Monday, December 21, 2009

New Iamaphoney Song and New GFA Video

UPDATE: Speaking of the Beatles and the Bahamas, have you ever heard this story from John Rook?

A few months later in February of 1965, Chuck Brinkman and I were invited to join the Beatles in the Bahamas where they were filming “Help”. I have many memories of that "vacation" but one clearly stands out in my mind. "The Boys" with their well known mischievous streak decided to have some "fun" by wrecking the MG sports car they had been provided. Together they lifted the rear of the card up on two cement cinder blocks, one below each side of the back bumper, and then took delight in starting the motor, laying a brick on the gas peddle and pushing it off the cement blocks for the unattended car to gather speed crashing into a solid cement wall. This was done over and over until the MG no longer could "make the trip" to the wall. With each crash "the boys" leaped for joy squealing in delight cheering on the death of the MG. Source

For some unknown reason, Ringo Starr is promoting a new recording of a Beatles Outfake from the early days of Contra Band Bootlegs. Oh, wait a minute. I don't mean Ringo Starr, the former Beatle who is releasing a new CD called "Y Not." I am referring to RlNGOSTARR, who released a new video on YouTube called "Peace of Mind."

In a similar vein, Paul McCartney has an official video on YouTube for his new song "I Want To Come Home." But PauIMcCartney of YouTube fame also has an official video for "I Want To Come Home." Only your pause button will know the difference.

It never ceases to amaze me how Grandfather Aleister is able to delve deeply into the minutiae of Beatles History and find the most uncanny connections. His latest effort under the name 999nowhereman is titled Paul is Dead - Sam Ahab is Bahamas Backwards Part 1. GFA is in great form.

And many thanks to MikeyNL for keeping up with and sharing the large amount of Iamaphoney audio material. He quickly gave us a crisp sounding version of "Peace of Mind" and several others on his Iamaphoneymusic page.


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in the news hidden clues said...

iamaphoney got busted

Billie Paul Piper said...

A rose by another name that's hard to miss lol.

Towing said...

In case you need your car pulled.

Shining for Polly said...

Red Nu
Red Nu
Red Nu

Mister Hook's Educated Apes said...

Tomb In It Mysteries
(Twelve Degrees)

Anonymous said...

Made the Grade

Chickey Baby said...

Batten down the cricket hatches!

Come Play in the Ashes said...

All I need is a pound (lb) a day.

Anonymous said...

The Postman always rings twice.

Anonymous said...

Lord. A blog about a BS theory and obsessive BS comments to go with it.

Pet sounds said...

You can believe what you want to believe.

But a suitcase always floats! said...

jest remember that

Anonymous said...

I hear Jerusalem bells a'ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you'd gone it was never,
never an honest word

That was when I ruled the world

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1234 can I have a little more?

Come play with us Danny! said...

Forever and ever and ever!

Hey! I Love You! said...

This one time offer at tafultong's yamaphoney blog!

And the music, said...

it was bad!!!

Anonymous said...

see anything new?

Freddie's Dead said...

Paul is Fred

ya tells one goat joke, said...

a goat and two virgins?

WWCO said...

1240 WWCO Waterbury Ct

Anonymous said...

look at the goddamn book

Anonymous said...

Those aren't virgins, they're prostitutes, and that's a john deer.

Anonymous said...

hey, there's supposed to be a solar eclipse 1/15

Anonymous said...

look at the goddamn book

OK. There's somebody's name written in gold,
but it is illegible.
Charlie Manson holds the book. (There's an "X" on his head.)
And it appears as if there's a nose on the upper left hand corner of the book.

Are you happy now?

Anonymous said...

Those aren't virgins, they're prostitutes, and that's a john deer.

January 3, 2010 6:42 PM

they look nothing like that

Anonymous said...

"Are you happy now?"

nope, cuz you still don't see

Anonymous said...

See how they snied.
I'm crying.

Don't call me Baggins! said...

Klaatu's, "Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft"

Misheard Lyrics:
In your mind you have ability
To form and transmit fart energy
Far beyond the known.

Original Lyrics:
In your mind you have ability
To form and transmit thought energy
Far beyond the known.

Misheard Lyrics:
Our Earth-men never survive
So don't call me Baggins.

