Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rotten Apple 75 W M L

A banner day for Iamaphoney. Three New Videos.

Like More Wizards, but the chronology is backwards. W came first, followed by M and L.

Rotten Apple 75W...

Rotten Apple 75M...

Rotten Apple 75 L...


  1. The first one has new content but the other two are more of Lind's greatest hits.

  2. True, you could watch the other two and learn absolutely nothing more than had you watched any other RA videos. I don't get why they keep posting videos that don't say anything. As always, they look good, but they are interchangeable with dozens of others with the fast images that we've seen countless times.

  3. Lind is ecologically conscious, that's why he recycles.

  4. I think it's fairly obvious Lind and friends have run out of McCartney steam so now they're dipping their toes in the Lennon myth. Probably because Lennon talk has been dominating this blog lately. I doubt Lind gets many idas from NIR now that they don't cover him like they once did.
    Lind might make you a star yet Jeff!

  5. "We made a ring around the world. It was a very strong ring."


  7. Those were SPOOOKY!
    I'll bet ol' Faul is scared shirtless!
    No doubt he has his minions working overtime.
    (Rolls Eyes)

  8. "A banner day for Iamaphoney."

    It was "Flag Day" here in the States.

  9. Is Lind now pushing the Evil Yoko or the Evil John sold his soul thing? Either way, someone always has to be up to something eeVeel in this series.


    June 14, 2009 5:46 PM

    It's not Bill, it's BIII (Solfeggio).

    ....Coming this Friday to a body of water near you.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Is Lind now pushing the Evil Yoko or the Evil John sold his soul thing? Either way, someone always has to be up to something eeVeel in this series.

    June 14, 2009 7:17 PM

    LOL yeah everyone is evil except Lind who is the picture of virtue.

  12. found my way upstairsJune 14, 2009 at 7:51 PM

    Oh! Thank you tafultong.

    Anonymous wrote:
    It's not Bill, it's BIII (Solfeggio).
    ....Coming this Friday to a body of water near you.

    Yes! And not a moment too soon!
    This is a significant event!
    More info at:
    Live H2O:Concert for The Living Water


    "Water Concert Brings John Lennon’s “Plan” and Beatles Saga to Life

    Blue Meanie attacks left instruments imprisoned, music silenced, LOVE nearly lost, and Pepperlanders frozen and fragile in the oceans of time. The Beatles Yellow Submarine saga that inspired St. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band to risk their lives to recapture the magical mystery instruments needed to perform a free and freeing concert is being played-out in real life with LIVE H2O, “The Concert for the Living Water,” June 19-21, 2009.

    The “Plan,” that John Lennon encouraged in Revolution, calls for nature’s most powerful music—the original Solfeggio scale—to be broadcast internationally by recording artists worldwide following centuries of being kept secret. The third note, “MI” promises “Miracles.” LIVE H2O organizers say a miraculous transformation in people’s hearts generated by the music shall set humanity free from political impositions and spiritual restrictions to spread LOVE, peace, health, and universal prosperity far beyond any event in history..."

  13. LIVE H2O organizers say a miraculous transformation in people’s hearts generated by the music shall set humanity free from political impositions and spiritual restrictions to spread LOVE, peace, health, and universal prosperity far beyond any event in history...

    That's what the New Agers said at the time of the so-called "Harmonic Convergence." And on about 3 dozen other occasions since then.

  14. We've already done the 528 frequency thing here.

  15. Well, at least the H20 thing, while predictably pseudo-scientific with talk of "vibrations" and "bioholographic" contradictions, is positive, unlike the equally predictable conspiracy paranoia that is the foundation of RA.

  16. 420 makes you thirsty for H20

  17. From NIR:
    Jojo said: "That clip from Sir Paul's Howard Stern appearance was probably the first time he mentioned that story of meeting Yoko before John did. I believe he felt the need to set the record straight after 30 plus years.. "

    No Jojo he's told that story quite a lot. Still nothing about the film "Turn Me On Dead Man", eh? You kids at NIR are sooooo on top of things.

  18. Jojo said: "That clip from Sir Paul's Howard Stern appearance was probably the first time he mentioned that story of meeting Yoko before John did. I believe he felt the need to set the record straight after 30 plus years.. "

    Dear Lord NIR people! Paul has been talking about meeting Yoko first for decades. To the previous poster, it's apparent that one criterion for believing in PID is poor knowledge of the subject at hand(Paul McCartney).

