Saturday, August 8, 2009

Everybody's Talking

There is quite a bit of chatter occurring in Iamaphoneyville lately. I'm finding lots of talk of salamanders, a certain Volkswagen, a particular suitcase, and of course Magick.

Follow the links...

Paul is Dead - Footnote to Admiral Albert by our friend felipegcs


paul is dead - nothing is real 334 suitcase contents by MikeyNL1038 - Congratulations, Mike for finally getting these.

A significantly extended version of System by YouKnowMyName231

Inside the org:4 LIBER by LEWlSCARROLL features some pages from "Alice's Adventures Under Ground" as long as you don't blink while watching.

One Way Ticket to Nowhere by Sunssol

footage TPF 1 Reversed by LikeMoreWizards


  1. cool.

    where's the RA 67 exploration?


  2. Like I need to see Like More Wizards backwards. It's ridiculous enough forwards.

  3. Tafultong maybe you should go into the video making business yourself. I bet you could do better than the half assed garbage you link to.

  4. Thanks, Taf.


  5. Just watched "System"!
    There's a scene from "Party Monster" in it!


  6. when will you review RA 76?

  7. when will you review RA 76?

    Phoney is demonstrating that Paul was still alive in 1966 while in Nairobi. Obviously an impostor with only weeks to prepare for the role of a lifetime would be in secret rehearsals, surgery, and meetings at this time, not laughing it up on vacation with his Super 8.

    Proof positive that Paul was Replaced, not killed.


  9. So now Jude and Mikey, the two premiere PID guys, are PIA. Now that's progress!

    Maybe that's why Phoney walks backward, to show that his series has a reverse effect on PID.

  10. I can't believe taf posted these links, unlessit was an act of god and an act of deperation to distance himself from that lame tmodm movie. That no one saw.

  11. "Phoney is demonstrating that Paul was still alive in 1966 while in Nairobi. Obviously an impostor with only weeks to prepare for the role of a lifetime would be in secret rehearsals, surgery, and meetings at this time, not laughing it up on vacation with his Super 8.
    Proof positive that Paul was Replaced, not killed."

    Nope. That wasn't the point of 76 at all.

  12. What was the point?

  13. Nope. That wasn't the point of 76 at all.

    If it wasn't, it serves as inadvertent proof.

  14. Too much cowbell, pHOney.

  15. 334 suitcase contents from MikeyNL1038

    Oh kripes. 65if2007 presented a clear explanation of what was in the suitcase he found.
    What does Mike do?
    An iamaphoney milesdeoaminuteblinkandyou'llmiss it flash dance of imagery that you need someone to save to see any of it.
    Gee, thanks Mike. That and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee.

  16. There was nothing in the suitcase worth describing in detail. Mikey doesn't even believe PID so what difference does it make?


    If you haven't taken the time to think it through, PID isn't really about PID. The underlying issue is whether powerful secret groups control the world--groups that could carry out such a thing at great expense and with unknown technology for some unknown reason.

    If you don't accept that premise, you have no logical reason to accept PID, and you haven't thought it through.

    That said, it is a wonder of wonders that for those of you who do believe PID or PWR, you are
    incomprehensibly focused on comparison photographs and trivia and not on the more pressing problem of how and why your world is controlled by this Hidden Hand.

    Is there not something more critical to your lives and welfare other than whether Paul's eyes were hazel or brown?

    If you do believe in this overarching conspiracy, you are a ridiculous and selfish fool to waste your time on Beatle trivia, else your critics might think you are merely engaged in hero worship, and prefer to gossip about Paul's cuteness and brilliance prior to 1967.

    Get your stories and priorities straight, people.

    If I believed, as you do, I would be ashamed of myself for wasting precious time on just one individual case stemming from this Hidden Hand's control, and not be more concerned about the cause.

    If there is something to Phoney's case, he has long ago destroyed any credibility he might have based on numerous factual and other errors, not to mention outright deception that has been demonstrated incontrovertibly.

    If Phoney is worried about the NWO, I wonder why he spends time prancing in designer clothes, recording Beatle songs backwards and presenting his case to teenagers on YouTube. Is this logical to you? Is this something you should trust?

    Either accept the premise or get out of the basement.

    Good day, sir!

  18. Who died and made you boss?

  19. Any damn place we chooseAugust 8, 2009 at 9:03 PM

    Oh yeah: Paul.

  20. offtop

    By the way, 'The diary of madman' is Nicolai Gogol's story and not Geoff Baker's. Nicolai Gogol was the russian-ucranian novelist, lived in XIX century.

  21. What's the point of your latest vid, YKMY? what's the deal with the "public works" luncheon manifesto? what does that mean?

  22. nothing is real 334 suitcase contents





  25. LikeMoreWizards just released a new video called Magick with a K

    It is the most damning video to date and proves what we have all long suspected is the involvment of secret societies in the Beatles development.

    Don't watch the video if you are susceptible to subliminal persuasion

    you have to subscribe if you want to see the full version, the preview is only 3 seconds long, but trust me, after you see the full 10+minute version you will never see iamaphoney in the same light.

    this may be judes "final nail in the coffin" we have all been waiting for.
    The hammer dropped on the nail, and the coffin is nailed.

  26. Ok i subscribed, i still only see the short video....

  27. Oh, sorry! I mean you have to add LikeMoreWizards as a friend. Then you have access to the full version.

  28. Ok, i added as a friend, now what? Still no video!!!!!

  29. You have to WAIT UNTIL LIKEMOREWIZARDS adds you as a friend, check back in the next several days, trust me its worth the WAIT!

  30. Anonymous said...
    You have to WAIT UNTIL LIKEMOREWIZARDS adds you as a friend, check back in the next several days, trust me its worth the WAIT!

    August 9, 2009 11:04 AM

    several days????!?

    uhhh, no thank you. how do i unfriend my friend request?

  31. Too late, they already have you ISP...

  32. shouldve used anonymous proxies, be like a ghost, move like water, you know, like iaap

  33. there is something about this that makes me think uhhhuuhh

    Phoney started in 2006
    Paul was 64

  34. LikeMoreNailed said...
    may be judes "final nail in the coffin" we have all been waiting for.
    The hammer dropped on the nail, and the coffin is nailed.

