Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Video - TheWingedBeatle 1/5

A change of direction? I'm not sure there is anything all that new here, but this is the most straightforward retelling since the Documentary Version of Rotten Apple 65 that slipped out briefly. There seems to be much more detail and coherence in this new format. It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds.

The Winged Beatle 1/5


  1. People are always trying to find the correct sequence of events. Was it August, September, or November of 1966?

    The last official Paul McCartney song written and performed by him was released in December of 1965 and the title was...

    "We Can Work It Out"

    This is also the last song which John helped co-write by coming up with the bridge of the song.

  2. On what authority do you base that claim, Anony?

  3. thank the lord we are off that stupid grandfather shite and on to the real intelligent conversation.
    thank you taf for the post, wouldnt have known about the new one without it

  4. that guys a professional announcer/voice over personality

  5. I know why she crawled through the dirt. Really.

  6. Did you think the beggar would wear rags forever?

  7. Birds of a white feather, flock together!

  8. What was Paul doing?


    How many candles are burning?

  9. Come Home, Ian Iachimoe.

  10. Ian Iachimoe write Paperback Writer.

  11. You played it too safe, Phoney. Show them how much you really want it.

  12. Paul gets to run and dance on the wall while the lady has to carry the suitcase beside him. Uphill.

    Carry the suitcase for her, Paul. Where's your manners?

  13. Йоко Оно

    Yoko Ono

  14. Why are the only 16 comments for the most amazing Youtube video ever made?!? You people are terrible.

    Good job on the video iamaphoney!
    Thank you for the post Tafultong!

    And for all you haters out there, hope you are enjoying all the hateraid you are going to have to drink. Hateraid is a dish best served cold, so iamaphoney was sure to microwave it for awhile before giving it to you. 48 HOURS TO BE EXACT. That hateraid is going to melt steel!!!!! You are going to need a new mouth after drinking it because it will probably melt off. And then where you going to be??

    Watching The WingedBeatle 1/5 thats where. All day in a hospital bed. From drinking pistol hot hateraid.
    Someday when you are writing on a chalk board, because your tongue was burned off, to your grandkids about where you where when iamaphoney took this whole deal next level, you will scribble
    "I wish I would have only been nicer to iamaphoney, really."
    But your grandkids will see right through your little "really" appeasement ending there and put you in a nursing home where you will die cold and alone, just like we are all going to.

    Let me sum it all up for you once again.

    iamaphoney made an excellent video
    you hated all over it
    he microwaved for 48 hours the hateraid you were going to drink
    your mouth is burned beyond recognition
    your unborn grandkids are going to hate you, in fact... how did you get their grandmother to even have sex with you with a melted jaw bone??? SHE MUST BE HIDEOUS

    In closing, SUX IT H8TERS

  15. iamaphoney rules

    Tafultong is a very close second ruler, chief of staff probably

    MikeNL1038 was right all along and never doubted it

    Bluelink is vindicated and now has a god damn life time pass to post chunks of random songs ANYTIME
    (maybe even ANY DAMN PLACE HE CHOOSE or whatever that meant)

    JesusLennon is coming back in 2012 you can damn believe it and wouldn't be surprised if the pro announcer in the next installment of the WingedBeatle EVEN SAYS THAT

    16 comments is a travesty of art, you people should write several hundred posts a piece and get this over 1,000 posts by tonight if not sooner.

    If this thing doesnt have 5,000 posts by the weekend I personally am going to commission Vince if he is still around and unemployed and can hire him for a reasonable sum to boost this thing up a notch and write some really descent posts. Posts of merit and wit and power. Not an ounce of hate in them.
    Posts of intelligence and skill.
    If he can't do it, we will farm them out to India because those people are hard to understand on the telephone when you call customer service but they WRITE LIKE SHAKESPEARE. They were all raised learning english to a high level, like vince, tafultong and myself were.

    In fact, if we were to all get Indian pen pals we could probably get the comments on the iamaphoney page improved as well. If you have any Indian friends, FROM INDIA not Native Americans, get them to start writing. Have them write to Oprah too.

    Someday, when we are all sipping drinks on a yacht somewhere in the Mediterranean and smoking fine cigars, we will look back on this as probably one of the best days of our lives. Not as good as that day, because today we do not have the drinks or the cigars or even the boat. yet.........

  16. Vince, get writing.

    Tafultong, continue on

    Miles, we need a comment

    Bluelink, you have carte blanch

    grandfatheraleister, retire

    iamafunny, get a suitcase

    Jude, we need you here, you need to update your "how to make an paul is dead iamaphoney style video" from joke to awesome. And if you want to argue with anyone here it wouldn't hurt either. Just set your phasers to stun. I promise to help gang up on all those haters if they start playing rough. As you can tell, I can type, have a divergent mind, and dont care because I live in a basement and have no girlfriend.
    I will make myself look foolish if I have to.
    Freestyle rap if necessary.
    You heard me PFPRAP2000.
    ITS ON...

    Admiral Albert, launch a new Paul is dead at the end of the world

    Sir Larry, jump something.. anything, especially if its a word that ends in -og
    examples.... log, bog, etc...

    MikeNL1038 take a day and spend it with your girlfriend, you deserve a break of anyone here you kept the home fires burning.

    iamaphoney, you rock man. I see the lighting on the ceiling too man. All day long. It finds the nails and kind of dances with it.

    JohnCharles, prove that paul wasnt replaced now..... make a video. double dare you. Put ian iachimore or whatever in there backwards and notice it says paul mccartney. We'll sing it man and be reversed. Its all there. You cannot disprove a negative. The noses dont match, the voice is different, and in the video for Strawberry Fields A CAR IS REPEATEDLY DRIVING INTO PAULS HEAD.

    Our work is cut out for us gentlemen, start your engines

    JohnCharles, prove that paul wasnt replaced now..... make a video. double dare you. Put ian iachimore or whatever in there backwards and notice it says paul mccartney. We'll sing it man and be reversed. Its all there. You cannot disprove a negative. The noses dont match, the voice is different, and in the video for Strawberry Fields A CAR IS REPEATEDLY DRIVING INTO PAULS HEAD.

