Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Review: Turn Me On, Dead Man

One of the most perplexing things about seeing the trailer and reading the advance promotion for this short film was the question of how they were going to tell the story of the sudden death of a member of a rock band at the peak of their popularity and the subsequent cover up in just 22 minutes. After seeing the film, I was impressed at how much ground they were able to cover in such a short amount of time.

Director Adam Blake Carver uses an effective technique of alternating between black and white and color to tell the story. With the exception of the first scene where the band's manager arrives to tell the three band members about the death of Blake, their popular bass player, all black and white scenes indicate the time when Blake is alive and all color scenes indicate the time when the band is carrying on with a replacement. This little trick is not only used effectively, but it also shows some insight into Beatles history when you think about the stark black and white "Revolver" cover versus the lavish color of "Sgt. Pepper" and "Magical Mystery Tour."

The band itself depicted in the film is not the Beatles, I think. I don't remember a band name ever being mentioned in the film. On some mock newsreel footage (that includes a couple extremely quick images of the Beatles) the four band members, who share some resemblance to the Fabs are simply referred to as Blake (Paul), John (Guess Who), Charlie (George) and Ryland (Ringo). The band members are played by Joe Reegan, David Moscow, Luke Edwards and Brian Ruppenkamp.

The original music in the film, written by Logan Metz and Lincoln Mendell and performed by the Bumblebees is based on the styles of the time period represented (1964-1968). The song snippets are adequate, but not quite up to the level of the Rutles. One song has a Beatles "Wooh" as in "She Loves You" and the John character sings in a nasal voice.

Producer and Co-Writer Tyler Knell explained, "In making the film, we realized early on that we had no interest in trying to be 100% accurate, because we knew we never would be able to break through those constraints and tell the story the way we wanted to tell it. Therefore, you’ll find that we took creative liberties wherever we could afford them."

This was a wise decision. The characters make no attempt to speak with a phony Liverpool accent and aspects of the chronology are slightly different from Beatles history so that the story can be told more effectively. In fact, Adele, a Yoko-like character played by Kalia Pamela is annoying the other members of the band in the studio as early as 1966 and contributing to the riff between Blake and John that precedes the car accident. So, apparently PID is Yoko's fault too. Yoko haters will also be pleased to hear that Adele has to use facial expressions alone to wreak havoc as she does not make a single utterance in the whole film. I hope this doesn't negatively impact Kalia Pamela's chances of playing the lead role in a movie based on the life of Alanis Morissette.

I don't think the "creative liberties" will be a problem for Beatles fans who watch this film. The main problem seems to be the attempts to be more like the Beatles. If they are going to have American accents, why put them in silly looking Beatle wigs? Why try to mimic the exact words from Beatles press conferences when the band is clearly not the Beatles? I also did not get why the surviving members of the band were told that they would honor their tour commitments immediately after a news clip reported that the band had decided to give up touring. It almost seemed like the decision to not worry about accuracy was made halfway into the shooting of the film.

Despite its flaws, "Turn Me On Dead Man" is worth having in the dark fringes of any Beatles collection. There is one aspect of the film that possibly unintentionally mirrors the contradictory and ambiguous nature of Beatles conspiracy theories. Remember when I told you that black and white means Blake is alive and color means that Blake is dead? Well there is one scene in the movie that occurs twice, once in black and white and once in color. Also just before his tragic death, Blake picks up a young woman in distress near a Volkswagon that has its emergency flashers on. The scene in the film is in black and white, but for some reason the trailer has only the flashers in color. Isn't that a lovely clue for the PID person who pays attention to fine detail and seeks to find a sinister meaning?

Coming soon: A closer look at Rotten Apple 76.


  1. Makes me wonder why they even bothered to make the film in the first place.

  2. Coming soon - a closer look at my penis.

  3. There's more to the picture
    than meets the eye.

  4. Remember the old days when a new iamaphoney video would cause people to drop everything and obsessively pick apart every flash of a picture?

    Yeah..... not so much anymore.

  5. Iamaphoney is the new backyard dog

  6. Remember the old days when a new iamaphoney video would cause people to drop everything and obsessively pick apart every flash of a picture?

    Yeah..... not so much anymore.

    August 4, 2009 8:23 PM

    Coming soon: A closer look at Rotten Apple 76.


  7. a closer look means obession?

    you are crazy

  8. Just think, one year ago, Bern was telling Paul about iamaphoney and getting the FBI involved.

    Those were truly the days...

    Oh, and I wonder how his brother Harold is doing.

  9. The Paul Is Dead hoax is a perpetual misdirection that was designed to hide or discredit real deeds and events. The IAAP videos serve this phenomena very well.

    The Beatles' relationship with Charles Manson, Kenneth Anger, Roman Polansky, Aleister Crowley and other nefarious persons is the baby thrown out with the bathwater of the ludicrous notion that Paul is dead. Those who cling to the notion that Paul really died may as well believe that the world is flat for all the credibility they have.

    For those who would beg to differ- please explain what motivated the Manson gang to write "1,2,3,4,5,6,7, all good children go to heaven" on their door well before the Abbey Road album came out. And, please account for the very blatant Eye of Osiris logo on Paul's website.

    I'll be waiting for an answer.

  10. New IAAP sock puppet?

  11. Isn't that a lovely clue for the PID person who pays attention to fine detail and seeks to find a sinister meaning?

    or a non-sinister reason?

  12. god stupid

    "1,2,3,4,5,6,7, all good children go to heaven"

    is a well known childrens sing-along

  13. Is this the truth?


    Paul and Blll were brothers,
    they were seperated at birth
    1 to mom 1 to Dad
    Dad was obsessed with Magick
    They made Blll the secret God
    Paul was killed oct 3 1966
    Blll replaced him.

    simple as that!


    aaparently that text was at yokoons fake channel (that guys that want to revelate phoney), but was taken down shortly after

  14. where's the framed photo of the chair from?