    August 9, 2009 10:54 AM

    so this was Jude's "How to make a PID video?"
    three seconds long?

  35. MikeNL said...

    where's the RA 67 exploration?


    August 8, 2009 3:01 PM


    Taf no longer talks about the blogs name sake?


  36. Wish Aja was still around. she would know what to say in times like these.....

  37. when do you get back to us tafultong please send a word tell us what is up

  38. Taf has been posting, explaining, and analyzing each and every Phoney video for quite some time now. Do you really think the latest video will give you any more answers than the previous 200 videos? Taf will do a post on RA 67, and then you'll all go back to waiting for the next one, not a millimeter closer to knowing anything than you were two years ago.


  39. The LikeMoreWizard's video is not mine. I'm not promising that my next video will be eye-opening or whatever. And it won't be the final nail in Iamaphoney's coffin, but I do hope it causes him and his followers to rethink how they go about making their videos. The Rotten Apple series and it's spinoffs need more content, less bullshit if you ask me. People want new PID clues, answers to questions raised long ago, and an interview that is already two years late. Iamaphoney and the Phoney Name Brigade (SEANL3NN0N, YKMN231, etc...) may deliver entertaining videos, but I think most people would agree that the formula they use is getting kind of stale (Creepy music + Religious references + Euroblur = PID Video).

  40. But I'm also guilty of using cheap tactics to try to convince people that Paul is dead/John is alive, so this next video is sort of me making fun of myself as well.

  41. Iamaphoney and the Phoney Name Brigade (SEANL3NN0N, YKMN231, etc...) may deliver entertaining videos, but I think most people would agree that the formula they use is getting kind of stale (Creepy music + Religious references + Euroblur = PID Video).

    Uhm . . .when oh when will you guys figure out that YKMN is NOT a PID videomaker like Phoney or Wizards and the rest with the creepy music? A long time ago, he revealed his identity--John Charles2007, who was far and away the most vocal critic of Phoney and PID. Yet people still ask whether he is Julian Lennon or McCartney or whomever!. The YKMN series isn't about PID if you haven't noticed (except as an element). Have you seen the John Charles site? I find it hilarious that his YKMN series is on the PID forums and the JohnCharles videos are featured on the Macca Funhouse.


  43. Some of the sets, layout of the animation in Beatles Rock Band is quite cool, but the Beatles themselves of course still have that wire frame lifeless look. It also turns the whole Beatle experience into this sort of franchised generic thing, which in the long run is bad.

  44. Anonymous said...

    Uhm . . .when oh when will you guys figure out that YKMN is NOT a PID videomaker like Phoney or Wizards and the rest with the creepy music? A long time ago, he revealed his identity--John Charles2007, who was far and away the most vocal critic of Phoney and PID. Yet people still ask whether he is Julian Lennon or McCartney or whomever!. The YKMN series isn't about PID if you haven't noticed (except as an element). Have you seen the John Charles site? I find it hilarious that his YKMN series is on the PID forums and the JohnCharles videos are featured on the Macca Funhouse.

    August 9, 2009 12:53 PM

    YKMN is JC's alter ego so to speak. JC's videos are obviously not PID, he is 100% PIA; there has only been one Paul, the Paul from the church social/Cavern days is still with us today. YKMN's videos are also PIA, but he has made those videos with a slight twist, a little touch of Serling, a sprinkle of subtlety, causing the conspiracy minded, hyper imaginative person to perceive them as PID. These are fence riding videos, purposely a bit tough to decipher that can cater to both sides. It is all in how YOU interpret them. Very well done in my opinion; probably the best videos to come from all this phoney nonsense.

  45. "She ain't that cute."

  46. Anonymous said...
    Iamaphoney and the Phoney Name Brigade (SEANL3NN0N, YKMN231, etc...) may deliver entertaining videos, but I think most people would agree that the formula they use is getting kind of stale (Creepy music + Religious references + Euroblur = PID Video).

    Uhm . . .when oh when will you guys figure out that YKMN is NOT a PID videomaker like Phoney or Wizards and the rest with the creepy music? A long time ago, he revealed his identity--John Charles2007, who was far and away the most vocal critic of Phoney and PID. Yet people still ask whether he is Julian Lennon or McCartney or whomever!. The YKMN series isn't about PID if you haven't noticed (except as an element). Have you seen the John Charles site? I find it hilarious that his YKMN series is on the PID forums and the JohnCharles videos are featured on the Macca Funhouse.

    August 9, 2009 12:53 PM

    True. YKMN is PIA. He might be the most clever videomaker out there because he connects the dots between the Beatles, Crowley, etc. and then shows you HOW he connected the dots and how it doesn't add up. YKMN's videos expose the mindset of PID.
    It's not surprising that NIR can't figure this out.

  47. These are fence riding videos, purposely a bit tough to decipher that can cater to both sides. It is all in how YOU interpret them. Very well done in my opinion; probably the best videos to come from all this phoney nonsense.

    Clearly the yKMN series is about how people go about interpreting things. But I think the main thrust is about us, the people who watch these things and comment with our fake screen names, and the PID videomakers who hide behind their names and false aura of insider knowledge. I think that's why he flashed our screen names in the Revelation video, because his series is You Know My Name and yet we don't really know anyone here or their real names. Unlike Taf and Phoney and Lewis Carrol and the rest of us (me included), he actually told us his name, going so far as to show his birth certificate. Once he did that, a lot of people felt burned, and they are now I think afraid to even comment on his videos for fear they will be made out to be fools, thus exposing another aspect of this game, which is the emperor's clothes.

  48. JohnCharles2007 totally is better then IAAP, hands down, end of dicussion. Anyone else who disagrees with anything that he says is a stark raving mad bat shit crazy PID'er who is more then likely a danger to themselves and anyone they may come in contact with.

    To the PID'ers
    You need medication.
    You need a job.
    You need a girlfriend.

  49. Oh, and PID'ers?

    You mother is a hooker

  50. it takes one to know one Jon Charles

  51. Jon Charles

    Pro Angler...Master Baiter

  52. Anonymous said...

    "These are fence riding videos, purposely a bit tough to decipher that can cater to both sides. It is all in how YOU interpret them. Very well done in my opinion; probably the best videos to come from all this phoney nonsense.

