Monday, March 22, 2010

The Phoney Figure

First of all, I am glad that I am not a real journalist because we are dealing with some very flimsy stuff today.

The name, "The Phoney Figure" or "TPF" seems to have caught on as a way to refer to the Iamaphoney actor character who first appeared around the time of Rotten Apple 39 K. I think it might have been Mikeynl1038 who coined the term originally. Mike credits himself for making me famous, but from my perspective, the opposite is true.

TPF has gone through some appearance changes since then. This guy, featured in a video from July of 2007 was shown briefly more recently in Rotten Apple 78.

The image below is from Rotten Apple 75 L.

Then we had the video called "Footage TPF 1" that threatened to expose everything. Have you ever noticed how everyone who threatens to blow the lid off the whole thing never does? I'm beginning to wonder if this thing has a lid.

Some have even claimed that the individual playing the part of Iamaphoney has changed from the original in a similar scenario to an American Television show of the 1960s that dealt with the occult.

Lately there has been some speculation on the identity of TPF based on some of the softest evidence yet. We haven't exactly been a fount of critical thinking up to this point, but now it's going to get much worse.

Apparently, for a brief period of time Iamaphoney changed the background on his channel to a picture that showed TPF with a guitar in his hand. Therefore, speculation was that if he is pictured with a guitar, he must be a musician. If he is a musician, he must be on the recordings in the Rotten Apple videos. If he is on the recordings on the Rotten Apple videos, he must sing on them too.

While we are at the Olympic Conclusion Jump trials, we might as well keep going...

On December 8, 2009 (yes strange things happen on infamous Beatle anniversaries) someone left a comment on my blog post "Curious Thing" supposedly revealing the identity of TPF. Someone using the moniker "thetruthmustout" claimed to be a former classmate and said that TPF was an actor named Richie King.

The Internet Movie Database actually has a listing for Richie King, who is alternatively known as Rich King. There is not much information on Rich King, but it does list two films in which he appeared. In 1978, he was in "Stunt Rock" and in 1984, he was in "Rocktober Blood." Despite the murky waters of this research, I did find it interesting that he portrayed a bass guitar player in both movies.

The IMDB had no pictures, but I did find this Rich King on Google.

Undaunted, I searched YouTube and actually found a clip from "Stunt Rock" with the band Sorcery. The bass player, Rich King looks like this.

Going back to the comment from "thetruthmustout," Richie King, the Phoney Figure can be found in the movie "Less Than Zero" playing an uncredited extra in the pool scene. I first should warn that "Less Than Zero" is one of those "brat" movies where almost everyone looks like TPF. But from the description in the blog comment, I believe the alleged former schoolmate is the young man with thick blond hair who walks in the background during the pool scene. You see him emerge in the picture below to the left of the principle actors.

In this second capture, he is right between the principle actors in the scene.

In this third shot, he is to the right of the actors.

In this last capture he is about to exit to the right side of the screen.

The most recent twist in the liquid tale of TPF emerged two weeks ago when a new YouTube channel called FORN00NE uploaded nine tracks credited to an artist known as "The Afterlife." Based on various anonymous comments, the lead singer of the melodic synth pop band is a previous incarnation of the The Phoney Figure. The videos contain a few low quality pictures of what is implied to be a young TPF.

I must admit, he does look like he could have been any one of about 26 extras in the movie "Less Than Zero."


  1. we are dealing with some very flimsy stuff today.

    and this is unusual because....?

  2. The first car on the foggy road riding

  3. I see your post, and I'll raise you one.

  4. the dude with the kinky black hair second down is Miles Deo FYI

  5. Taf, btw, this latest stuff you're doing is the best yet. You are finally just getting down to the nitty gritty here.

  6. I'm just a joker

  7. ukulele cover-way to much time on my hands

  8. So, in the first "young TPF" is that Paul McCartney on the t-shirt or just a weird matrixing of artefacts in the image? LOL

  9. Ok then:

    9- I
    1- A
    1- A
    8- H
    5- E

    I don't see the significance of the other letters, though:

    2- B

    L- 12
    B- 2

    3- C

    L- 12
    C- 3
    R- 18

    S- 19
    M- 13
    N- 14


  10. curiouser and curiouser

  11. "I'm beginning to wonder if this thing has a lid."

