Monday, December 21, 2009

New Iamaphoney Song and New GFA Video

UPDATE: Speaking of the Beatles and the Bahamas, have you ever heard this story from John Rook?

A few months later in February of 1965, Chuck Brinkman and I were invited to join the Beatles in the Bahamas where they were filming “Help”. I have many memories of that "vacation" but one clearly stands out in my mind. "The Boys" with their well known mischievous streak decided to have some "fun" by wrecking the MG sports car they had been provided. Together they lifted the rear of the card up on two cement cinder blocks, one below each side of the back bumper, and then took delight in starting the motor, laying a brick on the gas peddle and pushing it off the cement blocks for the unattended car to gather speed crashing into a solid cement wall. This was done over and over until the MG no longer could "make the trip" to the wall. With each crash "the boys" leaped for joy squealing in delight cheering on the death of the MG. Source

For some unknown reason, Ringo Starr is promoting a new recording of a Beatles Outfake from the early days of Contra Band Bootlegs. Oh, wait a minute. I don't mean Ringo Starr, the former Beatle who is releasing a new CD called "Y Not." I am referring to RlNGOSTARR, who released a new video on YouTube called "Peace of Mind."

In a similar vein, Paul McCartney has an official video on YouTube for his new song "I Want To Come Home." But PauIMcCartney of YouTube fame also has an official video for "I Want To Come Home." Only your pause button will know the difference.

It never ceases to amaze me how Grandfather Aleister is able to delve deeply into the minutiae of Beatles History and find the most uncanny connections. His latest effort under the name 999nowhereman is titled Paul is Dead - Sam Ahab is Bahamas Backwards Part 1. GFA is in great form.

And many thanks to MikeyNL for keeping up with and sharing the large amount of Iamaphoney audio material. He quickly gave us a crisp sounding version of "Peace of Mind" and several others on his Iamaphoneymusic page.


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ALFa said...

the beginning

Omegad! said...

and the beginning

Alpha and Owe Mega said...


Anonymous said...

Don't F with the A and O, the O and A,
It's a magic with a KFC.

Anonymous said...

and never, ever, EVAH! mess with the Colonel,

Anonymous said...

Sanders, that is.

Sam Ahab said...

Tonight's Mistery

My colonel sander said...

say you don't love him!

Being John Malkovich said...

"Your Own Groud said...
Burn After Reading?

Sounds like that Krowly book"


it's destiny said...

livin' in the mystery.....

Double Fantassy is rite! said...

Could it be anybody?

Anonymous said...

tis' a beatles mystery! (of the night).....

crack the code!

Mull ov Kin Tire said...

Hey! He didn't bring those guys to Citifield!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy crack code, and I don't care.

Anonymous said...

Would be too expensive for that cheapo.

ineedatranfusion! said...

I cracked that code, man. So can you!

All over the place
Every man, he has
A picture of your face
Hey little girl
Don't you realize
This is a goddamn disgrace

Anonymous said...

mulleT over

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shove it, McCartney.

Florilegium said...

Come Together

Anonymous said...

Hey! I figured it all out! I followed the clues, went to the Isle of Wight, found the treasure ($100,000 cash) and THANK YOU Paul is Dead people!!!! I'll be explaining it all in a magazine article soon; right now there are half a dozen (and growing) people wanting the exclusive.

Thanks everyone for playing!

My Brave Face said...

Faded flowers wait in a jar, vis-à-vis a vase.

The Cars said...

Shake It Up

Car Tier said...

Last Train for the Coast

Anonymous said...


Wilde Cider said...

Everybody Had Toupee and Pay

Red White and Bluebird said...

She's a Grand Old Mother

Crazy Noster Adàmas said...

Worn Welcome

Anonymous said...

(Alright Boys, this is it, over the hill)

We don't care what flag you're waving
We don't even want to know your name
We don't care where you're from
or where you're going
All we know is that you came

Anonymous said...

