A few months later in February of 1965, Chuck Brinkman and I were invited to join the Beatles in the Bahamas where they were filming “Help”. I have many memories of that "vacation" but one clearly stands out in my mind. "The Boys" with their well known mischievous streak decided to have some "fun" by wrecking the MG sports car they had been provided. Together they lifted the rear of the card up on two cement cinder blocks, one below each side of the back bumper, and then took delight in starting the motor, laying a brick on the gas peddle and pushing it off the cement blocks for the unattended car to gather speed crashing into a solid cement wall. This was done over and over until the MG no longer could "make the trip" to the wall. With each crash "the boys" leaped for joy squealing in delight cheering on the death of the MG. Source
For some unknown reason, Ringo Starr is promoting a new recording of a Beatles Outfake from the early days of Contra Band Bootlegs. Oh, wait a minute. I don't mean Ringo Starr, the former Beatle who is releasing a new CD called "Y Not." I am referring to RlNGOSTARR, who released a new video on YouTube called "Peace of Mind."

In a similar vein, Paul McCartney has an official video on YouTube for his new song "I Want To Come Home." But PauIMcCartney of YouTube fame also has an official video for "I Want To Come Home." Only your pause button will know the difference.

It never ceases to amaze me how Grandfather Aleister is able to delve deeply into the minutiae of Beatles History and find the most uncanny connections. His latest effort under the name 999nowhereman is titled Paul is Dead - Sam Ahab is Bahamas Backwards Part 1. GFA is in great form.

And many thanks to MikeyNL for keeping up with and sharing the large amount of Iamaphoney audio material. He quickly gave us a crisp sounding version of "Peace of Mind" and several others on his Iamaphoneymusic page.
1 – 200 of 2223 Newer› Newest»Twas the night before Christmas
Taf doesn't know who butters his bread yet?
Thanks for the post Tafultong! Merry Christmas to You!
white album 2 @ 3:23
We're dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh
And o'er the fields we go a-laughin' all the way
The bells on bob-tail ring, they're making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight
hey, isn't the Earth supposed to stand still for three days or something?
For the first time in a long while I enjoyed an Iamaphoney video on some level. I was shocked he included the Very Together cover in his montage of bootleg album covers rather than insisting that it was an official release like the clueless morons on NIR.
While Peace Of Mind was never a Beatles song it, along with LS Bumblebee by Peter Cook and Dudley Moore were passed off as rare Beatle songs in the early days of bootlegs and have become legendary.
Peace Of Mind has been covered by other artists and Iamaphoney's version is a lot like all the others. There's not much one can do with such an insipid and terrible song.
By covering a phoney Beatles song and creating a video that hits you over the head with it's phoney origins does Iamaphoney not draw parallels to the fiction he himself has been creating?
I don't understand why phoney covered this song either. Maybe it is a comment on the whole phoney affair. It just seems weak to me. They could have used any number of songs. There have been snippets of I AM THE WALRUS in YOKOONO's video that sounds fantastic, with phoney singing the "I'm crying" bit. Then there is MY WORLD that is on MikeNL's phoney music page which is the tits. I don't get PEACE OF MIND at all.
Thank you GFA! -er- I mean 999nowhereman!
rather than insisting that it was an official release like the clueless morons on NIR.
Uncalled for, oh pompous coward.
Anonymous said...
rather than insisting that it was an official release like the clueless morons on NIR.
Uncalled for, oh pompous coward.
December 21, 2009 2:46 PM
Thanks for sticking up for the Faul is a woman/an alien/a demon from hell/programmed Charlie Manson and the Zodiac Killer to murder their victims crowd at NIR.
Step one, begin to discredit entire venue with out provocation playing loosely with facts.
what crowd? name three people who support these ideas.
it's way more clueless here, IMO
meh, "bout the same level, I'd say.
..........back to square one, then.
I'm looking at the candle, burns a flame to meet the sky.
I leave the candle laughing, I turn my face to cry.
A safety pin returns my smile, I nod a brief hello,
while you are building molecules with your garden hoe.
Why can't this last forever—these things repressed inside?
One feels it almost instantly, unless one of us died.
It's over, it's done, babe I need it again.
Just please, please, please, oh, don't keep me from begin.
I need to hear the colors red and blue and whispered word.
