Saturday, August 7, 2010

Return of GFA

Grandfather Aleister, in his new YouTube identity as 999nowhereman uploaded a new video.

Paul is Dead - 89 - Helter Skelter - Part 1 is a disturbing and accusatory piece that attempts to link the Beatles to the Manson murders, of all things. Although there is not much factual substance in the video (how could there be?) it still is quite effective in provoking an uneasy feeling in the viewer. It makes you want to brace yourself for a disturbing event on August 8 or 9.

Speaking of disturbing, the Al Aronowitz article referenced in the new Grandfather Aleister video can be found here. It is well worth reading.

Other phoney phonies have been trying to stay in the action as well.

GnikNusEht continues to pump them out.

also has a new one.

Even YouKnowMyName231 released a few shorts recently. There didn't seem to be anything substantially new in them. More than likely they were just a way to say hello and stay in the game (similar to what I have been doing).

And it is still important to keep up with yenohpehttonmai and iamafunny who may one day crack this case, or at least crack open a suitcase (as long as he can get a government grant).

The Walt Disney thing in the new GFA video makes you wonder. And did you notice on Paul's PBS special from his performance at the White House that they had a painting in the background with one of those Freemason types making secret hand signals the whole time?


  1. Anonymous said...
    They'll have to watch that. It's one thing to make disturbing videos about old rock stars like McCartney but if you start defaming trendy rappers or Lady GaGa then you better look out. Those fans of theirs are ruthless and they'll verbally attack you. Lady GaGa is like a religion to them.

    August 7, 2010 10:06 PM

    I wouldn't call it defaming..

    CageFaming it wouldn't be the appropriate word for it either..

    Let's just call it work, leave us.

  2. Two of me riding nowhere

  3. Taf keep up the good work!!

    We're in Israel!

  4. "It makes you want to brace yourself for a disturbing event on August 8 or 9."

    there will be a show tonight, and tomorrow night too!

    Sunday 8th August - Air Canada Centre Toronto
    Monday 9th August - Air Canada Centre Toronto

  5. Magick of the Gods

    For bluelinkboy

  6. Magick of the Ancient Gods - Mythology and the Left Hand Path

  7. good article taf!

    glad you are back too, you always write such interesting things

  8. John Lennon - Box Of Vision

  9. the other one it has bells on itAugust 8, 2010 at 1:02 PM

    who was Derek Taylor and why did he say that the Beatles were the Antichrist?

    Is that a fake article placed by iamaphoney?

    I find it hard to believe that is real, I mean, I am familiar with the "Beatles are bigger then Jesus" dust up, but "the beatles are antichrist" ? come on, pull the other one it has bells on it

  10. And another thing, Derek Taylor said it... not the Beatles. So obviously it would invalidate that too.
    If some random person said that you were the antichrist it wouldn't make it true, so what credibility does the Taylor guy have?

    This whole thing seems fake anyways

  11. Nah, he really said it. Sorry.

  12. Dates were wrong i think.

    that movie will probably see it's release on 11 sep 2010 instead of 09 nov 2010.

    1 month left.


  13. And another thing, Derek Taylor said it... not the Beatles. So obviously it would invalidate that too.
    If some random person said that you were the antichrist it wouldn't make it true, so what credibility does the Taylor guy have?

    Technically speaking, anyone that doesn't wholeheartedly believe that Jesus was God is "antichrist" according to the New Testament. I mean, you either are or you aren't so degrees are irrelevant.

    One is either saved or goes to hell. And this, by the way, is where the NT fails logically. Innumerable people from 30 CE onward did not/do not have access to the gospel teachings in order to make the choice in the first place. So if it's a legit "choice" made by individuals, it's based on radically unfair advantages to westerners living after the middle ages.

  14. who the hell is derek taylor? does he answer the white courtesy phone too?

    so he said the beatles were the antichrist, so what? according to the new testament SO ARE WE.

    So lets see you make a video about that gramps. besides, its sunday and everybody should be reading the bible anyways and not watching spook videos and reading articles from 1964 where some anonymous jerk named Derek says something the bible already says.

    You shouldn't, or a lightning bolt will. GOD HATES ANTICHRISTS. LOOK IT UP IN THE BIBLE. Lake of fire and all that, not good.

    but the thing that freaks me out is, WHAT IF DEREK TAYLORS TELLS GOD THAT WE ARE ALL ANTICHRISTS?
    We are fucked at that point, because that jerk taylor talks to reporters too much, and damn it too hell if God doesn't read the Saturday evening post from the 60s.

    How he knew all our names and our religions from the future way back in the 60s is anybody's guess, I am thinking witchcraft.

    Guess what derek? loose lips sink ships, and if you dont stop narcing us out to God then no more gift certificates to the Outback steakhouse mutha f'er

  15. That whole thing was just a publicity stunt to sell records, the Christians BOUGHT albums to smash. Do you understand? They said things to the press, and people went and bought the albums to destroy. Then later, years later they had to buy CD's. Brilliant marketing.

    So when Derek Taylor said that, bunches of Christians went and got all medieval on some albums, jumping up and down on them. Then later when they grew up and renounced God, they bought the anthology series and Past masters and what not.

  16. Guess what derek? loose lips sink ships, and if you dont stop narcing us out to God then no more gift certificates to the Outback steakhouse mutha f'er

    August 8, 2010 3:47 PM

    Can someone for the love of Krimble tell Derek to shut the hell up?
    I live for those gift certificates, and if God sends us all to hell we have to eat fire and brimstone.

  17. wtf mike! Your girlfriend is ruining the next levelAugust 8, 2010 at 4:15 PM

    MikeNL said...
    Dates were wrong i think.

    that movie will probably see it's release on 11 sep 2010 instead of 09 nov 2010.

    1 month left.


    August 8, 2010 2:49 PM

    whoa whoa whoa Mike, whats the rush? Slow down there speedy, keep it down to 5 kilometers per hour.

    How did you come by this information? DID DEREK TAYLOR TELL YOU? If so, its probably wrong.
    On Derek's website he's all
    "Iamaphoney is SO ANTIPHONEY, I mean, I AM ANTIPHONEY as well, but Iamaphoney is SOOOOOOOO ANTIPHONEY that it just is shocking."

    So basically, he will hang out with you, steal your vibe and then trash you later to the press.
    If I had to guess, Derek probably told you about the interview too?
    No wonder we didnt get the interview. That lying pack of balls.

    not cool, I am unfriending him on facebook and erasing his number and email


    because first i was like
    really? November?
    September I can wait for, but like the interview, not hanging around for that if its going to happen all the way in November

    So whats the significance of Sept 11? That Drum stuff again. Get the mirror all shined up and hold it up to the album cover?