  19. Anonymous wrote:

    No Jojo he's told that story quite a lot. Still nothing about the film "Turn Me On Dead Man", eh? You kids at NIR are sooooo on top of things.

    I am guilty of that too. I'm hoping to find time to write something about that this week.


    Plot summary for
    Turn Me On, Dead Man (2009)

    "A 1960's pop band that has reached the pinnacle of international popularity must suddenly cope with the accidental death of one of its most popular members. In an attempt to maintain their fame, they chose to cover up the tragedy and replace their band mate with a look-alike/sound-alike, hoping that their millions of fans will never notice.
    Written by Billy Harper"

    Wow. Who would have ever come up with such a novel concept?!

  21. You're excused Tafultong. You have a life.

  22. New Agers simply make shit up just like every other religion. They slam bemusing words together and take money from credulous people.

    Once a being accumulates sufficient Terramorphic Mass (by consciously manipulating DNA metaproclivities) he or she can merge with the Interphasal Nodality and thereby achieve a state of Thetastry, otherwise known as Karmalogical Unction.


  23. Dear Lord NIR people! Paul has been talking about meeting Yoko first for decades. To the previous poster, it's apparent that one criterion for believing in PID is poor knowledge of the subject at hand(Paul McCartney).

    June 14, 2009 8:39 PM

    True. Jojo could start by reading interviews with McCartney given over the last 30 years or maybe pick up and actually READ the book "Many Years From Now". It goes for about $5.

  24. And the basis of PID (Paul was replaced to keep the band going) doesn't hold any water since they only stayed together for 2 years more.

    Next mystery, please.

  25. Grandfather AthiefsterJune 14, 2009 at 8:51 PM

  26. "Once a being accumulates sufficient Terramorphic Mass (by consciously manipulating DNA metaproclivities) he or she can merge with the Interphasal Nodality and thereby achieve a state of Thetastry, otherwise known as Karmalogical Unction."

    That's not New Age, that's Scientology, which is even worse!

  27. Once a being accumulates sufficient Terramorphic Mass (by consciously manipulating DNA metaproclivities) he or she can merge with the Interphasal Nodality and thereby achieve a state of Thetastry, otherwise known as Karmalogical Unction.


    Exactly. The New Agers are a bit more insidious, though, because they couch their ideas in that quasi-scientific Star Trek jargon to give the impression that it's 'scientific.'

  28. That is not $cientology, but it should be.

  29. Scientology is just another iteration of the New Age mentality. There is no unified New Age belief, because it evolves to suit current tastes.

    Whatever it is, it always involves the basic ancient idea that human beings are divine or semi-divine, and that their latent powers were diminished through cross-breeding with aliens, "inferior" races (see: Hitler), or some other cosmic conspiracy (see: Satan).

    So that clerk at your nearest Target outlet is really a superhuman who has been duped by the cosmic Masters. It gives the clerk an excuse for his or her own failings (victim, martyr, etc.)

    Someone or something else is always to blame.

    It's all the same to me, luv.

  30. The key of any religion is to appeal to narcissism. You want to live forever? In perfection? Like a mini-godlike creature free from all limits, worry and pain? We thought so. Join now and we'll throw in a 'hate your neighbor and your leaders because, unlike you, they are evil' bumper sticker.

  31. I admit for a while there (about a year ago) I really thought Phoney might have something up his sleeve. But there is no forward movement and nothing to indicate any revelations. I hope he can come up with a satisfactory face-saving ending of some sort because overall the series has been very creative and interesting if nothing else (including the circus here and at NIR), and what more do you really expect from YouTube? The good thing for him is, he's never really come out and said anything about PID or PIA, so he reserves the right to flip the whole thing if he wants.

  32. Now now! Be nice to Scientologists. Charlie Manson is a Scientologist and he's one of IAAP's great loves. Don't make Phoney mad. He just wants to give you "amusement". And he does with all the widdle wuv in his widdle hawt.

  33. Where are all these smart people coming from tonight? Where's CAPMIKE and Jeff Leland when you need 'em?

    More important, why isn't anyone discussing the supposed banner day and the three Phoney videos? Back in the day, there would have been 800 comments on such a momentous occasion.

