Friday, August 21, 2009

Harmless Games

The two people who have been considered the Peter and John of Iamaphoney disciples both uploaded new videos in the past week or so. Jude, the one who traveled to Mexico City a couple years ago for the sole purpose of trying to cross paths with our hero, has now become an Iamaphoney satirist under the moniker 36EdujYeh. Like all of Jude's videos, Rotten Apple Training Series Vol. 1: How To Be a Phoney is well-conceived and worth watching. I think it blows the lid off of something or other. At least that is what the video under his other identity RockXLight promised with The Revelation. I guess Jude now has the dubious distinction of being the only Iamaphoney lid blower who failed to reach some sort of settlement immediately before blowing off the said lid. Sorry Jude, but you made fun of Iamaphoney and that goes against my religion, so N0 BL0G M3NTIONS F0R J00. But Jude's frequent partner in crime (well, discussion groups) MikeyNL1038 has taken an entirely different path paying tribute to Iamaphoney with a cover of "Harmless Game." It is a nice clean recording and well worth checking out by fans of Iamaphoney or those who like to hear songs created by playing other songs backwards.

Shaggily, I believe that "Harmless Game" is an accurate way to describe the Iamaphoney phenomenon that has been enjoyed by many people including myself. Aside from a couple bumps in the road, I have always felt that the Rotten Apple videos have been delivered in the same spirit as the Beatles' Harmless Game that was centered around the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

For those of you who don't believe that Jarvtronics of Nothing Is Real is on the correct path to solving the Beatles mystery, consider that both Lewis Carroll and Edgar Allan Poe played harmless games in their art. "Alice In Wonderland" was a game of cards.

"Through the Looking Glass" was a game of Chess.

"The Gold Bug" was a treasure hunt and cypher game.

Look at the way Paul aligned himself with Poe in the video for "Band On The Run" in the McCartney Years.

The video also has a shot of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band plus Brian Epstein between two pillars just like the High Priestess Tarot Card. Note the contrasting colors of the two pillars.

Just as Carroll kept referring back to his work hoping that people would "get it," all four of the Beatles have continued to refer back to Sgt. Pepper throughout their careers. (See previous post)

The Beatles must have been big fans of Alice.

Iamaphoney knows they were big fans of Alice. Apollo C. Vermouth knew it too.

Yes, that's Ringo as the Mock Turtle in the 1985 production of Alice.

Jarv has found a great deal of significance in Paul's song "C Moon." Paul has revisited that song many times in his live concerts over the years. He even made a special radio commercial to promote it when it was released as part of double A-side single in 1972 with "Hi Hi Hi." [Incidentally, isn't there something magical about repeating a word several times----Just like in "Through the Looking Glass" when the Queen said with her voice rising each time "'Much be-etter! Be-etter! Be-e-e-etter! Be-e-ehh!'" or was that the Beatles' song "Getting Better" or was it "Hey Jude"? Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!]

Paul not only played the song C Moon frequently, he also explained it frequently. L7 was from the song "Wooly Bully" by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs and it means SQUARE. Chess Boards are made up of lots of squares. Ringo learned to play chess during the making of Sgt. Pepper. Indeed he did. C Moon is the opposite of the square L7. Opposites are what you see through a looking glass or through the ties that plasticine porters wear.

There is a chess piece that moves in the shape of an "L" called the Knight. George Harrison makes the shape of an "L" on the back of Sgt. Pepper.

The chess piece called the knight looks like a horse. George's record label looked like a Dark Horse.

As Jarv pointed out, George even did a parody of the Sgt. Pepper cover for his Apple album "Dark Horse" even going as far as to feature Babaji, who is also on the cover of Pepper.

Yoko Ono prefers to play with white pieces.

Did you notice the game board on "Band On The Run" from the McCartney Years?

Yeah, it's a game all right.

And by the way, what the hell is this?


  1. Hey Taff, can you repot the comment link at the top of your page? so we don't have to reread your BS? OK PLease?????


    big FAN

  2. "a couple years ago for the sole purpose of trying to cross paths with our hero"

    Your hero... not mine

  3. Jude, the one who traveled to Mexico City

    funny how jude is kind of a globe trotting gent as well.... as the ability to jump in a plane on a whim, makes videos, waifishly thin

    now he joins the make fun of iaap bandwagon with mikenl

    good times!

  4. and mikenl found the berlin briefcase!

  5. you boycotting iamaphoney tafultong?

    why no post on Rotten Apple 76?

  6. a HELL of a lot sooner than you thinkAugust 21, 2009 at 6:58 PM

    just kidding!

  7. What's with the Demigod Iamgod video? Is that the Nutter kid out on the Isle of Wight sporting the temporary tat? I guess they figure that since we know the Nutters are the brains behind RA, they might as well get some face time.

  8. let's do one of those DC drills.... you know, like in the old days....

  9. Everybody outta the Cross Zone gets know, like in the drill




    we don't need no freaking Jelly Doughnuts!!



  11. xx

    aught 2 also ought (ôt)
    1. A cipher; zero.
    2. Archaic Nothing.
    [From an aught, alteration of a naught; see naught.]

  12. aught -ing is REAAAAL

  13. Taf, a fun post, but I gotta say you NIR types just love free-associating Beatle stuff to tie in with . . .well, whatever theme strikes the fancy. L7 is a square, and chess boards are made of squares? Yikes!

  14. Sorry Jude, but you made fun of Iamaphoney and that goes against my religion, so N0 BL0G M3NTIONS F0R J00.

    Good form, Tafultong!
    I was worried I'd offended you when I included your name amongst the fake quotes of less reputable (in my eyes) PID folk. The joke was on them, not on you. I was just having a laugh at people's perception of you as some die-hard Iamaphoney enthusiast who can't say anything bad about him.

  15. looks like the pacific or indian ocean to me!
    What is this? One of the guys are wearing THE T-SHIRT! Where is the actor?

  16. I dont get it. Bill got at surgery in Kenya and Mal was his mentor in being a Beatle. Mal wrote the songs with John? WHO IS THE GUY IN THE PHONEY TSHIRT?

