Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I'm still working on fixing the video snafu in the last post. But, in the meantime, find yourself a love that's gonna last and check out this video. Let's just say that the Iamaphoney publicity machine hasn't exactly been on fire. Maybe this is just another fan like me or maybe...


  1. Ugh! Don't mention fire! The brush fire season usually starts in Los Angeles this month and no doubt several people here will be claiming IAAP started them all with his mind again.

  2. ... maybe the shirts were ordered on www.t-shirts4dummies.org

    Oh my, maybe that's the famous "org" they were referring to!

  3. I must say, Tafultong.. I'm quite impressed by your new blogging articles. You've gone from mentioning MC Hammer to talking about T-shirts.

    No seriously, no YouKnowMyName231 reference -- really?

  4. It's going to be a really hot day today.

  5. "i bet you look HOT in stripes!"

  6. I do believe there's a t shirt for that!

  7. so, wait. . .you are working on fixing a link to a Less Than Zero clip to show a few seconds of a guy that definitely isn't TPF? And in the meantime a clip of a Phoney T-Shirt?

  8. It's a bit ironic, eh?

  9. "But, in the meantime, find yourself a love that's gonna last "

    attabaoy Taf!


  10. Write a letter to a new love
    Drop a line to a true love

  11. Shake our heads!
    We would be there!

  12. You gotta pay you dues
    if you wanna sing the blues
    and you know it don't come easy

  13. When and where's the big party? Taf?

  14. When and where's the big party? Paul?

  15. When and where's the big party? Special Guest?

  16. Let's just say that the Iamaphoney publicity machine hasn't exactly been on fire

    oh, really?

  17. No seriously, no YouKnowMyName231 reference -- really?

    July 6, 2010 11:37 PM

    yeah! whats up!!?

  18. You know my name, look up the number.

  19. iamafunny is dead said...
    No seriously, no YouKnowMyName231 reference -- really?

    July 6, 2010 11:37 PM

    yeah! whats up!!?

    Taf seems to be on a deliberate mission to dumb down his own blog.


  20. i tink its werking!

  21. Makes it easier to find the words of wisdom.

  22. PEACE & LOVE!
    7 - 7 - 70 years!

  23. Take a look at what date Iamaphoney joined YouTube.

    Maybe the tshirt is his way of saying thanks for the memories.

  24. July 23?

    tell me why to care.

  25. anyone else waiting breathlessly for that Less than Zero clip?

  26. tbh those alterphoney youtube accounts are more interesting then this IMO

  27. Everything is more interesting than what is really interesting

  28. Anonymous said...
    anyone else waiting breathlessly for that Less than Zero clip?

    July 7, 2010 5:25 PM

    I am. I really am. I am waiting breathlessly for that Less than Zero clip. Really.

  29. where is that damn clip, Taf?

    we're getting so much closer to getting nowhere and I'd like to speed it up.

  30. we've been getting nowhere for years, now.


    Somewhere is not suited to any self-respecting nowhere man.

  31. Especially the speeding up part

  32. well, no matter how fast we head there, we already know the destination is nowhere, so I suppose we're already there in spirit

  33. huh. I thought the last two posts and everything ever posted on NIR were about as close to getting nowhere as physics allows.

  34. actually, they are getting even farther away from getting nowhere while simultaneously not getting anywhere.

    clearly this even less of an achievement simply getting nowhere.

  35. so, they aren't even getting close to nothing?

    like, even less than zero?

    mystery solved.

    have a nice day kids.

  36. We might have gotten a little closer..

  37. so, they aren't even getting close to nothing?

    like, even less than zero?

    mystery solved.

    have a nice day kids.

    So, it was all about heading the wrong direction? Like walking backwards? PID/PWR is backward traveling?

    Time to move on, then.

    I've almost forgotten what it's like to move forwards.

  38. Symbolism is a marvelous thing, isn't it?

  39. And finally, exhibit C..

    Crikey, counselor!! I'm in serious trouble, then, because I have a bunch of photos of myself holding my chin like that!

    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, every schoolchild makes these sorts of gestures in photos!!!

    I declare everyone guilty!!!

    what, that wasn't convincing enough? tough crowd.

  40. Oh yes, and who's this bright lad?

    And why hasn't Tafultong mentioned this person of interest?