    That will be cool! Damn it, even if you have to wait to put it up in November you sold me Mike, going to watch it no matter when.

    Did that Berlin guy ever get the suitcase to you? Did that get you the interview because of it? And did you decide to keep the interview a secret? Is that why you have been such a stranger? Just the other day was chatting with a friend and I am all like, WTF? WHERE IS MIKE?

    Back in the day, every week you were telling us stuff... Iamaphoney this, Iamaphoney that, Iamaphoney said this, the video may come up later but I have to go to bed sure would hate to miss it. You were Johnny on the spot. Now its like that Yoko girlfriend of yours IS BREAKING UP THE BAND.

    Mike, don't let Yoko break up the band man.

  18. Mike, don't let Yoko break up the band man.

    August 8, 2010 4:15 PM

    yeah mike, you have changed man. that girlfriend is totally got you whipped

    you used to hang out. If we started a night of 1,000 posts you would be on here saying "THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE TO HAVE THIS MANY COMMENTS" and even though we proved it again and again you still said it.

    Remember back way many years ago, you would be like DUUUUUUUUUUUDES THE ROTTEN APPLE IS GETTING HOT!
    What happened to you enthusiasm? Did that Yoko chick of your just suck the living soul out of your life or what? Got you picking furniture and hanging drapes and planing vacations? Next thing you know she will be making videos on your channel and she will be sitting next to you, always around. When you want to hang out she will get all quiet and you will ask "Whats wrong sugar?" and she will look away and say "Nothing...." then later when you come home she will ignore you for days.
    I am telling you as a friend, BREAK UP WITH HER NOW MIKE. Don't ruin the band Mike! That Bohemian Rhapsody song was frickin ROCKING dude. What do girls know about music? I mean name one female rock group that is GOOD. I mean REALLY GOOD. Not oh yeah, they're good for a girl group, I am talking about THEY ROCK and you can compare them directly to a guy group. There is no female Metallica group Mike, not one. There is no chick Queen. There is no woman Beatles group.

    Get a chick in a band, and it will end. They ruin everything. And your girlfriend is ruining everything man, HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE MIRROR LATELY MIKE. You have let yourself go. Tell Yoko to go form her own band and if she can rock out as well as you did, then MAYBE.. MAYBE you will take her back.

  19. MikeNL said...
    Dates were wrong i think.

    that movie will probably see it's release on 11 sep 2010 instead of 09 nov 2010.

    1 month left.


    August 8, 2010 2:49 PM

    How long is the movie Mike?

    and keep your girlfriend dude, finding a good woman isn't easy.
    she seem really nice and you have a good thing going. most of these guys will never ever in a million years get a girlfriend, let alone out of their parents basements.
    My friend is a paramedic and says that they get calls all the time from fat grown up kids who cant even leave the basements anymore because they can't even get out of the basement. They have to cut holes in walls and bring in construction cranes to hoist them out.
    All because they didnt get a girlfriend.

    And another thing, Linda didn't ruin Wings, so not every woman will ruin a band. You can get her singing on your videos too. You could do that Meatloaf song man, you could do "I got you babe", there's a whole bunch of songs you could do. And if she sings bad, just TURN DOWN HER MIC. And if she says "I can't hear myself on our video" just distract her with a new piece of jewelry or a pair of shoes.

    Its time about time in your life to start having children Mike. The band can wait. The suitcases can wait. Obviously they can because no one seems to care enough to get them. The movie can wait. So what if its 11 Sept or 9 November? It will get made and it will be really good. But kids cannot wait mike. Call her up and tell her its time. Time to get babies. As many as she can, in as little time as possible.

  20. And especially Anne Murray!

  21. that movie will probably see it's release on 11 sep 2010 instead of 09 nov 2010.

    1 month left.



  22. What do girls know about music? I mean name one female rock group that is GOOD. I mean REALLY GOOD. Not oh yeah, they're good for a girl group, I am talking about THEY ROCK and you can compare them directly to a guy group. There is no female Metallica group Mike, not one.

    You guys apparently don't remember Vixen? All girl 80's band, hot as hell, can rock with the best of them.


  23. in my opinion Yoko was a good influence to John at least in the creative part

    John´s solo albums have some of the best songs ever made

  24. Anonymous said...
    What do girls know about music? I mean name one female rock group that is GOOD. I mean REALLY GOOD. Not oh yeah, they're good for a girl group, I am talking about THEY ROCK and you can compare them directly to a guy group. There is no female Metallica group Mike, not one.

    I always was a fan of the Spice Girls..

  25. The revelation to Iamaphoney is simple, if you just observe and listen. One of the subchannels there is CharleyNewports.. There are 3 other channels with music videos containing powerful messages behind them..

    These were up before Jet Schizo's post on NIR, so he either figured out the significance behind these channels or he's behind the channels..

    Kanye West - Power

    Lady Gaga - Alejandro

    Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

    Selena Gomez - Naturally

    Paul's obsession with Crowley and his "Power" with magic..

    John Lennon's message to Yoko "alejandro"

    Yoko's message to John "Paparazzi"

    selena gomez's song is probably just for the opening line..

    "how you chose to express yourself"

    thought i'd point that out because nobody else here has, so nobody probably realized the significance behind the channels.

  26. A Digital Shibboleth:
    The Memorial is Evil.

    Game is Crooked

  27. The revelation to Iamaphoney is simple, if you just observe and listen. One of the subchannels there is CharleyNewports.. There are 3 other channels with music videos containing powerful messages behind them..

    These were up before Jet Schizo's post on NIR, so he either figured out the significance behind these channels or he's behind the channels..

    Kanye West - Power

    Lady Gaga - Alejandro

    Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

    Selena Gomez - Naturally

    Paul's obsession with Crowley and his "Power" with magic..

    John Lennon's message to Yoko "alejandro"

    Yoko's message to John "Paparazzi"

    selena gomez's song is probably just for the opening line..

    "how you chose to express yourself"

    thought i'd point that out because nobody else here has, so nobody probably realized the significance behind the channels.

    If that's the "revelation" then it's really stupid. But thanks, Charlie, for pointing that out.

  28. A crowd of people sold a bunch of records, books, blogs.....with eyes closed to wars, social inequity, and poverty....lived in their fancy mansions, pissing money away ....and never remembered to get back to the One that gave them all that in the first place, even after the real revelation.

    Go figure.

  29. but where are the nine?

  30. "thought i'd point that out because nobody else here has, so nobody probably realized the significance behind the channels."

    What good is "significance behind the channels" if the signifiers don't get back themselves? I'm not seeing many winners of the game, folks. Do you?

  31. Far have i traveled and much have i seen
    Dark distant mountains with valleys of green.
    Past painted deserts, the sunsets on fire
    As he carries me home to the Mull of Kintyre.

