Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bridge On (Over) The River Kwai

"I saw a film today, oh boy, the English army had just won the war..."

It was the mysterious discussion forum character Apollo C. Vermouth who speculated that the above line from the song "A Day In The Life" could have been a reference to the movie "Bridge On the River Kwai." The film, released in 1957 (the year that Lennon met McCartney), starred William Holden and Alec Guinness. Its connections to the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, released a decade later, are remote but numerous.

Apollo pointed out that the film may have been the inspiration for the Beatles imaginary singer Billy Shears. As indicated in the IMDb entry, the name William Shears can be constructed from the main character credit.

Any avid reader of Apollo's posts must have been confused about why he would make a stretch like that. Apollo reported that the Shears character even told a nurse in the film "All you need is love." He also added, "What profound effect did it have on Lennon, who went on to play in a movie titled, "How I Won the War." [I would have put a question mark there, but I guess we'll blame that on his typist]

Although the Shears character is American, a main focus of the film is a bridge that English prisoners of war are forced to build for the enemy. The bridge is built and ultimately destroyed, leading to the defeat of the Japanese.

If you are looking for a connection between all of this and the Paul Is Dead rumor or The Rotten Apple Series, I haven't got one. However, if there is a code of some kind, this very well may be a part of it.

One reason why I have never accepted the premise that the Sgt. Pepper cover is simply a collection of the Beatles heroes is that I cannot imagine a gathering of that kind not having any representation from the British Comedy group The Goons. The Beatles praised the Goons frequently throughout their careers. George adored Peter Sellers, who was even present in the "Get Back" film footage. Paul paid tribute to Spike Milligan with a medley of "Yesterday" and the "Ying Tong Song."

The Goons may not have been on the Sgt. Pepper cover, but they do have strong connections with the Beatles and one pretty strong connection with "The Bridge On the River Kwai." This connection also involves the Beatles Producer, George Martin.

In 1962 Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers, with Peter Cook and Jonathan Miller released the record 'Bridge On The River Wye'. It was a spoof of the film 'Bridge On The River Kwai', being based around the 1957 Goon Show 'An African Incident'. It was intended to have the same name as the film, but shortly before its release, the film company threatened legal action if the name was used. Producer George Martin (of Beatles fame) edited out the 'K' every time the word 'Kwai' was spoken. And so, 'The Bridge on the River Wye' was created. (from

There are some other crazy connections. The song that the soldiers are whistling in the movie is called the Colonel Bogey March. In the late 1970s, Ringo signed the artist Colonel Doug Bogie to his Ring-O Records label. John indicated that the news story about the death of Tara Browne inspired part of the song "A Day In The Life." Browne was the heir of the Guinness fortune and Alec Guinness starred in "Bridge On the River Kwai." Oh yes, "The Bridge on the River Wye" skit by the Goons featured Peter Cook, one half of the team that would eventually record the famous Beatles outfake "L.S. Bumble Bee."

The last connection comes from Beatle Ringo Starr, who hosted Saturday Night Live episode #186. Towards the end of the show, Ringo starred in a skit that was a spoof on "The Bridge On the River Kwai."

In the skit, the British Army and their enemy utilized Reverse Psychology. (Didn't Rotten Apple #1 use REVERSE psychology?)

One final fact: The episode of Saturday Night Live, hosted by Ringo Starr and featuring a skit based on "Bridge On the River Kwai" was performed and broadcast live on December 8, 1984, exactly four years after John Lennon was killed only blocks away.

What is this code?

(Kwai, from LIBER 777)


  1. won't ya adress teh rumahsz?

    But great post iamatafultong : ) :P

  2. "The Fat Hero" as J0HNL3NN0N2012 referred to has posted a video.


  3. Thanks Mike.

    There are no rumors suggesting that he is me. The only rumors I heard suggest that I am him. It is up to him to address those.

  4. Good morning, good morning, hey, Bulldog! Let’s twist and shout, like we were flying across the universe until we get to Pepperland, where we can meet that nowhere man who’s going to be in Strawberry Fields forever!