    Let me guess, you figure it's just some bright young kid with nothing better to do, right? I have news for you -- wrong!!!

    If you read through Percy's posts, you can tell that user knows exactly what they're talking about!

  41. And finally, exhibit C..

    Crikey, counselor!! I'm in serious trouble, then, because I have a bunch of photos of myself holding my chin like that!

    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, every schoolchild makes these sorts of gestures in photos!!!

    I declare everyone guilty!!!

    what, that wasn't convincing enough? tough crowd.

    July 7, 2010 6:51 PM

    Yes, that's right I forgot. You're just as famous as they are.

    Oh wait a second, I never remembered you. Who are you?

    Oh yes, that's right. Just a little person in their little biased world judging posters on their research.

    Here's a thought, why don't you go play some Call of Duty. Maybe you can actually talk to a girl for once..

  42. finally, exhibit C..

    How CUTE!!!

  43. Oh yes, that's right. Just a little person in their little biased world judging posters on their research.

    Here's a thought, why don't you go play some Call of Duty. Maybe you can actually talk to a girl for once..

    Ah, angry conspiracy theorist guy always shows his colors when the heat's on.

    all "Let me teach thou a great mystery" and all that jazz until someone shows you for the charlatan you are, then it's all, "Hey, fuck off and kiss a girl!"

    Buddha says "hi."

  44. Buddha can you take me back?

  45. Buddha come home.

  46. Oh yes, that's right. Just a little person in their little biased world judging posters on their research.

    Here's a thought, why don't you go play some Call of Duty. Maybe you can actually talk to a girl for once..

    Ah, angry conspiracy theorist guy always shows his colors when the heat's on.

    all "Let me teach thou a great mystery" and all that jazz until someone shows you for the charlatan you are, then it's all, "Hey, fuck off and kiss a girl!"

    Buddha says "hi."

    July 7, 2010 7:00 PM

    I never said I was someone for conspiracy. Usually, someone were to come on here and point something out, and then some moron would come along and completely destroy that persons effort by making some assnine remark.

    It's quite clear, for me anyways, that I'm talking to someone who also knows what they're talking about.

    Golly, if only PercyThrillington were here right now.. I wonder what she would say..

  47. Oh yes, that's right. Just a little person in their little biased world judging posters on their research.

    Yeah, it's really not fair to judge someone's research. Research (i.e. staring at photographs and watching videos) is to be accepted at face value, otherwise, you know, you'd be biased. I mean, didn't any of you go to MIT? That's how you do research, you know. Otherwise you aren't very famous (which makes you not smart and not a Crowley follower or Satanist) and you should play video games and try talking to girls.

  48. He ain't heavy, he's my Buddha . Really!

  49. You should team up and write a sitcom.

  50. the vid in question.

    As the person who created the video in question, I can assure you I don't know what you're talking about.

  51. Oh yes, that's right. Just a little person in their little biased world judging posters on their research.

    Yeah, it's really not fair to judge someone's research. Research (i.e. staring at photographs and watching videos) is to be accepted at face value, otherwise, you know, you'd be biased. I mean, didn't any of you go to MIT? That's how you do research, you know. Otherwise you aren't very famous (which makes you not smart and not a Crowley follower or Satanist) and you should play video games and try talking to girls.


    Oh my, it appears the student has just taught the teacher a lesson.

  52. You should team up and write a sitcom.

    You mean this blog isn't a sitcom?

  53. You should team up and write a sitcom.

    July 7, 2010 7:11 PM

    Better yet, we should make a band.

  54. Golly, if only PercyThrillington were here right now.. I wonder what she would say..

    July 7, 2010 7:08 PM

    Yeah, it's really not fair to judge someone's research. Research (i.e. staring at photographs and watching videos) is to be accepted at face value, otherwise, you know, you'd be biased. I mean, didn't any of you go to MIT? That's how you do research, you know. Otherwise you aren't very famous (which makes you not smart and not a Crowley follower or Satanist) and you should play video games and try talking to girls.

    July 7, 2010 7:09 PM

    I think we have found the Son of the Magikian, fellow followers.

  55. I think we have found the Son of the Magikian, fellow followers.


  56. I think we have found the Son of the Magikian, fellow followers

    btw, there's a "c" in there, too.

