Sunday, June 27, 2010

Is It TPF?


Not very likely, but several requested that I put this out there.


  1. "When I realized that I knew all the lyrics, I simultaneously realized that it's a song about nothing."

  2. Wow. They blocked it, even though I added a disclaimer and removed the original audio. I thought they would let me get away with under one minute of video for research purposes. Sorry folks.

  3. you can do a counter claim.

    search on google how to get your youtube video back up.

  4. awesome post.. ..not!

  5. why did you post that when it doesn't even look like the PF at all? Don't get it.

  6. He's got the right profile, anyway.

  7. Ya know what I'm saying? ya know what I mean?

  8. Good to see you back, Tafultong! Been worrying about you.

  9. "Not likely" as in, not even close.

  10. Maybe PIDers have poor recognition skills, which would explain just about everything.

  11. Taf, you already did the post on Richie King, who doesn't look like TPF. And hello? Less Than Zero was made 23 years ago!!! That dude already looks to be in his mid thirties, so whaaaa?

    The other dude from the Afterlife is a much better possibility.

  12. If you're doing requests, may I ask you post a picture of an orange? To me, they look a lot like apples. The clues just keep coming, folks.

  13. I'd love to see a post about kittens!

  14. Cute Cuddly Kittens?

  15. She only played one knight stands.

  16. Thankx? No, thank YOU! lol

  17. I think you are on the right track.
    after checking credits I found out who hired the extras. I talked to the guy and even though it is 23 years ago he still have a list with the names on and he is gonna find it to me and I will send it to you directly taultong.

  18. I think you are on the right track.
    after checking credits I found out who hired the extras. I talked to the guy and even though it is 23 years ago he still have a list with the names on and he is gonna find it to me and I will send it to you directly taultong.

    Wow what a monumental waste of time, dude.

    You are looking for some extra in Less than Zero who doesn't look anything like the guy in the RA videos? A guy who could be close to 60 years old? Hello???

  19. Bluelink,

    you had your chance. Time to slip quietly away like the others who failed to garner interest.

  20. World Cup drama may have been a hoaxJune 29, 2010 at 10:24 AM

    Paul liphes!

  21. "Bluelink,

    you had your chance. Time to slip quietly away like the others who failed to garner interest."

    that remark is gonna bite you in the ass, really

  22. and this is the guy that's gonna do it

  23. Someday you'll be happy I fought for you. I am fighting for you, you know. Believe it or not.

  24. All blue links are equal, but some bluelinks are more equal than others.

  25. But don't worry, haters, the game is close to ending. Sooner than you think.


  26. "Bluelink,

    you had your chance. Time to slip quietly away like the others who failed to garner interest."

    that remark is gonna bite you in the ass, really

    "Just you wait . . ."

    Dude, how can it bite me in the ass? It's a fact. No one cares. You can have the biggest reveal ever but it doesn't change the fact that no one likes or cares about your bluelinks. It's your fault for being boring.

  27. I am aware you don't care. I'm here to care for you.

    Get a grip on the mystery, dude.

  28. No one's saying "just you wait", btw. Basically, we're saying, Hurry the Fuck Up.

  29. Take me down
    To the Paradise City
    Where the grass is green
    And the girls are pretty
    Oh, won't you please take me home?

  30. Captain America's been torn apart
    Now he's a court jester with a broken heart
    He said -
    Turn me around and take me back to the start
    I must be losing my mind -

    "Are you blind?!"

  31. We're gonna lay down the law and break it, when Josie come home.

  32. phoney phicked a phack of phickled phephphers

  33. Can we do all this standing together business sometime soon? I'm getting a headache.

  34. Anonymous said...
    I am aware you don't care. I'm here to care for you.

    Get a grip on the mystery, dude.

    June 29, 2010 11:40 AM

    You've got it backwards. Sane people care for the mentally ill. Not the other way around.

  35. So we'll just pre-emptive count you out then.

  36. Heather Mills comments on the Paul is Really Dead film:

    'Is Paul McCartney dead?'

    'A: No, but he should be!'

  37. You hit those blue links, then they're no longer blue. Maybe some people stopped hitting them because, subconsciously, they just wanted them to stay blue instead of turn gray.

    Reminds me of the modest mouse lyric
    "Primer gray is the color when you're done dying."

  38. gameface said...
    You hit those blue links, then they're no longer blue. Maybe some people stopped hitting them because, subconsciously, they just wanted them to stay blue instead of turn gray.

