In a previous exchange via YouTube, Grandfather did suggest that he was finishing up, however he hinted at some subject areas that had not yet been explored in his videos. He also wrote to me on May 3rd to thank me for mentioning his video #36 on the blog. At that time he gave no hint about this subsequent departure.
Grandfather Aleister had commented along the line that his use of scenes from films had caused some of his videos to be removed from YouTube. He didn't seem to be bothered by this, but maybe YouTube intensified its response to his liberal use of copyrighted material. When I see engaging clips from movies in YouTube, I often go out and rent or purchase the movie. I guess the Entertainment industry doesn't want people to purchase its products. That's a pity, because some of them are good.
I hope that Grandfather Aleister is able to regroup and complete his video project. I really believe that he was leading up to something worthwhile.
In the meantime, I offer these vids as a tribute to a good friend.

Somebody suggested that I was Grandfather Aleister, which is incorrect. I feel like I know him, but sometimes my arms bend back.
1 – 200 of 443 Newer› Newest»
he strikes agaiN!
If nothing else, GFA introduced a lot of young kids to the greatest TV series of all time Twin Peaks.
Tafultong, that chewing gum you like is coming back in style.
Jesus Christ, since when did an account getting deleted become a funeral
The Lion Man is working on his rawr
Mikey, what happened?
Leland happened
Leland and pr0phet are changing PID.
I wonder who his gaurdian angel is
Do you figure?
John the Prophet!
wow, phoneyphrophet knows how to spam!
" I feel like I know him, but sometimes my arms bend back."
Ride my see-saw, Grandpa!
GPA's best video:
Paul is Dead - 30 - We All Shine On #2
I can wait another day....
But Another Lonely Night
(And Another, And Another)
Might Take Forever
Some Important
Has A Message For The Band
Take It Away
Christ knows it ain't easy.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And many will say John or Paul or whomever is the Christ; and shall deceive themselves.
More pointlessness.
God has more imagination than this!
God has exactly this much imagination
The one he wanted to be, is not the one he sees.
He sees John Lennon, but can HE be the Christ?
HE who?
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Mother Mary fooled him like a fiddle
She loves him
Good afternoon, Jeff.
that means nothing.
hey YNMY
do you?
hey YNMY
do you?
Good afternoon, You know my name.
Mother Mary fooled him like a fiddle
her names in the name, really.
the fischerman loves you
A Rose by any other name . .
what is it you believe, jeff?
fisherman? or fischerman?
who is the fisherman?
The Fishes = Pisces
The Virgin = Virgo
I'm the fisher of men
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Some will deceive more than others.
so is that the game you are playing? it's over
anything else?
There is more.
Always going back in time.
Auld Lang Syne my dear.
Through the year 1882.
Ask Simon Morley.
You haven't seen the prophecies of Christ I've written a while back, and they did happen to me.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
You aren't even in the script. Get it?
Neither do you
This is what the Lord Almighty says: "Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord.
The Lord is watching us, and if the people don't realize it soon, he will be judging us in 2012.
its you shes thinking of
and she told me what to say
Very trendy. The Illuminati have prepared you well, according to their schedule.
"But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
Hey Dad, pick up a quart of milk on the way home.
The bible quoter needs to read a little deeper.
Let us lie in wait for the righteous man, because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions; he reproaches us for sins against the law, and accuses us of sins against our training. He professes to have knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of the Lord. He became to us a reproof of our thoughts; the very sight of him is a burden to us, because his manner of life is unlike that of others, and his ways are strange. We are considered by him as something base, and he avoids our ways as unclean; he calls the last end of the righteous happy, and boasts that God is his father. Let us see if his words are true, and let us test what will happen at the end of his life; for if the righteous man is God's son, he will help him, and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries. Let us test him with insult and torture, that we may find out how gentle he is, and make trial of his forbearance. Let us condemn him to a shameful death, for, according to what he says, he will be protected
read the rest of the bible
What are you fools talking about?
It was only the fake one who died!
The girl already did it all
Anonymous said...
The girl already did it all
May 9, 2009 2:14 PM
Look at the TIME
Who the hell is Jeff Leland?
GFA - He knew too much.
:- O Untimely Death!
Thou hast slain me, villain!
Take my purse.
