Rotten Apple 80 here! Looks like somebody has been reading the record mirror.

Initial Observations:
Glad to see Iamaphoney come through. The revelation still appears to be a way's off. Obviously, the old "put different dialog in the video footage" trick is being employed again. The guy with the accent is as lovable as ever. Nothing hammers you on the head, but there are some new things in this one worth investigating.
I would be interested in hearing your impressions. Please feel free to comment as we analyze this latest effort.
More to come...
Those mysterious dots scrolling down the screen in recent Rotten Apple videos are reminiscent of the dots on the Abbey Road wall that have been historically connected together to form the number three. That was the interpretation as far back as the F. Lee Bailey television mock trial at the height of the original rumor. Recently a picture was published on the fabulous Wog Blog that reportedly shows more dots that were on the wall. Elements of the album cover have been superimposed on the wall.

Is this a face in a tree or the power of suggestion?

1 – 200 of 897 Newer› Newest»I'm Back!
I've just seen a face I can't forget...
I saw that one years ago.
Look at it again, different angle, you'll see another.
Did I call it or what? Zzzzzzzzz....
What does "accent guy" say after he says, "They left the possibility to discover the truth"?
sounds like: but xn rash bee bo
But we mustn't rush people.
But it's a rash on a boo boo.
posted here for easy access
posted here for Peace of Mind
Mother Fucker!!! you are Iamaphoney!!!! " days earlier, you fooled with let it be backwards, and guess what??? New RA video is about the same thing? Fuck you!!! you are really a phoney!
"Thursday, April 8, 2010
I Miss I
Dear Mr. Iamaphoney, Do you know I miss you?
We all miss you, don't ya boys?
Do ya miss him, miss him, miss him?
All the Beatles miss you."
Say what?
All the Beatles miss you?
hard of hearing said...
What does "accent guy" say after he says, "They left the possibility to discover the truth"?
"They left the possibility to discover the truth to the next generation, you know, bee bo."
Paul is lost
btw i saw a face too
"If you;re not ready for the truth you can't see it."
I have never known
The likes of this, I've been alone
And I have missed things and kept out of sight
But other girls were never quite like this
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm mmm mmm
Falling, yes I am falling
And she keeps calling me back again
Let the fire get higher!
All my friends know the low rider
The low rider is a little higher
Low rider drives a little slower
Low rider is a real goer
Low rider knows every street yeah!
Low rider is the one to meet yeah!
Low rider don't use no gas now
Low rider don't drive too fast
Take a little trip
Take a little trip
Take a little trip and see
Take a little trip
Take a little trip
Take a little trip with me
At birth.
can anyone help me with making a transcription?
can't hear most of it.
transcription? are you kidding me? You have miles and miles of transcription.
And Yet, with free as a bird, we somehow did.
Anonymous said...
And Yet, with free as a bird, we somehow did.
April 10, 2010 5:01 AM
wink wink
nod nod
by the way, april 10th does seem like a day of change.
i just had something happen to me... an ending.
Oh? what happened different today mikey?
olimpicus said...
Everybody wondering what's that sound?
Words are gettin' higher, everybody fire.
Oh the sun is risin' again.
Hey now baby, what you doin', I'll be coming.
Never mind the highway, I'll be runnin',
Gather our horses and RUN!
The volume this was recorded at is so low that to hear it you have to turn your speakers all the way up!
Yeah, look at old burnt out Superman
Try'n' to shoot his dust on the sun
Captain Comet kids, they're dead on the run
Nice...... welcome back!
I say, (this is Vince, by the way).... I STILL say, there's something about that 'nail biting': he always had a problem with it, possibly a reaction to when you quit smoking (you tend to desire that bit of nicotine residue).... now, maybe, he's doing it FOR the cameras.... maybe, there's a anxiety factor, being filmed with Ring, & George..... who knows.
Still, kind of a nice return....
have a happy day,
Anything to link the face in the trees (abbey road) vs. the face in the car window (free as a bird vid)?
"Everybody wondering what's that sound?"
I think it's time we STOP
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin down
It's the same one; coming soon to a planet near you!