    Reminds me of the modest mouse lyric
    "Primer gray is the color when you're done dying."

    June 29, 2010 3:26 PM

    It's got more to do with Bluelink not being connected with IAAP in any way. He's just a fanboy.

  39. Iaap is the fanboy, correct.

  40. You say I'm giving you the blues
    Maybe You mean every word you say
    Can't help but think of yesterday
    And another who tied me down to loverboy rules

  41. Depends on how you look at it. IAAP is a bitter Beatles fanboy, as are most of the people who watch his videos. The creator of this blog, Tafultong, is also a Beatles/McCartney fanboy given his glowing accounts of Paul's recent albums, shows and activity. If you notice, Taf never has a bad word to say about McCartney. It's always praise.

  42. Release the flying blue monkeys!

  43. tafultong is my little brother, and if you speak bad about him,
    I'll have no choice but to spank your sorry arse.

  44. All you need is a little imagination.

  45. so now we have a meaningless photograph to go with the meaningless bluelink narcissism

  46. someone's knocking at the door

  47. oh won't you open that door? and let 'em in

  48. You really listened St Paul.

  49. hey guys. . .the Beatles were just four dudes that played in a band together. It was their job.

    End story.

    Sorry you've wasted your lives thinking otherwise.

  50. And the oil keeps flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing.....

  51. Oil? It's more like shit!

  52. Tafultong said...
    Wow. They blocked it, even though I added a disclaimer and removed the original audio. I thought they would let me get away with under one minute of video for research purposes. Sorry folks.

    Better be careful, they will take your account away. Also, now you have an "account not in good standing" check mark against you.

  53. Lady Gaga on the main picture of the post? GO GAGA!!!!!!!!

  54. what are you talking about? huh?

  55. What are those pink plastic thingies?

    No, on her feet!

  56. The Rotten Apple series "is dead" on July the 23rd?

  57. Nutters,

    I'm pretty sure everyone is bored to tears with the whole "watch carefully" nonsense. If you have something to say/show, do it in a less pseudo-enigmatic and cowardly way.

  58. We all stopped clicking on your links after the first pic of some guy's nutsack.

  59. There's a Hopi prophecy about "clicking"

  60. Nutters,
    I'm pretty sure everyone is bored to tears with the whole "watch carefully" nonsense. If you have something to say/show, do it in a less pseudo-enigmatic and cowardly way.

    OK we will.


  61. never has so much b.s. been scattered about by b.s.ers who b.s. each other and b.s. themselves.

    it is breathtaking to behold.

    Getting it ready for you, indeed.

  62. ah internet. The mother of embarrassment.

  63. The revelation is coming. 29/6/2010

  64. The revelation is coming. 29/6/2010

    whoop-ti-doo goofball. Another video.

    Can't wait.

    Now return to the failure you crawled out from under.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Someday you'll be happy I fought for you. I am fighting for you, you know. Believe it or not.


    And as you can see, I am aware that you are.

  66. Well, the last time Iamaphoney removed all the dates on his page, John Lennon showed up..

    If it were because of something in his comments, it looks like his first wife showed up to the party..

  67. London Hard Rock Calling; Setlist - Sunday 27th June 2010.

    Watch the concert by visiting

    1. Venus and Mars / Rockshow
    2. Jet
    3. All My Loving
    4. Letting Go
    5. Got To Get You Into My Life
    6. Highway
    7. Let Me Roll It
    8. The Long And Winding Road
    9. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
    10. Let ‘Em In
    11. My Love
    12. I’m Looking Though You
    13. Two Of Us
    14. Blackbird
    15. Here Today
    16. Dance Tonight
    17. Mrs Vandebilt
    18. Eleanor Rigby
    19. Ram On
    20. Something
    21. Sing The Changes
    22. Band On The Run
    23. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
    24. Back In The USSR
    25. I’ve Got A Feeling
    26. Paperback Writer
    27. A Day In The Life / Give Peace A Chance
    28. Let It Be
    29. Live And Let Die
    30. Hey Jude

    31. Day Tripper
    32. Lady Madonna
    33. Get Back

    Second Encore
    34. Yesterday
    35. Helter Skelter
    36. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band / The End

  68. If Taf is FANBOY, does that make MikeNL CHUM CHUM?

  69. A is for Parrot which we can plainly see.

  70. Anonymous said...
    Someday you'll be happy I fought for you. I am fighting for you, you know. Believe it or not.

    Oh, brother.

