Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Version 2 is here

Update: MikeyNL1038 has posted a version of the †heRigh†Album Special - He'll Be Dared Video Edit 2 N13G with English subtitles. And, no, I cannot identify the girl at the end.


Oh yeah, he got it right this time.

†heRigh†Album Special - He'll Be Dared Video Edit 2 N13G

Thanks to yenohpehttonmai, you can still see the original version here.

More to say, but I have to run.

Watch out for the batty William the Conk. (No crypticism on my part. Just thinking about Dickens, Joyce and Carroll)


  1. Oh goodie, another post with absolutely no relevant information. WHO'S THE GIRL AT THE END

  2. in the beginning...

  3. Pupil Copenhagen, ha ha. Remember that?

  4. i think Iamaphoneys music is crap..

  5. Are we supposed to guess the lyrics? Hey iaap, tell us the lyrics.

  6. And the drummer, he's so shattered
    Trying to keep up time
    And the guitar players look damaged
    They've been outcasts all thier lives

    Me, I'm waiting so patiently
    Lying on the floor
    I'm just trying to do this jig-saw puzzle
    Before it rains anymore

  7. What Good Is Butter If You Haven't Got Bread?

    What Good Is Art When It Hurts Your Head?

    What Good's A Puzzle When You Haven't A Clue?

  8. Guys, you've been asking who is this guy or that girl or what's that little picture of the Egyptian god all about---what difference does it make? Do you actually think there's some meaning in it beyond historical fiction entertainment as Taf keeps saying?

    What the RA is all about, if you haven't figured it out by now, is a music project. It's a bunch of PID-themed songs, some of which are sung forward as if they are being played in reverse. Only a comlete goofball would think the series is about Paul being dead or replaced and that it has any connection to McCartney, who would have zero interest in promoting some dude's PID music.

    Waddya think Phoney's thinking? Hmmmm, I have some world-shattering information about Paul McCartney but, more importantly, I need to record some tunes and promote them on YouTube. Duh.

  9. Waddya think Phoney's thinking? Hmmmm, I have some world-shattering information about Faul McCartney but, more importantly, I need to record some tunes and promote them on YouTube. Duh.

    May 12, 2010 8:14 AM

    Oh yeah? WHAT ABOUT SHOES?

    How did iamaphoney get macca to record a special song for the shoes video?

    Can't answer that question can you? Thats right, you can't.

    Welcome to a little country called CASE CLOSED

    Shoes, thats what ya gotta choose.
    Shoes, thats what ya gotta choose.
    High heels, for me, but I need something to make me smaller.

    This one song proves everything, it completely makes up for the lost interview. If you were to play that song backwards, you would understand the whole secret, really.

  10. This one song proves everything, it completely makes up for the lost interview. If you were to play that song backwards, you would understand the whole secret, really.

    hahahaha is Kimmel writer back??

  11. Are we supposed to guess the lyrics? Hey iaap, tell us the lyrics.

    May 12, 2010 5:47 AM

    i can hear the lyrics
    also you can check this out with g o ogle subtitles and it will prove it as well, so before you start telling me these lyrics are wrong just realize you will look foolish when you consider that these lyrics are genuine as certified by the full faith and credit of the g o ogle corporation


    he be dared
    because that ain't the way
    because he is attached to it
    and that awful game is wonder

    he be dared
    because that ain't the way
    you can love or bring evil
    will be that honest work will overdue

    he be dared
    because there are people waiting
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared

    he be dared
    the superstone in Egypt
    painting up william in ashes
    saying nas fa ra I have heaven

    he be dared
    the superstone in Egypt
    and they'll talk you in with them
    for was sue mars sunday afternoon

    he be dared
    because there are people waiting
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared

    ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    ahhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhh

    he be dared
    because he will never make it
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared

    guitar solo

    he be dared
    because he will never make it
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared
    he be dared

  12. Anonymous said...
    This one song proves everything, it completely makes up for the lost interview. If you were to play that song backwards, you would understand the whole secret, really.

    hahahaha is Kimmel writer back??

    May 12, 2010 10:11 AM

    I work for red beard now

    ~Red Writer


    see what I mean about the google subtitles?
    authenticity beyond measurement

  13. Anonymous said...
    i think Iamaphoneys music is rap..

    May 12, 2010 4:20 AM

    I agree, iaap needs to kick it freestyle for the next few songs.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Guys, you've been asking who is this guy or that girl or what's that little picture of the Egyptian god all about---what difference does it make? Do you actually think there's some meaning in it beyond historical fiction entertainment as Taf keeps saying?

    Its the same question as to who paid for the pyramids and why,
    who is spending so much time making these songs and videos?

    And why?

    Plane tickets cost money, rental cars are expensive, video editing takes time, song recording takes time especially to make songs that forwards and backwards sound like words.

    All those little flashes in the video, yup, takes time.
    The video editing doesn't just happen. Someone has to make it.
    And someone did it with skill. If you can make a better video, do it.
    You probably can't. If you do, post it here. We will watch it. And we'll say, damn! Thats a good video. This man or woman seems to know something we don't. Why are they making these videos. Must be for a reason other then something stupid.

    Why are they making it if it wasn't for some important reason?

    You mean to tell me that either this person is wasting their time or ours?

    Why would someone do that?

    Are they just crazy?
    Does crazy buy plane tickets?
    Does crazy rent cars?
    Does crazy make intricate videos?
    Does crazy record catchy toons?

    Does crazy make a blog about something crazy?
    Are you calling Taf crazy?
    Please tell me to his face if you are.