  57. Golly, if only PercyThrillington were here right now.. I wonder what she would say..

    July 7, 2010 7:08 PM

    She might ask for a raise, or so I've heard. To stay on the job.

  58. it's all about the money, you know.

  59. You see, with TheSunKing, it was much. MUCH. Easier to tell when it was he who was posting.

  60. But for you, I remember that little stunt you pulled on me.

  61. it's all about the money, you know.

    July 7, 2010 7:22 PM

    Like the good old days..

  62. And finally, exhibit C..

    Crikey, counselor!! I'm in serious trouble, then, because I have a bunch of photos of myself holding my chin like that!

    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, every schoolchild makes these sorts of gestures in photos!!!

    I declare everyone guilty!!!

    what, that wasn't convincing enough? tough crowd.

    July 7, 2010 6:51 PM

    Oh, and we call them teenagers now, old chap. ;)

    You know, it's called "being hip"

  63. Oh, and we call them teenagers now, old chap. ;)

    You know, it's called "being hip"

    hahaha well I was referring to grade school, so not quite teens but I suppose we call them "tweens" old chap.

  64. Hurry home, Son!

  65. Anonymous said...
    Golly, if only PercyThrillington were here right now.. I wonder what she would say..

    July 7, 2010 7:08 PM

    Yeah, it's really not fair to judge someone's research. Research (i.e. staring at photographs and watching videos) is to be accepted at face value, otherwise, you know, you'd be biased. I mean, didn't any of you go to MIT? That's how you do research, you know. Otherwise you aren't very famous (which makes you not smart and not a Crowley follower or Satanist) and you should play video games and try talking to girls.

    July 7, 2010 7:09 PM

    Hey Faullible, maybe I don't address any specifics, because reading your posts, it's obvious you don't have a clue about the songwriting process or what you're talking about.
    I am gonna address one tho, just to show you. Paul is playing the bass riff, with delay on, over and over, because he is using the notes played on the bass to built the rest of the song. Hence why he is showing George which notes, so George can play the chords on the piano and elaborate on them. If you look at Part 2 of the video, you can see Paul showing the rest of the melody on the piano. So don't say George wrote the song on his own. It's a collaboration.
    Also, nobody claimed McCartney was one of the best guitar player or bass player around (maybe that's why he asked D. Gilmour to play the solo on "no more lonely nights"), but he is an amazing songwriter.

    Ok, you can go back to listening Magical Mystery Tour backwards, hoping they're gonna tell you who was the walrus... To quote you... >> "amazing".

    So, PercyThrillington over on the NIR boards and this extremely anonymous person both like to reference the small things about the rumor, no?

    I mean, Percy hasn't been seen on that board for over two years! Yet, just by glancing through the posts by the username, this person is a song-writer who also works in a studio.


  66. These two fight like brothers lol

  67. The Magician said...
    Hurry home, Son!

    Oh boy, if I remembered what you once told me..

  68. Also, nobody claimed McCartney was one of the best guitar player or bass player around. . .

    Wow. Nobody? You mean, not pretty much every bassist and music critic from the 60's on?

    Paul has always been considered the most inventive and influential of all Rock (and Pop) bassists. Even Lennon knew that.

  69. Hey Faullible, maybe I don't address any specifics, because reading your posts, it's obvious you don't have a clue about the songwriting process or what you're talking about.

    For the record, my name is John Charles.

    Clearly you are reading into things (and posts) a bit much.

  70. Paul has always been considered the most inventive and influential of all Rock (and Pop) bassists. Even Lennon knew that.

    July 7, 2010 7:53 PM

    I'm sorry, who?

  71. Anonymous said...
    Hey Faullible, maybe I don't address any specifics, because reading your posts, it's obvious you don't have a clue about the songwriting process or what you're talking about.

    For the record, my name is John Charles.

    Clearly you are reading into things (and posts) a bit much.

    That's funny, you know. Because that username subscribed to me today.

  72. I'm sorry, who?

    His name is Paul McCartney.

    The one and only.

    And no amount of slow-mo or hoaxed videos will ever change that.

  73. I'm not over-reading into anything.

  74. That's funny because the youtube page that was created earlier today and subscribed to my page was under the name of John Lennon.