To fly all day and sing in tune and not hear what I'd heard.
To see you all around me and to take you by the hand,
and lead you to a brand new world that lately has been banned.
We'll build things never built before, we'll do things never done.
And just before it's over, it's really just begun.
Sgt Pepper at the Gates of Dawn
it's dizzy music
what are the lyrics?
I like slow music!
let's hear it for Denis O Bell!
away we go/ can I get a witness said...
Step one, begin to discredit entire venue with out provocation playing loosely with facts.
what crowd? name three people who support these ideas.
December 21, 2009 3:40 PM
Uh...you could start with the "Jack The Ripper" thread in the Clues section. GN insisting that Faul is some elderly woman and posting photos trying to compare them and on and on.
As for this: Step one, begin to discredit entire venue with out provocation playing loosely with facts.
Oh yeah, here we go. I'm a disinfo agent or some silly nonsense, right? You guys always reach for that paranoid bullshit when someone says "I don't believe in this". NIR discredits itself. Enjoy your death cult.
M would like all disinfo agents to report to headquarters to pick up their Aston Martin DB5's. Over and out.
OH < I will do so. But not for your reasons.
GN is on his own w/ that shit. At NIR.
He's a bit blurry.....
anyway, you are still here and what have your answers really been? are you still so blind?
Little Bribes lyrics
The Eiffel Tower built to smaller scale
The freshest oxygen I’d ever inhale
I tapped a bottle against the safety rail
Killing time
And you were like a walking compliment
Tall in stature and exceptionally read
In dummy glasses and a cardigan
Oh come on
And oh so empty were the faces
Of the dealers and the waitresses around
Anonymous said...
OH < I will do so. But not for your reasons.
GN is on his own w/ that shit. At NIR.
He's a bit blurry.....
anyway, you are still here and what have your answers really been? are you still so blind?
Well it's nice to know that there are people on NIR who don't believe everything. I stand corrected.
Answers? I don't have any questions about the Beatles or Paul. I'm interested in why some people think rock musicians and rock music are part of some giant psycho-spiritual plot to take over the world or predict the return of Christ or whatever. Furthermore, why anyone over the age of 17 would place that much importance on rock music anyway. Once you get married and have kids and try to get your career going rock music is exposed for what it is, entertainment that has little to do with anything other than provoking nostalgia for your faded youth. It's why baby boomers hold on to the Beatles and the 60's forever. I'm sure in 60 years there's going to be some grandmother somewhere claiming that Taylor Swift was the last great artist of all time. It's all relative.
Furthermore if there were a giant conspiracy behind the Beatles, why would the conspirators only be interested in that controlling that generation. What the hell kind of lame conspiracy is that? Wouldn't they want to keep up with the times and mastermind the rise of Abba, Kiss, Van Halen, Laura Brannigan, Madonna, The Spice Girls, NIN, Radiohead, Jay-z, Eminem and on and on and on to continue the conspiracy?
If there intention was to only brainwash the 60's generation then their conspiracy was a flop because the love generation died out, the hippies settled down and bought SUV's and in 10 years the Sex Pistols came along to tell everyone that the Beatles were a pile of shit.
Bad conspirators. Bad. Try harder.
oh no no
try less
we'll try harder for you!
but it's full speed ahead...
ready to race?
car talk?
it's so elementary , Holmes
In any case, I check in here every once in a while, read Tafultong's blog (when he actually has a NEW one...ahem) look at the new Imaphoney video (when he actually has a NEW one...ahem), comment on it and then inevitably a PID fanatic such as yourself will bitch at me for being disparaging to NIR and then an avalanche of unrelated and idiotic comments will follow about Kraft dinners, AM radio frequencies and random pop song lyrics and it'll go on and on until Paul actually does die of old age and then you guys will start picking on Star Trek or something.
a nice reliant automobile!
uhh huhh
don't fuck with christmas
Yeah, can someone explain the Kraft dinner thing? What the fuck is that about anyway?
and it's totally Non_de_Nom
South Park reference.
"Canada consumes more Kraft Dinner per capita than the U.S."
"Kraft macaroni and cheese dinners are called simply Kraft Dinner in Canada and the locals refer to any brand of macaroni and cheese as Kraft Dinner"
Imaphoney is Canadian?
kraft dinners were some sort of poke. Who was the pokerman? I don't know.
perhaps sir larry related? who knows....
