Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Winged Beetle 5/5

The final installment, that is to be continued, has appeared on YouTube.

TheWingedBeatle 5/5
contains no new revelations, but like the other 4 videos, helps to clarify some of the "clues" from the Rotten Apple Video Series that were often difficult to interpret.

During my first viewing of the video, I grew concerned that the voiceover person had been laid off, but sure enough he returned just a little over two minutes in. As I review these installments, I must admit that in terms of documentary format, PID has never been done better. There are even credits at the end and I am pleased as punch that I was thanked. I did risk a lot for young Iamaphoney and stood up against some scary text to protect his name. When this whole thing started, Mike NL was only 18 years old and now all these years later, he is something like 18 years old.

The credits list one Tom Moht (who probably plays the Thom Toms) and one Ken Knott (who cannot be identified) as receiving special thanks.

One peculiar thing jumped out at me as I watched this video for the first time. The narrator was saying, "Mal [Evans] was on the phone with his good friend from the Beatles days" and then his voice cuts out abruptly and picks up with a new sentence. He most certainly said the name of the individual in question, but it sounded like it had been edited out. The good friend from the Beatles days was most definitely Ken Mansfield who described the phone call in "The White Book." Mansfield is currently a Christian speaker and evangelist. This is his web site.

It's great to have a new Iamaphoney recording. It's not the most catchy thing in the world, but if you play it backwards you will hear that it is based on the very catchy "All You Need Is Love."

On that note, let me peruse this set of five videos again, and I hope to talk to you soon.

Despite the dumbing down of the documentary format, many questions remain - not the least of which is what the hell is a batty conk?


  1. is iamaphoney now confirming or claiming the possession of mal evans suitcase?

  2. As fun as it is to slag on Mr. Phoney, I applaud the org for getting this far. Once I finish typing this comment, I'm gonna go call my local dj and request "Teeny Lucifer"!

  3. Anonymous said...

    is iamaphoney now confirming or claiming the possession of mal evans suitcase?

    That surely does appear to be the case.

  4. Tafultong,

    Any thoughts or info about the winged beatle website?

  5. the org is taking donations now apparently

  6. Maybe you didn't deserve the thanks. You're not doing Iamaphoney any favors. You continually deny that there are any revelations to be found in this new documentary series (when in fact many new facts came to light and in the very first episodes there was a voice recording alleged to be of a doctor who worked on Faul's facial reconstruction).

    Why aren't all these tantalizing new details concerning Ian Iachamoe and Faul's connection to Aleister Crowley good enough for you?

  7. "I did risk a lot for young Iamaphoney and stood up against some scary text to protect his name. When this whole thing started, Mike NL was only 18 years old and now all these years later, he is something like 18 years old."

    Why do I get the feeling that you're making fun of both Iamaphoney and MikeNL now?

    What happened to this blog? You used to be one of IAAPs biggest supporters but now i'm not so sure.

  8. YOU'RE flattered, Taf?

    I'm pissed.

    He ends this with the suitcase again and doesn't give me any credit at all -- or any explanation for what that nonsense from 2 1/2 years ago was all about or why he put me through all that grief.

    To say nothing of the meaning of that stupid 16 second video that I found in the ruddy thing.

    He chose MikeNL as his messenger and me as his sucker.

  9. Credits for the movie, 65if.

    i provided some materials they ended up using.

  10. batty - usually meaning crazy but has other meanings.

    batty gay homosexual ass homo arse bum queer batty boy bat fag crazy faggot anal battyman booty mental nuts bonkers mad deranged battyboy cock pussy fatty butt insane james backside anus barmy man penis unbalanced maniacal whacko gayboy fruity wacky haywire nutty demented touched silly delirious shit cuckoo screwy kooky cracked cum


    1   /kɒŋk, kɔŋk/ Show Spelled [kongk, kawngk] Show IPA Slang.
    the head.
    a blow on the head.
    British. the nose.
    –verb (used with object)
    to hit or strike on the head.
    Use conk in a Sentence
    See images of conk
    Search conk on the Web
    1805–15; of obscure orig.
    2   /kɒŋk, kɔŋk/ Show Spelled[kongk, kawngk] Show IPA
    –verb (used without object)Slang.
    to break or fail, as a machine or engine (often fol. by out): The engine conked out halfway there.
    to slow down or stop; lose energy (often fol. by out).
    to go to sleep (usually fol. by off or out).
    to lose consciousness; faint (usually fol. by out).
    to die (usually fol. by out).