  17. These guys are hot

  18. lame. taf just reposted j's post from nir.

  19. something is wrong. phoney is walking in the airport in atlanta. Paul plays there. Phoney walks in California Paul plays there. I wonder if Paul goes to Berlin, Cern, Roma soon???????????????

  20. Paul is wearing the t-shirt in Helen Wheels

  21. Linda McCartney was wearing my cock in Helen Wheels. And Paul was wearing my ass.

  22. It was RRREEALLY GAY.

  23. It depends on your POVAugust 22, 2009 at 6:53 AM

    a view from the left

    a view from the right

  24. It depends on your POV said...
    a view from the left

    a view from the right

    August 22, 2009 6:53 AM

    the best view is from center stage

  25. Taf,
    You should'a showed the "RINGO" album cover, too.


  26. Gotta say I'm put off by these endless pseudo connections of Beatles with certain artists like Lewis Carrol and Poe because they are surrealists suited to the PID topic. Yes, Lennon loved Carrol and Poe and you can hear some of that influence. But the Beatles went beyond their influences to create something unmistakably "Beatlesque." The Beatles also loved Rock & Roll. They wrote some great art songs, but when all is said and done they were a rock band and they will be remembered as such. Eric Clapton, who knows a bit about music, said, "I don't know where all this talk of the Beatles being a great 'Pop Band' comes from. I've always regarded them as the premiere Rock & Roll band."

    You can co-opt fragments of their massive catalog and try to force fit them into a kooky PID, occult, UFO, or other theme, but only by ignoring 90 percent of their musical output as if it doesn't exist. How do "Tell me Why" or "Back in the USSR" or countless other rocking songs fit into this fantasy? Cribbing from lyrics or images to align them with one's ideas is exactly why there are 6,000 Christian denominations. They can cite any given passage (or reinterpret it) to suit their philosophy. It's not an even-handed or fair-minded way of approaching the Bible or the Beatles, and one would have to be contemptuous or ignorant of both to engage in such things.

    There is so much more to the Beatles--musically and otherwise-- than most of the PID crowd will admit or allow.


  27. "There is so much more to the Beatles--musically and otherwise-- than most of the PID crowd will admit or allow.


    Most of those associated with the PID crowd remind me of a certain Kellogg's cereal......Fruit Loops.

  28. Taf,
    The hand sign is very important, it is Masonic, both walking from the water is the dichotomy of man, the tattoo that says 'imagine' is a reference to thought becoming reality. This whole thing is bizarre shit.
    I know they were in Hamburg in the early days but by chance did Paul ever visit Berlin? My suspicion is the Cold War was going on and the connection being that Crowley was closely associated with three British intelligence operatives, one of whom was Kim Philby who defected to the Soviets in the 60's.


  29. You know what the problem is with all these anonymous comments?
    You guys can't prove who you are!


  30. Yeah, well anyone can write "vince" under their post. Nobody really knows who "vince" is, much less if it is you or any other anonymous lurker. Whereas I am clearly T. because

    1. I never give anyone the pleasure of knowing what the devil "T" stands for.


    2. Only I can come around and post such random and conceited douchebaggery.


  31. Taf, who the fuck am I?


  32. You know what the problem is with all these anonymous comments?
    You guys can't prove who you are!


    August 22, 2009 12:14 PM

    The non-anonymous posters haven't proven who they are.

    Vince, Jude, Tafultong, MikeNl, T, Tygre, P, etc., etc., everyone here is a phoney. Who are you people!?

    Even i-am-a-phoney!

    Your friend,
    Sir Dipthong Douchebag Esq. III

  33. It's not my identity that's important but the substance of what I say.

    Besides, half of what's posted here from the half-wits is mostly trash and spam.

    I'm merely interested in this topic of Iamaphony and the Rotten Apple and that it implies.


  34. FYI: C Moon is the opposite of L7 but not just for the sake of being opposite. L7 means "square". C Moon means "cool".

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.



  37. Just thought of something. If Faul sent his blood to Bettina Huebers knowing full well that he isn't really JPM so he had nothing to worry about, that makes JPM a deadbeat Dad. The lousy sonofabitch JPM!

  38. Taf,

    So nice to see you back in action here. Always appreciated.

    The line of inquiry pointing to a jolly game has its merits. Something not so jolly is five bullets in the head delivered by the LAPD.

    There's a fairly high degree of certainty that Mal had the distinction of being the only subject of a domestic disturbance call in the history of law enforcement to have had such a deliberate send-off.

    So...wonder why that was?

    ~ km artlu

  39. There's a fairly high degree of certainty that Mal had the distinction of being the only subject of a domestic disturbance call in the history of law enforcement to have had such a deliberate send-off.

    Ummm..actually that sort of thing is way more common than you think. Look it up.

  40. To "look it up"...

    Maybe I was too vague. I meant to reference the realities, rather than the obsessive media representations, of close-range gun battles.

    Five rounds to the head, if indeed my memory of seeing a reliable citation regarding that in Mal's case is correct, is unlikely to the point of absurdity to have occured during the normal application of deadly force needed to subdue someone in those circumstances. (Mal was armed, I believe, with an air-rifle)

    I mean, just in terms of accuracy at a mobile target, things begin to seem less than accurately reported. The scenario most suggested is one of execution-style follow through.

    Which again raises the question -- why Mal Evans?

    So, I agree with you that fatalities on both sides are all too common in domestic disturbances. This one though reeks of a hidden agends.

    ~ km

  41. Wasn't there some random dude who was shot 38 times by police in NYC and he didn't even have a weapon? I think Mal Evans is just another statistic.

  42. ok now i dont care about who aja is......

    who the fuck is ~ km artlu?????

  43. now i dont care about who aja is......

    who the fuck is ~ km artlu?????