Thanks for the lyrics to "The Candle Burns", 3:53.
This blog, Iamaphoney's videos and all of PID have never recovered from the continuing absence of Sir Larry Mildew. The name alone brings me back to the days of CapMike, Kimmel writer, the fake IAAP who wished us all sugar coated obama kisses and the fights between Jude and that other dude. :(
I was the poop man but now I'm John.
the car that goes thru paul's head is SAME
same many moons
har har
Maybe Mike Nesmith wrote Peace Of Mind?
Tapioca Tundra
(Mike Nesmith)
The Monkees 1968
Reasoned verse, some prose or rhyme
Lose themselves in other times
And waiting hopes cast cast silent spells
That speak in clouded clues.
It cannot be a part of me,
For now it's part of you.
Careful plays on fields
That seems to vanish when they're in between
And softly as I walk away
In freshly tattered shoe.
It cannot be a part of me
For now it's part of you.
Sunshine, ragtime
Blowing in the breeze.
Midnight, looks right
Standing more at ease.
Silhouettes and figures stay
Close to what he had to say
And one more time the faded dream
Is saddened by the news.
It cannot be a part of me
For now it's part of you.
Well, Sunshine, ragtime
Blowing in the breeze.
Midnight, looks right
Standing more at ease.
Sunshine, ragtime
Blowing in the breeze.
Midnight, looks right
Standing more at ease.
Silhouettes and figures stay
Close to what he had to say
And one more time the faded dream
Is saddened by the news.
It cannot be a part of me
For now it's part of you.
DOA said...
the car that goes thru paul's head is SAME
That's insame! (har har)
SAME as what?
the season..
All that proves is that Mike Nesmith is equally capable of writing crappy poetry. I wouldn't read into it if I were you. You can read the same arty farty junk in your high school literary magazine.
Kraft is bigger than cheeses.
Mac and Cheeses
oh well
tis silent but the howlin night!
ok so
phoNeyey showed a hw=ead and a few carrs
Taaaaf never says Hi back>
CHRISTMAS flipphone GIFTS! macca
for youtube GIFTS OF SONG
which one of us will to start the Iamafunny blog
we don't have this much TiME/
Admiral Albert's latest
we don't have this much TiME/
We have all the TiME in the whorl!
Sam Ahab?
Captain Ahab?
Herman Melleville?
Moby Dick?
It always comes back to dick in Iamaphoneyland.
Interesting videos by the "film-makers"
Some questions,
is this the first film by Grandfather Aleister to NOT have cartoons in it? Not a slam GFA, but your other videos were getting a bit repetitive with the toons
also, could you make your videos a little less noisy? I can barely understand what is being said
Are you OCD? Medication could help you out brother, that and some therapy. When are the VW bugs coming back?
Is Iamaphoney exclusively a song man now? Will every video be done in context of a song?
Will the revelation be a musical?
Will next level be in 2012? Do we really, really, REALLY have to wait till then?
Will the next level have SUITCASES?
MikeNL, will you ever disclose why you are the first to comment on every new video... possess iamaphoney bootlegs and multiple You tube accounts and make proclamations on the iamaphoney comment section with seeming "insider" information?
Is it going to take the full investigative power of Sir Larry Mildew and AdmiralAlbert to uncover the answers to these questions?
The answer is yes.
Yes it will.
Gentlemen, what I propose is this.
First, lithium and therapy for OCD GFA
Second, iamaphoney gets a 3am slot on MTV to once and for all, gods honest truth lay it all out in a musical format. there will be songs, dance numbers, the whole Number Nine yards. We need choreographers, boom.. done.
We need lights.... my cousin is a DJ, got you covered IAAP.
We need songs.. boom! Iamaphoney bootleg channel has the HD versions..
Third, we all chip in to have MikeNL round up all the suitcases his buddy sprinkled all over the world and have him FILM the entire process. No more YENZ flippin' the middle finger. We are talking here the same HD quality video that we are coming to expect. MikeNL seems to have the time and inclination to single handedly tackle this. I say, all the mother fu&king kraft dinners you can eat my friend. If a couple of plane tickets will solve this before 2012, lets get this party started. We get 65if2007 to coordinate the California expedition, get some spelunking miner light helmets, some Ninja suits and throwing stars and get this done.