    I for one do not, so you can take that to the bank and try and cash it, only the check will bounce because I cancelled it so you will have wasted a trip to the bank and will look foolish.

    Does crazy post comments about how crazy this all is?

    If you answered any of these questions I dare you to answer them here on this blog, or this other blog if you are man or woman enough


    You will notice this blog is from 2004. That's right. This was planned a long time ago. In the land of hobbit.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Pupil Copenhagen, ha ha. Remember that?

    May 12, 2010 2:48 AM

    what Pupil Copenhagen? i searched it, and there is no info. Is this the key?

  16. Hmmmm, I have some world-shattering information about Paul McCartney but, more importantly, I need to record some tunes and promote them on YouTube. Duh.

    May 12, 2010 8:14 AM

    You have to admit, a pretty smart way of doing it, really.

    If you had some info, say, locked in a trunk, that the world would not likely believe because the truth is so incredibly unbelievable
    wouldn't it make sense to slow release it over a period of years with songs and videos on Youtube?

    If a scientist were to devise a method, I am sure they would come up with the same inescapable conclusion.

    The conclusion?

    Write this up on the Good Will Hunting chalk board and see if you too won't get a scholarship.

    The conclusion
    Videos edited with skill
    Songs recorded and devised with skill, reversible like a sweater
    Revelation in stages
    Cancel the interview
    End all sentences with "really"


    gentlemen, as we say in the business of law and medicine

    case closed.
    put the mirror up and see if it fogs up, yes the patient is dead.


    Let's see. I'm makin' a video, and I film euroblur guy talking about a car crash. I don't want you to know who he is, so I don't tell you.

    I do the same thing with the girl and a bunch of other photos of people taken in the 60s.

    This way, no one knows who anyone is. Why would I want you knowing who anybody is or what any of it's about? Could'a done that with one video and some narration.

    That would pretty much spoil the fun of goofballs wondering who/what everything is, now wouldn't it?

  18. Hmmmm, I have some world-shattering information about Paul McCartney but, more importantly, I need to record some tunes and promote them on YouTube. Duh.

    May 12, 2010 8:14 AM

    Can you think of a better way?

    What if you tried going to CNN and they wouldn't return your calls?

    What if you went on Inside Edition and told the world and no one noticed?

    What if you had only one leg?
    People either feel sorry for you, or they don't take you seriously.

    What if you consulted a prominent think tank and they said, call yourself iamaphoney and make videos with songs?

    What if they told you to do it in the year 2012?

    What if truth was stranger then fiction?

    What if fiction was truth?

  19. If you answered any of these questions I dare you to answer them here on this blog, or this other blog if you are man or woman enough


    You will notice this blog is from 2004. That's right. This was planned a long time ago. In the land of hobbit.

    May 12, 2010 10:42 AM

    cant leave comments on yer blog
    maybe i am not "man or woman" enough

    so is that the list of nutters?

  20. I didn't catch the whole "Charley Newports or CageFame" mystery yesterday. I've only ever posted on iamaphoney's blog from this account. I've considered going anonymous but I assume my literary and poetic genius would make it obvious that it's me.

    "Crazy" is a dismissive word, I think Dave Chappelle said that. Good can look crazy and evil can look sane. The question I have is "how crazy does one have to be to think that God's youtube page is the devil's, or vise versa"?

    Evel Knievel became a Christian.

  21. Oh, and you're all trying to identify the girl at the end? Am I crazy, or do I see three girls? Three hot blondes, what more needs to be investigated?

  22. I posted that before I saw Anonymous' "three guesses" post.

  23. What if you consulted a prominent think tank and they said, "What if fiction was true?"

  24. Phoney looks so humble when he sees the LA Firetruck.

  25. The song "Shoes" is an easy one albeit very clever. The voice audio was taken from the interview where a song is written on the spot.

    The vocal track is then altered with a pitchshifter or other popular voice software and processed. The music was original taking from the chords from the interview with a nice arrangement.

  26. So why hasn't Mccartney pulled it off youtube by now?

  27. In the looking-glass you can see two people.

  28. 2012 is such a bogus date, really.

  29. High in the clouds were four or five magicians.

  30. The Red King just loves playing with the minds of his people.

  31. It is actually...Through the looking glass, you can see two people, really.

  32. I heard "through people."

  33. move on back to squareMay 12, 2010 at 1:51 PM

    The Red King just loves playing with the minds of his people.

    May 12, 2010 1:43 PM


  34. I roll a stoney
    Well you can imitate everyone you know
    Yes you can imitate everyone you know
    I told you so

  35. Get here, and we'll do the rest.

  36. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup.

    And looking up, I noticed I was late.

  37. "Get here, and we'll do the rest."

    How about YOU get HERE so I can rest!

  38. Cuz ther's people out there waiting....for Mexico City tickets.....

  39. I would urge people to go back and examine Tafultong's recent videos of his music.

    With this in mind, watch the new iamaphoney video between 3:04 and 3:10 and notice the phoney character is not the person playing the acoustic guitar but a graying middle aged gentleman.

  40. Is that the part where he's throwing and catching a guitar in the ring of fire? with incredibly tight jeans on?

  41. No, this part is later in the video and not the one you just mentioned.

  42. ...at the beginning of the electric guitar solo, man with the glasses.

  43. So why hasn't Mccartney pulled it off youtube by now?

    You mean, like why hasn't McCartney pulled the 17 million Beatle songs and videos on YouTube by everyone and their cat? Hmm, I wonder why he hasn't pulled all of them?

    They must all be working with Apple.