  15. Red Lights, Green Lights,
    Strawberry Wine, A Good Friend Of Mine, Follows
    The Stars,

  16. Venus And Mars
    Are Alright Tonight.

  17. to morrow just past 12 noon is 12:34:56 07/08/09

  18. number nine..........................

  19. only if you're in England or Europe.

  20. Anybody find out more about who did those cute 'two guys in the underground bunker' cartoon?


  21. Yeah, it was Vince

  22. Anybody figure out who is doing these iamaphoney videos?

  23. Iamaphoney is GOD

  24. Anybody figure out who is doing these iamaphoney videos?

    Yeah. A collaboration with Ian from Formermedia and his euro buddy and the Nutters Production crew, with some help from Elias Crowe (Whaledreamers/Lewis Carrol), who plays the role of the "Lennon" figure that's supposed to be alive.

  25. Yeah. A collaboration with Ian from Formermedia and his euro buddy and the Nutters Production crew, with some help from Elias Crowe (Whaledreamers/Lewis Carrol), who plays the role of the "Lennon" figure that's supposed to be alive.

    August 5, 2009 9:39 AM

    REALLY? So it really wasn't god after all?

  26. anybody figured out who the euroblur dude is?

  27. anybody figured out who the euroblur dude is?

    Guessing friend/colleague/relative of Ian. Maybe a stage actor--plug five, anyone?

  28. damn you.

    I should get angry but

    A) this is the internet


    B) that was funny

  29. Where I can download it film? :)

  30. Yeah. A collaboration with Ian from Formermedia and his euro buddy and the Nutters Production crew, with some help from Elias Crowe (Whaledreamers/Lewis Carrol), who plays the role of the "Lennon" figure that's supposed to be alive.

    jesus, The nutter film are so unprofessional.
    Come on, surely phoney has nothing to do with those teens. Do you really think that it is EC however it is?
    You guys are so easy to fuck with!
    he he

  31. havent you guessed?
    The euroblur is a photographer who used to work for the beatles.

  32. correct. the name is Marcello Geppetti

  33. OMG!! PAUL IS NOT DEAD BECAUSE OF http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wguU-5NMU90


  34. Revolution: Next Level

  35. revolution
    1390, originally of celestial bodies, from O.Fr. revolution, from L.L. revolutionem (nom. revolutio) "a revolving," from L. revolutus, pp. of revolvere "turn, roll back" (see revolve). General sense of "instance of great change in affairs" is recorded from c.1450. Political meaning first recorded 1600, derived from French, and was especially applied to the expulsion of the Stuart dynasty under James II in 1688 and transfer of sovereignty to William and Mary. Revolutionary as a noun is first attested 1850, from the adjective. Revolutionize "to change a thing completely and fundamentally" is first recorded 1799.

  36. " billisher said...
    correct. the name is Marcello Geppetti

    August 5, 2009 11:14 AM"

    wow, actual probability

  37. still, the so what factor lingers.....

  38. What happened to Paul's all-seeing-eye logo? It's no longer there on his website.

    What with all the heat on Jay-Z now, Paul's Illuminati handlers must've given Paul permission to take it down before his fans become too suspicious.

  39. really? links are cool

  40. Illuminati handlers?


  41. Anonymous said...
    The Paul Is Dead hoax is a perpetual misdirection that was designed to hide or discredit real deeds and events. The IAAP videos serve this phenomena very well.

    The Beatles' relationship with Charles Manson, Kenneth Anger, Roman Polansky, Aleister Crowley and other nefarious persons is the baby thrown out with the bathwater of the ludicrous notion that Paul is dead. Those who cling to the notion that Paul really died may as well believe that the world is flat for all the credibility they have.

    For those who would beg to differ- please explain what motivated the Manson gang to write "1,2,3,4,5,6,7, all good children go to heaven" on their door well before the Abbey Road album came out. And, please account for the very blatant Eye of Osiris logo on Paul's website.

    I'll be waiting for an answer.

    By the looks of things you had your answer a while ago but have yet to comment on it. Maybe you've stumbled on a children's nursery rhyme book and saw the "1,2,3,4.." and decided to save face and just vanish. I'll take your silence as a "whoops! I guess I was wrong."

  42. Just a layer of the onion.


  43. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
    All good children go to heaven.
    A penny on the water, twopence on the sea,
    Threepence on the railway, and out goes she.

    "According to Percy Green (who wrote about nursery rhymes in 1899) this song was a circle dance:

    "The lot falls on one of the girls to be the bride. A ring is formed and a merry dance begins, all the children singing this invitation…"

    'Choose one, choose two, choose the nearest one to you.'

    The girl bride then selects a groom from the rest of the other children. He steps into the center of the ring, joins hands and kisses her, after which, collecting a posy from each of the others, he decorates her with flowers and green leaves. A fresh ring is now formed - figuratively the wedding ring; the whole of the children caper round singing…

    'Rosy apple, lemon and pear,
    Bunch of roses she shall wear,
    Gold and silver by her side,
    I know who shall be my bride.'
    'Choose one, choose two, choose the nearest one to you.'
    'Take her by her lily-white hand,
    Lead her across the water,
    Give her kisses one, two, three,
    Mrs. ___'s daughter.'"

  44. By the looks of things you had your answer a while ago but have yet to comment on it. Maybe you've stumbled on a children's nursery rhyme book and saw the "1,2,3,4.." and decided to save face and just vanish. I'll take your silence as a "whoops! I guess I was wrong."