  32. GFA's new one "is a disturbing and accusatory piece that attempts to link the Beatles to the Manson murders"

    Lord, people, we are so sick and tired of this BS with Manson.

    The only connection is that Charlie linked himself (by referencing Beatle songs) to a famous band, just like millions of other people attempt the same.

    Purest stupidity and recklessness.

  33. "The dates of August 8th and 9th
    have always been a magnet for events of savage purification

    August 9th, 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki Japan, bringing the second World War to its apocalyptic finally

    August 8th, 1969 the Haunted Mansion opens boasting a collection of "999" ghosts, with always enough room for one more.

    Later that same evening, August 8th, 1969... in another mansion in Bel Air California, 5 persons are slain, including the film actress Sharron Tate.

    The next evening August 9th, 1969 the murders continue when a grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife were slain at their home on 3301 Waverly Dr formally the residence of guess who?

    5 years before, on August 8th, 1964
    Derek Taylor, press officer for the Beatles, announced to the world in the publication The Satruday Evening Post that the Beatles had formed a new religion and were so anti-christ that it was shocking

    "It's as if they had founded a New Religion"

    "They're completely anti-Christ. I mean, I am anti-Christ as well, but they're so anti-Christ they shock me which isn't an easy thing." (Saturday Evening Post, August 8-15, 1964, p. 25)

    Helter Skelter

    More to come soon, stay tuned"

    Who writes this crap, I mean seriously?!? What a load of unadulterated loony bullshit.


    Its a sad day when grandfatheraleisterTOON gets more written about him then iamaphoney has from his last video

    especially since the GFA videos are pathetically amateurish, juvenile and obscene and just plain WRONG

    Taf, you should seriously SUPERSTONE this post about GFA and remove it.

  34. Taf, you should seriously SUPERSTONE this post about GFA and remove it.

    August 9, 2010 11:11 AM

    Couldnt agree more, GFA should be shunned from the community and banned from being talked about on the IAAP blog. I just canceled my subscription to 999nowhereman and suggest that any rational person does the same. I may even pen a nasty email!

  35. why bother?
    nobody is watching the GFA movie, 269 views?

    stupid videos of cats get more views

    i watched it, made me yawn, and then laugh, even though i dont think it was supposed to be funny. it was. How much spooky music can you fit inside on video? Ask GFA

    Its like a clown car full of annoying sounds, you wonder how they got so many frickin' clowns inside of it and they you remember.... THEY ARE CLOWNS

  36. 8-9-10? ooooooooooooooh! ITS ANOTHER CLUE!!! LOLOLOL

  37. in ten more years everyone will have perfect vision because it will be 2020

  38. why bother?
    nobody is watching the GFA movie, 269 views?

    stupid videos of cats get more views

    i watched it, made me yawn, and then laugh, even though i dont think it was supposed to be funny. it was. How much spooky music can you fit inside on video? Ask GFA

    Its like a clown car full of annoying sounds, you wonder how they got so many frickin' clowns inside of it and they you remember.... THEY ARE CLOWNS

    August 9, 2010 11:35 AM

    CLOWNS fo sure! Like the "finger clown" Yenz.

  39. Stop deleting my posts Taf.


  40. Stop deleting my posts Taf.


    August 9, 2010 12:26 PM

    LOL i noticed that too.

  41. I've got all day.

    Once again, watch this video (see blue link).

    It will take your mind off all the repetitive Manson nonsense. However, you may still have Crowley type thoughts.

    ...and someone said there weren't any good, REALLY GOOD, girl bands.

  42. Stop deleting my posts Taf.


    August 9, 2010 12:26 PM

    Hi Larry! How can we miss you if you never leave? Seriously though, nice to see you back!

    I have had posts appear here and then be gone also. Seemed like only when I was trying to add a YouTube link into the message. Not sure why, but I don't think the Tafmeister had anything to do with it.

    See you next year!

  43. GFA's videos are entertaining and all, but the only Manson/Beatles connection was the one made up in Charlie's own mind.

  44. Hi Larry! How can we miss you if you never leave? Seriously though, nice to see you back!

    See you next year!

    August 9, 2010 1:05 PM

    Huh? I don't get it.

  45. Huh? I don't get it.

    August 9, 2010 1:15 PM

    Aren't you Sir Larry Mildew? If not, never mind.

  46. Aren't you Sir Larry Mildew? If not, never mind.

    August 9, 2010 1:21 PM

    LOL I get it. No, just Larry

  47. GFA's videos are entertaining and all, but the only Manson/Beatles connection was the one made up in Charlie's own mind.

    August 9, 2010 1:09 PM

    Charlie is the boogie man.

  48. GFA's videos are entertaining and all, but the only Manson/Beatles connection was the one made up in Charlie's own mind.

    so can it be said of virtually every PID/PRW "connection." Sure, there are links (Beatles = Lewis Carrol) but nothing substantive beyond some artistic influence, etc.

  49. GFA rocks and rolls.

    Taf deleted three of my posts, just may have to have Taf deleted.

  50. Here's a post werth deleting, and something ye may already know..
    It occured to me awhile back, but all this talk of antichrists..
    If the Beatles are the "four beasts" who surround the throne of God, they actually would be "antichrists" in that they're not Christ. Even if they're the four faces of God, since they aren't God himself, individually, then they're "instead of" God. The four magicians surrounding the fifth. Which might make Paul's death and replacement, as a symbolic story, even more significant.

  51. 7 heads...



  52. They get early warningsAugust 9, 2010 at 4:32 PM

    This is the level when you kick youselves in the head later for being such morons for not accepting the most generous gifts given espressly for YOU and you start to realize that no amount of pleading and begging will help you out of it because you blew it, all of you, even though you were advised not to let it slip away, no one cared.


    oh, wait, just checked the datebook- not yet! but SOON it says. Cancelation possible, if it rains.

  53. Seven heads? close, but no cigar.

  54. Here's a post werth deleting, and something ye may already know..
    It occured to me awhile back, but all this talk of antichrists..
    If the Beatles are the "four beasts" who surround the throne of God, they actually would be "antichrists" in that they're not Christ. Even if they're the four faces of God, since they aren't God himself, individually, then they're "instead of" God. The four magicians surrounding the fifth. Which might make Paul's death and replacement, as a symbolic story, even more significant.

    Dude, you need to seek some help or at least some biblical instruction. When the bible speaks symbolically of "beasts" and "lions" it's in a language known to the readers of the era. It's really sad and ridiculous to even compare a pop band with historical "beasts" who were actual leaders and sadists such as Antiochus Epiphanes and Cesar Caligula.