Leave me alone, Mrs Vanderbilt.

Anonymous said...


Y Knot said...

Mystery of the Night

Anonymous said...

Sexy Sadie was a real person. She died on September 24, 2009.

Anonymous said...

oh, that's so sad....

you didn't listen St Paul said...

I looked into the sky
Everything was high
Higher than it seemed to be to me
Standing by the sea
Thinking I was free
Did I hear you call or was I dreaming then St. Paul..

You..knew it all along
Something had gone wrong
They couldn't hear your song of sadness in the air
While they were crying out beware
Your flowers and long hair
While you and Sgt Pepper saw the writing on the wall...

You saved one minute of your life to the future
They said you've got dues to pay today
You say it's a fool who plays it cool Sir
And if tomorrow comes you know they'll all hear St. Paul say..

Let me take you down down down down down down down down...

You had a different view
Hey there Paul what's new?
Did Judas really talk to you or did you put us on?
I think there's something wrong
It's taken you too long to change the world
Sir Isaac Newton said it had to fall
Hey St Paul...

(Hey Jude reprise instrumental for a bit)

You saved one minute of your life to the future
They said you've got dues to pay today
You say it's a fool who plays it cool Sir
And if tomorrow comes you know they'll all hear St. Paul say..

I read the news today oh boy...

(ADITL orchestra build)

You had a different view
Hey there Paul what's new?
Did Judas talk to you or did you put the whole world on?
I think there's something wrong
It's taken you too long to change the world
Sir Isaac Newton told you it would fall

You didn't listen St Paul..

Hey Jude reprise.. na na na na na na na...Hey Paul na na na na na na na...Hey Paul


You say yes, I say no I say hi...

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

She loves you yeah yeah yeah
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
She loves you yeah yeah yeah

Love is all you need (13 times)

Alfred E. Newton said...

William Never Tells

Anonymous said...

Newsflash: hey goofballs, yeah, we know the lyrics to Beatle songs.

Anonymous said...

You don't know Jack Shit.

Macaca said...

Come On

Jacks Hit said...

Just Starfish on the Beach

courage said...

Sexy Sadie was a real person. She died on September 24, 2009.

Wasn't she the Ma-har-he/she?

(Obits or you're lion.)

Monkey Man said...

Macaca said...

Monkey see, Monkee dead

Anonymous said...

Mystery of the Knight

Shielded in my armor said...

safe and soundproof

Sir Ringo the Lionhearted Starr said...

This is what you really need.

Sir Kay and Percy Thrillington said...

Some call it magic, the search for the grail

Sir Love-a-Lot said...

What is this Code?

Anonymous said...

Lions. lily tigers and bears.

Elementary Penguin said...

Mystery of the Midsummemer's Knight Dream

Anonymous said...

She's holding a UFO?

Montcrest Airzebub said...

A fly flies in.

Bee Hill said...

The Beales

Anonymous said...

a fly flies out....

Larry the King of late nite suspenders said...

I see we are going to have to go over your heads on this and cut to the sponsors. Shame to say, you know the part about the meek inheriting the Earth and all...guess you weren't so meek after all. Wrong audience. Please stay tuned for our sponsors very important message, NEXT! on the Larry King Show!

Meow. Mixx.

LK of Brooklyn NY! Hey! My brother drives cab! I live in a penthouse! go figure!

Anonymous said...

How very meek of you...

Joe Meek said...

I look just like Buddy Holly.

and now a word from our sponsors said...


1881 said...


Anonymous said...

Newsflash: hey goofballs, yeah, we know the lyrics to Beatle songs.

January 13, 2010 11:26 AM

i concur . i too say this... goofballs, my wristwatch has more computer power then the moon landing. guess what, us moon technology wrist watch wearers really don't need your help with the lyrics you are typing. any damn place you choose? how about on your own moon landing wristwatch wearing reality?
art bell called, he wants his radio show back
thomas jefferson called, he said
"A coward is much more exposed to quarrels than a man of spirit. "

and Thomas jefferson said

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. "

and he said

"An injured friend is the bitterest of foes. "

In other words, in your own language... "THERE WILL BE AN ANSWER LET IT BE!"