    No, I'm here. So, you're saying that it's a coincidence that both the Manson folks and McCartney employed the "1,2,3,4...". Is it likewise a coincidence that "Helter Skelter" was similarly appropriated?

    So many coincidences, so little time.

  45. Anonymous said...
    By the looks of things you had your answer a while ago but have yet to comment on it. Maybe you've stumbled on a children's nursery rhyme book and saw the "1,2,3,4.." and decided to save face and just vanish. I'll take your silence as a "whoops! I guess I was wrong."

    No, I'm here. So, you're saying that it's a coincidence that both the Manson folks and McCartney employed the "1,2,3,4...". Is it likewise a coincidence that "Helter Skelter" was similarly appropriated?

    So many coincidences, so little time.

    August 5, 2009 3:44 PM

    The Beatles used nursery rhymes as a basis for songs on Yellow Submarine too. Your point being?

    Manson interpreted the White Album as the Beatles warning him about a coming race war. "Helter Skelter" was, in Manson's twisted mind, the call to action. Much like how you didn't know "1,2,3,4..." was a popular nursery rhyme, Manson didn't know that a helter skelter was a popular English child's playground slide where "you get the top of the slide, then you turn and you go for a ride, then you get to the bottom and you do it again". DUH!

    But I suppose the fact that Manson was fucking crazy doesn't enter into your worldview. The fact that millions of people bought the White Album and continue to buy the White Album and never do anything to anyone is overlooked because of one crazy ass motherfucker in California. You sound like those lunatic who want to ban video games because you're afraid the nation's children will rise up and act out the plot to Bloodrayne 2.

  46. Yes, I knew it was a nursery rhyme.

    "But I suppose the fact that Manson was fucking crazy doesn't enter into your worldview."

    I suggest you do some research into MK-Ultra.

  47. gee, that's logical

  48. anyway, all that shit's in the past, man.

  49. Anonymous said...
    Yes, I knew it was a nursery rhyme.

    "But I suppose the fact that Manson was fucking crazy doesn't enter into your worldview."

    I suggest you do some research into MK-Ultra.

    August 5, 2009 4:17 PM

    Oh of course. I should have known. Mental illness doesn't exist. Nobody's ever crazy. No one is to blame. Thanks for the feelgood message. Are you cluttering up the KMFDM, Judas Priest and Ozzy Osbourne message boards too? After all, there were murderers who pointed to those bands as their inspiration too. What about the sick fuck who shot the actress Rebecca Schaefer from the TV show "My Sister Sam"? Was MK Ultra behind that show too? Mork and Mindy?

  50. How quickly they forget....

  51. What about the framed chair photo? where is that from? the CD?

  52. Paul is dead - Footnote to Admiralalbert


    Watch admiralalbert's series "Paul is Dead in the end of the world" in youtube first.


  53. No, I'm here. So, you're saying that it's a coincidence that both the Manson folks and McCartney employed the "1,2,3,4...". Is it likewise a coincidence that "Helter Skelter" was similarly appropriated?

    So many coincidences, so little time.

    Influential people, especially a group like the Beatles, are magnets for whack jobs and needy folks who look to them for answers or to blame for their (or the world's) problems. By the same token, they are also an inspiration to millions in practically every field of endeavor.

    Dude, if you want to go there, why not take a closer look at the true underlying source of Manson's dark fantasies: the New Testament?

    Is it coincidence that Manson appropriated all of his ideas from the Book of Revelation? Jim Jones appropriated Jesus' words on a regular basis. There were Jesus quotes all over Jonestown, far more than two examples.

    People have been murdering and fighting wars long before there was any MK Ultra (something you only know about because it was declassified and made public thanks to the FOI Act). Check your history books for the history of man's inhumanity to man--it's impressive. Man's benevolence toward Man is also impressive, just depends on what you believe in.

    As the earlier anonymous poster mentioned, Manson interpreted Helter Skelter through his own imagination, as everyone does with art. He thought it was a call to Armageddon. No one else did. Like Phoney, you interpret Paul's famous and iconic right eye with raised eyebrow as the Eye of Osiris. This is no different than Manson's brand of interpretation, so, by the same logic, you must have been brainwashed by MK Ultra to see and spread the same basic conspiracy theories about the Beatles as Manson did. What evil force is tugging at you to see the world through Manson's eyes?

    The problem with proving meaningful coincidence is the fact that each individual specifies which connections are coincidental. The Beatles were a world wide phenomenon and they wrote hundreds of songs. There are many millions of coincidences one could demonstrate with each and every lyric and each and every Beatle image. Go to NIR and marvel at how the Beatles are connected to every modern song and every figure in human history. If you're going to blame the Beatles for Manson, then if you are honest you have to accept and account also for all the good that also followed in their wake.

    I'll provide one simple example that is representative of myriad other anecdotes. The gold medalist figure skater Dorothy Hamill once performed a tribute to the Beatles on ice. She said that when she was sad, or ready to give up on skating, she would play Beatles songs to lift her spirits, and it got her through.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  54. Bull shit!

    Yeah--nothing bad ever happened until those damn Beatles came around.

  55. These kids who think the world was just a hunky dory paradise until 1963 and there was no Jack The Ripper, Leopold and Loeb and the thousands of other lunatic killers since the dawn of time should just cut to the chase and say "I hate the Beatles and I hate Paul McCartney". There. Done. Now go read a ghoulish history book to find out how bloody the world was before Elvis Presley shook his ass on the Ed Sullivan show and ushered in rock'n'roll.

  56. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/codex_magica/images/codex_91.jpg

  57. Troll with a suitcaseAugust 5, 2009 at 10:33 PM

    When the world seems cruel, and the blog gets argumentative, I think.... "W.W.E.B.D.D"

    What Would Euro Blurry Dude Do?

    when someone tells me to move out of my mom's basement, or get a girlfriend, or get a life, i think

    What Would Euro Blurry Dude Do?