  44. Anonymous said...
    So why hasn't Mccartney pulled it off youtube by now?

    You mean, like why hasn't McCartney pulled the 17 million Beatle songs and videos on YouTube by everyone and their cat? Hmm, I wonder why he hasn't pulled all of them?

    They must all be working with Apple.

    May 12, 2010 2:44 PM

    Here's a quick version of that: He doesn't care. I know that you 17 year old psychos want to think that Macca is just like you, playing world of warcraft, going on twitter and joining facebook campaigns to get Betty White on SNL.
    Macca is a senior citizen. He cares about shitting regularly, getting his calcium and the only music he gets excited about came out in 1956.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Here's a quick version of that: He doesn't care. I know that you 17 year old psychos want to think that Macca is just like you, playing world of warcraft, going on twitter and joining facebook campaigns to get Betty White on SNL.
    Macca is a senior citizen. He cares about shitting regularly, getting his calcium and the only music he gets excited about came out in 1956.

    May 12, 2010 3:09 PM

    Therefore, it is in no way possible that Paul is involved in the production of iamaphoney's videos or music. He's old. He probably doesn't even know how to use a computer.

  46. I know, I'm no fun.

  47. No, this part is later in the video and not the one you just mentioned.

    what about the part mentioned?

  48. "He cares about shitting regularly, getting his calcium and the only music he gets excited about came out in 1956.

    May 12, 2010 3:09 PM

    Therefore, it is in no way possible that Paul is involved in the production of iamaphoney's videos or music. He's old. He probably doesn't even know how to use a computer."

    He ain't that old!

  49. Version 2 is here

    Virgin two is heir.

  50. honest work will overdue

  51. You mean, like why hasn't McCartney pulled the 17 million Beatle songs and videos on YouTube by everyone and their cat? Hmm, I wonder why he hasn't pulled all of them?

    uh, well, this song is out there with his voice and name. different story, no?

    it's a nice song, anyway.

  52. Viva la même chose! (shoes)

  53. tafultong said: And, no, I cannot identify the girl at the end.

    oh? no? Not yet? best hurry, then!

  54. This paradise can not stand, where the time went to
    Rush to where the bones of the flow
    Rush to where the broken sentence
    Subway has cooled, the Beatles rushed to the fortress throughout the closed pupal
    Catch in the final edge of a cliff beside us

  55. Honest Abe said...

    He ain't that old!

    May 12, 2010 5:06 PM

    But he's as old as you can get, isn't he?

  56. In the new Q magazine Paul admits to not being much of a techie. This is also the same Paul McCartney who in 1997 said he liked the music of Lenny Kraddock when he meant Lenny Kravitz. Who doesn't know who Lenny Kravitz is? An old man like Paul McCartney, that's who!

    Here's an insider secret: Jay-Z and Beyonce met Paul McCartney backstage in 2002 and Paul recognized Beyonce from TV but had to be told who Jay-Z was.

    He's old, brother.

    Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania comes lookin' for you?

  57. Anonymous said...
    The song "Shoes" is an easy one albeit very clever. The voice audio was taken from the interview where a song is written on the spot.

    The vocal track is then altered with a pitchshifter or other popular voice software and processed. The music was original taking from the chords from the interview with a nice arrangement.

    May 12, 2010 1:25 PM

    PROVE IT!!!!!!!!

    Lets see you use a "pitchshifter" or even better some other "popular" software and do something even close to Shoes.

    You can't.

    If it was so easy, you would have already done it. No. The voice you hear singing on shoes is the Paul. The replaced Paul. The taller one, and he admits it in the song, he needs something to make him smaller. So put that in your sock and smoke it.

    The proof is in the pudding. You don't have any pudding. You have only milkshakes.

    And iamaphoney drinks your milkshake!!!!


  58. Anonymous said...
    So why hasn't Mccartney pulled it off youtube by now?

    May 12, 2010 1:29 PM


  59. uh, well, this song is out there with his voice and name. different story, no?
    it's a nice song, anyway.

    May 12, 2010 5:17 PM

    it's a nice song, really.

    fixed it for you

  60. that girl looks quite fimiliar..

    I believe her name was.. Oh, what was it now..

  61. Here's a quick version of that: He doesn't care. I know that you 17 year old psychos want to think that Macca is just like you, playing world of warcraft, going on twitter and joining facebook campaigns to get Betty White on SNL.
    Macca is a senior citizen. He cares about shitting regularly, getting his calcium and the only music he gets excited about came out in 1956.

    Yes, but consider the way he used to be when he was younger, when John was alive. The way they left stuff on albums and in songs, practicing magic or whatever it was.

    Sure, he might not have time for it anymore, but with his bank accounts, there are certainly people out there willing to listen to him and make what he would want to go out there.

    I'm sorry, but when I heard about this whole "Lennon reincarnation" bit that came out last year, and it's still lurking in the Iamaphoney video's, this doesn't seem to be something where some guy in his 40's, living with his parents, is just making videos to screw with us.

    With all the hints in the video's, along with knowing how Lennon was a firm believer in re-incarnation, there's something to this story we aren't quite seeing just yet.

    And if the girl at the video is not Heather Mills, then perhaps it's the girl that triggered the subconcious in "Lennon's" mind to remember what kind of stuff he did with Paul back in the day.

    You've been seeing little bits of this going all the way back to the Rotten Apple 71.

    Here are some quotes.

    "There will never be a Beatles' reunion as long as John remains dead."

    "I should be as groovy as Jesus in 2012."

    "Are the Beatles getting back together?"