    If you want to demonize historical figures in the tradition of Christians for 2000 years at least choose people worthy of it.

  55. If you want to demonize historical figures in the tradition of Christians for 2000 years at least choose people worthy of it.

    August 9, 2010 4:46 PM

    Like Ronald McJackson......I mean McDonald

  56. ...Ronald's evil you know.

  57. ...Ronald's evil you know.

    August 9, 2010 5:58 PM

    It's the whole clown thing. Why does a person disguise themselves? So to not be recognized. Who doesn't want to be recognized? Superheroes, witness protection people, thieves, and perverts that want to touch your no-no private spot.

  58. Superman never wore a mask. He wore glasses ifor his alter ego ....just like the fireman.

  59. Superman never wore a mask. He wore glasses ifor his alter ego ....just like the fireman.

    August 9, 2010 7:32 PM

    What a coincidink! TPF wears glasses too!

  60. oops, was I suppose to tell you guys that God was watching and wasn't pleased?

    Wait a second, I already said that.. the part I forgot to tell you was that he will bring the Beatles back from the dead in 2012..

    And then, and only then will the broken hearted people living in this world will agree..

    There is a God..

    Let it be.

  61. Or wait a second, no no.. That's clearly not the truthful one..

    We'll continue to just view God as a name we use to complain of our lifestyles and eventually kill each other..

  62. Anonymous said...
    Superman never wore a mask. He wore glasses ifor his alter ego ....just like the fireman.

    August 9, 2010 7:32 PM

    "I guess every super hero need his theme music"

  63. Anonymous said...
    Superman never wore a mask. He wore glasses ifor his alter ego ....just like the fireman.

    August 9, 2010 7:32 PM

    I'm sorry, who? The Fireman?

  64. Hey! 8/9 went by without anything happening.

    Remember this next date everybody: October the 4th!


    Some heavy shit is gonna go down on 10/4...or not...yeah, probably not.

    10/4 good buddy!

  65. You said...
    When the bible speaks symbolically of "beasts" and "lions" it's in a language known to the readers of the era. It's really sad and ridiculous to even compare a pop band with historical "beasts" who were actual leaders and sadists such as Antiochus Epiphanes and Cesar Caligula.

    It's not that I'm comparing them to The Beast, but that they (or a few of them) viewed the themselves as "The Beast" - that was certainly the case with Crowley.

    If that is true then perhaps Paul is the head "wounded to death" (Revelation 13:3)

    And all the world wondered after the Beatles.

  66. every time you get close to the truth the gang puts in ten comments of nonsense or propaganda to guard "The Secret" but there is no secret if you know what youre looking for

  67. every time you get close to the truth the gang puts in ten comments of nonsense or propaganda to guard "The Secret" but there is no secret if you know what youre looking for

    August 9, 2010 10:33 PM

    Nice try demon seed of Chucky. "The Secret" is, there is no secret.

    (Shhhh....don't tell, m'kay? It's a secret, really.)

  68. other words, there is nothing to be looking for, really.

  69. other words, there is nothing to be looking for, really.

    thats right. why do you think I put it like that?

    "The Secret"

    "The Secret" is, there is no secret.


    its no secret that there is no secret. I know that

  70. "The Secret" but there is no secret if you know what youre looking for

    August 9, 2010 10:33 PM

    You said: "if you know what you are looking for"

    That would imply there is something to look for. That is why I followed up with other words, there is nothing to be looking for, really.

  71. you think there are no people looking for nothing? people who see what they see and nothing more? there are people looking for something, I know. people who see more than there is

  72. he part I forgot to tell you was that he will bring the Beatles back from the dead in 2012..

    And then, and only then will the broken hearted people living in this world will agree..

    There is a God..

    Let it be.

    Good luck with that 2012 date w/o me.

    Can't you read the signs?

  73. you think there are no people looking for nothing? people who see what they see and nothing more? there are people looking for something, I know. people who see more than there is

    August 10, 2010 12:51 AM

    Maybe we are in agreement?
    There are a lot of people chasing their tails looking for nothing. There are a lot of people who can't see past their noses. Then there are those that frequent this blog, seeing more than there is.

  74. It's not that I'm comparing them to The Beast, but that they (or a few of them) viewed the themselves as "The Beast" - that was certainly the case with Crowley.

    If that is true then perhaps Paul is the head "wounded to death" (Revelation 13:3)

    And all the world wondered after the Beatles.

    Still wrong. Rev 13:3, if you read all of it (and all of Revelation for that matter), has nothing whatsoever to do with Paul f-ing McCartney goofball.

  75. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.

    And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.

  76. Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on."

    "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them."

  77. Then the angel said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!' "

    And he added, "These are the true words of God."

  78. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair,

    "Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great."

  79. You gave me the word, ah ha
    I finally heard, ah ha
    and I'm doing the best that I can....

  80. I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

  81. I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

    The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

  82. 10, 2010 at 6:10 AM

    Let it Be!

  83. He who testifies to these things says,

    "Yes, I am coming soon."


  85. Still wrong. Rev 13:3, if you read all of it (and all of Revelation for that matter), has nothing whatsoever to do with Paul f-ing McCartney goofball.

    You must be joking? Read my comment again,

    It's not that I'm comparing them to The Beast, but that they (or a few of them) viewed the themselves as "The Beast" - that was certainly the case with Crowley.

    Revelation has nothing to do with Crowley, Beatles, Manson, or any of them. But what did Crowley have to do with Revelation? If you say "nothing" you're a goofball.

  86. Anonymous said...
    The revelation to Iamaphoney is simple, if you just observe and listen. One of the subchannels there is CharleyNewports.. There are 3 other channels with music videos containing powerful messages behind them..

    These were up before Jet Schizo's post on NIR, so he either figured out the significance behind these channels or he's behind the channels..

    Kanye West - Power

    Lady Gaga - Alejandro

    Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

    Selena Gomez - Naturally

    Paul's obsession with Crowley and his "Power" with magic..

    John Lennon's message to Yoko "alejandro"

    Yoko's message to John "Paparazzi"

    selena gomez's song is probably just for the opening line..

    "how you chose to express yourself"

    thought i'd point that out because nobody else here has, so nobody probably realized the significance behind the channels.

    If that's the "revelation" then it's really stupid. But thanks, Charlie, for pointing that out.

    August 9, 2010 3:57 AM

    If that were Charley posting that, he'd say you were wrong.. not saying i'm him but you know ;]

  87. If that were Charley posting that, he'd say you were wrong.. not saying i'm him but you know ;]

    August 10, 2010 12:12 PM

    honestly for all we know its iamaphoney trying something new

    how many iamaphoney subcounts have their been in the past? these are nothing more then just new accounts

  88. honestly for all we know its iamaphoney trying something new

    how many iamaphoney subcounts have their been in the past? these are nothing more then just new accounts

    This Charley Newports is bible goofball Sean Lennon/John Lennon is alive guy and trying to parasite off Phoney. If not, Phoney is a super goofball.