"Anything to link the face in the trees (abbey road) vs. the face in the car window (free as a bird vid)?"
Not directly, imo, 'though both may represent "Mother Nature's son".
4:59 - Kudos to iamaphoney for the incredible photographic montages at 4:59 as Faul walks "through"/past the banged up Volkswagon. We see, for one instant, the face of Paul over the wreck as Faul moves sneakily past the car.
I find it curious that at 6:07, where Faul is talking about being asked if the Beatles will be getting together, Fingo turns to Faul and says, "Well let me ask you it this way: Will you be getting back together?" as if to suggest that Faul is all of the Beatles.
Can anyone make out what is said about "the superstone" from 6:29 - 6:31?
And does anyone know who the little girl shown standing amidst the men's pant legs at 7:03 is?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with the info.
Can anyone make out what is said about "the superstone" from 6:29 - 6:31
The superstone is for you luv.
I won the world.
And does anyone know who the little girl shown standing amidst the men's pant legs at 7:03 is?
The little girl alway gets the front row spot at parades and scenes of car accidents.
Free, as a bird.
the big 40
I one the world.
Anything to link the face in the trees (abbey road) vs. the face in the car window (free as a bird vid)?
One is for the bible belters and the other is for the motor heads.
If you're into abstraction.
Iaap likes to saunter backwards.
you're right, Taf. Nothing really new there. I've said many times that Phoney could have avoided redundancy and done the same series with 15-20 videos.
The fact that much of the Polish political establishment appears to have been wiped out on this single flight has really come as a profound shock to the Polish nation.
"I've said many times that Phoney could have avoided redundancy and done the same series with 15-20 videos."
Is this deaf dumb and blind shit going to go on much longer?
At the risk of repeating myself.
Words are gettin' higher, everybody fire.
Oh the sun is risin' again.
Jump in the pool!
I find it curious that at 6:07, where Faul is talking about being asked if the Beatles will be getting together, Fingo turns to Faul and says, "Well let me ask you it this way: Will you be getting back together?" as if to suggest that Faul is all of the Beatles.
Can anyone make out what is said about "the superstone" from 6:29 - 6:31?
And does anyone know who the little girl shown standing amidst the men's pant legs at 7:03 is?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with the info.
Here's a clue for you: if you had the answers to those questions it still wouldn't matter.
And to the bluelink hypergraphia dude, whether or not you are astounded that no one has caught on to your theory and that it's all in front of everyone's eyes, the bottom line is this: if it were at all important it wouldn't be on this blog or on a little-known youtube channel.
FIXING A HOLE ...w/ Jagger & Co.?
...."Fingo turns to Faul and says, "Well let me ask you it this way: Will you be getting back together?" as if to suggest that Faul is all of the Beatles."
Well....wasn't he?
Man We Was Lonely
Yes We Was Lonely
And We Was Hard Pressed to Find a Smile
Man We Was Lonely
Yes We Was Lonely
But Now We're Fine All The While
I Used to Ride on My Fast City Line
Now Let Me Lie With My Love For The Time I Am Home....
honest work will overdo
VIVA iamaphoney. you are a fucking HERO!!!
no one has caught on to your theory and that it's all in front of everyone's eyes, the bottom line is this: if it were at all important it wouldn't be on this blog or on a little-known youtube channel.
Guess what?
IT IS!!!
"And to the bluelink hypergraphia dude, whether or not you are astounded that no one has caught on to your theory "
I'm gonna get you too! ;
DIP in a little toe. It's not cold.
Still thirsty?
"Now Let Me Lie With My Love For The Time I Am Home...."
welcome home!
Here's a clue for you: if you had the answers to those questions it still wouldn't matter.
And you do have the answers.
sorry 'bout the typo, the extra "s" is for savings.
It's really not complicated once you begin to begin.
the poster, not the pompous one
when I'm 64
on the cover
If all the beatles miss iamaphoney so much, why don't they just find him since he's so obviously still around?
Maybe because they aren't?
I'll bet those golden tickets make the chocolate taste terrible.
ah my mama said the time would come
when i would find myself in love with u
i didnt think i never dreamed
that i would b around 2 c it all come true
whoa o oh i
o oh o i
Are the Beatles getting back together?
seems like iamaphoney's throwing J.L. a bone..