    Clearly the yKMN series is about how people go about interpreting things. But I think the main thrust is about us, the people who watch these things and comment with our fake screen names, and the PID videomakers who hide behind their names and false aura of insider knowledge."

    August 9, 2009 4:22 PM

    That is why I said "how YOU interpret them".

  53. McGuffin is Dead?

    Good timing, Miles. We were just talking about cryptic PID videos and all that.

    You're killing me with the lantern thing dude.

  54. As secrets go,
    It's not so clear,
    But 'Be My Guest',
    And you will be near...

    4 months, 62 days...

  55. Who's McGuffin? What lantern? what cryptic PID videos and all that?

  56. Who's McGuffin? What lantern? what cryptic PID videos and all that?

    Miles is down in Kentucky doing a math code with musical tones.

  57. As secrets go,
    It's not so clear,
    But 'Be My Guest',
    And you will be near...

    4 months, 62 days...

    what is this?

  58. Flowers in the dirt?

  59. As secrets go,
    It's not so clear,
    But 'Be My Guest',
    And you will be near...

    4 months, 62 days...

    what is this?

    That is what we in the business call bullsh**t. Sounds like they're gonna bring Angela Lansbury back in.

  60. 4 months, 62 days...

    this smells of miles

  61. McGuffin is "a plot element that catches the viewers' attention or drives the plot of a work of fiction." (from Wikipedia)

    I am not Miles Oliver,
    but I can see for him.

  62. Man I could smell your Miles a mile away.
    sMiles Away! sMiles away! sMiles away!

  63. I am not Miles Oliver,
    but I can see for him.

    You can see for Miles and Miles?

    How many million miles, deo?

  64. Elias, you are so Miles. I recognize your handwriting from your Manson Star thing.

  65. Elias, you are so Miles. I recognize your handwriting from your Manson Star thing.

    August 9, 2009 6:26 PM

    Elias can't be Miles. Miles has a legit screen name, he is not anonymous.

  66. Elias, you are so Miles. I recognize your handwriting from your Manson Star thing.

    August 9, 2009 6:26 PM

    Elias can't be Miles. Miles has a legit screen name, he is not anonymous.

    In any event, Miles/Elias are the same.

  67. and the umbrella dude is who? them too?

  68. Wow. I really didn't mean to open a can of worms with that
    YouKnowMyName231 statement. I only have the utmost respect for YKMN231. I love his videos, especially the early ones (I hate to admit it, but I've never watched all of them) which were certainly more PID/conspiracy-centric than the later ones. I think he and I have followed a similar path: we both made PID videos, and then we got tired of preaching a message that we ourselves really didn't believe in.
    I only mentioned him because this new video inadvertently parodies his style which itself has been copied endlessly by the Phoney Name Brigade.

  69. Wow. I really didn't mean to open a can of worms with that
    YouKnowMyName231 statement. I only have the utmost respect for YKMN231. I love his videos, especially the early ones (I hate to admit it, but I've never watched all of them) which were certainly more PID/conspiracy-centric than the later ones. I think he and I have followed a similar path: we both made PID videos, and then we got tired of preaching a message that we ourselves really didn't believe in.
    I only mentioned him because this new video inadvertently parodies his style which itself has been copied endlessly by the Phoney Name Brigade.

    Jude, make sure to take an ordinary interview and slooooow it way down. If you have some scary sound effects that will help.

  70. In fact, I was very honored to be mentioned in that video of his, along with all the other PID community people.

  71. And in the so stupid it's more sad than funny department:

    "Paul and Blll were brothers,
    they were seperated at birth
    1 to mom 1 to Dad
    Dad was obsessed with Magick
    They made Blll the secret God
    Paul was killed oct 3 1966
    Blll replaced him."

    Yeah....sure they were. And Walt Disney had a half brother who taught karate, he borrowed half of the box office gross of "Peter Pan" to purchase a rocket ship so he could fly to the moon and sell pickles to gypsies.

    Well hey! I mean, if we're just gonna make shit up, why not?

  72. Jude said:

    "I think he and I have followed a similar path: we both made PID videos, and then we got tired of preaching a message that we ourselves really didn't believe in."

    August 9, 2009 6:40 PM

    None of YKMN's videos are PID.

  73. Anonymous said...
    Elias, you are so Miles. I recognize your handwriting from your Manson Star thing.

    Hands flow from my eyes.

  74. And we all know what flows from your mouth.

  75. Is that umbrella @ 12 degrees?

  76. Anonymous said...

    And in the so stupid it's more sad than funny department:

    "Paul and Blll were brothers,
    they were seperated at birth
    1 to mom 1 to Dad
    Dad was obsessed with Magick
    They made Blll the secret God
    Paul was killed oct 3 1966
    Blll replaced him."

    Yeah....sure they were. And Walt Disney had a half brother who taught karate, he borrowed half of the box office gross of "Peter Pan" to purchase a rocket ship so he could fly to the moon and sell pickles to gypsies.

    Well hey! I mean, if we're just gonna make shit up, why not?

    August 9, 2009 6:45 PM

    "Paul and Blll were brothers,
    they were seperated at birth
    1 to mom 1 to Dad
    Dad was obsessed with Magick
    They made Blll the secret God
    Paul was killed oct 3 1966
    Blll replaced him."

    Come on, that is typical Mike nonsense. Why so surprised? Maybe I have just grown use to it?

  77. That's not Mike. That's Mike repeating what IAAP dictated to him to spread around. Like when IAAP told Mike to harrass Macca's YouTube channel. To Mike's credit, he admitted that one.

  78. "Paul and Blll were brothers,
    they were seperated at birth
    1 to mom 1 to Dad
    Dad was obsessed with Magick
    They made Blll the secret God
    Paul was killed oct 3 1966
    Blll replaced him."

    The old changeling myth. Bill the secret god? In what way? Anyone old enough to have followed Macca's career knows he was among the most beleaguered artists in popular music. Couldn't catch a break with critics for years. Not only was he mercilessly criticized by the press and even by Lennon and Harrison, his wife Linda was practically lynched by the media and Beatle fans. If that's some kind of Crowley-eque type of god, you wonder why they bothered.