Fourth, we get Sir Larry and Admiral Albert to provide oversite, jump some blogs and kick some a$$. Anyone gets out of line, get the cartoon characters from Paul is Dead at the end of the world to completely verbally bitch slap anyone to a metaphorical standstill.
If that doesn't work, and I am going old school here, unleash the Jude. I mean, old school GODZILLA Jude. You know what I mean. WRATH OF GOD JUDE. EYE FOR AN EYE JUDE. KNOCKING DOWN BUILDINGS JUDE.
Fifth, have Tafultong write a book about this, because Vince, sorry to say, can't seem to get things going in that department. Venture Bro. and Negitivland land media review releases are nice, but really dont pay many bills.
Sixth, more eye contact. This will involve a world wide coordination of strategically placed signs at McCartney concerts in the style of Burma Shave road signs. Keep Paul guessing. Each town gets a different word, slap some of them iamaphoney "CODE" stickers on them, and end it with BURMA SHAVE at the end of the tour.
Guaranteed you can expect maximum Paul eye time when he is looking out in the audience playing music, you will know deep down in your heart that he really really REALLY R E A L L Y is looking in your soul.
So, MikeNL
lets get down to brass tacks
How many kraft dinners do you need per day? Ballpark it if you have too. We wont hold you too it if you say 3 and you need 4, damn yeah we going to get you that extra box of kraft dinner.
If you say you need 5, we get you five boxes Kraft dinners. If you say 6, well, then we call in Faulconandsnowjob to use her paralegal skills and accounting chops to fully investigate this because son, 6 boxes of Kraft dinners is a lot.
How soon can you get on a plane and round up all the suitcases?
Can you get this done before the end of 2010?
Keep in mind, you will have the full faith and credit of the Tafultong Iamaphoney Benevolent Kraft Dinner Providers Network
You will have the judicial oversight power of both Sir Larry Mildew AND AdmiralAlbert with the raw streetwise police sense of Harold and Bern and if need be GOD HELP US ALL.... GODZILLA JUDE (I mean the biblical knocking down buildings in Tokyo JUDE)
All we ask is, dont fu&k around with West Indies DEEEEELAYS, keep the video in HD and the Yenz middle fingers set to ZERO, get it done in 2010, because damn yeah
This is the Marshal Plan for the Rotten Apple
Anonymous said...
Will next level be in 2012? Do we really, really, REALLY have to wait till then?
really, really!
NFW to 2012!
This is the year we end on a high!
we're gonna get hi hi hi!
In geometry a polygon (pronounced /ˈpɒlɪɡɒn/) is traditionally a plane figure that is bounded by a closed path or circuit, composed of a finite sequence of straight line segments (i.e., by a closed polygonal chain). These segments are called its edges or sides, and the points where two edges meet are the polygon's vertices or corners. The interior of the polygon is sometimes called its body. A polygon is a 2-dimensional example of the more general polytope in any number of dimensions.
The word "polygon" derives from the Greek πολύς ("many") and γωνία (gōnia), meaning "knee" or "angle". Today a polygon is more usually understood in terms of sides.
any damn place we choose!
with the music on
Sir Paul McCartney, it appears, is in no mood for retirement. He has told British radio he's interested in a residency at London's O2 Arena.
The ex-Beatle, who plays the arena on Tuesday (Dec. 22), told Absolute Radio that he "quite fancied the idea" of a run of shows at the 23,000-capacity arena.
He said: "Last time I ever did that was when the Beatles used to do Christmas shows, and it was brilliant because... you would be there for a week or two. It was fantastic, just dossing in your overcoat and everything.
doss [dos]
1. a place to sleep, esp. in a cheap lodging house.
2. sleep.
–verb (used without object)
3. to sleep or lie down in any convenient place.
Troddin' through San Juan in the arms of America;
Troddin' through Jamaica, a Buffalo Soldier -
Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival:
Buffalo Soldier, Dreadlock Rasta.
Anonymous said...
M would like all disinfo agents to report to headquarters to pick up their Aston Martin DB5's. Over and out.
December 21, 2009 4:39 PM
the car is still in the shop
He musta nicked the car from Crowley....
rivers of ash, urns of gold
Toy Fort Knox
More from Dublin
Roquefort Knox
That's not a banjo! That's a Mandolin!
