Thursday, October 22, 2009

Report From The Rabbit Hole

Iamaphoney seems to know. Apollo seemed to know. Jarv knows. Even the Nutters seem to know. Lewis Carroll may hold the key to the Beatles Mystery.

Paul McCartney told Miles in "Many Years From Now," when talking about the "I Am The Walrus" sequence and some others from Magical Mystery Tour, "It was all directly from Alice in Wonderland." John said the same thing in his 1980 Playboy interview. This Alice connection can be said of many things from the Beatles career and up to this very day of their solo careers--if they can really be considered solo.

From the perspective here in the rabbit hole, the Beatles never broke up. In fact everything is different here in the rabbit hole. From the top side perspective, there are many things that don't seem to have any meaning or significance. From the rabbit hole, everything means something and even nothing can mean anything. So, when you are down here, if you look directly at something, the damn thing disappears and if you walk towards it, the damn thing seems to get farther away. So it's like trying to see Pleiades, you see it more clearly when you don't look directly at it. Do you think it is by accident that Paul lived with a family named Asher? I guess the topsiders would consider that a random thing.

Back to the book "Many Years From Now," Paul tells us about Jane Asher. "At the age of twelve, Jane made her stage debut as Alice in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland at the Oxford Playhouse. Her 1958 recording of Alice in Wonderland is still selling well on tape cassette."

Topsiders also think nothing of the fact that Brian Epstein's mother's name was Queenie. The Queen in Alice says, "better, and better, and better!" and as Lewis Carroll described it, "Her voice went higher with each `better', till it got quite to a squeak at last." You do know that the Beatles have two songs where they repeat the word "better" with their voices getting higher each time. Better. Better. It's Getting Better all the time.

So, anyway, here in the rabbit hole, the queen is talking to Alice and once again says "better, better, better" and becomes a damn sheep, wrapped in wool. So you watch the 1979 Tomorrow Show interview and see Paul McCartney talking about shearing sheep to make wool.

And what is the sheep, who used to be a queen, doing the whole freaking time she is talking to Alice? She's knitting. That's right she's knitting.

Just read the damn book. It's all there.

So, I want to tell you topsiders that when you watch the video promo for "Instant Karma" and you see John and Yoko with there recently sheered hair, and Yoko is sitting there knitting with a freaking blindfold on, that means something, my friends. And if you don't believe me, come down here in the rabbit hole with me and you might see who is pulling the wool over your eyes.

Reporting from the rabbit hole...


  1. Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow....

  2. Since you just happen to bring Jane up on the blog, this is one I have on video, myself. She played Mrs. Liddell.

    Dreamchild (1985)

    Exploring the somewhat darker and more mysterious side of the Lewis Carroll's classic book, the movie follows Alice Liddell (the book's inspiration) as an old woman who is haunted by the characters she was once so amused by. As she thinks back on it, she starts to see her relationship with the shy author/professor in a new way and realizes the vast change between the young Alice and the old. Written by Max Vaughn

    In 1932, Alice Liddell Hargreaves, age 80, travels to New York to attend a celebration of Lewis Carroll's centenary. Confused by American culture and unable to understand the huge popularity of the Alice books, Mrs. Hargreaves begins to remember details of the childhood events that led to the writing of the stories. Was shy Carroll actually in love with her?

  3. She acts, writes books, and makes cakes. What else could a guy want? A child perhaps?

  4. If you want to see the knitting, Taf, all you have to open your eyes and look. Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

  5. Knit one, Pearl two. It's easy.

  6. He followed her to school one day
    It was against the rules

  7. There will be an answer. .

  8. There is an answer.

  9. Which nobody seems to know

  10. Lots of people know.

  11. You can knit a sweater by the fireside

  12. I don't really want to stop the show,
    But I thought that you might like to know,
    That the singer's going to sing a song,
    And he wants you all to sing along.

  13. the nutters in the rabbit hole

  14. Ridiculously stupid.

  15. or as carroll would say:
    Ridicuid stuPIDculously

    very intresting

  16. What a shame, after all this time spent, to be force fed
    one distortion after another by groups of people who don't even bother to understand what it is they are trying to understand.

  17. Anonymous said...

    Ridiculously stupid.

    Hmmm. Don't know if that is directed towards me, Iamaphoney, or the Nutters, but I do know that the band begins at 10 to 6.

