Saturday, October 23, 2010

Billy Martin - Band On The Run

Fans of Iamaphoney music will probably enjoy this cover version of "Band On The Run" from the lANIACHIMOE Channel.

We are apparently waiting for something to happen in about 16 days.


  1. We are apparently waiting for something to happen in about 16 days.

    What this "we", kemosabe?

  2. 'twill be lANIACHIMOE's 16 minutes - er - days - of fame

  3. Are Billy Martin and tafultong twins? brothers? Mike's cousins?

  4. ok, that's actually # 73, I just didn't want to wait around all day. Get it? Wait around/


  5. 私の小さい女性

  6. I think I left my wallet at home.

  7. I left my Billfold Home. Outta sight!

  8. Hellow!

    I love your site, It is a pleasure to visit.

    I have added your site to my site.

    Please link my site to your site.

    Thank you!

  9. Hellow!

    I love your site, It is a pleasure to visit.

    I have added your site to my site.

    Please link my site to your site.

    Thank you!

  10. Hellow!

    I love your site, It is a pleasure to visit.

    I have added your site to my site.

    Please link my site to your site.

    Thank you!

  11. haha the old Phoney emo voice doesn't quite cut it on McCartney rockers. Also, dude, your guitarist blows. Rank amateur--better off leaving him off the tracks and stick with programming sounds.

  12. Hey have you voted...great cover

  13. A vote for me is a vote for you!

  14. Give us a big hint as to what's happening in 16 days, Macca- I mean - Phoney. Please?

  15. We remember who we areOctober 24, 2010 at 2:53 PM

    Are we going home?

  16. In the distance I could see the town where I was born

    Gonna be a long walk home.

  17. certain things are set in stone

    Em7 G D

    Who we are, what we'll do and what we won't

  18. It's a decent cover aside from the fact that it sounds more like Leonard Cohen covering Band On The Run (at least the first half does).
    The accent (Denmark? Norway?) sounds a bit like the pronunciation used when the Stars On 45 did their Beatles medley back in the early 80's.

  19. /watch?v=Z1LdaehL2LQ

    Mikey, you have your orders. Edit together a dance medley of all the IAAP songs. You can do it!

  20. So, who's the face laying in the leaves holding a shield?
    how cute!


    Those rocks don't look that heavy. Really

  21. “Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the SHIELD of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places”

  22. Paul McCartney

  23. hey, if Phoney is Paul, that would mean Paul entered his own cover contest? hahahaha

    you'd think the bass playing would be better.

    it's almost not a cover; it's more like the original track with the cracky voice thing going on, and in a super low key hahaha. So I guess it's nearly karaoke but a few touches in there to make it seem different.

  24. Anonymous said...
    We are apparently waiting for something to happen in about 16 days.

    It's a safe bet he'll begin streaming the WingedBeetle as one long movie on the website when the countdown strikes zero.

  25. We are apparently waiting for something to happen in about 16 days.

    What if it's Faul's death? Iamaphoney hasn't always been too keen on Faul, it seems,
    and the "it's time" stuff may be
    about to come to fruition.

    Or not.

  26. 小さい女性は好きな女です。あなたは私と結婚してくれる?

  27. Айэмэфони живёт в Беларуси, я гарантирую это.

  28. so what happens in 16 days...... INTERVIEW????!??!??

  29. Я надеюсь there' s что-то найти.

  30. Nice headshot, Phoney.

  31. There is a fine line between recklessness and courage
    It's about time, you understood which road to take
    It's a fine line, your decision makes a difference
    Get it wrong, you'll be making a big mistake

    Come on brother, all is forgiven
    We all cried when you were driven away
    Come on brother, everything is better
    Everything is better when you come home and stay

    Whatever's more important to you
    You've got to change what you wanna do
    Whatever's more important to be
    That's the view that you've gotta see

    There is a long way, between chaos and creation
    If you don't say, which one of these your gonna choose
    It's a long way, and in every contradiction
    Seems to say it's a game that your bound to loose

    Come on brother, all is forgiven
    We all cried when you were driven away
    Come on brother, everything is better
    Everything is better when you come home and stay

    Come on back
    Come on back
    Come on back to me

  32. Coming down fast, but I'm mies above you.

  33. Maybe Macca will dance a little for Jools tomorrow, huh?

  34. so what happens in 16 days...... INTERVIEW????!??!??


  35. Hey, a secret source just sent me the 9 interview questions for tomorrow's Jools show:

    1. why?
    2. why?
    3. why?
    4. why?
    5. why?
    6. why?
    7. why?
    8. why?
    9. why?

    He'll have to say....

  36. LOL is rarely capitalized.


  37. О, есть русскоговорящие?

  38. Я хочу прийти домой.