Everybody gonna dance around tonight!
A one decibel boost increases power by nearly 26%. A three decibel boost doubles power, and six decibels quadruples power.
A whole bel increases your strength tenfold.
Let's have a ball and a biscuit.
It's not a cricket bat either.
all these presents to open!
Good for raising spirits!
bells will ring out for our love
Ding Dong!
one if by land, two if by sea
Nice uniforms, but no epaulets!
scouting for boys
Follow that star!
is what she need.
Words are gettin' higher, everybody fire.
Oh the sun is risin' again.
I just had to laugh. I saw the photograph.
Live from Graniteville!
Cats and dogs living together! Mass Hysteria!
Where was the EUROBLUR??????
Notice how gently we spin
Here on the skin of a sphere
Music to lull us to sleep
Music to wake us from a dream
Whether we are strong or we are weak
Whether we are foolish or are wise
We all seek the treasures of love
We all seek the pleasures of love
Music is the servant of the Queen and King
Who are happy if we smile but are delighted if we sing
Whether we are strong or are weak
Whether we are foolish or we are wise
From the IAAP Comment section
MikeyNL1038 (2 hours ago)
jrrcor (7 hours ago)
I feel like I'm being dragged along... I just want the truth... not the round about. If Iamaphoney knows what's really going on... he should just say it. NOW!
we all want that.
2 years and 364 days left.
just sit back and enjoy the show.
Who died and made you the boss of jrrcor Mike?
This is the Marshal Plan for the Rotten Apple
December 21, 2009 10:03 PM
Awesome post! *****
...is like ten billion times stronger!
Anonymous said...
From the IAAP Comment section
MikeyNL1038 (2 hours ago)
jrrcor (7 hours ago)
I feel like I'm being dragged along... I just want the truth... not the round about. If Iamaphoney knows what's really going on... he should just say it. NOW!
we all want that.
2 years and 364 days left.
just sit back and enjoy the show.
Who died and made you the boss of jrrcor Mike?
December 22, 2009 9:53 AM
you go and ask that question on the iamaphoney comment page.
Yeah! so we can know who you are you h8ter! Kind of easy to post anonymously, harder to post with your name!
yeah, say that to my face internet toughly
Hey mikey, you just do that and sit around and wait three more years....we'll tell ya how the party went.
For the broken record, Mikey is not in charge of anything.
not even mikey?
what do you see?
c'mon lads, take a guess
is it a polygon?
remind you of anything?
Anonymous said...
not even mikey?
Is he up to the responsibility to do so?
Mikey can hold up the signs, and that's it.
Over the river and thru the wood,
To grandfather's house we go;
The horse knows the way
To carry the sleigh,
Thru the white and drifted snow, oh!
Over the river and thru the wood,
Oh, how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes,
And bites the nose,
As over the ground we go.
Over the river and thru the wood,
To have a first-rate play;
Oh, hear the bell ring,
Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day-ay!
Over the river and thru the wood,
Trot fast my dapple gray!
Spring over the ground,
Like a hunting hound!
For this is Thanksgiving Day.
Kraft dinner + MikeNL + plane tickets = suitcase retrieval
MikeNL + HD camera = youtube videos
Suitcase - Yenz middle finger + youtube video = happy
SUITCASE RETRIEVAL YOUTUBE VIDEOS HAPPY = case solved before 2012 more eye contact from paul
Lyrics Language: English
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Ring out the old
ring in the new
Ring out the old
ring in the new.
Ring out the false
ring in the true
Ring out the old
ring in the new.
SUITCASE RETRIEVAL YOUTUBE VIDEOS HAPPY = case solved before 2012 more eye contact from paul
December 22, 2009 11:22 AM
Burma Shave
what suitcase gets Mikey??
Why is Yoda green, anyway?
He will fly through the sky,
the rains and snows, and
strike everyone with his rod
Why is Yoda wearing a white lab coat?
good for three minute macca London Eye contact
But it's not tru.
Did you enjoy your podcase, Mikey? you didn't even have to leave the house or get a plane ticket or anything!
The O2 details
yoda of cosmania said...
good for three minute macca London Eye contact
December 22, 2009 11:42 AM
you just hit on brilliance.
think of this, burma shave like signs the world over during each concert of the tour
the people holding signs?