  34. No one is discussing because they've already discussed the Lennon angle a million times here already.

  35. anonymous said: More important, why isn't anyone discussing the supposed banner day and the three Phoney videos? Back in the day, there would have been 800 comments on such a momentous occasion.

    The last video he did prompted a few of the old timers to come out and throw a few comments his way. That's what happens when you recycle the same shit over and over again. Whenever I hear the latest tune from Lind I just turn the sound down now. It seems to be all about pushing his music and I could care less.

  36. My middle name is Earl.

  37. Bum 1: Get the F out of my treehouse!

    Bum 2: There is no F in treehouse.

  38. Phoney did throw in a plug for "The Right Album" in the video. I guess he's making a PID cd with mostly backward sung Beatle tunes.

  39. Tom Petty said...
    My middle name is Earl.

    June 14, 2009 9:38 PM

    My baloney has a first name. It's O-S-C-A-R.

    (my attempt at a generic Tafultong's blog silly comment)

  40. There is no F'in spoon either.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Phoney did throw in a plug for "The Right Album" in the video. I guess he's making a PID cd with mostly backward sung Beatle tunes.

    June 14, 2009 9:41 PM

    I thought he already did. It's on CDBaby or something. Ho hum.

  42. Well, I guess it really is over then. "It's been a lot of fun."

  43. More parody comments:

    IAAP fanatic: H8ters! You will beg him for forgiveness in 2012.

    PIAer: Well you see he's got it all wrong because acccording to Bill Harry's enycyclopedia, Paul was in Sweden in June of 1965 and blah blah blah blah.....

    Resident comedian #1: It's all about the SHOES!

    Resident comedian #2: I want to to see that Aja vs faulcon wrestling match.

    (fake) Tafultong: Even though I strongly disagree with the insinuation being made in this video, isn't it a wonderful song? How he does he come up with them? Oh shucks oh gosh oh gee.

    IAAP posting as anonymous: I'm scared.

    There. That covers it all I think.

  44. We can all go home now.

  45. We can all go home now.

    June 14, 2009 10:11 PM

    I am already home. Where are you? Sitting in Panera sipping coffee?

  46. I liked the 231 inches of wine.

  47. What the bleep is a tafultong, anyway?

  48. Miles doesn't need help he has Jebus.

  49. We are not sock puppets!

  50. Conjuction JunctionJune 15, 2009 at 12:35 AM

    "I'm going to get you there if you're very careful."

  51. Good morning mates! Three more days.

  52. "We are dead"

    I always thought I heard Paul sing that in It's All Too Much.

    I think it was their ways of saying that they were tripping balls.

  53. I remember John in an interview saying he and Yoko had a hypnosis session to quit smoking, clearly she was secretly programming him.

  54. On 6/15/56, John and Paul met for the first time.

    Happy birthday, Beatles.

    About that hypnosis session, May Pang said she went to see what had happened to John, and that he was acting very zombie-like. Yoko kept John from reforming the Beatles.

  55. "We are dead"

    in triplets

  56. amoebas secret says IAN?

  57. kinda slow ain't it?

  58. I'm guessing Lennon's fondness for heroin might have contributed to his zombie-like state.

  59. "shooting" is exercise!

  60. With 67 you get Pepper

  61. Those Twin Freaks was right when they said youse freaks was dead.

  62. Pardon me. Do you have any cheap yellow mustard?

  63. Mister French was not mean!

  64. Well, well, well.

    These were cute vids....

    and, yes, the 'blame Yoko' contingent is a sign of des-pirate man..... but , what the hell.....

    I never expect any answer, so I'm never disappointed.

    HOWEVER, boys & girls.... I will be back to my old 'eBay' ways in a couple of weeks, so....

    Have a happy day,

  65. Anonymous said...
    amoebas secret says IAN?

    June 15, 2009 6:21 AM

    Stop it. No one is buying the old bullshit anymore, Lind. Really.

  66. FINALLY! "Turn Me On Dead Man" is mentioned on NIR. It took them a month to discover it after it was mentioned here numerous times but congrats to Doc.

  67. "Ho Sir Vince"

    That wasn't nice!

  68. I suppose in this bizarro setting, it is okay to insinuate the McCartney is a satanist or serial murderer . . .but it appears as though the crowd will not allow the Yoko is Evil theory or the Heather Mills knows something theory.

