Tuesday, November 18, 2008


A new book asserts that we have been tracking the wrong conspiracy. Just like the old days when John and Paul would compete with each other, we now have two Beatles one-upping each other in the conspiracy market. The interesting thing is that some of the elements overlap.

The new book, "The Lennon Prophecy" says that John Lennon made a pact with the devil, acquired worldly riches and fame, did his best to undermine Christianity, and then died violently when the devil came to fulfill the contract. The author, a first generation fan named Joseph Niezgoda insists that there are tons of clues in the Beatles' and Lennon's solo output.

He points to this picture in "Magical Mystery Tour" where John sells tickets.

The sign behind John reads "The best way to go is by M&D Co." MDC are the initials of Lennon's Killer.

Niezgoda interprets the die-cut inner sleeve and the enclosed record of "Imagine" as a shooting target.

Many will think some of the clues are a stretch, but it does get interesting when Niezgoda observes that on the back of the "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" cover, the words "lose their soul" are placed perfectly in the middle of Lennon's belt. He also puts an original spin on "Revolution 9."

Other clues can be found on the web site for the book and its associated blog, and more are promised. The site even invites readers to submit their own clues. The sad irony is that even though this book suggests that John Lennon sold his soul to the devil, it won't be nearly as damaging to John's reputation as the Philip Norman book, "John Lennon: The Life."

Here is the Press Release for "The Lennon Prophecy."


  1. Somewhere Iamaphoney is sitting alone in the dark and cursing to himself saying "A guy gets this kind of crap published and I can't get beyond YouTube!".

  2. "The new book, "The Lennon Prophecy" says that John Lennon made a pact with the devil, acquired worldly riches and fame, did his best to undermine Christianity, and then died violently when the devil came to fulfill the contract."

    A LITERAL pact with the devil?

    That is, a pact with a physical incarnation of the devil who came to earth in human form?

    In the same sense that Jabez Stone did in "The Devil and Daniel Webster"?

    I doubt it.

    But take away THAT weird element, and you have clues that (plausibly, I think) suggest that the Beatles got themselves involved in the occult -- maybe a little more deeply than they would have wished.

    In other words, you get a book version of an Iamaphoney video.

    Hmmmm. Should Joseph Niezgoda be added to the list of iamaphoney suspects?

    Anyway, the particular element of Iamaphoney videos that suggests an involvement with the occult on the part of some or all of the Beatles -- as opposed to the "Paul is dead" part of the videos -- has always seemed plausible to me.

    The MD&C reference would have to be chalked up as a remarkable coincidence (there are other prominent examples of synchronocity throughout history), but the other clues that you refer to could have been deliberate plants, just as some of the PID clues undoubtedly were.

    And taken together, they could all suggest that John was ritually sacrificing Paul in a purely rhetorical sense -- something that he would have been reluctant to own up to later on.

  3. Nice one Taf! Thanks!

  4. Nice one Tafultong!

    Man! George Kush is going to be MAD!

  5. Strange. This might be the first I've seen of it in book form, but PID critics have been saying that there are just as many supposed "clues" pointing to John's death (or Ringo's or George's) for years.

    Just put the lyrics for "Yer Blues" alongside the fact that he's repeatedly singing "shoot me" under the "Come Together" riff and already you've got the makings of a little YouTube conspiracy series...

  6. I have heard tell of this new book "The Lennon Prophecy" and I think even a casual glance at my book, any reasonable human being would know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is a complete forgery of my book.

    My original statement still stands.
    IF you see my information or pictures on anybody's videos or website or BOOKS please let me ASAP. Because all of my information is Copyrighted. MB 2008. This is my research as far as I know i've figured this out my own, not trying to brag. but it is true.

    I sued myself and one. I am twice as strong now. Lookout Joseph Niezgoda!

  7. whats the name of your book George?

  8. Anonymous said...

    whats the name of your book George?

    November 18, 2008 11:08 PM

    The title is copyrighted. You do not have permission to use it!

    not trying to brag. but it is true.

  9. faulcon you should work for George Kush! He is always suing everybody!
    Put some of your love of PID into your vocation. You know, do what you love!

  10. "A guy gets this kind of crap published and I can't get beyond YouTube!".