    August 23, 2009 12:18 AM

    aja is bored

    and km artlu is mk ultra spelled BACKWARDS!!!!


    more of that grandfatheralbafloss rubbish

  44. Yeah, well anyone can write "vince" under their post. Nobody really knows who "vince" is, much less if it is you or any other anonymous lurker. Whereas I am clearly T. because

    1. I never give anyone the pleasure of knowing what the devil "T" stands for.


    2. Only I can come around and post such random and conceited douchebaggery.


    You would like the "pleasure" of knowing someone's actual name here? really? No one knows anyone's name here hypocrite. Do you know Iamaphoney's name? The person about whom this blog is written? Do you know Tafultong's name? The person that writes the blog? Do we know YOUR name, the person who posted the response? Let's hear it since you've decided that no statement is meaningful or genuine unless we know your full birth name.

    I've posted here numerous times under "T" which stand for Thomas (which I have said a million times), and I don't even have to bother with that, now do I?

    Why would anyone interested in accuracy where names are concerned-- but not the least bit concerned with accuracy as it concerns the Beatle or Paul McCartney make such a statement?

    And what, pray tell, was random or conceited about the previous post? Is there nothing conceited about talking Beatles 24-7 and how you think they are all about Lewis Carrol and Edgar Allen Poe? We call that "obsession" where I come from. Put up or shut up.

    You have nothing.

    Nothing whatsoever to prove or even give a semblance of proof of PID let alone Paul was into Magick.

    Would you like to show me some grainy pictures of Paul in 2008 that look kinda different than pics of Paul in Hard Days Night in 1964? Thanks for the info.

    Got something that would merit an article in the New York Times? How about your local newspaper? No? Didn't think so.

    Just because the truth hurts you in your Star Wars-like obsession with Beatles/Magick doesn't mean it isn't true. Sorry you wasted years "investigating" something that has no basis in fact.

    Anyone that watched 100 RA videos thinking something was actually going to come of it other than some teenager yelling "Fuck" in a video stashed in a briefcase is an idiot, and had it not actually happened (oh, yes it did) you would have thought it ridiculous otherwise.

    See you at RA #79 for the laugh track of the year.

    And in case you weren't paying attention to the Rotten Apple series, go back to the very first one and watch very carefully.

    The joke that's been played on you is all there up front.

  45. It stands to reason that, if Paul McCartney has something to hide, then only Paul McCartney can do the hiding. Isn't that right, Paul?

  46. "Nothing whatsoever to prove or even give a semblance of proof of PID let alone Paul was into Magick."

    Have you not heard the interview where Paul attributed the Beatles music to "Magick with a k"? After saying that to the interviewer, he said, "Do you understand?"

    Yes, we understand very well.

  47. Anonymous said...

    no statement is meaningful or genuine unless we know your full birth name.

    said anonymous thomas...

  48. proboards is down

    phoney is comming

    nairobi where it lies

  49. Who is "Joeyoflarragan"? do you guys see a connection between him and the phoney?
    And btw, those two guys from the video are similar to the guys from MaIevans "DOGMA IAMGOD" video! WTF is going on?


  50. Anonymous said...
    It stands to reason that, if Paul McCartney has something to hide, then only Paul McCartney can do the hiding. Isn't that right, Paul?

    August 23, 2009 1:02 AM

    Everybody's got something to hide, INCLUDING me & my monkey!


  51. You would like the "pleasure" of knowing someone's actual name here? really? No one knows anyone's name here hypocrite. Do you know Iamaphoney's name? The person about whom this blog is written? Do you know Tafultong's name? The person that writes the blog? Do we know YOUR name, the person who posted the response? Let's hear it since you've decided that no statement is meaningful or genuine unless we know your full birth name.

    I've posted here numerous times under "T" which stand for Thomas (which I have said a million times), and I don't even have to bother with that, now do I?

    Why would anyone interested in accuracy where names are concerned-- but not the least bit concerned with accuracy as it concerns the Beatle or Paul McCartney make such a statement?

    And what, pray tell, was random or conceited about the previous post? Is there nothing conceited about talking Beatles 24-7 and how you think they are all about Lewis Carrol and Edgar Allen Poe? We call that "obsession" where I come from. Put up or shut up.

    You have nothing.

    Nothing whatsoever to prove or even give a semblance of proof of PID let alone Paul was into Magick.

    Would you like to show me some grainy pictures of Paul in 2008 that look kinda different than pics of Paul in Hard Days Night in 1964? Thanks for the info.

    Got something that would merit an article in the New York Times? How about your local newspaper? No? Didn't think so.

    Just because the truth hurts you in your Star Wars-like obsession with Beatles/Magick doesn't mean it isn't true. Sorry you wasted years "investigating" something that has no basis in fact.

    Anyone that watched 100 RA videos thinking something was actually going to come of it other than some teenager yelling "Fuck" in a video stashed in a briefcase is an idiot, and had it not actually happened (oh, yes it did) you would have thought it ridiculous otherwise.

    See you at RA #79 for the laugh track of the year.

    And in case you weren't paying attention to the Rotten Apple series, go back to the very first one and watch very carefully.

    The joke that's been played on you is all there up front.

    I don't know where this idea that I am such an asshole came from, but as long as you're going to do such a god-awful job of impersonating me, you might as well learn now that I do indeed sign my posts with


    P.S. Surprise, surprise, that's how they know when it's me, the actual Thomas, and not some childish impersonator.


  53. Summer/winter is coming?

  54. You would like the "pleasure" of knowing someone's actual name here? really? No one knows anyone's name here hypocrite. Do you know Iamaphoney's name? The person about whom this blog is written? Do you know Tafultong's name? The person that writes the blog? Do we know YOUR name, the person who posted the response? Let's hear it since you've decided that no statement is meaningful or genuine unless we know your full birth name.

    I've posted here numerous times under "T" which stand for Thomas (which I have said a million times), and I don't even have to bother with that, now do I?

    Why would anyone interested in accuracy where names are concerned-- but not the least bit concerned with accuracy as it concerns the Beatle or Paul McCartney make such a statement?

    And what, pray tell, was random or conceited about the previous post? Is there nothing conceited about talking Beatles 24-7 and how you think they are all about Lewis Carrol and Edgar Allen Poe? We call that "obsession" where I come from. Put up or shut up.