  75. And please, you can't tell me you don't remember when...

  76. That's funny, you know. Because that username subscribed to me today.

    There is no one with that username.

  77. i think hes talking about this one


  78. This is becoming REALLY interesting now..

  79. Anonymous said...
    Hey Faullible, maybe I don't address any specifics, because reading your posts, it's obvious you don't have a clue about the songwriting process or what you're talking about.

    For the record, my name is John Charles.

    Clearly you are reading into things (and posts) a bit much.

    Is that so? Well, why don't you sign onto your Youtube account, send a little message to one of your friends on there telling them you're PercyThrillington on NIR.

    How about you message CageFame, since afterall, we know he posts on this blog..

  80. Anonymous said...
    Hey Faullible, maybe I don't address any specifics, because reading your posts, it's obvious you don't have a clue about the songwriting process or what you're talking about.

    For the record, my name is John Charles.

    Clearly you are reading into things (and posts) a bit much.

    Is that so? Well, why don't you sign onto your Youtube account, send a little message to one of your friends on there telling them you're PercyThrillington on NIR.

    How about you message CageFame, since afterall, we know he posts on this blog..

    I do not have YouTube friends on any of my accounts nor have I ever belonged to NIR--as anyone that knows me will attest.

  81. Is that so? Well, why don't you sign onto your Youtube account, send a little message to one of your friends on there telling them you're PercyThrillington on NIR.

    How about you message CageFame, since afterall, we know he posts on this blog..

    I do not have YouTube friends on any of my accounts nor have I ever belonged to NIR--as anyone that knows me will attest.

    Uh, dude, if that is John Charles then I can attest he DEFINITELY isn't an NIR member hahahahaha.

  82. Uh, dude, if that is John Charles then I can attest he DEFINITELY isn't an NIR member hahahahaha.

    July 7, 2010 8:29 PM

    Well then I think we just figured out who PercyThrillington is on NIR, haven't we?

  83. Uh, dude, if that is John Charles then I can attest he DEFINITELY isn't an NIR member hahahahaha.

    July 7, 2010 8:29 PM

    Well then I think we just figured out who PercyThrillington is on NIR, haven't we?

    Well we've learned it sure as heck isn't John Charles. You NIR guys spend your lives trying to figure out who Paul is when you can't even figure out who each other is hahahaha.

    some outstanding detective work going on around here. Would make for a great Pink Panther.

  84. Oh, and just to shut the little twerp up who finds this funny. Why don't you do a little research, like your "friend" said.

    Percy Thrillington's birthday on NIR is June 18, 1942 [I know, whomever did this CLEARLY couldn't be McCartney, because everyone knew about Percy Thrillington back in 2007, right?]

    You should actually take the time and read through his posts. You might realize how him and John Charles are somewhat alike.

    Because, like John Charles, Percy knows alot about the Beatles too.

    Heck, Percy even works in a studio, says so in one of her posts. Even talks about changing voices like, John Lennon.

    1- what NWO visual iconography are you talking about? can you reference it? It seems like a big abstract concept to me.
    2- if eagles = wings more or less, how about the dove? isn't it a hippie/peace symbol? Also, it's obvious that Wings was more a nazi/satanist band than a hippie band, right?
    3- the dad was more explicit about the NWO reference. W seems more interested in his personal interests.
    4- I work in studios almost everyday too, yet, I don't listen to songs at Whole Foods. If you are an engineer, then you should know that depending on the EQ, the compression level, and the gear you're using, can sound "more tinny" like how Faul sounds. Also, if you take John as an example, you noticed how he liked to play with his voice and tried to make it sound different on a lot of songs, by using effects, speed, voice tone, etc...
    4a- my point was more that artists, including Paul, are free to change songs with years, and change the way they sing them. A song, for some, is a perpetual piece of work. Dylan is an awesome writer, but on a musical point of view, he is pretty limited.
    5- yes, i like the interview because Paul is relaxed in it. I didn't make a point out of it.
    6- Misspelling french does matter, as it looks like you were trying to use fancy words, with "oeuvre". Also, I am french, and I don't like it when people slaughter my language. But then again, you misspelled english words as well, so my bad on this one, I shouldn't have taken it personally.
    7- I doubt Hitler would ever had a punk band, as most punk bands propagate a left-wing ideology. Even tho some of them use the swastika as a provocative symbol. (even Manson did, yet he was some drugged-up hippie).
    8- don't take everything i say too seriously, i might sound vindictive, yet, I am just having fun here. Also, I truly appreciate the people around here who are open minded enough to hear outside points of view. I wouldn't stick around if this board was only populated with anti-P(F)aul fascists.