    A Game of Fives

    Five little girls, of Five, Four, Three, Two, One:
    Rolling on the hearthrug, full of tricks and fun.

    Five rosy girls, in years from Ten to Six:
    Sitting down to lessons - no more time for tricks.

    Five growing girls, from Fifteen to Eleven:
    Music, Drawing, Languages, and food enough for seven!

    Five winsome girls, from Twenty to Sixteen:
    Each young man that calls, I say "Now tell me which you MEAN!"

    Five dashing girls, the youngest Twenty-one:
    But, if nobody proposes, what is there to be done?

    Five showy girls - but Thirty is an age
    When girls may be ENGAGING, but they somehow don't ENGAGE.

    Five dressy girls, of Thirty-one or more:
    So gracious to the shy young men they snubbed so much before!

    Five PASSE girls - Their age? Well, never mind!
    We jog along together, like the rest of human kind:
    But the quondam "careless bachelor" begins to think he knows
    The answer to that ancient problem "how the money goes"!

    Lewis Carroll

  18. taf,thats stupd. give up with the lewis carrols and all the other theories that make no reveleance to pid.

  19. "A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky".

    A boat beneath a sunny sky,
    Lingering onward dreamily
    In an evening of July--

    Children three that nestle near,
    Eager eye and willing ear,
    Pleased a simple tale to hear--

    Long has paled that sunny sky:
    Echoes fade and memories die.
    Autumn frosts have slain July.

    Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
    Alice moving under skies
    Never seen by waking eyes.

    Children yet, the tale to hear,
    Eager eye and willing ear,
    Lovingly shall nestle near.

    In a Wonderland they lie,
    Dreaming as the days go by,
    Dreaming as the summers die:

    Ever drifting down the stream--
    Lingering in the golden gleam--
    Life, what is it but a dream?


  20. Jeff, you're not Horus.

  21. Anonymous said...
    taf,thats stupd. give up with the lewis carrols and all the other theories that make no reveleance to pid.

    October 22, 2009 2:34 PM

    Shut up u. i infact enjoy taf's talks on lewis carroll and they have a lot to do with pid, the nutters and iamaphoney mention carroll a lot in pid so unless you have some better theories to talk about then leave taf alone...

  22. Wow Tafultong. That would all be a lot of geeky synchronicity if...y'know...Alice In Wonderland was not a classic children's books that continues to sell billions of copies, is available in every book store in every city in every country and has been read by billions of people.

    Sad to see you finally lose your senses on here. Never thought you were that gullible. Enjoy your new cult.

  23. Do you really know the band begins at ten to six, Taf? hhmmmmm?

  24. "Wow Tafultong. That would all be a lot of geeky synchronicity if...y'know...Alice In Wonderland was not a classic children's books that continues to sell billions of copies, is available in every book store in every city in every country and has been read by billions of people.

    Sad to see you finally lose your senses on here. Never thought you were that gullible. Enjoy your new cult"

    go away

    you are hopeless

  25. All the hopeless people should go away at this point.

  26. but all the hopefull people should stay

  27. two slices of bread on the tableOctober 22, 2009 at 4:40 PM


  28. If all the hopeless people left, there wouldn't be a blog because well. Like you said, all the hopeless people would have left.

  29. The Fireman SpokesmanOctober 22, 2009 at 4:41 PM

    Toast time!

  30. "If all the hopeless people left, there wouldn't be a blog because well. Like you said, all the hopeless people would have left.

    hopeless implies those who won't even TRY
    double plus: those who see and deny

  31. Who's more hopeless than Generation Y and their Zietgeist movie bullshit? The "revelation" is now available at Hot Topic (get your Down The Rabbit Hole t-shirts, teens!), it's being shilled to you from Hollywood (like you're NOT going to spend your money on that big budget 2012 movie and the DaVinci Code 2 and blah blah blah) and for all you rock and roll fans....guess what? Muse has a chart topping album about the whole fucking Illuminati-run thing? If you're so damn stupid to have not figured out that "conspiracy culture" is a product that's being sold to you than you're the hopeless ones kiddies. Shop away teenagers. That's what it's all about. You're the new Hippies, another bogus "movement".

  32. For David Icke so loved the world that he couldn't help but put a store on his website so you could buy all of his books.