    You've known all along it doesn't, haven't you? That's the point, I thought. :-)

    If I were to be totally honest with myself, my face would get so red it would catch on fire and burn off. And that scares me.

  12. It makes you feel like a winner, VIP, popular

  13. When I love, I get a feeling
    Like I'm traveling through the sky
    On the wings of a nightingale
    As I ride, my head is reeling
    And I don't even wonder why
    On the wings of a nightingale I'll fly

  14. If I were to be totally honest with myself, my face would get so red it would catch on fire and burn off. And that scares me.

    There's no need to be afraid. Just drink a glass of water.

  15. That song that starts out love me tender
    And that king of hearts

  16. Every good boy will be fine.

    Will be fine.

  17. Of shoes--and ships--and ceiling-wax--
    Of cabbages--and kings--

  18. Good stuff my friend
    thanks tafultong keep on rocking

  19. Side to side, round and round
    Round and round

  20. "If seven maids with seven mops
    Swept it for half a year.
    Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
    "That they could get it clear?"
    "I doubt it," said the Carpenter,
    And shed a bitter tear.

  21. The eldest Oyster looked at him,
    But never a word he said:
    The eldest Oyster winked his eye,
    And shook his heavy head--
    Meaning to say he did not choose
    To leave the oyster-bed.

  22. I wouldn't join in with the games that they were playing

    It went by, it went by, in a flash
    It flew by, it flew by, in a flash

  23. What I just tried to explain blew by you?

  24. Anonymous said...

    What I just tried to explain blew by you?

    My dreams come true on Blue Bayou.

  25. I think of everything to be discovered
    I hope there's something to find
    Searching for the time that has gone so fast
    The time that I thought would last
    My Ever Present Past

  26. Where those fishing boats
    With their sails afloat
    If you could only see....

    That familiar sunrise
    Through sleepy eyes
    How happy you'ld be

  27. The Time Has Come and Upping Tour

  28. Satellite to satellite, oh oh oh oh
    Satellite to satellite, oh oh oh oh
    Our love will shine so bright
    When you love it via satellite, oh oh oh oh

  29. tpf = ryan seacrest

  30. can you please upload the scene in less than zero with our hero in it???

  31. Your hero?

    how sad

  32. sorry gang. You have less than you started out with, which was nothing.

    Don't bring Brett Easton Ellis into this.

  33. I would like to see it too!

  34. He was regarded as one of the so-called literary Brat Pack.

  35. Is Molly Ringwald involved too?

    Seriously though, it wouldn't surprise me if TPF was about 40. This whole project screams mid-life crisis.

  36. tpf is definitely in his mid to late 40s

  37. Let me get this straight, although, I may be wrong. I'm not real sure what the latest post is supposed to really be about here.

    Iamaphoney, is some failed musician and actor from the 80's and the Nutters are his kids or nieces and nephews? He is trying to get some fame from exploiting the image of the most famous person on EARTH?

    The photos of the young guy who is supposed to be IAAP looks a little feminine. If that is the case, he wouldn't have any teenage children of his own.

    What is missing here, fill me in?

  38. Sure, I'll fill you in:

    the fill is : don't be crying that no one filled you in . Cus it's all there in black and white. Really.

  39. Groundroadhog PhilMarch 23, 2010 at 3:32 PM

    How can I when you won't take it from me?

  40. one handful at a time

  41. There's a shadow hangingMarch 23, 2010 at 3:48 PM

    Once you invite the fab Jew , it's phil city, gravediggers.

  42. "Sure, I'll fill you in:

    the fill is : don't be crying that no one filled you in . Cus it's all there in black and white. Really."

    Looks like someone hit a nerve by getting too close to the truth, REALLY.