    Our work is cut out for us gentlemen, start your engines

  17. Miles, we need a comment... AND A PROJECT

    a la project pettycoat junction
    or mia melodies. something along those lines, but next level
    thank you very much

    need an umbrella black and white picture too. Wear suspenders and a hat. BY TONIGHT!!!!

  18. Do you think iaap is jerking offf in that photo? Looks like


  19. Anonymous said...
    Do you think iaap is jerking offf in that photo? Looks like


    September 13, 2010 11:39 AM

    jesus john lennon you h8ters dont let up do you?

    Why would he be "jerking off"?

    Just wait till me and Jude just verbally take your arguments apart one at a time..... i have no girlfriend, live in a basement, AND HAVE NOTHING BUT TIME

  20. Anonymous said...

    September 12, 2010 10:29 PM

    h8ters going to hate.

  21. Excuse me, the best comments were already made by bluelink in the first 16, read and see again.

  22. Anonymous said...
    On what authority do you base that claim, Anony?

    September 12, 2010 10:55 PM

    I am a different anony but can speak for them

    by the power invested in us by the Rotten Apple army, the constitution of the United states, the Bill of Rights, the Magna Carta, and because Tafultong has made this an anonymous blog for posts.

    Be prepared sir, for verbal jousting. I have a six pack of Moutain dew, a box of little debby snack cakes, several boxes of kraft dinners and a fat sack of weed.

    We're going to rock this bitch to 1,000 comments by midnight OR MY NAME ISNT ANONYMOUS....

  23. Anonymous said...
    Excuse me, the best comments were already made by bluelink in the first 16, read and see again.

    September 13, 2010 11:47 AM

    you have no argument from me there friend. blue link has carte blanch.
    We are going to rock the idea of triangulation of fire, go against the establishment, change the world, and get to bed at a descent hour because I have to work
    this whole thing will be 1,000 comments by 10pm. mark my freakin words.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Excuse me, the best comments were already made by bluelink in the first 16, read and see again.

    September 13, 2010 11:47 AM

    you have no argument from me there friend. blue link has carte blanch.
    We are going to rock the idea of triangulation of fire, go against the establishment, change the world, and get to bed at a descent hour because I have to work
    this whole thing will be 1,000 comments by 10pm. mark my freakin words.

  25. even if I have to post twice and argue against myself anonymously to do it. even if its joke night.
    unless a woman calls, then I am out of here. BUT THATS EXTREMELY UNLIKELY IF NOT UTTERLY RIDICULOUS

  26. even if I have to post twice and argue against myself anonymously to do it. even if its joke night.
    unless a woman calls, then I am out of here. BUT THATS EXTREMELY UNLIKELY IF NOT UTTERLY RIDICULOUS

  27. Not the same old bull, or I'm cruisin.

  28. Be prepared sir, for verbal jousting. I have a six pack of Moutain dew, a box of little debby snack cakes, several boxes of kraft dinners and a fat sack of weed.

    September 13, 2010 11:51 AM


  29. Tough Love said...
    Not the same old bull, or I'm cruisin.

    September 13, 2010 11:57 AM

    cant stand the kitchen? get out of the heat my friend.
    time to let the bull china cabinet this piece

  30. Sorry, guys.
    Vince here.
    Was busy with re-re-rewrites.
    BUT, just caught myself a trifecta of jaw-dropping movies:
    "You Don't Know Jack"
    "Temple Grandin"
    Happy 9-13, every one.


  31. Carry the suitcase for her, Paul. Where's your manners?

    September 13, 2010 7:25 AM

    do you read your own arguments you proved again that he was replaced?
    Faul has no manners.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Sorry, guys.
    Vince here.
    Was busy with re-re-rewrites.
    BUT, just caught myself a trifecta of jaw-dropping movies:
    "You Don't Know Jack"
    "Temple Grandin"
    Happy 9-13, every one.


    September 13, 2010 11:59 AM

    Thanks vince! keep em coming man

    going to watch some of them and drink this vodka.

  33. "Kinsey"

    can you believe that one dude who could jack in .03 seconds?

  34. thank the lord we are off that stupid grandfather shite and on to the real intelligent conversation.
    thank you taf for the post, wouldnt have known about the new one without it

    September 12, 2010 11:14 PM

    totally agree. on drink #2

  35. Anonymous said...
    peace out

    September 13, 2010 11:43 AM

    leaving so soon?

    drink #3

  36. Dudes, just visualize the Paul/lady/suitcse clue

  37. Anonymous said...
    Do you think iaap is jerking offf in that photo? Looks like


    September 13, 2010 11:39 AM

    drink #4

    sorry man, what picture?

  38. cooking a kraft dinnerSeptember 13, 2010 at 12:07 PM

    nonymous said...
    Dudes, just visualize the Paul/lady/suitcse clue

    September 13, 2010 12:05 PM

    exactly man, you said it!

    drink #3 AGAIN. did it wrong the first time.

  39. cant stand the kitchen? get out of the heat my friend.
    time to let the bull china cabinet this piece

    September 13, 2010 11:59 AM

    i agreee with this, i may have said it

    drink #4

  40. got the residence playing in the background

    next drink

  41. i feel sick, be right back

  42. ok, no more shots on empty stomach
    waiting for kraft dinner

  43. need an umbrella black and white picture too. Wear suspenders and a hat. BY TONIGHT!!!!

    September 13, 2010 11:38 AM

    or tomorrow man, no rush
    i sounded harsh by saying it that way

    by the end of the week, please

  44. 48 comments... 952 left.

    i am not going to make it

  45. Check out some old blue links for inspiration.

  46. Start the fire and come home Fireman!

  47. Bust UP that china shop and glue it back together!

  48. Well as someone who would fall under the category of h8ter I rather enjoyed the new video. It succeeds where all the other Rotten Apple videos have failed in that he's finally introduced a narrative. There's the usual manipulation of hijacked videos from youtube to make his point but I thought it was entertaining. Let's hope this new series doesn't regress into suitcase games and music videos for his own original songs.