    November 18, 2008 9:09 PM

    IAAP is going to put this book to shame when the truth comes out! JUST YOU WATCH!

  11. I can't wait for the day Faulcon tries her hand at law. Get the popcorn out!

    No doubt about it. John changed the most after 66. I don't know about an occult death wish but all those 9's adding up in his life is a bit creepy.

  12. John may have undermined some aspects of Christianity, but the over-riding message of the Beatles' music (and the teachings of Christ, last I checked) was about the transcendent power of love. I sort of have to ask who's undermining whom when it comes to a book like this.

    Claiming that the 20th century's most prominent troubadours of "peace & love" were actually agents of Satan (while sure to please a certain demographic) just strikes me as a great way to spread more hate and cynicism and intolerance in the world.

    Good one, Niezgoda!

  13. You could argue that that was also the intention behind Iamaphoney's favorite book "The Passover Plot" and that galloping God-undermining "The DaVinci Code".

  14. Most of the time when there is imagery singling out one Beatle from the others, it's Paul that is singled out.

    I'm not aware that any of the others are ever alluded to in imagery that is as specific as the left handed bass on the Sgt Pepper gravesite, which probably spells out the word "Paul".

    I'm confident that the overriding theme was that "Paul is dead". The question is still "why?"

  15. Have you read this guy's bio? It almost sounds like he's disappointed "MD&C" finished the job off ahead of him!

    Irritated by the attention given to a psycho in the spotlight, he sets out to prove that, yes, John Lennon really WAS a phony, and not only that- one in the employ of SATAN HIMSELF (a claim that validates the same sort of effed-up paranoia that led to his idol's murder in the first place!!!)

    Classic obsession scenario turning ugly, now in print!!!! Brilliant.

  16. Well I might buy it. I like this sort of thing. Don't believe it myself but I don't believe Paul is dead either but I'm here.

  17. "John may have undermined some aspects of Christianity, but the over-riding message of the Beatles' music (and the teachings of Christ, last I checked) was about the transcendent power of love."

    That's somewhat wishful thinking.

    The cynicism displayed by the Beatles and in many of Lennon's later individual works was positively vitriolic: Happiness is a Warm Gun, Bungalow Bill, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Piggies, I Found Out, How Do You Sleep, etc.

    And even if Lennon had seriously meant to suggest that love -- by itself and unqualified -- was really all that one needed, it was just bullshit hippie talk anyway.

    Love -- if Lennon ever truly possessed it -- did not enable him to stop a bullet.

    "I sort of have to ask who's undermining whom when it comes to a book like this."

    I don't believe the actual theme of the book; i.e., that the Beatles were conscious and literal agents of Satan.

    But there's nothing wrong with "undermining" the Beatles, in and of itself.

    Talk about the "transcendent power
    of love" simply cries out for a
    revisionist history as a means
    of keeping both the Beatles and the concept of "love" in the proper perspective.

    "Claiming that the 20th century's most prominent troubadours of "peace & love" were actually agents of Satan (while sure to please a certain demographic) just strikes me as a great way to spread more hate and cynicism and intolerance in the world."

    I don't buy that they were
    "agents" of Satan. That strikes me as crazy talk.

    On the other hand, simply dismissing a viewpoint that you don't like as one that causes "hate" and "cynicism" is a means of adding more poison to the well.

    You're seizing a moral high ground that you haven't really shown that you've earned the right to.

    "Peace" and "love" are vastly overrated anyway.

  18. I'm confident that the overriding theme was that "Paul is dead". The question is still "why?"

    -Because Paul was the "cute" one? Telling a twisted ghost story about his grisly death and replacement seems like a particularly delicious way of mocking all those hordes of braindead, screaming teenyboppers who came to (and eventually overwhelmed) their concerts, doesn't it?

    I wouldn't be surprised if they retreated to the calm of the studio for Pepper thinking "We'll give those little *@#^%s something to cry about, all right!"

    Ironically (or appropriately?), as colorfully illustrated in comment posts elsewhere on this blog, those little girls are the same individuals who seem to most fervently obsess over PID today.

  19. I'm confident that the overriding theme was that "Paul is dead". The question is still "why?"

    -Because Paul was the "cute" one? Telling a twisted ghost story about his grisly death and replacement seems like a particularly delicious way of mocking all those hordes of braindead, screaming teenyboppers who came to (and eventually overwhelmed) their concerts, doesn't it?