  79. That's not Mike. That's Mike repeating what IAAP dictated to him to spread around. Like when IAAP told Mike to harrass Macca's YouTube channel. To Mike's credit, he admitted that one.

    If IAAP indeed ordered that, he's a total whack job. That's going beyond art and entertainment into stalker territory. Notice his screen name is Bill. The only one impersonating Paul McCartney is Phoney, who acts the part of Faul while he counterfeits Macca's sites and remixes his songs in order to lure viewers.

  80. Anonymous said...
    "Paul and Blll were brothers,
    they were seperated at birth
    1 to mom 1 to Dad
    Dad was obsessed with Magick
    They made Blll the secret God
    Paul was killed oct 3 1966
    Blll replaced him."

    The old changeling myth. Bill the secret god? In what way? Anyone old enough to have followed Macca's career knows he was among the most beleaguered artists in popular music. Couldn't catch a break with critics for years. Not only was he mercilessly criticized by the press and even by Lennon and Harrison, his wife Linda was practically lynched by the media and Beatle fans. If that's some kind of Crowley-eque type of god, you wonder why they bothered.

    August 9, 2009 7:04 PM

    They don't know about any of that. They're kids. All they know is the "living legend" McCartney from the 90's on. They weren't around when he was the rock critics favorite whipping boy.
    Nice to know that the "secret god" puts out records tht are irrelevant to the youth of today. Maybe Crowley should've been preparing the way for Rhianna.

  81. That's not Mike. That's Mike repeating what IAAP dictated to him to spread around. Like when IAAP told Mike to harrass Macca's YouTube channel. To Mike's credit, he admitted that one.

    August 9, 2009 7:02 PM

    Mike, Phoney, what's the diff. All the same to me.

  82. "If IAAP indeed ordered that, he's a total whack job. That's going beyond art and entertainment into stalker territory. Notice his screen name is Bill. The only one impersonating Paul McCartney is Phoney, who acts the part of Faul while he counterfeits Macca's sites and remixes his songs in order to lure viewers.

    August 9, 2009 7:09 PM"

    Whackjob? yes. stalker? no. If you watch his videos he's never anywhere near McCartney. IAAP is always in his basement, ripping other YouTube clips and overdubbing monster movie music on them. He's more into self-promotion than anything else. He won't stop until the entire membership of NIR kisses his ass.

  83. Have any of you saw the movie Chemical Wedding (aka Crowley)?

  84. Sexy Phoney what have you done.
    You made a fool of everyone.
    Sexy Phoney she's the latest and the greatest of them all.
    She made a fool of everyone
    Sexy Phoney
    However big you think you are
    Sexy Phoney.

  85. Let's not forget the Nutters.

    The Nutters little clip shows pictures of the major fire that was set, most likely by an arsonist, on the Isle of Wight, which is their playground/clubhouse.

    The Nutters wound up with video footage of the Phoney crew filming scenes, as did Whaledreamers/Lewis Carrol. We know from the early Nutters productions that either Phoney imitated their editing style (how and why would he know about them?), or that the Nutters kids are part of the iMac editing team.

    We know the Nutters are PID fanatics and video editors that specialize in the rapid cut overlay stuff that is representative of Phoney's style.

  86. APPALEON said...
    Have any of you saw the movie Chemical Wedding (aka Crowley)?

    August 9, 2009 7:32 PM

    Don't think I will. Was it any good?

    from Wikipedia:
    Chemical Wedding was almost universally panned by critics. Much attention was drawn to, "Dickinson's apparent inability to actually comprehend anything that Crowley wrote", and the film has been described as, "a mess", "a travesty" and "an act of misguided vanity on the part of a man who should stick to shouting for a living."

  87. These kids would like to think Paul has something to do with Crowley, because it's much more exciting and YouTube sexy than the actual family man sentimental writer that is McCartney post Beatles. They want to give him an edge and a status that just isn't there. But the Paul is Crowley's son or some kind of spirit soul implant crap is just more Beatle mythology--it's an extension of PID. All myths and legends and folktales become glossier and more complex by the process of telephone tag. They always get more and more crazy, because the kids telling the stories always want to outdo each other. So first it's Paul died. Then it's Paul is a clone, or Paul is a satanist, or a woman, or an Egyptian god, or an alien.

  88. A few years ago there was a big internet legend that George W. Bush was the son of or related to Crowley. Notice how that died out once Bush was no longer in office.

  89. That movie was creepy. Some parts, I thought, were humorous. It's not a "good movie," in my honest opinion... but kind-of interesting.

    Certainly not a movie for those who are easily offended.

  90. Anonymous said...
    A few years ago there was a big internet legend that George W. Bush was the son of or related to Crowley. Notice how that died out once Bush was no longer in office.

    August 9, 2009 7:52 PM

    The rumor was that he was Barbara Bush's father and hence GWB's grandfather. The websites and blogs are still up if you google them. Good ol' Crowley really got around! Is there anyone famous that he didn't have a hand in birthing? He must have fucked every famous person's mother or grandmother on the planet. I suppose Iamaphoney, Elias Crowe and the Nutters are kind of famous on Youtube so maybe they're related to Crowley too!

    Typical web bullshit dreamed up by bored college kids.

    You are correct that the theory ran out of gas once we didn't have GWB to kick around anymore.

  91. Dude! Bruce Dickinson wrote that movie! I love Iron Maiden. I'll be renting that one.

  92. Anonymous said...
    Dude! Bruce Dickinson wrote that movie! I love Iron Maiden. I'll be renting that one.

    August 9, 2009 8:01 PM

    So Iron Maiden write songs like "666 The Number Of The Beast" and one of it's members puts out a movie about becoming possessed by Crowley but's Paul McCartney that's a Crowley worshipper????????? folks are kinda fucked in the head.

  93. So Iron Maiden write songs like "666 The Number Of The Beast" and one of it's members puts out a movie about becoming possessed by Crowley but's Paul McCartney that's a Crowley worshipper?????????

    Yeah, it's not like Rock bands have to hide the fact that they're into Satan or whatever. Look at Marilyn Manson, who calls himself antichrist and the suburban kids love it. Devil crap sells records. If Paul really was into Crowley, he would have said so. Why not? It's not like it would hurt his record sales--might even help.