    You know, for me, it's small stuff like that to go along with the other hidden images in both John and Paul's albums that lead me to believe Iamaphoney is not just fooling with us. When someone comes on here, and goes and says something like --I'm the spiritual son of John Lennon-- it can't be taken as a joke anymore, because we've seen stuff in the video's which could have the power behind it to trigger someones subconcious and even more.

  62. "it's a nice song, really.

    fixed it for you"

    thank you

  63. I dontknow who the fuck JAY-Z is
    Does it make me 78 years old?
    Im just not into RAP or whatever either is He.

  64. You know, for me, it's small stuff like that to go along with the other hidden images in both John and Paul's albums that lead me to believe Iamaphoney is not just fooling with us. When someone comes on here, and goes and says something like --I'm the spiritual son of John Lennon-- it can't be taken as a joke anymore, because we've seen stuff in the video's which could have the power behind it to trigger someones subconcious and even more.

    Uh, dude, yeah it CAN be taken as a joke. If you believe that you seriously need to seek some help. There is a very good reason science looks to evidence and not video editing for what is or isn't true.

    So what if Lennon believed in reincarnation? He also believed (off and on) in tarot and astrology-obviously the crystal ball wasn't so clear, was it?

    Never trust what anyone tells you, especially when they are promoting or selling something. Don't be a sucker.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Here's an insider secret: Jay-Z and Beyonce met Paul McCartney backstage in 2002 and Paul recognized Beyonce from TV but had to be told who Jay-Z was.

    Yeah, he was told, "THAT'S the guy who made us MILLIONS when he sampled that song from "Annie" that 'we' own!"


  66. Seven horses seem to be on the mark .

  67. The real"insiders" are rapidly turning into mythos. Not the best plan so far.

  68. Its purpose is to keep the myth alive.

  69. With friends like that, who needs life?

  70. Today Paul popped in to the Radio 1 studios for a chat with Fearne Cotton. Fearne asked Paul about his forthcoming shows in the UK this June and his record breaking shows in Mexico at the end of this month.

    Paul also announced on the show an amazing competition, which will begin on Monday 17th May to see Paul play in Mexico City on the Friday 28th May 2010.

    Check back in on Monday for further details and to enter this exclusive competition!

  71. Paul Signs Jamie Oliver’s US Food Revolution Petition!

    Paul has lent his name and signature to Jamie Oliver’s new campaign in America, which is helping people change the way they think about food. Jamie’s new US TV show, ‘Food Revolution’, is about improving Americans’ health by making simple dietary changes. It aims to educate people about food, cooking and the huge health benefits of switching from processed to fresh food.

  72. Paul was happy to sign up to such an important cause. He even added his own addendum to the petition which reads, ‘and a Meat Free Monday would be GREAT for all of us on the planet! (UN 2006)’.

  73. Uh, dude, yeah it CAN be taken as a joke. If you believe that you seriously need to seek some help. There is a very good reason science looks to evidence and not video editing for what is or isn't true.

    So what if Lennon believed in reincarnation? He also believed (off and on) in tarot and astrology-obviously the crystal ball wasn't so clear, was it?

    Never trust what anyone tells you, especially when they are promoting or selling something. Don't be a sucker.

    First of all, I'm not going to be running around telling everyone on Earth about this, so if you think I need help, more power to you.

    Of course I'm not saying I believe it, you know how creepy that sounds?

    If Paul McCartney came out and supported this claim, it would be much easier to go along with it.

    All my post was intended for was that person who said Iamaphoney is just posting these video's for fun..

    When someone comes here, along with the support they once had, just doesn't seem so "for fun" like..

  74. If Paul McCartney came out and supported this claim, it would be much easier to go along with it.

    His Up and Coming must have up and gone.

  75. When someone comes here, along with the support they once had, just doesn't seem so "for fun" like..

    Why does putting some time and money into a video series make it serious? Kids spend all kinds of time and even serious money making YouTube videos just for fun.

    I have friends with a YouTube channel to promote their comedy act and they spend a good chunk of their time rehearsing, filming, and editing their stuff.

    Why is that so strange to you?

    If you can't see the comedic aspects of the series you haven't been paying attention. A lot of it is tongue-in-cheek.

    Dude, no one with a serious message would film himself shirtless on the beach--c'mon, get real.

  76. Anonymous said...
    You know, for me, it's small stuff like that to go along with the other hidden images in both John and Paul's albums that lead me to believe Iamaphoney is not just fooling with us. When someone comes on here, and goes and says something like --I'm the spiritual son of John Lennon-- it can't be taken as a joke anymore, because we've seen stuff in the video's which could have the power behind it to trigger someones subconcious and even more.

    You're late to the party. The "I'm the spiritual son of John Lennon" stuff happened last year. There were a lot of spiritual sons of John Lennon running around here. Remember Jeff Leland? Steve in Chicago?

  77. Jon Lovitz fought the anit-Chirst moose in the woods. The moose got some good kicks in but Jon shot him down. The moose lay bleeding, mortally wounded but still a ways from death. Jon rolled him up in a carpet and began to carry him back to the city. The moose, with his head sticking out of the rolled up carpet, began to sing his story. The last lyric, sung by a choir of high pitched voices along with the mellow baritone of the moose, was "I have done what I have done."

    And it reminded me of Golden Slumbers.

    I'm not teasing.

  78. And I will sing a lullaby.

  79. Jon Lovitz fought the anit-Chirst moose in the woods. The moose got some good kicks in but Jon shot him down. The moose lay bleeding, mortally wounded but still a ways from death. Jon rolled him up in a carpet and began to carry him back to the city. The moose, with his head sticking out of the rolled up carpet, began to sing his story. The last lyric, sung by a choir of high pitched voices along with the mellow baritone of the moose, was "I have done what I have done."