  33. are you really this, uh, this stupid?


  34. the real music said...
    are you really this, uh, this stupid?


    October 22, 2009 4:50 PM

    Hey Hot Topic have an "Open Your Eyes" t-shirt too!!!

  35. "For David Icke so loved the world that he couldn't help but put a store on his website so you could buy all of his books."

    no money required!

  36. I wanna get back.

  37. A conversation with Matt Bellamy of Muse:

    "A lot of people get labelled as conspiracy theorists," says Bellamy. "It's a clever way of making someone devalued; lessening what they're talking about before they've even talked about it.

    "It's close to propaganda calling people conspiracy theorists. In lots of cases, they are actually conspiracy factualists."

    Who engineered 9/11? Was there really a plane? Is global warming a swindle to keep the developing world in poverty? Is oil running out or is it a hoax to drive prices up? Is there a clandestine organisation of conglomerates looking for New World Order?

    "There's loads of ideas out there. The ones I like the most are the ones where people tend to stick to the facts."

    The new Muse album The Resistance is out now and had already been certified platinum, they performed their latest single "The Uprising" on the 2009 MTV Video Awards.

  38. you can get back to wheer you once belonged.

  39. Iamaphoney hates Muse. They did what Pupil CPH wanted to doooooo. Iamaphoney should be opening for U2 and playing stadiums and making all that money and banging all those groupies. Life is so unfair.


  40. What john meant about PolanskiOctober 22, 2009 at 5:14 PM

    Fucking Phoney posers

    dream on "


    the Bank won't cash that check.....evah

  42. The World Bank never wears a Mac
    in the pouring rain
    very strange

    but life goes on....

    Penny Lane is in my EARS and in my EYES

  43. Anonymous said...

    the Bank won't cash that check.....evah

    October 22, 2009 5:16 PM

    Ummm.....Sony would beg to differ.

  44. beg all you want to, differ

  45. Taf's post is satirical. Thought I'd mention that to the NIR and Maccafunhouse crowd who evidently have no sense of humor.

    V returns on November 3rd. On November 4th, David Icke will again pretend no such series ever existed in 1983 and will decline to discuss the new version.

    HINT: Icke borrowed a lot from V

  46. Iamaphoney seems to know. Apollo seemed to know. Jarv knows. Even the Nutters seem to know. Lewis Carroll may hold the key to the Beatles Mystery.

    Lewis Carroll does not, in fact, hold the key to the Beatles Mystery, nor is there is mystery at all. Shockingly, the ones who hold the key, if there is a key, are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. The Beatles. They wrote the songs. They know why, and they understood it as art. The worst possible interpretation of that art, as with any artistic statement, is to make it literal, or to force into a single scheme, or plot, based on one's own fantasies. Satirical or not, if Lennon had read this post he would have thrown up in disgust. "For fuck's sake, people, WE wrote the songs, not Edgar Allen Poe or Lewis Fucking Carrol." Yeah, some dude named Jarvitronics knows that the key to understanding the Beatles in in Lewis Carroll.

    Thanks for the info, guys.

  47. if Lennon had read this post he would have thrown up in disgust. "For fuck's sake, people, WE wrote the songs, not Edgar Allen Poe or Lewis Fucking Carrol."

    I believe he did..

  48. Anonymous said...
    Iamaphoney seems to know. Apollo seemed to know. Jarv knows. Even the Nutters seem to know. Lewis Carroll may hold the key to the Beatles Mystery.

    Lewis Carroll does not, in fact, hold the key to the Beatles Mystery, nor is there is mystery at all. Shockingly, the ones who hold the key, if there is a key, are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. The Beatles. They wrote the songs. They know why, and they understood it as art. The worst possible interpretation of that art, as with any artistic statement, is to make it literal, or to force into a single scheme, or plot, based on one's own fantasies. Satirical or not, if Lennon had read this post he would have thrown up in disgust. "For fuck's sake, people, WE wrote the songs, not Edgar Allen Poe or Lewis Fucking Carrol." Yeah, some dude named Jarvitronics knows that the key to understanding the Beatles in in Lewis Carroll.

    Thanks for the info, guys.

    October 22, 2009 8:45 PM

    Keep in mind that the PID vs PIA debate is just a pitiful variation of the Star Trek vs Star Wars debate. Both sides are bickering over nonsense.