    One of the reasons I disliked the series was that it was all so vague and all over the place. That turned out to be one of it's strengths in the beginning because one could hang any crazy theory on it because the videos contradicted themselves. Now that he's introduced a narrative it'll be interesting to see if it conforms to the various narratives and agendas the lunatic fringe have come up with and whether they'll be angry when it doesn't. I predict this current series, however, will be a much bigger draw than the previous one.

    It's obvious that The WingedBeatle was inspired by Joel Gilbert's Paul Really Is Dead film which itself was inspired by the Rotten Apple. Gilbert put a narrative to various RA theories and it's good to see Iamaphoney follow his lead.

  49. The above nonsense is why the woman crawled through the dirt for you. Why? Because you don't know how. Why? Because she did it for you. Why? She knew it was the only way to help you. Yes, just you.

    Follow the chick on her hands and knees. She knows the way home.

  50. Anonymous said...
    Sorry, guys.
    Vince here.
    Was busy with re-re-rewrites.
    BUT, just caught myself a trifecta of jaw-dropping movies:
    "You Don't Know Jack"
    "Temple Grandin"
    Happy 9-13, every one.


    September 13, 2010 11:59 AM

    you spying on me, vince???
    these 3 movies, i watched them ALL last week.

    fuckin creepy.

  51. Once, there was a way....September 13, 2010 at 2:07 PM

    Sleep, little DarlingS, do not cry, and I will sing a lullaby-e.

  52. Odd. New video getting good reviews on MaccaFunHouse?

  53. my theory

    Paul left the band, the rest replaced him with a double, John made most part of Sgt Pepper and used old footage of Paul in a day in the life and maybe in other songs. John was the walrus cause the walrus was Paul, John was Lennon/Mccartney. Paul came back in abbey road/let it be and then they made the rooftop concert (Paul of the rooftop concert is clearly Paul to me).

    PID as a powerful magical act have a lot of resonances even with the story of Christ. John was the discipule whom Jesus loved and from the theory in the passover plot Jesus faked his death to create a new religion (JID? lol)in the book John helped Jesus to fake his death, you can see the beaTles "T" letter like a cross, etc etc.
    Will Paul be back as Superman?

    P.S:November 7 Paul in Chile!
    Peace & Love

  54. Standing in the kitchen, taking all the heat they was giving .... said

    I can take the heat, but can you? Move you ass, phoney, and put up part two.

  55. Sing the changes? F you.

    That's what I'm hearing, anyway.

  56. Apparantly, Paul lives touring more than he loves the Winged Beetle.

  57. Read: loves touring

    Winged Beetle Crying

    winged beetles prepares to fly away forever

  58. Ok. When's part 2? And 3-5?

  59. No , the carnival prevail

    tis you that fails

    what? Me worry? Ha ha ha

  60. Phoney is jerking it in that photo...

    Ohh see the chest hairs standing on end?

  61. Ian is torturing the winged beetle for reasons we do not understand. Stupid boy

  62. Miles, we need a comment... AND A PROJECT

    You got it.

  63. Ever seen a winged beelte cry and fly at the same time?

  64. That's freaky on the second video at 5:11..

    I didn't realize the one pic resembled Paul lol

  65. It looks as though S3ANL3NN0N is a Iamaphoney account about being dead 20 years before Pepper and him being the Sgt.

  66. This will be the most mind-baffling film on Youtube. I have the feeling.. Just the Paul McCartney audio quotes being thrown on about him actually talking about Crowley, that in it of itself is unbelieveable..

  67. Anonymous said...
    It looks as though S3ANL3NN0N is a Iamaphoney account about being dead 20 years before Pepper and him being the Sgt.

    September 13, 2010 10:53 PM

    i said he was a phoney subcount the day the account was created!

  68. wow, part 1 has 1,200 views already in one day.. SonofAlways was right about Paul thinking he was god.. certainly drawing the attention

  69. Uh, goofballs, let me interject some f-ing reality so you realize how stupid and gullible you are.

    Phoney's Jr High School logic, like that of all lame-ass conspiracy theorists, looks for ANY link to two or more topics and then runs with it like a little girl who thinks some guy is the one for her because she ran into him at the 7-11. How f-ing stupid.

    That's a really stupid way to go about anything. Don't applaud it unless you enjoy bias, bigotry, superstition, and false conclusions, like every stupid person from the 7th century who thought the same way.

    He's doing this childish and anti-intellectual 'find the minor connections' game like NIR trying to link the Beatles to Charles Manson, to Egypt, Jesus, Crowley, blah blah.

    Well they all contradict each other so you can't create a coherent narrative without cheating and ignoring the facts. Paul was in a band called Wings. See? So, like, he was a winged beetle like in Egypt.

    Straight up stupid, and if you put stock in that you are going to be screwed for the rest of your life because you clearly have no b.s. meter in your body, and could be sold the brooklyn bridge.

    If anything, it was Lennon who had the messianic complex. It was Lennon who said he was Jesus at an Apple meeting, but of course he was on acid so who cares unless you're an idiot and think famous people are more likely to have something to do with prophecy than unknowns. It was Lennon who said, "they're gonna crucify me."

    Lennon's statement about Passover Plot had to do with the disciple's twisting the message and getting it wrong, not about an impostor, but who cares, right? Close enough is like science for people that could care less about facts or getting things right, ironically.

    You think you are gaining esoteric knowledge when you are being manipulated into believing the most ridiculous stuff. That's how it works.

    The farther one travels, the less one knows.

    Enjoy your backwards Beatles.

    Goes well with backwards thinking.

  70. Well, why would Phoney even give Paul the credit? lol, what is he just trying to brainwash us to believe Paul is really good at magick?

    I will keep my opinion until the Revelation that Paul McCartney is, or has a part in Iamaphoney.. Half the stuff in the video was touch and go, and didn't really have an idea of where they'd go. They've been coming up with ideas as they move along..

