Apple Star features the same old stuff presented in the same old way with the same old high quality we have learned to expect from the master. I think Iamaphoney fans will love the video.

Yes, there are the same old tricks. You see Paul speaking to John from the movie "Let It Be," however the audio of Paul's speech that you hear has no relationship with the video footage you are seeing. I don't know where the audio actually came from and I can't confirm that it is Paul McCartney, but it does sound like him.
Coincidentally, you can hear the actual words Paul is saying on the promotional Apple 45 RPM record "Dialogue from the film Let It Be."

Double coincidentally, that 45 was pictured recently in the Nutters produced inside the org:11 Cut The Cards by YouTube user LEWlSCARROLL. However, you can't see the flash of the 45 on YouTube because it truncates the endings of videos. So, you have to download it to see the brief shot of it shown below.

Back to Rotten Apple 78...We get to hear a little more of the song "Apple Star (It Was A Fake Mustache)" which continues to capture the attention. [Where is that bootleg, Mike?] You also have the familiar Iamaphoney stew of Lewis Carroll, Aleister Crowley, the CODE, the Tree of Life, the people on the Sgt. Pepper Cover. We also see John, wearing Sergeant Strips and a Star Patch on the Dick Cavett Show in 1971. I have been told repeatedly by wise people that this all means nothing, but what do wise people really know?
Although I have indicated that there is a "more of the same" feeling with this video, that doesn't mean that there is nothing new in it. Although it is distorted, we get to hear what appears to be some more of an interview with Beatles expert Bruce Spizer (another of the many characters who doesn't seem to mind being featured in Iamaphoney videos) about how clever the Beatles were or were not.

Yes, the Beatles were clever, so is Iamaphoney.
1 – 200 of 298 Newer› Newest»PHIRST!
It was a fake mustache!
Who were the people in the car? Spies like us?
What can it possibly mean?
OMG! <--drama mean
(that was a sick joke, sea?)
Well... at this rate, whatever audience the phoney one has will dwindle away to
nothing from sheer boredom, but perhaps that's the plan!
That is: if there is a plan.
What is this supposed to mean?
"I'm not actually dead at this minute, any way."
That he was dead, but now he's not
So he's a vampire!
bootleg soon.
waited for apple star.
i have the clean apple star now.
i'll round it up tonight.
ye of little faith! said...
iaap has never let us down before!
November 9, 2009 1:34 PM
/vindicated. take that h8ters
Taf said:I have been told repeatedly by wise people that this all means nothing, but what do wise people really know?
are they saying "worship the alistair crowley"???
Crowley will never be a really credible source. Not for the masses. Phoney's wasting his time.
It's time!
"Those that discuss the contents of this book are to be shunned by all." lol!
Back in the US.
We're sorry but it's time to go.
hi paul
Anonymous said...
"Those that discuss the contents of this book are to be shunned by all." lol!
November 10, 2009 12:11 AM
Not very lol at all
i do not wish to be shunned!
i found a rar with all of aleister's work.. i should have it somehwere.
"This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another: in these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him not seek after this; for thereby alone can he fall from it." (AL III:47)
"The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra." (AL III:75)
" MikeNL said...
hi paul
November 10, 2009 2:41 AM"
Hi Paul!
Sitting in the stand of the sports arena
Waiting for the show to begin
Red lights, green lights, strawberry wine
A good friend of mine, follow the stars
Venus and Mars
Are alright tonight
we remember who we are
Sing the Changes
You were the Law
I'm going to have to shun AC/DC that posted at 3:12.
Today is 11/10/09
He left his people happy.
He wandered free to sigh
Alone in lowly friendship
With the green grass and the sky.
He murmured ancient music
His red heart burned to sing
Because his perfect conquest
Had grown a weary thing.
"No chant of gilded triumph --
His lonely song was made
Of Art's deliberate freedom;
Of minor chords arrayed
In soft and shadowy colors
That once were radiant flowers: --
The Rose of Sharon, bleeding
In Olive-shadowed bowers: --
"And all the other roses
In the songs of East and West
Of love and war and worshipping,
And every shield and crest
Of thistle or of lotus
Or sacred lily wrought
In creeds and psalms and palaces
And temples of white thought."
Wouldn't it be nice if tonight really was the night?
"Far away the Rachel-Jane
Not defeated by the horns
Sings amid a hedge of thorns: --
"Love and life,
Eternal youth --
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet,
Dew and glory,
Love and truth,
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet."
Anonymous said...
Wouldn't it be nice if tonight really was the night?