    Nothing stopping him. He said he tried LSD and that didn't hurt him a bit.

  94. I love this whack job video that thinks the little pie drawing on Flaming Pie is a UFO.

    Yeah. That's what that is. A UFO.

    Because it's sort of shaped like a UFO and it's flying. Or maybe, just maybe, it's a picture of a flaming pie, the name of the album taken from John's silly story of how the Beatles name came about.

    Or maybe he was telling the truth.

    Maybe a woman on a flaming pie (UFO) really did come down from another star system and gave them the name Beatles with an "a" and it wasn't based on the Crickets or the Beetles in the Wild Ones. Yeah. It was a female alien. That's perfectly reasonable to believe based on the evidence. In fact, I don't know why you'd ever think the Beatle name came from anything other than a female alien in a flaming UFO, because that's not totally batsh*t crazy in the least, and no one should think you crazy for thinking that, because crazy people never say stuff like that.

    Then again, it was college students that discovered that empty pie tins from Frisbie's Pie Company could be thrown. The pie tins were the inspiration for the plastic Frisbee created by Wham-O. The original metallic flying tins were often used to fake UFO photos.

    In summary: nothing crazy at all about thinking aliens came up with the Beatles' name.

  95. In summary: nothing crazy at all about thinking aliens came up with the Beatles' name.

    Here's what I'd like to know.

    Do any of you people into this PID conspiracy think ANY theory whatsoever is crazy?
    Are there any ideas, stories, or concepts that you think are rubbish?

    Do you believe that ANY people are crazy or delusional? If so, based on what?

  96. I agree with Jude
    YKMN and JohnCharles are amazing video makers, IAMAPHONEY sucks, and anyone who thinks that Paul is Dead is amazingly daft! Who cant tell that the Paul McCartney of 1966 is the same man today?
    Lucky for everyone all the kids will be graduating from high school soon, and will be going to college where they will hopefuly be introduced to females and all of this nonsense will end.

  97. Jude what program do you use to make your videos? I would like to try to poke fun at old iamaphoney myself. Any pointers to a budding young videomockumentary maker?

  98. Once upon a long ago, lived four young lads I'm sure you know. The other three, you know them two. You'll know me better when this is through. Before the band was on the run, a natures child followed the sun. And soon the four became a three, a list of clues for those to see. A story told in fine detail, to keep the loonies on the trail. A coin, a sheep, a favored son, were welcomed guest when the day was done. Now, those days are gone, the stories told, in rivers of ash, and urns of gold. A final hint to all of those, who refuse to see the Emporer's clothes.

    Apollo C. Vermouth

  99. Anonymous said...

    Once upon a long ago, lived four young lads I'm sure you know. The other three, you know them two. You'll know me better when this is through. Before the band was on the run, a natures child followed the sun. And soon the four became a three, a list of clues for those to see. A story told in fine detail, to keep the loonies on the trail. A coin, a sheep, a favored son, were welcomed guest when the day was done. Now, those days are gone, the stories told, in rivers of ash, and urns of gold. A final hint to all of those, who refuse to see the Emporer's clothes.

    Apollo C. Vermouth

    August 9, 2009 10:48 PM

    He's just pretending.

  100. That was fucking awesome how the ghost of Apollo C. Vermouth
    came back to tell us that

    /i am not joking

  101. Now do you believe? Do you truly? Honest and for true??

  102. "Some of the sets, layout of the animation in Beatles Rock Band is quite cool, but the Beatles themselves of course still have that wire frame lifeless look. It also turns the whole Beatle experience into this sort of franchised generic thing, which in the long run is bad."

    Actually, how wrong could you be. What this game platform along with the release of the entire Beatles catalogue, a whole generation of young kids and their children will become fans of The Beatles. You can not cheapen what is already genius, the music.

  103. That was fucking awesome how the ghost of Apollo C. Vermouth
    came back to tell us that

    /i am not joking

    August 9, 2009 11:33 PM"

    Late of Pablo-Fanques is there, what a scene!

  104. TKIN
    4 Members, 463 Guests, 2 Invisible Users

  105. You can not cheapen what is already genius, the music.

    Actually you can cheapen it that way, and "Get Back" will be imprinted in these young minds as a video game. In the eighties, a lot of people refused to watch videos because they ruined the songs, and they didn't want some director's imagery supplanting their own. Who can listen to "Take on Me" without mentally referencing that video?

    Remember when "Revolution" was briefly in the Nike Ad? Some people said they had a hard time not thinking of Nike when they heard it after that.

    I dunno. The CG in Rock Band takes away a lot of their moxie. They seem so tame and orderly, which they weren't.

  106. "Some of the sets, layout of the animation in Beatles Rock Band is quite cool, but the Beatles themselves of course still have that wire frame lifeless look. It also turns the whole Beatle experience into this sort of franchised generic thing, which in the long run is bad."

    Actually, how wrong could you be. What this game platform along with the release of the entire Beatles catalogue, a whole generation of young kids and their children will become fans of The Beatles. You can not cheapen what is already genius, the music.

    August 10, 2009 12:35 AM

    I was never a big fan of Prince, or The Artist Formerly Known As Prince for that matter, nothing personal, he is a great artist in his own right, just wasn't quite my style, but I do agree with his view of these guitar/rock band video games:

    "it's more important that kids learn how to actually play the guitar."

    Parents: instead of wasting your money buying these games for your kids, go buy them a real guitar, or let them choose some other musical instrument, then encourage them to stick with it and learn to play. There is nothing like the real deal folks. Introduce them the old-school way. Let them watch some concert footage of these bands in action, buy them some music to listen to. If they have an interest, that'll do it every time.

    -The Artist Formerly Known As Sir Larry


  107. Typical web bullshit dreamed up by bored college kids.

    I wouldn't say that particular theory is either bullshit or dreamed up:

    From what I understand, there is a 50% chance that Crowley was her father.

  108. As for Crowley being Paul's father, that's a load of cack until someone proves otherwise.

  109. As for Crowley being Paul's father, that's a load of cack until someone proves otherwise.

    August 10, 2009 7:49 AM

    I think it is safe to say that Jim McCartney is Sir Paul's father. The resemblance is uncanny.....although Paul has more hair.