    You have nothing.

    Nothing whatsoever to prove or even give a semblance of proof of PID let alone Paul was into Magick.

    Would you like to show me some grainy pictures of Paul in 2008 that look kinda different than pics of Paul in Hard Days Night in 1964? Thanks for the info.

    Got something that would merit an article in the New York Times? How about your local newspaper? No? Didn't think so.

    Just because the truth hurts you in your Star Wars-like obsession with Beatles/Magick doesn't mean it isn't true. Sorry you wasted years "investigating" something that has no basis in fact.

    Anyone that watched 100 RA videos thinking something was actually going to come of it other than some teenager yelling "Fuck" in a video stashed in a briefcase is an idiot, and had it not actually happened (oh, yes it did) you would have thought it ridiculous otherwise.

    See you at RA #79 for the laugh track of the year.

    And in case you weren't paying attention to the Rotten Apple series, go back to the very first one and watch very carefully.

    The joke that's been played on you is all there up front.

    I don't know where this idea that I am such an asshole came from, but as long as you're going to do such a god-awful job of impersonating me, you might as well learn now that I do indeed sign my posts with


    Fake T, real T., who gives a shit. I like your style.

  55. There's a fairly high degree of certainty that Mal had the distinction of being the only subject of a domestic disturbance call in the history of law enforcement to have had such a deliberate send-off.

    Hmm . . .apparently someone hasn't watched the news since the 1970s.


  57. This post has been removed by the author.

    How does one do that?

  58. Hey Jude,

    Why not another 'How to Make a PID video' but this time in the Sock Puppet style (Whaledreamers, Lewis Carrol, etc.)

  59. Does that mean the entire Harry Potter franchise is all a tribute to Crowley since it also uses the term "magick"?

  60. whew...might as well go the distance here.

    I was not referring to any aspect of Mal's death other than this single one:

    Accuracy under specific conditions.

    Just that. For those of you who aren't firearms aficianados I'll just suggest that you apply some imagination to those events.

    For example, imagine what happens to a human body that has received ONE .38 slug to the head.

    It is on the floor within the next second.

    So, what? The other four rounds were squeezed off in that one second, tracking only the head on its way to the floor?

    I'll refrain from more of this. It's just that it seems a sign of courtesy under these anonymous and inconsequential conditions that some of you took a misunderstanding of my original comment seriously enough to dispute it.

    And I agree with your disputations. The thing is that they don't apply to the point I've tried to make.

    If you look into the RFK hit closely, it becomes difficult not to believe the rumors of an LAPD unit closely affiliated with the intel crowd, and in place now for decades.

    The ballistics of Mal's demise suggest that there's some possibility that such a unit was involved, not the usual personnel who would normally responded to that kind of call.

    Because those officers would have had no reason to shoot Mal four times in the head after having subdued him. Nor would they have had the power to bury the resulting ballistic evidence.

    To me this is one of the few outstanding historical facts in this whole circus.

    - who had what reason to eliminate Mal Evans?
    - why would this reason have any relevance for the upper echelons of covert power?

    I really welcome evidence or reasoning contrary to my take on these matters. So I've done what I can here to be as clear and specific as possible.

    ~ km


    What? Book in the middle?

  62. What's he screaming at the end of the show?

  63. Anonymous said...
    What's he screaming at the end of the show?

    August 23, 2009 5:47 PM

    sorry, wrong linkage!

    What's he screaming at the end of the show?


  65. Some very interesting YouTube links are in the comments. Thanks.

    For anyone who is interested in this sort of thing.

    Liber 777

  66. I really welcome evidence or reasoning contrary to my take on these matters. So I've done what I can here to be as clear and specific as possible.

    ~ km

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Mal Evans waving around a shotgun and yelling after police repeatedly demanded he put the firearm down?

  67. Not a shotgun.

    From Wiki: Hughes then phoned the police and told them that Evans was confused, had a rifle, and was on valium. Four policemen arrived and three of them, David D. Krempa, Robert E. Brannon and Lieutenant Higbie, went up to the bedroom. They later stated that as soon as Evans saw the policemen he pointed the air rifle at them. The officers repeatedly told Evans to put down the rifle (which they did not know was an air rifle) but Evans constantly refused. The police fired six shots, of which four struck Evans, killing him instantly. Evans had previously been awarded the badge of "Honorary Sheriff of Los Angeles County",but in the Los Angeles Times, he was referred to as a “jobless former road manager for The Beatles”.

    Sounds pretty routine to me. You get stories like this every day in newspapers all over the country. The only difference is that it was Mal Evans and therefore some Beatle obsessed fans want to add significance to it.

  68. Wasn't Mal Evan's in the trunk of the MMT bus?

  69. Interesting. I always got the impression that the Beatles never thought much of Evans. Listening to interviews where they mention him it's always "Oh that was Mal" or "Mal Evans screwed up". I'm not saying the Beatles were dicks but it sounds like they thought of him as being a little slow or dimwitted but kept him around because he was a mate from back in the Cavern days. That might exxplain why Lennon laughed when he heard that Mal's ashes had been lost in the mail. Sort of like "Oh that Mal, can't even get his death right". He was loyal to a fault and the Beatles were certainly loyal to him when they were together but I don't think they showed much respect for him.

  70. lol

    Evans (surname)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Evans is a family name. Within the United Kingdom it is the 8th most common surname, being most common in the city of Swansea, Wales. Within the United States, it is ranked as the 48th-most common surname.[1]

    Evans is of Welsh origin. In its anglicised form the name means "son of Evan". Regarding its Welsh roots, it is a derivative of the name Ifan, a cognate of John.[2]
    It is a misconception that the name Evans is a patronymic name. The name does refer to Evan-S, meaning son of John, however, in this case the name refers to the fact that many Welsh were late converts to Christianity and around the 3rd Century AD a huge evangelical conversion began. Converted followers took the name of Son of John (the Baptist), in reference to the John the Baptist as the baptiser of Jesus Christ and considered a cornerstone of Christian conversion. It is possible that later some did take it as being the son of their father called Evan (John), but the extended use of religious forenames being converted into surnames by the addition of "s" of Son (Jackson, Johnson etc) does not account for the huge popularity of this name in this part of the world (South Wales).
    In the Welsh language the patronymic "ab Evan", results in the surname "Bevan", which is also common in Wales.