    Yes, I am pretty confident that it was the "cutest" of the Beatles who was chosen by the others to "die" for reasons akin to those that you've mentioned.

    Would hints that Ringo had died have made the same impact and caused the same sense of horror?

    ...those little girls are the same individuals who seem to most fervently obsess over PID today.

    You're probably right on that score, as well.

  20. I have no quarrel with you 65if (you aren't the author, are you?).

    It sort of sounds like you need a hug, but maybe that's more of the crazy talk in me.

    I simply think the baby is too often thrown out with the bathwater, the positive messages of art and life too often lost in a meaningless and/or malicious clutter of agendas.

    Put another way: The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.

    Peace, bro.

  21. "Love -- if Lennon ever truly possessed it -- did not enable him to stop a bullet."

    What is this supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that Christ or Mohammad would have enabled him to stop a bullet?

  22. Just as I mentioned to a friend this very morning. If there was web teams for publicity, slowly releasing clues, most likely there is more one team they have no clue of each other. The same goes for any form of media. What fun would it be just to spill the beans all at once. You know the cat is in the bag, you see the bag move, you hear the cat scratch and struggle to be set free, you hear the cat with your own ears. The ties to the cord are being pulled apart and freedom is just around the corner.

  23. Does that come with a cup of coffee?

  24. http://occultbeatles.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=60

    Aja monkeymaker

  25. Anonymous said...

    That article mentions Maggie McGivern, who I mentioned in this post.

  26. I STILL say the Yoko story from Alber Goss-man's book is the funniest story dealing with someone in the batles 'camp' cheating death!

  27. "That was your first mistake:
    You took your lucky break, and broke it in two;
    Now what can be done for you?"

    John 'sold to the devil' fits the clues in Grandfather Aleister's # 30 youtube video.

  28. Anonymous said...

    "That was your first mistake:
    You took your lucky break, and broke it in two;
    Now what can be done for you?"

    John 'sold to the devil' fits the clues in Grandfather Aleister's # 30 youtube video.

    John was particularly offended by that line. He also didn't like the line "We believe that we can't be wrong" from "Back Seat of My Car."

    That gives a great clue to help interpret McCartney's lyrics. Don't go song by song. Go line by line.

  29. miles denton oliver said...
    66 books can't contain this.

    what? what does this have to do with the bible, Miles?

  30. "what? what does this have to do with the bible, Miles?"

    Nothing. I just wanted to sound philosophical, like I know something.

  31. can't contain "what" , Miles?

  32. iamaphoney
    Joined: July 23, 2006
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  33. "Love -- if Lennon ever truly possessed it -- did not enable him to stop a bullet."

    What is this supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that Christ or Mohammad would have enabled him to stop a bullet?"

    Of course not.

  34. and neither did the Ghost Dance.

  35. "I have no quarrel with you 65if (you aren't the author, are you?).

    It sort of sounds like you need a hug, but maybe that's more of the crazy talk in me."

    Maybe so.

    Because I would say that it would be just as wrong to hug a stranger, just for the hell of it as it would be to punch him in the nose, just for the hell of it.

    "I simply think the baby is too often thrown out with the bathwater, the positive messages of art and life too often lost in a meaningless and/or malicious clutter of agendas.

    Put another way: The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

    So let it be with Caesar. But there was never any danger that the good that the Beatles have done would be interred with their bones.

    They have been universally acknowledged on numerous occasions as the premier pop star artists of their time and quite likely, for all time.

    Entertaining people with quality music is a force for good in and of itself.

    There's no need to gild the lily by regarding them as messiahs.

  36. Ahem, songs such as "Bungalow Bill" and "Piggies," for example, are satirical, i.e., they exist to show the insanity of gun-toting Anglo-Saxon Mother's sons and selfish people(Piggies).

    If desperate people were somehow able to meet up with the Devil and make 20-year pacts with him, one would think there would be an awful lot of people shooting to incredible unprecedented fame. What an absolute idiot the writer of this book must be. He calls the Beatle's rise "inexplicable" when there are numerous logical explanations for their success (and failures). It isn't rocket science, people. And this is another example of a brain dead theorist who unwittingly undermines Christ in his own way by making false accusations and by turning a murderer into a helpless pawn.