    Oh, well. It's not like PHoney has to stick to any one theory or plot. Hasn't up till now. I would just shift back to Paul killed Mal or Paul is a mummy . . .really, what difference does it make anymore since it's just entertainment?

  69. "S'mote" it be?

  70. Note to Phoney:

    So Yoko had John brainwashed to keep the Beatles from reuniting? I thought the all-powerful Tavistock or Illumati brainwashed the Beatles and had Paul killed and replaced to keep the Beatles going. So Yoko has more power than the Illuminati in this comic book?

    Get your fake stories straight, kids.

    Your PID theories can be wacky and far-fetched, but even a sci-fi novel loses its readers if it doesn't have logical internal consistency, i.e., the characters or plot can't do something implausible within the parameters of the storyline, particularly when based loosely on real characters.

  71. i forgot to post it here, lol;

    paul is dead - nothing is real 5

  72. Anonymous said...

    "Ho Sir Vince"

    That wasn't nice!

    Since when is a pleasant salutation un-nice?

  73. When you call someone a HO, that's when!

  74. You are right MikeNL. That WAS funny!

  75. Did I detect a whiff of the "Dead Parrot Sketch" from Derek Talyor's comment?


  76. so freaking lame

  77. So Paul is the good guy now? WTF? Is Iamaphoney smoking some shit? He just turned his back on his entire premise. This John Lennon/Mr. Pilgrim shit is so lame.

  78. 'the wheelcahair people are ready"


  79. So Paul is the good guy now? WTF? Is Iamaphoney smoking some shit? He just turned his back on his entire premise. This John Lennon/Mr. Pilgrim shit is so lame.

    Like McCartney is a replacement/Magickian wasn't lame? How do you know he isn't going with the traditional Paul and Yoko had John murdered routine?
    Thaaaat's entertainment!


  81. what I am is what I am is what UR or whatJune 15, 2009 at 6:48 PM

    Get your feet up off the ground.
    Live a little!
    Get around!

  82. Don't get left behind!June 15, 2009 at 6:53 PM

    I know my banana is older than the rest!

  83. The walrus was Mal.

  84. Good morning mates! Three more days.

    Two more.

  85. It was getting brown spots on it!

  86. Now are these really the
    videos I was called here to watch? License plates and flashing album covers?

    Please tell me you've got something more, Phoney.

    Please tell me there's an ace up your sleeve.

    These two musicians, Lennon and McCartney, are on trial for their legacy.

    Please tell me their accuser hasn't pinned his hopes to some records played in reverse.

  87. Please tell me their accuser hasn't pinned his hopes to some records played in reverse.

    Did you order that Love Code?

    You're damn right I did!!

  88. The Count of Monte ChristoJune 15, 2009 at 7:34 PM


  89. The Count of WikipediaJune 15, 2009 at 7:41 PM

    Peuchet related the tale of a SHOE maker named Pierre Picaud, who was living in Nimes in 1807. Picaud had been engaged to marry a rich woman, but three jealous friends falsely accused him of being a spy for England. He was imprisoned for seven years. During his imprisonment a dying fellow prisoner bequeathed him a treasure hidden in Milan. Picaud was released in 1814. He took possession of the treasure and returned under another name to Paris. Picaud spent ten years plotting his successful revenge against his former friends.

  90. 'Tis a clue for shoe-er!

  91. I can't handle the truth!

  92. Carman, is that you?!

  93. OK, my eye is open. The other is just a good, uh, replica.

  94. Fan lessons learned from the Beatles:

    1. Fans can be screaming lunatics
    2. Fans can drive successful bands to work only in the studio
    3. Fans read messages into art based on their own wishes and desires
    4. Fans sometimes have fantasies that they are the band members, whether alive or dead
    5. Fans can spend years and years obsessing over the music and image
    6. Fans can start to hate the thing they love
    7. Fans can believe their idols are evil because they think about them so much it's frightening
    8. Fans sometimes kill their idols

    Yes, from 1963 on, the Beatles were justifiably afraid of what some of their fans might do. From the outset, the fans mobbed them, tried to snip locks of their hair, touched and clawed at them, hounded and harassed them, hounded, condemned, and harassed their girlfriends/wives, and ultimately stabbed George and murdered John.

