Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Winged Beetle 5/5

The final installment, that is to be continued, has appeared on YouTube.

TheWingedBeatle 5/5
contains no new revelations, but like the other 4 videos, helps to clarify some of the "clues" from the Rotten Apple Video Series that were often difficult to interpret.

During my first viewing of the video, I grew concerned that the voiceover person had been laid off, but sure enough he returned just a little over two minutes in. As I review these installments, I must admit that in terms of documentary format, PID has never been done better. There are even credits at the end and I am pleased as punch that I was thanked. I did risk a lot for young Iamaphoney and stood up against some scary text to protect his name. When this whole thing started, Mike NL was only 18 years old and now all these years later, he is something like 18 years old.

The credits list one Tom Moht (who probably plays the Thom Toms) and one Ken Knott (who cannot be identified) as receiving special thanks.

One peculiar thing jumped out at me as I watched this video for the first time. The narrator was saying, "Mal [Evans] was on the phone with his good friend from the Beatles days" and then his voice cuts out abruptly and picks up with a new sentence. He most certainly said the name of the individual in question, but it sounded like it had been edited out. The good friend from the Beatles days was most definitely Ken Mansfield who described the phone call in "The White Book." Mansfield is currently a Christian speaker and evangelist. This is his web site.

It's great to have a new Iamaphoney recording. It's not the most catchy thing in the world, but if you play it backwards you will hear that it is based on the very catchy "All You Need Is Love."

On that note, let me peruse this set of five videos again, and I hope to talk to you soon.

Despite the dumbing down of the documentary format, many questions remain - not the least of which is what the hell is a batty conk?


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just ax me said...

YouTube recommended this video for me. I have no idea why.

Anonymous said...

People like that are a joke; Satan despises them.

Anonymous said...

Double headed eagle

double headed axe you


Anonymous said...

P.S. And by Satan I mean the character in my upcoming book: Bench Warmth.

Anonymous said...


Just thought i'd mention it.


It's an illusion said...

crowley look alike coming out of the man hole in HELP !

Moch 2 said...

Gaga and Ono

Mach 3 said...

Day and knight, with a k

Anonymous said...

October 3, 2010 9:10 PM

The fact that this guy is so smug and full of himself and then proceeds to write the most moronic sentence: "A band that revolutionized the way music was heard isn't supernatural?!"

You do realize that question is so stupid it's fundamentally flawed in every way. Revolutionized how? Did the Beatles invent stereo? No. Did the Beatles invent albums? No. Were the Beatles the first rock act to have complex image heavy lyrics? No, not even close. Were the Beatles the first rock band to have kooks reading into their lyrics? No (that would be Bob Dylan).

For the sake of argument, let's pretend that in your magic fairy land that they actually did do all of these on earth is that supernatural?!


You must been that coma moron earlier that said Paul was alive! Really, I only get my information from the brainwashing illuminati I watch on TV and whenever I hear them mention the Beatles, they ALWAYS say that.

Really! Just really!

Anonymous said...

It's an illusion said...
crowley look alike coming out of the man hole in HELP !

October 4, 2010 5:38 PM

Nice to meet you

Leo Spaceman said...

Say no more, if it's giving people meat, then I'm on board.

Michel ma belle said...

A famous and sad case; she didn't make it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's an illusion said...
crowley look alike coming out of the man hole in HELP !

October 4, 2010 5:38 PM

Nice to meet you

October 4, 2010 6:03 PM

Hey man, that's no Crowley. That's Leo McKern. One of the greatest comic actors in history! Check him out in The Prisoner or Rumpole Of The Bailey.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You must been that coma moron earlier that said Paul was alive! Really, I only get my information from the brainwashing illuminati I watch on TV and whenever I hear them mention the Beatles, they ALWAYS say that.

Really! Just really!

October 4, 2010 5:44 PM

No, it's called having common sense and thinking for myself unlike all you silly lot who've been brainwashed by conspiracy websites. "Oh, I saw it on a conspiracy website so I'll just believe it. They don't like me asking questions anyway. Just blind subservience. I'll obey whatever the websites tell me to do. To hell with facts and research."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...

You must been that coma moron earlier that said Paul was alive! Really, I only get my information from the brainwashing illuminati I watch on TV and whenever I hear them mention the Beatles, they ALWAYS say that.

Really! Just really!