    Response to Jude's video?

  72. But they had a lot of respect for Neil Aspinall. Was Mal Evans involved with Apple at all once the Beatles broke up or did they just leave him out to dry?

  73. Aspinall The name Aspinwall had its origin in an Anglo-Saxon place name, which when first given was apparently intended to describe some natural feature. It signifies the "aspen well" -- the aspen well, or spring, or source of some stream which gushed forth amongst the aspen trees.

  74. Anonymous said...

    Interesting. I always got the impression that the Beatles never thought much of Evans. Listening to interviews where they mention him it's always "Oh that was Mal" or "Mal Evans screwed up".

    If you listen to Lennon's Rolling Stone Interview from 1970, you'll hear him disparage just about everybody in the Beatles circle except Mal. He even made a point of excluding Mal from the wrath he was somewhat recklessly putting out there.

    Lennon Remembers link

  75. is that Bob Dylan ? lol

  76. Tafultong said...
    Anonymous said...

    Interesting. I always got the impression that the Beatles never thought much of Evans. Listening to interviews where they mention him it's always "Oh that was Mal" or "Mal Evans screwed up".

    If you listen to Lennon's Rolling Stone Interview from 1970, you'll hear him disparage just about everybody in the Beatles circle except Mal. He even made a point of excluding Mal from the wrath he was somewhat recklessly putting out there.

    Lennon Remembers link

    I believe Mal was working with Lennon at the time. Does he mention him in the round of interviews he did in 1980?

  77. Anonymous said...
    Tafultong said...
    Anonymous said...

    Interesting. I always got the impression that the Beatles never thought much of Evans. Listening to interviews where they mention him it's always "Oh that was Mal" or "Mal Evans screwed up".

    If you listen to Lennon's Rolling Stone Interview from 1970, you'll hear him disparage just about everybody in the Beatles circle except Mal. He even made a point of excluding Mal from the wrath he was somewhat recklessly putting out there.

    Lennon Remembers link

    I believe Mal was working with Lennon at the time. Does he mention him in the round of interviews he did in 1980?

    August 23, 2009 7:57 PM

    He's also nice to Phil Spector in that interview who he was working with. I think he trashed all of his former associates, even George Martin was not spared his wrath.

  78. really really love you

  79. Regretful said...

    This post has been removed by the author.

    How does one do that?

    August 23, 2009 1:01 PM


  80. I like the cut of your Jib
    Mr. T

    Now, say "I pity the fool" one more time. Please?

    Also, does Face still knock you out when you have to fly?

    the Fake T.

  81. Anonymous said...

    There's a fairly high degree of certainty that Mal had the distinction of being the only subject of a domestic disturbance call in the history of law enforcement to have had such a deliberate send-off.

    Hmm . . .apparently someone hasn't watched the news since the 1970s.

    August 23, 2009 9:08 AM



    August 23, 2009 9:33 PM

    cue the freakin' cointelpro disinfo agents
    you scurvy dogs! release the hounds!

  83. ASK JUDE!

    August 23, 2009 9:25 PM

    another cheap shot, don't you have anything better to do you communist?

  84. nice A-Team ref there idiot

    T. is not "Mr. T"

  85. He's also nice to Phil Spector in that interview who he was working with. I think he trashed all of his former associates, even George Martin was not spared his wrath.

    August 23, 2009 8:06 PM


  86. so now in addition to the RFK assassination, MAL is tied to that AND PHIL SPECTOR??

    Fruit Loops INDEED!

    you folks are mad

  87. I stand corrected, it appears.

    My brash assertion re the five shots to the head met with enough disdain to send me in search of the source quote.

    Ain't none; I know I saw that somewhere, and remembered the source as one of some credibility. But memory can play tricks, and I have found nothing to support what I was on about.

    The thing just feels like there's more to all this than a hoax or an elaborate game. (see, for example, Mark Chapman, Wackenhut, World Vision, Lebanon, incongruous travel funding, etc.)

    So I occasionally jump in here hoping that by prompting examination of some especially tantalizing clue, pieces might begin falling in place via multiple points of view converging.

    Silly me...

    ~ km

  88. God isn't real

    ----///-\\\----you have ever felt
    -----\\///-----Pissed Off
    ------///\-----Like Jesus
    ----///--\\\---Feel in ecstasy put this on your file and help someone out who feels that way people need to know they are not alone

  89. ~ km artlu? why do you hate God so much?

  90. Anonymous said...

    I stand corrected, it appears.

    But memory can play tricks, and I have found nothing to support what I was on about.


    there, fixed that for you

  91. ╔O═o╦/═O/═/╦═O╗ Put this on your
    ║/╩o╣/║/║O║/║ ║ Blog if you
    ╚o═/o╩╩o╩/╩/o═╝ support the medicating of the insane

  92. yeah, not like the ci a ever did anything sneaky. or with dru gs
    or ki lled anyone. the ci a never did that. never ever, ever.

  93. I, too shoots lasers out of my crotch!

    ~ mk ultrapants

  94. at least he makes more sense than most religions!

  95. Live life doing what you like, it's not you're going to live forever or something. Rock on km artlu!
    If you enjoy being paranoid and distrustful go right ahead, no one here is stopping you
    Gives us all something to do before the fema body bags show up and we are all herded into camps for not taking the flu shot mark of the beast.

    the 5 bullets were FEMA bullets thats why you cant find it on wiki anymore. the people who posted it are in CAMPS!


    LATEST PID Cartoon! Looks like they got upgrades on the animation budget on the Isle of Wight.

    This one answers all the questions about iamaphoney. HE IS JAPANESE!

  97. ~ mk ultrapants

    August 23, 2009 10:43 PM

    i want an MK ultrapants tshirt more then a iamaphoney suitcase!