    Thanks fans!

    Love is all you need.

    Now, long after they are gone, another kind of fan still makes accusations against them, gossip secretly in closed forums, and wonder aloud in the face of such high irony how and why those Beatles could have been so evil.

  95. We have seen the enemy and I am He as you are Me as He is me

  96. Fans sometimes have fantasies that they are the band members, whether alive or dead

    Even the dead ones?!

  97. I am Paul! Really!

  98. So that clerk at your nearest Target outlet is really a superhuman who has been duped

    Aren't we all?

  99. Sometimes fans want to have their own crazy fans like the fans of their idols, and go so far as to pretend that they are their idols by making counterfeit YouTube sites modeled after the idol's site. Then they make scary videos and pretend their idol is behind them, just so their new crazy fans can treat them to the same mixture of gossip, adulation, and hatred their idols experienced.

    Strange, but true.

  100. I think people should work on the 'human' part before getting all worked up over the 'superhuman' part.

  101. anonymous said..Then they make scary videos and pretend their idol is behind them, just so their new crazy fans can treat them to the same mixture of gossip, adulation, and hatred their idols experienced.

    Most insightful comment ever on this board.

  102. What we have here is painfully obvious. A very crafty musician who never got anywhere. He begins to resent the idols who inspired him to make music in the first place because it's not working out for him like it worked out for his idols. He hangs around the internet looking for sites that bash the Beatles. Stumbles on to a PID forum and is thrilled to see that there are other other ex-fans who hate his idol as much as he does. He comes up with a way to exploit the interests of the members of the forum and find an appreciative audience for his music. He makes vague videos that hint at answers to PID to keep them coming back for more.

    Do you think that if Iamaphoney was pro-McCartney and threw a bunch of songs on YouTube that anyone would give a shit or listen?

    Iamaphoney is just the mirror image of that old doofus who spams Macca's channel every three days trying to get anyone to listen to his original songs.

  103. THE ONLY REAL FACT BEHIND THE RA SERIES: This guy calls himself a Phoney...

    ... I started to believe him a long time ago.

    Btw, The first video of RA 75 shows how he doctored Paul´s Image (Just a good replica, remember?) In RA 73 Pauls Looks Spooky, but on the last video (From the very same interview) He looks normal. And you use to say that PIAERS work with doctores images, give me a break!

  104. I think Phoney actually believes in some of the reverse speech stuff, else he wouldn't have poured so much time into listening for it and the other clues. I think he could well be a genuine PIDer from the forums that also wants his music heard. Some of his early posts sounded like any other over-the-top PIDer, at least until he went silent. Of course, that could all be part of the scam.

  105. Iamaphoney is nothing but doctored images and monster movie music. You'd have to be 4 years old or have the mind of a 4 year old to think this guy could ever be honest. Just whoring out his music as usual.

  106. Whether he believes it or not (doubtful he does), we have always said that he has the option of saying "IAMAPHONEY" refers to himself, and that the whole thing was about how one can make a false case using phony techniques. The very first video starts, "According to the legend . . ." It doesn't state as fact that Paul died, it only reiterates what others have said. The series can therefore be about the urban legend, not part of the urban legend.

  107. Anonymous said...
    I think Phoney actually believes in some of the reverse speech stuff, else he wouldn't have poured so much time into listening for it and the other clues. I think he could well be a genuine PIDer from the forums that also wants his music heard. Some of his early posts sounded like any other over-the-top PIDer, at least until he went silent. Of course, that could all be part of the scam.

    June 15, 2009 9:13 PM

    That well may be but noticed what happened when he got some positive feedback on his music. His supposed PID research flew out the window and it was all songs and suitcases (not as good as pizza and fairytales).

  108. Where he blew it was in creating the fake Macca sites to draw in viewers. That's where he crossed the line between art and theft, although one could say the counterfeit Beatle sites are part of the whole "phoney" thing.

  109. I give him props on "1882," "Shoes," and "St Paul." Very competent remixes, the latter a very competent cover.

  110. That's why I think it's more of a small team (3 or 4 dudes/video editor/sound engineer/at least one guitarist and keyboardist, maybe just 2 people) having fun with this thing now. It's just a goof.

  111. "The first video of RA 75 shows how he doctored Paul´s Image (Just a good replica, remember?) In RA 73 Pauls Looks Spooky, but on the last video (From the very same interview) He looks normal."