October 4, 2010 5:44 PM

No, it's called having common sense and thinking for myself unlike all you silly lot who've been brainwashed by conspiracy websites. "Oh, I saw it on a conspiracy website so I'll just believe it. They don't like me asking questions anyway. Just blind subservience. I'll obey whatever the websites tell me to do. To hell with facts and research."

October 4, 2010 8:14 PM

lol kk.

Anonymous said...

I'm blindly subservient to a man who lives in my mayonnaise.

Anonymous said...

His name is Roderick Phineas Guest Sr., of the Capsicum-Donkmeier Guests.

Anonymous said...

He fell into a vat of mayonnaise and yelled 'FIRE!' hoping someone would come help him but instead they all went and bought chocolate bars from Tommy Smothers and that's why he's in the mayonnaise; he won't let me put any mayo on my tuna unless I obey him.

The Laredo Brothers said...

If you get an outfit you can be a Beatle too!

Anonymous said...

i dont even read this stuff anymore

Anonymous said...

I was once wrongly convicted of root beer.

Anonymous said...

Magik with a "K"

Anonymous said...

For the sake of argument, let's pretend that in your magic fairy land that they actually did do all of these on earth is that supernatural?

In the analysis of Weber, the charismatic leader exercises power through a certain quality whereby he or she is set apart from ordinary people, and becomes irrationally treated as almost superhuman. Charismatic leadership arises only at periods or places where traditional norms of reason and forms of authority are weak, and the leader fills the vacuum

Originally a term from Christian theology, meaning ‘a favour specially given by God's grace’, the word was appropriated by Weber to mean ‘a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural … or … exceptional powers or qualities’. The term was used to refer to the spellbinding powers which apparently enabled Hitler to have such a hold over the German people. Weber gave interesting examples of how charisma comes to be ‘routinized’ as by its nature it cannot be passed on. Critics of Weber query whether the term can be defined in a sufficiently precise way to be of use.

Still, it's Originally a term from Christian theology, meaning ‘a favour specially given by God's grace’,

Anonymous said...

Pul has the most charisma.

Anonymous said...

"gift of leadership, power of authority," c.1930, from German, used in this sense by Max Weber from Gk. kharisma "favor, divine gift," from kharizesthai "to show favor to," from kharis "grace, beauty, kindness" (Charis was the name of one of the three attendants of Aphrodite) related to khairein "to rejoice at," from PIE base *gher- "to desire, like" (see hortatory). More mundane sense of "personal charm" recorded by 1959. Earlier, the word had been used in English with a sense of "grace, talent from God" (1875), directly from Latinized Greek; and in the form charism (pl. charismata)

Anonymous said...

You will understand.

Anonymous said...

Homeless. Will work.

Anonymous said...

Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And loves dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure

Anonymous said...

"This is Howard Handupme saying good night. Goodbye."

Anonymous said...

The Winged Muppet

Anonymous said...

Blessed is the fruit!

Anonymous said...

dvs1572 (2 days ago) Spam

British Space Invader said...

The Up and Coming Wake Up Tour

down the rabbit hole, nothing up my sleeeve said...

Like a rabbit, gonna grab it.


Anonymous said...

The White Knight Rabbit is speaking backwards.

Anonymous said...

And sunlight's immaculate fingers
Creep through the desire of the pines;
The promise is flashed into being,
Tremendous and florid and proud,
To be seen by the eyes of the seeing,
A bow in the cloud.

Anonymous said...

I love the King of Kosmamia!

Anonymous said...

The name Perth derives from a Pictish-Gaelic word for wood or copse. There has been a settlement at Perth since prehistoric times, which was probably on a site where a river crossed a slightly raised mound on the west bank of the River Tay. The area surrounding the modern town has been known to have been occupied by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers since their arrival more than 8,000 years ago. Nearby Neolithic standing stones and circles also exist, dating from about 4,000 BC, following the introduction of farming in the area.

The presence of Scone Abbey, home of the Stone of Destiny where the King of Scots was crowned, enhanced the early importance of the town. Perth became known as an effective 'capital' of Scotland, due to the frequent residence of the royal court

Filius Wrench said...


Anonymous said...

In the analysis of Weber, the charismatic leader exercises power through a certain quality whereby he or she is set apart from ordinary people, and becomes irrationally treated as almost superhuman. Charismatic leadership arises only at periods or places where traditional norms of reason and forms of authority are weak, and the leader fills the vacuum.

