Friday, July 23, 2010

New Video: ARE3RA - TheRottenApple 2010

Entering the Next Level...

ARE3RA - TheRottenApple 2010

Is he on the level? I don't know what level he's on.


  1. My review: 6 minutes that should have been 2 minutes at the most. Stop recycling old clips. "It's Time" get new video clips.


  3. Anonymous said...
    My review: 6 minutes that should have been 2 minutes at the most. Stop recycling old clips. "It's Time" get new video clips.

    July 23, 2010 7:00 PM

    it's far from recycling.
    it's just in between filling of the footage that he wants to show. otherwise it would be boring.

  4. and there's only 1 video every 3 months or so anyways.
    what's the big deal.

  5. It's Time for Who's on First




  7. Didn't we tell mikey to hush until he has something to say?

  8. Married? I can't wait to see the prenup lol.

  9. It would be a good guess that the false partakers of the phoney legend would kinda be in the line of fire first, like if there ever was such a scenerio - that no one believes will really happen. lol.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Married? I can't wait to see the prenup lol.

    July 23, 2010 7:26 PM


  11. Anonymous said...
    Didn't we tell mikey to hush until he has something to say?

    July 23, 2010 7:24 PM

    Well that's what we told to "Anonymous" and "Blue Link"
    but that never happened.

    so maybe again;
    Shaaaddap! : )

  12. so maybe again;
    Shaaaddap! : )

    July 23, 2010 7:35 PM

    you have learned absolutely nothing.

    How many more mikeys out there? so sad

  13. Mikey's so far back in line, he can see the beginning.

    Good luck, mikey. You'll need it!

  14. "that's what we told to "Anonymous" and "Blue Link""

    You will never ever forget those words, Word.

    Ask your phoney friends who they work for, little boy.

  15. you had me at...well you've always had me; what's news?


  17. Then again, by all indication, people supposedly "on the job" are really just a bunch of posers looking for a quick buck. Obviously, this is unacceptable.

  18. {'m dying here, Mr Vermouth.

  19. not your phoney friendJuly 23, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    Anonymous said...

    ask THEM!

  20. ...does this mean you're not my friends?

  21. I don't know their names or numbers.

  22. um, try to stay focused. Even your friends will tell you that.

  23. I've already had a loaded gun in my face.

  24. Dear Phoney Friends,

    For whom do you work?

    Thank you sincerely,

  25. Out of work. Willing to work for food. Or a clue.

  26. The low quality mp3 version of "Shoes" i was able to extract werks just fine as a ringtone on this phone, btw.

    The new video is even more convincing (not of paul being dead) and i'm starting to wonder how many actual people here are actually PID believers.

    If anyone wants that low quality version of shoes, let me know.

  27. i dont think mikey can find the truth, his heads to far up iamaphoneys ass

  28. What if that's where the truth is?

  29. MikeNL said...
    brb, interview.

    July 23, 2010 7:05 PM

    So this means you just did the interview?

  30. Thank you Tafultong!

  31. Is he on the level?
    I don't know what level he's on.

    the next one....

  32. aijsttuw

    thanks Miles

    you've always been such a big help

  33. Silent lover
    Silent lover
    Angels smiling
    Don't stop running
    Silent lover
    Silent lover
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running
    Don't stop running now

  34. Is he on the level? I don't know what level he's on.

    It's Eveolution level.

  35. Who's the naked chick? Is she singing the changes? Why is she standing in front of mass transit?

  36. He got that from Crowley.

  37. Every level was ignored.



  39. Ian Beatles? Yes.
    Ian Lennon? Yes.
    Ian McCartney? Yes.
    Ian Starr? No.
    Ian Harrison? No.

  40. It's pioneer day. Is this the right place?

  41. there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

  42. it was fun shooting out of the stars looking into the sun, but....

  43. Come Home, Paul.

  44. There will be a show tonight. REALLY.

  45. Dear Iamaphoney:

    360p is 2006. 480p and 720p are 2010. Get with the fucking times and start making videos that don't look like Windows Movie Maker shit.