    And if you don't know what the post is about, YOU can check it out. I don't see why I should be pointing out Paul McCartney on a forum for morons who take this as a joke, or when they get intimidated they go into retreat mode right away.

  85. Oh, and just to shut the little twerp up who finds this funny. Why don't you do a little research, like your "friend" said.

    Percy Thrillington's birthday on NIR is June 18, 1942 [I know, whomever did this CLEARLY couldn't be McCartney, because everyone knew about Percy Thrillington back in 2007, right?]

    You should actually take the time and read through his posts. You might realize how him and John Charles are somewhat alike.

    Because, like John Charles, Percy knows alot about the Beatles too.

    Heck, Percy even works in a studio, says so in one of her posts. Even talks about changing voices like, John Lennon.

    1- what NWO visual iconography are you talking about? can you reference it? It seems like a big abstract concept to me.
    2- if eagles = wings more or less, how about the dove? isn't it a hippie/peace symbol? Also, it's obvious that Wings was more a nazi/satanist band than a hippie band, right?
    3- the dad was more explicit about the NWO reference. W seems more interested in his personal interests.
    4- I work in studios almost everyday too, yet, I don't listen to songs at Whole Foods. If you are an engineer, then you should know that depending on the EQ, the compression level, and the gear you're using, can sound "more tinny" like how Faul sounds. Also, if you take John as an example, you noticed how he liked to play with his voice and tried to make it sound different on a lot of songs, by using effects, speed, voice tone, etc...
    4a- my point was more that artists, including Paul, are free to change songs with years, and change the way they sing them. A song, for some, is a perpetual piece of work. Dylan is an awesome writer, but on a musical point of view, he is pretty limited.
    5- yes, i like the interview because Paul is relaxed in it. I didn't make a point out of it.
    6- Misspelling french does matter, as it looks like you were trying to use fancy words, with "oeuvre". Also, I am french, and I don't like it when people slaughter my language. But then again, you misspelled english words as well, so my bad on this one, I shouldn't have taken it personally.
    7- I doubt Hitler would ever had a punk band, as most punk bands propagate a left-wing ideology. Even tho some of them use the swastika as a provocative symbol. (even Manson did, yet he was some drugged-up hippie).
    8- don't take everything i say too seriously, i might sound vindictive, yet, I am just having fun here. Also, I truly appreciate the people around here who are open minded enough to hear outside points of view. I wouldn't stick around if this board was only populated with anti-P(F)aul fascists.

    And if you don't know what the post is about, YOU can check it out. I don't see why I should be pointing out Paul McCartney on a forum for morons who take this as a joke, or when they get intimidated they go into retreat mode right away.

  86. Oh, and just to shut the little twerp up who finds this funny. Why don't you do a little research, like your "friend" said.

    Percy Thrillington's birthday on NIR is June 18, 1942 [I know, whomever did this CLEARLY couldn't be McCartney, because everyone knew about Percy Thrillington back in 2007, right?]

    You should actually take the time and read through his posts. You might realize how him and John Charles are somewhat alike.

    Because, like John Charles, Percy knows alot about the Beatles too.

    Heck, Percy even works in a studio, says so in one of her posts. Even talks about changing voices like, John Lennon.