    We can move then with this shot of rythm and blues and visit Lucy in the sky with diamonds, she’s crying for help! because she’s crippled inside. She hates isolation, it’s been a hard day’s night for her.

    Both of them can come together with us, and have some of that rock and roll music, with a woman that’s no longer a girl. She’s got a ticket to ride, I should have known better se wasn’t going to stand by me.

    Imagine we start a revolution: they would give peace a chance! Don’t let me down, or I’ll cry instead. Don’t think I’m a loser: I am the walrus! I don’t want to spoil the party, but there will be not a second chance for cleanup time.

    Mean Mr Mustard, Julia, dear Prudence and Polythene Pam will be waiting for us. Rain and the Sun king will be there too. You’ve got to hide your love away, or you’ll have to run for your life, beautiful boy.

    When I get home, please please me, and call this boy: he’s a working class hero, so he won’t be watching the wheels. Nobody told me this, but I am God, and I can see through a glass onion.

    That’s all I’ve got to do today. Tomorrow never knows, but now I’m so tired and I’m only sleeping, so don’t be bad to me and don’t ask me why. Don’t worry, I feel fine… all you need is love… it’s only love, yes it is…

    You know my name (look up the number).

  5. Taf, that last image, with the 6 lines.. There's a name for it, I forgot what it's called.

    But, it's where you think something, flip 3 [?] coins.. and if the majority are heads, draw a straight line, which makes it true. But if they're tails, it's false.

    Then with the 6 lines you match it to some big graph..

    It's japanese I think? Something to do with prophecy.


  6. Anonymous said...

    Taf, that last image, with the 6 lines.. There's a name for it, I forgot what it's called.

    By your description, I thought of this, but I'm probably wrong.

  7. No, you're right. It looks like one of those IChings.

  8. .. just didn't know the name of it.

  9. Although this blog post is a repeat of things previously discussed, which oddly enough seems to be phoney's modus operandi, I would say it's a smart move on your part, Taf. A little sustenance for the sheep....just enough to maybe rekindle the flame of the revelation....hopefully, enough to divert attention from the Flying Dutchman?

    Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blur of a beetlebum.

  10. 1. The first NINE, undivided, shows its subject in (the pride of) strength advancing with his toes. He goes forward, but will not succeed. There will be ground for blame.

    2. The second NINE, undivided, shows its subject full of apprehension and appealing (for sympathy and help). Late at night hostile measures may be (taken against him), but he need not be anxious about them.

    3. The third NINE, undivided, shows its subject (about to advance) with strong (and determined) looks. There will be evil. (But) the superior man, bent on cutting off (the criminal), will walk alone and encounter the rain, (till he be hated by his proper associates) as if he were contaminated (by the others). (In the end) there will be no blame against him.

    4. The fourth NINE, undivided, shows one from whose buttocks the skin has been stripped, and who walks slowly and with difficulty. (If he could act) like. a sheep led (after its companions), occasion for repentance would disappear. But though he hear these words, he will not believe them.

    5. The fifth NINE, undivided, shows (the small men like) a bed of purslain, which ought to be uprooted with the utmost determination. (The subject of the line having such determination), his action, in harmony with his central position, will lead to no error or blame.

    6. The sixth SIX, divided, shows its subject without any (helpers) on whom to call. His end will be evil.

  11. Spizer was just on CNN discussing "Who Dat?" t-shirts, FYI.

  12. The irony is that "everything is connected to everything" approach that Taf just used in his post has also led readers to connect you to Iamaphoney and how your name signifies an underground game of some kind. just sayin'.

  13. ^
    all roads dolead back to TAF! lol!

  14. We were looking at another planet, almost as if we were the WWF and the other planet was WCW.

    We just brought in the poison.

  15. i-ching hexagram 43:

  16. a bridge by a fountain

  17. omg iamaphoney brought back jesus christ

  18. give peace a chance

  19. Anonymous said...
    The irony is that "everything is connected to everything" approach that Taf just used in his post has also led readers to connect you to Iamaphoney and how your name signifies an underground game of some kind. just sayin'.