  46. hmmm. . beginning to wonder now whether YKMN231 are in cahoots after all? That would be pretty hilarious and shocking.

    after a really long absence, suddenly YKMN (John charles) shows up out of nowhere this month with three videos referencing Electric Arguments and anagrams specifically(which struck me as unusual for him) and in this RA video we see the same "No No Sam" sticker and then we hear Lennon singing "You know my name" at the end.

    so either charles is clairvoyant, phoney is paying homage, or something really freaky is goin on

  47. All of the above, supposedly. I'm not particularly impressed with the results on any level. Not for this stage of the game, which is nearly over.

  48. hmmm. . beginning to wonder now whether YKMN231 are in cahoots after all? That would be pretty hilarious and shocking.

    uh, no way dude.

    Maybe there has been a "friendly" sort of rivalry between them but no way.

  49. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Macca did a few reverse speech things in his Fireman work--not because of any magick or PID bs, only because he might in his older age think it was cutting edge or something hahahaha.

  50. Proud Mary keep on burning!

  51. You come walking through my door
    Like the one that I've been waiting for
    Letting sunshine in the darkest places when I've been going there again

    So why don't we drive in the rain
    Straight to the eye of the hurricane

  52. According to Einstein's Theory of General Relatives, Earth hangs on to the Moon and falls in to the Sun, which is why Robert DeNiro rhymes with Bob Larson, the EXORCIST! (Bob Larson uses shills who act like they are on LSd, and he pretends to pound the devil out of them so he can relieve the audience of their pennies).

  53. I quit being pensive; now I'm ex-pensive.

  54. Hurricane cyclone psi clone psyche loan.

  55. Eye of a hurrycaneJuly 24, 2010 at 10:05 AM

    It's going to be one hell of a moonstone on the way.

  56. Get us some love tonight Macca.

  57. Three Little Nowhere BirdsJuly 24, 2010 at 10:24 AM

    Don't worry, take your time, don't hurry.

  58. Slip into something more comfortable.

  59. Three Little Nowhere Birds said...
    Don't worry, take your time, don't hurry.

    A little peace of mind goes a long way. So give it up.

  60. There's no place like home, really. You don't know what you're missing.

  61. Hey, IAMAPHONY!
    How's the wife and kids?

    Long time no see!


    PS I miss YKMN 231, too.
    Tried to show some people his vids, but couldn't find them.

  62. Lennon/McCartney: famous for writing discs that left everyone ravin'. (Both wrote on Poe).

  63. Next Level Mac & CheeseJuly 24, 2010 at 2:03 PM

    360p is 2006. 480p and 720p are 2010. Get with the fucking times and start making videos that don't look like Windows Movie Maker shit.

    July 24, 2010 8:42 AM

    How about 1080p?
    The math to achieve this?

    2 Kraft dinners = 1080p

  64. 1080p? You people are a tough crowd
    Iaap makes his best video yet and you are complaining? Compare the video and sound quality from RA 1 to now, it is most assuredly next level.
    How about you tough crowders get on Youtube and start making some comparable videos in 480p and 720p.
    oh thats right, you cant. No amount of kraft dinners will help you. Iamaphoney is rubber and you are glue, everything bad you say bounces off of him and makes you very sad because you are stuck.
    Stuck in mediocrity that is.

    Why not 481p or 721p since its so much better to have bigger numbers?
    and dont tell me there is no such thing, I CAN ADD. You can't tell me there is no such thing as adding one extra pixel here and there. It can be done trust me.

    Did you see the effect he used on the crossword puzzle, water smudging the letters to highlight the PID and the IAN and the SURREAL and the HATE HOME and LMW?
    I have news for you... Microsoft Movie Maker does not do that. I asked my friend, he said so. And my friend is a close friend of a friend of a professional video person very high up in the television world who works for CNN. CNN is planning on using some of these techniques of video production that iamaphoney is pioneering. You see them copying the style all the time now. ARE YOU GOING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM NOW?
    "OH CNN SHOULD USE 480p and 720p!!!!"
    Dont be surprised if you hear back from them and they say

    "You be happier if we used 481p or 721p?? How about we add an extra pixel JUST FOR YOU......"