WEARING yoda masks.
Last night of tour, entire crowd wears yoda masks.
with those north korea flashing signs techniques
like this video,,, only think yoda, and BURMA SHAVE instead of korean stuff
uh, in case you didn't notice, the last show of the tour is tonight.....
and it probably just started
paul is dead - the rotten apple 79 part one
no link?
When you were young and your heart was an open book
She got Latin roots
She got everything
uh, in case you didn't notice, the last show of the tour is tonight.....
December 22, 2009 12:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah! so we can know who you are you h8ter! Kind of easy to post anonymously, harder to post with your name!
December 22, 2009 10:43 AM
Um..okay...thanks for that "anonymous". You can pick up your black kettle at the courtesy desk.
everyone needs a yoda of cosmania mask, a burma shave sign, and a positive mental attitude
eating a kraft dinner helps too
CAN THE Tafultong Iamaphoney Benevolent Kraft Dinner Providers Network (TIBKDPN) help me???
I could use 2 boxes
Um..okay...thanks for that "anonymous". You can pick up your black kettle at the courtesy desk.
December 22, 2009 12:59 PM
good point, i love how these guys start complaining about the very thing they are doing
more videos. more nothing.
Maybe this is all Iamaphoney's ploy to get noticed by Dancing With The Stars. After all they ARE running out of stars. I'm sure Chris Crocker will probably be next so why not Iamaphoney? We've already seen him shirtless and frolicking on the beach. That French judge would love him.
i got a list of demands
O, your list is nothing like MY list
We can do it tonight!
With the stars?
Flowers In the Dirt
Good one. Ha
A rose is a rose by any other lane.
ANY damn PLACE we chuze.
We ain't No Dozen!
"We shall pay, at any price"
Red Rose Speeeeeeeed Way
Disappoint is cents of urgency.
Parker shine?
2"8 if
I were you:)
I would play the game
Be atlas? Huh?
Paul loves suprise parties.
Delayyyyyys won't cut it this time.
Three daze?Y not?
Paul deLay is dead.
Or do we all just hum along?
Never heard of it.
I have.
Cheeses and Crack Horses!
bring out your dead
Anonymous said...
She got Latin roots
She got everything
December 22, 2009 12:28 PM
Who is David Bowie "Blue Gene"?
I will take David Bowie Lyrics for $200 Alex.
(audio daily double sound)
and i didnt cheat and use a search engine either mystery song lyric poster guy!
wow, you're HOT!
maybe someday you'll take a stab at what it really means....?
I can't even save myself.
Trumpets and violins I can hear in distance
I think they're calling our names
Maybe now you can't hear them, but you will
If you just take hold of my hand
She got a police bike
She got a turned up nose
Don't confuse me with someone who thinks he has special virtue.
(happy birthday joe)
Lapis Philosophorum
Play the Gamos.
Murray the K
Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum
blue apples
All we are on this planet are puppets being controlled from a higher power.
it's all in the mind, ya know
London is still sleeping!
puppet master!
nice video GFA!
It was fantastic, just dossing in your overcoat and everything.
And they feed them little bribes
And then they go
Ahab seeks one specific whale, Moby Dick, a white sperm whale of tremendous size and ferocity. Comparatively few whaleships know of Moby Dick, and fewer yet have encountered him. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg. Ahab intends to take revenge.
Macca magic wows London crowd
Paul McCartney took London by storm with a marathon set lasting almost three hours on Tuesday night. His only UK gig of the year, during the show, Sir Paul paid tributes to his late wife Linda and his family, and Beatles bandmates George Harrison and John Lennon, leading the crowd in a rendition of Lennon's song Give Peace A Chance.
Well, When I Met You At The Station
You Were Standing With A Bootleg In Your Hand.
Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel
Some call it the search for the grail
Love is the answer and you know that for sure,
Love is flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow
lifting the veil!
What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
and I'll try not to sing out of key
911 he die
Londoners get a lump of coal for not posting anything from the show on youtube.
Someone somewhere has to know
Silver rain was falling down
Upon the dirty ground of London Town
dublin rules!
As above, so below
speak softly and carry a big stick
cor anglais
Paul McCartney - Paperback Writer - Good Evening, London!
Why don't you come with me little one
On a magic carpet ride
Long and Winding Road
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