  37. "Just as I mentioned to a friend this very morning. If there was web teams for publicity, slowly releasing clues, most likely there is more one team they have no clue of each other. The same goes for any form of media. What fun would it be just to spill the beans all at once. You know the cat is in the bag, you see the bag move, you hear the cat scratch and struggle to be set free, you hear the cat with your own ears. The ties to the cord are being pulled apart and freedom is just around the corner."

    My problem with this scenario is that we've been told many times that the revelation was about to take place and made it seem urgent that we know what it was.

    Personally I think it's all halfway thought out bullshit, I really don't have any reason to not think so at the moment. We've been running in the same circle for over a year and nothing has changed for the better.

    If this IAAP business is really all a marketing campaign, then it's the most unorganized of all. This will be remembered as a "How not to ruin a viral campaign."

    of course everything is keeping momentum because of that one guy that keeps saying "when the revelation comes, you guys will be sorry!" and the like.

  38. How's your personal "revelation" going?

  39. If desperate people were somehow able to meet up with the Devil and make 20-year pacts with him, one would think there would be an awful lot of people shooting to incredible unprecedented fame. What an absolute idiot the writer of this book must be. He calls the Beatle's rise "inexplicable" when there are numerous logical explanations for their success (and failures). It isn't rocket science, people. And this is another example of a brain dead theorist who unwittingly undermines Christ in his own way by making false accusations and by turning a murderer into a helpless pawn.

    Well said.

    Theres a lot of speculation on how orchestrated Beatlemania was. How about all the people waiting at the airport? The Beatles image was well thought out and a lot of effort was put into it. The guys could've run into more trouble with the law than they did. We all know their friends were.

    The author seems weird anyways. Isn't it weird that he put a picture of himself from an early age instead of an up to date picture?

    Of course, the book could be Vince's for all I know. OR taf for that matter.

  40. How's your personal "revelation" going?

    Were there other sentences that didn't make it to that post?

  41. Probably not the one's you omitted in your post. Iaap is keeping track, though.

  42. Probably not the one's you omitted in your post. Iaap is keeping track, though.

    Not real sure what your meaning is, but I'm sure that if IAAP has made it this far, there has to be something else up his sleeve. I'm just wondering if I'll care to be around for it at that point.

  43. Stick around, I say.

  44. Well I would but I'm beginning to wonder about the motives behind this web that has been created with the front of PID information.

    A lot of the videos haven't tried to hide the fact that they are trying to educate everyone on the occult and what not using popular movies and a very popular music group.

    what is the end game, though? I certainly can't see any of this providing any kind of benefit, it almost seems like a curse if one is willing to stick around long enough.

  45. anonymous said:

    Of course, the book could be Vince's for all I know. OR taf for that matter.

    Ouch. And on behalf of Vince, Double Ouch.

  46. True, It will probably suck for a while, then get better.
    End game? I think that's way more complicated than anyone has suggested thus far.

  47. So you ARE Vince, Taf?

  48. Anonymous said:

    of course everything is keeping momentum because of that one guy that keeps saying "when the revelation comes, you guys will be sorry!" and the like.

    I don't think that too many people would cite that as the reason why they have been sticking around.

  49. True, It will probably suck for a while, then get better.
    End game? I think that's way more complicated than anyone has suggested thus far.

    well i'm not trying to sound rude, but would you mind suggesting some things for us?

    Fact of the matter for me is that I don't want to be involved in some sort of negative campaign if thats what were talking about. I think now that were at this particular waiting stage, it would be nice for anyone and everyone to voice what they think is going on exactly.

    Please refrain from using cryptic sentences that do nothing but give fuel to those that want to scramble any kind of worthwhile conversation here.

    If you have any kind of ideas, crazy or not, voice them. That would make this comments section a bit more worthwhile in my opinion.

  50. Anonymous said:

    of course everything is keeping momentum because of that one guy that keeps saying "when the revelation comes, you guys will be sorry!" and the like.

    I don't think that too many people would cite that as the reason why they have been sticking around.

    I would like to disagree. I think the only point in sticking around is for the revelation, correct? or the lack of, perhaps.

