Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Version 2 is here

Update: MikeyNL1038 has posted a version of the †heRigh†Album Special - He'll Be Dared Video Edit 2 N13G with English subtitles. And, no, I cannot identify the girl at the end.


Oh yeah, he got it right this time.

†heRigh†Album Special - He'll Be Dared Video Edit 2 N13G

Thanks to yenohpehttonmai, you can still see the original version here.

More to say, but I have to run.

Watch out for the batty William the Conk. (No crypticism on my part. Just thinking about Dickens, Joyce and Carroll)


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Anonymous said...


DVD 8/24/2010 said...

Day seven clue guy- give us a little more!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Day one: Clue one:

The Rotten Apple series is about Iamaphoney yet he is not Paul or Faul but his medium (was) is television.

Day two: Clue two:

Iamaphoney has a partner who works on his behalf because Iamaphoney is not supposed to exist now. Iamaphoney works closely with this partner and always has.

Day Three: Clue Three

Iamaphoney's partner does most of the work now but not at first. His name is Bob.

Day Four: Clue Four

The Rotten Apple is commenting on something else. It's an experiment to see what your reactions to it are and then it will move into another phase.

Day Five: Clue Five

The more you watch the Rotten Apple the more you'll be ready for what's coming and it has nothing to do with Beatles and it has something to do with television.

Day Six: Clue Six

The people who are often accused of being or working with Iamaphoney are just fans of his and nothing more.

Day six bonus clue:

REmember where you heard it first

Extra credit clue - 3 points

Walk on the cement oil

Day Seven: Last Clue

The revelation will be released on DVD 8/24/2010

Thank you

Anonymous said...


Thank you seven day clue guy!

Anonymous said...

DVD releases do it better!

Words are getting higher said...

Let it be
Let it be
Let it be, yeah
Let it be

Everybody FIRE said...

Lord the sun is rising again!

Anonymous said...

Everybody shine the light!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get Back!

Anonymous said...

Now the real work begins.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The first shall be last, and the last shall be first!

MikeNL said...

6 days.

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys!!!
Vince here....
Just saw "Nowhere Boy" (it's in the bittorent world for all to see & hear), and let me tell ya': IT DOESN'T SUCK!!

Weather or not Julia REALLY got a little too flirty with teen-age John, and the rather "Maurie-esque" moment when Mimi & Julia 'have it out' on John's birthday, it's still not as embarrassing as one would think!

They got a real 'pencil-neck geek' to play Paul.
The one odd thing, though, is after almost ten years of "Potter-mania", the sight of teenage John, with his school-boy uniform and glasses, made me think of some cool 'fan-fiction' where John goes to Hogwarts, askes Hermine to 'show-me-your-VAGINI', curse, drink, smoke, and play rock-n-roll 'till he gets kicked out!!!

Check it out, if you can.


Anonymous said...

Why do we have to wait 3 months for the DVD?

Can't it be released early due to good behavior?

Anonymous said...

Go to paulreallyisdead.com and look at the release date. I think "clue boy" was engaging in a little viral marketing. Should we expect anything less at this point?

Anonymous said...

You took your lucky break and broke it it two.

playing with fire said...

What does it matter to ya, really?

MikeNL said...

5 days

Anonymous said...

5 days what mike?

Anonymous said...

Just sayin', you guys are really blowing this. Big time.

Anonymous said...

Who was the girl dancing w/ Macca in mexico? She's HOT!

Anonymous said...

iamaphoney is revealing the truth, this other movie is made by enemies. assholes. seriously!

Anonymous said...

Its off. He is going to make new tactics.
nothing uncomfortable I hope.

Gerelce Knyrchs

Anonymous said...

haven't posted here in daze

Anonymous said...

I'm crying.

Anonymous said...

How can I help you if you refuse every step of the WAY??

it is now later than you think said...

Help me get my feet back on the ground!

Anonymous said...

You say you want to get back, so where are you?

Anonymous said...

Back to the egg.

Anonymous said...

Trying to make ends meet free Monday!

Anonymous said...

Wake up meathead! Don't pretend that you are dead, pick yourself UP off of that cart!

Anonymous said...

Get back JP!

Eggshell finish said...

Golden earth girl.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
iamaphoney is revealing the truth, this other movie is made by enemies. assholes. seriously!

May 30, 2010 2:37 PM

Aww. Boo hoo! No one else is allowed to make PID videos? LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The list of The Nutters early 2004, before kelly Saunders (aka kerslo) became involved.

Anonymous said...


Muffy the Cow said...

The Fifth Beetle!

Anonymous said...

and the cow jumped over the moon

Anonymous said...

Cash Cow!

The White House said...

Just think about it.

Shelly said...

Get thee back to the Egg!

Anonymous said...


MikeNL said...

Four Days

Anonymous said...

Four dYs WHAT mike? Huh? What's the relevance?

Anonymous said...

A pony

A roadhog

A moondog

A stoney

The wind

A pony

Anonymous said...