  20. Holy shit, the lyric is referring to "How I Won the War"! How can anyone be so thickheaded as to think that that line in the song wasn't a reference to a film Lennon starred in a couple of months prior? ACV was a crackpot.

  21. How I won the war.


    how so?

  23. Because I read it on the interwebs duh!

  24. Or How I kuài the War and Learned to Love the Bomb

  25. kuài; literally "piece"

  26. KWAI: Cutting off; displeasure; front thy foe; but show reluctance due in acting so.

    Lay well thy plans before the march begins. Seek loyal friends and have no fear of gins. Fight on alone; persistent courage wins! Defeated, acquiesce - smiles conquer grins. Uproot small men like purslane - tan their skins; Cut off is he - and evil his end be! 44

  27. William Franklin Beedle Jr.

  28. 会: assemble, meet together; meeting

  29. You mean ANYBODY can post as tafultong?

  30. As long as they have the CODE.

  31. What is this code?

  32. great Taf, finally!

  33. Man they really kickedJanuary 31, 2010 at 9:40 AM

    POEtic Justice

  34. we'll be together every day

  35. TAF said:

    "There are no rumors suggesting that he is me. The only rumors I heard suggest that I am him. It is up to him to address those."

    stuPID, very stupid answer

  36. Ipads for everyone!

  37. I got to get back to you.

  38. A coin, a sheep, a favored sonJanuary 31, 2010 at 12:01 PM

    Yuan, won, onederful.

  39. So SGT Pepper took you by suprise?

  40. So now we're into Bridge on the River Kwai? hahahahaha oh dear.

  41. There are no rumors suggesting that he is me. The only rumors I heard suggest that I am him. It is up to him to address those.

    Uh, Taf, aside from the "I am he as you are me" reference, it is not a RUMOR that your name is attached to Phoney's email account. A rumor is an unsubstantiated story. Have you brought that up with "him" yet? "Hey, wacko, what are you doing using my screename on your email account"

    And why would you not mention that little tidbit on your post? I know if Phoney was using my name, I would say a little something about it. So your coy lack of acknowledgment might easily be construed as complicity.

    Maybe you want us to think that, so you keep the fire stoked, kinda like how the Beatles let the PID rumors go on longer than they needed to, to keep the fans interested. So maybe you guys are playing a little game about who is who and about replacements with this turn of events. Is Taf phoney? Is Phoney Taf? Is Paul Billy Shears? blah blah.

  42. Bogey = unidentified flying object on the radar

  43. One reason why I have never accepted the premise that the Sgt. Pepper cover is simply a collection of the Beatles heroes is that I cannot imagine a gathering of that kind not having any representation from the British Comedy group The Goons. The Beatles praised the Goons frequently throughout their careers.

    Yeah, Taf, but everyone knows all of them had a list and they couldn't get everyone in there between the four of them. I could fill a wall like that with my own idols or interesting characters; I could fill five walls with it.

    Also, the suits might have said no one knows the goonies so drop em.

    this idea that the people on the cover are a code is ludicrous. There is no way to confirm it, anyway, we can all make up a narrative using that many people and connections, and it's already been done ad naseum at NIR.

  44. this idea that the people on the cover are a code is ludicrous.

    but they do tell a story!

  45. "One reason why I have never accepted the premise that the Sgt. Pepper cover is simply a collection of the Beatles heroes is that I cannot imagine a gathering of that kind not having any representation from the British Comedy group The Goons."

    The other comment addressed Taf's reasoning and I'll question it too. Where's Carl Perkins? Little Richard? The Everly Brothers? Buddy Holly? ELVIS?Any Beatle fan worth his salt knows that there were no bigger influences on the Beatles.I cannot imagine any representation NOT having them either but it doesn't. Much of the laundry list of figures on Sgt. Pepper looks more like the trendy icons college kids in 1967 would think were cool. The sculptor Larry Bell may have been a "hero" to a pretentious 20 something Beatle in 1967 but you don't hear Ringo dropping his name in 2010 anywhere do you?
    That's because Ringo grew up and he's not self consciously arty anymore.

    The Beatles were great songwriters but they were just young men and had the same pretentious arty leanings as any college kid at the time.