    I just picture him there, all blurry and speaking in some semi-incoherent fashion, and it makes me feel hope.

    Hope that if someone asks me questions, I too can get all blurry and start to speak blurry and maybe they will go away. And leave me to my basement.

    If that doesnt work, next I will ask my self...

    Self? What would Suitcase dude do?

    Suitcase guy would walk calmly and cool out of the ocean, drive out into the desert, flip a cd on to the ground, burn out the tires, drive out to an old post, hide a suitcase in a bush, throw a stick, dump out the suitcase in the back seat of a mustang.

    Between Euroblur and Suitcase guy I have given up anti-depressants and anti-panic medication.

    I hand out bottles of visine to my friends so that I can become blurry. I speak like him now too.

    I am now walking backwards across streets with suitcases. Someday I may leave it in a random bush and hope that someone will find it.

    I am totally serious. My friends are worried about my behavior.

    I tell them, well if its good enough for iamphoney and euroblur dude, its good enough for me. I tell them "I bet iamaphoney's and euroblur dude's friends and family dont tell THEM they are worried about THEIR behavior."

    Then my friends and family tell me

    "If these friends of yours jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?"

    And I ask myself...




  58. Nice little cult we've got going here.

    Hey, I've got a felling that there's going to be a lot of ex-Scientologists looking for a home pretty soon. We should bring them in.

  59. Between Euroblur and Suitcase guy I have given up anti-depressants and anti-panic medication.

    I hand out bottles of visine to my friends so that I can become blurry. I speak like him now too.

    I am now walking backwards across streets with suitcases. Someday I may leave it in a random bush and hope that someone will find it.


  60. there's still a chance

  61. +5 days and counting since the Rotten Apple 76 video revelation, and the official blog has yet to issue a statement.

    /its summer

    //RA 76 sucked

    ///next level takes awhile to climb too

  62. ///next level takes awhile to climb too

    August 6, 2009 10:45 AM

    next level? looked like the same

  63. http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-national/20090805/US.Manson.Follower.Ford/

    I wonder if IAAP are planning a welcome home party.

  64. Get Back - Paul McCartney - Boston 08/05/09


  65. At the great battle of Armageddon
    Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
    The pertanious army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
    The Dragon shall be loosened on October third

  66. And the dragon's handmaden shall be loosened Aug. 16

    HOUSTON (AP) -- The Charles Manson follower convicted of attempting to assassinate President Gerald Ford is set to be released from a federal prison in Texas later this month after serving more than 30 years behind bars.


  67. The pertanious army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
    The Dragon shall be loosened on October third

    And October fourth we shall laugh at thee.

  68. It's a party party!

  69. Rosh HaShanah: 19 September 2009 (Saturday)
    Yom Kippur: 28 September 2009 (Monday)
    Sukkot: 3 October 2009 (Saturday)
    Shemini Atzeret: 10 October 2009 (Saturday)
    Simhat Torah: 11 October 2009 (Sunday)

  70. Rosh HaShanah: 19 September 2009 (Saturday)
    Yom Kippur: 28 September 2009 (Monday)
    Sukkot: 3 October 2009 (Saturday)
    Shemini Atzeret: 10 October 2009 (Saturday)
    Simhat Torah: 11 October 2009 (Sunday)

    Thanks for the update.

  71. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsG5Xv-pdm4

  72. Hey Jude,

    You've just NOW figured out that Lennon said "cranberry sauce?"

    That's been public record for decades (but thank you just the same for posting it, especially since you were a very vocal PID person, but never an irrational one). Yes, it was one of the most celebrated of all Beatle death clues, even though it isn't a death clue--it is a classic example of people hearing what they want to hear. The interesting thing about it is that Lennon told the plain truth when asked about it. Hear that, people? Hear that Phoney? No slight of hand editing, no distortions and out of context trickery. The truth.

    How refreshing.

  73. Hey Jude,



    Euroblur Dude

  74. Der waas a kwaash. Fu**ing kwaazy letmetelya.

  75. Euroblur dude is an Italian scientist.

  76. Euroblur dude is an Italian scientist.

    August 6, 2009 8:11 PM

    The most important Italian Scientist. HE DISCOVERED PIZZA!
    He is richer then GOD, Pizza Hut pays him a nickle for every pizza sold since the days of old.

  77. Good video Jude! I like it much more then Rotten Apple series!
    You have taken the crown for the series, iamphoney sucks! Taf doesnt even talk about him anymore

  78. Anonymous said...
    Hey Jude,

    You've just NOW figured out that Lennon said "cranberry sauce?"

    That's been public record for decades (but thank you just the same for posting it, especially since you were a very vocal PID person, but never an irrational one). Yes, it was one of the most celebrated of all Beatle death clues, even though it isn't a death clue--it is a classic example of people hearing what they want to hear. The interesting thing about it is that Lennon told the plain truth when asked about it. Hear that, people? Hear that Phoney? No slight of hand editing, no distortions and out of context trickery. The truth.

    How refreshing.

    August 6, 2009 7:46 PM

    Jude has known for a long time that John didn't say "I Buried Paul". He just recently decided to make a video proving it, that's all.

  79. jude is right, I just listened to it and it clearly says "CRANBERRY SAUCE"
    Iamaphoney is delusional, good work jude

  80. iamaphoney blog to change name?

    jude blog? anyone? anyone?

    Sure would be nice to have someone making videos who wasnt nuts

  81. Good video Jude! Could have used more euroblur. Maybe next time

  82. Anonymous said...

    I wonder if IAAP are planning a welcome home party.

    August 6, 2009 12:36 PM

    lol yeah probably.