  89. My said...
    Still wrong. Rev 13:3, if you read all of it (and all of Revelation for that matter), has nothing whatsoever to do with Paul f-ing McCartney goofball.

    You must be joking? Read my comment again,

    It's not that I'm comparing them to The Beast, but that they (or a few of them) viewed the themselves as "The Beast" - that was certainly the case with Crowley.

    Revelation has nothing to do with Crowley, Beatles, Manson, or any of them. But what did Crowley have to do with Revelation? If you say "nothing" you're a goofball.

    August 10, 2010 12:06 PM

    i guess iamaphoney is a goofball too then, right?

  90. This is the level when you kick youselves in the head later for being such morons for not accepting the most generous gifts given espressly for YOU and you start to realize that no amount of pleading and begging will help you out of it because you blew it, all of you, even though you were advised not to let it slip away, no one cared.

  91. // Babalon—also known as The Scarlet Woman, The Great Mother, or the Mother of Abominations—is a goddess found in the mystical system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with English author and occultist Aleister Crowley's writing of The Book of the Law. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman; although she can also be identified with Mother Earth, in her most fertile sense. At the same time, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect in the form of a spiritual office, which could be filled by actual women—usually as a counterpart to his own identification as "To Mega Therion" (The Great Beast)—whose duty was then to help manifest the energies of the current Aeon of Horus. // "You" is link for to the rest on Wikipedia.

    If Paul were interested in Crowley, do you think he could not do the same? I have met people who think they are reincarnated prophets, the two witnesses, angels in flesh, John the Baptist, would you have me believe that it is impossible that Paul McCartney thinks he (or the Beatles) was|is The Beast?

    To me this is a lot more reasonable than the myth that >>Paul died in a car crash and was replaced by a look-alike.<< And I don't need a hundred videos or a million flashing images to put my opinion out there for you to consider.


  92. This Charley Newports is bible goofball Sean Lennon/John Lennon is alive guy and trying to parasite off Phoney. If not, Phoney is a super goofball.

    August 10, 2010 12:47 PM

    lol youre a moron

  93. If Paul were interested in Crowley, do you think he could not do the same? I have met people who think they are reincarnated prophets, the two witnesses, angels in flesh, John the Baptist, would you have me believe that it is impossible that Paul McCartney thinks he (or the Beatles) was|is The Beast?

    To me this is a lot more reasonable than the myth that >>Paul died in a car crash and was replaced by a look-alike.<< And I don't need a hundred videos or a million flashing images to put my opinion out there for you to consider.


    Uh, yeah, it's impossible that Paul thinks he's the Beast, dude. He believed the Beatles were a force for good as he's said many times. They could have asked people to go out and kill their neighbors, but they basically had a message of love.

    Crowley called himself the Beast not literally believing himself to be the biblical version. It was a provocation as he explained, like Marilyn Manson calling himself antichrist or whatever. For publicity.

  94. At the same time, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect in the form of a spiritual office, which could be filled by actual women—usually as a counterpart to his own identification as "To Mega Therion" (The Great Beast)—whose duty was then to help manifest the energies of the current Aeon of Horus.

    hahaha yeah, in other words, Crowley used this BS on women to "liberate" them in bed. "Hey, you be the Scarlet Woman and I'll be the Beast." It was just kinky role-playing BS, none of which is what John of Patmos was writing about in Revelation.

  95. Last Anon, There is role playing in rituals, you should know that.

    Other Anon, you said Crowley called himself the Beast not literally believing himself to be the biblical version. It was a provocation as he explained, like Marilyn Manson calling himself antichrist or whatever. For publicity.

    I can half agree that Crowley didn't believe himself to be the Biblical version of "The Beast," but him using the number 666 shows that there is Biblical connection, or that the origin of his version of "The Beast" is Biblical in part.

    And.. the things Crowley did were not just for publicity. You're thinking of David Blain. LOL!

  96. none of which is what John of Patmos was writing about in Revelation.

    This not about the Revelation of Jesus Christ.


    Can you not get that through your thick skull?

  97. Your're ALL wrong. "Paul is Dead" came about when the persona of "Beatle Paul" (not the person Paul McCartney) died to the group. This happened when Paul wrote the song Yesterday. Yesterday was considered solely Paul's song. John, George, and Ringo, although they like the song, didn't feel it had the right vibe to fit in with the music they were turning out at the time. Even George Martin wanted the song released not under The Beatles name, but strictly under the name of Paul McCartney. From that point on, "Beatle Paul" was figuratively dead. Jokingly (or not), Paul had officially went solo.

  98. I can half agree that Crowley didn't believe himself to be the Biblical version of "The Beast," but him using the number 666 shows that there is Biblical connection, or that the origin of his version of "The Beast" is Biblical in part.

    So what if that's the origin? The bible and its many passages and stories and names are the origin of 75% of everything around.

    Crowley, a historical lightweight, connected himself to the bible, not the other way around. Jack Parson of Jet Propulsion Labs, a far more important person than Crowley, also called himself the Antichrist. So what?

    If you read Revelation as a timetable of future events (which it doesn't have to be), then it's pointless to try figuring out who this Beast character is because the NT says no one does. There is no passage that says, "Oh, and then some dudes on YouTube figure out who the antichrist is and fuck up the whole prophecy I'm telling you about."

  99. Your're ALL wrong. "Paul is Dead" came about when the persona of "Beatle Paul" (not the person Paul McCartney) died to the group. This happened when Paul wrote the song Yesterday. Yesterday was considered solely Paul's song. John, George, and Ringo, although they like the song, didn't feel it had the right vibe to fit in with the music they were turning out at the time. Even George Martin wanted the song released not under The Beatles name, but strictly under the name of Paul McCartney. From that point on, "Beatle Paul" was figuratively dead. Jokingly (or not), Paul had officially went solo.

    August 10, 2010 3:38 PM

    I don't know who you are, John Charles, Sir Larry, that Anonymous guy, or a few other PIA people I can't remember....WHOEVER, you sir, are not welcome here. This is not the place to make sensible posts! If you can't post something about The Beatles in relation to Crowley, Manson, sigil magic, or something more sinister, DO NOT POST ANYTHING! GO AWAY!



  101. Crowley is long since dead and is a footnote to history at best. This idea that Crowley was a genuine evil supernatural force and that anyone who thinks his life was interesting is therefore a practitioner of Crowley's bogus sex magick, is pointing the way to the apocalypse and must have a video series dedicated to attacking them is the height of stupidity.