  11. 65if2007 said...
    YOU'RE flattered, Taf?

    I'm pissed.

    September 23, 2010 11:29 PM

    I am with 65if2007 on this, he should be pissed. Very few people have done as much as 65if around here. This really is a travesty and will not be forgotten. It reflects poorly on the "org" and iamaphoney as a person.

    Was hoping the the boycott would have continued. Someday when some of the anointed others will be left out in the cold the way that 65if was, they too will feel the sting and look back and feel pretty foolish for the roles they played in all of this.

  12. MikeNL said...
    Credits for the movie, 65if.

    i provided some materials they ended up using.

    September 24, 2010 12:00 AM

    really? wow

  13. Anonymous said...
    is iamaphoney now confirming or claiming the possession of mal evans suitcase?

    September 23, 2010 9:42 PM

    I thought that always was the claim.

  14. malevans said...

    Why do I get the feeling that you're making fun of both Iamaphoney and MikeNL now?

    September 23, 2010 10:38 PM

    Too bad he didnt say that to MikeNL on Youtube.

    Also, why didnt Mike say "thank you" for the in depth dissection of the latest iamaphoney work?

  15. "Why aren't all these tantalizing new details concerning Ian Iachamoe and Faul's connection to Aleister Crowley good enough for you?"

    what? do you REALLY believe that? you should rewatch the videos. there is nothing. you should care for the details. believing in the iamaphoney/pid story is like believing little red riding hood is real. :-P

  16. 65if2007 is pissed!


  17. the credits to 5 say


    Carnival of Lights


    When.... when is someone going to talk about the Carnival of Lights? Now would be a good time.

  18. why is iaap thanking the LAPD??? Did they help?

  19. what material did you provide Mike? thats so cool!

  20. why are you pissed 65? YOU HAVE THE SUITCASE! Your grandchildren will be wealthy beyond all your wildest imagination

  21. when it says "To be continued" does that mean that this is going to go on some more?

  22. So now the Love Code is real again?
    Going to change the Wikipedia back to it again, brb

  23. Anonymous said...
    when it says "To be continued" does that mean that this is going to go on some more?

    September 24, 2010 1:24 AM


    46 Days.

  24. whats the meaning? what happens in 46 days? something with the website? another video?

  25. I think you jerks out there who have been mean and nasty to MikeNL owe him an apology.

    Especially now since he has been official and publicly acknowledged by iamaphoney.

    I didn't see "the mean and nasty cruel jerks" listed in the credits for #5 Winged Beatle!

    Let that be a lesson, and may your shame keep you from ever posting here again. And if you do, may people shun you like the rancid scurvy mean nasty dogs you are.

    You will never amount to anything....parents basement....get a job/ girlfriend/ life ... etc... etc... etc... haircut...

  26. something tells me that a certain website will have something certainly big happening in 46 days! 45 days? SOON FOR SURE!

  27. oh yeah? like what?

  28. I think you jerks out there who have been mean and nasty to "someone else" owe "them" an even bigger apology. Really.

  29. Not even a thank you!September 24, 2010 at 4:48 AM

    You'll have to come up with your own excuse for being late

  30. apologeisthai

    "to speak in one's defense"

  31. I think you jerks out there who have been mean and nasty to "someone else" owe "them" an even bigger apology. Really.

    I am phony as you are phony as you are me and we are all together.

    Is this what you're getting at, phoney me boy? I'm crying. Don't let me down!

  32. Rhymes with delicious!

  33. Stew is on the list, Macca's publicist. As far as I'm concerned, he never rang out a thing.

  34. Child, do you still remember what I taught you, Nicodemus

  35. opps, punctuate with a ? mark. lol

  36. I want an apology, and I ain't waiting 45 days for it.

  37. I'm gonna go call my local dj and request "Teeny Lucifer"!

    I'm gonna mail it to my local DJ.

  38. "Carnival of Lights" in the credits? wat

  39. He chose MikeNL as his messenger and me as his sucker.

    Ha Ha!

  40. Reverend Green be glad to see you, when you haven't got a prayer.

  41. I want an "I <3 iamaphoney" t-shirt .. I really do

  42. I <3 iamaphoney ?

    What means that?

  43. When.... when is someone going to talk about the Carnival of Lights? Now would be a good time.

    It will be coming to your town soon.