  39. Wake UP to the sound of music.

  40. We all cried when you were driven away

  41. Come on back
    Come on back
    Come on back to me

  42. phoney sure likes entering Beatle-related contests.

  43. hmmm the cover of Band on the Run with the cracky voice is almost as funny as the Smucker's guy doing the narration.

  44. The headline-making Up And Coming Tour continues...

  45. So when is this contest over? and how are we supposed to vote on these Band on the Run entries when we don't even know the other contenders? You would think it would be a little more organized, lol.

  46. Wasn't Stu Bell thanked at the end of the winged beatle?

  47. Макка kommer hjem por favor

  48. winner gets a Band on the Run box set. Whoop ti do. McCartney really is a cheapskate.

  49. 80

    "How old is Faul McCartney?"

  50. Is people voting at them selfes.
    They must be! Have you heard the versions on

    they fucking stinks..

    Billys song is outstanding, but it ain't no competition. I don't understand why he participated in that contest.Its a kindergarden, its pathetic....don't go there...
    If Billy doesn't get any votes at least he's not voting on himself like the other geezers.
    It is really bad

  51. "Its a kindergarden, its pathetic..."

    Oddly, the cover submitted by a class of kindergardeners was one of the best.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    We are apparently waiting for something to happen in about 16 days.

    It's a safe bet he'll begin streaming the WingedBeetle as one long movie on the website when the countdown strikes zero.

    October 24, 2010 8:25 PM

    I was thinking the same thing. That would be nice.

  53. Anonymous said...
    We are apparently waiting for something to happen in about 16 days.

    uh, you've been apparently waiting for something to happen for about 4 years.

  54. Paul is a friend of jimmy page, jimmy loves aleister crowley, aleister is 666...paul have pics of aleister in beatles album and on his show...what more you need?

  55. Paul is a friend of jimmy page, jimmy loves aleister crowley, aleister is 666...paul have pics of aleister in beatles album and on his show...what more you need?

    Jesus was a friend of Judas, Judas loves the devil, Jesus talks about the devil in Bible and in his sermons . . . .what more you need?

  56. "Paul is a friend of jimmy page, jimmy loves aleister crowley, aleister is 666...paul have pics of aleister in beatles album and on his show...what more you need?

    Jesus was a friend of Judas, Judas loves the devil, Jesus talks about the devil in Bible and in his sermons . . . .what more you need?"



  57. You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

  58. ......................if you're lucky

  59. Once there was a way...............

  60. Devil is a force (you can or can´t use it)...Aleister was/is a person , he do it for his own conviction. So, Judas anda Jesus are out of this conversation...what more you need ?

  61. As long as I walk with you, the road is not so lonely.

  62. go to

    the graphic loops several times then this appears:


    any guesses?

  63. Devil is a force (you can or can´t use it)...Aleister was/is a person , he do it for his own conviction. So, Judas anda Jesus are out of this conversation...what more you need ?

    what more you need is a psychiatrist.

    Crowley was a WWII spy who used "the occult" as a cover so people wouldn't take him seriously and because various occult lodges were hotbeds for Intel and spygames, being that they were already clandestine. He dabbled in pseudo-occult stuff but nothing worth anything more than a secret decoding ring found in a cereal box. Paul McCartney is a songwriter and friends with virtually every star from the 60s and a lot from the 70s and even today.

    Whoop ti fucking doop.


    directions to the surprise party?

    swiss WORLD bank account number?

    One, and the same?

  65. Babylon, Thou art beautifulOctober 25, 2010 at 7:12 PM

    Crowley had hiss moments, not to be taken go lightly.

  66. from henry mancow or whatever his name is

  67. love how these supposed anti-devil types get all excited about money.


    who's the devil, you say?

  68. You never listen to what I say, so don't ask.

  69. That video and lame rendition of "Band On The Run" pretty much sucked all around. Don't give up the blog and youtube account Billy, you ain't gonna make it in the industry. By the way, who the hell throws an LP into the air like a frisbee disc? The vinyl Gods are surely pissed now. Instant karma’s gonna get you, Billy. Gonna knock you right on the head.

  70. yeah that cover of Band on the Run should finally put to rest the rumor among four kids that Phoney is Paul hahahahaha.

    whomever was playing guitar is not principally a guitarist, either that or it was a kid just learning. The drummer (if indeed there are a few portions with real drums) was totally off time in one key section.

    the creepy Halloween vocals just don't work on melodic songs like that.

  71. No No..that´s what you have read.Spy, pseudo-occult man,
    I told ya what I saw.
    So tell me ...what more YOU need?

  72. 322 is the 12th power. If you start with seven eleven then it's number nine. What more do you need?

  73. where's the Fireman?


  75. "Я хочу прийти домой." круто.