    And, I love the ear comparisons with today's Paul and the 60's Paul at NIR and TKIN. Things do change when you age.....that is just a fact. My ear shape has changed since I have become older, they went from a more rounded appearance to a slightly elongated one, and more flat against the side of my head. Probably from all those years of sleeping on my side.

  110. omg INSIDE THE ORG 5!

  111. Inside Iamaphoney's Ass 69!!!

  112. Inside Iamaphoney's Ass 69!!!

    August 10, 2009 8:40 AM


  113. Inside Iamaphoney's Ass 69!!!

    August 10, 2009 8:40 AM

    Save me the o-ring, Clark!

  114. "I dunno. The CG in Rock Band takes away a lot of their moxie. They seem so tame and orderly, which they weren't."

    Just spreading peace and love is what it is all about in the end. I'm not a video gamer but stand by what I said, these are the days of reviving the spirits. I don't play video games but am willing to bet if you were in child with a game system, most likely you would enjoy Rock Band in some form or fashion.

    The Beatles music will never die regardless of the media in which it is placed. We aren't living in the 60's and have to get with the times, it is the dawning of a brand new day. What is old is made new again.

  115. And new on DVD and Blu-ray:

    Inside Iamaphoney's Ass 70: Come Together Right Now (All Over Me!)

  116. The purple shirt stays on. So you have something to read, too.

  117. Inside Iamaphoney's Ass 69 was great, but my favorite was IIAAPA 68: "Hey Bung-a-hole Bill, give me a thrill"

  118. Inside Iamaphoney's Ass 70: Come Together Right Now (All Over Me!)


  119. IIAAPA 44: Cummy Pie, IIAAPA 23: Fixing Your Hole and IIAAPA 37: Happiness Is a Warm Semen-covered Cock were always my "Personal" favorites, tho.

  120. I'm the urban space man, baby; I've got speed
    I've got everything I need
    I'm the urban spaceman, baby; I can fly
    I'm a supersonic guy

    I don't need pleasure
    I don't feel pain
    If you were to knock me down I'd just get up again
    I'm the urban spaceman, baby; I'm makin' out
    I'm all about


    I wake up every morning with a smile upon my face
    My natural exuberance spills out all over the place

    I'm the urban spaceman, I'm intelligent and clean
    Know what I mean?
    I'm the urban spaceman, as a lover second to none
    It's a lot of fun

    I never let my friends down
    I've never made a boob
    I'm a glossy magazine, an advert in the tube

    I'm the urban spaceman, baby; here comes the twist--
    I don't exist

  121. Produced by: Apollo C Vermouth

  122. The short little video was only a clue to tell you the figure named Paul McCartney is number sixty-four on the Sgt. Pepper album cover which goes along with the song on the album.

    Q: What is that strange instrument he is holding?

    A: 64. Paul McCartney (Holding a cor anglais)

    This is from wikipedia:

    "The cor anglais is a transposing instrument pitched in F, a perfect fifth lower than the oboe (a C instrument), and is consequently approximately one-third longer."

    Interesting history behind this unusual instrument. Normally, only oboe and bassoon are used as double reed instruments in orchestras and music in general.

    Think about that one for a moment.


  123. It has been suggested that the tenor oboe and the oboe da caccia resembled the horns played by angels in religious icons of the Middle Ages and that this gave rise to the Middle High German name engellisches Horn, meaning angelic horn.

  124. Little Boy Blue,
    Come blow your horn,
    The sheep's in the meadow,
    The cow's in the corn;
    Where is that boy
    Who looks after the sheep?
    Under the haystack
    Fast asleep.
    Will you wake him?
    Oh no, not I,
    For if I do
    He will surely cry.

  125. Sri Mahavatara BabajiAugust 10, 2009 at 11:28 AM

    I'm baaack!

  126. I wouldn't put much stock in the fact that Paul holds a cor anglais, although I realize at NIR it is standard fare to imagine there is some deep and predetermined meaning in each and every object on the Pepper cover.

  127. The Artist Formerly Known As Sir Larry

    August 10, 2009 6:13 AM


    i love that song!

  128. MikeNL said...

    where's the RA 67 exploration?

    good question

  129. nonymous said...
    Like I need to see Like More Wizards backwards. It's ridiculous enough forwards.

    if you watch it backwards it sounds like happiness is a warm gun! HOW DID THEY DO THAT?

  130. Tafultong maybe you should go into the video making business yourself. I bet you could do better than the half assed garbage you link to.

    August 8, 2009 4:07 PM


  131. Anonymous said...
    Thanks, Taf.


    August 8, 2009 4:15 PM

    Thanks vince and taf!

  132. Anonymous said...
    You have to WAIT UNTIL LIKEMOREWIZARDS adds you as a friend, check back in the next several days, trust me its worth the WAIT!

    August 9, 2009 11:04 AM

    i have been waiting days. when will i see the video?

  133. The Beatles music will never die regardless of the media in which it is placed.
    August 10, 2009 9:09 AM

    this is so true for i once heard a african gentleman play "let it be" on a drum it was amazing

  134. this is so true for i once heard a african gentleman play "let it be" on a drum it was amazing

    August 10, 2009 2:11 PM

    on a drum?

  135. on a drum?

    August 10, 2009 2:12 PM

    yes, dont question it.

    FYI, it was a steel drum. An oil drum converted into a musical instrument.

  136. Did it sound like this?

    Let it be

  137. does michael jackson get paid for this?


    Here comes the Steel

  139. Anonymous said...
    The short little video was only a clue to tell you the figure named Paul McCartney is number sixty-four on the Sgt. Pepper album cover which goes along with the song on the album.

    Q: What is that strange instrument he is holding?

    A: 64. Paul McCartney (Holding a cor anglais)

    This is from wikipedia:

    "The cor anglais is a transposing instrument pitched in F, a perfect fifth lower than the oboe (a C instrument), and is consequently approximately one-third longer."

    Interesting history behind this unusual instrument. Normally, only oboe and bassoon are used as double reed instruments in orchestras and music in general.

    Think about that one for a moment.