It would be all right.
About the credibility of Bruce Spizer:
Anonymous said...
About the credibility of Bruce Spizer:
That's about his sense of humor. I think his credibility can be seen in his books. I am not trying to imply that he endorses Iamaphoney, however.
"Those that discuss the contents of this book are to be shunned by all."
Is that actually Crowley's voice in the video?
Monumental Art
It's a nice song.
"I thought that was rather grand. I'd take one home with me."
now, I'm off to watch "How The Beatles Rocked The Kremlin":
That's because he's Bob. ;)
A soap impression of his wife which he ate and donated to the National Trust.
Wallace marries all the serpentine ladders.
Catching a ride on the back of the little red hen.
Which came first?
What is not Hamilton Burger?
What comes with corn?
Jeez, this show is almost as unbelievable as IAMAPHONY!!!!
Not only did The Beatles do more to bring down the Soviet Union MORE that a weapons build-up, but those cool BOOTLEGS!! Making 'flexies' out of X-rays!! How cool is that?
Five O'clock
Hey vince you mean like that Klinker?
Tafultong really! Spizer doesn't mind? Send him an e-mail and tell him he's in the video. Be honest. Don't lie about it and say the Rotten Apple is a puff piece about how wonderful Macca is. Go ahead. Send him an e-mail. The address is on his website. You want to get to the truth, don't you Tafultong?
what difference does it make?
Either Bruce approves or he doesn´t. Who cares?
Its what he is saying thats important.
What he's saying is that PID isn't true. I take it you agree with him?
For what it's worth I remember reading an interview with McCartney about Philip Norman's book "Shout" and McCartney was railing against it and saying it should be destroyed and burnt in a fire. Maybe this is the audio from that interview? What does Paul have against that book? Anyone?
I like "SHOUT!".
did he die?
Shout it out with tusk
A fat lie washed in love
Sugar cure
For the soot case
Everybody's wondering why you're looking such a wreck
Got too many highlights and a love bite on her neck
"Wouldn't it be nice if tonight really was the night?"
Wouldn't it be?
All I need is a pint a day.
Vampire joke?
02 Dec 09
Color Line Arena
03 Dec 09
O2 World
09 Dec 09
10 Dec 09
16 Dec 09
Köln Arena
17 Dec 09
Köln Arena
20 Dec 09
The O2
22 Dec 09
The O2 Arena
December 31
Happy New Year?
I didn't intend for it to be a vampire joke, in fact, I was barely hypo-literal, having done most of this work on the 'net...but now that you mention it, veins are red racers. Oh the suspense. Brace yourself.
Aha! 2 performances in Cologne!
(And "Why?" you axe.)
Because it points to the fact that he was Cologned!
"I haven't the slightest doubt that we did the right thing and that we acted in accordance with the law. But he kept the book, you know, but you can't retain that book. It must be thrown away, burned or destroyed by... and what ever happened to him, is the invisible god. The world isn't ready for a revelation."
I vant to bite your neck!
Making 'flexies' out of X-rays!! How cool is that?
Uh - what?
And in her eyes you see nothing
Flexie flyer
And in her eyes you see everything
Mr Vermouth,
Please pick up the white courtesy phone.
Thank you
The Lady Black Madonna
Anonymous said...
Making 'flexies' out of X-rays!! How cool is that?
Uh - what?
November 10, 2009 3:08 PM
Dude, go to PART TWO of the Beatles rocked the Kremlin special on You Tube, and there's a tale of how, since Beatle records were verbotten in the USSR, people made 'reel-to-reel' tapes, and there were special 'recording booths' made so Russian soldiers could send 'spoken massages' to their family. People would go in the booths, with their tape machines and tape Beatles songs onto 'flexi-disc's'...... Sometime using old 'X-rays'; cutting them in circles, and using THEM to make the discs!!
That way, they could easily slip the piece of plastic up their sleeves, and, in a darkened corner, make the sale of the illegal 'rock-n-roll'!
nice. Not since that scene in "Persepolis", when the girl is walking around in Iran, and men in trench coats mummer, "ABBA! I got ABBA..... what you need? What you need?" did I see just how music really IS like drugs!!!
This has no relevance whatsoever*, but puzzled posted it at NIR, and it's really cool!
* Or does it? <--- said in best Letterman voice
The singer in Drum Boogie must be a vampire; she's all glittery!
Thanks for the explanation Vince!
Help! I've turned into my father!
Harry James wore a skirt?
(Who knew?!)
Check out the mad drumming at the end.
hey wait a minute...