Original Lyrics:
Our Earth may never survive
So do come we beg you.

Misheard Lyrics:
To send a message
We declare we'll contact Dave.

Original Lyrics:
To send a message
We delclare World Contact Day.

Dave? said...

Dave's not here.

I wanna KHIL ! said...

1250 KHIL

Anonymous said...

Dave? said...
Dave's not here.

January 3, 2010 8:17 PM

Yes he is.

Anonymous said...


Shine on you crazy diamond said...

Well, you wore out your welcome
With random precision
Rode on the steel breeze

Anonymous said...

thinned out his thank you too

Anonymous said...

what do you mean?

tell me dahlin' said...

I'm in the groove!

Anonymous said...

work! work!

Anonymous said...

(now that I can dance)

Anonymous said...

Maybe something cool will happen 1/11 huh?

Anonymous said...

love how it goes all james brown in the middle

Anonymous said...

Sumthin' cool happens every day!

Anonymous said...

I used to think I was lazy, but I figured out that I'm the hardest working mofo I know.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Jumpin' Jack Gass said...


Anonymous said...

oh i wish that i could be richard cory

Anonymous said...

Them some big shoes to walk in, friend.

Black Kyle said...


Anonymous said...

1270 WLBR Lebanon Pa

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Them some big shoes to walk in, friend.

Thus the stubbins.

Anonymous said...

Take a bath.

Hoowech! Ptui! said...

I hate when Mark spits.

Mister Scott said...

It's green.

Shocking Beatles Abbey Road Album Cover Secrets said...

More wacko conspiracy theories that tie together jfk, abbey road, and alcohol and drug usage...

and like those pictures you stare at and cross your eyes together to see images, if you squint long enough you will see
"faul" holding something up to ringo's head........

absolute rubbish.

Paul isn't dead you crazy wacko's

PID is dead!

Dead as Dillinger

here is the link, don't watch it, it only encourages the wankers

and supposedly there will be a "part 2" you know that I wont watch that either.

Blue link special said...

palm pilots association thanks you for the blue link!

Anonymous said...

Byrnin' Down the House

Anonymous said...

the traffic links they turn, uh, blue tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Don't forget your jukebox money!

Anonymous said...

If David Byrne and Macca got together and made an album it would be FIRE, man!

Anonymous said...

Let me stand next to your fire.

Palmyra Pye Lot said...

Milo took the shiny pencil from his pocket and quickly calculated that, at the rate they were working, it would take each of them eight hundred and thirty-seven years to finish.

"Pardon me," he said, tugging at the man's sleeve and holding the sheet of figures up for him to see, "but it's going to take eight hundred and thirty-seven years to do these jobs."

"Is that so?" replied the man, without even turning around. "Well, you'd better get on with it then."

"But it hardly seems worth while," said Milo softly.

"WORTH WHILE!" the man roared indignantly.

"All I meant was that perhaps it isn't too important," Milo repeated, trying not to be impolite.

"Of course it's not important," he snarled angrily. "I wouldn't have asked you to do it if I thought it was important." And now, as he turned to face them, he didn't seem quite so pleasant.

"Then why bother?" asked Tock, whose alarm suddenly began to ring.

"Because, my young friends," he muttered sourly, "what could be more important than doing unimportant things? If you stop to do enough of them, you'll never get to where you're going." He punctuated his last remark with a villainous laugh.

"Then you must -----" gasped Milo.

"Quite correct!" he shrieked triumphantly. "I am the Terrible Trivium, demon of petty tasks and worthless jobs, ogre of wasted effort, and monster of habit."

Anonymous said...

Sing the Changes

Anonymous said...

It is important to task, Phantom Tollboother.

Anonymous said...

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain.

War of the Roses said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

David slew Goliath with a stone to his temple pilot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

all around the world....

Anonymous said...

Statues crumble for me.

Anonymous said...

who knows how long

Anonymous said...

The Shadow knows!

Anonymous said...

take me home

Anonymous said...

where I belong

Gary Bartz said...

Saxin' Mother

Anonymous said...

Bullet in the head Sax

Anonymous said...

We can drive it home, with one head lice.

Anonymous said...

one lice, two lice, three lice more
five lice, six lice, seven lice more!