If ever thou wilt thrive, bury my body, and give the letters which thous findest about me to Edmund Earl of Gloster.
Seek him out upon the British party.
I know thee well: a serviceable villain!
As duteous to the vices of thy mistress as badness would desire.
What, is he dead?!
Sit you down, grandfather; rest you.
"Look at the TIME"
different day, Babe. Let's keep it Kosher.
the leland thing pans out to be the father of Laura Palmer, more BS.
why would you accept any "other" artist's "interpretaion" of the truth other that what you experience as your own?
Leland = S3AN L3NNNON
Is this the guy?
who freaking CARES?
Anonymous said...
" I feel like I know him, but sometimes my arms bend back."
May 9, 2009 6:05 AM
Famous line from Twin Peaks. Cooper in the red room dream sequence.
BTW: Laura Palmer was HOT!!!!!!!!
I wonder what the fireman is doing tonight.
Where is he, anyway?
Oh wait!
freaky version for the die HARDS:
¿ʎɐʍʎuɐ 'əɥ sı əɹəɥʍ
more sheep would be nice
I have respect for Grandfather Aleister though we talked just a few times in private. Hopefully, he'll be back again.
name one redeeming quality?
you know, for the "book"
I'm still waiting for the Aja-vs- Faulconsnowjob bikini and high heels wrestling match. As far as I'm concerned THIS is the revelation I'm waiting for.
One redeeming quality...
He has the vision to think outside the norms and not get stuck in the mire of the status quo.
The book is already written, we just turn to the next page in life.
"I'm still waiting for the Aja-vs- Faulconsnowjob bikini and high heels wrestling match. As far as I'm concerned THIS is the revelation I'm waiting for."
I'll bring the cameras, you'll bake the sandwiches!
another "sheep"
i miss gramps, he made me at least laugh with the spooky videos and then being so cordial to everyone who commented. scary videos and manners, interesting combination.
goodbye and goodnight grandfather where ever you are
Manners? Ha! I heard he went over to the DARK SIDE with iamaphoney to bring the rest of the 7 Seal Apocalypse Suitcases!
Damn it to hell who is going to make the popcorn interim videos between the iaap ones now that gfa is dead?
My vote, yshiva10
Sandwich videos for the munchies!
what really happened to gfa
uhhh, i beg to differ!
GFA saw that the pods were overloading and the dilithium crystals needed to be changed, so he sacrificed himself.
yshiva10 for vice president said...
Damn it to hell who is going to make the popcorn interim videos between the iaap ones now that gfa is dead?
My vote, yshiva10
Sandwich videos for the munchies!
May 9, 2009 9:20 PM
Havent you read the PID constitution???? the line of succession goes to MikeNL The Speaker of the House
yshiva10 is too busy 'ducking someones mother in the a**'
Re: yhshvh10's videos
Reply #4 on May 7, 2009, 8:18pm
thanks for making a (worthless and ineffectual) thread about my vids- I apreciate your oppinion and I'll try to keep the visually offensive product coming...while ducking your mother in the a**hole!
Jude has such nice friends.
Star Wars is Star Trek for morons.
Twin Peaks makes Star Wars look like Small Wonder.
la la la
i'm so cool
that chap is rude! why bring someone's mother into it?
That should be "Charlie", no?
So you figured out that Charley can read your mind from prison also?
Nothing but crickets in the ghost town
Mike, we are going to miss your videos.
how can gfa been a "grandfather" when he was only 1 year old?
Been drinking heavily at the grandfatheraleister wake tonight, we were singing Beatles tunes and trying to spot vw beetles in old movies, just like he used to do. Sanguine111 got up and talked about grandfather's life, couldn't understand a word he said, but it looked cool on our phones. resultindoom4you kept looking for the corpse so he could burn it at the stake and get the witches out of it. At least we proved once and for all the grandfather wasn't Tafultong, as Tafultong did the entire coopers dream reversed Twin Peaks sequence from memory, doing all three parts.
When he said "but my arms bend back" it was amazing, and spooky, just like a grandfatheraleister video.