  43. OH, just shut up already about this! is or is not iaap a metrosexual uncle with nuitters neices and nephews running around on Isle 64? What about the cat stensils? What about the thousands of missing suitcases? Will anyone ever find them ?And will Vince ever get a real job? With real shoes?

  44. Get as close to the truth as you want to. Won't bite.

  45. I can understand, biting isn't your style but sucking is, really.

  46. Unless you run into the cat first. That one bites.

    And claws. It really claws.

  47. Monkberry moon de-liteMarch 23, 2010 at 4:30 PM

    No, it's you that suck, trust me.

  48. It's taking way longer than a half hour to find the sugar for the tea, luv.

  49. Hey Macca how about some ticket comps to the shows?how come Mikey got front row tickets and a flip phone and backstage VIP passes and we get NOTHING? Huh? Huh?

  50. " had a sex change and is now a very wealthy banker in the Bahamas."

  51. bottom line: Twin Peppers = Fail

  52. Synch it and see no fail

  53. Let me get this straight, although, I may be wrong. I'm not real sure what the latest post is supposed to really be about here.

    Iamaphoney, is some failed musician and actor from the 80's and the Nutters are his kids or nieces and nephews? He is trying to get some fame from exploiting the image of the most famous person on EARTH?

    nailed it.

  54. what happened to the brainwash pattern here? Stop figuring stuff out! It will only disappoint the goofballs to know Phoney is just some dude.

    isn't this the part when the idiot throws up another twenty pages of dumbass bluelinks and everyone goes away again for two months?

  55. Anonymous said...
    what happened to the brainwash pattern here? Stop figuring stuff out! It will only disappoint the goofballs to know Phoney is just some dude.

    isn't this the part when the idiot throws up another twenty pages of dumbass bluelinks and everyone goes away again for two months?

    March 23, 2010 8:17 PM


  56. That remark is gonna kick your ass someday. Soon.

  57. Visitors could hear some of the world’s most seminal anthems being belted out, but the closeness to the originals was just too uncanny. Crowds of people were gathering by the stage doors just to hear what was happening. What was going on inside?

  58. seminal

    1. of, relating to, or consisting of seed or semen
    2 : containing or contributing the seeds of later development

  59. That remark is gonna kick your ass someday. Soon.

    Thank you, Buddha

  60. Don't mention it. Anyone seen my tree? I mean It must be high or low......

  61. Your choicest valleys are full of chariots,
    and horsemen are posted at the city gates

  62. Well the preacher kept right on saying that
    all I had to do was send
    Ten dollars to the Church of the Sacred Bleeding Heart of Jesus
    Located somewhere in Los Angeles, California
    And next week they'd say my prayer on the radio!
    And all my dreams would come true!
    So I did, the next week, I got a prayer with a girl
    Well, you know what kind of eyes she got

  63. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Wow!

  64. Only the good die young. That's what she said. Only the good....

  65. I rather enjoy the random song lyrics and blue links, don't you?

  66. TAFUL Please upload the less than zero TPF scene on youtube!



  67. ok, bluelink is back. We'll all be back in two months.

    Enjoy watching yourself post.

  68. I'll pretend that I'm kissing.
    The lips, I am missing.

  69. Could you possibly go away for longer than two months? Or better yet, don't come back until you figure things out for yourself. We"ll leave a light on for ya.

  70. We'll fly to the land of eternal sun.

  71. All dressed up just like a union jack

  72. My mother was of this guy
    My father was of the earth

  73. I'm just a jealous sky.

  74. dear Tafultong blog
    It looks like a lot of people would like you to upload the bit from Less Than Zero, can you do it?

  75. De mons and anglesMarch 25, 2010 at 5:36 AM

    Photon knee fig your

  76. You don't know how lucky you are, boy.

    Back in the Us
    Back in the Us
    Back in the USSR

  77. Tafultong, why did you post so little information about Sorcery?
    There's much more information about Richie King to be found here:

    And you can get a better look at him in some of the band's other videos here:

  78. Rising up through the Southland.

  79. Not much to ask forMarch 25, 2010 at 8:03 AM

    Maybe, with a little luck.