    Here's something else to think about. The Beatles are dressed up like a typical 19th century English brass band, the kind that usually played in the gazebos of public parks.

    I know it's not as sexy as angels from heaven but reality is never as sexy as fantasy.

  140. Anonymous said...
    does michael jackson get paid for this?

    August 10, 2009 2:18 PM

    unless you believe that he was replaced...

    Michael Jackson is dead

  141. This is from wikipedia:

    "The cor anglais is a transposing instrument pitched in F, a perfect fifth lower than the oboe (a C instrument), and is consequently approximately one-third longer."

    Interesting history behind this unusual instrument.

    August 10, 2009 4:25 PM

    wkipeia lies like a rug. everybody knows.. Paul composed all the sgt pepper album on a steel drum. google that! you know its true!

  142. wkipeia lies like a rug. everybody knows.. Paul composed all the sgt pepper album on a steel drum. google that! you know its true!

    August 10, 2009 4:29 PM

    not true, i checked
    where's your google now?

  143. not true, i checked
    where's your google now?

    August 10, 2009 4:43 PM

    In my underwear.

  144. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    British Officials Want "Abbey Road" Crosswalk Relocated

  145. 8 days since the amazing Rotten Apple 76

    Still no review.. UNTIL NOW

    The secrets the powers that be don't want you to know.

    Expect this post to be erased! Copy it and send it to your congressmen!

    Here it is...

    88.5 in Northridge radio interview
    with Mal. Iamaphoney uses the slowest typing imaginable. At first I was like "DUDE WTF?!?" Then I realized that NOTHING iamaphoney does is accidental. It turns out the ancient eqyptians used to carve something called "hieroglyphs" into stone.

    While I am not sure what this may mean, I am damn sure that it merits further investigation.
    NIR Members GET TO WORK

    Ok, now on to the big revelation
    Most of you didnt even bother to wiki October 3rd, DID YOU?

    When you do, here is what you find

    OCT 3rd, 1835 – The Staedtler Company is founded in Nuremberg, Germany.


    Oct 3rd, 1952 – The United Kingdom successfully tests a nuclear weapon.


    Oct 3rd, 1955 – The Mickey Mouse Club debuts on ABC.


    Oct 3rd, 1995 – O J Simpson acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

    Ask me how this ties into the Michael Jackson death! I DARE YOU!

    Oct 3rd, 2003 – Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy is attacked by one of the show's tigers, canceling the show for good until 2009, when they rejoined along side the tiger that mauled Roy just six years earlier.


    Where was that tiger from???



    Connect the dots PEOPLE!

  146. Stuart said...
    not true, i checked
    where's your google now?

    August 10, 2009 4:43 PM

    In my underwear.

    August 10, 2009 5:00 PM

    You know what, Stuart, I LIKE YOU. You're not like the other
    people, here, in the trailer park.

    Oh, don't go get me wrong. They're fine people, they're
    good Americans. But they're content to sit back, maybe
    watch a little Mork and Mindy on channel 57, maybe kick
    back a cool, Coors 16-ouncer. They're good, fine people,
    Stuart. But they don't know ... what the queers are doing
    to the soil!

    You know that Jonny Wurster kid, the kid that delivers papers
    in the neighborhood. He's a foreign kid. Some of the neighbors
    say he smokes crack, but I don't believe it.

    Anyway, for his tenth birthday, all he wanted was a Burrow Owl.
    Kept bugging his old man. "Dad, get me a burrow owl. I'll never
    ask for anything else as long as I live." So the guy
    breaks down and buys him a burrow owl.

    Anyway, 10:30, the other night, I go out in my yard, and there's
    the Wurster kid, looking up in the tree. I say, "What are
    you looking for?" He says "I'm looking for my burrow owl."
    I say, "Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick. Everybody knows
    the burrow owl lives. In a hole. In the ground. Why the hell do you
    think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?" Now Stuart, do you
    think a kid like that is going to know what the queers are
    doing to the soil?

    I first became aware of this about ten years ago, the summer
    my oldest boy, Bill Jr. died. You know that carnival comes into
    town every year? Well this year they came through with a ride
    called The Mixer. The man said, "Keep your head, and arms, inside
    the Mixer at all times." But Bill Jr, he was a DAAAREDEVIL, just
    like his old man. He was leaning out saying "Hey everybody,
    Look at me! Look at me!" Pow! He was decapitated! They found
    his head over by the snow cone concession.

    A few days after that, I open up the mail. And there's a pamphlet
    in there. From Pueblo, Colorado, and it's addressed to Bill, Jr.
    And it's entitled, "Do you know what the queers are doing to our

    Now, Stuart, if you look at the soil around any large US city,
    there's a big undeground homosexual population. Des Moines, Iowa,
    for an example. Look at the soil around Des Moines, Stuart.
    You can't build on it; you can't grow anything in it. The government
    says it's due to poor farming. But I know what's really going on,
    Stuart. I know it's the queers. They're in it with the aliens.
    They're building landing strips for gay Martians, I swear to

    You know what, Stuart, I like you. You're not like the other
    people, here in this trailer park.


    threedlee (3 months ago)
    did the original guitar player die?

    GamersVo (3 months ago)
    The original bass player died.


  148. when you listen to the dead milkmen song stuart backwards you would not believe the amount of "paul is dead" s you hear

    can you keep denying this?

  149. Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy is attacked by one of the show's tigers, canceling the show for good until 2009, when they rejoined along side the tiger that mauled Roy just six years earlier.


    hey idiot! Sigfried and Roy PLANNED IT! They purposely used the same tiger!
    They wanted to show that it wasn't the tigers fault!

  150. hey idiot! Sigfried and Roy PLANNED IT! They purposely used the same tiger!
    They wanted to show that it wasn't the tigers fault!

    August 10, 2009 5:37 PM

    You are so wrong! Obvious COINTELPRO going on around here


    Can you imagine them being so irresponsible? That tiger was mean!

    Second, it clearly was the tigers fault.. IT WAS VIDEOTAPED! You can't deny it BECAUSE OF THE VIDEO EVIDENCE.

    Also, Sigfried and Roy have pictures of them walking that SAME TIGER ACROSS ABBEY ROAD!!!!