  51. Read Revelations. Then translate it to the modern iaap day. I guess you could start there for a crazy idea.

  52. Read Revelations. Then translate it to the modern iaap day. I guess you could start there for a crazy idea.

    First off, thank you for being productive and working with me on this and helping each other try and understand what is going on.

    I will say, though, that it would be easy for IAAP to have read revelations and used it. The same goes for the beatles or anyone else for that matter. It's been the no. 1 source of doomsday ingredients for a long long time.

  53. I wish some one would talk about Carnival of Light!

  54. iaap-will u have sumtin 4 "carnival of light?"?

  55. thanks! finally someone talks about Carnival of Light! I waited and waited

  56. Have to wonder whether IAAP read this part:

    18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

  57. We all know Sanguine is Iamaphoney.

  58. Sanguine is Iamaphoney.

    November 19, 2008 12:27 PM

    Really? Isn't Iamaphoney a better speller?

  59. No doubt mate! Sanguine111 is so contrived

  60. Really? Isn't Iamaphoney a better speller?

    November 19, 2008 12:32 PM

    He is a snappy dresser too!

  61. A wrote: "I will say, though, that it would be easy for IAAP to have read revelations and used it. The same goes for the beatles or anyone else for that matter. It's been the no. 1 source of doomsday ingredients for a long long time."

    Maybe it's not necessarily a doomsday thing.

  62. "Anonymous said...

    Have to wonder whether IAAP read this part:"

    Think "I am a phoney" is a Christian, or cares or worries about that?
    He is already bearing false witness, what is one more infraction?

    Won't the Anti-Christ stand in the rebuilt temple and proclaim he is G_d?

  63. Changed my name everybody! From IAMAPHONEY TO IAMAGOD!
    Think it communicates my agenda a little more clearly.

  64. Just for a minute or two. Then it's a free fall.

  65. think this is more like it buddy

  66. Blogger iamaGOD said...

    Changed my name everybody! From IAMAPHONEY TO IAMAGOD!

    My G-D strike you down...

  67. you get to use a capital "G"?

  68. The "Sanguine" character doesn't so much spell poorly as he writes in his own brand of hipster text-message-like shorthand. He pretends to be an amiable goof in order to do his surveillance of Phoney land.

  69. san⋅guine
    1. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: a sanguine disposition; sanguine expectations.
    2. reddish; ruddy: a sanguine complexion.
    3. (in old physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc.
    4. bloody; sanguinary.
    5. blood-red; red.
    6. Heraldry. a reddish-purple tincture.
    7. a red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings.

  70. Phoney Land?

    sounds familiar, now where have I heard that lately?

  71. "5. blood-red; red."

    Theres a fog upon LA
    Paul is Bloooooody

    Sanguine111 clue #231


  72. What??? nobody talking about me???

    NO WAY :|

    you know jude and me have to be mentioned at least once in 50 comments...

    you know the rules.



  73. Did anyone tell you to F-off today?

    Allow me to be the first.

  74. MikeNL said...
    What??? nobody talking about me???
    November 19, 2008 1:01 PM

    And you are?

  75. Who am I????
    Only the Heart, Soul, and lifeblood of the iamaphoney phenomenon, that's who!

    I have Code in my veins! I am the first in and last out. I steer the conversations back to that which is most important. Without me all of you would have been lost long ago.

  76. w/o him phoney would have chosen another lackey.

  77. Blogger MikeNL said...
    What??? nobody talking about me???
    NO WAY :|
    you know jude and me have to be mentioned at least once in 50 comments...
    you know the rules.
    November 19, 2008 1:01 PM"

    Your words speak volumes....

  78. How can we miss you mikey? You never go away...

  79. Sut min behaarede roev, din vatpik

  80. Every time you mention his name, you CAN"T drink.

  81. What you do in your spare time is your buisness MikeNL

  82. metrosexual's from Denmark....

  83. No drink for you. Not even water.

  84. Du lugter af gammel raadden ost som din mor har haft oppe i røven

  85. what's metrosexual'? city fag?

  86. Din mor var god i nat, men din far var bedre!

  87. Ikemay andway udejay ucksay

  88. Ikemay uckssay oremay anthay udejay

  89. atansay ooklay atway emay

  90. Iway ishway omesay oneway ouldway alktay aboutway Arnivalcay ofway Ightlay!

  91. Hate to get all George Kush on you, but that "Ass smells like Cheese" line is mine. Even if you write it in your silly language you Holland danish copyright infringement person you.