  44. Not if you don't buy your ticket!

  45. donate first - then we talk

  46. All I ever DO is donate. Spend the freaking cash, man.

  47. I never saw the dead guy on the cover of Liverpool Sound Collage until now. (23-24 seconds in the video).
    Thanks for pointing it out, iaap.

  48. What are the lyrics to the end credits song?

  49. World sing you are the one?

  50. Tell us the lyrics phoney. Speed this UP!

  51. What are the odds that iamaphoney would find the code
    find Mal's suitcase. I'd thave to think that the reward
    for solving the code was being entrusted with Mal's suitcase
    by George Martin.

  52. Taf, many questions remain?

    You mean, like all of them?

    years have passed and not a thing revealed. Meantime, the RA videos inadvertantly served to shore up the PIA camp's argument because of the glaring inaccuracies and falsified evidence.

  53. will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm 68 1/3?


  54. Hey George Martin, I want my prize. Send it in the mail.

  55. years have passed and not a thing revealed

    ha ha ha

    this is you

  56. wanted dead? or alive?September 24, 2010 at 8:29 AM

    Hi George! I believe you must have something for me.

  57. so Taf, any theory as to why the doc's are so poorly executed when compared with RA?

    I've seem many PID docs and this definitely is not the best ever done by a longshot. Even the Folklore series was better done.

  58. Hey Iaap,
    Thanks for the credit!
    Charlie Manson

  59. Fork it over, George. I'm done.

  60. Hi guys!
    I'm not the Smuckers guy (or am I?), but I guess "Moht" is pretty close to "Mott", like the Apple sauce and juice products company, eh?
    Pleased to meetcha; hope you guess my name. It is Thomas Oolo. AKA Thommy Tornado.
    I'm with "Team Weird Brain" as you can see on a blue link below.

    Iamaphoney is a prince of a guy, if I say so myself.
    Look for him among my friends on Facebook. ;+)


  62. Here's my facebook link.
    I am not a nutter. No really!

  63. I hate when people waste time, really.

  64. TheRottenApple 2010
    TheRightAlbum 2011
    TheRevelAtion 2012

  65. I have no J Street! What the fuck is wrong with me? I go from I straight to K.

  66. I have no J Company! What the fuck is wrong with me? I go from I straight to K.

  67. "I thought that was rather grand.
    I'd take one home with me."

    ...and, for all you haters out there:
    THIS, IMO, is being made to make sure Paul, George, Ringo & John can be taken for more than just a 'rock group' that altered a NOW-DEAD music industry.
    Let's face it: NO ONE CARES ABOUT MUSIC!!!!
    What better way to keep the Beatles alive in the post-music industry age, that to give them a spooky story that can be told and re-told forever!
    Since the dawn of civilization, people aged 11 to 20, always take an interest in all that is 'spooky'!
    just wait..... 50 years from now.
    Few people will even care about rock-n-roll, but people will still talk about
    The Beatles!....................................


    Love ya',

  68. Washington D.C. said...
    I have no J Street! What the fuck is wrong with me? I go from I straight to K.

    No J walking!

  69. ...and, for all you haters out there:
    THIS, IMO, is being made to make sure Paul, George, Ringo & John can be taken for more than just a 'rock group' that altered a NOW-DEAD music industry.
    Let's face it: NO ONE CARES ABOUT MUSIC!!!!

    Uh, newsflash: The Beatles have been taken for more than 'just a rock group' since 1964. No one cares about music?

    I don't know anyone that doesn't care about music. Music is, was, and always will be a major part of culture and of people's lives.

  70. TheWingedBeatle 5/5 contains no new revelations, but like the other 4 videos, helps to clarify some of the "clues" from the Rotten Apple Video Series that were often difficult to interpret.

    so no revelations but it helps clarify stuff from RA that had no revelations either.


    at least you clarified that

  71. I have to ask all the people here that thinks that the new series is amatourish and there was nothing of importence in the videos---


    and , worse, why do you have to spread your bad negative karma around here? This is a fan blog for Iaap. I am not coming here to let the series down, I am here because im blown by the story and the way the videos tells it!

  72. Taf's voice from the future said:

    The 'Revelation' Phoney promised has finally arrived, and it is far less biblical than it is comical. But it did help clear up some of the confusion of the earlier videos, which we now realize were a practical joke. Hey, I only spent five years on this thing--and mostly as a pastime so I came out ahead.