    PIDders: Paul is not dead nor is there some gigantic conspiracy to enslave the world through Beatles music. If that were true, Miley Cyrus wouldn't need to exist.

    PIAers : You're wasting your time arguing about a rock myth that hardly anyone believes or cares about. Think about it.

    Enjoy your PID. Enjoy your PIA. The rest of us have to get up for work tomorrow. Goodnight.

  49. Enjoy your PDA too!

  50. Give me your Anseri
    Fill in a Formes

  51. Here comes the dead man's son:

  52. Louis is looking a little bit incandescent himself.

  53. I never give you my pillow, but I'm down. I'm really down!

  54. Got too many highlights with a lovelight on her neck.

  55. A Picasso or a Garfunkel?

  56. In Joyful Memo Random of Alice's Ulysses Eulogies

  57. I had a million dollars but I spent it all.

  58. I think my liver just exploded.

  59. can't you feel the down exploding?

  60. (finger-pied alice)

  61. See how the fly like pied de cochon

  62. they. See how they fly

  63. THE fog comes in on little piggy feet.

  64. and my friends have lost their way

  65. Bam Bam BAM

  66. Alessence is a gnosti girl.

  67. Veri-chippin' days.

  68. 94 and still alive

  69. For The Wings (over the World)

  70. I eats meat. Can I has cheezburger now?

  71. Let it be for christ's sake already.

  72. There will be a answer.

  73. Move your dead arse McCartney.

  74. Backwards unravel -er.

  75. 1 and 1 and 1 is actually 111.

    1 plus 1 plus 1 is 3.

    Lennon sucked at math. Macca is alive. Lewis Carroll is overrated. Alfred Jarry kicks his ass. Macc would tell you that.

    Ubu Roy (studying pataphysical)

  76. And you might see who's pulling the wool over your eyes?

    Baaaaa! Baa! Baaaaaaa!

  77. In Boolean logic, 1 and 1 and 1 is 1.

  78. Anonymous said...
    And you might see who's pulling the wool over your eyes?

    Baaaaa! Baa! Baaaaaaa!

    October 23, 2009 4:00 PM

    Kid, you're so off base you don't even know. Lewis Carroll? You got to be joking. WRONG fucking Beatle, Einstein! Macca is all about Alfred Jarry. Did you think he made the word "pataphysical" up? Do you think he pulled Oobu Joobu out of his ass? You guys know SHIT about McCartney. Nothing Is Real is nothing but a circle jerk. All this rabbit hole/Wonderland BS is just you chasing your own tail. Read up on Jarry and get a clue.

    Don't FAUl for this Iamaphoney dickweed (I don't write songs, I write gimmicks!! Yippdiddlydoowahyee!). That dope couldn't shit in a storm without getting his ass dry. His whole m o is based on Lewis Padgett's short story. He ripped that MF off. READ that fucker. Jabberwocky=code yabbidy ya ya. The tool from Denmark is up his own ass.


    Oh shit! Oh no! Oh no you din't!

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA..yes I did! Suitcase anyone?

  80. The Velveteen RabbitOctober 23, 2009 at 4:57 PM

    Just cried a real tear .....For you.

  81. What do you do when your kid is a brat?

  82. The blind leading the blind.

  83. "

    Oh shit! Oh no! Oh no you din't!

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA..yes I did! Suitcase anyone?"

    Wow! Someone who's actually crazier than jarvitronics. Good luck with that.

  84. You don't know how lucky you are, boy.

  85. I would read the link if it was blue. Alas…...

  86. Live! from the Velvet UndergroundOctober 23, 2009 at 6:16 PM

    It was a treasure hunt, mon petite lapins.

    Have you any wool?

  87. "Don't FAUl for this Iamaphoney dickweed (I don't write songs, I write gimmicks!! "

    Welcome back... Mr. Weed

  88. "Blogger Jude said...

    I haven't been personally invited by anyone in the organisation, but Iamaphoney did invited me to meet him in LA once.
    October 23, 2009 11:27 AM"

    Iamaphoney invited you to meet in in LA?

    How come you didn't meet with him?

    You could have cleared this whole thing up Jude....