  83. Rather unfresh apple strict no euroblur policy. its why they dont suck

  84. The Pilgrim Part II
    uploading now

  85. The Gardener Part II uploading sunday

  86. are before is except after IAAPAugust 6, 2009 at 9:50 PM

    I wonder if IAAP are planning a welcome home party."

    I wonder if IAAP IS plannning a welcome home party.

  87. How dare Jude think for himself and not agree with the PID crew??? This is like when individuality began infecting the Borg.

  88. God answers everyones prayers.

    Just give him time.

    Even he needs time to answer the other prayers first.

  89. Gideon checked out and he left it no doubt
    To help with good rockys revival

  90. Hey Jude,

    You've just NOW figured out that Lennon said "cranberry sauce?"

    Well, not really. It's really meant to be a response to certain people at NIR who still cling to old chestnuts like "I buried Paul". They could've looked into it themselves, but what can I say? Some people are too thickheaded--er, "busy" to do just that.

    All the same I thank you all for the lovely complements!

  91. Rather unfresh apple strict no euroblur policy. its why they dont suck

    Actually, I tried to get the euroblur guy in on it but told me that Iamaphoney would home soon and that he had other engagements...

  92. Paul is blurry, Paul is very blurry

  93. Incase anyone hasn't clearly listened to Strawberry Fields, John says "I buried Paul" first and right when the song is about to end, by the way it might be hard to hear, he then says "Cranberry Sauce"

    Just thought I'd point that out.


  94. Incase anyone hasn't clearly listened to Strawberry Fields, John says "I buried Paul" first and right when the song is about to end, by the way it might be hard to hear, he then says "Cranberry Sauce"

    Just thought I'd point that out.


    Yeah, because everyone knows ykmn/johncharles is a Pider

  95. Say YES! to a brief rundown of S3ANL3NN0N's newest video!

    I didn't think I'd ever say this, But perhaps IAAP might have been "out-performed" by one of his followers for once. His newest video had NO releavance what-so-ever to the Letterman interview, Not even the last 5 or so IAAP videos! thats only my opinion however.

    Atleast you could see a sheep reference when you see the cover of Abbey Road with John being dressed in white, Then on the famous butcher album all of them are.

    i might actually be regretting this to be flamed in the near future about my opinion, But i think S3ANL3NN0N out-did IAAP here..

    do the two work together? probably

    is there anyone else out there who feel the same way?

  96. Each has it's merits.

  97. Jude said...
    It's really meant to be a response to certain people at NIR who still cling to old chestnuts like "I buried Paul". They could've looked into it themselves, but what can I say? Some people are too thickheaded--er, "busy" to do just that.

    Give em hell Jude! These people are so frickin silly it staggers the imagination! Imagine what other things they think! You should make some more videos! A whole series would be nice, hope to see more work of yours.

  98. S3ANL3NN0N and Jude have raised the bar to a very high level, the new videos are fantastic and iaap is now on the ropes. One more "euroblur" video and he may as well pack it in.
    Keep up the good work gentlemen! Any way we could get some more videos for the weekend?

  99. For a limited time only, we're offering a free copy of Paul McCartney's "Great Day" originally released on "Flaming Pie" and featured in the new film, "Funny People." The film stars Adam Sandler as comedian, George Simmons, who tries to balance his public life as a stand-up comic/film star with his personal life where he faces serious illness. "Great Day" is prominently featured in the film's opening sequence on the day Simmons learns he may not be around much longer.

  100. Ursa Major......Ursa Major.....

  101. Mean Mister Mustard sleeps in the park
    Shaves in the dark trying to save paper
    Sleeps in a hole in the road
    Saving up to buy some clothes
    Keeps a ten bob note up his nose

    Such a mean old man
    Such a mean old man

  102. And Mr. H. will demonstrate
    Ten somersets he'll undertake on solid ground

  103. Good to see everyone is hopping on the Jude bandwagon because of one "video" that he just made. It's a picture with an instrumental version of Strawberry Fields, excellent work Jude! Really!

    You've somehow managed to make people forget for a few moments that you're the biggest asshole in the PID community. No doubt if I'm lucky I'll get one of your famous rebuttals, Bill O'Reilly style.

    You are always right, though.

    Except John does say "I buried Paul." Nice effort with the one version you found where he doesn't say it though.

  104. what is happening?????
    Tafultong....Come Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  105. Except John does say "I buried Paul." Nice effort with the one version you found where he doesn't say it though.

    Let me get this straight just so no one thinks your bat sh*t crazy. You're saying that Lennon recorded multiple versions of the endings and says "cranberry sauce" in one version in case people heard "I buried Paul" but they didn't want people to think they actually heard "I buried Paul"? So Lennon did the other version as a cover story that wouldn't even be demonstrated until 4 decades later when Anthology came out?

    And so he says "cranberry sauce" in this version why?

  106. Except John does say "I buried Paul." Nice effort with the one version you found where he doesn't say it though.

    August 7, 2009 11:18 AM

    Nah, you're just a brainwashed sheep of PID Nation.

  107. See, if the filmakers had any imagination, they would have had the girl just say "Cranberry sauce" a la "rosebud" for that extra "level", perhaps even in the VW ...

    and Euro Blurred


  108. in color, I guess....or is it B&W?

  109. Anonymous said...
    Good to see everyone is hopping on the Jude bandwagon because of one "video" that he just made. It's a picture with an instrumental version of Strawberry Fields, excellent work Jude! Really!

    You've somehow managed to make people forget for a few moments that you're the biggest asshole in the PID community. No doubt if I'm lucky I'll get one of your famous rebuttals, Bill O'Reilly style.

    You are always right, though.

    Except John does say "I buried Paul." Nice effort with the one version you found where he doesn't say it though.