    It's like saying the History Channel is evil and must be exposed because they run documentaries about Hitler.

    Crowley's bloated carcass continues to get whored out by pretentious college kids who think he was cool for thumbing his nose at the conventions of society and in turn, Crowley's image is whored out by the lunatic fringe in pseudo-Christianity/conspiracy theory circles because it's a convenient way to pass the time and stops them from dealing with their own psychological problems.

  102. Anonymous said...

    Your're ALL wrong. "Paul is Dead" came about when the persona of "Beatle Paul" (not the person Paul McCartney) died to the group. This happened when Paul wrote the song Yesterday. Yesterday was considered solely Paul's song. John, George, and Ringo, although they like the song, didn't feel it had the right vibe to fit in with the music they were turning out at the time. Even George Martin wanted the song released not under The Beatles name, but strictly under the name of Paul McCartney. From that point on, "Beatle Paul" was figuratively dead. Jokingly (or not), Paul had officially went solo.

    August 10, 2010 3:38 PM

    Well, that pretty much does it for me, really. Guess I was wrong.

    Iamaphoney over and out, really!

  103. Up said...
    Crowley was a goofball

    August 10, 2010 8:39 PM

    So is Iamaphoney, the Sean Lennon dude, and anyone that says Crowley had nothing to do with the revelation apparently...

  104. So I was driving in my car, and I thought "Ok, I will see a cop giving someone a ticket" and sure enough it came true.

    Does that make me God?

  105. :O


    I am God!! :D

  106. thank you thank you.

    hold the applause. :'D

  107. Tune in next time for when Iamaphoney returns with "Elvis, is he really dead?"


  108. crowley: biblical prophecy
    Taco Bell: Mexico

  109. Iamaphoney Blog spot: Priceless..

    There are somethings money can't buy..

    For everything else, there's MasterCard.

  110. Crowley is long since dead and is a footnote to history at best. This idea that Crowley was a genuine evil supernatural force and that anyone who thinks his life was interesting is therefore a practitioner of Crowley's bogus sex magick, is pointing the way to the apocalypse and must have a video series dedicated to attacking them is the height of stupidity.

    Hahahah now finally a true statement. Anyone frightened of Crowley, or who thinks an association with either he or his stupid theories or lifestyle has something to do with Revelation, has really missed the point and the boat.

  111. you know, you would hate to miss that train! (boat, taxi, bus, carpool, airplane.....)

    Start walking

  112. Hahahah now finally a true statement. Anyone frightened of Crowley, or who thinks an association with either he or his stupid theories or lifestyle has something to do with Revelation, has really missed the point and the boat.

    True. Loose associations, better known as guilt by association, is a sleazy tactic. Sure, one can show that Beatles used backwards guitars and stuff, and that Crowlian (Egyptian) magick involved invocations spoken backwards and blah blah. But the Beatles toyed with everything, not just backwards, but sped up, chopped up, flanged, and every iteration of soundplay they could dream up, so I don't think they were attempting a magical effect by using reversals in the studio.

    One could also use New Testament (Jesus) quotes to demonstrate that the Beatles were spreading the Christian ethic of love, compassion, and brotherhood (which has indeed by done by numerous ministries and theologians in the past). You would have an even greater amount of material to work with. So?

    Classic con artist case of cherry picking what fits and ignoring and throwing out what doesn't.

  113. Anyone frightened of Crowley, or who thinks an association with either he or his stupid theories or lifestyle has something to do with Revelation, has really missed the point and the boat.

    so you're saying the very foundation of the RA series is discredited? Well crikey, that ruins everything.

  114. Who would be frightened of Crowley anyway? He's dead, and while he was alive he was a crackpot celebrity. Equal parts Marilyn Manson and Lindsay Lohan.

    Since Huntz Hall and Leo Gorcey are represented alongside the menagerie of pop culture icons, should we therefore assume the the Beatles were trying to indoctrinate the world into re-evaluating the East Side Kids b-movies? Oliver Hardy is on there too. Does that mean the Beatles are telling us that we should all be fat and hang around with a dumb skinny guys who'll make us fall off ladders? And what's the deal with Shirley Temple? Is Ringo telling us the we all should tap dance in a little pink dresses? That bastard!

    This singular focus on Crowley is a logic cheat. Selective "clues" that ignore the context are worthless. Either go all the way and interpret the meaning of EVERY face on the cover and the possible "message" the Beatles are sending out by sticking them on there or maybe just accept the fact that they're on there because the Beatles were in their 20's, dying to be thought of as "arty" and thought they were interesting.

    If you're expecting a rock band to send you secret messages about the future of mankind and Biblical prophecy then you're either mentally ill or you're way too easily influenced by the rantings of the mentally ill.

  115. ...which makes you mentally ill.

  116. Either go all the way and interpret the meaning of EVERY face on the cover and the possible "message" the Beatles are sending out by sticking them on there or maybe just accept the fact that they're on there because the Beatles were in their 20's, dying to be thought of as "arty" and thought they were interesting.

    So true, but dude, trust me, those NIR pattern-seeking obsessives spend years trying to make a giant clue out of the whole Pepper cover but it's totally subjective of course.

  117. Anyone who reads or posts here is mentally ill. The only cure is to eat lots of Kraft dinner. That is why Kraft dinner is the local running joke. Ironically, most people who eat Kraft dinner don't run, so it really isn't a running joke. The running joke is Reebok.

  118. William "Naomi" CampbellAugust 11, 2010 at 4:16 PM

    Speaking of diamonds on the soles of her shoes, I wonder if Macca still wears Charles Taylors? He needs to switch to Reeboks right away.

  119. ignorant and unimaginative fools

  120. Reebok is a code word for 'read books', which means you have to read lots of books or else you will never understand all the secret jokes The Beatles put in every line of every song they ever wrote.

    South Park proved it by showing Al Gore as Manbearpig, which is the ancient word for beetle. McCartman was half man, half beetle, and half Gorenge, which rhymes with cheeses, and this explains why he trapped Kyle in the cave and then snuck off and ate every last bit of phoney pirate treasure.

    So it all comes down to buying a new pair of Reeboks, which you pay for with boxes of Kraft dinner. That is what you will ultimately learn by reading all the books, watching South Park, and drinking your Ovaltine.

    Shine on you crazy aardvark.

  121. OMG Reebok was started by Paul Fireman? That explains EVERYTHING! Thank you iamaphoney!

  122. ignorant and unimaginative fools.

    thank you, angry magick groupie guy

  123. Thank YOU silly mental illness guy.

  124. I'm not your guy, buddy.

  125. this Nowhereman999 video is absolutely retarded. I can find any day on the calendar and present creepy correlations.

    we call this "reaching."

    what is this fascination with PID videos to "frighten" viewers with bs faux creepy stuff? So passe.

