Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Miss I

Dear Mr. Iamaphoney, Do you know I miss you? We all miss you, don't ya boys? Do ya miss him, miss him, miss him? All the Beatles miss you.

We (or at least I) have not heard from Iamaphoney since the release of the severely underrated "Peace of Mind," but I am hopeful that things will change soon. I have never been that fond of the Iamaphoney posted "schedule," and quite frankly, due to some kind of extremely specific learning disability from which I apparently suffer, I have always had trouble decoding it anyway. But I sincerely hope that "01020410" as indicated on his YouTube channel means that we will see a new Rotten Apple effort in the next couple of days. I have been told that Iamaphoney has shared in various correspondences with viewers that he, in fact, does not control the release or revelation schedule, and in my studies in the rabbit hole, I am finding more evidence to support that assertion than I expected. I am also beginning to think that eventually there will be an answer (ebtitel) to all of this.

With that in mind, and in the absence of medication, I am offering a video of my own. If we do hear from Iamaphoney this weekend, I'm sure it will blow mine away, but my hope is that my effort will rest comfortably in the shade of the one, the only, the original Iamaphoney. We sure do miss you. All the Beatles miss you.

For my video I chose to do a cover version of one of my favorite songs on one of my favorite albums "Time Takes Time." The song is called, "Don't Know A Thing About Love." Stanley, I hope it's okay.

I do try to answer questions and honor requests, but it can sometimes take me a while. So if any of you have a request or question that has not been addressed in an article or on one of my videos, I haven't forgotten you. And, please keep sending me those clues.

As I said, things are rather slow in the Iamaphoney news department. Are there any Nutters fans out there? Hmmm. How about Nutters? Well anyway, if you are curious about this unusual item from 24 seconds into the video A BIRD IN THE BUSH - 1 by aGameOfFlVES... can find it here if you scroll down to the bottom of the page.

The documentary version of Rotten Apple 65 can now be found again here.

I love this guy named sneidng who makes ukulele versions of Iamaphoney classics. If you play the ukulele, you're okay by me.

And yet another videomaker has joined the ranks of the Iamaphoney imitator society. Say hello to WeirdCandycain. A support group meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, but it will be canceled in the event of a new Rotten Apple video.

Come on, Iamaphoney. We all miss you.


  1. I Miss I more than anyone.

  2. Don't be worried, tafultong.
    Some goodies might appear out of nowhere on saturday. : )

    and about your previous blog post:
    where did you get this idea from, eh?
    "I think it might have been Mikeynl1038 who coined the term originally. Mike credits himself for making me famous, but from my perspective, the opposite is true."


  3. Are you sure, Taf? Really, it's kind of weird.. you know, how when things are actually starting to develop in the comments area of your blog, you go ahead and make a new topic.

    Are you sure you're just a fan? Or you're just trying to divert from the conversations because you know where it's leading too.

  4. And don't just say they're going nowhere because you know as well as me, if that were the case, you'd be making new topics everyday.

  5. Hey lullo, heb je nog geneukt?

  6. How many people are we talking about when we say that "all of the Beatles" miss Iamaphoney?

    Isn't there a RA video where the old dude with the Mediterranean accent reminds us "now there is only Ringo Starr"?

    April 10 -- for reasons already alluded to on several occasions -- is an important date in the
    Beatles lexicon so I imagine that the timetable on the Iamaphoney page will be followed and we will hear from the great Sphinx on that day.

    I think that he did come through with a video on or around that date in 2008 or 2009 so why shouldn't he make it three in a row?

    Of course, I doubt that the video will consist of him submitting to an interview.

  7. Good old MikeNL.

    For how many years now has he played Sgt. Schultz's game of insisting "I know NOTTING! NOTTING!"?

    But he seems awfully confident -- as he always does -- that something will happen on Saturday.

    I would guess that something will happen on Saturday too, but that guess is the result of empiricism.

    MikeNL's prediction seems to be based on a little more than that.

  8. 65if2007 said...
    Good old MikeNL.

    For how many years now has he played Sgt. Schultz's game of insisting "I know NOTTING! NOTTING!"?

    But he seems awfully confident -- as he always does -- that something will happen on Saturday.

    I would guess that something will happen on Saturday too, but that guess is the result of empiricism.

    MikeNL's prediction seems to be based on a little more than that.

    April 9, 2010 12:39 AM

    Good old 65if,

    might have guessed right.


    or did he?