Let it be, let it be, let it be , let it be...

play that backwards... oh holy shit!

Phoney Music said...

Good morning young captain its 1882

TKIN Suitcase said...

Let it be, let it be, let it be , let it be...
play that backwards... oh holy shit!

(plays it backward)
"The walrus was George"

Holy shit!

woot, woot, woot, woot said...

And debuting at # 250 on the charts this week...

Here's my phaverit! said...


Anonymous said...

Q: When is a brief case a soot case?
A: When you are a liar liar pants on fire!

Dewsbury said...

Can you dig it?

Weinie Roast said...

Q: When is a brief case a soot case?
A: When you are a liar liar pants on fire!

That's pretty Phoney!

1980 said...


this song would kick ass said...

if it weren't for that obnoxious "Worship 'Alice'ter Crowley" garbage at the end.

Anonymous said...

warship USS Crowley

insuitcaseyouforgot said...

The object of the game is to win.

Anonymous said...


is iamaphony in the plastic ono band

can anyone explain this

go to their website

and listen to sendit back by billy martin

we-are-all-mad-here said...

There’s no winning in this game, only degrees of loosing.

For the Wynn said...

Welcome to the Ba'alagio
(The one across the ocean from Paris)

Loo Sing said...

The Ballad of Thomas Crapper

Green Eggs and Salisbury Steak said...

Shame on you if you don't think this is funny...

Lords and Ladies said...

Harley Queen Romance
How Dellartful!

King Stout #9 said...

Double Pour la Malt

Digby O'Dell said...

Number Nine

Doppelbock Writer said...


Tangled up in barettas said...

How can it be if you don't let it?

Words of Wisdom said...

Too many answers to not one question.

Delos O'Bel said...

A Pall O: Master Mysterian Eponym

Sweet homme said...

On the bank o' the burn ....

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the POEette.

Writer's Doppelblock said...

If I make it through, it's all because of U

1910 Fruitgum Company said...

Band on the ruin!

it's a crime said...

I'm not buying these stupid excuses.

Anonymous said...

Excuses for what?

Anonymous said...

. . . and we all thought Phoney's videos were boring, meaningless, and redundant.

Anonymous said...

..... Or so we thought...

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how sometimes a very small child is more interested in the box than the toy?

Anonymous said...

Eventually, they grow out of that.

Anonymous said...


life is but a joke said...

Princes kept the View.

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

In the room the women come and go,
Talking of MichaelNL.

Anonymous said...

A tree grows in Brooklyn.

Fabric for Fabulous Fables said...

Flora Legume

Anonymous said...

An apple a day.....

First Churchward said...

Blackbirding on Page 6*6*6
Lastly a Hogshead of Saltwater

Freenie and Cecil said...

Poling Legumes

Anonymous said...

Shoe tree bomb

Anonymous said...


any sunny morning said...

Elias Island

Joeph said...

Signed and CL'd

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Golden slumbers

Does he say said...

"I'm the walrus; come here" at 2:34?

And if so, tell me darling, what can it mean?

Sheep in Woolverton's clothing said...

You're terribly late.

Herd for their much speaking said...

by: William Wordsworth (1770-1850)


TRANGE fits of passion have I known:
And I will dare to tell,
But in the lover's ear alone,
What once to me befell.

When she I loved look'd every day
Fresh as a rose in June,
I to her cottage bent my way,
Beneath an evening moon.

Upon the moon I fix'd my eye,
All over the wide lea;
With quickening pace my horse drew nigh
Those paths so dear to me.

And now we reach'd the orchard-plot;
And, as we climb'd the hill,
The sinking moon to Lucy's cot
Came near and nearer still.