    1- what NWO visual iconography are you talking about? can you reference it? It seems like a big abstract concept to me.
    2- if eagles = wings more or less, how about the dove? isn't it a hippie/peace symbol? Also, it's obvious that Wings was more a nazi/satanist band than a hippie band, right?
    3- the dad was more explicit about the NWO reference. W seems more interested in his personal interests.
    4- I work in studios almost everyday too, yet, I don't listen to songs at Whole Foods. If you are an engineer, then you should know that depending on the EQ, the compression level, and the gear you're using, can sound "more tinny" like how Faul sounds. Also, if you take John as an example, you noticed how he liked to play with his voice and tried to make it sound different on a lot of songs, by using effects, speed, voice tone, etc...
    4a- my point was more that artists, including Paul, are free to change songs with years, and change the way they sing them. A song, for some, is a perpetual piece of work. Dylan is an awesome writer, but on a musical point of view, he is pretty limited.
    5- yes, i like the interview because Paul is relaxed in it. I didn't make a point out of it.
    6- Misspelling french does matter, as it looks like you were trying to use fancy words, with "oeuvre". Also, I am french, and I don't like it when people slaughter my language. But then again, you misspelled english words as well, so my bad on this one, I shouldn't have taken it personally.
    7- I doubt Hitler would ever had a punk band, as most punk bands propagate a left-wing ideology. Even tho some of them use the swastika as a provocative symbol. (even Manson did, yet he was some drugged-up hippie).
    8- don't take everything i say too seriously, i might sound vindictive, yet, I am just having fun here. Also, I truly appreciate the people around here who are open minded enough to hear outside points of view. I wouldn't stick around if this board was only populated with anti-P(F)aul fascists.

    And if you don't know what the post is about, YOU can check it out. I don't see why I should be pointing out Paul McCartney on a forum for morons who take this as a joke, or when they get intimidated they go into retreat mode right away.

  87. Well we've learned it sure as heck isn't John Charles. You NIR guys spend your lives trying to figure out who Paul is when you can't even figure out who each other is hahahaha.

    some outstanding detective work going on around here. Would make for a great Pink Panther.

    July 7, 2010 8:38 PM

    Oh, put a feather in your cap. Let me tell you something that might actually zip-lock that plastic bag mouth of yours up, I left that place a long time ago. Everyone on that board are complete morons and just a waiste of time. You tell them one thing, and they'll try to connect it to peanut butter and jelly.

    For all you know, I could be PercyThrillington giving you a clue perhaps. Maybe even more then one. But just like Apollo C Vermouth, all of you chose to wait for his life account to become "inactive" before you opened your eyes.

  88. For all you know, I could be PercyThrillington giving you a clue perhaps. Maybe even more then one. But just like Apollo C Vermouth, all of you chose to wait for his life account to become "inactive" before you opened your eyes.

    Everyone loves to give clues. Everyone loves to pretend they are Beatles or insiders.

    Like the RA series has shown, it's all about pretending.

  89. Anonymous said...
    For all you know, I could be PercyThrillington giving you a clue perhaps. Maybe even more then one. But just like Apollo C Vermouth, all of you chose to wait for his life account to become "inactive" before you opened your eyes.

    Everyone loves to give clues. Everyone loves to pretend they are Beatles or insiders.

    Like the RA series has shown, it's all about pretending.

    I wonder, if the whole series is all about pretending, maybe Paul just pretended about the whole rumor?

    Oh, I'm sorry, would you like tape for that rip?

  90. I wonder, if the whole series is all about pretending, maybe Paul just pretended about the whole rumor?

    Why worry about a rumor? There were/are lots of rumors about the Beatles and about all celebrities. Seriously, dude, that was goofy in 1969 and it's even sillier today.

  91. The only fact we can glean definitively from RA series is that Phoney faked a great deal of "evidence" in the videos, sometimes resorting to trickery that required more than a little effort on his part. Thankfully, Taf and other knowledgeable folks were always able to point out when and where the trickery took place, and even provided the original clips so that we could see how they were manipulated.

    That much is not in question, by Taf or anyone else.

    Starting with that as our only known basis in fact, we move from there. . . .

  92. key words here: family affair thats the best clue you are going to get

  93. Oh, and just to shut the little twerp up who finds this funny. Why don't you do a little research, like your "friend" said.
    Percy Thrillington's birthday on NIR is June 18, 1942 [I know, whomever did this CLEARLY couldn't be McCartney, because everyone knew about Percy Thrillington back in 2007, right?]

    You should actually take the time and read through his posts. You might realize how him and John Charles are somewhat alike.

    Hmmm, that's pretty unusual for an obsessive Beatle fan to create a username based on one associated with a Beatle and to provide a Beatle birthdate for himself, almost as if to make other teenagers think. . he's a BEATLE!!! (screaming girl sounds here).

    Highly unusual.