  80. Have I said too much?
    There's nothing more I can think of to say to you.

    But all you have to do is look at me to know
    That every word is true

  81. Mosaic. Google it.

  82. Who's that throwing stones?

  83. Get 'em in the Temple!

  84. Rich King is Dick King

  85. Oh, that's nice,for good ol' King Richie Rich!

  86. So Richie King has the talking stick now?

  87. It's the Circle of Life
    And it moves us all
    Through despair and hope
    Through faith and love
    Till we find our place
    On the path unwinding
    In the Circle
    The Circle of Life

  88. In the Circle of Life
    It's the wheel of fortune
    It's the leap of faith
    It's the band of hope
    Till we find our place
    On the path unwinding

    In the Circle,
    the Circle of Life

  89. "I'm beginning to wonder if this thing has a lid."


  90. Oh oh Parable Lions, give me some time,

    I'm living in twilight

  91. Faul's Up And Coming Tour - Video Blog - Rehearsals

  92. Live and Let Die

  93. Hold on tight, folks. The Dream is coming in for a smooth landing!

  94. Why would Polanski cheat on Sharon in the first place? She was stunningly beautiful. What an Idiot.

  95. Sorcery has a Youtube page:

    Shouldn't someone...I dunno, try to contact Richie King or something?

  96. Anonymous said...
    Sorcery has a Youtube page:

    Shouldn't someone...I dunno, try to contact Richie King or something?

    March 26, 2010 8:31 AM

    why won't you do it man?

    but it's not the same richie king.
    i've listened to an interview with richie king from sorcery, and he sounds nothing like our richie.

  97. Darling I'm killed

    I'm in a puddle, on the floor

    Waiting for you to return

  98. Oh look, a TWIN FLAME.

  99. Please hurry. REALLY

  100. Matt said...
    Tafultong, why did you post so little information about Sorcery?
    There's much more information about Richie King to be found here:

    And you can get a better look at him in some of the band's other videos here:

    March 25, 2010 6:49 AM

    Probably because Sorcery suck. Another pathetic 80's hair band that are best forgotten. I think Iamaphoney's music is really lame but give him some credit, he doesn't suck as bad as those guys do. Holy shit!

  101. I try again

    plaese tafultong upload less than zero pool scene..

  102. If only there was a way for that person who saw the Lord through her eye's to show everyone else what they saw.

    Oh, but it must be tough. People today are very blind when it comes to this sort of thing.. But then there are people who could see. Does that make this person our saviour?

    We're talking about things.. People don't really know too much about. Maybe when all the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer..

  103. I feel the break, feel the breakMarch 27, 2010 at 4:28 AM

    Daddy's got a new .45

  104. What I really wanna say is, there's just one way back
    And I'll make it!

  105. Walk back. It's easy!

  106. "We're talking about things.. People don't really know too much about."

    That excuse will only hold so long, eh?

  107. But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

  108. What do you have going for April 10th, Phoney? Anything good?

  109. Anonymous said...
    "We're talking about things.. People don't really know too much about."

    That excuse will only hold so long, eh?

    It's not really an excuse when you have morons who haven't caught the hint yet still begging for an answer.

  110. Where are all the non-morons, then?

  111. YEAH! What he said! Where are they? Huh?

  112. They're in some other blog in a mirror universe, I suppose

  113. It's not really an excuse when you have morons who haven't caught the hint yet still begging for an answer.

    Without a doubt, if the answer is looked for, it has been provided.

  114. even for the morons?

  115. Yes, even for the morons.

  116. Anonymous said...

    What I really wanna say is, there's just one way back
    And I'll make it!

    make your way back

  117. I'm already back, you moron!

    ; )

  118. Anonymous said...
    Oh look, a TWIN FLAME.

    Oh look, TWIN FLAMES.

  119. Anonymous said...
    even for the morons?

    Well, put it like this. The revelation in it's whole isn't about Paul actually being replaced, but more about everything else going on in the world.