    WHAT?! Someone posted something about the subject at hand in this column?
    That's a first! Or nearly so.

  112. Why isn't anyone talking about the stuff on NIR about every beatles song existing to fight off satanic influences?

  113. I have never been attacked by evil spirits while listening to Beatles music, so obviously the songs work. Those NIR people are phreaking brilliant, I say.

  114. I get it- IAAP is a team Yoko hired to flame Paul. They all got fed up and fled to Paul's camp, where they are now turning the tables on Yoko.

  115. "It seems a shame," the Walrus said, "To play them such a trick, After we've brought them out so far, And made them trot so quick!" The Carpenter said nothing but "The butter's spread too thick!"

  116. Hello Fellow McCartney/Beatles Fans,

    After many months of trying, I presume Dr. McCartney is simply too busy to listen to my song Honey [Video #2]. However, that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy it [as well as my other songs on my channel as well] for yourself.

    I hope you enjoy my work. Take care!

    Sincerely, Howard Rosenzweig

  117. The butter wouldn't melt, so I put it in the pie.

  118. I'm here to extend my fifteen minutes of fame.

  119. Me too!

    btw, I'm dead. I think.

  120. I did not have sex with that woman!

  121. How to succeed:
    1) Wrap lips around shaft.
    2) Suck until you get seed.

  122. 't ain't funny, mcgee

  123. Me too! 57 different ways!

  124. How to bloviate:
    1) Forget to add oil.
    2) Run at high RPM.

  125. haha, I was on my way back home yesterday and I thought: why Iamaphoney did not used yet 'we're all dead' from 'It's All Too Much'?

    (maybe he did it before and i missed it?)

  126. I get it- IAAP is a team Yoko hired to flame Paul. They all got fed up and fled to Paul's camp, where they are now turning the tables on Yoko.

    Yes, Yoko is going to pay now. All the spells and incantations and attorneys in the world won't save her.

  127. Why isn't anyone talking about the stuff on NIR about every beatles song existing to fight off satanic influences?

    Because that's just as stupid as the thread in which every song by everybody is part of PID,

  128. And then the fireman rushes in
    From the pouring rain, very strange.

  129. You're a tough crowd here.

  130. A crowd of people stood and stared

  131. Yes we're going to a party party
    Yes we're going to a party party
    Yes we're going to a party party.

  132. You're a tough crowd here.

    June 16, 2009 6:11 AM

    i was thinking the same thing

  133. How to penetrate:
    1) Imagine a trait.
    2) Write it down.

  134. How much bush could a bushwhack whack if a bushwhack could whack bush?

    General Disclaimer: Note that the noun 'bush' is written in lower case. In other words, 'bush,' in this context, is not a proper noun, but rather refers to the general class of plants known as shrubs. Clearly then, a bushwhack is a tool used to clip bushes.

    Major Disclaimer: Note that the verb 'clip,' in this context is meant to describe snipping. A bushwhack needs a snipper to perform the snipping or else no bushes get clipped.

    (Private Disclaimer: Stop imagining things! This has nothing to do with pubic hair.)

  135. You just landed on our watch list, Mister Funnyman.

  136. The o-ring did it. Just drop a rubber band in ice water. No challenge.

  137. Now that was a dippy process.

  138. The Name of the GameJune 16, 2009 at 10:27 AM

    We call it riding the "Gravey Train."

  139. The GRAVE -y train.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. i found out.its an enigmacode. XKFKUFYDHZHZQ the code word is LMW

  143. i found out.its an enigmacode. XKFKUFYDHZHZQ the code word is LMW.

    Thanks. I'll make a note of it.

  144. I wouldn't pay it any mind, it's just a shadow you're seein' that he's chasing.


    Have fun!

  146. i'm tired of this town.

  147. Silly rabbit! Here's the secret Beatles CODE!


  148. if the keyletters on an enigma three wheeler are lm and w then XKFKUFYDHZHZQ transforms to OMOBARIOMOTWE.what dat mean?

  149. if the keyletters on an enigma three wheeler are lm and w then XKFKUFYDHZHZQ transforms to OMOBARIOMOTWE.what dat mean?