    And it reminded me of Golden Slumbers.

    I'm not teasing.

    Wow. We officially have a new Jeff Leland.

  80. Anonymous said...

    Wow. We officially have a new Jeff Leland.

    May 13, 2010 8:43 PM

    I was originally going to write something to the effect of "just to raise the amount of 'crazy' here even more" at the end of that.

  81. Smiles awake you when you rise.

  82. I have friends with a YouTube channel to promote their comedy act and they spend a good chunk of their time rehearsing, filming, and editing their stuff.

    May 13, 2010 7:19 PM

    Do your "friends" make cutting edge videos like iamaphoney that have songs to the caliber of Shoes?

    Do they have as many video views? Iamaphoney has 2+million and counting. Do you friends?

    Your friends = milkshake

    iamaphoney drinks them


  83. Dude, no one with a serious message would film himself shirtless on the beach--c'mon, get real.

    May 13, 2010 7:19 PM

    Jesus did

    Did you ever see The Passion of the Christ?

    Jesus was shirtless as hell

    Ever been in a Catholic church?

    Jesus has no shirt

  84. You should probably think about what you say before you say it, or Jon Lovitz will roll you up in a carpet and you will sing

    "I said Jesus wouldn't go around not wearing a shirt when he clearly did it all the time"


  85. I have friends with a YouTube channel to promote their comedy act and they spend a good chunk of their time rehearsing, filming, and editing their stuff.

    May 13, 2010 7:19 PM

    are your friends nutters?

  86. Never trust what anyone tells you, especially when they are promoting or selling something. Don't be a sucker.

    May 13, 2010 8:06 AM

    When has iamaphoney charged you money?

    Who is charging money here?

  87. If these video's weren't serious, there would be girls running around with 95% skin showing.. 'nuff said.

  88. Anonymous said...
    Oh goodie, another post with absolutely no relevant information. WHO'S THE GIRL AT THE END

    there is a nurse alive

  89. gameface said...
    Anonymous said...

    Wow. We officially have a new Jeff Leland.

    May 13, 2010 8:43 PM

    I was originally going to write something to the effect of "just to raise the amount of 'crazy' here even more" at the end of that.


    That actually made me chuckle. It's pretty obvious to me that JL's still lurking around. I'm sure he's somewhere watching these new video's Phoney's putting out with hints of a Beatles reunion along with this blonde haired, blue-eye'd girl and figuring he knew this was going to happen..

    You know, I'm actually starting to wonder if GameFace is Jeff Leland.. Someone was saying CharleyNewports, but either that was actually Leland telling us which account he's really using, or it's GameFace trying to make us think that..

  90. I don't actually know who Jeff Leland is. I'm taffyfan/fishingforbait/24yearoldoutofworkactor/notcharleynewports. And I only post here from this account!!!

    I just spent about eight minutes trying to think of something else to write. I'm that guy.

  91. Thought of it.

    If you really were me, I apologize. Please forgive me (491 times a day) and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  92. Ok, and you're welcome.

  93. Anonymous said...
    which one of you knows this girl at the end of the video?

    such a joy!

    well, I could tell you but..

  94. We're not the phonies, or the Nutters.

  95. it may not mean nothing.. said...
    the nurse is alive

    May 14, 2010 3:35 AM



  96. Paul also announced on the show an amazing competition, which will begin on Monday 17th May to see Paul play in Mexico City on the Friday 28th May 2010.

    what's this amazing competition going to be?

  97. Paul McCartney likes green olives.

  98. Never trust what anyone tells you, especially when they are promoting or selling something. Don't be a sucker.

    May 13, 2010 8:06 AM

    When has iamaphoney charged you money?

    Who is charging money here?

    Re-read that. "Especially when they are PROMOTING something"

    He's promoting his tunes. Don't see any evidence to the contrary.

  99. I think the reason CharleyNewports Gameface seem so much like Jeff Leland may not be because they are Jeff Leland but that the underlying psychologial profiles are quite similar.

    Classic fan obsession. Fan identifies with famous person, fan wants to be famous person, fan tries to look like famous person, fan stalks famous person, fan thinks he/she is famous person. In the case of dead famous people, fan has no choice but to think he/she is famous person reincarnated.

    pretty straightforward.

  100. Well Mack the finger said to Louie the King
    I got forty red white and blue shoe strings
    And a thousand telephones that don't ring
    Do you know where I can get ride of these things
    And Louie the King said let me think for a minute son
    And he said yes I think it can be easily done
    Just take everything down to Highway 61.

  101. Classic fan obsession. Fan identifies with famous person, fan wants to be famous person, fan tries to look like famous person, fan stalks famous person, fan thinks he/she is famous person.

    Or . . .fan makes videos about famous band, fan walks on Abbey Road like famous band, fan records songs based on famous bands' songs, fan pretends to be famous band member with fake youtube accounts, fan pretends he is an insider to famous, fan makes Blair Witch video, everyone realizes he is not famous band member.

  102. Maybe the Blair Witch video was a PID nightmare scenerio.

  103. ^ sealed evidence.

  104. that Blair Witch thing looked pretty much like it was supposed to be the "gotcha" ending of the whole series. I mean, phoney put it in a briefcase, made a big production out of dropping it in the woods, and then some poor dude actually went to get it and that's what was inside hahaha.

  105. Anonymous said...
    Classic fan obsession. Fan identifies with famous person, fan wants to be famous person, fan tries to look like famous person, fan stalks famous person, fan thinks he/she is famous person.