I want to come home.

Skywriting By word Of Mouth said...

I'm gonna send ya, back to schoolin'.....

Anonymous said...

Home and dry, like a homing bird I fly.

Anonymous said...

Columba livia domestica.

Anonymous said...

Four days to the next Iamaphoney video.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's 4 days until MikeNL turns 19. Happy birthday Mike!

Anonymous said...

The level of apathy around here is absolutely astounding.

Anonymous said...

well, one of the reviews for Paul is Really Dead calls it a "dark comedic thriller" so I guess it's funny, as one would expect.

Anonymous said...

I read about that film on the David Icke forum. Iamaphoney needs to get over there and promote himself because that's where all the PID action is now.

Anonymous said...

hahah saw the Icke forum. Childishness but at least some healthy skepticism.

and, for the millionth time, I see some goofball posted that reversed picture of Paul playing "right handed" in India when it's from a film that anyone can see him playing lefty. If you don't know Paul well enough to know in that pic the wrong eyebrow is raised (because the picture is flipped the wrong way), then you aren't in a position to compare photos of the guy.

So ridiculous.

Say say say what? said...

The premise of the story is about to kick ass.and don't cry about it either, we gave you plenty of chances.

Anonymous said...

Say say say what? said...
The premise of the story is about to kick ass.and don't cry about it either, we gave you plenty of chances.

May 31, 2010 4:52 PM

Indeed. Iamaphoney had plenty of chances to put out his own DVD and dropped the ball. I'm glad someone else stepped up to the plate. I'll be buying that Paul Is Really Dead DVD when it comes out. I hope Tafultong's next blog entry is about it.

buy he real DVD said...


Anonymous said...

That whole bit with Paul saying "Now am I dead" slowed down over and over again is right out of IAAP's playbook. I can't wait for this movie! LOL

We've also got the Paul Is Undead horror movie coming out now too. Everybody's getting in on this. LOL

2012 is fer LOSERS said...

You can only f with the lion so long, folks.

Anonymous said...

Synopsis:In Paul Is Undead: The British ZomBie Invasion, Beatle John Lennon kills Paul McCartney (biting off his ear - a la Mike Tyson), George Harrison and Ringo Starr. John Lennon then supposedly reanimates his bandmates as zombies. Together the zombie Beatles create global havoc and feed upon the brains of their adoring fans (ensnared by subliminal messages in the Beatles' songs).

Throughout the story, the zombie Beatles are hunted by The Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger (who seems to have become a zombie bounty hunter of sorts).

Yoko Ono (Mrs. John Lennon), according to Paul Is Undead: The British ZomBie Invasion, joins the undead crew as a ninja lord.

Anonymous said...

Here's a clue: Why don't you listen for a change?

Anonymous said...

Those who consider themselves 'insiders" And yet have done nothing are on thin ice. Really . Think i'm kidding?

Anonymous said...

Bull. Like you would not be first in line to see that movie. Paul Is Undead is gonna ROCK!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


What's this? An Iamaphoney side project or copycats?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Those who consider themselves 'insiders" And yet have done nothing are on thin ice. Really . Think i'm kidding?

May 31, 2010 5:56 PM

So those of us who don't quite "get it" enough to consider ourselves "insiders" have nothing to worry about then.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What's this? An Iamaphoney side project or copycats?

May 31, 2010 7:16 PM

Good find!
That's just too freaky. It can't just be a coincidence. Iamamiwhoami is actually a much bigger viral video series than Iamaphoney with more views and articles in Billboard magazine and all over the music blogs. Maybe Iamaphoney was the warm up before Iamamiwhoami launched this year or they just copied him. I always had a hunch Iamaphoney was some kind of viral music project. You don't spend a fortune recording a ton of original songs and then not do anything with them.

Anonymous said...

Iamamiwhoiami is rumored to be the electronica side project of Swedish singer Jonna Lee. Check out this video:watch?v=0jlb647McLg

She's barefoot and walking backwards! Is there a connection here?

Anonymous said...

Now look at this video from iamamiwhoiami:

Weirder than anything in RA series but that could be Jonna Lee.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

do me a favor

Anonymous said...

I posted about the "Iamamiwhoami" phenom here (and the Undead Beatles film) days ago. Nice to see some of you are catching up enough to comment.

Anonymous said...

Don't get left behind!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Light up the sky.

Anonymous said...

Molly lets the children lend a hand....

Anonymous said...

Desmond has his barrow in the market place...really

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I posted about the "Iamamiwhoami" phenom here (and the Undead Beatles film) days ago. Nice to see some of you are catching up enough to comment.

June 1, 2010 6:12 AM

Sorry. There's a lot of deliberate distraction in the comments. Whenever something meaningful is being discussed, the Rotten Apple Army comes on and posts song lyrics and silly tripe to silence us. There is definitely a connection between IAAP and Iamamiwhomai. This might explain why IAAP slowed down so much since December. He and his bandmates were launching this. IAAP has been on YouTube since 2007 and has 1.9 million hits while Iamamiwhoami has only been on for a few months and has over 2 million hits and national attention and is being talked about everywhere. I can see why IAAP put more effort into that project. They probably learned from their mistakes with the RA and perfected their viral campaign.