John Lennon or Jeff Leland?
you decide.
As long as there is music, we'll be coming back again. ;]
Every song has a hidden code in it. If you can decypher it, you're someone special in the eye's of the lord.
But it takes so long!
You should have thought, you should have dreamed.
I would be around to see it all come true.
Gimme please link on the ORIGINAL of this foto (without back cover) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rV95R6_go5s/S7_yMmPqYcI/AAAAAAAAC7c/aFWFc4NOEdU/s1600/alexandrastreet.jpg
Do ME a favor.
omg http://www.norwegianwood.org/beatles/english/albumcovers11.html
I'd ask my friends to come and see
An octopus' garden with me
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus' garden in the shade.
We would be warm below the storm
In our little hideaway beneath the waves
Resting our head on the sea bed
In an octopus' garden near a cave
We would sing and dance around
because we know we can't be found
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus' garden in the shade
We would shout and swim about
The coral that lies beneath the waves
(Lies beneath the ocean waves)
Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knowing they're happy and they're safe
(Happy and they're safe)
He'd let us in, knows where we've been.
isn't it good, Norwegian wood?
But I made my way in the shade keeping outta the heat.
He definitely gets the Golden Globe for that one!
Have put the vids, and this site, up on Rigorous Intuition....
still, they're all about John, though.
no one has caught on to your theory and that it's all in front of everyone's eyes, the bottom line is this: if it were at all important it wouldn't be on this blog or on a little-known youtube channel.
Guess what?
IT IS!!!
and that's why no one cares.
B is for Billy
U is for you
L is for LOVE
L is for LILY
S is for Shears
H is for HELP
I is for my Isles
T is for (?)
Oh, I get it.
and that's why no one cares.
You are such a freakin downer. Get a clue man. Waaaaaait for it......
You tell me that's eveolution...
the plan is gonna be all RIGHT
Macca is cool.
>>>>>>>>>>> this way out
Abbey Roadsters
to get to the other side
If all the beatles miss iamaphoney so much, why don't they just find him since he's so obviously still around?
Gimme please link on the ORIGINAL of this foto (without back cover) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rV95R6_go5s/S7_yMmPqYcI/
Sorry; I don't have one.
So anyway, time for serious questions! So, did Paul after 1967 still have the same veins in his hand he had before 1966?
So anyway, time for serious questions! So, did Paul after 1967 still have the same veins in his hand he had before 1966??
Why wouldn't he?
Same guy, duh.
There once was a child in the Dakota.. And this child's name was..
Anonymous said...
There once was a child in the Dakota.. And this child's name was..
April 11, 2010 9:43 PM
don't break it!
Rocky didn't like that!
So one day he walked into town
Booked himself a room in the local saloon.
Now the doctor came in stinking of gin
And proceeded to lie on the table
Gideon checked out and he left it no doubt
To help with good rockys revival.
Daniel was HOT and and drew the first shot
and Rocky collapsed in the corner.
C'mon Rocky boy!
get a life
Oh brother are you gonna leave me
wasting away?
On the streets of Philadelphia?
We will not fail.
So receive me brother with your faithless kiss
or will we leave each other alone like this
On the streets of Philadelphia
Get a brain.
Get Back
Your Mommy's waiting for you.
That's what you got to choose. High heels.
The situation is very liquid.
99 bottles of beer on the wall
99 bottles of beer...
super EPIC fail
I don't want to fail you, epic guy.
Very together.
Anonymous said...
They're probably shitting bricks right about now. No cake for you popey!
Still time to get your ducks in order though, boys, but not much. Really.
In the name of Him, we will take over the world,
I know it sounds bad but in reality it is good.
It is all a part of TheRevelAtion.
He won the world!
Very superstitious,
Writing's on the wall,
Very superstitious,
Ladders bout' to fall,
Thirteen month old baby,
Broke the lookin' glass
Seven years of bad luck,
The good things in your past
It's ALL good, PaderNioc. Thank you.
Light up the sky.
Drink it up and she'll bring you luck!
final boarding pass
where is everybody?
what the hell is wrong with you?