By the end(or the begining?) when Taf danced like the Little Man from Another Place, there was not a dry eye in the house. Later we all tried whistling in our empty beer bottles to make that "wooooooshing" sound from grandfathers video. Resultindoom4you threatened us that as "witches" making "witch sounds" in our "magic"(with a K) empty bottles we were also subject to burning at the stake as well. Vince threw a Suitcase full of his self published novels at him and knocked him out.
Someone made a "Paperback writer" joke. Nice shot Vince!
Maybe if we empty some more bottles the "wooooooshing sound" will sound better(?) Maybe the whiskey bottles.........
Back to that sneaker pimps "6 underground" song that he used in one video playing as we lower the casket into the cold hard earth.
There was talk of a reading from a WILL, a scroll the started with the words "Do What Thou Wilt" and ended with "Love under Will". Maybe later. Some speculate that he left all of the estate to MikeNL, who is strangely absent from the grandfatheraleister wake tonight for some unknown reason. Don't know why he isn't here.
But you need a body for a wake!
Be nice to your Mother today. And if you don't have one, be nice to someone else's Mother today!
Sunday driving
Not arriving
On our way back home
You mean, Mike is Superman?
Who woulda thunkit?
not me?
all my support to GFA
GFA is in fear counseling therapy.
It's a 28 day program. Hang in there GFA and let it GO!
Every shoe leads to heaven.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
But you need a body for a wake!
May 10, 2009 6:54 AM
This is the INTERNET! You don't need to have a body! Besides it was a damn good excuse to drink
And GFA would have wanted it that way
Either you have a problem with drinking or you have a problem honoring the phoney death of a fake internet character! And that aint too cool
1882 = Tesla
" you need a body for a wake!"
say it faster
Wow! Garrison Keillor even!
I knew Grandfather had friends in high places!
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Uh.. no!
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why did vince even have a suitcase?
Dont you people have mothers?
Get out of teh basement and get your mom some flowers!
Vince said...
The subject, VENTURE BROS (of course). The episode?
"Eeny, Meeny, Miny....Magick"
I'd like to ask what the hell was up with the Andy Griffith theme playing when Hank looked in the portal but uh. . .I suspect I'm better off not knowing.
Get out of teh basement and get your mom some flowers!
May 10, 2009 1:28 PM
I fear for the english language, someday "the" will be spelled "teh".
Pretty dang hillarious. I hope this keeps up.
Only you, can make this change in me. For it's true. You are my destiny. When you hold my hand, I understand the magic that you do. You're my dream come true, my one and only you.
John's cover of course.
Here comes the SON, do do do do.
there's only one man who can make lil'lennon sound as groovy as it does.
the more people think Lennon is re-incarnated
the more i begin to wonder if its true
go ph0ney!
make a wish !
jojo's getting ready to come back
Come back, Loretta!
"Get out of teh basement and get your mom some flowers!"
I'll just steal some from this arrangement someone left for gramps!
He would say that.
Grandfather Aleister:
A A earned Rest Fright
A A Leader Stern Fright
A A Reread Rents Flight
A A Retarder Self Thing
A A Arrested Fern Light
A A Shafted Renter Girl
A A Strafed Herring Let
A A Farted Lighten Errs
A A Heralding Fret Rest
A A Hanged Left Stirrer
A A Angled Refer Thirst
A A Dangler Ethers Rift
A A Gnarled Tether Firs
A A Gnarled Serf Hitter
A A Strangled Frier The
A A Garden Fresh Litter
A A Danger Ethers Flirt
our future leader will be
you found out?
This is what he has to choose.
That's what he's gota choose.
Well, he said JL's shoes. . .
Them's mighty big shoes ta fill (tong)!
happy mothers day
mary. .
charley newports would be proud if she saw this
i've tried my best to be her
but i couldnt
happy mothers day
they found the messiah
messiah = i am shes
Grandfather, come back!
dang chil\'drens
how soon they forget!
ohhh Grand Father! REALLY?
Here come Apollo he come groovin' up slowly.
what in the world she thinkin of
laughin in the face of love
Vince said...
My wife's favorite line?
"I'm practicing to be a boyfriend!"
Good times.
That's all.
Rest in... where ever your beliefs force you too grandfatheraleister
May 10, 2009 1:15 PM
This is not me!
My posts are never THAT LONG....
My wife can't stand the Venture Bros., AND..
I always thought John Charles (YouKnowMyName4321 or whatever numbers came after it) had cooler vid's.