Anonymous said...

This girl sums up the iamamiwhoami phenomenon.

Sound familiar? You bet your bippy it does!


Anonymous said...

From Wiki:
If you take all low numbers in the video titles and convert the integers to characters you will get the following:
(sorted chronologically from oldest to newest)
"" = "Educational"
"9.1.13" = "I am"
"" = "It's me"
"" = "Mandragora"
"" = "Officinarum"
"" = "Welcome Home"

Interesting that. I could swear that two of the guys in Jonna Lee's band are in that "Who Is Former?" video but all the Former videos were taken down once the iamamiwhoami videos appeared.

Iamaphoney: "who's here?"

iamamiwhoami: "It's me"

Anonymous said...

Um, if you think the posted lyrics and blue links are trivial, you have no idea what you're really messing with folks. And ALL the viral campaigns and such around the world pale in comparison, as you well know, or should by this point.

Right Phoney?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Um, if you think the posted lyrics and blue links are trivial, you have no idea what you're really messing with folks. And ALL the viral campaigns and such around the world pale in comparison, as you well know, or should by this point.

Right Phoney?

June 1, 2010 2:26 PM

Yes, Iamaphoney is discussed on one blog by about a dozen people and iamamiwhoami is discussed everywhere by millions of people and PALES IN COMPARISON????

Just because a few people around here put two and two together bluelink guy gets angry. I guarantee you that Tafultong will probably mention iamamiwhoami in his next blog.

I clicked on one of your bluelinks a long time ago and it was a pornographic pic. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Speaking words of advice said...

Let's not forget exactly how we got here, and exactly why we stayed. OK?

Anonymous said...

Dude, the Porno crap is other people. Take the wheat from the tares and stop looking for excuses.

Anonymous said...

And btw, where do you think they are getting their info from and for whom do they really work for?

Anonymous said...

Dude, for the last time, Iamaphoney is NOT Paul McCartney. He's not in cahoots with Apple. The "stuff" is from the multitude of Beatles memorabilia websites out there and the Beatles footage is from DVD's and other YouTube videos. When the next video goes up, type in Beatles and Paul McCartney and go to recent uploads and you'll see where he gets the stuff from.

The music is original and good I admit but how come the Nutters and LikeMoreWizards have all this outtake footage of Iamaphoney? Ask yourself why a guy who wants to expose the secret of Faul would destroy his own credibility by putting himself in the videos and coming up with a slew of original rock songs? Because pushing his music IS the point!

If Iamaphoney wants to be thought of as a serious researcher then how about this novel idea? NO MORE OF HIS OWN MUSIC. Think that's actually gonna happen? Think the next video is not going to be another new song? Of course, it will be. And sooner or later the songs will go up and I'll buy them just like the rest of the Phoney fans. I'll probably buy the iamamiwhoami songs too.

I'm sorry that discussion of iamamiwhoami disturbs you so much that you don't want others to talk about it.

I'll go away now and let you bluelink as much as you want and steer people away from the iamamiwhoami discussion to your hearts content.

Anonymous said...


who said I said I don't want you to talk about it?

I'm just gently reminding everybody to recall the original inspiration. Got it?

Anonymous said...

"The Secret History of the World" - Mark Booth

It answers so much, and yet so little.

Anonymous said...

Oh and another btw, all you need to look at is what Paul has told you himself. Or you can wait to run into mommy, whatever comes first. It's coming down fast .....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh and another btw, all you need to look at is what Paul has told you himself. Or you can wait to run into mommy, whatever comes first. It's coming down fast .....

June 1, 2010 3:49 PM

Condescension from a blithering idiot is hilarious. What a fool you are.

Anonymous said...

So you want Faul to be exposed because you hate him and you like Iamaphoney because you think he is exposing Faul, and yet you believe Faul is behind Iamaphoney, therefore you like what you hate.


..now back to iamamiwhoami/iamaphoney and those crazy Scandinavian artists.

Anonymous said...

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Holy scit!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the light is going to shine on that dude, really.

Anonymous said...

He don't want ta be released!

And you can take that to the bank said...

Won't be long until that release date! Yea!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh and another btw, all you need to look at is what Paul has told you himself. Or you can wait to run into mommy, whatever comes first. It's coming down fast .....
June 1, 2010 3:49 PM

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

Anonymous said...

Oh and it's HIGH time!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

gameface said...
Anonymous said...
Oh and another btw, all you need to look at is what Paul has told you himself. Or you can wait to run into mommy, whatever comes first. It's coming down fast .....
June 1, 2010 3:49 PM

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

June 1, 2010 5:52 PM

You tell 'em gameface. A lot of crazies around here confuse Christ with Paul and Faul and Iamaphoney. That other guy thinks Iamaphoney is a divine being or something.
Check please!