  126. that nowhere video is so stupid, might as well have made a video about friday the 13th coming up LOL
    all that creepy music, sheesh.
    There is no such thing as ritual dates

  127. that nowhere999 guy should eat some croissants, some french toast, some french bread, some french fries and stop being so faux and passe

    and STOP force feeding the ducks

  128. Break some legs tonight, Macca.

  129. It seems like all of the Iamaphoney recruits are slowly coming out of the Woodwork

  130. ^

    'cus they will never see until the Earth stands still.

  131. Starr's got a freakin' arrow in his head, dudes.

  132. CONSOL Energy Center VIP "Jump the Line" Contest

  133. Get you feet in the air!

  134. There is no duck.

  135. I am watch iamaphoney video and I not knowing if is correct to say in the English briefcase or suitcase? Also I not seeing a duck or Kraft dinner in video?

  136. Iamaphoney should have taken his girlfriend to a baseball ball game, ducked out of the way of a foul ball and let her get hit with it. That seems to be the best way to get a viral video.

  137. I like the fair-isle sweater and the lace-up gumboots.

  138. at baseball ball game can get hot dog or chicken wings but only at toronto bluejays can get kraft dinner

  139. You Naomi Name said...
    Reebok is a code word for 'read books', which means you have to read lots of books or else you will never understand all the secret jokes The Beatles put in every line of every song they ever wrote.

    South Park proved it by showing Al Gore as Manbearpig, which is the ancient word for beetle. McCartman was half man, half beetle, and half Gorenge, which rhymes with cheeses, and this explains why he trapped Kyle in the cave and then snuck off and ate every last bit of phoney pirate treasure.

    So it all comes down to buying a new pair of Reeboks, which you pay for with boxes of Kraft dinner. That is what you will ultimately learn by reading all the books, watching South Park, and drinking your Ovaltine.

    Shine on you crazy aardvark.

    August 11, 2010 4:45 PM

    Amazing... on the 11th, i went to and clicked random episode...

    this is the one that came up, and watched it.

  140. Don't books have photos sometimes?

  141. PAUL McCARTNEY - Hey Jude - Bell Centre - Montreal - 12 Aug 2010 - 08/12/2010



  144. are you kidding? have you looked at a a box of Kraft Dinners? there are clues everywhere!


  146. ..the Manson murders, of all things. Although there is not much factual substance in the video (how could there be?)

    Taf, I find it really disappointing that you're so skeptical of the Manson/Beatles connection, especially since so much has been written about the subject.

    To summarize: Paul McCartney writes a song that inspires Manson to convince some kids to kill Sharon Tate, whose husband Roman Polanski directed Rosemary's Baby which was shot at the Dakota where John Lennon would later live. At a party during his "lost weekend" with May Pang, John Lennon, reportedly in a fit of a paranoid rage, screams that "it's all Polanski's fault". During the later years of his life friends say something seemed to be eating John as he had lost an incredible amount of weight (in his 1988 book The Lives of John Lennon Albert Goldman claims he looked like a skeleton in his final few years, and rarely left the house). And finally, when questioned by Playboy in November 1980 John defensively claims that Helter Skelter had nothing to with anything, and LEAST OF ALL anything to do with him.

    And you're surprised that GFA is trying to connect the Beatles with Manson?

  147. Potomac River needs to be dyed orange and renamed Kraft Dinner River.

  148. but if rename to kraft dinner river all mentally ill canadians will move to river thinking they will getting free dinner or free pot or something

  149. lazy mental illness canadian always crossing to border for free dinner into american then not pay tax for orange food color is shame i thank because to give orange river for name kraft dinner river is to be found for smelly cheese or old rusty license plate on volkswagen

  150. To summarize: Paul McCartney writes a song that inspires Manson to convince some kids to kill Sharon Tate

    *First off, Manson's plan was to instigate Armageddon based in part on his NIR-like interpretation of the White Album. Don't blame that on Paul's song.
    That isn't a Beatle-Manson connection, it's Manson connecting his own ideas to the Beatles, just like Phoney and NIR and YOU seem to be doing.

    whose husband Roman Polanski directed Rosemary's Baby which was shot at the Dakota where John Lennon would later live.

    *Everyone knows about Roman directing RB and it was filmed at the Dakota like many other movies(before Lennon lived there). So what? How does this connect the Beatles to Manson?

    At a party during his "lost weekend" with May Pang, John Lennon, reportedly in a fit of a paranoid rage, screams that "it's all Polanski's fault".

    **Reportedly? What does Polanski have to do with Manson other than his wife was killed by the family? Again, no connection here between Beatles/Manson.

    During the later years of his life friends say something seemed to be eating John as he had lost an incredible amount of weight (in his 1988 book The Lives of John Lennon Albert Goldman claims he looked like a skeleton in his final few years, and rarely left the house).

    **Everyone knows Lennon was on Yoko's macrobiotic diet which made him thin. He was vain about his weight and always complained he was too chubby. What does this have to do with Manson?

    And finally, when questioned by Playboy in November 1980 John defensively claims that Helter Skelter had nothing to with anything, and LEAST OF ALL anything to do with him.

    You'd be defensive too if goofballs tried to link you to a murderer just because you wrote pop songs. He's right. Helter Skelter was just a song and Lennon had nothing to do with it.

    And you're surprised that GFA is trying to connect the Beatles with Manson?

    *If you watch any movie about Manson, including the recent one with Lindsay Lohan, all these "connections" are mentioned (showing how Manson thought there were connections when they weren't meaninful). It's not a GFA thing at all.

  151. I learn so much from this blog!

  152. So where is part 2, 999nowhereman?

  153. the things i used to did
    when i was a kid

  154. Christo said he'd like to turn the Potomac orange, but
    artisticly he can only justify bood--red.



  156. *If you watch any movie about Manson, including the recent one with Lindsay Lohan, all these "connections" are mentioned (showing how Manson thought there were connections when they weren't meaninful). It's not a GFA thing at all.

    "maybe you were mistaken"

    that was Chapman

  157. Mental illness Canada guy tell me Paul not really dead he start underground band call it Alec Zandimer Plerp but not sell much records so make puzzles instead.

  158. *If you watch any movie about Manson, including the recent one with Lindsay Lohan, all these "connections" are mentioned (showing how Manson thought there were connections when they weren't meaninful). It's not a GFA thing at all.

    "maybe you were mistaken"

    that was Chapman

    Right, that was Chapman in that movie. Interesting, though, how Manson and Chapman thought alike.

    All psychos and stalkers think like that. . .they think something is going on and take action to "stop it." That particular obsession, that particular mode of thinking, is probably the cause of the better part of evil.