    August 7, 2009 11:18 AM

    Suuuure he did.

    and Jimi Hendrix sang "scuse me while I kiss this guy" and Creedence Clearwater Revival sang "I see a bathroom on the right".

    FYI: While stereo recordings were introduced in the 1950's, they recordings themselves and the Hi-Fi equipment to play them on were very expensive. Stereo did not become the industry standard until the early 70's. When fans rushed out to buy the Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever 7" in 1967, they bought the mono version to play on their mono equipment. If they heard the songs on the radio, they heard them on mono AM radio stations. Stereo FM radio in 1967 was the home of classical music and would not become the defacto home of rock until a few years later. The Beatles were an AM radio band and were mainly enjoyed by fans on tiny AM transistor radios (like the ones the Beatles themselves are seen carrying around in the 1964 Maysles documentary.)
    When Capitol records compiled the Magical Mystery Tour album in 1967, they chose the mono versions of both Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields to put on side 2. The stereo versions of these tracks did not appear on the Magical Mystery Tour album until the 1989 CD release. Mono WAS the standard.
    The history of early rock and roll is filled with misheard song lyrics like the two other examples I just gave because buyers were not listening to the music in the optimum environment but rather on mono turntables or mono AM radio. There are actually books ABOUT misheard song lyrics, a wacky phenomenon that died out as stereo recordings and stereo equipment became industry standard in the 70's. Ever wonder why you don't hear much about misheard song lyrics today? Because we listen to music today in stereo and on stereo equipment...and because you're 20 years old and don't know anything.

  110. Ever wonder why you don't hear much about misheard song lyrics today?

    Except for when they're heard in reverse.

  111. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBb4EDyPCnI&hd=1

    after 9 months... the berlin suitcase contents

  112. You've somehow managed to make people forget for a few moments that you're the biggest asshole in the PID community.

    Awww....all it takes is a little luv, mate. Thanks for caring!

    To everyone else: Please look forward to my next video: a tutorial on making PID videos, exposing all the obvious (and not-so obvious) tricks the Rotten Apple army uses.

  113. Mike:

    What the hell is that thing at 0:09?! It makes my skin crawl just looking at it..

  114. Jude said...

    What the hell is that thing at 0:09?! It makes my skin crawl just looking at it..

    August 7, 2009 2:50 PM

    a guy with the eyes cut out.. and eating spaghetti or something like that :P

  115. Oh cool! Spaghetti Man!

  116. That's cool that you got that import DVD of Magical Mystery Tour in the Berlin suitcase, Mike. I see that at Best Buy all the time but I won't get it because it's not official and I'm waiting for the real one to come out.

    Chicago newspapers about Lennon's murder? Is IAAP a fan of MDC?

  117. And no one has yet mentioned how hot Kalia Pamela is?

  118. I particularly like the Hollywood Bowl tickets.

  119. ...from the contents video.

  120. Anonymous said...

    I particularly like the Hollywood Bowl tickets.

    August 7, 2009 4:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    ...from the contents video.

    August 7, 2009 4:32 PM

    That is a copy of one of the invented tickets Capital made for the 1977 LP. The original Hollywood Bowl tickets look nothing like that. Capital patterned the LP cover tickets after the Shea Stadium tickets, inserting a picture of the lads.

  121. ...you fakers should do your research. Want to see my box seat version of the same ticket?

  122. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...

    I particularly like the Hollywood Bowl tickets.

    August 7, 2009 4:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    ...from the contents video.

    August 7, 2009 4:32 PM

    That is a copy of one of the invented tickets Capital made for the 1977 LP. The original Hollywood Bowl tickets look nothing like that. Capital patterned the LP cover tickets after the Shea Stadium tickets, inserting a picture of the lads.

    August 7, 2009 4:42 PM

    You can also buy those replica tickets at conventions.

  123. As I wondered aloud before the suitcases were found, why on earth bother to have anyone pick up the contents when it just ends up as video footage like everything else in Phoneyland? Why not just make a video showing the contents in the first place? And why oh why does it end up that Mikey has the video--Mikey is the Phoney water boy. Next time, just pretend you drop a case and give Mikey the video to post like he always does.

    Oh well. I suppose it's fun for some kid to find that sort of stash, although most hard core RA fans don't seem to be too fond of the Beatles.

  124. At least Yenz got some nice souvenirs whereas 65if got the Blair Witch video and the crappy Magic Christian soundtrack.

  125. At least Yenz got some nice souvenirs whereas 65if got the Blair Witch video and the crappy Magic Christian soundtrack.

    August 7, 2009 4:59 PM

    You mean, Yenz/Mike put in his/their own souvenirs.

  126. There's another suitcase.

  127. At least Yenz got some nice souvenirs whereas 65if got the Blair Witch video and the crappy Magic Christian soundtrack.

    yeah, this guy got tons of free stuff!!!

  128. From the looks of it, more blurry goose chasing.

  129. At least Yenz got some nice souvenirs whereas 65if got the Blair Witch video and the crappy Magic Christian soundtrack.

    yeah, this guy got tons of free stuff!!!

    Of course, nothing whatsoever to do with a Love Code or whether Paul is Dead or the Zodiac Killer or some such nonsense.

  130. My view beat yours.



  131. Your view is partially obstructed!

  132. So, Paul serenaded Michelle Obama while her husband breaks every campaign promise he made, even the one to close Gitmo.

    Don't you read the news, Paul?

  133. So, Paul serenaded Michelle Obama while her husband breaks every campaign promise he made, even the one to close Gitmo.

    Don't you read the news, Paul?

    Guess you didn't know he's an entertainer. He's been serenading everyone in the world for some time now, politics aside.