    Or . . .fan makes videos about famous band, fan walks on Abbey Road like famous band, fan records songs based on famous bands' songs, fan pretends to be famous band member with fake youtube accounts, fan pretends he is an insider to famous, fan makes Blair Witch video, everyone realizes he is not famous band member.

    May 14, 2010 9:48 AM

    LOL Sadly there are a few people here who are so utterly stupid that they've seen the Blair Witch video and try to make excuses for it.

    Face it. Iamaphoney is a musician who can't get a record deal so he's using PID as an excuse to get an audience for his music. 2+ million views? Yeah, big deal. For what? All 80 videos combined? There are tons of videos that have 2+ millions views on JUST ONE VIDEO.

  106. If you think iamaphoney is just some "musician who can't get a record deal" you need to forget about the RA, otherwise your ignorance will help iamaphoney.

  107. If you think iamaphoney is just some "musician who can't get a record deal" you need to forget about the RA, otherwise your ignorance will help iamaphoney.

    Help him how? Nothing will help Iamaphoney, dude.
    He doesn't get many views, and fewer now than ever before.

    Even if it WAS (is) an Apple project, no one seems to care--so what's the point?

  108. "Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.”

  109. Com on people, one thing that rings true about this blog and iamaphoney....stupid is as stupid does.

    You are what you do.

  110. Miles Denton Oliver said...
    If you think iamaphoney is just some "musician who can't get a record deal" you need to forget about the RA, otherwise your ignorance will help iamaphoney.

    May 14, 2010 2:20 PM

    Is that what you learned on your journey to expose Iamaphoney? Remember when you were billing yourself as his adversary? Before you decided it was more fun to play the game with him too?

  111. Acttually all the iaaps should be pretty besides themselves theese days, working with you know who.

  112. Anonymous said...
    Acttually all the iaaps should be pretty besides themselves theese days, working with you know who.

    May 14, 2010 5:54 PM

    Oh please. Only dorks on the internet would think that other dorks on the internet are better than they are.

  113. oh, sorry, just one of those dorkey's to the game everyone is not playing. Nevermind.

  114. uh, so is this "He'll be dared" a Beatle song backward? what's the deal?

    Sounds more like "he'll be dead," of course.

  115. The RA series and this blog are just two more puppies in the burlap bag.

  116. Anony, "He'll Be Dared" is "Let It Be" backwards, more or less. Almost all of Iamaphoney's songs work this way, really.

    Whether or not this is the big reveal (or laever gib) he's holding back on remains to be seen.

  117. Somebody said...
    Is that what you learned on your journey to expose Iamaphoney? Remember when you were billing yourself as his adversary? Before you decided it was more fun to play the game with him too?

    I don't know where to begin...

    The End of March 2008?
    New York to California?
    The Beginning of April 1998?
    I was< always the adversary.

    And I'll tell you the same thing I've said before: You (the people who watch the Rotten Apple Series) have more power than iamaphoney.

    You have this power, but because of ignorance you can't even get 9 Questions answered.

    The only way to win a rigged game is to cheat.
    You May as well understand it... or "GTFO"

  118. Whether or not this is the big reveal (or laever gib) he's holding back on remains to be seen.

    May 14, 2010 7:38 PM

    How many more years will it take for everyone here to realize that there is nothing to reveal?

    Stupid IS as stupid does.

    If you are here for the entertainment, that is a different story. It doesn't take a used car salesman to figure out that YouTube isn't quite the Right Album for a revelation.

  119. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait.

    Stupid is as stupid does? Please, back that up with some sources if you can.

  120. And I'll tell you the same thing I've said before: You (the people who watch the Rotten Apple Series) have more power than iamaphoney.

    More power? What is this, Dungeons & Dragons? What power does he have hahahaha. Dude, get serious.

  121. I mean, you're confusing me. Does it "is" or does it "does"? Do you even get what I'm saying, or should I slow down?

  122. An idiot said...
    More power? What is this, Dungeons & Dragons? What power does he have hahahaha. Dude, get serious.



    Get real, Marshmallow.

  123. Question for Miles:
    What if you're not interested in Iamaphoney at all and haven't watched a video of his in years, but you get a kick out of mocking his sheepie? Is that "helping" Iamaphoney too?

  124. I mean, you're confusing me. Does it "is" or does it "does"? Do you even get what I'm saying, or should I slow down?

    May 14, 2010 8:38 PM

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    You're using the internet...Google it.

  125. Answer for Anonymous:

    I said...
    If you think iamaphoney is just some "musician who can't get a record deal" YOU NEED TO FORGET THE RA, otherwise your ignorance will help iamaphoney.

    You asked: What if you're NOT INTERESTED in Iamaphoney at all and HAVEN'T WATCHED A VIDEO OF HIS IN YEARS, but you get a kick out of mocking his sheepie? Is that "helping" Iamaphoney too?

    Question for Anonymous: "Are you crazy or just plain stupid?"

  126. Anonymous said...

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    You're using the internet...Google it.

    May 14, 2010 10:44 PM

    I just did and that opened up a whole other can of worms I'm in no way prepared to deal with. I guess it's pretty subjective. "When in Rome," as they say.

  127. Miles, do you have e-mail?

    shoot me at message @ the tube if you like.


  128. Before CharleyNewports or CageFame do something they should regret, the girl is not who they think she is.

    She is Jamie Lea Willett, a friend of Tyler Knell, who is allegedly a mastermind behind the Iamaphoney Youtube saga.

    You didn't hear this from me.