  65. Like any of that bs matters.

    Tock tick

    they"ll be crying in their coffee, they will.

  66. tell me about this 'home'

  67. It's everything we wanted and more.

  68. Home, is the place
    home is under the messed up hate
    where truth lies waiting
    we remember who we are
    for so long, home was out in the cold

  69. Home is at the top of the long and winding road. You have seen that road before.

  70. Like a homing bird I fly.

    Fly with me.

  71. It's real home, it's realJuly 24, 2010 at 5:00 PM

    Who hates home?

    People not really home.

  72. Listen to me.

    Hurry home.

  73. When Macca comes home, so good. He's the pride of the neighborhood.

  74. "Hurry home" is "hâte maison"

  75. Palomer Paul HomerJuly 24, 2010 at 5:19 PM

    Speaking pigeon are we?

  76. Let me try one: "Drilling rabbit holes is boring."

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
    Ha ha ha ha!
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  77. I think we are all getting it wrong with iamaphoney org. I might get myself into trouble by telling you what I am going to! The Apple boss Neil Aspinall originally formed the iamaphoney org in the 90ties, but he got killed in 2008 and then they had to reform and let McCartney set the conditions. Nowadays Macca is behind TRA and this is serious business, He will tell the world what happened, this is the only way he'd managed to keep the incrowd silent.
    Macca believes He is a power in the universe and that He can control people and He can! Trust me. The 3 RA or ARE3RA will change the world the next 3 years, they are doing this in a fantastic way. The movie is the next step up the ladder and will be downloaded for free and it is the most convincing movie I've ever seen! and it will spread and next year people will be ready for next level, RA2, and the music will survive longer than any Beatles song, a new era of music will begin and 2012, bamg, The revelation that will chock us all and make us to turn to the right album and the rotten apple, Paul will be Jesus by then, which was and is the plan, at least this is how the org looks at it.

  78. I am beginning to think that INSIDER could be right. This is too weird and too elegant and clever to be just another web guy siting home at moms.
    I am with you, INSIDER.

  79. "Paul will be Jesus by then"?

    This is FUBAR, kids.

  80. Except the part about three more years. No way Jose, and the foot is down on that.

  81. "People must be left alone,
    unless, they have a happy home."

    -The Residents, "Happy Home"


  82. As a matter of fact, that day in creeping up on you.

    I shit you not. So move your asses.

  83. I use to hate this iaap shit but I must admit it is very well produced and Mccartney might have something to do with them.

  84. The Apple boss Neil Aspinall originally formed the iamaphoney org in the 90ties, but he got killed in 2008 and then they had to reform and let McCartney set the conditions. Nowadays Macca is behind TRA and this is serious business, He will tell the world what happened, this is the only way he'd managed to keep the incrowd silent.
    Macca believes He is a power in the universe and that He can control people and He can! Trust me. The 3 RA or ARE3RA will change the world the next 3 years, they are doing this in a fantastic way. The movie is the next step up the ladder and will be downloaded for free and it is the most convincing movie I've ever seen! and it will spread and next year people will be ready for next level, RA2, and the music will survive longer than any Beatles song, a new era of music will begin and 2012, bamg, The revelation that will chock us all and make us to turn to the right album and the rotten apple, Paul will be Jesus by then, which was and is the plan, at least this is how the org looks at it.

    Yeah, well, they used to say that about me too!

  85. buried in the yard

  86. Three years to figure it out? Are you serious?
    Don't think so

  87. Tell them now Macca, rule the universe from the home office.

  88. there is a connection between iamaphoney and scientology..
    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law....

    Thats scientology and iamaphoney.

    maybe even working together

  89. Lap is Temple
    Temporary Laps of Raisin

  90. 2012 is not even on the agenda. Are the words getting thru, Macca?

  91. The org will not wait. And it s better this way

  92. I shit you not.

    Technically correct. According to the Apocalypse you spew us out your mouth for being tepid.

  93. Thus old man's out working the crowds even as we speak.

  94. Breaking down is better than breaking up, so go ahead and give it to me.

  95. According to the A, those in house will be the most blind.

    So we are free to move on to the next level.