  134. When, when will artists, writers, and performers learn to vet their audience in keeping with the maxim that Art is only to be Shared with certain people? Art is about exclusion, boundaries, and political correctness. It was never meant to transcend individual opinion for heaven's sake. Also, Art should only be directed toward persons from the artist's native country. This will prevent other cultures and dictators from hearing/reading/knowing about it, which is the key to expression. Most of all, Art is a tool that must be used for propaganda. It must have a political slant and favor either Democrats, Republicans, or Satanists. The artist should only perform for people that agree with them on political, moral, and aesthetic issues. Paul should know by now that the vast majority of his fans eat meat. What the hell is he thinking entertaining carnivores?

    For shame.

  135. ....seriously though, this was THE concert. Remember I'm Down?

    We're gonna have some fun tonight!



  136. Interested in some clarification here- had anybody actually heard the "cranberry sauce" recording before the anthologies came out? i mean bootleg-wise? I remember there being some speculation at the time that it had been a patch-up on the anthology, just to clean up the record, so to speak.

  137. Speaking of IAAP's infamous homemade Blair Witch video.
    2009 is the 10 year anniversary of the Blair Witch Project and I know this will upset a lot of PID believers and they'll kick and scream and tell me they don't believe me but I just have to get this out.....

    The Blair Witch Project was not a documentary. It was a fictional movie. There was no legend of the Blair Witch. It was a hoax designed to sell tickets. The 3 main characters were not murdered. They are in fact working actors and continue to make films to this day. Heather Donahue for example was just in a great lil' horror flick called The Morgue (2008). Check it out!

    I know this is hard for you to understand and deal with and I'm sorry for your pain.

  138. Anonymous said...
    Interested in some clarification here- had anybody actually heard the "cranberry sauce" recording before the anthologies came out? i mean bootleg-wise? I remember there being some speculation at the time that it had been a patch-up on the anthology, just to clean up the record, so to speak.

    August 7, 2009 11:25 PM

    Yes, the general public heard it on the first CD release of Magical Mystery Tour or if they had good stereos and a clean vinyl copy.
    Bootleggers, who put this material out 20 years before the Anthology project, had heard "cranberry sauce" on the undubbed drum track since the 70's.

  139. Thanks jude, that really clears things up.

  140. Anonymous said...

    ....seriously though, this was THE concert. Remember I'm Down?

    We're gonna have some fun tonight!


    August 7, 2009 10:29 PM

    About the above ticket, ask yourself....is it live, or is it Memorex? I'll never tell.

    Of course, phoney would never fake anything....would he? These days, seeing isn't believing.


  141. Sigh...here again.

    Jude, you're a numbskull. Your "video" even says at the beginning that that the song with the cranberry sauce line is in I am the Walrus when its actually Strawberry Fields Forever.

    And to the other guy that so matter of factly commented that everyone heard Cranberry Sauce on the original version of MMT, you, sir, are also a numbskull.

    Seriously, even the picture that you use for the entire duration of your video is of John, Pepper era.

    It doesn't surprise me a bit that you're working on an expose series to attempt to bring down the IAAP videos. Yeah, the guys involved with IAAP may be crazier than hell, but it's entertaining and at least they actually make videos.

  142. Happy 40th, Abbey (of Thelema?) Road! ;)

  143. Sigh...here again.

    Jude, you're a numbskull. Your "video" even says at the beginning that that the song with the cranberry sauce line is in I am the Walrus when its actually Strawberry Fields Forever.

    And to the other guy that so matter of factly commented that everyone heard Cranberry Sauce on the original version of MMT, you, sir, are also a numbskull.

    The more you say, the more you reveal. Your identity is slowly being narrowed down to a handful of people. Honestly, I don't have THAT many mortal enemies, so why the cowardly namesake? Would it kill you to let people know who you are for once?

    Jude, you're a numbskull. Your "video" even says at the beginning that that the song with the cranberry sauce line is in I am the Walrus when its actually Strawberry Fields Forever.

    Oh n0es! You've got me!

    ...except you don't even know that that's exactly the way Playboy phrased the question when they asked it to John in November 1980.

    "You're always right" seems to be the catchphrase you've associated with me. Well, maybe....but only when I argue with you, because you are so wrong.

    Seriously, even the picture that you use for the entire duration of your video is of John, Pepper era.


    Now why would I do something like that? Maybe it's because Strawberry Fields Forever was....wait for it.....recorded in the Pepper era!

    "I'm a gullible old inpatient of the Nothing is Real Mental Ward! And I think John said 'I buried Paul', even though all available evidence is stacked against me!"

    Yes. Yes, you are and yes you do.

    You hate this, right? I'm bitterly sarcastic with you, which contributes to your "Jude is an asshole" mentality in a big way. But I really can't talk on the same level as someone who mouths off such cack. Right now you seem to be really grasping for straws in your attempts to let everyone know what a "numbskull" I am. But please don't resort to bringing up the 65if business that happened a few years ago! I really don't know what I'd do then!

    Yeah, the guys involved with IAAP may be crazier than hell, but it's entertaining and at least they actually make videos.

    Seriously, though...quit now before you accidentally identify yourself. Only a certain brand of PID follower would make such statements: you're a close-minded NIR freak and you know it(no offense to all the perfectly sane members of NIR).

    But if you're really trying to drag out of me some sort of statement regarding my lack of PID prolificacy, the fact is Iamaphoney was always my inspiration to make new videos and, well, his videos have been less than inspiring for the last year or so. That's all I'll say on that matter.

  144. No doubt if I'm lucky I'll get one of your famous rebuttals, Bill O'Reilly style.

    Damn right. I think I should start charging you by the hour! : )

  145. This could only get better if he said "arse"

  146. I'm not sure what you mean by that, but hell, I'm in a good mood, so here goes:



  147. Dont listen to these jokers Jude, you have a great many supporters out here that hope you continue with your videos!