  129. The girl in the video is not an oracle, twin flame, or spiritual messenger of God, she is just an actress getting paid money to appear in the video.

    Iamaphoney's trying to brainwash both of you into the looney house, if you think this girl is whom you originally thought.

    Hence, "nurse alive" along with all the other Beatle references.

    If you think I'm pulling your leg and you don't believe me, just sit back and wait for "this girl" to come back to you -- it won't happen. She's not the girl one of you claims to think, so erase that.

  130. Now, if you'd like a Beatle song to interpret what I'm saying, I suggest you listen to "Ticket to Ride"

  131. Four that want to own me. Two that wanna stone me, and one, she's a friend of mine.

  132. i know that we are young

  133. then again, I could be wrong.. and this girl IS who they think she is..

  134. They think she's that?

  135. Thy Kingdom Up and Khumun together.

  136. Up and Khmuning Tour

    When it's over, will it be the Up and Khem Tour?

  137. the new let it be dvd will be issued in 2010 november.
    How did Phoney get it before bisides from apple

  138. Until Rotten Apple 37, there were no new songs in the Rotten Apple series. Beatles music, and only Beatles music (and perhaps with rare exception a Lennon or McCartney solo recording), was being used.

    But if you want to get technical, there are NO original Iamaphoney songs. Every *new* song is simply a cover version of an old Beatles, or Beatles-related song. Even "Shoes" is a Paul McCartney song from a few years back; the original version can easily be found on YouTube. Most of the songs people give him credit for writing such as "He'll Be Dared" or "Access All Key" are simply Beatles songs (Let It Be and Because) being sung backwards.

    In some cases, such as "Elements Say That Grace Took Paul"--the original "Phoney" song that debuted in RA 37, the lyrics are a perversion of the original: instead of

    One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
    All Good Children Go To Heaven

    we get

    One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
    Paul who's here really is still alive

    Whether or not this is one colossal joke being played upon the PID collective by a trio of young men and one crazy old italian guy I cannot, will not say.
    But I'm quite amused that some of you think that there is a profit being made in all of this, or that something is being promoted.

    There has been no real album release! There will be no REAL album release, only bootlegs like the one that MikeNL released! There will be no money made from the so-called "Iamaphoney music" because all it is is a collection of Beatles songs being sung backwards. If one were to try to promote his music career, I think the first thing in order would be to release some original material, the second thing would be to promote in some way far better than using it as background music to obscure conspiracy theory videos on YouTube, and third, we'd actually have a release date, a record label, or SOME CONCRETE EVIDENCE THAT WOULD SUGGEST MUSIC PROMOTION IS PART OF THE AGENDA.

    And I know I'm going to burst a few precious, long-lived bubbles by saying this but you know, there actually is an agenda! Sadly, it doesn't involve a certain someone's music career. None of you (save for MikeNL, and perhaps that Denton Oliver fellow) even know who he (the singer) is. These people have names...they're not all Iamaphoney.

    Ask the right people, and you'll get some answers. Like Miles said: you have more power than you think.

  139. But I'm quite amused that some of you think that there is a profit being made in all of this, or that something is being promoted.

    No one mentioned profit. Of course he is promoting himself (or, at least, the series), the way everyone does on YouTube. Even Taf puts up his songs on YouTube. He's promoting his video/songs and creative vision, it doesn't mean he's looking to profit financially.

    So perhaps phoney isn't promoting a proper album that one could buy in a store; why does he need to? He has Mikey uploading mixes for him, and people listening on the channel. It's the same reason many other YouTubers don't care whether their stuff is in stores or whether they turn a profit--they seek an audience for their creativity, and that's clearly what RA is all about--being seen and appreciated.

    As for agenda, the guys told us at the beginning they solved the "Love Code" and wanted to claim a prize (that probably was never offered) but they seemed to have dropped that idea.

  140. I don't think Phoney even has "sheeple" anymore. Sure, maybe a few years back there were a handful of NIR people who thought he had something, but they were also very skeptical (hahaha can you believe they were skeptical of something?) of his motives and information. There are now maybe what, 2 or 3 kids that still think the series is going to reveal that Paul is Dead or something stupid. Whoop ti do.

    Since the briefcases, people only watch now for entertainment, even if they don't quite get what the entertainment is hahaha. More than anything at this point, all anyone really cares about is what's the point of the whole thing--and will it justify and make all the other videos make sense, or will it be a giant let down? So far, it's been a study in let downs, but we allow that there is one little twist in the end to salvage something from it.

  141. Before CharleyNewports or CageFame do something they should regret, the girl is not who they think she is.

    She is Jamie Lea Willett, a friend of Tyler Knell, who is allegedly a mastermind behind the Iamaphoney Youtube saga.

    You didn't hear this from me.

    May 15, 2010 1:56 AM

    So this Tyler Knell, who wrote the indie film "Turn Me On Dead Man" is behind RA? To promote the film? The timing seems to be off.

    And if it was to promote the film it didn't work so well.

    I can imagine that Tyler, who when writing the screenplay, looked around the internet and maybe even found NIR and did some research there and made some connections. Perhaps he reached out to "Bill" who was in his pre-actor guy stage of the series and teamed up to some extent, but the RA series doesn't have the same vibe as the film.

    But certainly plausible that someone from Turn me on Dead Man knows someone from RA. All LA dudes, after all, and how many people are even interested in the topic to begin with?

  142. "There will be no money made from the so-called "Iamaphoney music" because all it is is a collection of Beatles songs being sung backwards. If one were to try to promote his music career, I think the first thing in order would be to release some original material"

    Hold up, there, anony- didn't Iaap have a few "original" tracks on one of those Mikey bootlegs? I'm thinking of "When We Were Young" and a couple others maybe. Not saying they were anything special, but it seemed a hint at larger musical ambitions.