  96. Portside out, starboard home. It's EASY!

  97. What are you getting on about now, INSIDER? We need links and details.

  98. THE EGGMAN HERE YET?July 24, 2010 at 8:33 PM

    A. G.E.E. E.G.R.E.T. H.E. N.T.H. M.Y.

  99. Interesting anagram, EGGMAN. Is that yours? Do you remember "ELK ELL HI WHIRL"?

    WILL HE KILL HER? Is that it? Names and numbers, please. Being "inside" is out when your outside is in. Now COME ON!

  100. Son Of Always said...
    I think we are all getting it wrong with iamaphoney org. I might get myself into trouble by telling you what I am going to! The Apple boss Neil Aspinall originally formed the iamaphoney org in the 90ties, but he got killed in 2008 and then they had to reform and let McCartney set the conditions. Nowadays Macca is behind TRA and this is serious business, He will tell the world what happened, this is the only way he'd managed to keep the incrowd silent.
    Macca believes He is a power in the universe and that He can control people and He can! Trust me. The 3 RA or ARE3RA will change the world the next 3 years, they are doing this in a fantastic way. The movie is the next step up the ladder and will be downloaded for free and it is the most convincing movie I've ever seen! and it will spread and next year people will be ready for next level, RA2, and the music will survive longer than any Beatles song, a new era of music will begin and 2012, bamg, The revelation that will chock us all and make us to turn to the right album and the rotten apple, Paul will be Jesus by then, which was and is the plan, at least this is how the org looks at it.

    July 24, 2010 5:44 PM

    You must not be THAT worried about getting into trouble when you're posting the identical paragraph on here, the Icke forum, YouTube, etc.

    It's okay. We all want to play the game and pretend we're part of a super secret grand plan once in a while.

    As for Bluelink or whoever who's bitching about 2012 being too long to wait, well it's Iamaphoney's videos and he can do what he likes. It's his ball. He makes the rules. Critique his videos, scoff at his music and call him out for faking evidence but at least give him the courtesy of doing as he pleases. Anyone who's well and truly pissed about it and thinks they have a revelation up their sleeve is free to make their own videos and stick them on YouTube. Be our guest.

  101. Anonymous said...
    Son Of Always said...
    I think we are all getting it wrong with iamaphoney org. I might get myself into trouble by telling you what I am going to! The Apple boss Neil Aspinall originally formed the iamaphoney org in the 90ties, but he got killed in 2008 and then they had to reform and let McCartney set the conditions. Nowadays Macca is behind TRA and this is serious business, He will tell the world what happened, this is the only way he'd managed to keep the incrowd silent.
    Macca believes He is a power in the universe and that He can control people and He can! Trust me. The 3 RA or ARE3RA will change the world the next 3 years, they are doing this in a fantastic way. The movie is the next step up the ladder and will be downloaded for free and it is the most convincing movie I've ever seen! and it will spread and next year people will be ready for next level, RA2, and the music will survive longer than any Beatles song, a new era of music will begin and 2012, bamg, The revelation that will chock us all and make us to turn to the right album and the rotten apple, Paul will be Jesus by then, which was and is the plan, at least this is how the org looks at it.

    July 24, 2010 5:44 PM

    You must not be THAT worried about getting into trouble when you're posting the identical paragraph on here, the Icke forum, YouTube, etc.

    It's okay. We all want to play the game and pretend we're part of a super secret grand plan once in a while.

    As for Bluelink or whoever who's bitching about 2012 being too long to wait, well it's Iamaphoney's videos and he can do what he likes. It's his ball. He makes the rules. Critique his videos, scoff at his music and call him out for faking evidence but at least give him the courtesy of doing as he pleases. Anyone who's well and truly pissed about it and thinks they have a revelation up their sleeve is free to make their own videos and stick them on YouTube. Be our guest.

    July 25, 2010 1:21 AM

    except that it's a legit iamaphoney sub account : )

  102. Thanks for all the laughs.

  103. H A P P Y
    B I R T H D A Y

    T A F U L T O N G!!!