  94. Starting with that as our only known basis in fact, we move from there. . . .

    July 7, 2010 9:08 PM

    And if Neill Aspinall was a member on a forum, what makes you think McCartney wasn't aswell?

  95. key words here: family affair thats the best clue you are going to get.

    you have no clues and you have no clue about anything. You've embarrassed yourself here for months and we've allowed it because Taf doesn't care anymore and so why not have another deluded Lennon obsessive dude around?

    Just don't hurt yourself, any of the surviving Beatles, or try anything at home.

  96. Relax, I only come on here for fun lmao

  97. Relax, I only come on here for fun lmao

    whew. Thought you were one of the kooks. Like the KOOKS WHO ACTUALLY BELIEVE NEIL ASPINALL WAS ON NIR hahahaha.

    God what idiots.

  98. fool you once, you're fooled
    fool you twice, you're fooled

  99. Anonymous said...
    fool you once, you're fooled
    fool you twice, you're fooled

    No, not really.. Like I said, I've come on here just for fun, and your little cult leader Taf posted an article about it.

    You remember I'm sure, when his things were actually interesting?

    I'm sure you do, since you're all over this Neill not being on the forums thing which was 2 years ago.

    It's apparent to me that unlike you, I've moved on and just casually come on here to start trouble for fun. You on the other hand, you might need the help.. if you find it that funny..

  100. It's apparent to me that unlike you, I've moved on and just casually come on here to start trouble for fun. You on the other hand, you might need the help.. if you find it that funny..

    actually, I come here randomly every few month to start trouble for fun too hahaha.

  101. Anonymous said...
    Relax, I only come on here for fun lmao

    whew. Thought you were one of the kooks. Like the KOOKS WHO ACTUALLY BELIEVE NEIL ASPINALL WAS ON NIR hahahaha.

    God what idiots.

    That's right I forgot that I spend soooo much time on here like you do to find that out.


  102. I'm having a Jude (RockXLight) flashback for some reason hahahahah

  103. behold, i come quickly.

  104. I'm having a Jude (RockXLight) flashback for some reason hahahahah

    July 7, 2010 9:38 PM

    awwww hell no... no you diiiidn't

  105. right album t shirts are amazing about time thank you iamaphoney

  106. No, really message me. I'm lonely. And I've got some wicked good movie download links.

  107. Or delete that one too.

  108. Quitting time soon come.

  109. Anonymous said...
    key words here: family affair thats the best clue you are going to get

    July 7, 2010 9:13 PM


  110. Starting with that as our only known basis in fact, we move from there. . . .

    July 7, 2010 9:08 PM

    And if Neill Aspinall was a member on a forum, what makes you think McCartney wasn't aswell?

    July 7, 2010 9:14 PM

    Maybe he/they stumbled upon a really good reason to want to hang around there?

  111. Maybe he/they stumbled upon a really good reason to want to hang around there?

    or, maybe not at all whatsoever.

  112. or maybe totally. See what you want see. Believe what you want to believe.

  113. or maybe totally. See what you want see. Believe what you want to believe.

    that's pretty much NIR in a nutshell hahaha. They have to believe something came from years and years of speculation on the shape of this or that object on an album cover. It's extreme failure but cults always come up with excuses for their failed predictions and the rest.

    textbook cult delusion.

  114. ^^^

    textbook failure to see the forest through the trees.

  115. The last time Paul and Ringo performed together was on the same stage last year for the David Lynch Foundation benefit show.

  116. Looking through the bent backed tulips
    to see how the other half lives,
    looking through a glass onion

  117. When are you picking me up for the party?

  118. Me travel many moons for this party, Macca. Let's GO!

  119. hey gang, it's been years and we've finally gotten nowhere!

    not many can say they've gotten absolutely nowhere after so much time and effort, so congratulations are in order!

    I think it only fitting we should hand out treadmills as consolation prizes.

  120. You're on the last will be first treadmill.


  122. You call this a party? What kind of party is this?

  123. End this thing?

    Treadmills have no beginning or end.

    You just keep going and going and ocassionally Taf posts a video from Less Than Zero to keep your head upright.

  124. Golly, if only PercyThrillington were here right now.. I wonder what she would say..

    Ram On!