  73. nevermoreanyidiotsonthisblogSeptember 24, 2010 at 10:52 AM

    Because the envy Phoney so much, being a person not living with mom, like they are.

  74. The 'Revelation' Phoney promised has finally arrived, and it is far less biblical than it is comical. But it did help clear up some of the confusion of the earlier videos, which we now realize were a practical joke. Hey, I only spent five years on this thing--and mostly as a pastime so I came out ahead.

    you dont like iamaphoney, you dont like tafultong and you dont HAVE to be here, you know. 95% of the people being here, is here to study iaap cases. You are not!
    You are just trying to ruin all important discussions.
    Now please dont answer this, just leave, will you?

  75. The big 80

    Big enough for Texas?

  76. Ask youself this:

    what's worse? Being a common thug distractor?


    ignoring the revelator's clear instuctions in favor of making up your own rules when no one told you to?

    Seems about equal to me in terms of losing the game.

  77. ignoring the revelator's clear instuctionsSeptember 24, 2010 at 12:30 PM

    You put your left foot in
    You put your left foot out
    You put Billy's left foot in
    Then you shake it all about
    You do the Hokey Phoney
    Then you turn yourself around
    That's what it's all about!

  78. Where is the King of Cosmania?

  79. Come home King De Lear!

  80. 65if2007 has a valid point. Mikey and Taf basically sat at their computers and typed away while 65if2007 actually took the bait and DID something. For the drill sergeant nutjob who keeps screaming "move your ass", 65if2007 is the only person who actually did.

    Clearly moving one's ass is not important to Iamaphoney.

  81. The Pirates of PuntlandSeptember 24, 2010 at 1:09 PM

    All Ye Men:

    The Soma Twins, Liland and Lia, invite you to shake yer booty in Djibouti, and yer ass in Assab; it's truly A Den of iniquity!

  82. i love you iamaphoney!!!!! :)

  83. That was last year's hot 100!

  84. Hey Ian,

    why don't you just apologize to 65if for his pain and suffering and thank him for his help and everything?

    While you are at it, throw him a bone as to the real motive behind the suitcase game for his efforts. Maybe you could say something like- hey, the suitcase you fetched was a metphorical example of all the burried REAL suitcases yet to be unearthed -or something like that.

  85. Here iamaphoney puts out a 5 star, narrated, coherent assemblage of indisputably clear PID clues, and the best you guys can do is whine and complain?!
    Imus say I'm disappointed?
    65if2007, would you like to be a guest on my really big shoe?

  86. Whoah! Here's your chance to claim your 15 of fame, 65if2007!

  87. He's mine! The doggone 65if2007 is mine!

  88. We need Mr. 65if2007 to testify at our House SubCommittee hearing tomorrow!

  89. He should submit his statements and videos in writing!

  90. Oh Mama! Can this really beSeptember 24, 2010 at 4:10 PM

    the end?

    you dont like iamaphoney, you dont like tafultong and you dont HAVE to be here, you know. 95% of the people being here, is here to study iaap cases. You are not

    Interesting you say that, because it's Taf's blog and all he said about the doc's was there was "nothing new" in any of them.

  92. I have to ask all the people here that thinks that the new series is amatourish and there was nothing of importence in the videos---


    Why does anyone go to the movies? To be entertained or enlightened. I was a fan of the RA series and watched the WingedBeetle because of that. I watched hoping to see something new or cool or revelatory and saw nothing I haven't already seen or heard about worth seeing or hearing about. In comparison to the RA, the documentary is amateurish. Compare for yourself. Taf said himself there is nothing "important" or "new" in them, nothing anyone who knows about the Beatles or Joel Glazier or PID in general doesn't know.

  93. First of all these attacks against 65if2007 are unwarranted. He may be a jerk at times but you people turned on him when the revelation wasn't in the suitcase. That was not HIS fault. He did what he was asked to do and put photos of everything in the suitcase up on NIR and uploaded the DVD inside to youtube. When IAAP's fanatics saw that the contents were less than impressive and the idiotic DVD inside all but ended Phoneymania on NIR, these IAAP sycophants turned on him. Either they're so blind in their cult like worship for Iamaphoney or they were told to make 65if2007 look bad when the suitcase was a dud. Either way it was wrong then and it's wrong now.
    65if2007 has been following this SINCE 2007. before most of you idiots who knew Paul McCartney even was. Show some respect. He's done more than any of you.