Let me show you how it's done, son!
I hope you're having fun.
You are afraid of me.
(Well, you aren't, but the other one is).
And I am a nutjob.
I am not afraid.
And if I am not afraid, you have nothing to fear.
Woody married Henny
Then they got divorced
Mercury broke Henny's wing
(He glued it up of course)
Henny's heart was hollow
So Woody took her back
Now they live together
Upon the power pack
She put her teeth in my flesh and it left marks; but I gave her no blood, having already taken hers.
I put my teeth in her flesh and it left marks; but she gave me no more blood, having already given me all I required.
Do ya do ya do ya do ya?
You totally have more than you need.
Would the Crowley people at least READ Crowley and try to relate some context? Since this is the "direction" seemed to be choosen? Bit of an annyversary soon, no? Lol
They don't read.
Iamaphoney grabbed his incantations from the Crowley movie in case you want to know. It's on DVD.
Even more amusing are the ones they completely MISS !
Iaap is a bit irresponsible ..
99 air balloons
Mr Vermouth.......
everybody fire
Iamaphoney grabbed his incantations from the Crowley movie in case you want to know. It's on DVD.
How about a title? Or is there only one?
It's called Crowley and it stars Simon Callow. It came out back in March. Iamaphoney has been using audio from it ever since.
It sucks just so you know.
If the Beatles are satanic does that mean the Monkees are just grumpy?
that Crowley voice is not from the movie Chemicle Wedding it has been used before March
Thanks for the Crowley info.
Just got a message from the jerk "iamafunny". blocked him from ever doing THAT again....
Google: iamaphoney cyraxandflyrax
The Book of the Law is Written
and Concealed.
Aum. Ha.
On the Highway.....
Loose me in your power.....
Question: Can you give us a word or sentence about each city you will be playing on the tour?
Q) Hamburg
Paul) Memories
Paul) Wall
Paul) Romantic
Paul) Aftershave
Q) Dublin
Paul) Irish ancestors
Paul) Capital
Hoax or revelation?
Once upon a time....Spizer told the truth about PID. The delivery was very Beatleish and approved by all, and all involved knew that the timing would only inflate the legend. Some caught on while others are still Phoneying about. Unfortunately, the revelation was too simple for most to believe, or they just didn't want to accept it. After all, it is more exciting to believe in fairy tales.
"Unfortunately, the revelation was too simple for most to believe, or they just didn't want to accept it."
what was the revelation?
"After all, it is more exciting to believe in fairy tales."
yes it is!
Come and keep your comrade warm!
Been away so long I hardly knew the place
Gee, it's good to be back home
Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case
Honey disconnect the phone
I'm back in the USSR
You don't know how lucky you are, boy
Back in the US
Back in the US
Back in the USSR
"I have been told repeatedly by wise people that this all means nothing, but what do wise people really know? "
It depends upon what? The meaning of the word Isis.
ha ha ha!
wonky finger
brian epstein
Now I know what "wonky finger" means! Thank you!
You have been warned!
John Lennon is alive!!!!
Is gone..........
Account Closed
But the avatar picture is still around on comments and in the subscription boxes of other Youtube users...
I was found in a transit lounge.
no its not
try again
O azure-lidded woman, bend upon them!
name that Crowley!
You were the law
Are you really up to the Crowley Challange?
or is that just one of those things you like to throw around, phonies?
And you can be sure that if you're feeling right
A daydream will last long into the night
Tomorrow at breakfast you may pick up your ears
Or you may be daydreaming for a thousand years
What a day for a daydream
Custom made for a daydreaming boy
And I'm lost in a daydream
Dreaming 'bout my bundle of joy
one hundred years later.......
fire, man, fire.
Cry baby cry
make your mother sigh
apple star
London : Capital
This blog needs a rag to wipe up all the dribble being posted.
Taf, why do you keep this blog alive?
Phoney is still and will always be a Phoney.
Name: Martin
Channel Views: 242
Joined:July 19, 2007
Last Sign In: 1 year ago
Subscribers: 1
Country: Denmark
The "L" is for lucky!
Sure would be nice to know the one subscriber. BET ITS IAMAPHONEY!
NEW YORK — ABC says Paul McCartney and Beyonce will star in back-to-back one-hour specials Thanksgiving night.
The evening starts at 9 p.m. EST with a Beyonce concert that was taped over the summer in Las Vegas.
That will be followed by a McCartney special that includes highlights from his July concert at Citi Field in New York City. The stadium in Queens is next to the former site of Shea Stadium, where he and his fellow Beatles rocked at the height of Beatlemania. Footage from that 1965 concert also will air during the special.