  89. You're better off Jude. I can only guess what might have happened. The two of you hit Sunset Strip, paste "Love" posters all over bus stops, have a few drinks....and 6 hours later IAAP is nowhere to be found, your wallet is gone and Guido the killer pimp is calling you on your cellphone demanding you return a hooker named Sheba.

    It happens all the time in LA.

  90. Anonymous said...
    He say






    is three

    October 23, 2009 1:04 PM

    Thank you for your meaningless comment, Iamaphoney sock puppet. The Silly Party wants their ideas back.

  91. Anonymous said...

    You're better off Jude. I can only guess what might have happened. The two of you hit Sunset Strip, paste "Love" posters all over bus stops, have a few drinks....and 6 hours later IAAP is nowhere to be found, your wallet is gone and Guido the killer pimp is calling you on your cellphone demanding you return a hooker named Sheba.

    It happens all the time in LA.

    October 23, 2009 9:53 PM

    This would be better then "Shoes" and all the suitcases videos COMBINED!


    Start your video cameras!

    Jude, call that bad boy up, and make some damn internet history!

    October is almost over and there is no video!

  92. Seriously folks, how does the new Paul track fit into all this?

  93. Anonymous said...
    Seriously folks, how does the new Paul track fit into all this?

    October 24, 2009 2:28 AM

    Thou shalt not Kill

  94. Thou shalt not Kill

    Unless thou art a comic, in which case thou had better kill.

  95. What in the world you thinking of
    Laughing in the face of love

  96. Instant karmas gonna get you
    Gonna knock you off your feet
    Better recognize your brothers
    Evryone you meet

  97. Diamonds on the soles of his shoes.

  98. (And I could say Oo oo oo
    As if everybody here would know
    What I was talking about
    I mean everybody here would know exactly
    What I was talking about
    Talking about diamonds)

  99. Anonymous said...

    You're better off Jude. I can only guess what might have happened. The two of you hit Sunset Strip, paste "Love" posters all over bus stops, have a few drinks....and 6 hours later IAAP is nowhere to be found, your wallet is gone and Guido the killer pimp is calling you on your cellphone demanding you return a hooker named Sheba.

    It happens all the time in LA.

    That made me laugh so hard I spewed coffee all over my monitor!
    Thanks for that.

    But really, about the Iamaphoney thing:

    The creepy thing was, if memory serves me correctly, I either was in LA or was soon going to LA when he wrote that. I was spooked, and he didn't really give me any more info than just "see you in LA" as if he and I had already agreed on some place to meet. Bizarre.

  100. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for your meaningless comment, Iamaphoney sock puppet. The Silly Party wants their ideas back.

    October 23, 2009 9:55 PM

    Kevin Phillips BONG!!!!


  101. I'll carry you Timmy. No worries.

  102. .......and a million people MARCHING

  103. I.B.M. asked, "What do you get when you shear a Bill?"

    H.A.L. answered, "You get down."

  104. Jude said...
    Anonymous said...

    You're better off Jude. I can only guess what might have happened. The two of you hit Sunset Strip, paste "Love" posters all over bus stops, have a few drinks....and 6 hours later IAAP is nowhere to be found, your wallet is gone and Guido the killer pimp is calling you on your cellphone demanding you return a hooker named Sheba.

    It happens all the time in LA.

    That made me laugh so hard I spewed coffee all over my monitor!
    Thanks for that.

    But really, about the Iamaphoney thing:

    The creepy thing was, if memory serves me correctly, I either was in LA or was soon going to LA when he wrote that. I was spooked, and he didn't really give me any more info than just "see you in LA" as if he and I had already agreed on some place to meet. Bizarre.

    October 24, 2009 6:16 AM


    by the way; see you in rome.


    see you ON THE MOON.

    like BALLOON BOY

    brb, helter skelter.

  105. The price of your ticket has been PaID in Fool. Don't you want your money's worth?

  106. I told you before.

    Way from mahh door.

  107. Care for a drink from the devil's cup?

  108. I believe if we were retarded, we wouldn't be able to use a computer.

    Who's the one with the tiny nut sack now?

  109. can we really live with out each other?

  110. really live? can we? huh? Huh?

  111. That's the dumbest hint considering it's on a blog.

    Go big. Come join us. Sign your name in blood and we'll make you famous in exchange for your soul.

  112. with friends like this, who needs life?