    And what I want to know is, if this is all BS, why does Phoney have audio quotes of McCartney talking about being Magickians and Crowley? Watch Part 2, and then talk..

  71. If magick was an actual thing that worked, pretty sure fucking Einstein would have been into it.

    No such luck.

    And no public figure has been more derided or humiliated that Paul f-ing McCartney for selling out and having "contempt" for his own talent. No musical figure, not Dylan, not Lennon, no one, has been taken down more steps than Paul.

    He got married, stopped caring so passionately about melodies, and made a family. End story.

    It's a sad tale. Hardly one of magick.

  72. newest video proves beyond all doubt Paul has no connection.

    As if he would connect himself, like Phoney attempts to do in a sleazy way, to f-ing Charles Manson.

    Yeah, Paul is behind that hahahahahah

  73. Anonymous said...
    This will be the most mind-baffling film on Youtube. I have the feeling.. Just the Paul McCartney audio quotes being thrown on about him actually talking about Crowley, that in it of itself is unbelieveable

    Why do you think it

  74. lol ok sherlock, then what does this movie actually proove? in your opinion, you clearly think nothing.

  75. Miles Denton Oliver said...
    Anonymous said...
    This will be the most mind-baffling film on Youtube. I have the feeling.. Just the Paul McCartney audio quotes being thrown on about him actually talking about Crowley, that in it of itself is unbelieveable

    Why do you think it

    September 13, 2010 11:40 PM

    It's just surreal, y'know.

  76. Uh, goofballs, let me interject some f-ing reality so you realize how stupid and gullible you are.

    Phoney's Jr High School logic, like that of all lame-ass conspiracy theorists, looks for ANY link to two or more topics and then runs with it like a little girl who thinks some guy is the one for her because she ran into him at the 7-11. How f-ing stupid.

    That's a really stupid way to go about anything. Don't applaud it unless you enjoy bias, bigotry, superstition, and false conclusions, like every stupid person from the 7th century who thought the same way.

    He's doing this childish and anti-intellectual 'find the minor connections' game like NIR trying to link the Beatles to Charles Manson, to Egypt, Jesus, Crowley, blah blah.

    Well they all contradict each other so you can't create a coherent narrative without cheating and ignoring the facts. Paul was in a band called Wings. See? So, like, he was a winged beetle like in Egypt.

    Straight up stupid, and if you put stock in that you are going to be screwed for the rest of your life because you clearly have no b.s. meter in your body, and could be sold the brooklyn bridge.

    If anything, it was Lennon who had the messianic complex. It was Lennon who said he was Jesus at an Apple meeting, but of course he was on acid so who cares unless you're an idiot and think famous people are more likely to have something to do with prophecy than unknowns. It was Lennon who said, "they're gonna crucify me."

    Lennon's statement about Passover Plot had to do with the disciple's twisting the message and getting it wrong, not about an impostor, but who cares, right? Close enough is like science for people that could care less about facts or getting things right, ironically.

    You think you are gaining esoteric knowledge when you are being manipulated into believing the most ridiculous stuff. That's how it works.

    The farther one travels, the less one knows.

    Enjoy your backwards Beatles.

    Goes well with backwards thinking.

    September 12, 2010 10:29 PM

    Well, first of all.. I never really looked at the whole Wings/WingBeatle connection, AND I go to Junior HighSchool - so suck on them apples.

    And right after you compared Iamaphoney to NIR, I just stopped reading your post after laughing for about 5 minutes.. I figured I'd shit my pants if I continued to see what other funny things you had to say.. Funny guy you are, really.

    As a matter of fact, that's what I want you to call yourself on here from now on whenever you post.. lol, this way I know I'll be expecting to read something good and funny!

    You could be like that loser in Junior High School that was picked on, and the bully made him wear the piece of paper that said "moron"

  77. Uh, goofballs, let me interject some f-ing reality so you realize how stupid and gullible you are.

    Phoney's Jr High School logic, like that of all lame-ass conspiracy theorists, looks for ANY link to two or more topics and then runs with it like a little girl who thinks some guy is the one for her because she ran into him at the 7-11. How f-ing stupid.

    That's a really stupid way to go about anything. Don't applaud it unless you enjoy bias, bigotry, superstition, and false conclusions, like every stupid person from the 7th century who thought the same way.

    He's doing this childish and anti-intellectual 'find the minor connections' game like NIR trying to link the Beatles to Charles Manson, to Egypt, Jesus, Crowley, blah blah.

    Well they all contradict each other so you can't create a coherent narrative without cheating and ignoring the facts. Paul was in a band called Wings. See? So, like, he was a winged beetle like in Egypt.

    Straight up stupid, and if you put stock in that you are going to be screwed for the rest of your life because you clearly have no b.s. meter in your body, and could be sold the brooklyn bridge.

    If anything, it was Lennon who had the messianic complex. It was Lennon who said he was Jesus at an Apple meeting, but of course he was on acid so who cares unless you're an idiot and think famous people are more likely to have something to do with prophecy than unknowns. It was Lennon who said, "they're gonna crucify me."

    Lennon's statement about Passover Plot had to do with the disciple's twisting the message and getting it wrong, not about an impostor, but who cares, right? Close enough is like science for people that could care less about facts or getting things right, ironically.

    You think you are gaining esoteric knowledge when you are being manipulated into believing the most ridiculous stuff. That's how it works.

    The farther one travels, the less one knows.

    Enjoy your backwards Beatles.

    Goes well with backwards thinking.

    September 12, 2010 10:29 PM

    Well, first of all.. I never really looked at the whole Wings/WingBeatle connection, AND I go to Junior HighSchool - so suck on them apples.

    And right after you compared Iamaphoney to NIR, I just stopped reading your post after laughing for about 5 minutes.. I figured I'd shit my pants if I continued to see what other funny things you had to say.. Funny guy you are, really.