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about The Secret History of the World, anonymous. I do feel the IAAP Mind Games are most enjoyable in that larger context.

Anonymous said...

Are we going for a 1000 tonight? Where's yhshvh10? Where's the old gang? Did everybody just give up and leave? Sir Larry Mildew? Grandfather Aleister?

Awww hell!

Anonymous said...

I've got a big surprise!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

gameface said...
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
June 1, 2010 5:52 PM

You tell 'em gameface. A lot of crazies around here confuse Christ with Paul and Faul and Iamaphoney. That other guy thinks Iamaphoney is a divine being or something.
Check please!

June 1, 2010 6:12 PM

I can relate, or I could, and I would, I'd really like to. Just not sure that it'd be prudent at this juncture. So I'll keep on telling 'em.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People get ready!

Anonymous said...

Hear the diesels humming?

Anonymous said...

Getcher motor runnin!
Headin' down the highway!
Looking for adventure!
And whatever comes our way!
Yeah I gotta go make it happen!
Take the world in a love embrace!
Fire all of my guns at once!
Explode into space!
Like a true nature's child!
We were born!
Born to be wild!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Lindsay Lohan's wearing an ankle monitor! Lindsay Lohan's wearing an ankle monitor! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Perez Hilton here with the hottest gossip this side of Pepperland. What Scandinavian Sex magnet was seen cruising around LA handing out LOVE postcards and giving all the guys and gals a taste of the revelation? Only that shirtless, beach loving fun in the sun, suitcase tossing Iamaphoney, that's who! Move over Matthew McConaughey! There's a new bare chested bad boy in town! After that it was off to Vegas to see Cirque Du Soleil with Andy Dick and Jennifer Love Hewitt. I heard that Phoney shook his buns all night long to the dance party grooves of DJ Samantha Ronson and when she played an exclusive remix of "He'll Be Dared".....child, look out! I tried to get an interview with this elusive mystery man but I was told that girlfriend just doesn't grant interviews. Oh well. His loss.
And boom..just like that it was all over. Here today, gone tomorrow. Andy Dick and Jennifer Love Hewitt are yesterday's news and Samantha Ronson is sooooo 2009. I hear from all the hip club kids around Sunset that the new playboy in town is called iamamiwhoami and sister, listen up: This NEW bad boy is a shooting star heading straight for Jupiter and damn if he didn't blow up all over Twitter. Phoney who? Well, that's Hollywood!

Anonymous said...

Red Letter Media

Anonymous said...


Join us.

Anonymous said...

We can climb so high....

Anonymous said...

"I think the fact that something like that can happen and the people who are to blame don't have the ability to instantly cap it and clean it up is something that's going to be addressed"

Anonymous said...

Who finds the money when you pay the rent?
Did you think that money was heaven sent?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to




Anonymous said...

Sitting in an English garden
Waiting for the sun
If the sun don't come
You get a tan from
Standing in the English rain

Anonymous said...

All your life, You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Anonymous said...

I believe the Beatles were initiated by someone familiar with esoteric traditions. I see 4 possible scenarios.

1. Paul was accidentally killed during an initiate ceremony to expand his cosmic consciousness.

2. Paul was killed because he spoke about the esoteric knowledge he learned, or the secret society that initiated him.

3. Paul lived, and had to go into hiding because of #2. (Salman Rushdie style)

4. Paul took his greater cosmic consciousness, realized that there was more to life than rock and roll, and left the Beatles to pursue another lifestyle.

Either way, there seem to be things that have to happen first, in order for information to come out. My guess on the reasons for the above numbers?

1. May still be too dangerous to reveal, due to the statute of limitation laws. The person who accidentally did this may still be protected, as it was an accident. The damage was already done, and it was probably someone close to Paul that did it.

2. The individuals responsible, or the secret society involved, could still wreck havoc on the remaining alive individuals (and their families) that know information.

3. Same as number 2, and Paul is hanging out, living a type of witness protection lifestyle, until it is safe to be "reincarnated" as the public Paul McCartney.

4. Paul is living his life that he chose. Not the life of ease he had. He is likely a working man, with all of the issues we all have. He "made his world colder", and the Beatles thought him a fool for doing so. He probably went to college, and started over in life. He had tough times, and they lost track of him because he didn't want to be found. However, he is free of being told what to do, what to wear, how to act, etc.

Why did the Beatles possibly seek to be initiated? Because they were basically hippies, and the esoteric traditions teach of the evolution of the cosmos from a natural, spiritual way. Sound like familiar topis in Beatles lore? Sun, nature, rain, ocean, light, etc? Krishna? God? Sun god? Jesus? Venus? Mars? Seance? Insomnia? Trance like sleep? Meditation? Altered states of consciousness? The meaning of the days of the week? Encoded truth in parables?

It seems iamamiwhoami is doing the same thing. Depicting the possible birth of man from nature, etc, etc.