  98. This one answers all the questions about iamaphoney. HE IS JAPANESE!

    August 23, 2009 11:04 PM

    This video has nothing to do with PID and everything to do with
    teh ghey

  99. But oh, that magic feeling, nowhere to go
    Oh, that magic feeling
    Nowhere to go
    Nowhere to go

  100. There are some weird pics in the "sHe knows video! Do you guys have a clue?

  101. I never give you my pillow
    I only send you my invitations
    And in the middle of the celebrations
    I break down

  102. And The Crimson Dynamo
    Just Couldn't Cut It No More
    You Were The Law . . . . . .

  103. Joeyoflaragan created the let it be whisper video 2 years ago, he has been absent from youtube since 2006 and now hes back. Can anyone tell me why?
    And yes, i've noticed the pics as well, creepy shit!


  104. who had what reason to eliminate Mal Evans?
    - why would this reason have any relevance for the upper echelons of covert power?

    Those are loaded questions, presupposing Mal was "eliminated" and that the "upper echelons of covert power" (oh brother) ordered it.

    Anyone familiar with NIR and PID already knows the presupposed answer: Mal was murdered because he was going to tell the world Paul was dead.

    This presupposes a) Paul died and B) Mal was murdered

    No one has come close to establishing that Paul died, or that any such clone-like surgery was possible in 66 or even today, or that anyone could be trained to become a major rock star and the best in his field, never mind copying the speaking voice, mannerisms, etc. 24/7 for decades.

  105. "This is not a Harmless Game."


  106. Do tell Mikey. Do you expect harm to come to someone?

  107. Blogger MikeNL said...

    This is not a Harmless Game.

    August 24, 2009 1:50 PM

    I am so disappointed in you MikeNL
    What is your intention with comments such as these?

  108. The Rotten Apple Training Series is actually very useful. Especially the part where it says "Take a break, before you believe your own bullshit"

    If I did, maybe there would be more "S3ANL3NN0N" mentionings and less pointless EliasCrowe videos.

    Oh yeah, and John Lennon is Paul McCartney's replacement.

  109. Anonymous said...
    Blogger MikeNL said...

    This is not a Harmless Game.

    August 24, 2009 1:50 PM

    I am so disappointed in you MikeNL
    What is your intention with comments such as these?

    August 24, 2009 5:18 PM

    sorry to hear that, brother.

    i am saying that this whole game... is far from harmless.

  110. take a cha cha cha cha-ance!

  111. 8 harms to hold youAugust 24, 2009 at 5:45 PM

    don't listen to "mike" ! It's ALL GOOD!!!!!!

  112. cha cha cha cha-anceAugust 24, 2009 at 6:37 PM

    I would like you dane

  113. opps

    I would like you to dance

  114. "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall even in
    troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the
    prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood and unto
    the end of the war desolations are determined."

    but don't worry Mikey!

  115. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

  116. Just messing with yaAugust 24, 2009 at 7:20 PM

    A staff will emerge from the stump of Jesse and a shoot will sprout from his roots. The spirit of Hashem will rest upon him -- a spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and strength, a spirit of knowledge and fear of Hashem. He will be imbued with a spirit of fear for Hashem; and will not need to judge by what his eyes see nor decide by what his ears hear. He will judge the destitute with righteousness, and decide with fairness for the humble of the earth. He will strike [ the wicked off ] the world with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be the girdle round his loins, and faith will be the girdle around his waist

  117. But don't worry Mikey!

  118. They moved out because of swords. (Isaiah 21:15)

  119. MikeNL said...
    Anonymous said...
    Blogger MikeNL said...

    This is not a Harmless Game.

    August 24, 2009 1:50 PM

    I am so disappointed in you MikeNL
    What is your intention with comments such as these?

    August 24, 2009 5:18 PM

    sorry to hear that, brother.

    i am saying that this whole game... is far from harmless.

    August 24, 2009 5:21 PM

    Mikey, you might want to share your information with Tafultong who believes RA is a harmless game because he has more influence than you do.

  120. Anonymous said...
    MikeNL said...
    Anonymous said...
    Blogger MikeNL said...

    This is not a Harmless Game.

    August 24, 2009 1:50 PM

    I am so disappointed in you MikeNL
    What is your intention with comments such as these?

    August 24, 2009 5:18 PM

    sorry to hear that, brother.

    i am saying that this whole game... is far from harmless.

    August 24, 2009 5:21 PM

    Mikey, you might want to share your information with Tafultong who believes RA is a harmless game because he has more influence than you do.

    August 24, 2009 7:55 PM

    it's my opinion...

  121. At this point you opinion should be nervous, Mike.

  122. whats your opinion on the Berlin Suitcase MikeNL?


    Response to Jude's video?

    Yeah, it seems some people (141 out of 333, to be exact) haven't caught on that there is an end result to that ten minute training video nonsense, even though the end of the video clearly states "see video response".

    They were both originally two halves of the same video, but what can you do when YouTube only gives you ten minutes to work with? Really guys, I'm flattered that so many people have enjoyed the Rotten Apple Training video, but I'm waiting for those 141 people to watched it to catch on to the real joke of the matter: namely "Grandfather Aleister is Dead and YouKnowAllOfTheNamesofthemUnfreshRottenWitches231/666". Either they just didn't feel like watching another video I didn't make it obvious enough (though I don't know I possibly could have).

    Anyway I'm thankful for all who have watched the videos, and hopefully there will be a Rotten Apple Training Series: Volume 2 someday..

  124. Blogger Jude said...

    I'm waiting for those 141 people to watched it to catch on to the real joke of the matter: namely "Grandfather Aleister is Dead and

    hey, grandfadderalister is Dead!
    when the hell did that happen?!?

  125. MikeNL said...

    jude, you have a PM.

    August 25, 2009 8:37 AM

    Why do you telegraph the communication?
    PM=PRIVATE Message

    /MikeNL is grandfather BTW

  126. whats your opinion on the Berlin Suitcase MikeNL?

    August 24, 2009 11:54 PM

    Its awesome and you WISH you had one h8ter!