  143. Wondering aloud: Could Iamaphoney's music, such as it is, be considered public domain? If someone were to start selling it independently, turning a profit on it, would the Rotten Apple crew be more inclined to reveal their hand and/or identities? What sort of power struggle would that be?


  144. Hold up, there, anony- didn't Iaap have a few "original" tracks on one of those Mikey bootlegs? I'm thinking of "When We Were Young" and a couple others maybe. Not saying they were anything special, but it seemed a hint at larger musical ambitions.

    When We Were Young is an original song by the singer/songwriter that Iamaphoney has employed to sing his backwards Beatles songs. Iamaphoney is not the singer. Iamaphoney, the original creative mind (but not always the editor) behind all these videos is musically inclined, but other than hiring this fellow to sing some funny PID songs, he has no formal association with him.

    Mikey included When We Were Young in the bootleg with Iamaphoney's permission (who presumably had permission from the singer). It's never been used in the Rotten Apple series, and if there ever is an "official" incarnation of the Right Album concept that He has been sitting on for so long, don't expect it to be in the track list.

    Now, I can't stress this point enough: Iamaphoney is not the singer you hear in the Rotten Apple series videos! Also, I dare someone to name one completely original composition in the Rotten Apple series. They're all Lennon/McCartney/Harrison/Starr/Knight songs, more often than not being sung backwards.

  145. So, Friend of a Former Phoney, do you persist in capitalizing "His" name in jest or in adoration? Is Phoney's game all some sort of NWO/2012/Messiah complex run wild (as some of the YouTube commenters would seem to believe), social commentary, magick, what? Is any of this actually as mind-blowing as "He" lets on, or has "He" simply lost his mind (via trepanation or otherwise)?

  146. Anonymous said...

    Before CharleyNewports or CageFame do something they should regret, the girl is not who they think she is.

    May 15, 2010 1:56 AM

    Who did I think she is? I recall referring to her as "three hot blondes" but I never had a specific identity in mind. Not that I wouldn't mind knowing, wink wink, giggle, blush.

    As far as iamaphoney, I never assumed the singer and/or the "shirtless" guy in the videos was the mastermind. By the time I had any assumption, I assumed it was McCartney. And, yes, with an agenda beyond selling records.

    As far as Miles Denton Oliver, I don't really know. When I've been illegally inebriated enough, I've thought some of my best friends were the devil. I wonder if I've also ever foolishly thought the devil was a friend.

  147. pretty sure the Phoney guy is indeed an NIR type (Bill) who actually believes in the NWO/Magick stuff.

    He was pretty defensive about his ideas when challenged, like all NIR types.

  148. Now, I can't stress this point enough: Iamaphoney is not the singer you hear in the Rotten Apple series videos! Also, I dare someone to name one completely original composition in the Rotten Apple series. They're all Lennon/McCartney/Harrison/Starr/Knight songs, more often than not being sung backwards.

    Everyone knows there is more than one person involved. Clearly. So what? Yeah, he's recording backward Beatle songs, no doubt from listening to them so often and hearing other melodic ideas. By the way, Lennon and McCartney (and many other writers) have been known to listen to songs backwards to come up with ideas.

    Interesting question: Does a song infringe copyright if it is re-recorded by a different artist in reverse? The original in reverse would still be infringement because the recording itself is protected, but the current tests all seem to be geared toward how the melody is perceived forward (eight notes similar, etc)

  149. I also find that question "interesting" re: music rights. I would think Iamaphoney (or whomever is in charge of the musical wing of the group) has tweaked things enough lyrically for these to qualify as originals (or very "original" cover versions). Clearly, they are more than simply Beatles songs, reversed.

  150. They are calling you Old Man Macca.

    It's TIME.

  151. In a court of law (which is all that matters, not whether something is "stolen") I believe a new recording of a melody in reverse would not be considered plagiarism because the test is whether the melody bears "substantial similarity" to a neutral listener.

    Let it Be in reverse sounds nothing like Let it Be forward, therefore one could theoretically steal the entire Lennon McCartney catalog, especially when one adds new arrangements and other touches (including lyrics) which is what Phoney is doing.

    Clearly the bulk of the series is about things being in reverse.

  152. Yes, that's a huge claw clue right there.


  153. Speaking of which,
    I think most people know that Lennon often said "Because" was actually Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata backwards. So among the many other firsts the boys achieved, nicking a song in reverse might have been another one (but I doubt it). In truth, it is more like what Phoney is doing, reversing a song and modifying it, which in fact is what Lennon did.


  154. Backwards Traveler isn't really about anything, as per usual with a lot of post-Beatle Macca songs.

    If anything it's about time travel, but it's his typical just singing words that sound cool together.

  155. Backwards traveling now will be easier today than it will be tomorrow.

  156. Ancient wool unravele-rs get baaaaack!!

  157. how can there be time travel, when time is only an illusion?

  158. Mikey, you are correct.

    There is no such thing as time travel, that's why Steven Hawking said, "I've never met anyone from the future."

  159. Boy your're gonna carry that weightMay 15, 2010 at 4:43 PM

    And we were wailing on the moon. Yeah right.

  160. I want to go HOMEMay 15, 2010 at 5:05 PM

    Let me count the ways....

  161. It was fun but it's been too long!

  162. I want to go home.

  163. Troth by any other nameMay 15, 2010 at 5:14 PM

    What lies waiting?