  104. except that it's a legit iamaphoney sub account : )

    very legit

  105. Entering the Next Level...

  106. I've heard your words
    In so many ways
    Do I trust myself
    Beyond your praise
    My heart has been touched
    By something said
    I want to go with her
    I want to be led
    I knelt at your side
    Did you feel me
    I gave you my all
    To be nearer to thee

  107. Out popped a see lion ready to go.

    {at the end of the race!)

  108. So are you going to be in that photo, or not?

  109. If you're not in the photo, you get restrained by the POLICE!

  110. Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
    Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
    God say, "No." Abe say, "What ?"
    God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but
    The next time you see me comin' you better run"
    Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done ?"
    God says. "Out on Highway 61".

  111. But yes I think it can be very easily done
    We'll just put some bleachers out in the sun
    And have it on Highway 61.


  113. What I just tried to explain...

  114. Come with me, my love
    To the sea, the sea of love!

  115. Akedah Acacia

  116. Lousy police!

  117. In the game of the palm, love means nothing.

  118. We have to get ourselves back to the garden.

  119. The piper's calling you to join him.

  120. Well at this blistering speed, it's gonna be DOA.

  121. I wonder who takes my place when I retire?

  122. A visit to his studio by an LSD-induced Paul McCartney and Robert Fraser, Blake's art dealer, further convinced him that drugs were not for him. "They were both seeing things that clearly weren't there in the paintings. They were telling me: 'You've got to trip; your life isn't complete unless you try it,' but I declined."

    So, wait, you mean people can decline? I thought the Illuminati were playing state-of-the-art mind control on people. And all you have to do is have your own mind and say "no"?

    Hey, Illuminati, your plan sucked.

  123. Is he on the level? I don't know what level he's on.

    Hmmm. . .is it me or does Taf sound somewhat ticked off at Phoney? None of the usual accolades or commentary.

  124. I want to break free.
    I want to break free.
    I want to break free from your lies, you're so self-satisfied, I don't need you.
    I've got to break free.
    God knows.
    God knows I want to break free.

  125. I want to break free.
    I want to break free.
    I want to break free from your lies, you're so self-satisfied, I don't need you.
    I've got to break free.
    God knows.
    God knows I want to break free

    God knows we want you to break free, too.

  126. This dragging you feet business is highly depressing.

  127. God knows we want you to break free, too.

    You know what God knows? cause I'd really like to meet her.

    And ask her where and who we are!

  128. For the love of God, Paul, please go home.

  129. We count only blue cars skip the cars in the street.

  130. Stuck inside this blue light, sent inside forever?

  131. Anonymous said...
    Is he on the level? I don't know what level he's on.

    Hmmm. . .is it me or does Taf sound somewhat ticked off at Phoney? None of the usual accolades or commentary.

    July 25, 2010 1:49 PM

    Taf is quoting the 1968 Larry Kane interview with John and Paul and when they were asked if the Maharishi was on the level. They were disenchanted with Maharishi and that was their response.

    If the rant from SonOfAlways is a legit Iamaphoney sub account then he's not as clever as we thought as he was. I have a hard time believing Iamaphoney would post something like that.

  132. One more moon, and then it's goodbye. Take it or leave it.

  133. 2 weeks ago i walked over Abbey Road with no shoes on. It was a pretty hot day. Much like the weather on the day of the cover shoot.

    And i tell you what;
    No scorched feet!

  134. OMG this is fucking torture.

  135. The party will remain on scheduleJuly 25, 2010 at 3:33 PM

    The lost and found dept is also still searching for the rest of the band, so please, let us know when you arrive.

    thank you for your consideration and have a nice time

  136. Who do you think you are talking to?July 25, 2010 at 3:42 PM

    The lost and found dept is also still searching for the rest of the band

    A for rest
    C for trees

  137. Paul can control people? Not to buy his albums he can't. They always flop.
    Now Eminem maybe...

  138. semper ubi sub ubiJuly 25, 2010 at 4:10 PM

    Et egredietur virga de radice Iesse et flos de radice eius ascendet.

  139. Kinda looks like an electric argument.

  140. Taf is quoting the 1968 Larry Kane interview with John and Paul and when they were asked if the Maharishi was on the level. They were disenchanted with Maharishi and that was their response.