    Someone takes themselves waaaaaaay too seriously.

  71. Z is for Apple which we can plainly see.

  72. I'm fighting for you too! Mostly I have to fight ninjas for you. Those suckers are fast. Hoo boy!

  73. Whose publicity plans?

    Do we get a discount for keeping up with this blog? Pretty please?

  74. its about time iamaphoney did something like this..the shirt looks awesome!!!

  75. "I am preparing the world for a revelation" = "I am hawking t-shirts to fanboys"

  76. seems simply shady

  77. anyone could make a Phoney T-shirt and videotape it so it's either a satirical thing or it really is as stupid and cheesy as some suspect

  78. It has nothing to do with iamaphoney, guyS...Dont you get it! Its a fan trying to do something because he knows that phoney is doing something 23 july, because it says so at his channel. Jesus! Do you reallky think phone is that stupid?

  79. It has nothing to do with iamaphoney, guyS...Dont you get it! Its a fan trying to do something because he knows that phoney is doing something 23 july, because it says so at his channel. Jesus! Do you reallky think phone is that stupid?

    Apparently you missed the interview, Blair Witch, the suitcases, and all of the videos.

  80. not so sure, this video has a strong resemblance to one that was found in the LA suitcase and of course what was the purpose of that?

  81. the point, of course, is that the videos and clues and suitcases and the rest are part of a hoax. That's the point of RA. It's a hoax, like PID was presumed to be.

    It's why he calls himself Iamaphoney.

  82. T-shirts? lol That figures.

    Just as long as Iamaphoney doesn't do something really shameless like filming himself riding around in the back seat of a limo or writing his own original PID songs and sticking them in his videos or naming his band Revlovers or....oh crap.

  83. 23 july? Prove it.

  84. looks like linda eastman

  85. Iamaphoney: proving his detractors right since 2007.

  86. just saw the shirt. pretty cool. maybe, finally something for the most proven of followers

  87. just saw the shirt. pretty cool. maybe, finally something for the most proven of followers

    Whew! They only have to make three of 'em, then.

  88. what is this shirt that everyone is talking about?

  89. Take a look at the youtube address posted above.

    (that's how you do things, Bluelink boy. Write a coherent message with a web address in it. People will investigate for themselves. No "find the nutsack" fun and games with your links).

  90. watch?v=c4xa_Luf5Mo
    for the wanker who didn't know where to look.

  91. at least we get a t shirt for wasting a few years of our life on this.

  92. hahah and of course it isn't a t-shirt of Paul, it's of the Phoney actor contemplating his failed career

  93. "I spent 4 years waiting for the revelation and all I got was this dumb t-shirt"

  94. I, for one, appreciate what the RA series has given me through the years: lots of flashing images of Ram's heads, slo-mo Macca, briefcases with disappointing contents, and fucktons of distorted "evidence." Folks, what more do you need???

  95. one thing's for sure: if you enjoy disappointment, then Phoney doesn't disappoint.

  96. The Hopi prophecy said to "keep clicking"

  97. Let's see these tshirts on Real people!

  98. first it was talk of Paul, then Crowley, secret societies and the devil. Now we're onto photos of some extra in Less than Zero and promotional T-shirts.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the way the world really is.

  99. shes coming down fast.

  100. I'll assume that Mikey and Taf get a free shirt? Bluelinker's not quite part of the secret society yet but he's getting there.


    Judging by this background image, Iamaphoney may or may not be one Justin Bieber.

  102. the "wanna bees" are at it again....

    idiot nutters

    Paul is the Dead-1-
    Hidden Secrets from Show Business

  103. yhshvh comments on his own video, everyone knows your iamafunny way to congrat yourself damn hippy druggy film makers, get a job and a haircut

  104. "wanna bees"?

    Iamafunny is a fucking legend. Show some respect, newbie.

  105. iamafunny is mikey

  106. speaking of funny, odd, that with all this speculation about promotions and right album t shirts, no one has heard from either mikey or taf.

  107. Anonymous said...
    iamafunny is mikey

    July 2, 2010 10:02 PM

    i think iamafunny is Tafultong, remember that article???

    wait... is taf mikey?

  108. so who is getting the suitcase? Taf or mike or yhshvh?

  109. Anonymous said...
    what suitcase?

    July 2, 2010 10:33 PM

    i think they got all the suitcases, guess that is whats so funny

  110. the right album t shirt will be epic.