  127. Sgt. Pepper is the key,
    Turn it over, what do you see?
    Three you know, who is the other?
    Some say Faul, some say another.
    If you guessed Lily, you're second to none,
    Because two become one in the eyes of the Sun.


  128. Why does he hate everyone?

    ~stif yssih

  129. Jql uf lfd q3cn ninalfen Wdun?

  130. Sgt. Pepper is the key,
    Turn it over, what do you see?
    Three you know, who is the other?
    Some say Faul, some say another.
    If you guessed Lily, you're second to none,
    Because two become one in the eyes of the Sun.


    interesting post

  131. "Consider the lilies of the field...."

  132. Looks more like a tree than a lilly!

  133. Boy, you're gonna carry that weight
    Carry that weight a long time

  134. poor girl! she has the Venus de Milo look now....

    The Fame Bureau believe that this is one of the last remaining relics that exist from the legendary album cover

  135. like a candle in the wind

  136. Lightning hits the house of wax
    Poets spill out on the street
    To set alight the incomplete
    Remainders of the future

  137. hey, grandfadderalister is Dead!
    when the hell did that happen?!?

    August 25, 2009 10:35 AM



    August 25, 2009 7:26 PM

    what is a "pilligan"?


    GOOGLE IT!!!!

  140. Sgt. Pepper is the key,
    Turn it over, what do you see?
    Three you know, who is the other?
    Some say Faul, some say another.
    If you guessed Lily, you're second to none,
    Because two become one in the eyes of the Sun.

    Yeah, Paul with his back turned is Lily. Thanks.
    How could I have missed that!??

  141. Sgt Pepper is the key
    On the backside, waddya see?
    Twiddle dee dum, Twiddle dee dee
    Um, it's f**ing Paul McCartney with a mustache for cripes sake.

    Get over it, people

  142. So much for so little.

  143. Is it a quarter to three yet?

  144. I've got an idea. Let's talk about all the faces on the Pepper cover for another 20 years!!!

    Not boring at all!

  145. Some of the heroes on the Sgt Pepper album cover have connections to the songs on the record's lyrics. Think about Poe to begin with and search out the lyrics in a song which has connections to his own work.

  146. Sgt. Pepper is the key,
    Turn it over, what do you see?
    Three you know, who is the other?
    Some say Faul, some say another.
    If you guessed Lily, you're second to none,
    Because two become one in the eyes of the Sun.

    Yeah, Paul with his back turned is Lily. Thanks.
    How could I have missed that!??

    August 25, 2009 8:07 PM

    Apparently you did miss it. The person on the back of the Pepper album is not Paul with his back turned, it is Mal Evans.

  147. Mal Evans is Lily ? They must have squeezed him into the blue satin with a shoehorn!

  148. Mal Evans is Lily ? They must have squeezed him into the blue satin with a shoehorn!

    August 26, 2009 5:15 AM

    I dunno. The person with his back turned on Sgt. Pepper is much taller and thicker that John or George, which Paul was very comparable to in stature. They were all very thin at the time. I could see that being Mal.

  149. Mal Evans is Lily ? They must have squeezed him into the blue satin with a shoehorn!

    August 26, 2009 5:15 AM

    I dunno. The person with his back turned on Sgt. Pepper is much taller and thicker that John or George, which Paul was very comparable to in stature. They were all very thin at the time. I could see that being Mal.

    Good luck with that.

  150. Good luck with that.

    August 26, 2009 9:28 AM

    How do you figure?

  151. I can smell your teeth a mile away (Paul McCartney, RAM)

  152. From 1967-1969, Paul McCartney, whether on film in photos, or in person, was seen by billions of people around the world including practically every musician, doctor, plastic surgeon, counter espionage expert (on all sides of conflict), physicist, police sketch artist, conspiracy theorist, and all of the UK. Yet not ONE of these people ever stated they thought he was a different person.

    No one from the UK ever said that Paul's voice post 66 didn't sound genuinely Liverpudlian. These ideas didn't come about until well after the Death Clues emerged, which obviously means the power of suggestion is at work. I never heard anyone say Paul was a replacement or a double until the last six years or so, and don't know anyone in the 70s (for example) that ever thought Paul looked, sounded, or played like someone else.

  153. Faul (??) and Jane Asher

    That doesn't look anything like Jane Asher. That's obviously Mal Evans.

  154. I never heard anyone say Paul was a replacement or a double until the last six years or so, and don't know anyone in the 70s (for example) that ever thought Paul looked, sounded, or played like someone else.

    That's because all plastic surgeons and everyone Paul ever knew and all smart people everywhere are either part of the Illuminati or replacements themselves. The only ones not subject to the Illuminati's control are people who use the internet and who like YouTube. Duh!

  155. Faul (??) and Jane Asher

    That doesn't look anything like Jane Asher. That's obviously Mal Evans.

    August 26, 2009 5:32 PM

    Mock all you like, but that is Mal on the back of Pepper. It doesn't mean Paul is Dead, was replaced, or anything of the sort, but that IS Mal with his back turned.

  156. The magical adventures of Lily and her big brass band

    Lily worked in a shop full of sweets. The children told her they'd rot her teeth so she pulled out the front two.

    The next morning she ran away, hitching a ride on the back of a masculine young fox. They went to the Zoo, where she and him drew pictures of the moon.

    The poor girl looked ever so sad and wanted to go back home. Her neighbours would never recognise her with those big gaps in her gummy mouth.

    Nevermind. Lily eventually joined a brass band with Danny and Pete.
    They were a right pair of little bastards and it was a real pity that she had to spend time in their company.

    40 years later and out comes the picture book. It all seems much better now it's all dated and stamped. Still, what the fuck was Lily thinking when she ran away on that bloody fox? Muppety hairy shit bag!

    Sometimes, Lily looks out of her window and wonders what might have been. Milk men, paper rounds, walks in the park, Sunday roasts, etc, etc. Losing your teeth can be very hard and lead to bad things and all sorts of nonsense. Breathe.

    The fox never got over being called a shit bag. He still feels a bit for Lily and hopes the trials prove to be worth it. Whether they will or not, who knows? He certainly doesn't.