    Think about it, really. With this whole health care fiasco going on right now, can't you feel the anger starting to mount up in the people, knowing if they don't have insurance, they'll lose everything for medical help?

    Coincidentally, the year we are in right now is 2010. Now, if this continues to get worse, which it will.. How can the world be saved from everyone eventually ripping their throats out over this money game by 2012?

    Sure, Helter Skelter fits the title perfectly.. But what if our God is watching this, and doesn't want us to self destruct over some stupid piece of green paper? What would cause the world to look and say "it's real. it's all real." seizing all violence, worries of money, war..

    What would make people believe that nothing is real.. What would make a grown man, who's been through it all with money and fame eventually come out and say.. "He's innocent.. it's him. We planned this out."

    This right here, is your only hope from complete destruction in 2012. If you don't believe 2012, take a good look around you. Look at music, listen to how female singers are sending messages to the younger audience to not take crap from the guy's who are using girl's just to "get some" and the poor guys who actually do care for girl's are shot down because the girl finds these guy's as "not their type"

    Our health insurance is just the start.. You laugh out loud all you want, but when hurricanes start hitting area's they've never hit before and the people hurt don't have insurance to cover their medical bills, people are going to start raising hell.

    If you cannot atleast get a clue out of this information as to where I am going with this, you shouldn't be involved.. because clearly, you're just in this for the rumor of Paul McCartney, and it's no longer about that. You should know the answer to that..

  120. ^ ^ kinda symbolic since the time that was posted was 3:16 o.O

  121. To the long poster:

    Relax, it's all under control.

    Trust me.

  122. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    even for the morons?

    Sure, Helter Skelter fits the title perfectly.. But what if our God is watching this, and doesn't want us to self destruct over some stupid piece of green paper? What would cause the world to look and say "it's real. it's all real." seizing all violence, worries of money, war..

    What would make people believe that nothing is real.. What would make a grown man, who's been through it all with money and fame eventually come out and say.. "He's innocent.. it's him. We planned this out."

    If you cannot atleast get a clue out of this information as to where I am going with this, you shouldn't be involved.. because clearly, you're just in this for the rumor of Paul McCartney, and it's no longer about that. You should know the answer to that..

    Hmm, what could God "do" that would involve Paul McCartney in a way that it would revolutionize the world and overturn the upcoming global scam?

    It's all out there, really.

  123. Macca collects yet another full moon at the Hollywood Bowl.

  124. You raise the blade, you make the change
    You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane.

  125. Your eyes have died but you see more than I
    Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky

  126. I bet God is pissed off about about more stuff than just health care....

  127. Hey Phoenix! Get those youtubes of the show up asap! And don't forget the ‘Puffer Spheres’!

  128. They told other priests. They told three archbishops of Milwaukee. They told two police departments and the district attorney. They used sign language, written affidavits and graphic gestures to show what exactly Father Murphy had done to them. They told Timothy Leary, but he couldn't help them either.

  129. You gave me lovin' in the Palm Sunday!

  130. 2 billion exploding ducksMarch 28, 2010 at 12:37 PM

    Live and let die.

  131. Rubber soles and puffer spheres!




  133. Without a doubt, if the answer is looked for, it has been provided.

    no one cares dude.

  134. Instant karma"s gonna get you.

  135. for a second I thought that was a new phoney video
    when I heard the thunder and saw the blurry writing
    at the start

  136. It's ME! Paul McPhoney! No really!
    The Rotten Apple!

    You might've forgot: the journey ends!

  137. Jackie, what took you so long on just a holiday?

    I'm glad you made it; I can't complain.

    I thought you flew away.

  138. Anonymous said...
    Without a doubt, if the answer is looked for, it has been provided.

    no one cares dude.

    Go away then.

  139. "Would it really be worth living in a world without television? I think the survivors would envy the dead."

  140. Now is not the time to discuss the Dorian-Cox clinic.

  141. Appletini, anyone?

  142. Well here's another clue for you all

    They were all the walrus

  143. Lucky...

    Why don't we all just admit ourselves?