Hogwash? Message? It could be a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

Sunday driver, yeah!

Anonymous said...

See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone....

Gollum said...


Anonymous said...

It seems iamamiwhoami is doing the same thing. Depicting the possible birth of man from nature, etc, etc.

Hogwash? Message? It could be a lot of things.

Yeah, gonna go with hogwash. Nothing to it, bro.

Same Paul.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award, Mcca! Knock em dead tonight!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I believe the Beatles were initiated by someone familiar with esoteric traditions. I see 4 possible scenarios.....

Yeah, sadly for you all of your elaborate scenarios all hinge on those two words "I believe" rather than any facts, verified sources or even common sense. I might as well say I believe that you're a termite from the planet Mars sent here to earth to steal blueberries. What's the difference? I believe it so it must be true. Yay for us!

Anonymous said...

I know nothing, and that is why I very carefully stated that it was my opinion/conjecture. However, I threw it out there as a possible explanation to link the oddity of the Beatles lyrics post "Revolver", the imagery put into cyberspace by IAAP, and the possible connection to "religion". All of those are blatant themes put out in the PID realm.

From what I gather, this is a big game. If we guess correctly, then someone will confirm. If not, then we supposedly wait until 2012. The facts are derived from the interpretation of "clues". Anything could be interpreted as a hidden clue, so there is too much subjectivity in any evidence to have factual evidence. Nothing can be really be proven.

Down the rabbit hole indeed. How deep does it go? What a cluster.

Anonymous said...

I threw it out there as a possible explanation to link the oddity of the Beatles lyrics post "Revolver", the imagery put into cyberspace by IAAP, and the possible connection to "religion". All of those are blatant themes put out in the PID realm.

That's the problem. You are linking Beatle lyrics (hello? inspired by LSD and surrealism) to stuff IAAP and PID people throw out there.

Every possible thing "links" to religion if you want it to.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I know nothing, and that is why I very carefully stated that it was my opinion/conjecture. However, I threw it out there as a possible explanation to link the oddity of the Beatles lyrics post "Revolver", the imagery put into cyberspace by IAAP, and the possible connection to "religion". All of those are blatant themes put out in the PID realm.

From what I gather, this is a big game. If we guess correctly, then someone will confirm. If not, then we supposedly wait until 2012. The facts are derived from the interpretation of "clues". Anything could be interpreted as a hidden clue, so there is too much subjectivity in any evidence to have factual evidence. Nothing can be really be proven.

Down the rabbit hole indeed. How deep does it go? What a cluster.

June 2, 2010 2:55 PM

The "oddity" of The Beatles lyrics is in the ear of the beholder. If all you ever want out of music is boy-meets-girl teen romance then pop music pre-1966 is for you. Remember that the Beatles and Lennon in particular were jealous of Bob Dylan's work being perceived as "art" while their music was seen as top 40 fluff.

As for my interpretation, Christ warns us of many false prophets who will appear and deceive many people and I believe the PID realm, as you put it, is exactly that. While those who play the big game may be fundamentally harmless, the purpose of it, whether it's practitioners know it or not, is in my opinion to distract and obscure the word of God. You see it in all the Christian iconography in the PID realm or "the imagery in cyberspace" as you put it.

This opinion will not be popular in either PID or PIA camps but the rabbit hole is a dead end. Anyway, another opinion/conjecture for you to consider.

Anonymous said...

I confirm that it is a BIG game and haven"t you been waiting for it?

Anonymous said...

You see it in all the Christian iconography in the PID realm or "the imagery in cyberspace" as you put it.

Yes, but let's not forget Christianity is also a belief, like PID, and its adherents for centuries have looked around for "clues" to prove his divinity or to prove prophecy is coming true or to prove the devil exists, etc. Same basic hobby.

Mr mustardseed said...

Or it could actually be true.

Anonymous said...

Or it could actually be true.

Wouldn't change the fact that the vast majority of clues and connections are invented by the fans and/or Christians.

So yeah, a fake Paul or Jesus could come forth and say, "Yep. You were right. But we were laughing our asses off at your clues. Totally off the mark."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You see it in all the Christian iconography in the PID realm or "the imagery in cyberspace" as you put it.

Yes, but let's not forget Christianity is also a belief, like PID, and its adherents for centuries have looked around for "clues" to prove his divinity or to prove prophecy is coming true or to prove the devil exists, etc. Same basic hobby.

June 2, 2010 4:25 PM

I knew this wouldn't be a popular opinion among PIAers. lol
The difference is that Christianity is based on faith if it's strictly adhered to. Yes, there are signs pointing to the second coming of Christ but to obsess over and lose oneself in a search for clues to prove Christ's divinity is to miss the point of faith entirely. Just because people have done that for centuries doesn't make them correct.

Anonymous said...

but to obsess over and lose oneself in a search for clues to prove Christ's divinity is to miss the point of faith entirely. Just because people have done that for centuries doesn't make them correct.