  94. true. 65if was played for a fool and he didn't appreciate it, and neither would anyone else.

    he retrieved it. he showed the contents. inside was that goofy Blair Witch video obviously made by teenagers, the equivalent of saying "F you to whomever found this"

    the phoney writes to Taf complaining he didn't show everything, well, hello, phoney, if you're going to plant a case in the woods then don't blame the dude who found it for not getting your clues. No one else, did, either.

    whose fault is that, huh?

    bad planning = bad outcome

  95. First of all these attacks against 65if2007 are unwarranted.

    A tax on 65if2007?

    He may be a jerk at times but you people turned on him when the revelation wasn't in the suitcase.

    It was in the bag. We turned him on to it man.

    or they were told to make 65if2007 look bad when the suitcase was a dud.

    Uh...yeah, for sure. I got the clear instructions from MikeNL.

    65if2007 has been following this SINCE 2007. before most of you idiots who knew Paul McCartney even was.

    OK, I give up; who is he?
    SINCE 2007! Oh my GOODNESS!!!!

    Show some respect. He's done more than any of you.

    Salami, salami, baloney!
    No one here has even dissed 65if2007. What are you getting all hot and bothered about?

    Btw, that "idiotic DVD" was a significant clue,
    one which we can thank 65if2007 for providing.

  96. hahah hey, I think if anyone should have gotten a credit it's Phoney's arch-rival John Charles AKA youknowmyname321. What's up with Phoney taking credit for the coolest and best clue EVER to come from the PID saga?

  97. hahah hey, I think if anyone should have gotten a credit it's Phoney's arch-rival John Charles AKA youknowmyname321. What's up with Phoney taking credit for the coolest and best clue EVER to come from the PID saga?

    hmmm I don't see that he "took credit" for that (he didn't come up with For My Soulmmate LLM either), but he does incorporate it and quite a few other hallmark ykmn things into RA, oddly enough. Never understood what that was all about.

  98. iamaphoney borrowed clues and new revelations from several people as the rotten apple series went along over the years. I really don't see the need to have a mention in something which is never going anywhere especially when people go by nicknames. The fact is almost all of what he has done in videos is neither new or original. Having said that, we still must admit it has been entertaining. Take it for what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

  99. yeah it's all urban legend and folklore at this point.

    and, as the Folklore series pointed out, one criterion of true folklore is that it must be collaborative. The people who spread these stories always add their own two cents and it mutates. No better example of a collaborative legend than PID.

  100. Taf said.....
    Despite the dumbing down of the documentary format, many questions remain - not the least of which is what the hell is a batty conk?

    I disagree. The RA series was the dumbed down version, so vague and scatterbrained that any lunatic could read into it what he or she wanted. That accomplishes nothing. It's why the RA series never progressed or went anywhere.

    The new format is clear and concise.

  101. Anonymous said...
    65if2007 has a valid point. Mikey and Taf basically sat at their computers and typed away while 65if2007 actually took the bait and DID something.

    finally someone said it!
    65if2007 GOT A SUITCASE and iaap totally let his end of the bargain down.

  102. the phoney writes to Taf complaining he didn't show everything, well,

    Hey iamaphoney? WHAT DIDNT HE SHOW?????
    Seriously dude?
    What didn't 65if2007 show from your suitcase?

  103. hahah hey, I think if anyone should have gotten a credit it's Phoney's arch-rival John Charles AKA youknowmyname321. What's up with Phoney taking credit for the coolest and best clue EVER to come from the PID saga?


  104. Miles Denton Oliver said...

    September 24, 2010 8:19 PM

    whats the new project?

  105. Hey iamaphoney? WHAT DIDNT HE SHOW?????
    Seriously dude?
    What didn't 65if2007 show from your suitcase?

    September 24, 2010 9:38 PM

    Did anyone ever consider that 65if2007 changed the contents, distorted the evidence and MADE THAT BLAIR WITCH VIDEO HIMSELF?

    65if2007 is mad? IAMAPHONEY IS PISSED!! You would be too if all the painstakingly placed world changing evidence was tampered with and a cheap joke video was put in place of the world changing DVD.

    If you watch 65if2007 videos you will clearly see Alister Crowley.
    Some people speculate that 65if2007 was replaced.

  106. i knew 65if2007 was Faul!!!