    As a matter of fact, that's what I want you to call yourself on here from now on whenever you post.. lol, this way I know I'll be expecting to read something good and funny!

    You could be like that loser in Junior High School that was picked on, and the bully made him wear the piece of paper that said "moron"

  78. Uh, goofballs, let me interject some f-ing reality so you realize how stupid and gullible you are.

    Phoney's Jr High School logic, like that of all lame-ass conspiracy theorists, looks for ANY link to two or more topics and then runs with it like a little girl who thinks some guy is the one for her because she ran into him at the 7-11. How f-ing stupid.

    That's a really stupid way to go about anything. Don't applaud it unless you enjoy bias, bigotry, superstition, and false conclusions, like every stupid person from the 7th century who thought the same way.

    He's doing this childish and anti-intellectual 'find the minor connections' game like NIR trying to link the Beatles to Charles Manson, to Egypt, Jesus, Crowley, blah blah.

    Well they all contradict each other so you can't create a coherent narrative without cheating and ignoring the facts. Paul was in a band called Wings. See? So, like, he was a winged beetle like in Egypt.

    Straight up stupid, and if you put stock in that you are going to be screwed for the rest of your life because you clearly have no b.s. meter in your body, and could be sold the brooklyn bridge.

    If anything, it was Lennon who had the messianic complex. It was Lennon who said he was Jesus at an Apple meeting, but of course he was on acid so who cares unless you're an idiot and think famous people are more likely to have something to do with prophecy than unknowns. It was Lennon who said, "they're gonna crucify me."

    Lennon's statement about Passover Plot had to do with the disciple's twisting the message and getting it wrong, not about an impostor, but who cares, right? Close enough is like science for people that could care less about facts or getting things right, ironically.

    You think you are gaining esoteric knowledge when you are being manipulated into believing the most ridiculous stuff. That's how it works.

    The farther one travels, the less one knows.

    Enjoy your backwards Beatles.

    Goes well with backwards thinking.

    September 12, 2010 10:29 PM

    Well, first of all.. I never really looked at the whole Wings/WingBeatle connection, AND I go to Junior HighSchool - so suck on them apples.

    And right after you compared Iamaphoney to NIR, I just stopped reading your post after laughing for about 5 minutes.. I figured I'd shit my pants if I continued to see what other funny things you had to say.. Funny guy you are, really.

    As a matter of fact, that's what I want you to call yourself on here from now on whenever you post.. lol, this way I know I'll be expecting to read something good and funny!

    You could be like that loser in Junior High School that was picked on, and the bully made him wear the piece of paper that said "moron"

  79. Uh, goofballs, let me interject some f-ing reality so you realize how stupid and gullible you are.

    Phoney's Jr High School logic, like that of all lame-ass conspiracy theorists, looks for ANY link to two or more topics and then runs with it like a little girl who thinks some guy is the one for her because she ran into him at the 7-11. How f-ing stupid.

    That's a really stupid way to go about anything. Don't applaud it unless you enjoy bias, bigotry, superstition, and false conclusions, like every stupid person from the 7th century who thought the same way.

    He's doing this childish and anti-intellectual 'find the minor connections' game like NIR trying to link the Beatles to Charles Manson, to Egypt, Jesus, Crowley, blah blah.

    Well they all contradict each other so you can't create a coherent narrative without cheating and ignoring the facts. Paul was in a band called Wings. See? So, like, he was a winged beetle like in Egypt.

    Straight up stupid, and if you put stock in that you are going to be screwed for the rest of your life because you clearly have no b.s. meter in your body, and could be sold the brooklyn bridge.

    If anything, it was Lennon who had the messianic complex. It was Lennon who said he was Jesus at an Apple meeting, but of course he was on acid so who cares unless you're an idiot and think famous people are more likely to have something to do with prophecy than unknowns. It was Lennon who said, "they're gonna crucify me."

    Lennon's statement about Passover Plot had to do with the disciple's twisting the message and getting it wrong, not about an impostor, but who cares, right? Close enough is like science for people that could care less about facts or getting things right, ironically.

    You think you are gaining esoteric knowledge when you are being manipulated into believing the most ridiculous stuff. That's how it works.

    The farther one travels, the less one knows.

    Enjoy your backwards Beatles.

    Goes well with backwards thinking.

    September 12, 2010 10:29 PM

    Well, first of all.. I never really looked at the whole Wings/WingBeatle connection, AND I go to Junior HighSchool - so suck on them apples.

    And right after you compared Iamaphoney to NIR, I just stopped reading your post after laughing for about 5 minutes.. I figured I'd shit my pants if I continued to see what other funny things you had to say.. Funny guy you are, really.

    As a matter of fact, that's what I want you to call yourself on here from now on whenever you post.. lol, this way I know I'll be expecting to read something good and funny!

    You could be like that loser in Junior High School that was picked on, and the bully made him wear the piece of paper that said "moron"

  80. Taf is late. Part 2 is out!

  81. he took it down again.

    but is was there!!

    was even posted at the crazy forum

  82. ... had to do with the disciple's twisting the message and getting it wrong

  83. hello
    hello hello

  84. When you enter Canaan, the land that will be allotted to you as an inheritance, there will be no more goodbyes.

  85. The movement you need is on your shoulder.


  86. "I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen."

  87. But you, O mountains of Israel, will produce branches and fruit for my people Israel, for they will soon come home.

  88. How long are you planning on letting the Truth lie waiting?

  89. Every day I spend, trying to prove I can make it alone.

    but it's been too long, now I want to come HOME!

  90. Dance a little stranger
    Show me where you live
    Love can make you hostage wanna do it again
    Theres no time to think, bout the starting or the end
    We'll find out I'm told, My mother she told me so

    Put your arms around me

  91. That's exactly why your "movie"" STUNK phoney.

    Good move taking 2/5 off. Now, move your ass with the REAL movie. OK?


  92. I woke up this mornin' Lucille WAS in SIGHT!

    there is still a chance.........

  93. ok!