Both specials will offer interviews and personal glimpses of the stars.
The drivel is the best part of this blog, really.
Yes, the Beatles were clever, so is Iamaphoney
The drivel is the best part of this blog, really.
November 12, 2009 2:29 AM
Yes the comments here are stupid, but the word "dribble" was purposely used.
Yes, the Beatles were clever, so is Iamaphoney
November 12, 2009 3:02 AM
No, not really, really.
"Yes the comments here are stupid, but the word "dribble" was purposely used."
as was "drivel"......
Question: Is there a particular track in your set that you look forward to?
Paul: At the moment it’s 'Sing the Changes' from The Fireman album.
Takin' a dive 'cos you can't halt the slide
Floating downstream ( I'm takin a dive)
Ah so let her go don't start spoiling the show
It's a bad dream (I'm takin' , I'm takin')
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
Step on the gas and wipe that tear away
I 'joked' to my dad yesterday that, New Yorkers 'needed' TWO BRAND NEW baseball stadiums, while the gaping hole of ground zero is still just a gaping hole!
Talk about you 'laugh riots'!
This blog needs a rag to wipe up all the dribble being posted.
Taf, why do you keep this blog alive?
Phoney is still and will always be a Phoney.
you are all stupid here.
read it.
Anonymous said...
you are all stupid here.
November 12, 2009 7:58 AM
Check back next month, you can tell us how stupid we are again. And again.. and again... and again....
Stupit is not seeing the forrest fire thru the trees.
stupid is not reading the entire piece:
"This article originally appeared in the April 1, 2004 issue of Goldmine Magazine. I spoke with Bruce personally and he confirmed that the article was an April Fools prank. The Paul is Dead Hoax remains a mystery."
Yes, vince, it is a 'laugh riot'!
Laughing all the way to the bank, that is.
Don't you know the joker laughs at you?
Anonymous said...
stupid is not reading the entire piece:
November 12, 2009 8:26 AM
the fine print
un-believable power!
You, never ever worry!
I don't think they want to play the game, dear. Can we go now? They just don't want to play....
Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go!
(everybody tag along)
Jeff Leland and God killed this blog
he killed Iamaphoney too..
Everybody dead along.
Turn me on, Dead Blog.
Who's dead?
who? who?
Why would God kill Taf's blog?*
* To get to the other side!
I've Got a Feeling
"I've got a feeling, I feel like getting high!"
In the Vanilla Sky
Oh, and there we were all in one place,
A generation lost in space
With no time left to start again.
So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick!
Jack flash sat on a candlestick
Cause fire is the devil's only friend.
This person has protected their tweets.
MikeNL said ...
.rettam DNA ecaps lortnoc OT si sdrawkcab EVIL OT
October 27 2009 15:06
The iamaphoney org was formed by Neil Aspinall in 1990 to set the record straight about the death of Paul McCartney in 1966. Knowing it might scare most fans they decided to tell the truth (the revelation) over a decade.
Neil Aspinall died in 2008 and left the org without any directions and a true false flag operation was planned. Now in 2009 the rotten apple series are runned by MPL, Paul McCartneys own firm.
Is this genuine?
This is ridiculous. The phoney people really need to step in here and set the record straight. You know what I am talking about.
Hi Paul!
First and Last
This is ridiculous. The phoney people really need to step in here and set the record straight. You know what I am talking about.
November 12, 2009 4:56 PM
What record?
What phoney people?
What needs to be set straight?
The "phoney people" are fanatics. They will do anything to destroy Paul McCartney's reputation. It is a cult. Plain and simple. It is dangerously fixated on one individual.
This person has protected their tweets.
Well I should certainly hope so!
Don't leave your tweets unprotected!
Get your Tweet Shield today!
Just $19.95 shipping and handling included.
Actually, I found this video to be pretty comical, and I think it was intended to be. Phoney now knows all the jokes and criticisms about his series, and the series itself now winks and nods with respect to those criticisms. It's an in-joke both for his few followers and for his detractors. So it really has no agenda or focus, doesn't try to prove anything anymore, and doesn't make big pronouncements like it once did. It's turned itself around to simply be a tongue in cheek look at PID and aS an excuse to promote PID songs.
But I think everyone knows that by now.
I think that i have researched the Paul is Dead rumours than you guys did all together. I got deeper in the shit with every sentence I read, and even got to met iamaphoney himself. Just believe me, it is better to not know the truth for you all.
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