  9. Oh, here now. From me, from the last one..

    "I'm not asking who the bad guy isn't, I'm asking who the bad guy is. Until I figure that out, I don't think I'll trust any guy.

    Or I'll wise up just in time.

    Really, I find it hard to believe that nobody here is willing and capable of coming clean. Clearly."

  10. Taf, I don't mean to be disrespectful by posting comments that you may not appreciate, (like my above comment that I previously posted on your previous post), I just assume that you either don't mind or that you'd respond to me if you did.

    I mean, I have no reason to believe that you have any idea what I'm talking about or any idea about the answers to my "questions" or anything.

  11. what have you done for me lately?ht MovesApril 9, 2010 at 5:48 AM

    I'm growing tired of the fauxny posers who should have known better by now what is expected of them. Really.

  12. gameface said...

    Taf, I don't mean to be disrespectful by posting comments that you may not appreciate, (like my above comment that I previously posted on your previous post), I just assume that you either don't mind or that you'd respond to me if you did.

    Hello gameface, I welcome your comments. Best wishes to you.

  13. And in her eyes two saphires blue

    And you need her
    And she needs you.
    And you need her
    And she needs you

  14. Get ready for the Thelemic High Holy days April 8-10

  15. Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

  16. Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
    Get these mutts away from me
    You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore

  17. You know where it's leading to.

  18. uh, no. Don't think so.

  19. There will be a video on April 10th but it'll be more of the same. A new song that sounds like it was recorded in sludge. Recycled "actor" footage again and again. Clips takne out of context, changed, redubbed. Something stolen from Zeigeist. Etc.

    A handful of people will hang out on his homepage and wait for it. No matter what's in the video a few will leave comments exclaiming it's "the best one ever!". Taf will write a review of it on here that's neither positive or negative with a couple of frames that he finds interesting and providing links to where the pics really come from.

    Then it'll die down and that one guy will come on here and post song lyrics and little jokes that only his friends gets. That other guy will come on here and quote scripture, imply that pop stars rule the world and vaguely complain that no one's looking and "the answers are all in front of us!". Then someone like me will come on here and bitch about everything.

    Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

    If anything Iamaphoney's followers have become as predictable as Iamaphoney.

  20. I'll sleep in this place with the lonely crowd
    Lie in the dark where the shadows run from themselves

  21. I bet he'll take advantage of Malcom McLaren passing away and come up with something like McLaren's cancer was a lie and that TPTB had him killed or something. Paul once said he liked the Sex Pistols so there's something you can hang a myth on.

  22. 65if2007 said...
    How many people are we talking about when we say that "all of the Beatles" miss Iamaphoney?

    Taf is making a joke about the scene in the Marlon Brando movie The Wild Ones that's on the Anthology. C'mon 65if2007 you must've at least seen the Anthology. It's recommended.

  23. Paul once said he liked the Sex Pistols so there's something you can hang a myth on.

    Her name was Pauline and she lived in a tree.

  24. "Then someone like me will come on here and bitch about everything."

    Yeah, we know. There's, like, 7 billion of you.... Why is that?

  25. Worst episode ever.

  26. Worst episode ever? why?

  27. I was being the comic book guy from the Simpsons who always bitches about everything. One of the 7 billion here.

  28. Paul McCartney is bringing his Up And Coming Tour to Mexico. He will play at the Foro Sol, in Mexico City on Thursday 27th May 2010.

  29. the comic book guy from the Simpsons


    he was in MENSA, so I guess he has a point.

  30. Anonymous said...
    "Then someone like me will come on here and bitch about everything."

    Yeah, we know. There's, like, 7 billion of you.... Why is that?

    April 9, 2010 2:30 PM

    Thank you quote-from-scripture-pop-stars-rule-the-world-it's-all-in-front-of-you-seen-the-Matrix-too-many-times-cliche-stereotype guy.

  31. Casablanca MisquoteApril 9, 2010 at 2:52 PM

    Play it again, Sam

  32. Thank you quote-from-scripture-pop-stars-rule-the-world-it's-all-in-front-of-you-seen-the-Matrix-too-many-times-cliche-stereotype guy.

    never seen the matrix

    as far as the quoting goes - hey it's a tough job getting through to all of the people all of the time. Gotta get em where it counts. Some Pop stars are school ruled, and not rulers but rulers nonetheless, And you need to leave out the little cookies just for the little children. Bite one of those.