Anonymous said...

No body has friend around here?

Anonymous said...

I'll take you home. I'll do everything,

Anonymous said...

Hey we gotta go now, so move you're asses.

Anonymous said...

sorry, didn't mean to call you "asses", just YOUR ass.

As in MOVE it.

A Pretty Nurse said...

Bring on the Lucie
(and the coxcomb charts)

Anonymous said...

Daddy Sawbucks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


KNOX said...

1310 KNOX

Songs of Joy said...

instead of "Burn, baby, burn!"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Daddy Sawbucks

Keeps a ten bob note up his nose.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What in the effin #@%&*! you think I been doing?

Ten Bob said...

Nice try.

the Average Person said...

living from paycheck to paycheckmate

Anonymous said...

wow, dude. serious case of hypergraphia.

Anonymous said...

Listen, children, all is not lost. All is not lost, no no no!

shoes said...

That's what you got to choose.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

..... to work with lions in the zoo

Anonymous said...

behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book

Help the animals said...

and forests

What famous people suffer hypergraphia? said...

Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Vincent van Gogh
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Bill Clinton
Franz Kafka
Letter B
Lord Tennyson
Edgar Allan Poe
Lord Byron
Isaac Asimov

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You forgot Lewis Carroll.

Say it ain't snow! said...

"It ain't snow!"

Anonymous said...

You forgot Lewis Carroll.

Drink Me!

Anonymous said...

Lord knows we need it any time we can get it.
But if we forget it every now and then.
But if you don't feel it, later on you'll regret it.
And if we let it we could set it free, you and me.

Anonymous said...

wake up!

iamawake said...

how "bout you?

Anonymous said...

(say it with a Canadian accent)

Anonymous said...


Yell Work

Anonymous said...

The hardliest working man in know business.

Anonymous said...

happy birthdaye ambassador

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

and if we knew what it meant, we would take care

Peace meditation TODAY! said...

4pm EST, 3pmCT, 2pmMT, 1pmPST

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
and if we knew what it meant, we would take care

If and only if, apparently.

Anonymous said...

standin' in line with mister jiffy

Anonymous said...

Mister Iffy

Anonymous said...

it's like being xnor'd

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
and if we knew what it meant, we would take care

If and only if, apparently.

January 5, 2010 10:34 AM


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it's getting very near the end

RIPley's said...

Believe it, or not.

Ynot? said...


Randolph McAfee said...

Ed Sullivan
Ed Sullivan
We're gonna be on Ed Sullivan
How could any family be
Half as fortunate as we?
We'll be coast to coast
With our favorite host
Ed Sullivan

Anonymous said...

How about a nice warm Seven-Up?

Anonymous said...

what non-famous non-writers suffer hypergraphia?

you, dude

Anonymous said...

it takes a very special psycho even more disturbed than these PID whack jobs to post random shit day and night, month after month, and to take the time to link the comments to photos and videos.


freak show all around hahahah

Anonymous said...

There's really nothing random about it.

Anonymous said...

relax freak show it's art

Anonymous said...

happlee birthday hom broode

Yoda Homey said...

Where them gifts be?

Anonymous said...

Your freakshow.

Anonymous said...

My freakshow.

Anonymous said...


Fidum Scit said...

lego: Latin for I study

Anonymous said...

Active Users In The Past 24 Hours

1 Member, 797 Guests, 3 Invisible Users

Anonymous said...

it's a strange invitation

Anonymous said...


Bébé le Strange said...

Someone's Knockin

Anonymoses said...

reed visit

Pa Pyrus Bass Kit said...

A Visit in the Read

Pop Iris Biscuit said...


Cookie! said...

Sani and Chair

Freak Show said...

Get ready for those big word lol!

Anonymous said...

Thunder on the mountain, and there's fires on the moon
A ruckus in the alley and the sun will be here soon.

Anonymous said...

Sit beside a mountain stream--see her waters rise
Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies

Hollywood Paul is dead said...

3:40 - 3:47

poetry in motion said...

She blinded me with SCIENCE!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

it takes a very special psycho even more disturbed than these PID whack jobs to post random shit day and night, month after month, and to take the time to link the comments to photos and videos.


freak show all around hahahah

that was so good it needs to be posted twice.