In other words, the only reason certain people are "irrationally treated as almost superhuman" is because of goofballs who are superstitious and assign to them superhuman qualities when they are just dudes. It's been going on forever hahaha.

That's why Lennon, who saw firsthand how easily people began to think of him as being superhuman, said, "When I begin to get bigheaded I look at Ringo and realize we're not supermen." He also said this of royalty, whom he wondered aloud really believed their own press and myth: "The King is just a bloke. Does he know that?" or some such remark.

Anonymous said...

yeah, and that's why the superstitious idiots in Lystra mistook Paul for the god Hermes and Barnabas for Zeus.

Goofballs though history, continuing even now with Paul.

which side are you on? Are you a goofball mistaking an act for the genuine article? And yes, the Beatles were an act.

Anonymous said...

I gots my money on the genuine article. Really.


Anonymous said...


there ya go

review said...

The Times
As the show moved towards its climax, they pulled off an incredible version of’ Paperback Writer’ - all harmonies present and correct - followed by an emotional ‘A Day in the Life’, and a literally explosive ‘Live and Let Die’, during which a blitz of fireworks soared into the night sky, high above the park.

Anonymous said...


Come Home! said...

What's the delaaaaaaay?

Anonymous said...

Amotivational syndrome.

Anonymous said...

There is a tendency among conspiracy theorists and PIDers to assign supernatural abilities and powers to individuals and organizations. "They can clone people," "They can make UFOs," blah blah. It's basically idol worship. Like saying you are ordinary but there are people out there who know so much more than you and have incredible powers, even something like impersonating Macca so well.

But as you go through life, what you find is that, at higher levels, people are far more incompetent and far more human than you once believed, not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

But as you go through life, what you find is that, at higher levels, people are far more incompetent and far more human than you once believed, not the other way around.

Yeah, sort of like Iamaphoney

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ET phone HOME.

Ring ring

ring ring


Anonymous said...


Makes you look rather pretty!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the forwards/backwards vid of "Teeny Lucifer"! I'd love to see more of the phoney catalog done up this way. :-)

Yenz said...

I finally was able to get through the donate buttom, I donated 100 q and I feel relieved

Anonymous said...

Stick it in yo donate buttom, Yenz!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There is a tendency among conspiracy theorists and PIDers to assign supernatural abilities and powers to individuals and organizations. "They can clone people," "They can make UFOs," blah blah. It's basically idol worship. Like saying you are ordinary but there are people out there who know so much more than you and have incredible powers, even something like impersonating Macca so well.

But as you go through life, what you find is that, at higher levels, people are far more incompetent and far more human than you once believed, not the other way around.

October 5, 2010 9:15 AM

I think this is true of most teenagers as well. The vast majority of Imaphoney's fans on YouTube are teenagers (and how old is Phoney's right hand man Mikey..19?). No offense to Mikey but he'll find as he grows up that he'll look back on his 19 year old self and think "God, I was an idiot". Don't feel bad. It happens to everybody.

....but never EVER under any circumstances knock a woman up. marry her and then expect it'll work out. Sometimes the honorable thing to do is the one that causes you grief for the rest of your life, staying up late at night thinking about what might have been.

the old guy.

Jim said...

Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? That song by Pink Floyd? I think it was on the wall album. Great song.

Anonymous said...

That feeling should come alot earlier than 19 though. I had it at 16.

Anonymous said...

But as you go through life, what you find is that, at higher levels, people are far more incompetent and far more human than you once believed, not the other way around.

very true. I recall a senator remarking that when he first got to the Senate he thought, "What am I doing with these 99 great men?" and a few years later he thought, "What am I doing with these 99 idiots?"

If you think there are special magic surgeons who perform miracles on Paul lookalikes in the 60s, try asking any of them today about their wealthy clients and what they can and cannot do hahaha.

There are no magic special people, only some talented people who of course have their fair share of flaws and human failings. Lennon and McCartney later became caricatures of themselves, to the point of embarrassment at times.

Anonymous said...

....but never EVER under any circumstances knock a woman up. marry her and then expect it'll work out. Sometimes the honorable thing to do is the one that causes you grief for the rest of your life, staying up late at night thinking about what might have been.

the old guy.

I feel for you old guy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe things would change if we all went home.

Just say say saying. Baby.

Anonymous said...