  148. Jude said...
    I'm not sure what you mean by that, but hell, I'm in a good mood, so here goes:



    August 8, 2009 6:37 AM

    You have made me so happy!

  149. Jude said...
    I'm not sure what you mean by that, but hell, I'm in a good mood, so here goes:



    August 8, 2009 6:37 AM


  150. we all know which NIR joker you are Mr .Anonymous, you dont have the stones to stand up and face Jude like a man, with a name

  151. Thanks. But I'm afraid most of my supporters are of the "make more spine-tingling PID videos" sort, but I'm not in that business anymore. In fact, the next one will be the most anti-Phoney/S3ANL3NN0N/GrandfatherAleister/Y0K00N0/RockXLight video ever seen. It's sort of an ode to my hatred of what the PID video scene has become. It's very silly in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way, so I have my doubts about whether anyone would like it; still, it needed to be done.

  152. Notice who uses names around here and who doesnt, those of you who use "anonymous" are cowards!

  153. " Notice who uses names around here and who doesnt, those of you who use "anonymous" are cowards!"

    *awkward silence...*

  154. Na na na na na ,na na na, hey jude...

  155. anti-Phoney/S3ANL3NN0N/GrandfatherAleister/Y0K00N0/RockXLight video ever seen. It's sort of an ode to my hatred of what the PID video scene has become. It's very silly in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way, so I have my doubts about whether anyone would like it; still, it needed to be done.

    August 8, 2009 6:42 AM

    I am going to like it Jude, PID has become a den of vipers in sheeps and wolfs clothing. It is high time someone step in and clobber these morons with some of the medicine they have coming to them! I would do it, but dont know how to make videos. You have many people going to watch you punk these bastards back into the basement caves they crawled out of

  156. Anonymous said...
    Notice who uses names around here and who doesnt, those of you who use "anonymous" are cowards!

    August 8, 2009 6:42 AM

    "Anonymous said..."

    Thats all i am going to say...

  157. RockX? who is that?

  158. Anonymous said...
    Na na na na na ,na na na, hey ...

    August 8, 2009 6:45 AM

    typical "Anonymous" childish

  159. Jude said...
    " Notice who uses names around here and who doesnt, those of you who use "anonymous" are cowards!"

    *awkward silence...*

    August 8, 2009 6:44 AM

    Yes! when they get called out that scatter like cockroaches!

  160. Smoke, light and mirrors. Der waas a kwaash. Fu**ing kwaazy letmetelya.

  161. RockXLight is me, of course. Basically the next video is going to be a 10-minute tutorial on how to make a PID video. It'll show the exact way I went about making my own videos and the same way Phoney and co. goes about making his: quick shots of irrelevant religious symbols, stupid footage that doesn't relate to PID (Twin Peaks, anyone?), etc.. For someone who has been watching these videos for a long time, it should be fun seeing one made step by step.

  162. jude,
    i am a fan of yours, what did you think of the last iaap vid? i thought it was sub-par and uninspired.
    is it your intention to put the "nail in the coffin" to the other idiots on the PID scene with a scathing video?
    i hope you say yes

  163. sounds really good jude! look forward to that!

  164. yeah, phoney used james bond footage in his last vid, rubbish!

  165. brave move, lampooning yourself as well. notice that the other video makers never would do that! they just skulk in the shadows and make garbage videos to further cloud the issues

  166. I guess "EUROBLUR" is the latest meme to beat to literal death here.....
    absolute garbage


    1. Upload lots of Beatle/Paul pictures/videos
    2. Record backward music
    3. Click on "add reverb" and "slow mo"
    4. Ask some friends to wear Battlestar Galactica masks in woods
    5. Eat Kraft Dinner
    6. Ask some kids to edit footage for you.

  168. I would like to put the "nail in the coffin" to Phoney and co., because I think their video editing techniques have gotten stale. Honestly, all these videos that are supposedly by different people (S3ANL3NN0N, PAUIMCCARTNEY, allofthemwitches) all use the same techniques to pull people in and convince them that they know all the secrets. These are techniques that I was guilty of myself back when I made PID videos, and now I want to shine a light on just how easy it is to be a "Phoney".

  169. EUROBLUR said...
    Smoke, light and mirrors. Der waas a kwaash. Fu**ing kwaazy letmetelya.

    August 8, 2009 6:51 AM

    is it funny to make fun of someone because of a language barrier and or a speech impediment?
    The answer is no... no it isnt!
    how would you like it if someone made fun of you for being a fat crazy person living in your moms basement?!?


  170. 1. Upload lots of Beatle/Paul pictures/videos
    2. Record backward music
    3. Click on "add reverb" and "slow mo"
    4. Ask some friends to wear Battlestar Galactica masks in woods
    5. Eat Kraft Dinner
    6. Ask some kids to edit footage for you.

    That's more or less all that's required these days to make an instant PID classic! :)

    But seriously...

    I still admire Iamaphoney, but I think he needs to stop bullshitting everyone.

  171. 4. Ask some friends to wear Battlestar Galactica masks in woods

    yenz really should have put this in the finger video, mikeynl1038 should have green screened it in!
    that mask was just as good if not better then euroblur. the middle finger would have had more impact with a galactica mask backing it up

  172. Wasn't making fun of EUROBLUR, actually....

  173. http://tr.im/vZsT

  174. I love how you guys gave him a name. "Euroblur"...lol

  175. rotten apple 76 was a stale as moldy bread

  176. if i knew how i would show these idiots and edit a "euroblur greatest hits video"
    only instead of greatest hits it would be a walk of shame!