  159. Anonymous said...
    All psychos and stalkers think like that. . .they think something is going on and take action to "stop it." That particular obsession, that particular mode of thinking, is probably the cause of the better part of evil.

    August 13, 2010 5:55 PM

    You nailed it.

  160. full speed ahead captain

  161. talking about things, people don't know too much about.

  162. Don't you all love to see the plan?

  163. I talk more to mental illness Canada guy and he say best Kraft dinner in Toronto not Montreal because French accent make cheese powder taste like fish so not surprise Montreal lose baseball team.

  164. My new Reebok talk to me say tickle Elmo but I resist urge to become like mental illness Canada guy only listen voice come from tuna can after put fish on Kraft dinner say no more Charlie Taylor shoe.

  165. And no more bite finger.

  166. Anonymous said...
    All psychos and stalkers think like that. . .they think something is going on and take action to "stop it." That particular obsession, that particular mode of thinking, is probably the cause of the better part of evil.

    That also accounts for the motivation behind a big chunk of "normal" human activity, wouldn't you say?

  167. Blogger Matthew said...

    And you're surprised that GFA is trying to connect the Beatles with Manson?

    August 13, 2010 9:01 AM




    AT ALL

    Taf is right, you sir and GFA are wrong

  168. Scholarly review of S3ANL3NN0N movie

    The Rotten Apple from S3ANL3NN0N

    And the Fireman..

    my thoughts:
    This video might not suck as badly as it does if the one who made it hadn't smooshed all
    the recycled imagery onto half a screen, and had actually just come out and made his point.

    posted by Letter B
    on Nothing is Real

  169. "This video might not suck as badly as it does if the one who made it hadn't smooshed all
    the recycled imagery onto half a screen, and had actually just come out and made his point."

    You gunna take that S3ANL3NN0N???

  170. I think it is well known that S3ANL3NN0N is one of the more respected people here. This kind of attack is uncalled for.

    That person, Letter B, who ever that is, should have thought about making fun of the reincarnated Jesus John Lennon. Didn't you think, Letter B, that calling His video "stupid" you are calling Jesus John Lennon "stupid"?

    This not proper, not right, not Christian. Since you are a Christian, I find this hypocritical. We all hope you repent.

    This is an open letter to S3ANL3NN0N from all of His supporters here.

    Dear S3ANL3NN0N,

    Please accept our apology on behalf of Letter B for calling your video "stupid". It was not stupid, it was really good. Keep in mind when you return to judge the living and the dead that we had nothing to do with that review of your movie, and should you wish to throw anybody into Hell for all of eternity for making fun of you, it was not us.

    We really think you are cool and hope to see much more of your movies and read more of your random song lyric quotes and blue links.

    So if anyone should be punished, please dont punish us! Punish a certain someone whos name starts with the letter AFTER the letter A, which would also be before the letter C.

    But since you are God, you probably already knew that.

    If you did, please don't get mad that I wrote this letter. I only meant to say how sorry we are that that person called your video "stupid". It wasn't stupid at all. We never thought that, and I am sure there is some random song lyric quote that could be inserted that would make more since then my rambling. HEY! YOU COULD LEAVE A RANDOM SONG LYRIC QUOTE HERE! That would be really appropriate and we would all like that very much.


    All your supporters at the Iamaphoney Blog

  171. You spelled "sense" wrong...


  173. Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers, so mothers be good to your daughters, too.

  174. I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.

  175. Then one day you find, ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

  176. You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, and know when to run.

  177. I understand about indecision, but I don't care if I get behind. People living in competition, all I want is to have my peace of mind.

  178. All you need is love, love. Love is all you need.

  179. ANSWERS

    sǝןʇɐǝq ǝɥʇ
    ˙pǝǝu noʎ ןןɐ sı ǝʌoן ˙ǝʌoן 'ǝʌoן sı pǝǝu noʎ ןןɐ

    01# sǝʇonb buos

    ˙puıɯ ɟo ǝɔɐǝd ʎɯ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ sı ʇuɐʍ ı ןןɐ 'uoıʇıʇǝdɯoɔ uı buıʌıן ǝןdoǝd ˙puıɥǝq ʇǝb ı ɟı ǝɹɐɔ ʇ,uop ı ʇnq 'uoısıɔǝpuı ʇnoqɐ puɐʇsɹǝpun ı

    5# sǝʇonb buos

    sɹǝboɹ ʎuuǝʞ
    ˙unɹ oʇ uǝɥʍ ʍouʞ puɐ 'ʎɐʍɐ ʞןɐʍ oʇ uǝɥʍ ʍouʞ 'ɯǝɥʇ pןoɟ oʇ uǝɥʍ ʍouʞ 'ɯǝɥʇ pןoɥ oʇ uǝɥʍ ʍouʞ oʇ ʇob noʎ

    4# sǝʇonb buos

    pʎoןɟ ʞuıd
    ˙unb buıʇɹɐʇs ǝɥʇ pǝssıɯ noʎ 'unɹ oʇ uǝɥʍ noʎ pןoʇ ǝuo ou ˙noʎ puıɥǝq ʇob ǝʌɐɥ sɹɐǝʎ uǝʇ 'puıɟ noʎ ʎɐp ǝuo uǝɥʇ

    3# sǝʇonb buos

    ןǝʞunɟɹɐb puɐ uoɯıs
    ˙ןıɐu ɐ uɐɥʇ ɹǝɯɯɐɥ ɐ ǝq ɹǝɥʇɐɹ p,ı

    2# sǝʇonb buos

    ɹǝʎɐɯ uɥoظ
    ˙ooʇ 'sɹǝʇɥbnɐp ɹnoʎ oʇ poob ǝq sɹǝɥʇoɯ os 'sɹǝɥʇoɯ oʇuı uɹnʇ oɥʍ 'sɹǝʌoן ǝɯoɔǝq sןɹıb ˙op noʎ ǝʞıן ǝʌoן ןןıʍ sɹǝʇɥbnɐp 'sɹǝʇɥbnɐp ɹnoʎ oʇ poob ǝq sɹǝɥʇɐɟ

    1# sǝʇonb buos

  180. I appreciate the sarcasm

    But really, video's will be uploaded again shortly

    Got the proper codecs now :D

  181. S3ANL3NN0N said...
    I appreciate the sarcasm

    But really, video's will be uploaded again shortly

    Got the proper codecs now :D

    August 14, 2010 2:52 PM

    wow I'm not him and I saw that one coming -.-

    does that make me an apostle? LOL

  182. After A and Before C I amAugust 14, 2010 at 3:25 PM

    Sorry Sean. Didn't realize it was a technical error.
