got warped and the other stuff was lame and 65if was all pissed off about how he was treated. Blame the org for crappy planning.
He put a lame ass Blair Witch video in the case and lost more credibility. And, as always, maniupulated facts, inserted bogus audio, and other tricks, which is basically telling the audience, "I'm conning you," which is fine since He Is A Phoney, but no one takes con artists seriously.
And why should they?
No reason to review videos that are self-explanatory, is there?
Lest we forget: "Murderers are not somebodies".
My nurse was a bottle. Sorry Nightingalers.
This all reminds me of a certain Halloween prank...
there are three or four NIR types and videomakers with a Kubrick fascination.
Miles, it seems you share this problem
Kubrick fascination is a problem?
a special agreement
to preserve the myth
to keep the secret
with clues
and confusion
I quit
Whose tubes these are I think I know.
His vids is rather silly, though;
He will not see me stopping there
To watch his bloody Beatle show.
We are seriously screwed if the nurse quits, guys. I don't think she really will, but maybe it's time we show a little appreciation for all she's done for us, really.
We are seriously screwed if the nurse quits, guys. I don't think she really will, but maybe it's time we show a little appreciation for all she's done for us, really.
oh brother.
you're screwed no matter what you do.
See what I mean? Pointless.
Lot of fancy mansions and second wives bought with that Lady's money. How soon they forget .
For the first time in a long time I had some laughs with this blog today. Is Kimmel writer back? Good job guys! lol
Lot of wars and poverty and unhappiness could be ended with that lady's money. How soon they forget.
yamaphoney sed:
"Until and unless Tafultong does in depth dissections of The Winged Beatle Rotten Apple Movie, there will be no 5th installment.... really."
that's so bewlshit!
so why do the new videos suck so bad???
did the original guys quit?
they are funnier, though, I'll give them that.
What's next Phoney? Are you going to Man up? Or is this it?
Prove youself with 5/5 and catch the winged One.
6 million and 1
Now you seen the Light
stand up for your right
so why do the new videos suck so bad???
did the original guys quit?
Ian ia machi mo' better phoney than iama phoney wass!
Ian refined, cleaned, groomed, and more talented!
Roby say so!
Who can pin a name on you?
The ICU!
Donors welcome!
199 = 991
200 and counting!
the 201
"Dave knew about it and Dave loved it because he could play along. He could do whatever he wanted with it. And he did, and it was great television."
Anything new in that "trailer"? Anybody willing to put it on Youtube?
Again, see how it's pointless?
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