  107. Hey, thanks for the links- is there any way to listen to those phoney tracks? They don't seem to be in the system.

  108. 1 Box Honeycomb Cereal
    1 MAD Magazine
    1 Gallon Milk
    2 Hershey Bars

  109. It's not over till yo mama sings us a song, baby.

  110. Anonymous said...
    iamaphoney borrowed clues and new revelations from several people as the rotten apple series went along over the years. I really don't see the need to have a mention in something which is never going anywhere especially when people go by nicknames. The fact is almost all of what he has done in videos is neither new or original. Having said that, we still must admit it has been entertaining. Take it for what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

    September 24, 2010 7:14 PM

    Most up to date proof that Phoney "stole" from another "Phoney" was the Crowley dying 20 years before Sgt. Pepper.

    Then again, all these accounts could be Phoney-Accounts.. There was even a YKMN231 reference in part 5.

  111. Batty Conk is nothing more then a really, really bad anagram.


  112. It ain't no anagram, Sam.

  113. The clouds will be a daisy chain
    So let me see you smile again
    Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?

  114. Dear Prudence open up your eyes
    Dear Prudence see the sunny skies
    The wind is low the birds will sing
    that you are part of everything
    Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?

    Look around round
    Look around round round
    Look around

  115. In the beginning was the Ward.

  116. Prude + Dense = Prudence

  117. Recycled bluelinks are a beautiful thing to see!

  118. now we just gotta find the sheep

  119. they shouldn't be hard to find. your mother should know where to look

  120. that's what iamaphoney said too, November 09th 2012 the TheRevelAtion and October the 03rd 2011 TheRightAlbum .. which I believe to be the original version of the second Anthology CD

  121. you are simply not right! iamaphoney did find a lot of new clues, and you know it!

  122. OMG you're right! I did know that and I didn't even know that I knew it. Thank you for informing me!

  123. Oh man, do we have a stone for YOU!

  124. We're not gonna take it!September 25, 2010 at 8:39 PM

    Et in Arcadia ego

  125. Where are my sheep?

  126. Four legs good. Three legs better.

  127. One sheep baa's another sheep who baa's another sheewho baa'ss another sheep and so on and so on and so ....

  128. Peter Griffin, a rock with wings go figure. Wanna talk about the pants?

  129. Phoney "found" a lot of new clues? You mean the way NIR finds them and posts them every fifteen minutes day in, day out, years on end? Whose clues are better? Who f-ing cares?

    not one of them was left deliberately by the Beatles. Re-read that and learn.

    Not one of them was left. Deliberately.

    And bluelink? Your lame ass has been blown away by a lame documentary with the Smucker's guy.

    don't start sending letter bombs now.

    we know you take things a bit too seriously.



  130. Oh, ok

    Has the Fireman taught you anything?

  131. RockXLight

    what is your standard youtube account then?


  132. He chose MikeNL as his messenger and me as his sucker.

    You chose yourself, sucker.



  135. If you really really love Me, better than staying in bed, if you really really love Me, nod your head.

  136. not one of them was left deliberately by the Beatles. Re-read that and learn.
    Not one of them was left. Deliberately.

    Yeah right, "Paul". Whatever you say.

  137. Will the "real Paul" please stand up?

  138. I wanna be de-liberated!

  139. Delta Tango Foxy LadySeptember 26, 2010 at 8:28 AM

    Where are the one and one and one is THREE wise men?

  140. Apollo is dead; long live Apollo!

  141. It's been too long, now I wanna come home. Re-read that and learn.

    Now I wanna come home. Now.

  142. Open the door, let me out.

  143. Planet Xmas time is here againSeptember 26, 2010 at 8:34 AM

    O U T spells OUT.

  144. now I know where I have seen the number 3 on phoneys page.
    In Paul Mccartneys lagos video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WTF

  145. Planet Xmas time is here again

    Just 3 more months!

  146. Wow, do you really sit around watching those vids?

  147. I see your heir is burnig

    hills are filled with fire!

  148. You're a lucky little LadySeptember 26, 2010 at 5:11 PM

    Into your blues blue blues,
    into you blues oh yeah

    but not the fakey ones you can spot a mile away

  149. Gotta keep on risin' !

  150. My no Sa'ambucca is missing a coffee bean.

  151. Jo D Foster =s Contact

  152. Ian Iachimoe Carey
    ft Michelle (ma belle) Shellers

  153. Wow, do you really sit around watching those vids?

    How else to get an eduKshun?

  154. I elder-berried Paul.

  155. Follow me to s'kool one daySeptember 26, 2010 at 5:39 PM

    Take my hand we would be there.