In one of those sweet dreams I slept,
Kind Nature's gentlest boon!
And all the while my eyes I kept
On the descending moon.

My horse moved on; hoof after hoof
He raised, and never stopp'd:
When down behind the cottage roof,
At once, the bright moon dropp'd.

What fond and wayward thoughts will slide
Into a lover's head!
'O mercy!' to myself I cried,
'If Lucy should be dead!'


HE dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove,
A Maid whom there were none to praise
And very few to love:

A violet by a mossy stone
Half hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and oh,
The difference to me!


TRAVELL'D among unknown men,
In lands beyond the sea;
Nor, England! did I know till then
What love I bore to thee.

'Tis past, that melancholy dream!
Nor will I quit thy shore
A second time; for still I seem
To love thee more and more.

Among the mountains did I feel
The joy of my desire;
And she I cherish'd turn'd her wheel
Beside an English fire.

Thy mornings show'd, thy nights conceal'd,
The bowers where Lucy play'd;
And thine too is the last green field
That Lucy's eyes survey'd.


HREE years she grew in sun and shower;
Then Nature said, 'A lovelier flower
On earth was never sown;
This child I to myself will take;
She shall be mine, and I will make
A lady of my own.

'Myself will to my darling be
Both law and impulse; and with me
The girl, in rock and plain,
In earth and heaven, in glade and bower,
Shall feel an overseeing power
To kindle or restrain.

'She shall be sportive as the fawn
That wild with glee across the lawn
Or up the mountain springs;
And hers shall be the breathing balm,
And hers the silence and the calm
Of mute insensate things.

'The floating clouds their state shall lend
To her; for her the willow bend;
Nor shall she fail to see
Even in the motions of the storm
Grace that shall mould the maiden's form
By silent sympathy.

'The stars of midnight shall be dear
To her; and she shall lean her ear
In many a secret place
Where rivulets dance their wayward round,
And beauty born of murmuring sound
Shall pass into her face.

'And vital feelings of delight
Shall rear her form to stately height,
Her virgin bosom swell;
Such thoughts to Lucy I will give
While she and I together live
Here in this happy dell.'

Thus Nature spake -- The work was done --
How soon my Lucy's race was run!
She died, and left to me
This heath, this calm and quiet scene;
The memory of what has been,
And never more will be.


SLUMBER did my spirit seal;
I had no human fears:
She seem'd a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.

No motion has she now, no force;
She neither hears nor sees;
Roll'd round in earth's diurnal course,
With rocks, and stones, and trees.

I Love Lucy said...

Will Iam Wordsworth

Did he say f*** ?! said...

at 0:06

Ric Osuitcasek said...

Well that went down hill fast!

No clues here... said...

Move along; nothing to see here.

Orr gone said...

Who knew?

few could know When Lucy ceased to be said...

Ask Mr. Jordon!

Anonymous said...

hahaha funny thing is, I am certain that anyone who frequents this blog has now trained him/herself to just keep scrolling past andy blue user id's until finding some worthwhile text, not that there ever is any.

Let me scroll it said . . .

no one cares

Mr. Jordon said...

No truer words were spoken

Let me scroll it said...

Or is it U2 ?

to U said...

The whiners need to be replaced.

Mrs. Forest for the trees! said...

I am certain that anyone who frequents this blog has now trained him/herself to just keep scrolling past andy blue user id's

Like a rabbit gonna grab it! said...

Iglesias quit 'rabbit'-like sex life 15 years ago

Now he lives the horse-like sex life!

Ram, a lamb, a ding dong said...

ooooh ahhhhh ooooh!

With rocks, and stones, and trees said...

We're gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya!

in rock and plain said...

with the trust of a child

who's Andy Blue? said...

I am certain that anyone who frequents this blog has now trained him/herself to just keep scrolling past andy blue user id's

They be missing out then, huh?

Andy Blue said...

time 2 dance!