  33. Speaking of the Matrix, isn't it the gnostics that believe that the "creator" of this world is basically an evil architect who has imprisoned our souls?
    So their saviour couldn't be Jesus Christ (the "architect" in human form) since they see him as the enemy, right?
    And God created this world through Jesus Christ. How did that happen? Jesus just dreamt all this up? And we're like, what, his multiple personality type dream characters?

    Were they really singing "everybody smoke pot" at the end of I am the Walrus?

    Why change it from "need somebody to love" to "want somebody to love"?

    I'm tired of me too.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Thank you quote-from-scripture-pop-stars-rule-the-world-it's-all-in-front-of-you-seen-the-Matrix-too-many-times-cliche-stereotype guy.

    never seen the matrix

    as far as the quoting goes - hey it's a tough job getting through to all of the people all of the time. Gotta get em where it counts. Some Pop stars are school ruled, and not rulers but rulers nonetheless, And you need to leave out the little cookies just for the little children. Bite one of those.

    April 9, 2010 3:03 PM

    You're in the wrong place. Nearly everyone here is a born again Christian. Many of us disagree with using pop stars and People magazine to justify prophecy. We think it trivializes and makes a mockery of the Word of God.

  35. Anyway, don't worry. Instant karma's gonnna get you, one way or another.

  36. Nearly everyone here is a born again Christian.

    if that's really true, you should have no problem figuring things out.

  37. God is only mocked by the non believers of His promise.

    He did make a promise, as you well know.

  38. You're in the wrong place.

    No, I AM exactly where I want to be.

  39. Anonymous said...
    God is only mocked by the non believers of His promise.

    He did make a promise, as you well know.

    April 9, 2010 3:16 PM

    There are believers and there are believers who also happen to be mentally ill.

  40. You're all mentally ill. You need the remedy.

  41. Anonymous said...
    You're all mentally ill. You need the remedy.

    April 9, 2010 3:34 PM

    Maybe so but I'll continue to put more stock in what the apostle Paul wrote than in what you continue to write on this blog. Call me crazy....

  42. And from my understanding of the Bible, there will be (or already is) a person, a man, who arrives at the end times before Jesus Christ's return who, among other things, attempts to deceive the whole world into believing that he is the returned Christ.

    So, one could understand (at least I'd think they could) how someone who smoked a lot of pot one night and felt that they were about to either become, or awaken to the fact that they already are, one of the multiple personalities of a certain individual would want to know for sure that this person isn't the false Christ. So finding out who IS would maybe help maybe.

    I really am a funny guy in real life. Not that this isn't real, I just don't type well.

  43. The anit-christ is simply christ before he dropped the ante.

  44. gameface said...
    And from my understanding of the Bible, there will be (or already is) a person, a man, who arrives at the end times before Jesus Christ's return who, among other things, attempts to deceive the whole world into believing that he is the returned Christ.

    So, one could understand (at least I'd think they could) how someone who smoked a lot of pot one night and felt that they were about to either become, or awaken to the fact that they already are, one of the multiple personalities of a certain individual would want to know for sure that this person isn't the false Christ. So finding out who IS would maybe help maybe.

    I really am a funny guy in real life. Not that this isn't real, I just don't type well.

    April 9, 2010 3:39 PM

    The antichrist guessing game has been going on for ages. As recently as the 1940's the majority of Christians in America believed Adolph Hitler was the antichrist.

  45. Low life, high life, oh let's go
    Take me down to Junior's Farm
    Let's go, let's go

    Everybody Taf along!

  46. Don't make me nervous, I'm holding a baseball bat.

  47. something will happen tomorrow for sure!!

    the options are (in my opinion):
    1) big fire in someplace in the world
    2) earthquake
    3) UFO
    4) messiah appears
    5) "terrorist" attack
    6) attack to Obama
    7) a wave of evo-love

  48. gameface said...
    And from my understanding of the Bible, there will be (or already is) a person, a man, who arrives at the end times before Jesus Christ's return who, among other things, attempts to deceive the whole world into believing that he is the returned Christ.

    benjamin Creme said that the messiah is coming

    and his messiah seem to be Raj Patel

  49. Drink the water.

    Take the highway.

    Next rest area SOON!


  51. new rotten apple 80

  52. Anonymous olimpicus said...

    something will happen tomorrow for sure!!

    the options are (in my opinion):
    1) big fire in someplace in the world
    2) earthquake
    3) UFO
    4) messiah appears
    5) "terrorist" attack
    6) attack to Obama
    7) a wave of evo-love

    at least an UFO

  53. weirdcandycain is the truth

  54. WeirdCandycain is truth.