  151. Plunge into postwar, hippie Britain through Cirque du Soleil’s Love, set to and inspired by the music of the Beatles. John, Paul, George, and Ringo come alive in projections on floor-to-ceiling screens and in remixed recordings from Abbey Road Studios. In a 360-degree theater (where Siegfried and Roy used to perform), the dynamic staging, costumes, and choreography of Cirque du Soleil will change the way you listen to songs like “Something” and “Eleanor Rigby.” At times the stage gets a bit chaotic, but so was the era. No matter—as John and Paul wrote, love is all you need.

  152. In a 360-degree theater (where Siegfried and Roy used to perform)

    HOLY F*CK!!!!!!!!

  153. So Sigfried and Roy were KILLED so that LOVE could play at the Mirage?!?

    you people are bat shit crazy!

  154. All you need is love.. and tigersAugust 10, 2009 at 5:52 PM

    The tiger was brought back to send a message. Dont F*CK with The Beatles.

    or... you'll get eaten by tigers.

  155. I kid you not... there is a BLOG ABOUT THIS!

  156. Thursday, October 14, 2004
    Signs of the Apocalypse

    The Beatles team with Cirque du Soleil
    New Vegas show will replace Siegfried & Roy

    LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Only in Las Vegas: Beatles songs, as portrayed by the acrobatic troupe Cirque du Soleil, will replace animal training duo Siegfried and Roy at one of the city's biggest tourist theaters, according to a deal announced on Thursday.


    Characters from Beatles songs like "Eleanor Rigby," "Nowhere Man" and "I am the Walrus" will be featured in the $30 million show about the Beatles' life in the 1960s, said Gilles Ste-Croix, the Cirque du Soleil vice president of creation in charge of the project.

    Turn me on dead man

    The show marks a musical first: the Beatles have never before allowed a major theatrical performance of their music, but surviving members Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr as well as Yoko Ono and Olivia Harrison, the widows of John Lennon and George Harrison have approved the deal.

    As goes George, so go The Beatles

    The show will take the place of the magic and animal taming duo Siegfried & Roy, in a new, roughly $100 million, theater at the Mirage casino on the Las Vegas Strip, Montreal-based Cirque said.

    Siegfried & Roy closed a year ago after a tiger mauled animal trainer Roy Horn.

    Can we get Montecore to maul Paul too?

    The Cirque show will be a financial partnership between Cirque, the Beatles' Apple Corp, and casino owner MGM Mirage, which will also pay for the theater.

    Ah Apple Corp... It only got better; James Taylor, Badfinger, Cirque...

    Before his death, former Beatle George Harrison struck up a friendship with Cirque founder Guy Laliberte, leading to the idea for the production.

    Ya, I'm sure this just what George had in mind. John! Why have you forsaken us!

  157. now the full story can be told


  158. these people are CRAZY!August 10, 2009 at 6:11 PM

    Former pro footballer Cole Ford believed Las Vegas entertainers Siegfried and Roy were part of a conspiracy that killed his father, a psychiatrist has said.

    "While watching Siegfried and Roy, he had a sudden realization that what was wrong with the world was linked to the illusionists' treatment, dominance and unhealthy he saw them having with their animals," psychiatrist Norton Roitman wrote in an evaluation of the athlete.

    "He saw their illusions as their power to distort and change reality," Roitman added. "He felt they threatened (the) world, and he began trying to figure out how he could stop them."

    Roitman performed the evaluation Nov. 10, one week after Ford was charged with firing a shotgun at the duo's Jungle Palace home, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Monday.

    Ford told the psychiatrist he never intended to harm anyone and his actions were enough to "warn the world of the illusionists' unhealthy danger to them and to animals," the report said.

    Ford was ruled incompetent to stand trial and sent to a mental health facility in Sparks for treatment.

  159. LIKE MORE WIZARDS!!!!!!!!!!!

  160. this blog as sunk to a new new low

    when will Sir Larry return to put a stop to this madness?

  161. Paul composed all the sgt pepper album on a steel drum. google that! you know its true!

    That explains a lot.

  162. I googled it too, a black page came up. Weird.

  163. This blog has NOT sunk to a new low.

    Oh GOD!!!! THE POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE POOP is EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT just won't STOP coming out of my BARE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There. Now it has.

  164. Oh I will return, yes I will return
    I'll come back (He'll come back)
    for the honey (For the honey)
    and you


    No, my friend. NOW it has sunk to an all new low.

  166. Yes, and it tastes MUCH SWEETER than wine.

  167. Do dut don du du dut don du

  168. Not to be confused with:

    du duh du duh dut dut dut du yeah

  169. This blog has NOT sunk to a new low.

    Oh GOD!!!! THE POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE POOP is EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT just won't STOP coming out of my BARE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There. Now it has.

    August 10, 2009 6:57 PM

    ^I love this guy...or girl.^

    In a purely sexual way, not humorous.

    Strike that....reverse it.

  170. British Officials Want "Abbey Road" Crosswalk Relocated

  171. This blog has NOT sunk to a new low.

    Oh GOD!!!! THE POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE POOP is EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT just won't STOP coming out of my BARE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There. Now it has.

    August 10, 2009 6:57 PM

    ^I love this guy...or girl.^

    In a purely sexual way, not humorous.

    Strike that....reverse it.

    August 11, 2009 4:32 AM

    I want to stick my everlasting gobstopper in your scrumpdillyicious bar.

  172. Good luck with that.

  173. Candlestick Park


  174. I want to stick my everlasting gobstopper in your scrumpdillyicious bar.

    Take a ride on my wonkavator of impure imagination, baby. We'll take a detour through your sweet little chocolate factory.


  175. The Mexican CandlestickAugust 11, 2009 at 5:53 AM

    Spirits Of Ancient Egypt
    Echoes Of Sunken Spain
    Spirits Of Ancient Egypt
    Hung On The 'Phone
    A-Hung On The 'Phone
    A-Hung On The 'Phone again

  176. In Cranberry Fields, forever.

  177. Strawberry Sauce!

  178. Pubic Service AnnouncementAugust 11, 2009 at 6:40 AM

    197 Do you know where your children are?

  179. Do dut don du du dut don du
    du duh du duh dut dut dut du yeah