No ticket.
WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? I'm sorry I have trouble controlling THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!
|ç”°|ç”°ç”°│ ”,,’,.
Anonymous said...
There once was a child in the Dakota.. And this child's name was..
lol wait wait i got one
So a Jew and a Muslim walk into a bar..
Oh boy, I guess Taf just realized now to hide his "last sign in" feature on his hidden youtube account until just recently.
You know, because when you go on one account, it shows when you last sign in. So, it's a little weird when there's similiar activity going in both his legit account, and his alter-ego account.
Anonymous said...
|ç”°|ç”°ç”°│ ”,,’,.
April 12, 2010 8:48 PM
looks like a house, being rained on
, with a picket fence,, on i love you street?
Close enough. But you forgot the door.
So a Jew and a Muslim walk into a bar..
The Jew paid for the drinks!
She has a house and garden.
You have been given the ticket, gameface. You just have to get it punctured first.
Hey! what's going on? Taf????
Can you come out to play in my empty garden?
It's a secret garden.
Left to right
We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world
(Just make sure you have it all set to go before you come for my piano)
Well, the Illinois Central,
And the Southern Central Freight
Someone on Rigorous Intuition thread said that IAMA has a Twitter account, and THAT proved that these are being done from someone in the McCartney 'camp'.
Anybody know about this?
I guess you can call him a fire starter.
Art, in heaven.
btw, the red hair thing is just a metaphor.
Video clip of the day...
The Buttercup Chain (1970) Jane Asher
I'm all for ending the game, folks.
All were given a chance, Macca. Please come home now. Let it Be.
Anonymous said...
Close enough. But you forgot the door.
April 13, 2010 2:44 AM
who would want to live there?
paul is dead - the rotten apple 80 (EN subtitled)
click on blue username.
who would want to live there?
Jesse's girl would want to live there.
yellow matter custard
Right, Taffy?
plasticine porter with looking glass ties
Someone on Rigorous Intuition thread said that IAMA has a Twitter account, and THAT proved that these are being done from someone in the McCartney 'camp'.
Anybody know about this?
Yeah, it's just some dudes making stuff up. Nothing to do with Macca.
They left the possibility to discover the truth
The King is Naked
Nothing is Real
Oh great, the revelation will be on Twitter. That makes perfect sense all things considered.
yeah, it's a face in the tree, Taf.
worth the wait, eh?
face looks like Ringo..
And you KNOW he'll deny this is his said...
Oh boy, I guess Taf just realized now to hide his "last sign in" feature on his hidden youtube account until just recently.
You know, because when you go on one account, it shows when you last sign in. So, it's a little weird when there's similiar activity going in both his legit account, and his alter-ego account.
Uh, Ok. I have two YouTube accounts (goo3joob and tafultong) and I sign into both of them daily. I upload to whichever one I happen to be in unless I do a music video, in which case, I send to both.
If I'm not uploading a video I sign in to see if I have personal messages or if there are new vids in from those to which I subscribe.
Anonymous said...
Hey! what's going on? Taf????
Hello Anonymous. Too darn much is going on. At least it's a slow news day in my imagination.
Anonymous said...
Right, Taffy?
Right, and double right.
Only Mama knows.
Interesting set up he's got over there. You can practically click on anything to find a little nugget or two. ;
I liked the bear with the bandana. That was cute.
The Blue Turban King entered into Foix
By the cross and the horse of God I complete this Daemon guardian at midday blue apples.
Take a bite.
I want to go home.
What d'yer think i'm gonna do?
I got a flash right from the start.
Get back.
It's just another day.
Two T's, both with sugar, please.
190 and I still haven't done my taxes.
This is one of the most hermetic message boards in the internet.
I swear i can't understand shit, it's like reading random thoughts.
Way to Go
MDC = 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue
The White House
Just sayin' another random thought.
You should do your taxes. Really
I swear i can't understand shit, it's like reading random thoughts.
It's random precision. There's a huge difference. Try harder.
If all the beetles miss iamaphoney so much, why don't they just find him since he's so obviously still around?
They would rather be deported, I guess.
Nuttin' like the sound of breaking glass.
pay you taxes
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