    So no Carl Perkins, Buddy Holly, Elvis, etc, because they were out of fashion in 1967, despite being huge influences on the group.

    Taf should know that too but, you see, it doesn't fit his "Bridge On The River Kwai" nonsense so he leaves that part out. Maybe he IS Iamaphoney after all. That's the sort of retarded garbage I expect from him not Taf.

  46. I won't bother to copy and paste like everyone else here does but Taf has more in common with LetterB on NIR these days than Iamaphoney. They both have the same act where you draw connections from anywhere to the Beatles. You could do it with Paris Hilton in about 5 seconds. Lennon stayed at the Amsterdam Hilton in 1969/ Paris Hilton was friends with Lindsay Lohan and they famously had photos taken without their underwear/"Boy, you've been a naughty girl you pulled your knickers down"/ Lindsay Lohan starred in Chapter 24 about the murder of John Lennon.


    It's just mental masturbation that signifies nothing.

  47. That ph0neyprophet has been trying to make a case over there, but everyone on that board is just too thick - headed to actually pull the Skitz-O meds out of their mouths and actually look.

  48. What a perfect way to end April Fools Month. I have willingly been Iamaphoney's fool this month and I have learned plenty. I believe he loves me and I love him too. I have used the month of April to pay a special tribute to him and I hope he enjoyed it. It was a challenge, and there were some touch and go moments, but I made it through.

    It will be interesting to see if the readers of this blog stay up the next 24 hours to see what Iamaphoney does. I'm a fool, but I'm not an idiot. I realize that some people have lost interest. I haven't. There are still rich areas to explore in the mysterious world of the Beatles. So, I'll keep posting for a while and I hope you all will keep reading and contributing. I have especially enjoyed all of those people who commented, that includes those who disagreed with me, corrected me, educated me, made me laugh, and made my day with kind words.

    Hope to see you all in the coming months or maybe sooner if Iamaphoney actually comes through with something interesting before the clock of April Fool's month strikes midnight.

    God is good without an O

  49. So no Carl Perkins, Buddy Holly, Elvis, etc, because they were out of fashion in 1967, despite being huge influences on the group.

    That explains Dion. All the pretentious arty kids in 1967 were totally into Dion. They all thought Sir Robert Peel and Issy Bonn were hip and arty too. And Laurel and Hardy? Why, they were at the pinnacle of popularity in 1967 amongst the artsy set. And I understand that Huntz Hall was quite the pop-culture icon in 1967 as well. Now don't even get me started on Shirley Temple!

  50. build it and they will come

  51. but first you have to plow down your corn

  52. It's just mental masturbation that signifies nothing.

    Full of sound and fury.

  53. a tale told by an idiot

  54. Little Pink Houses for you and me

  55. Tom Mix was most definitely on the 1967 artsy snob A-list.

  56. Peter Sellers was a huge star in 1967. So no to that theory.

  57. The Goons are there you just have to look harder to see them. For example, Harry Secombe is on Pepper but they used a picture of Richard Merkin for him. Think about it.

  58. "The other comment addressed Taf's reasoning and I'll question it too. Where's Carl Perkins? Little Richard? The Everly Brothers? Buddy Holly? ELVIS?Any Beatle fan worth his salt knows that there were no bigger influences on the Beatles.I cannot imagine any representation NOT having them either but it doesn't."

    you do know they had to ask permission to use a person on their album cover, right?

  59. The Beatles themselves are the Peter Sellers. They sold us rock.

  60. Good one, St Mellencamper.

  61. Man of a Thousand Voices: Speak Milligoon.

  62. That's Mr. Fireman, to you.

  63. But nobody wants to know him

  64. Once upon a time in Liverpool lived a girl named..

  65. Once upon a time in Liverpool lived a girl named..

  66. Anonymous said...
    So no Carl Perkins, Buddy Holly, Elvis, etc, because they were out of fashion in 1967, despite being huge influences on the group.

    That explains Dion. All the pretentious arty kids in 1967 were totally into Dion. They all thought Sir Robert Peel and Issy Bonn were hip and arty too. And Laurel and Hardy? Why, they were at the pinnacle of popularity in 1967 amongst the artsy set. And I understand that Huntz Hall was quite the pop-culture icon in 1967 as well. Now don't even get me started on Shirley Temple!