    The solution is "You Know My Name"

  150. The solution is obvious.

  151. if the keyletters on an enigma three wheeler are lm and w then XKFKUFYDHZHZQ transforms to OMOBARIOMOTWE.what dat mean?

    The solution is "You Know My Name"

    why do you say that?

  152. and then there were none

    boo hoo

  153. gentiles see too

  154. Rhymes with Mother TuckerJune 16, 2009 at 6:22 PM

    Cupid must have been a wreck
    He missed my heart and shot my neck
    Where the pain is
    Where the pain is
    Where the pain is growing

    Help me pull this arrow through
    So I can have my way with you
    Yes I want you
    Yes I want you
    Yes I want you to be going

  155. Dead Poets SocietyJune 16, 2009 at 6:33 PM

    Sounds like a personal problem.

  156. Sneez, Grump, and Happ.

  157. IME URE ER altogether now

  158. What's wrong Miles? How can I help you?

  159. Miles, whats wrong? How can we help?

  160. Old Enough And Strong Enough To Stretch Across The World.

    Taking The Sand Inside An Oyster, Changing It Into A Pearl.

  161. listened to happiness is a warm gun backwards.

    People that can speak multiple languages would have an advantage at this game.

  162. Anonymous said...
    listened to happiness is a warm gun backwards.

    People that can speak multiple languages would have an advantage at this game.

    June 16, 2009 9:31 PM

    which language is it.

    and Miles, why do you need help.
    you can keep shouting HELP ME!, but, really... we're standing next to you. we can hear you. so tell us : )

  163. An egg shell sees Deo. Miles knows that time is almost up.

  164. Please don't spoil my day
    I'm aisles away
    And after all
    I'm only sheeping

  165. The enemy's gate is down.

  166. if the keyletters on an enigma three wheeler are lm and w then XKFKUFYDHZHZQ transforms to OMOBARIOMOTWE.what dat mean?

    The "head surgeon" (singular omobari omotwe, plural ababari emetwe; surgeon, omobari; head, omotwe) may pray or go through other individualized magical ... - Cached - Similar -


  167. The "head surgeon" (singular omobari omotwe, plural ababari emetwe; surgeon, omobari; head, omotwe) may pray or go through other individualized magical procedures before the operation (okobara), but there is no set ritual. The patient's head may or may not be shaved and washed. He is then placed in a sitting or lying position and restrained.
    He is usually requested to lie on a bed of leaves with a small log under his head. One operator rather preferred to have his patient lie on a small European style bed with his head over the edge, then to sandwich him by placing another bed upside down on top of him with a relative sitting at each corner of it! The scalp is incised in a linear or cruciate manner over the site of the headache and the flaps if need be are retracted by the fingers of assistants. As a rule nothing is added to the wound, but occasionally, a medicine (unidentified) is sprinkled in the site to assuage pain, and sometimes an agent like charcoal or local pressure is applied for haemostasis. Any fragments of bone, foreign bodies or clotted blood are removed, and any discolored bone or fracture line is removed by scraping the skull (ekeore) with a sharp scraping knife having an acutely curved tip, curved to avoid puncturing the dura and brain. The scraping is usually continued until the inner table is pierced and the brain membranes exposed. Less frequently, a saw is employed to make the hole (enseke).
    Most operators are able to distinguish the cranial sutures from fracture lines, and seem to realize the danger of puncturing the dura, though in ignorance this is sometimes done in the case of subdural haematoma. Usually, both inner and outer tables of the skull are holed, but not always. After sufficient bone has been removed, the wound is washed with water. One omobari is said to have spewed water from his mouth onto the wound - no doubt an effective stream but not very aseptic.

  168. Anonymous said...
    if the keyletters on an enigma three wheeler are lm and w then XKFKUFYDHZHZQ transforms to OMOBARIOMOTWE.what dat mean?

    The "head surgeon" (singular omobari omotwe, plural ababari emetwe; surgeon, omobari; head, omotwe) may pray or go through other individualized magical ... - Cached - Similar -


    June 17, 2009 1:41 AM

    So the wife called me and we'd better go to see a surgeon
    Or whatever to price it… yellow underclothes
    So, any road, we went to see the dentist instead
    Who gave her a pair of teeth which wasn't any good at all
    So I said I'd marry, join the fucking navy and went to sea

    In my broken chair, my wings are broken and so is my hair
    I'm not in the mood for whirling