  111. i mean as much as the promo thing can make iamaphoney seem shady, hell i mean we have been following the series for years now,and shady is what this is all about. we are all in some way part of the rotten apple army,i say bring on the shirts

  112. corporation T-shirts.

  113. Corpspouration!

  114. Who would wear a shirt like that?

  115. I'm not gonna lie, I'd totally buy and wear that shirt.

    But, well, then I'd lie about what it is and where I got it. Only so my friends didn't freak out.

  116. No, they've already seen me in drag.

  117. what about this item? it's unisex.

  118. This is the half-baked YT link that is being discussed above.

  119. I want a Phoney T Shirt!July 3, 2010 at 7:52 AM


  120. what is this about?

  121. Carrot-dangling

  122. Step right up! Step right up!


  124. give us all a t shirt iamaphoney

  125. Interesting. I signed onto my youtube account to see an Iamaphoney-like account subscribe to me. I noticed a correlation with CynthiaPoweII.

  126. cynthia wants a t shirt too.

  127. Carrot-dangling?

  128. It would be nice if people stopped making up silly dates that don't mean anything. Really.

  129. Macca in the sky with diamonds.

  130. ^

  131. the forces of good are evil

  132. Anonymous said...

    the forces of good are evil

    July 3, 2010 4:38 PM

    That's exactly what evil would want you to think.

  133. WTF is TPF ?

    TPF = The Phoney Figure

    (the actor who plays "iamaphoney")

  134. ...who is a metaphorical representation of...

  135. .... a diamond.

  136. If Iamaphoney had chosen a hot young woman to be his doppleganger then the RA series would have over a billion views and you wouldn't be able to print those tshirts fast enough.

  137. No really! :-D
    Check it out, like a book!
    It's very near the end.
    Of the video, I mean.

  138. gameface said...
    Anonymous said...

    the forces of good are evil

    July 3, 2010 4:38 PM

    That's exactly what evil would want you to think.

    July 3, 2010 5:37 PM

    That's funny, because if you look at the time the Anonymous person posted that, it was 4:38. Now if you add the 4:3, you get 7.. So it's 7:8

    CageFame posted his at 5:37. Add that, it's 8:7.

    Someone leaving hints much?

  139. FishDelusions said...
    Interesting. I signed onto my youtube account to see an Iamaphoney-like account subscribe to me. I noticed a correlation with CynthiaPoweII.

    He'll be dared, because there are people waiting.

    It appears the user(s) behind the accounts have found the revelation. Now, I've followed Iamaphoney the last few months, but I've been an avid fan of Free Masons, or the Illuminati for years.

    Now, in the past they've used hidden symbols to subliminally send their messages, but more recently it's been through music. I'm sure we all know by now that performers like Rihanna, Kanye West, and Jay Z all have hidden stuff in their songs, but what people fail to realize is that with their belief, they feel that they can control what will happen in the future to them.

    For instance, "Run this Town" was released July 24, 2009. The incident with Kanye West didn't happen until after this song was released. So how is it possible that Kanye felt so much hatred before the media hated him? It's the plot the Illuminati uses.

    Music influences your future. I can only speculate that whomever is behind the accounts of CynthiaPoweII, GeorgeHarrison2012, CharleyNewports, and CageFame have seen the revelation and are influencing the future with their music on the pages.

    I do also believe that there is a video which is posted by Iamaphoney where McCartney actually says something about reading through his lyrics to notice how much actually came true afterwards..

  140. The fireman blows his mind.

  141. "It appears the user(s) behind the accounts have found the revelation. Now, I've followed Iamaphoney the last few months, but I've been an avid fan of Free Masons, or the Illuminati for years."

    and yet you can't put two and two together?

  142. "It appears the user(s) behind the accounts have found the revelation. Now, I've followed Iamaphoney the last few months, but I've been an avid fan of Free Masons, or the Illuminati for years."

    and yet you can't put two and two together?

    Who says I haven't?

  143. You read a lot into it
    I never even flipped right through it

    In Soviet Russia, Revelation finds YOU!!

  144. Who says I haven't?

    I say

  145. Sunday driver yeahJuly 4, 2010 at 4:55 AM

    "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

  146. If Iamaphoney had chosen a hot young woman to be his doppleganger then the RA series would have over a billion views and you wouldn't be able to print those tshirts fast enough.

    July 3, 2010 10:39 PM

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