    January 31, 2010 5:23 PM

    You've got a point with Dion but you're wrong on all the others. Huntz Hall and Leo Gorcey were a major pop Icon in the 60's as was Shirley Temple and Laurel and Hardy. There was a major resurgence in the appreciation of Hollywood films of the 20's and 30's among college kids at the time. That resulted in countless documentaries, Marx Brothers film festivals (Groucho was adopted by the counter-culture) Harold Lloyd giving college tours, Bowery Boys movies on TV every Saturday morning. Hey, were you even alive in 1967? I guess not.

  67. Mr Fireman is here!

  68. [real answer not expected]

  69. Pardon Me If I've Been Misunderstood
    I Wanna Get It While The Going Is Good
    The Telephone Rang
    About A Song I Sang
    The Life Of Cadillac And Ultra For Sure
    Is Automatic For The Lady Demure
    She Came And She Went
    Without A Single Dent

    You've Got To Get It Mm Mm
    You've Got To Get It Don't Forget
    It Doesn't Come Around Again
    You've Got To Get It Mm Mm
    You've Got To Get It And You've Got To Get It Good

  70. Nothing too much, just out of sight, really.

  71. I was ready to test with the whites of your ribs

  72. That explains Dion. All the pretentious arty kids in 1967 were totally into Dion. They all thought Sir Robert Peel and Issy Bonn were hip and arty too. And Laurel and Hardy? Why, they were at the pinnacle of popularity in 1967 amongst the artsy set. And I understand that Huntz Hall was quite the pop-culture icon in 1967 as well. Now don't even get me started on Shirley Temple!

    Well, obviously the idea was a collection of interesting folks, iconic people, some of whom would be sort of out of place (Beatles loved that sort of clash of styles and sensibility). But Bridge on the River Kwai? Lord.

  73. Taf has more in common with Letter B on NIR these days than Iamaphoney. They both have the same act where you draw connections from anywhere to the Beatles.

    Hey! I take that as a compliment!
    I am a big fan of the Tafmaster!
    Phoney too.

  74. I'm sure he's also a big fan of..

  75. skitzo's and gypsies

  76. But Bridge on the River Kwai? Lord.

    You'll have to blame that one on Apollo C Vermouth. It wasn't Taf who made that connection.

    Anyhow it's not wise to speak ill of the dead. They come back and kick your arse!

  77. Buddy Holly...

    "I'll never think of Buddy as being six feet under."

    Maria said she has nurtured a "growing belief in spirituality by reading many books on the subject."

    Earlier this year, she visited the apartment building where she and Holly lived. She saw musicians singing in nearby Washington Square Park, the same place where Holly used to "go to listen to people play and show them guitar chords," said Maria. "And I gave one musician $9 because 9 was Buddy's favorite number."

    By the time she returned to Dallas, said Maria, "I'd brought Buddy's spirit home with me. Now I feel he is here with me. I know some people do not believe in spirituality, but I do."

    Years have passed since she made a stop in Lubbock.

  78. Warmer then the Sun, Colder then the air.

  79. Warmer then the Sun, Colder then the air.

  80. [Real Answer expected]

  81. Anonymous said...
    [Real Answer expected]

    January 31, 2010 7:21 PM

    for what?

  82. To the riddle, mindless idiot

  83. What riddle, O' naughtician?

  84. [Real Riddle not given]

  85. Once upon a time lived a Pregnant Woman in the Dakota.. Her name was..

  86. white buffalo woman?

  87. One.. and One.. and One.. of you are..

  88. So Taf, why no comment on why Phoney is using your name?

    Does that not disturb you or perhaps strike you as stalker-ish?

  89. You just answered you're own question, really.

  90. William Holden Caulfield Shears

  91. Heart: Organ
    Betelgeuse: Orion
    Diana Dors: Oro Gyne
    Sea of Holes: O Region
    Back to the Egg: Origin
    Rolling Stones: O Rockin'
    Diana Dors' Dress: Oro Gown

  92. William Holden Caulfield Shears

    hahahaha see? it all ties in!