Anonymous said...

POE et Tree

Anonymous said...

that was so good it needs to be posted twice.

sez you

Anonymous said...

You better run run run run AWAY

oh ho

Anonymous said...

Je me lance vers la gloire ...
We are vain and we are blind
I hate people when they're not polite

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dude looks like a lady.

Anonymous said...

Rinse the raindrops
From your head
Wipe your eyes
Go back to bed
In the morning
Skies'll clear
And I'll be here
See the sunlight
Break the ice
For the birds of paradise
Listen to the song they sing

Anonymous said...

Je me lance vers la gloire

for so long said...

How many times do we need to tell you we want to come home before you believe it?

Anonymous said...

Engine Room

Anonymous said...


Active Users In The Past 24 Hours

1 Staff Member, 2 Members, 923 Guests, 2 Invisible Users

Pot O' Mac said...

Is Paul a pipe, joint, or bong guy?

Anonymous said...

all of the above, as all of the be-low.

Anonymous said...

it takes a very special psycho even more disturbed than these PID whack jobs to post random shit day and night, month after month, and to take the time to link the comments to photos and videos.


freak show all around hahahah

that was so good it needs to be posted every day, all day.

Anonymous said...

operative words very special

Anonymous said...

so special

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it takes a very special psycho even more disturbed than these PID whack jobs to post random shit day and night, month after month, and to take the time to link the comments to photos and videos.

Paul McCartney

Anonymous said...

comin' down, comin' down, comin' down FAST!

Anonymous said...

why are you signing for Paul?

Art thou Macca?

Anonymous said...

Macca know his scit.

Anonymous said...

Get Back Mac, she's waiting.

a crowd of people stood and stared said...

923 Guests at TKIN?!
What have they posted that's drawing such a crowd?

God I miss GFA! said...

it takes a very special psycho even more disturbed than these PID whack jobs to post random shit day and night, month after month, and to take the time to link the comments to photos and videos.


freak show all around hahahah

that was so good it needs to be posted every day, all day,
any damn place we choose!

Anonymous said...

blink and you'll miss the turning of the page!

WICK said...

WICK 1400 Scranton

It will be just like starting over! said...

It will be just like starting over!

Marquee Mark said...

Band-aid Buttonhole

Band-aid said...

Do they know it's Xmas?

Anonymous said...

Mic Road Dot

Anonymous said...

it takes a very special psycho even more disturbed than these PID whack jobs to post random shit day and night, month after month, and to take the time to link the comments to photos and videos.


freak show all around hahahah

that was so good it needs to be posted every day, while eating Kraft Dinner, all day,
any damn place we choose!

Anonymous said...

Childlike wonder.

Anonymous said...

I've just discovered PiD/PwR/iaap etc. This blog is interesting, but I find the comment sections virtually incomprehensible. Shame, I was hoping for enlightening discussion but it's all in-jokes and wilful nonsense isn't it. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

IN the beginning...

Anonymous said...

quite comprehensible!

Anonymous said...

it takes a very special psycho even more disturbed than these PID whack jobs to post random shit day and night, month after month, and to take the time to link the comments to photos and videos.


freak show all around hahahah

Whomever posted this (and keeps posting this), you are single-handedly ending the reign of in-joke hypergraphia.

Nice work!

Heather said...

Not bloody likely. I've got a box of evidence!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you take a moment or two to find the connection of what is joke and what is not? It really can't be more in you face than that.

But you will never know if you never LOOK.

Special JuJu Psycho said...

6 deez nuts

Anonymous said...

Why don't you take a moment or two to find the connection of what is joke and what is not? It really can't be more in you face than that.

But you will never know if you never LOOK.

Yeah, there's some serious stuff in there if you really LOOK (wow. Is that like a death clue from Magical Mystery Tour? holy crap that's amazing). Really important stuff, goofballs.

More important, in fact, than the next comicon.

The Average Purse said...

That's mean.

Highway said...

Landing in median mode.

Elder Auto said...

Crossing the Ruby Icon

Rowling Stone said...

Hari Pater

Anonymous said...


Blue Meanie Media Mode said...

Sledge: Hey batter batter batter swing! (how's your wife and my kids?)

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