  76. Nice flowers, up and coming.

  77. придите домойOctober 26, 2010 at 6:53 AM

    дайте миру шанс.

  78. Looking UP, notice that you're late.

  79. Aleister was a good man...he deserve a rendition by his followers...Paul did it.George did it...jimmy did it...and you ?

  80. I gave you a LOT on Crowley. All ignored, even by the experts.

  81. 28. None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two.

    29. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.

    30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.

    31. For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys; but ye are my chosen ones.

    Even when you refuse to even listen.

  82. One hand tied behind my backOctober 26, 2010 at 7:30 AM

    The gross must pass through fire; let the fine be tried in intellect, and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star & star, system & system; let not one know well the other!

  83. Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels!

  84. А сколько тут вообще русских?)))

  85. снач распяцце

  86. in that day when I make up my jewels....

  87. Come home, Jew-el.

  88. DId you know that Paul has a manuscript by Aleister ?...Well, I know.

  89. ¿ɹǝʇsıǝlɐ ʎq ʇdıɹɔsnuɐɯ ɐ sɐɥ lnɐd ʇɐɥʇ ʍouʞ noʎ pıp
    Well, I know.

  90. "распяцце" беларуский? ого.

  91. yeah that cover of Band on the Run should finally put to rest the rumor among four kids that Phoney is Paul hahahahaha.

    whomever was playing guitar is not principally a guitarist, either that or it was a kid just learning. The drummer (if indeed there are a few portions with real drums) was totally off time in one key section.

    the creepy Halloween vocals just don't work on melodic songs like that.

    FUCK YOU, Fucking pathetic asshole

  92. Gee whiz! Is that the best you can do?

  93. The Jewel in in the sacrificial ring, man.

    Depends on what your definition of "in" is.

  94. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "yeah that cover of Band on the Run should finally put to rest the rumor among four kids that Phoney is Paul hahahahaha.

    whomever was playing guitar is not principally a guitarist, either that or it was a kid just learning. The drummer (if indeed there are a few portions with real drums) was totally off time in one key section.

    the creepy Halloween vocals just don't work on melodic songs like that."

    FUCK YOU, Fucking pathetic asshole

    October 26, 2010 9:58 AM

    Hahahahaha! I think we found our Billy!

  95. Billy & Mandy & ripper ?

  96. FUCK YOU, Fucking pathetic asshole

    October 26, 2010 9:58 AM

    I like Jude, so nothing personal, but that seems much like a comment he would post, and understandably so. If it were Jude and or Mikey that made the "BOTR" vid, I would say "GOOD JOB!", but it lacks the mojo for me to believe that MR. MACCA made it. It is not even up to par to be considered something MR. PHONEY has made.

  97. Come and get it.

  98. Is Sir Macca playing the part of the magician in that vid?

    Could be.

    Hey Macca, are you building up those stones or taking them away? Let the little lady out!

  99. I like Jude, so nothing personal, but that seems much like a comment he would post, and understandably so. If it were Jude and or Mikey that made the "BOTR" vid, I would say "GOOD JOB!", but it lacks the mojo for me to believe that MR. MACCA made it. It is not even up to par to be considered something MR. PHONEY has made.

    uh, why would Jude have to be the one to post a negative comment? It's basically the original with lame vocals laid over it. Particularly embarrassing was "Phoney's" attempt to do the "Held a grudge" line hahaha. Sucked.

  100. The parlorphony is circling on the green grass, and whaddayknow, there's a secret message on the inner groove of the record.

  101. Do I have to grab you by the collar, too?

  102. uh, why would Jude have to be the one to post a negative comment? It's basically the original with lame vocals laid over it. Particularly embarrassing was "Phoney's" attempt to do the "Held a grudge" line hahaha. Sucked.

    October 26, 2010 3:31 PM

    I haven't seen where it has been confirmed that this was the work of phoney. More like a bad attempt by someone to implicate phoney.

  103. When you are called, you are required to respond..

    So, this is the response?


  104. Like a diamond on your tie.

  105. Has anyone ever thought of getting one guy who is PID and one guy who is PIA who are friends (it does happen) and asking them to host a podcast together?

    Call it a PIDcast. It might reinvigorate the message boards, the phoneyverse, etc.

  106. I haven't seen where it has been confirmed that this was the work of phoney. More like a bad attempt by someone to implicate phoney.

    uh, hello? Bad attempt? It's the same crew that made all the other tunes, same singer, and IAN IACHIMOE is one of his channels. They didn't think it was a bad attempt but if you've been listening to any of the other "songs" you'd know it was the same dudes. Obviously he's much better singing stuff backwards than forwards hahahaha.