    Sut mine rådne løg

  92. Anonymous said...

    Iway ishway omesay oneway ouldway alktay aboutway Arnivalcay ofway Ightlay!

    November 19, 2008 1:20 PM

    Ya! Wen sum1 gunna do that!
    Carnival of Light m*fers!

  93. I want my point of view to be acknowledged.

  94. NosdrahcirBocaj said...

    I want my point of view to be acknowledged.

    November 19, 2008 1:24 PM

    I acknowledge that your *ss does smell like cheese. Happy now?



  97. i guess i'm stupid for not seeing how iaap could be using revelations in any way other than for doomsday crap.

  98. Everything is moving in the right direction, really,
    Not that everybody is happy about it!

  99. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Someone who likes to be mentioned has UPDATED his background image GETTING CLOSER! Can you believe it???? Thank you M*KeNL!!!!!! Big news soon suckers!

  100. NosdrahcirBocaj said...

    I want my point of view to be acknowledged.

    November 19, 2008 1:24 PM

    I acknowledge that your *ss does smell like cheese. Happy now?

    November 19, 2008 1:25 PM

    There you go....proof that the MOON is made of cheese!

  101. Big New MikeNL!!!!! said...
    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Someone who likes to be mentioned has UPDATED his background image GETTING CLOSER! Can you believe it???? Thank you MiKeNL!!!!!! Big news soon suckers!

    November 19, 2008 3:32 PM

    those are part of the suitcase contents

  102. John didn't sell his soul to the devil. He didn't have to.

    Listen closely:

    Hey Jude, don't let me down....

    You took your lucky break, and broke it in two.

    His lucky break was being able to coming back.

    No! No! No! Not a second time!

    Read Miles' comment again if you don't understand.

  103. Boy, whoever this G-D fellow is, he sure seems to be fond of striking people down for saying "God", eh yhsvh?

  104. When will IAAP set fire to some shit that needs to be burned down?

    Project Mayhem.

    When will he destroy a piece of "corporate art"?

  105. For me IAAP has already ended. I'm not waiting for a revelation or the lack of revelation. I knew the former was never coming and the latter has always been with us. I come here for the rather odd yet benign phenomena of a blog filled with comments, some angry and some quite funny, that is dedicated to a pair of swindlers who don't deserve to have someone create a blog for them.

    The "show" for me is Mikenl, Jude, Tafultong, Yshvh, etc and the dialogue or abuse exchanged between them all.

    IAAP is irrelevent.

  106. A *pair* of swindlers?

    Who's the other one?

  107. "IAAP is irrelevent."

    Then why the hell are you here? Why the hell do you check this blog almost, if not daily? Why do you participate?

    Because you are crazy too. Welcome to the club, denial and all.

  108. "Then why the hell are you here? Why the hell do you check this blog almost, if not daily? Why do you participate?"

    Did you read the original comment at all? I'm here because of you (and me).

  109. See? This is what bugs me! I just checked that Lennon Prophecy blog and "clue #4" is the video for John's Just Like Starting Over and the author talks about how John deliberately put a James Joyce book on display for the camera.

    This video was made when? The late 90's? John had been long dead by then. He had nothing to do with that video. Jeez, did this guy do any research at all?

  110. That's nice. Niezgoda linked to this blog. So have you been here among us Joe?

  111. Niezgoda is living Iamaphoney's dream! To be published! To be taken seriously! To make $$$!

    According to the press release Niezgoda thinks PID is all wrong. I predict a war in the apocalyptic trenches over this.

  112. "John Lennon made a pact with the devil, acquired worldly riches and fame, did his best to undermine Christianity, and then died violently when the devil came to fulfill the contract."

    What a bunch of crap. & besides, how does this author "know." Was he there? Did he ask John or the Devil? This is just character assassination. Maybe it's true John "did his best to undermine Christianity," & if so, I'm glad! Christianity is a mind trap. It controls people by fear & lies.

  113. John & the rest of the Beatles were trying to set you people free by showing you that love is the answer - not fear & hate.