  125. Or is this the only thing you want me for?

  126. now we've got a "Percy Thrillington" stalker.

    ah, kids.

  127. She's coming down fast. LOOK OUT!

  128. She's coming down fast. LOOK OUT!

    so you keep saying.

    it's like a blur it's coming down so fast.

    Yawn. Off to bed.

  129. Like a thef in the lost weekend.

  130. Macca come home!

  131. Phoney insiders are getting me down. Yeah, you know who you are

  132. Planet X now arriving. Happy birthday to me!

  133. Siriusly? Live long and prosper!

  134. Percy Thrillington said...
    Or is this the only thing you want me for?

    July 8, 2010 4:55 PM

    Ohh, thats harsh!

  135. You see, the truth has always been secret...

  136. But if your not ready for the truth, you can't see it.

  137. it's a trick question!

  138. Phoney insiders are getting me down. Yeah, you know who you are

  139. yeah we're going to a rockin' party!

  140. What kind of party?

  141. I rather like the ugly shirt from skinny dude. what's skinny dude doing anyway these days?

  142. He's going to a fucking party!

  143. What kind of party?


    Failure Party!!

    that is, unless you don't want to see and know the truth.

    It's so simple, really!


  144. Treadmill Party!!!!

    I'll bring the Kraft Dinner!!!

  145. Classic Macca getting "f-ing party" in the birthday song!

  146. Summer school = no fail

    got it?

    Now crack the books!

  147. Time to take her HomeJuly 9, 2010 at 12:41 PM

    Her name is what it means.

  148. Let's just say that the Iamaphoney publicity machine hasn't exactly been on fire. Maybe this is just another fan like me or maybe...

    . . .it's something even stupider like Phoney trying to sell t-shirts of himself.

  149. Is there really an F-Bomb hidden in "Birthday"? Really?

  150. Let's just say that the Iamaphoney publicity machine hasn't exactly been on fire. Maybe this is just another fan like me or maybe...

    . . .it's something even stupider like Phoney trying to sell t-shirts of himself.

    not really. its not even the iamaphoney its TPF and you dont even know who iamaphoney is so you just seem quite uneducated on this matter

  151. person above me makes a good point the t shirts are not going to harm the series or the anticipation. one of the best aspects of the series has been this TPF or the phoney figure to the idiots out there. ill see you on the line when the t shirt comes out.

  152. not really. its not even the iamaphoney its TPF and you dont even know who iamaphoney is so you just seem quite uneducated on this matter.

    hahaha well la-di-da Einstein.

    no one cares who does the editing and the stealing of the ideas and the NIR rehash except you, apparently.

  153. cmon mates theres plenty of room on the bus

  154. Yeah I'm hearing the fbomb. Unless Im just having a taf/ringo moment.

  155. Plenty of room on that fbomb bus!

  156. Yeah were goin to a party party
    yeah were going to a party party
    year we're goin to a FBOMB party

    I would like you to dance

  157. TPF is very important to the series. He's the focal point. The Christ replacement. The pop star. The one the kids think is sexy.

  158. Take a chchchchance!

  159. There are other sell points, dude,

  160. what do Paul McCartney, Aleister Crowley, and Lewis Carroll have in common?

    actual lives!

    see ya on the treadmill!

  161. Jane stop this crazy thing!

  162. Special friend in AmericaJuly 9, 2010 at 7:43 PM

    Failguy is still in last place. Yet not first. What can we do to help him out mates?

  163. Anything but Crowley. Please.

  164. Judy and Elroy sing/July 9, 2010 at 8:10 PM

    NA na na na na na na

  165. It's going to be a really hot day tomorrow.

  166. What about the fireman? Highway, too?

  167. 10 miles north of the TAFSBURY Road!

  168. The bus is right outside the door and it's got air conditioning! yea!

  169. David is often shortened to "Davey/Davie/Davy" (additionally, in Wales, such variants as "Dafydd" and "Dewi" and such diminutives as "Dai", "Daf" and "Taff/Taffy" are fairly common?

  170. Tonight's tickets still available

  171. Nutters, no need to speed up the failure. You accomplished it at least two years ago.

    "it's happening soooooooon"

  172. so soon. Just you wait . . .

  173. Ringo Starr - Receives star from Mohegan Sun

    Where is bluelink when you need him?