  93. Since Tafultong's blog was kind of meaningless this time I'll ask a question to you guys that no one seems able to answer. If Faul is dropping hints left and right that he's not the real Paul wouldn't that make him a hero in the eyes of PID followers? Why all da hate on the message boards? You would think they'd love the love the guy for daring to sneak clues out under the watchful eyes of TPTB.

  94. Fauxny bulletheaded saxonFebruary 1, 2010 at 12:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    William Holden Caulfield Shears

    January 31, 2010 8:25 PM


    2. Part of the amniotic sac which sometimes shrouds a baby’s head at birth.

    caput galeatum, "helmeted head"

  95. In medieval times the appearance of a caul on a newborn baby was seen as a sign of good luck. It was considered an omen that the child was destined for greatness.

  96. Holmes, to the place of sweet surrender.

  97. See the oil fields at first light.

  98. In medieval times the appearance of a caul on a newborn baby was seen as a sign of good luck. It was considered an omen that the child was destined for greatness.

    In more recent times it has been taken as an indicator that the child will be psychic. As it happens, this is often the case.

  99. Step on the gas and wipe that tear away.

  100. If Faul is dropping hints left and right that he's not the real Paul wouldn't that make him a hero in the eyes of PID followers? Why all da hate on the message boards? You would think they'd love the love the guy for daring to sneak clues out under the watchful eyes of TPTB.

    Yeah, dude, that's a question that has often been asked and not answered by PID/PWR people. It's the elephant in the room. Some of these folks fancy themselves super detectives because they've "discovered" Paul is not Paul from the very clues Paul and the rest provided for them, and they aren't sure how to respond to that. It would mean "Faul" wants them to know, and he's giving them help. So there is this contradiction in this belief that the Beatles made it very obvious for everyone while simulaneously going to extreme lengths to "cover it all up" by murdering people and hiring disinformants. Well, either they want you to know or not.

    I knew about PID when I was eight years old. Everyone heard about it, the can of worms was opened, and opened, allegedly, by the Beatles.

    The other elephant in the room is that ONLY a few fans believe it. They can't explain how no one else, either in the music industry or anywhere else for that matter, not a single person who ever knew Paul McCartey, believes it.

    They can't explain that by saying thousands of people were threatened. They can't explain it by saying everyone that ever knew Paul was paid off. They can't explain the silence of thousands upon thousands of people without resort to a conspiracy that wouldn't even exist without the clues in the first place.

  101. There is a Republican in the room?

  102. There's a girl on a stage
    Growing sage by a Hook
    While the Hook calls out crimes
    From a paperback book
    She can vet the abstruse
    In two minutes deduce
    Both the crook
    And the flaw in his crooked excuse

  103. now this is weird. go to here

    click on view all comments on the latest post and it shows this list of names.

    Arron Swaffar
    Matt Simmons
    Alessandro Catorcini
    Stefan Scheller
    Bruce Walthers
    Craig willett
    Canadian Militaria
    Simon Hruza
    Carl Sutcliffe

    it seems this is a list of people who gave donations to start a freemason youtube. Arron Swaffar and Matt Simmons are the nutters guys seen here

    and i'm guessing here but isnt Carl Sutcliffe related to stu sutcliffe?

  104. We can work it out.

  105. Lil' Red Fragaria JamFebruary 1, 2010 at 11:01 AM

    Peanut butters!

  106. Look alive, soldier!

  107. now this is weird. go to here

    click on view all comments on the latest post and it shows this list of names.

    Arron Swaffar
    Matt Simmons
    Alessandro Catorcini
    Stefan Scheller
    Bruce Walthers
    Craig willett
    Canadian Militaria
    Simon Hruza
    Carl Sutcliffe

    it seems this is a list of people who gave donations to start a freemason youtube. Arron Swaffar and Matt Simmons are the nutters guys seen here

    and i'm guessing here but isnt Carl Sutcliffe related to stu sutcliffe?