    September 14, 2010 8:01 AM

    iamaphoney?? do u here?

  94. bones22j (10 hours ago) Spam
    As far as we all know we cannot see that far. Only as far as the eye can see. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

  95. iamaphoney?? do u here?

    oh, he's listening, don't worry.

  96. please come back where you belong. I'm speaking to you, Baby. Please don't do me wrong

  97. sure, McCartney would throw up poorly encoded videos connecting him to Manson, not even in HiDef, with spelling errors and a shot of a book that was clearly placed on a scanner 'cause Phoney didn't want to tear out the page hahaha.

  98. As I've said before, there is a special prize if we end the game ahead of schedule. This entails full participation on behalf of all the Phoneyites. Think you can do it?

    Well, that remains to be proven. I believe you CAN do it!

    C'mon! Let's GO!

  99. sure, McCartney would throw up poorly encoded videos connecting him to Manson, not even in HiDef, with spelling errors and a shot of a book that was clearly placed on a scanner 'cause Phoney didn't want to tear out the page hahaha.

    what a little whiner you are! ha ha back at ya!

  100. Father McCartney,
    wiping the dirt from his hands
    as he walks from the grave.
    Flowers in the dirt.
    Look at all the little piggies...
    Tarred and feathered on the old dirt road...
    It's a dirty world.


  102. Now it begins - let it begin,
    Cleanup Time,
    (Show those mothers how to do it),

    The queen is in the counting house,
    Counting out the money,

    The king is in the kitchen,
    Making bread and honey,

    No friends and yet no enemies,
    Absolutely free,
    No rats aboard the magic ship,
    Of (perfect) harmony,

    Now it begins,
    Cleanup Time,
    (Show those mothers how to do it)!,

  103. The oracle has spoken


  105. Mama, don't go
    Macca, come home

  106. Part 2 is UP

  107. Seen it and it sucks, not in a good way either.

  108. The "Open Boat" clue was novel, but yeah, most of this was retread. Parts 3-5, please.

  109. Liberate Cabinda!

  110. I am a gonna make you a pizza pie!

  111. Wendy the Burger MascotSeptember 14, 2010 at 10:28 AM

    I'm going to make you a hamburger!


  113. We're so sorry......

    ...Uncle Shitface....

    ...we're so sorry that we shit on your face...

    We're so sorry...
    ...Uncle Shitface....

    ...but there's no water in the bowl and I believe I'm going to shit.

  114. Paper butt-wiper..
    ....Paper butt-wiper...

    *kickass guitar solo*

    Dear sir or madam will you wipe my ass
    'Twas an accident and it happened fast

    If you really like it I can make some more
    But its gonna cost you cause daddy's got a brand new whore..

    She's got a Paper butt-wiper!

  115. At the end of my end it's the start of a turd pointed right at your face

    And if it's right in your face
    It means I don't like you
    No need to be sad

    At the end of the end

  116. The End, by Ian Iachamoe and Crapping FlappersSeptember 14, 2010 at 10:40 AM

    And in my end...

    ...the shit you smell... really last night's Bell...

  117. Davy Crockett, 3 Years OldSeptember 14, 2010 at 10:49 AM

    I'm gonna kill me a bar!!1

  118. (sings) Look for the bear necess--

  119. i c wat u did thar

  120. MikeNL said...

    you spying on me, vince???
    these 3 movies, i watched them ALL last week.

    fuckin creepy.

    September 13, 2010 2:07 PM

    c'mon! "Great minds....", and all that.

    "Don't Be Scared",

  121. Anonymous said...
    MikeNL said...

    you spying on me, vince???
    these 3 movies, i watched them ALL last week.

    fuckin creepy.

    September 13, 2010 2:07 PM

    c'mon! "Great minds....", and all that.

    "Don't Be Scared",

    September 14, 2010 11:22 AM

    not scared.
    just surprised, really

  122. So in part one we have the Ian Iachimoe International Times contest and the filmmaker looking for a genuine black magic group, which is in issue five and not issue two as stated. In part two we have McCartney himself speak on Crowley and then say "We are all sons of the magickian". Also after our narrator tells us to LOOK, listen closely, McCartey says a mirror is one key. "You can access all keys". And then Paul revealing what was truly said on the pepper run-out groove. "We'll all be magick supermen. Yeah that's it."

    This is real folks. And now nothing is.

    Accept March


    Otherwise known as a van down by the river

  124. Accept March-

  125. "We'll all be magick supermen"

    Source, anyone? Sounds like an impersonator, and not in the Paul/Faul sense. More like the goofy "George Harrison" revelation guy.

  126. "We'll all be magick supermen"

    Source, anyone? Sounds like an impersonator, and not in the Paul/Faul sense. More like the goofy "George Harrison" revelation guy.

    yeah, impersonator.

  127. Anonymous said...
    "We'll all be magick supermen"

    Source, anyone? Sounds like an impersonator, and not in the Paul/Faul sense. More like the goofy "George Harrison" revelation guy.

    yeah, impersonator.

    September 14, 2010 1:26 PM

    Joel Gilbert should get a special mention or at least a dedication for showing Phoney the way.

    The problem with putting up big chunks of copyrighted footage without permission is that all it takes is one cease and desist letter to YouTube and the whole thing goes down. Phoney is smart in that he made winged beatle into one word "wingedbeatle" so it doesn't come up if EMI/Capitol has interns typing in "Beatle" (they don't anyway).

    No point arguing. PIAer's seem to like the new vids. Why bother?

  128. the great irony of the PIAers is that they pride themselves on recognizing that "Faul" is an impersonator and yet can't recognize AN ACTUAL Paul impersonator in a Phoney vid.

  129. No need to worry about copyrighted material because you can't sue yourself.

  130. Anonymous said...
    No need to worry about copyrighted material because you can't sue yourself.

    September 14, 2010 3:13 PM

    By all means, keep believing that Paul McCartney is wrapped up with a bunch of schoolkids on YouTube and is so filled with self-hatred that he's trying trying to get the world to turn against him. It's funny. Be more vocal about it too. Tell everyone! It's in every PIAer's best interest that you keep believing that.