Still on my LOST kick, though. They got a character named Richard Alpert.... turns out there is a REAL Richard Alpert; he wrote BE HERE NOW, giving Mr. George the inspiration to wrote the song of the same name!
To the guy who wrote this:
"Hey! You do a pretty good impersonation of me. Nice fingernail polish! Show the cameras so every one can see." -Frank Zappa.
Have a happy day.
hope they get up and dance
How many men sleep in full pyjamas? huh?
Freaky clue #1
o0ooo, i'm good.
da da dada da da da da da da da da da..........
the sheep are in white
We found the messiah 1:41
get your ass in the shearing pen - IT"S time!
There are seven levels
4 + 3 = 7
I should be as groovy as Jesus in 2012
Good morning, young Charley, it's 1882.
we are getting closer to the return
pointless, again
Where's the mule?
2012 : NO
won't happen
Los Zapatos
Grandfather told us 2009 would be the end.
( I said that, HW BUSH SO.......)
Don't you miss me?
I miss ....You!
oh please
please please me
this grandpa talk is pointless
No man will no the day or the hour...
...don't believe you have the inside track on God's plan. a Christian, your job is to spread the good news not sabotage it with numerous dates and numerous promises you are in no position to keep.
That is anti-Christ not Christ-like and you KNOW better.
How did I know they were the anti-christ?
Oh thats right. .
"For false Christs and Prophets will rise and show great signs to decieve"
Only the illuminati is capable of making "False Messiahs"
And Britney Spears is a perfect example.
here's another false christ who failed after he was released
there's only one man who knows this
Anonymous said...
You aren't even in the script. Get it?
That really isn't up to you.
is coming
Unless this particular Christ that Leland refers to and, for that matter, Iamaphoney's PID theories and the entire PID universe exist in an alternate reality just like in the new Star Trek film.
Oh shit! Did I spoil it for you?
"jeff leland said...
this grandpa talk is pointless"
I was reffering to the fact that it's stupid that people go around saying "pointless" on here, then they go saying how much they miss him.
No offence to him. I loved him, but still, it's not like he really died.
True. It's like having a tv show getting cancelled. Some people around here take this stuff waaaaaaayyyyy too seriously.
The bug ran aground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle!
With Grandfather,
Jeff Leland too.
tafultong and his wife,
a movie star, (Laura Palmer)
Bern and Vince ass well,
Right here on Iamaphoney Isle.
So this is the tale of our castaways,
there here for a long long time.
They'll have to make the best of things,
it's all an uphill climb.
The first mate and his S3an L3nnon too
will do their very best,
to make the others comf'terble
in their tropic island nest.
No phone ,no lights, no motor car,
not a single luxury
like Robinson Crusoe
it's primitive as can be.
So join us here each day my friends,
you're sure to get a smile,
from seven stranded castaways
here on Iamaphoney Isle!
Where have I heard that before?
Lets see, GFA disappears and Suspicious fire guts Charles Manson's remote Death Valley hide-out...,0,5741963.story
Now do you know, someone out there, that someone out here can read minds?
from the pouring rain, very strange!
In the late 1960s, the Manson gang roamed the barren Death Valley landscape in dune buggies and prepared for "Helter Skelter," a race war that Manson was trying to spark. The phrase was taken from a Beatles song, which Manson believed was encoded with predictions that the conflict would destroy modern civilization. Manson and his followers planned to survive by living in a tunnel, then emerge as leaders of a new world order.
I guess this means it must be time for Roman Polanski to sleep with another underage girl.
Goes back to the top of the slide....
Now they need to plow the ruins under and sow the ground with salt.
Evil calls to evil, my friends.
Now do you know, someone out there, that someone out here can read minds?
May 10, 2009 10:05 PM
What the F**K you talking about Willis?
it would seem IAAP is no good at BBQ-ing
This is from another forum:
And it would seem he's no good a BBQ-ing, either.
The comment is in reference to the Barker Ranch burning down recently.
I guess this means it must be time for Roman Polanski to sleep with another underage girl.
Oh, and this quote is on the other forum, too. Interesting.
my mother thought the trip would do him good
so, i lit a fire, isn't it good?
Iamaphoney likes playing with matches
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