    Hmm. . .well apparently you are one of the Nutters trying to make it look like there is something funny going on. Anyone can make a facebook page. I woudn't worry about it. Paul isn't dead, and even Phoney didn't get the 15 minutes of fame he was shooting for, so neither will Nutters.

  108. The Warhol proability factorFebruary 1, 2010 at 12:40 PM

    Who then, will?

  109. Love is the answer, and it is real!

  110. "There will never be a Beatles reunion as long as John remains dead."

    We'd all love to see the plan

  111. The Freemasons are a little slow to the show , no?


  112. Lennon McCartney Williams

  113. Anonymous said...
    now this is weird. go to here

    click on view all comments on the latest post and it shows this list of names.

    Arron Swaffar
    Matt Simmons
    Alessandro Catorcini
    Stefan Scheller
    Bruce Walthers
    Craig willett
    Canadian Militaria
    Simon Hruza
    Carl Sutcliffe

    it seems this is a list of people who gave donations to start a freemason youtube. Arron Swaffar and Matt Simmons are the nutters guys seen here

    and i'm guessing here but isnt Carl Sutcliffe related to stu sutcliffe?

    February 1, 2010 9:54 AM

    Carl Sutcliffe is iamaphoney, and there all in the freemasons.
    how else could kids be funding all that suitcase footage.

  114. Take MY money! It"s GREENER than GREEN!

  115. Take take take what you need.

  116. Red lights

    green lights

    strawberry wine

  117. Liber 007 engine roomFebruary 1, 2010 at 6:45 PM


    Lady of the Invisible Light

  118. No anchovies? You've got the wrong man!

  119. scunt precosious debilitating when father returned home the apple pie offered warmth of gownish semanic flora He called it the love of his life She was my mother

  120. I got my thrill on Killmotor Hill.

  121. The place between Minnesota and California.

  122. One to fly like Lucy in the sky, one to run like a pig from a gun.

  123. Carl Sutcliffe is iamaphoney, and there all in the freemasons.
    how else could kids be funding all that suitcase footage.

    Hmm let me see. . .HOW is that possible unless they are Freemasons? Hmm. . wait, I forgot. No one cares.

  124. Portrait of the artist formerly know as....

  125. Is it getting hot in here?

  126. sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.

  127. Now, the caravan is on it's way
    I can hear the merry gypsy play
    Mama-mama-mama, look at Emma Rose
    Emma Rose, Emmy Rose
    She's a-playin with the short wave radio

  128. But oh that magic feeling, no where to go
    oh that magic feeling, no where to go
    no where to go!

  129. LOOK for the girl with a broken smile
    Ask her if she wants to stay a while.

  130. suk it, Freemasons!

  131. Pocket full of POEsyFebruary 2, 2010 at 6:09 AM

    "GnikNusEht (1 day ago)


    does this ring ▲ mean anything to you?"

    Delta Burke

  132. The punk saw his shadow.

  133. that when reading these comments from the bottom up, they make as much sense as when reading them from the top down! :-P

  134. Parker is into layering.

  135. We gotta go, really.

  136. Jet. With the wind in your hair of a thousand laces.

  137. "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"

  138. Check you local listings!

  139. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    now this is weird. go to here

    click on view all comments on the latest post and it shows this list of names.

    Arron Swaffar
    Matt Simmons
    Alessandro Catorcini
    Stefan Scheller
    Bruce Walthers
    Craig willett
    Canadian Militaria
    Simon Hruza
    Carl Sutcliffe

    it seems this is a list of people who gave donations to start a freemason youtube. Arron Swaffar and Matt Simmons are the nutters guys seen here

    and i'm guessing here but isnt Carl Sutcliffe related to stu sutcliffe?

    February 1, 2010 9:54 AM

    Carl Sutcliffe is iamaphoney, and there all in the freemasons.
    how else could kids be funding all that suitcase footage.

    February 1, 2010 3:24 PM

    Not all Rich people are freemasons. and not all freemasons use the internet. theres another world outside this fourm you know.

  140. Four of Ichthys and flaming pie

  141. Who cares who's funding the Nutters? Have they done anything with it?

    Short answer: NO!