    He does know how to cook excellent jelly though. The end.

  157. Was it a Redd Foxx?

  158. Unfortunately not. It was Mongolian, white and had a brownish gold speckled tail.

  159. Mock all you like, but that is Mal on the back of Pepper. It doesn't mean Paul is Dead, was replaced, or anything of the sort, but that IS Mal with his back turned.

    There are tons of photos of the Pepper photo shoot and nowhere do you see Mal Evans wearing the blue jacket. There is a picture of Paul with his back half turned, taken just before the one where his back was all the way turned. Why would this be the case? "Hey Paul, let's do a picture of you with your back partway turned so that thirty years later when people see it they'll know it's you on the cover?" Why didn't anyone ever say that was Mal, or did they I hadn't heard about it?

    Did someone from the photo shoot tell you this or where did you hear it? That would be some amazing Beatle trivia if true.

  160. There are tons of photos of the Pepper photo shoot and nowhere do you see Mal Evans wearing the blue jacket. There is a picture of Paul with his back half turned, taken just before the one where his back was all the way turned. Why would this be the case? "Hey Paul, let's do a picture of you with your back partway turned so that thirty years later when people see it they'll know it's you on the cover?" Why didn't anyone ever say that was Mal, or did they I hadn't heard about it?

    Did someone from the photo shoot tell you this or where did you hear it? That would be some amazing Beatle trivia if true.

    August 26, 2009 7:19 PM

    I can't believe that this hasn't been brought up here before, or has it? This is trivia from about 30+ years ago. As the story goes, Paul couldn't make it to one of the Pepper photo shoots, so they substituted Mal for this particular shot, putting his back to the camera. Not sure I believe the part of Paul not making it to the shoot, I imagine they would have just rescheduled, but that is suppose to be Mal on the back cover. Why? Dunno. Maybe they just wanted to accommodate Mal? Maybe they just wanted to mess with your mind?

  161. I can't believe that this hasn't been brought up here before, or has it? This is trivia from about 30+ years ago. As the story goes, Paul couldn't make it to one of the Pepper photo shoots, so they substituted Mal for this particular shot, putting his back to the camera. Not sure I believe the part of Paul not making it to the shoot, I imagine they would have just rescheduled, but that is suppose to be Mal on the back cover. Why? Dunno. Maybe they just wanted to accommodate Mal? Maybe they just wanted to mess with your mind?

    August 26, 2009 8:19 PM

    Whad'ya know. Google "Mal on the back cover of pepper" and that does come up a few times.

  162. I can't believe that this hasn't been brought up here before, or has it? This is trivia from about 30+ years ago. As the story goes, Paul couldn't make it to one of the Pepper photo shoots, so they substituted Mal for this particular shot, putting his back to the camera. Not sure I believe the part of Paul not making it to the shoot, I imagine they would have just rescheduled, but that is suppose to be Mal on the back cover. Why? Dunno. Maybe they just wanted to accommodate Mal? Maybe they just wanted to mess with your mind?

    August 26, 2009 8:19 PM

    Whad'ya know. Google "Mal Evans back cover of pepper" and that does come up a few times.

  163. I always thought that photo was supposed to be Paul leading the band since Pepper was his baby. All those photos for Pepper were taken at the same session so I doubt he stripped off his Pepper uniform for the purpose of handing it to Mal Evans so he could put it on for 3 minutes.
    What's this obsession with Mal Evans anyway?

  164. I always thought that photo was supposed to be Paul leading the band since Pepper was his baby. All those photos for Pepper were taken at the same session so I doubt he stripped off his Pepper uniform for the purpose of handing it to Mal Evans so he could put it on for 3 minutes.
    What's this obsession with Mal Evans anyway?

    August 26, 2009 9:03 PM

    I don't see why it is so hard to fathom Mal being on the back of Pepper. That fits well with The Beatles' mindset. Although Paul didn't die, no one can deny that his "death" wasn't hinted to. That is just another one of the "clues".

  165. We were talking - about the space between us all
    And the people - who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion
    Never glimpse of truth - then it's far too late - when they pass away
    We were talking - about the love we could all share - when we find it
    To try our best to hold it there - with our love
    With our love - We could save the world - if they only knew

  166. As the story goes, Paul couldn't make it to one of the Pepper photo shoots, so they substituted Mal for this particular shot, putting his back to the camera.

    Yeah, but there was only one shoot, wasn't there? You can see from the session shots that they already had all four of them lined up on the back with the real Paul there--how hard is it to take a couple of pics of Paul with his back turned? There is an existing shot of Paul with his back partway turned, doubtless taken just before or after the full back shot, so i think that story is apocryphal.

  167. It's a Beatles Mystery!

  168. Yeah, but there was only one shoot, wasn't there? You can see from the session shots that they already had all four of them lined up on the back with the real Paul there--how hard is it to take a couple of pics of Paul with his back turned? There is an existing shot of Paul with his back partway turned, doubtless taken just before or after the full back shot, so i think that story is apocryphal.

    August 27, 2009 4:46 AM

    What makes you think that all the photos from the session were made public?

    "I haven't seen that one, so it doesn't exist."
    "It doesn't make sense to let Mal put on the uniform for one photo."

    It make perfect sense if you are The Beatles.

  169. ....and that is not being said to support Paul is dead.

  170. It could be anyone, really.

  171. Anyway, the figure casts enough shadow on George to show he's closer to camera,giving the appearance of looking larger than the others. If it was Mal, who was a giant- bouncer type, he really would have dominated the others in size much more pronounced way.

  172. Anyway, the figure casts enough shadow on George to show he's closer to camera,giving the appearance of looking larger than the others. If it was Mal, who was a giant- bouncer type, he really would have dominated the others in size much more pronounced way.

    August 27, 2009 9:26 AM

    He does dominate the others in size. Look at the uniform; the shoulders, the width at the belt line, head, etc. Too much girth to be skinny Paul. Hey, it doesn't matter, really; Paul is alive. Besides, this is just a harmless game.