I would agree. It undermines the very notion of faith. Yet the NT does try both ways: we are to believe on faith and yet Matthew stocks his gospel full of clues and evidence, some of it pretty weak.

If you're gonna lay out evidence, particularly if the source is alleged to be divine, it shouldn't strike the hearer as being flimsy, imho.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
but to obsess over and lose oneself in a search for clues to prove Christ's divinity is to miss the point of faith entirely. Just because people have done that for centuries doesn't make them correct.

I would agree. It undermines the very notion of faith. Yet the NT does try both ways: we are to believe on faith and yet Matthew stocks his gospel full of clues and evidence, some of it pretty weak.

If you're gonna lay out evidence, particularly if the source is alleged to be divine, it shouldn't strike the hearer as being flimsy, imho.

June 2, 2010 4:52 PM

Matthew thought he himself was living in the end times. Whether or not he was correct depends on your definition of End Times. He quotes Christ talking about what will come to pass but, as you say, the "source is alleged to be divine". Again we're talking about faith. Nowhere does Christ initiate a scavenger hunt for clues to the end times. All the prophecy you need is right there and it has nothing to do with playing Beatle records backwards and accepting someone else's warped interpretation because they are on Youtube and they replaced the letter "t" with a crucifix.

Anonymous said...

Actually I believe the "crucifix" pointed out in the IAAP stuff and the Beatles logo, is a Tau Cross.

What is this code? said...

Love is nonDenominational, yet Universal.

Anonymous said...

Nowhere does Christ initiate a scavenger hunt for clues to the end times.

Well, he does say there are things to look for at the end, so, if he knew anything about human beings, he would have to know they would run with it. He said there would be signs in the stars, and wars and rumors of wars, blah blah. If you believe Jesus actually dictated Revelation to John, then he lays out a whole barrage of other clues to look for. Again, no Christian could be faulted for scavenger hunting clues about 666 and a thousand other things based on the source material.

And goofballs, the reason the T looks like a Tau cross is because the letter shape itself derives from a cross: the Hebrew letter Tav, a word meaning "cross or mark." Letters used to be pictograms.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nowhere does Christ initiate a scavenger hunt for clues to the end times.

Well, he does say there are things to look for at the end, so, if he knew anything about human beings, he would have to know they would run with it. He said there would be signs in the stars, and wars and rumors of wars, blah blah. If you believe Jesus actually dictated Revelation to John, then he lays out a whole barrage of other clues to look for. Again, no Christian could be faulted for scavenger hunting clues about 666 and a thousand other things based on the source material.

And goofballs, the reason the T looks like a Tau cross is because the letter shape itself derives from a cross: the Hebrew letter Tav, a word meaning "cross or mark." Letters used to be pictograms.

June 2, 2010 5:34 PM

Christ also knows that humans will sin, even if they place their faith in him, because unlike Christ, they are not divine. He doesn't say "Well look it's human nature and you couldn't possibly live up to my standards so just go ahead and sin." Christ asks us to strive to follow his example even though it's difficult. He knows it's difficult. No one said Christianity was going to be easy.

Let me ask the Iamaphoney fan out there. Iamaphoney re-edits footage of the Beatles, made a video that insinuated that Yoko had John killed by taking quotes from the Beatles out of context, etc.

Does that sound like someone striving to be like Christ to you?

Hmmmmm said...

And goofballs, the reason the T looks like a Tau cross is because the letter shape itself derives from a cross: the Hebrew letter Tav, a word meaning "cross or mark." Letters used to be pictograms.

One is a "T", and one is a Tau. The hanging "T" looks like a Tau to me.

Anonymous said...

Now I understand Mikey's countdown from before. He was waiting for McCartney to play the white house so Iamaphoney could grab the WH clips as soon as they went up on YouTube, slow them down, add his creepy music and everything. He's so predictable. LOL Just you watch. That's exactly what he's going to do.

Anonymous said...

Yep. You can smell Iamaphoney's next video coming from a mile away. The news videos are up today so he'll be using them and then all these dopes will say "WHERE DID HE GET THIS?".

There's a lot from the press conference he could use:
"I never thought I'd be here"
"It's a disgrace. The fact that something like this can happen and the people who are to blame don't have the ability to clean it up. It's terrible".

It's DIY RA time!

Anonymous said...

The girl dancing in Mexico on stage with mac, was that A first time thing for him?

Anonymous said...

No, he's been bringing some fans up on stage on this tour. I'm sure it's prearranged.

Anonymous said...

Gina Chavez

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Paul's 'power of the dead' will do something a the White House!

MikeNL said...

One day left...

we'll see. : )

Anonymous said...

McCartney Performs at White House

Anonymous said...

"After the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is." lol

Anonymous said...

Are we there yet?

Anonymous said...

“You have billions of us who are rooting for you and we know you’re going to come through.”

Anonymous said...

"Some of the songs you write, you don't know where they come from," McCartney said on stage Tuesday night. "So I have to believe in the magik."

Anonymous said...

Root magik.

Anonymous said...