  131. yeah, no, he never collaborates with a bunch of smart kids making smart videos.

  132. Maybe Paul McCartney will start posting here too. Maybe he'll see that you're special and smart and come over to play Halo3! Maybe you'll go to the movies and be pals for life!

    Sure. Whatever. Enjoy your blog.

  133. Dude's so full of himself he doesn't see the school kid argument was disproven in like one second. Perhaps you just need a second look.

    Wanna come home and play Halo3, Paul?

  134. Is there an official Beatles release/reissue of Sgt. Pepper's which details who and what is on the cover? The 2/5 of The Winged Beatle states the oft repeated "Joe Ephgrave" credit as having appeared on "the credits" but what credits is IAAP talking about?

    As far as I can tell, this Joe Ephgrave thing is not part of any official Beatles release. I cannot find any reference for it from any Paul Is Dead radio or magazine stories from before the 90's.

  135. "We're all sons of the magician"

    fix this problem or it will be assumed it is not a problem

    for you... but it is for me
    moving on until -


  136. "We're all sons of the magician"

    like Paulie Jr?

  137. That's what's called a hypocritical example.

  138. Tragical History Tour

  139. Anonymous said...
    Is there an official Beatles release/reissue of Sgt. Pepper's which details who and what is on the cover? The 2/5 of The Winged Beatle states the oft repeated "Joe Ephgrave" credit as having appeared on "the credits" but what credits is IAAP talking about?

    As far as I can tell, this Joe Ephgrave thing is not part of any official Beatles release. I cannot find any reference for it from any Paul Is Dead radio or magazine stories from before the 90's.

    September 14, 2010 4:38 PM

    look inside the cd.

  140. No need to worry about copyrighted material because you can't sue yourself.

    What a goofball. McCartney doesn't own the rights to any Beatle footage (except, perhaps, stuff from Broad Street) and he doesn't own the rights to any of the TV show clips(Letterman, Dick Cavett, etc)or even the photographs.

  141. Anonymous said...
    No need to worry about copyrighted material because you can't sue yourself.

    What a goofball. McCartney doesn't own the rights to any Beatle footage (except, perhaps, stuff from Broad Street) and he doesn't own the rights to any of the TV show clips(Letterman, Dick Cavett, etc)or even the photographs.

    September 14, 2010 7:03 PM

    Dude, I hear ya. Don't even waste your time with these gullible kids. It's pointless.

  142. Woaahh. Who'd have guessed you'd get "Cranberry Sauce" from reversing "All Together Now"?

  143. 3:33 on Part 3: Is that a new IAAP track I smell? I likes.

  144. When did the mirror trick frst show up to reveal

    I one IX He Die


    first time it was ever mentioned in print or radio?

    anybody, bueller? anybody?

  145. Anonymous said...
    When did the mirror trick frst show up to reveal

    I one IX He Die


    first time it was ever mentioned in print or radio?

    anybody, bueller? anybody?

    September 14, 2010 8:25 PM

    A german PID film from the early 2000's. The director was something like Werner Von Otrop or something like that. You'd have to do some digging around on NIR about 3 years back.

  146. Was that one of the Labour (sp?) finds? I think Taf already did a post on that.

  147. When did the mirror trick frst show up to reveal

    I one IX He Die


    first time it was ever mentioned in print or radio?

    anybody, bueller? anybody?

    Joel Glazier in 1979.

  148. WHERE'S TAF?



  149. there'll be Peace On Earth when we are doneSeptember 15, 2010 at 5:39 AM

    Carry on, you will always remember
    Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
    Now your life's no longer empty
    Surely heaven waits for you!

  150. Skip to 5/5 phoney.

  151. "I one IX He Die


    first time it was ever mentioned in print or radio?

    anybody, bueller? anybody?

    'Joel Glazier in 1979.' "

    Do you have a link? I can't find any reference going back to 1979, really would appreciate a bit more guidance, would love to read or hear the interview you suggest.

  152. Regarding the I ONE IX thing, Gary Patterson's book claims that he discovered the "He Die" thing, but that book wasn't published until 1996.

  153. POEM 555

    Trust in the Unexpected—
    By this— was William Kidd
    Persuaded of the Buried Gold—
    As One had testified—

    Through this— the old Philosopher—
    His Talismanic Stone—
    Discernéd— still with holden
    To effort undivine—

    'Twas this— allured Columbus—
    When Genoa— withdrew
    Before an Apparition
    Baptized America—

    The Same— afflicted Thomas—
    When Deity assured
    'Twas better— the perceiving not—
    Provided it believed

  154. .....and an international art thief, too!

  155. Hey Macca, if you don't want to play Halo3, we can always play Call of Duty 5, World at War.

    Relax, it's just a joke.

    Or is it?


  156. Madonna prefers sitting at Angelo's, instead of standing on top of the Flaming pie. Same pizza, though.

  157. 'Joel Glazier in 1979.' "

    Do you have a link? I can't find any reference going back to 1979, really would appreciate a bit more guidance, would love to read or hear the interview you suggest.

    I know for a fact it was at least as early as 1979 and I'm pretty sure 1978 (or earlier) because I was aware of it then.

  158. no, I would not give you false hope

  159. I know for a fact it was at least as early as 1979 and I'm pretty sure 1978 (or earlier) because I was aware of it then.

    good for you!

  160. Your mommy's waiting for you
    Wearing her high-heel shoes
    And her low-neck sweater
    Get on home, Macca

  161. "I one IX He Die


    first time it was ever mentioned in print or radio?

    anybody, bueller? anybody?

    'Joel Glazier in 1979.' "

    Do you have a link? I can't find any reference going back to 1979, really would appreciate a bit more guidance, would love to read or hear the interview you suggest.