    I also love how people shit all over Paul here and elsewhere, and one of the RA crew gets all incensed if someone doesn't like their goofy Euro-Pop. Hello? I thought it was supposed to be about Paul, not "Phoney."

  107. Exactly. It's been all about Phoney ever since he started throwing in his own songs, had that video of him in a limo shaking hands with bewildered pedestrians and etched his name on the fence outside of Abbey Road and filmed it.

    Why wouldn't it be though? Can't blame him for soaking in a little youtube fame from his flock out there. Wouldn't you want your own MikeNL breathlessly reporting your every move and hyping everything you do like it was something really fantastic? It's the culture of the youtube celebrity nowadays. I say let him enjoy it.

  108. Exactly. It's been all about Phoney ever since he started throwing in his own songs, had that video of him in a limo shaking hands with bewildered pedestrians and etched his name on the fence outside of Abbey Road and filmed it.

    Why wouldn't it be though? Can't blame him for soaking in a little youtube fame from his flock out there. Wouldn't you want your own MikeNL breathlessly reporting your every move and hyping everything you do like it was something really fantastic? It's the culture of the youtube celebrity nowadays. I say let him enjoy it.

    yeah why not. The Phoney crew are actually probably the most prolific commenters on this blog hahaha. Self-hype, anyone?

    Anyway, Phoney crew, you can fool some of the people some of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can only fool NIR types all of the time. Which doesn't count. Because they believe everything.

  109. so what happens in 16 days...... INTERVIEW????!??!??

    October 25, 2010 2:38 AM


  110. Anonymous said...
    Has anyone ever thought of getting one guy who is PID and one guy who is PIA who are friends (it does happen) and asking them to host a podcast together?

    Call it a PIDcast. It might reinvigorate the message boards, the phoneyverse, etc.

    October 26, 2010 6:57 PM

    they could fight to the death and then the survivor can argue that the dead one has been replaced.... omfg......

  111. so there is a new song?

    is it better then "shoes"?

  112. Sounds like a plan, man. I'm ready!

  113. Last one to the "Celestial City" ("that which is to up and come") is a rotten apple!

  114. Take the King's Highway, it's faster.

  115. Everybody hates Bible quotesOctober 27, 2010 at 4:09 AM

    And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.

  116. No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there: And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

  117. No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there: And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

    Yeah, I've already been to Hawaii. It's fun, but boring after awhile.

  118. Well, that's just too bad, then. Maybe you went with the wrong people.

  119. I'll tell you, Darlin', what it does mean.

  120. that's an invitationOctober 27, 2010 at 5:19 AM

    make a reservation

  121. ............hoping to take you away!

  122. DYING to take you away.

  123. A built-in remedy
    For Kruschev and Kennedy
    At anytime an invitation
    You can't decline

  124. Perfume came naturally from Paris
    For cars she couldn't care less
    Fastidious and precise


  125. ......and a Snow White pillow for my BIG FAT HEAD.

  126. (and that goes quite well with my big house and big bank account) really


  128. never gonna be foundOctober 27, 2010 at 6:13 AM

    will the desert world ever settle down?

  129. Never seeing no one nice again?

  130. Daddy grips the wheel and stares alone into the distance

    He knows that something somewhere has to break

  131. Subliminal audio and video messages in this video - beware! vincedelgato

  132. Honestly, have you heard the other songs in the contest? If you have you gotta be dead if you say Billy´s version is bad. Fuck, its class!
    I never understood how he is able to create that sound he have, I keep seing McCartney sitting there smiling in the corner.

  133. I think the cover is okay, not too bad, and maybe better than some other kids who entered to win a DVD but it gets worse as it goes on, mainly because he's singing it all mellow but the music is still the same basic upbeat sound, so it's incongruous. It sounds sort of like a drunk guy singing karaoke an octave lower than the original.

    Sounds like a lot of sampling and layering going on there. I agree the guitar lines are bad, especially noticeable during the bridge "If we ever get out of here" because it's so wimpy and that part is better if it rocks out imho.

  134. I want to hear the Smucker's guy sing it! Or is he already?!?!?!?

  135. He's Jammin' and hopes you like Jammin' too.

  136. If we ever get out of here" because it's so wimpy and that part is better if it rocks out imho.

    ok, then, we'll rock it out...just because you asked for it.

  137. been told a long time agoOctober 27, 2010 at 4:00 PM

    MikeyNL1038 (17 hours ago)

    getting closer

    How close, Mikey? in your face close? eyeball to eyeball?

    ya know, I've never heard from you, Mikey, ever. Open your eyes and see how close it really is.

  138. Now would be a good time to put all our hopes and dreams into action.


  139. Just like that, your the only one.

  140. You are here, really.

  141. Perhaps You Wonder Why I Called You Here.

    or maybe you don't?