    If the rant from SonOfAlways is a legit Iamaphoney sub account then he's not as clever as we thought as he was. I have a hard time believing Iamaphoney would post something like that.

    Point being that Taf had nothing to say about the video, let alone the movie blah blah.

    And remember, Iamaphoney is at least 3 or 4 dudes, and one of them, the dude who started it, is definitely a guy that would talk like SonOfAlways.

  141. Macca believes He is a power in the universe and that He can control people and He can! Trust me. The 3 RA or ARE3RA will change the world the next 3 years, they are doing this in a fantastic way. The movie is the next step up the ladder and will be downloaded for free and it is the most convincing movie I've ever seen! and it will spread and next year people will be ready for next level, RA2, and the music will survive longer than any Beatles song, a new era of music will begin and 2012, bamg, The revelation that will chock us all and make us to turn to the right album and the rotten apple, Paul will be Jesus by then, which was and is the plan, at least this is how the org looks at it.

    the above post is clearly sarcasm.

    if it isn't, we've got a major goofball on our hands.

  142. Banned. On the run. You could knock him down, but it's not allowed, and if you do you have to eat seven candy Cains.

    The revelation (the part that Paul forgot have Mal write down that night with Dylan) is that there is one candy cane per level, and if you are naughty, YOU HAVE TO EAT THEM ALL!!!


    Now how about some Kraft Dinner for the overzealous whiner in the blue pinstripes?

    (Nod your head if you agree).

  143. I'm talking to YOU said...
    A for rest
    C for trees

    P for party

    P for PM me and let's see what happens.

  144. It always comes back to Kraft dinners (aka Canadians). Is there, like, some major hotbed of Iamaphoney freaks in Ontario or something that these messages are directed to? Sarcasm? don't think so. major goofball? probably. Shame really. I thought it would turn out to be more interesting than just some guys who are nuttier than a fruitcake. Notice how they slip in that RA music will be more popular than the Beatles in 2012. It's almost like a press release. Major bummer. Over and out comrades. May the farce be with you. Yuk yuk yuk

    S L N O V I N U B

  145. Et egredietur virga de radice Iesse et flos de radice eius ascendet

    I say! How vulgar!

  146. It always comes back to Kraft dinners (aka Canadians)

    Not Canadians. Kraft Dinner is code for Macca-roni, as in Paul.

  147. nd the music will survive longer than any Beatles song, a new era of music will begin and 2012,

    hahaha Phoney's music hasn't even survived a year on YouTube.

  148. Thank you, anonymous, for cracking the ever-elusive KRAFT KODE. I think I just blew my noodle!!!

  149. Anonymous said...
    Thank you, anonymous, for cracking the ever-elusive KRAFT KODE. I think I just blew my noodle!!!

    July 25, 2010 5:31 PM

    I second that! actual revelation!

  150. PM you? I did. Check your mail.I'ts got a return address and everything. Use it.

  151. 2 weeks ago i walked over Abbey Road with no shoes on. It was a pretty hot day. Much like the weather on the day of the cover shoot.

    And i tell you what;
    No scorched feet!

    Yet another theory debunked! How much NIR ink was spilled on that one?

  152. What,. Like Abbey Road isn't hot? I beg to differ.

  153. I'm just a singer with a song
    How can I try to right the wrong?

  154. I'm sure you'll think of a way.

  155. Did you know money was heaven sent?

  156. I want to get back. You want to get back. So let's GET BACK!

  157. Interesting.. Iamaphoney deleted SonOfAlway's comments aswell as the one CynthiaPoweii left..

  158. PM you? I did.

    Nope. Try again.

  159. You know my name, look up the number.

  160. I don't care how we do it. You're the man on the flaming pie.

  161. Not a trace of doubt in my mind.

  162. Like the sun playing
    In the morning
    Feel the quiet
    Feel the thunder

  163. Monday 26th July - Bridgestone Arena Nashville, next stop on the tour.

    Seriously Paul, pass out a few iphones this time. We got like 6 crappy vids from Kansas City.

    I'll pay for it if you want me to.

  164. Something blue would be nice too!

    Slip on the old jacket for Pepper, and they'll go ballistic!