Shoulda stuck it in her donate buttom, old guy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
....but never EVER under any circumstances knock a woman up. marry her and then expect it'll work out. Sometimes the honorable thing to do is the one that causes you grief for the rest of your life, staying up late at night thinking about what might have been.

the old guy.

October 5, 2010 2:26 PM

Oh crap. This old fart is back. We get it. You married the wrong woman and you're miserable. Talk about random shit. Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Do it again Macca. No candy.

Anonymous said...

Wisdom is dead!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There is a tendency among conspiracy theorists and PIDers to assign supernatural abilities and powers to individuals and organizations. "They can clone people," "They can make UFOs," blah blah. It's basically idol worship. Like saying you are ordinary but there are people out there who know so much more than you and have incredible powers, even something like impersonating Macca so well.

But as you go through life, what you find is that, at higher levels, people are far more incompetent and far more human than you once believed, not the other way around.

October 5, 2010 9:15 AM

I think this is true of most teenagers as well. The vast majority of Imaphoney's fans on YouTube are teenagers (and how old is Phoney's right hand man Mikey..19?). No offense to Mikey but he'll find as he grows up that he'll look back on his 19 year old self and think "God, I was an idiot". Don't feel bad. It happens to everybody.

....but never EVER under any circumstances knock a woman up. marry her and then expect it'll work out. Sometimes the honorable thing to do is the one that causes you grief for the rest of your life, staying up late at night thinking about what might have been.

the old guy.

October 5, 2010 2:04 PM

That's true, I'm 19NL and back when I see some stuff I did on here when I was 13 I look back and say "boy was I stupid"

like you said, old guy..

Anonymous said...

I don't think so!


Anonymous said...

I know you can make it big on youtube by being subliminal, but what about facebook?

Anonymous said...

what about it?

Anonymous said...

Wrong ticket, sorry!

2 strikes now...

Anonymous said...

getting a ticket and strikes are 2 different things, dumbass..

my lawn, get off of it. said...

No offense to Mikey but he'll find as he grows up that he'll look back on his 19 year old self and think "God, I was an idiot". Don't feel bad. It happens to everybody.

....but never EVER under any circumstances knock a woman up. marry her and then expect it'll work out. Sometimes the honorable thing to do is the one that causes you grief for the rest of your life, staying up late at night thinking about what might have been.

the old guy.

October 5, 2010 2:04 PM






we choose

White's Radio Log said...

880 WCBS

flight of stairs said...

....but never EVER under any circumstances knock a woman up. marry her and then expect it'll work out.

the old guy.






I am who Iamaphoney said...

This time I'll try to show that I am

not trying to pretend

the beatles said...

So who signed the check?

all right all right said...

you have to wait

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Batty Conk.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My dog has three legs.

ALL CAPS said...


Anonymous said...

The Doctor came in, stinking of gin, and proceeded to lie on the table.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Most files got THREE LEGS, but mine got ONE.

Anonymous said...

We gotta light them flame, let them speak their name.
Let them reach up to the clouds.
Can't eat if we don't feed them.
Can't read if we don't teach them.

supernatural man said...

Hold them close, let them know they'll get through the night
Ordinary people could be a hero, don't blow out the light.
Let them shine.
Let them shine on.
Let them shine.
Let them shine on.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Let them shine on.

Anonymous said...

The Fireman likes to wear blue.

Anonymous said...

Nothing too much, just out of sight.

Billi Bi Shake spear said...

Sleepest or wakest thou, jolly shepheard?
Thy sheepe be in the corne;
And for one blast of thy minikin mouth
Thy sheepe shall take no harme.

Anonymous said...

The clock says it's time to go.

Anonymous said...

900 CHML

Sneaker Pimps said...

Watch this space.

Anonymous said...

Her name was Miguel and she called herself Lil
but everyone knew her as Nancy.

Anonymous said...


County Judge said...

The Number of Finality or Judgment

Nine, the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and significant of the conclusion of a matter.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible, then, that the "Paul is Dead" legend is actually about a dead Paul, Jr.? McCartney seems awfully fixated on motherhood and children in many of his lyrics.

In the context you placed that, no.

In an entirely different context, yes.

Uh, thanks Mr Fake Know-it-All.

The Paul is Dead legend is exactly what is was about in 1969. Goofballs getting carried away hahaha.