  114. George Kush, your work is great. Keep it up. Some of these people on here are super dense. Embarassingly so :-P

  115. "I can't wait for the day Faulcon tries her hand at law."

    At least faulcon has a law degree. Do you even have a high school diploma?

  116. No I AM THE ANSWER!
    How many times do I have to tell you? Are not the 70+ videos enough? I have laid it all out for you and yet you still miss the point.
    Beatles music=Good
    Iamaphoney music=Better

    As for this cretin Joe Kneesyoda or whatever the hell his name is, how did you get the book deal? Get me the name of your agent? Do this and I will share with you all of George Kush's...umm...I mean MY research. Did you know that Paul drives a Saturn? Cheap bastard!

    You're barking up the wrong tree anyway. John is alive and well because I told you he is and when I say something to you you must fall upon your face, turn your back on the god you serve...

    AND OBEY ME!!!!


    sweet nectar of a man's belly kisses,

  117. Beatles music=Godly

  118. MDC was a CIA mind-controlled Manchurian candidate assassin set up as a patsy to cover for the fact that YOKO killed John

  119. SEE? This is what bugs me! I just checked that Lennon Prophecy blog and "clue #4" is the video for John's Just Like Starting Over and the author talks about how John deliberately put a James Joyce book on display for the camera.

    It's shart of just showing respect to Joyce, if you arse me. I seriously dart it had anything to do with the leetle-beetle phrase this conspiraty author has ominously quarted to justify his clarms. I'd lark to thark the parsing refarence in the vid might (for warn thing) be a sly carmentary on the tartle "Just Like Starting Over": garting to the "end" of Finnegans Wake is, larterally, just like starting over at the fart of the bark (it ends mid-sarntence and begins agarn midway through thart same sarntence).

    I warn't be the farst to suggarst thart FW is indeed a margical book. Joyce sparnt something like 14 yarns of his larf comparsing it, and part of the barty of its polyglarttish dream-larnguage is that it can farnction as a sart of textural rorsharch blart. I thark Joyce would larf to hurl howl he had predarcted PID & JID, etceterart. I carn certarnly whore abort of him in John's Walrus wordflay:

    Farm Joyce-

    Aint that swell, hey? Peamengro! Talk about lowness! Any dog’s quantity of it visibly oozed out thickly from this dirty little blacking beetle for the very fourth snap the Tulloch–Turn-bull girl with her coldblood kodak shotted the as yet unre— muneranded national apostate

    Farm Johnny-

    Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
    Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
    Boy, you been a naughty girl and you let your knickers down.

    This next snarpet carnjures up imarges in Paul's "This One" videro and hints art all that narghty bark-marsking the Beatlies dard:

    For I see through your weapon. That cry’s not Cucullus. And his eyelids are painted. If my tutor here is cut out for an oldeborre I’m Flo, shy of peeps, you know. But when he beetles backwards, ain’t I fly?

    The arthor's park:

    1) he hade to die it, the beetle, 2) he didhithim self, hod’s fush,

    Agarn, har this is abart John and nort Paul...?

    The Gracehoper who, though blind as batflea, yet knew, not a leetle beetle, his good smetterling of entymology

    -Or abart eithar of tharm and nart egyptarn scarabs and gracehopers?

    Good thing we have 'ol Tabletarp to straighten things out for us:

    TAFF (whatwidth the psychophannies at the front and whetwadth the psuckofumbers beholden the fair, illcertain, between his bulchri-chudes and the roshashanaral,

    ...Or do we? Ordo Templo wart?

    TAFF (camelsensing that sonce they have given bron a nuhlan the volkar boastsung is heading to sea vermelhion but too wellbred not the ignore the umzemlianess of this rifal’s preceedings, in an effort towards autosotorisation, effaces himself in favour of the idiology alwise behounding his lumpy hump off homosodalism which means that if he has lain amain to lolly his liking-cabronne! — he may pops lilly a young one to his herth — combrune —) Oholy rasher, I’m be-liever!

    Aw, Thark you for your loverly Monkees covar, Taperthong. LOL

    Ofman will toman while led is the lol. Zessid’s our kadem, villa— pleach, vollapluck. Fikup, for flesh nelly, el mundo nov, zole flen ! If she’s a lilyth, pull early! Pauline, allow!