I believe in iamaphoney and his godspell. Worship Him and He will reveal Himself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Full speed ahead, Mr Parker!

Anonymous said...

Dig it Billion - airs!

Anonymous said...

I want to come home. Seriously, is it that
much to ask?

Anonymous said...

"Some of the songs you write, you don't know where they come from," McCartney said on stage Tuesday night. "So I have to believe in the magik."

Apparently the "magick" (he meant "magic") doesn't work after 1975.

And btw, the Phoney videos don't really contain much "religious" or Christian imagery or allusions. Most of it is rooted in Crowleyian Magick which is 20th Century crap.

Anonymous said...

One is a "T", and one is a Tau. The hanging "T" looks like a Tau to me.

Goofball, the English letter "T" derives from Tau. It's the same shape from the same letter. There is no precise font to indicate Tau in Greek just as there are countless fonts for T in English. In ancient Greek it looked just like two lines crossing.

This is why goofballs that don't know what they are talking about shouldn't be clue hunting.

Anonymous said...

How boring. You already explained the etymology, the shape, etc, etc. We all knew that. Yes a T is a T.

What is the significance of the hanging "T"? Why that font? Why hanging? Have you seen another example of this done anywhere else in pop culture? I haven't. Why wouldn't this be questioned when they have a song about the "Sun King", and the Tau cross is also associated with the solar gods, or the "Sun King".

It's obvious these things should be questioned, or at least looked at. Have you seen the 2 versions of the Sgt Pepper drum? One has a message. One does not. They had both of them there on the day of the shoot. Fonts matter. Shapes matter.

Why a green apple for the Apple Corps logo? Why a sour apple?

If you don't like questioning what is presented, and trying to make ties where they might be illogical, why are you even here? That's the only bit of fun in this. The whole premise of the video series, this site, and the subject matter is illogical. I think that's the whole point. It is supposed to make you think illogically. Using the ole imagination is fun sometimes, especially when the premise of the discussion is completely fantastical to begin with. If that makes me a goofball, then yep. I am.

Oh, and by the way...the simple fact you are posting on this blog makes you a goofball as well. You may as well own up to it.

Anonymous said...

It's a Granny Smith apple, goofballs.

Hot for teacher said...

An it ain't sour, it's TART!

Anonymous said...

It's obvious these things should be questioned, or at least looked at. Have you seen the 2 versions of the Sgt Pepper drum? One has a message. One does not. They had both of them there on the day of the shoot. Fonts matter. Shapes matter.

Why a green apple for the Apple Corps logo? Why a sour apple?

If the drumskin with "the message" was supposed to be there, why have the other version lying around?

Why a green apple? Are you serious? Paul got the idea from Magritte-he owned a Magritte, one of his faves. The famous green apples in his paintings, hello? And Apple Corp is of course a pun on apple core. . .duh.

Why a yellow submarine? Why a submarine?

No one answers the most illogical concept of it all: why, if the Beatles were so keyed up to let people know Paul died with clues all over the f-ing place, is it supposed to be a secret? What, they had to do it on the sly so the Illuminati wouldn't find out and kill them for talking? Hello? Five-year old's heard about the death clues. Everyone did. So the powers-that-be would have already known the Beatles were determined to talk in clues. How hard it is to leave a really unambiguous clear message like that? I would have done at least an acrostic or something, making the first letter of each verse of a song spell out "Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash and he was replaced. This is a secret message and you've discovered the truth."

Now THAT would have been easy and much better.

Or, just have someone ghost write a book and give all the info. How hard is that?

It would have been simple as pie to reveal such a thing to any number of people.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...What is the significance of the hanging "T"? Why that font? Why hanging? Have you seen another example of this done anywhere else in pop culture? I haven't. Why wouldn't this be questioned when they have a song about the "Sun King", and the Tau cross is also associated with the solar gods, or the "Sun King".

Dude, 3 letters on each side BEA and LES with a big T in the middle to provide graphic balance. Didn't you ever see the original Beatles drum logo with the antennae over the B to play up the cutesy bug gimmick. That was so bad it had to change. The second logo is classier. What a stupid question to ask. Take a graphic arts course or something.

Anonymous said...

Dude, 3 letters on each side BEA and LES with a big T in the middle to provide graphic balance.

It also drives home the pun "Beat" by accenting the "T."

All of the sixties bands had logos, like the Who, Kinks, Stones etc.

What is your point about the T? That they were trying to slyly reveal that they were Christians?

Because that's what a Tau cross is, a Christian symbol.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like questioning what is presented, and trying to make ties where they might be illogical, why are you even here? That's the only bit of fun in this. The whole premise of the video series, this site, and the subject matter is illogical. I think that's the whole point. It is supposed to make you think illogically.

I agree that it can be fun looking for clues, but I also think you are giving way too much credit to RA, assuming it's supposed to make you think illogically, because it's not presented as illogic, not when you have voice overs and documents and blah blah.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it can be fun looking for clues, but I also think you are giving way too much credit to RA, assuming it's supposed to make you think illogically, because it's not presented as illogic, not when you have voice overs and documents and blah blah.