Check out this blog, the RA series, and NIR. Yeah, the tradition of getting carried away continues (the lyrics to "This One" compared to the words of Jesus? hahahaha that's rich). . .

goofballs, a better one would be "Someone's knockin' at the door/somebody's ringing the bell"

See? Paul is talking about the f-ing New Testament!

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact, he is.

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact, he is.

October 6, 2010 10:42 AM

Yo, Mark David Chapman called--he wants his crazy back hahahaha.

Sure, dude. And when he's singing about "Phil and Don" in the same song it's not `the Everly Brothers, it's those wacky unknown disciples from the Gnostic Gospels.

Do Jesus, the Bible, God, and Paul McCartney a favor and attend a comicon or something.

Anonymous said...

Nine, the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and significant of the conclusion of a matter.

Sorry, but that definition gives preferential treatment to the base 10 number system, and that's against the rules.

Anonymous said...

Nine, the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and significant of the conclusion of a matter.

Sorry, but that definition gives preferential treatment to the base 10 number system, and that's against the rules.

True. And our time and measurement system are still base 12 from Sumeria, such as 12 hours to the day and 12 inches to the foot.

910 said...

the one after 909

Poindexter said...

Them Sumerians must of had big feet!

Pnis from Venus said...

12 hours to the day?

the Amish comic said...

And why we have 12 toes!

the cat's pajamas said...


iamaphatcat said...


Garth Algar said...

Dana Carvey was right, the ghost of John Lennon is watching cats on youtube!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wrong ticket, sorry!

2 strikes now...

October 5, 2010 7:08 PM

Anonymous said...
getting a ticket and strikes are 2 different things, dumbass..

October 5, 2010 9:33 PM

oh, really?

Anonymous said...

MAXWELL SILVER HAMMER lyrics on auction.

Paul McCartney's handwritten working lyrics to "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" from the 1969 Abbey Road album are expected to be the top seller with a price tag of at least $200,000.

coulda been priceless

It takes_ soo long! said...

33 days?

oh no!

How Many Licks? said...

Let's find out.

The Chiffons said...

He can't shy away forever!

Larry Fine said...

One fine day.

Moe Howard said...

Tonight's the night!

Shemp said...

Mama said there'd be days like this!

Curly said...

i wah wah wah wah wonder

Curly Joe said...

Curly was replaced!

Who? said...

I wonder who?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
As a matter of fact, he is.

October 6, 2010 10:42 AM

Yo, Mark David Chapman called--he wants his crazy back hahahaha.

Sure, dude. And when he's singing about "Phil and Don" in the same song it's not `the Everly Brothers, it's those wacky unknown disciples from the Gnostic Gospels.

Do Jesus, the Bible, God, and Paul McCartney a favor and attend a comicon or something.

October 6, 2010 10:50 AM

Hmm..never ever mention metal illness around here. Remember. No one's ever crazy. No one's ever in need in of medication. Mental illness doesn't exist in PIDland.

Linda Scott said...

I've told Ringo Starr!

930 WBEN said...

Benny and the Jets

Phil and Don said...

I'll be thinking of you and tafultong

Speak of the devil! said...

On the wings of a nightingale I'll fly!

Sir Paul do this one! said...

Oh, I can feel something happening to me!

matt2422 said...

Sign this kid up!

Keatling said...

As I ride, my head is reeling!

Joanne Amante said...

I got a feeling the journey has just begun

sproutmonkey said...

We'll fly together to the land of eternal sun.

Tex Rodgers said...

Couldn't ask for a better place to be!

Andre said...

I'm not gay!

940 said...

Route 940

to whom it may concern said...

Would that be you?

Shirleyf448 said...

On the Wings of a NightingGale, we fly.

Inspiration for Arkansas said...

Like I'm travelling through the sky.

paulinpittsburgh said...

But I don't even wonder why

Anonymous said...

High above land and sea
I'll be thinking of you and me

Anonymous said...

Isn't it cool when you're out driving and Macca's voice comes on the radio with something super-sexy like
"Q-107" ?


Anonymous said...

American King James Version
1 Corinthians

Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Anonymous said...

As I get on the 707
Ridin' high I got tears in my eyes
You know you got to go through hell
Before you get to heaven

Anonymous said...

Get Back

Just 17 results said...

Age Mini
Image In
Gamine I
Enigma I
Ma Genii
Am Genii
Age Mi In
Mega I In
Game I In
Magi En I
Gain Em I
Gain Me I
Ani Gem I
A Gem I In
A Em Gin I
A Me Gin I

Anonymous said...

Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Thanks for the 2,000 year old update. Guess what? Paul also said that was going to happen "soon" hahaha. In his lifetime.

Maybe he worked for Phoney, too.

Anonymous said...

Well, since we're taking about that particular Paul, I guess it is, huh?

John the Baptist said...

Where's my paycheck, Phoney?

Where the Water flows... said...

Take me Down To The River.

Anonymous said...

Tick Tock

Starship 21zna9 said...

The Ring At The End of my nose makes me look rather pretty.

Anonymous said...

we got rock and roll at the Hollywood bowl

Anonymous said...

Eau she said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When it is in operation, at any given moment there are about 7,000 litres (1849 gallons) of water in the air. Unsuspecting visitors to the fountain—which can be reached via a stone jetty from the left bank of the lake—may be surprised to find themselves drenched after a slight change in wind direction.

Trepanny Opera said...

Memory Full

Anonymous said...

Cross bones.

Anonymous said...

One section of the map over the other, and X marks the spot.


Anonymous said...

It's been too long.

Anonymous said...

Well, since we're taking about that particular Paul, I guess it is, huh?

No, we're talking about Paul of Tarsus, not James McCartney of Liverpool, middle named after Paul of Tarsus.

Anonymous said...

That what I said.

Spirit of Jubilation said...

Nice tie, Macca!

Anonymous said...

of Generation X and the X-Men
(later known as "Wondra" of the New Warriors)


Anonymous said...

Let 'em in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Once upon a time there was ... 'A king!' my little readers will say right away. No, children. You are wrong. Once upon a time there was a piece of wood."~ C. Collodi --

Anonymous said...

Meet free Thursday.

Where the water flows... said...

I wanna go.

just desserts said...

it's time

You can tuna piano said...

Billy the bigmouth

Anonymous said...

FBI Confiscates Lennon Fingerprints

Let the conspiracies COMMENCE.

Anonymous said...

Fakenham: It's what's for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Keep driving that car!

Anonymous said...

Lifting latches, on our way

Anonymous said...

Lifting latches, on our way

sure are taking your sweet time "home" boy.

maybe you should get into where you are now rather than wondering/worrying about going home.

besides, as Tom Wolfe said, you can never go home again.

Dora the Explora said...

I wuz robbed!

Can't find my way home said...

Come down off your throne!

Anonymous said...

Somebody holds the key.

I'm in Blues said...

Do it again, Macca!

HHadi t been another day said...

maybe you should get into where you are now rather than wondering/worrying about going home.

Calling is not worrying.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi Hi

Anonymous said...

other girls were never quite like this!

SwgT loretta martin said...

Do it again Macca, please.

Three's the charm?

Anonymous said...


iceboy snowman said...

My wino beacons.

Anonymous said...



a powerful what? said...

not only thru the power of out thought....

age old hope said...


The inevitabletarian said...

peace, not war

is inevitable

Anonymous said...

John Lennon may have had a chequered history with the FBI, but 30 years after his death one might have thought the agency would have lost interest. Two days ago a small Manhattan memorabilia shop was raided by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security agents who seized a set of the singer's fingerprints which were due up for auction.

"We now have 849 lots," the shop's owner, Peter Siegel, said last night. "The whole thing is weird, very odd." Mr Siegel explained that the card was being sold on behalf of a private collector, a former concert promoter who had bought it at a Beatles convention about two decades ago.

"He bought it legally. We spoke to him yesterday. He will try and get it back but I don't think he will have much luck," the shop owner said, adding: "The way it all transpired it would seem it was a matter of national security. They were very nice and we were cordial but it was a shock."

Just before lunch on Wednesday an FBI agent parked outside the shop on East 57th Street, New York, in a blue Ford, but it turned out that he lacked a proper subpoena. After a series of telephone calls, a proper subpoena was eventually served and the card seized.

Lennon was under FBI surveillance in the early 1970s for anti-war activism, but that ended with the J Edgar Hoover era in 1972.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

oh no here we go

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

in a blue Ford lol
was it a fake mustang?

lady luck said...

we can make this whole damn thing work out!

It's easy! said...

We can, and we will.

Dead or Alive said...

You spin me right round!

We're on our way home said...


Grasshopper said...

We really have to move it, really. Listen to me! Or not....

Anonymous said...

come home !

come home !

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