Everlasting LOVE code said...

Need a love to last 4 evah!

Anonymous said...

keep scrolling. . . .

Anonymous said...

damn I scrolled through every page and it was all blue hypergraphia dude.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha said the clown.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha said the clown.

Pretty weak.

Calling someone a clown for pointing out what everyone recognizes is a pointless and embarrassing obsession with Taf's blog isn't gonna fly. Try posting some more puns day after day and see if that works for you.

how about, "Laughs Like a Clown said. . ."

yeah, everyone's clever.

The Composing Room said...

I Blew My Lines

Love is all you need said...

did you forget?

VGGBLUES said...

I stood on the back porch

Apple Starrs said...

and cherry blossom white

Alwyn Surplice said...

Sir George Martin Luther Day!

Suitcase S. Hoehio said...

There better fucking not be a new kid in town...

Johnny Angel said...


Anonymous said...


Miss Herd Lyrics said...

There better fucking not be a nuke hid in town...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

break up

Sir Lady Gaga said...

Look out David Bowie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm gonna send him to outa space, to find a nutta race

a-nutter-race said...

the ring of fire, first to use flash cards

Anonymous said...

You taught me how to lie
It really doesn't fit
But somehow
I got stuck with it

Huey Piano Smith and the Clowns said...

If there had never been the Beatles....

In my next life said...

I want to be able to do this!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the lighthouse

Anonymous said...


Joey the Pig said...

The Real Amityville Horror

4:00 said...

George Harrison came?

Dhani said...

at least once

What can a poor girl do? said...

Writing makes me feel free. I'm so happy writing. It's all I wanna do. Besides sea my friends. I love life. I love you. I love humanity. I MOSTLY love MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Music keeps me alive!!! That and a day off to immerse in it!!!

LOLZ said...

Dhani said...
at least once

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1990 birth

Anonymous said...

number 9

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Klaatu said...

We are all clay. I'm clay too.

happynewyear said...

2000 nutters

2001 said...

2001 A space oddessy

DOIT said...

when these comments reach 2010, every message will represent a year of earth's existance. find the comment of your birth year and repost it on here then send a text message of it to everyone you know or you will die in 7 days

HAL said...

Maybe sooner!


send an error report

I Am A Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation said...


Anonymous said...

Here's how to get yourself a free Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, TV, iPod, Laptop or even CASH!. It's FREE and has been researched by the BBC to be absolutely genuine. Simply visit the site and select the gift you would like or cash if you prefer. For full info and proof its real just go to

spam i am said...

09 09 09

Anonymous said...

2010.... and to the future. end of the road taf its time to make a new page for us all to dribble on

Taf's girl friend got mad and.... said...

there may be a delay...

Bonana Rama Phee Phi Phoney said...

and then I say:

Either study holomorphic functions which satisfy functional relations given by the difference equation or study discrete analogs of holomorphicity such as monodiffric functions!

1950 said...

OK, here's my birthday post.

"What makes a good party"

Ram On said...

hot dogs

more nutters said...

say say say

Anonymous said...

3000 or bust

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GL :

A) Grand Lodge

B) Guiding Light

C) Go Lions!

D) M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i

M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i said...

I piss i miss
I M Isis
sis is p-m-s
Sip Mi!
I miss sis

Anonymous said...

Your Charlie Manson smorgasbord of videos.

Mister Mom said...

2020, 2021, whatever it takes...

State police search for missing nuclear gauge said...


William Knox D'Arcy said...

Sleepy I
Lazy eye

Nu-cu-lar said...

they're never gonna be found!

Pssst. Back in the USSR! said...

А ведь можно было бы и над акцентом поработать... ппц... нет, мы лучше сиськи покажем - авось, не заметят

H.OR.US said...

Vermouth is an infusion of herbs and spices.

Ahab Sam said...

roll over

Turn Yourself Into A Cartoon! said...

OK, I'm Blondie!

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