The dude who started RA was an NIR guy and he actually believed Paul was replaced. No subtlety involved there at all.

Anonymous said...

I went down to the crossroad....

Anonymous said...

It's a real place, ya know, cluesters.

I'm bored said...

Up on a hill, they got time to burn

Anonymous said...

remember the words of pipes of peace at your mad hatters tea party

Anonymous said...

But we are doing that, ad nauseum, and they continue to ignore even the best teachings. It's like the want to fail, dear.

Anonymous said...

But we are doing that, ad nauseum, and they continue to ignore even the best teachings. It's like the want to fail, dear.

oh brother.

so you've provided us with the "best teachings?" Hey, thanks a bunch.

Let me provide you with a classic Zen teaching: "He who knows doesn't speak. He who speaks doesn't know."

you're welcome goofballs.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I believe in iamaphoney and his godspell. Worship Him and He will reveal Himself.

June 3, 2010 6:38 AM

Dude, stop worshipping other dudes in Denmark.

Are my roots showing? said...

Oh shut up.

Anonymous said...

How funny was that when Paul made the dig at George W. Bush with the "library" comment? I almost fell out of my chair.

Because George W. Bush not only didn't know what a library was, he was also a right-wing conservative born-again Christian, yikes. He fought a war against terrorists, what a disgrace. His religious beliefs actually guided his decision making as a president, and we all know that isn't cool unless you follow Crowley. Way to go, Paul. Way to go. You should start a blog.

It's not that I'm surprised, it's that I keep hoping I will be.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for lashing out like that, I could never get the hang of sarcasm.

Gameface... out?

Anonymous said...

I light a candle to our love,
In love our problems disappear.
But all in all we soon discover
That one and one is all we long to hear.

All 'round the world,
Little children being born to the world.
Got to give them all we can 'til the war is won,
Then will the work be done.

Help them to learn (help them to learn)
Songs of joy instead of burn, baby, burn.
Let us show them how to play
The pipes of peace,
Play the pipes of peace.


Help me to learn
Songs of joy instead of burn, baby, burn,
Won't you show me to play (how to play)
The pipes of peace, (pipes of peace)
Play the pipes of peace


What do you say? (what do you say?)
Will the human race be run in a day? (in a day?)
Or will someone save this planet we're playing on?
Is it the only one?

What are we gonna do?

Help them to see (help them to see)
That the people here are like you and me. (like you and me)
Let us show them how to play (how to play)
The pipes of peace, (pipes of peace)
Play the pipes of peace.


I light a candle to our love,
In love our problems disappear.
But all in all we soon discover
That one and one is all we long to hear.

Anonymous said...

The pipes of peace won't stop the people who have already heard them and still want to kill you. Fighting back is sometimes the only way you'll survive. Peace doesn't win wars, peace comes after you've fought for it.

Anonymous said...




Watch "Lord Of War":


Anonymous said...

Or will someone save this planet we're playing on?

the Spirit's UP! said...

War is over, if you want it.

the Spirit's HERE said...

gameface said...
The pipes of peace won't stop the people who have already heard them and still want to kill you.

Then they really haven't heard them, have they?

Anonymous said...

For all we know, our love will GROW.

Anonymous said...

the Spirit's HERE said...
gameface said...
The pipes of peace won't stop the people who have already heard them and still want to kill you.

Then they really haven't heard them, have they?
June 4, 2010 9:20 AM

Okay, and there are people who will kill you sooner than they'd listen to reason. So playing pipes of peace while they come and destroy you isn't going to do any good. Peace is worth dying for, and sometimes that's what it takes.

If there's a school bully who picks on whoever he wants, except one kid who's bigger and stronger than the bully, is it wrong for the stronger kid to fight the bully on behalf of those who can't? If that's what it takes to get peace in the schoolyard, shouldn't the one child who's able to "fight for peace" do so?

Check you local library said...

"Or, just have someone ghost write a book and give all the info. How hard is that?

It would have been simple as pie to reveal such a thing to any number of people."

one would think so

Anonymous said...

If that's what it takes to get peace in the schoolyard, shouldn't the one child who's able to "fight for peace" do so?

Yes, the One child may do so, and has. The other children are to learn through his example.

Anonymous said...

You first.

mile high club said...

Got to give them all we can 'til the war is won

Then will the work be done.

Anonymous said...

"After the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is."

Anonymous said...

Steady lads! Here we go!

Nostradamus said...

When the eclipse of the Sun will then be,
The monster (divine omen) will be seen in plain daylight:
Quite otherwise will one interpret it,
High price unguarded: none will have provided for it.

Anonymous said...

"He wants a shoehorn,
the kind with teeth.
He wants a shoehorn,
the kind with teeth,
'coz he knows there's no such thing."

Anonymous said...

Just do it, or I'll come and hit you with my big stick!

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