  113. heyy

    no soul selling in this blog



  114. " Sign your name in blood and we'll make you famous in exchange for your soul."

    Been there, done that. Wasn't appreciated. And my sole isn't for sale.

  115. kick the Masses in the Asses

    That's ARSES to you, Jude.

  116. Jude's a lady, right?

  117. Answer the question so if she is, I could say something about her panties.

  118. It's ugly enough around here ........

  119. too much sauce on that plate

  120. Kid, you're so off base you don't even know. Lewis Carroll? You got to be joking. WRONG fucking Beatle, Einstein! Macca is all about Alfred Jarry. Did you think he made the word "pataphysical" up? Do you think he pulled Oobu Joobu out of his ass? You guys know SHIT about McCartney. Nothing Is Real is nothing but a circle jerk. All this rabbit hole/Wonderland BS is just you chasing your own tail. Read up on Jarry and get a clue.

    There are seven levels, and a thousand layers.

  121. How can I miss you if you won't go away?

  122. "There are seven levels, and a thousand layers."

    Like a puff pastry!

  123. Marie-Antoine CarêmeOctober 24, 2009 at 1:10 PM

    mille-feuille, Oui.

  124. Blogger Jude said...

    I was spooked, and he didn't really give me any more info than just "see you in LA" as if he and I had already agreed on some place to meet. Bizarre.

    October 24, 2009 6:16 AM

    That is strange! I wouldn't have met him either.

  125. All you need is love, really.


  126. So was the same guy who said you could get herpes from sitting on a toilet seat.

    Or was that ghonnoria?

  127. You can get herpes from a toilet seat?

  128. Where is the love?

  129. Love,

    Please pick up the white courtesy phone, luv.

    thank you

  130. You have seen many things, but have paid no attention;
    your ears are open, but you hear nothing."

  131. Anonymous said...
    You have seen many things, but have paid no attention;
    your ears are open, but you hear nothing."

    October 24, 2009 5:02 PM

    (sigh) I thought there may have been a place for you in S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Mr. Anonymous but I see now that you're nothing more than a stupid policeman.

  132. MikeNL - Now and Then

  133. Imagine no Poe sessions

  134. lol MikeNL your voice makes my nipples hard

  135. Anonymous said...
    lol MikeNL your voice makes my nipples hard

    October 24, 2009 7:00 PM

    niceeeee : )

  136. Blogger Jude said...

    The creepy thing was, if memory serves me correctly, I either was in LA or was soon going to LA when he wrote that. I was spooked, and he didn't really give me any more info than just "see you in LA" as if he and I had already agreed on some place to meet. Bizarre.

    October 24, 2009 6:16 AM

    WHAT?! Wait a minute.... you people TALK to iamaphoney?!?!

    ummm hey? why dont you ASK what the hell he is trying to do with the Rotten Apple Series?

  137. Because the people who ask, normally figure it out and then want to contribute to Iamaphoney's game plan.

  138. There's that much more to it then a simple picture or video clip of Paul being killed or his replacement or whatnot.

    It gets much deeper then that. Only the gifted ones will figure it out, and when they do, they won't say a word.

    Because in the end, the answer will be told.

  139. Anonymous said...

    Because the people who ask, normally figure it out and then want to contribute to Iamaphoney's game plan.

    October 24, 2009 10:13 PM

    Normally figure out what???
    I am asking....


  140. Anonymous said...

    Because the people who ask, normally figure it out and then want to contribute to Iamaphoney's game plan.

    October 24, 2009 10:13 PM

    so all these insiders are in on it too huh? lovely...

  141. You call these people "Phoney Phoneys" but in reality, they're helping the IAAP agenda. Although they're points might be different, they're all connected.

  142. Anonymous said...

    You call these people "Phoney Phoneys" but in reality, they're helping the IAAP agenda. Although they're points might be different, they're all connected.

    October 24, 2009 10:34 PM


    What is this agenda you speak of?

    Spell it out for me

  143. I won't say anything about it. I'm not spoiling it, and I don't feel like explaining all of it just so it could get shot down because it's just too "unrealistic"

    But remember, nothing is ReAl.

  144. I dont think you really know what you are talking about, because you are being as mysterious as the people you are speaking of

    so in actuality you are furthering the "iaap agenda" as well, whatever this "agenda" is.

    So good job! You are in on it too