  162. off topic, but what is this insistence that the "Faul" dude was right handed and had to learn lefty? I'm a bassist and guitarist and played pro for years. If I'm hired to find a Paul mimic, I have two staunch criteria: he has to be lefty and he has to be from Liverpool. Yanks and even other Brits have a tough time doing the scouse thing. It's really hard to play guitar and bass as well as Paul does and it would be insane to think some random dude in 66 could learn lefty and play bass better (and with the same technique and sensibility as pre-66Paul) than all of his contemporaries within a year. Some say, "well they didn't play live so it could have been a studio guy" but yeah, they did play live on TV and radio spots and they were playing live on David Frost when Paul sings Hey Jude with peerless vocals and obviously years of performing experience under his belt, and clearly Paul is playing lefty bass on All You Need is Love broadcast live. And he's playing assuredly, like an old pro, and with no stage fright or jitters whatsoever. I defy any amateur or unknown musician to get on a stage like that and deliver.

  163. "off topic, but what is this insistence that the "Faul" dude was right handed and had to learn lefty? I'm a bassist and guitarist and played pro for years. If I'm hired to find a Paul mimic, I have two staunch criteria: he has to be lefty and he has to be from Liverpool. Yanks and even other Brits have a tough time doing the scouse thing. It's really hard to play guitar and bass as well as Paul does and it would be insane to think some random dude in 66 could learn lefty and play bass better (and with the same technique and sensibility as pre-66Paul) than all of his contemporaries within a year. Some say, "well they didn't play live so it could have been a studio guy" but yeah, they did play live on TV and radio spots and they were playing live on David Frost when Paul sings Hey Jude with peerless vocals and obviously years of performing experience under his belt, and clearly Paul is playing lefty bass on All You Need is Love broadcast live. And he's playing assuredly, like an old pro, and with no stage fright or jitters whatsoever. I defy any amateur or unknown musician to get on a stage like that and deliver."

    I agree he is assured. It is the same guy. Does it look like there could have been some doubles? Yes it does. But that guy playing is Paul. Now, there is something fishy though with this whole business. So although I don't think Paul died, something funny went down. There's too much going on. We will just have to wait.

  164. Indica Gallery and Ian Iachimoe is the real key! tnx iamaphoney u r great))

  165. The International Times is archived online.

    I'm not finding the Ian Iachimoe connection IAAP claims to the "black magic" classified ad in the other issue. The ad is there, but Ian isn't.

  166. Are Miles and the IT gang still around, making videos maybe?

  167. It is strange seeing Yoko Ono so prominently featured in some of the early issues.

  168. Yeah. It just says filmmaker it doesn't say Ian. Regarding Yoko, The International Times, and The Indica, the thing is if you do a search on Barry Miles and IT, Barry says that the Indica wouldn't have existed without Paul. That the shop was really his. So John just didn't stumble into the Indica and find out about Yoko Ono. The story we've all been told is bullshit. But what is it that they tried to hide?

  169. And where is Taf among all of this? This is the most action we've ever seen from phoney. I remember the days when NIR would have been a madhouse over these daily 13 minute videos. I realize people have been let down. But c'mon all there is are a few intelligent comments on this blog? It brings me down.

  170. "PIAer's seem to like the new vids."

    Yes, because iaap is a PIAer too. Isn't it obvious?;)

  171. Newly Released Pics Show Post-Breakup Beatles in LA

    [Daley] also has two rare photos of Paul McCartney playing a baby grand piano in Lennon's living room. It was the first meeting between the two musicians since the Beatles breakup in 1970.

    "I had gone into the house to use the bathroom," said Daley. "He was playing. It was so full and so beautiful, and I just crouched down and took the shot. But it didn't even faze him."

  172. I'm not finding the Ian Iachimoe connection IAAP claims to the "black magic" classified ad in the other issue. The ad is there, but Ian isn't.

    Yeah well whenever it seems to damning to be true it isn't hahaha.

    Paul told everyone about the Ian Iachimoe thing--all Beatle fans know about it. Nothing to it.

  173. I don't see in what instance anyone thinks a double was used.

    Maybe a photo or two because Paul wasn't available?

    He looks a little odd in the SFF movie but it was filmed to look surreal and the other guys look weird too.

  174. Curious that the more Phoney reveals his hand, the less interested Taf (and the audience) seems to be.

  175. Anonymous said...
    'Joel Glazier in 1979.' "

    Do you have a link? I can't find any reference going back to 1979, really would appreciate a bit more guidance, would love to read or hear the interview you suggest.

    I know for a fact it was at least as early as 1979 and I'm pretty sure 1978 (or earlier) because I was aware of it then.

    September 15, 2010 7:32 AM

    Blame the internet. Professor Joel Glazier began his overwhelmingly popular "Paul Is Dead" lecture tour on college campuses in 1974. That was the second wave of PID and so far, the most successful wave since 1969 (conspiracy blogs and youtube are a drop in the bucket compared to what Glazier did pre-internet). He came up with I one IX He Die and it was part of lecture. He was also the first to publicize the "Paul was sacrificed" theory.

    A lot of people have taken credit for Glazier's work (Iamaphoney excluded). The majority of his clues, however, came from eagle eyed college students which he then incorporated into his staggering presentation and gave them credit for.

    There's more about Glazier and a huge chunk about PID in Nicholas Schaffner's excellent but out of print book "The Beatles Forever" published in 1977.

  176. It's time to liberate me, really.

  177. "Yeah. It just says filmmaker it doesn't say Ian. Regarding Yoko, The International Times, and The Indica, the thing is if you do a search on Barry Miles and IT, Barry says that the Indica wouldn't have existed without Paul. That the shop was really his. So John just didn't stumble into the Indica and find out about Yoko Ono. The story we've all been told is bullshit. But what is it that they tried to hide?"

    Read the other issues.

    Ian is listed on Page 2 as the contact for emergencies in 1967 issue 9.

    The Cartoon in issue 6 under the McCartney interview shows a Seedy Bee's Mystery Tour bus in January of '67.

    In issue 10.5 it says that Paul gave them money.

    And what is that John - Penguin thing? The tree looks just like the SFF tree.