    Lily and Pauline, sharting in a tree, F-U-C- mmmm I furl a phoney coming on!

    TAFF (who, asbestas can, wiz the healps of gosh and his bluzzid maikar, has been sulphuring to himsalves all the pungataries of sin praktice in failing to furrow theogonies of the dommed). Trisseme, the mangoat! And the name of the Most Marsiful, the Aweghost, the Gragious one! In sobber sooth and in souber civiles? And to the dirtiment of the curtailment of his all of man? Notshoh?

    Allass! The lame thelema reeks its tollbell. Good Young Mikey, do humpus out!

    Are you right there, Michael, are you right? Do you think you can hold on by sitting tight? Well, of course, it’s awful angelous. Still I don’t feel it’s so dangelous. Ay, I’m right here, Nickel, and I’ll write. Singing the top line why it suits me mikey fine. But, yaghags hogwarts and arrahquinonthiance, it’s the muddest thick that was ever heard dump since Eggsmather got smothered in the plap of the pfan.

    Yeast, 'tis a beast. This is a SCURRILOUS MESSAGE!!

    Let Michael relay Sutton and tell you people here who have the phoney habit (it was remarketable) in his clairaudience, as this is, as only our own Michael can, when reicherout at superstation, to bring ruptures to our roars how I am amp amp amplify.

    It's gonging to be toss'd!

    Jazzaphoney and Mirillovis and Nippy she nets best. Fing. Ay, ay ! Sobbos. And so he was. Sabbus.

    I'm worming yew wit PEAS & GLOVE!! PEE SAND LOB!!! Don't parsh the batton! Don't play the game!

    Flunkey Footle furloughed foul, writing off his phoney, but Conte Carme makes the melody that mints the money. Ad majorem l.s.d.! Divi gloriam. A darkener of the threshold. Haru? Orimis, capsizer of his ant-boat, sekketh rede from Evil-it-is, lord of loaves in Amongded. Be it ! So be it !

    Whipping worse of wizzum, Let it Beatle!

    he’s just paunch and judex, to another full of beans and brehons; hallucination, cauchman, ectoplasm; passed for baabaa blacksheep till he grew white woo woo woolly

    Baaaah! Baaaaaaaah! Humbucker!

    O rum it is the chomicalest thing how it pickles up the punchey and the jude. If you’ll gimmy your thing to me I will gamey a sing to thee. Stay where you’re dummy! To get her to go ther.

    Rimrumber to letter under yoreskin. Thin you beg in, to magnet batter.

    Lastly and vastly,as I sartunly think now, honest to John, for an income plexus that that’s about the sanguine boundary limit. Amean.


    yunker doodler wanked to wall awriting off his phoney. I’m tired hairing of you. Hat yourself!


  120. "Somewhere Iamaphoney is sitting alone in the dark and cursing to himself saying "A guy gets this kind of crap published and I can't get beyond YouTube!"."

    you sir cracked me up! god one.

    the lennon prophecy is shite. Will be writting about this soon

  121. "Somewhere Iamaphoney is sitting alone in the dark and cursing to himself saying "A guy gets this kind of crap published and I can't get beyond YouTube!"."

    IAAP doesn't give a toss - he already has more money than God because he's Bill.

  122. when do you people understand?
    Iamaphony is Paul and he is taking a piss at you all...

  123. tell him to face into the wind

  124. Kudos to the Joycewannabe.

  125. http://groups.msn.com/magicalmisterygroup/raritie.msnw

    aja phoneymaker

  126. what's that supposed to mean?

  127. Lennon Prophecy? I don't understand the premise of the title in relation to content.

  128. Author has issues. Please, no eye contact. Thank you.

  129. "Somewhere Iamaphoney is sitting alone in the dark and cursing to himself saying "A guy gets this kind of crap published and I can't get beyond YouTube!"."

    IAAP doesn't give a toss - he already has more money than God because he's Bill.

    HAHA! some of you are ridiculous

  130. I, fair one, am ridicalculus!

  131. "TAFF (who, asbestas can, wiz the healps of gosh and his bluzzid maikar, has been sulphuring to himsalves all the pungataries of sin praktice in failing to furrow theogonies of the dommed)."

    John hasn't lost he's touched one byte.

  132. You, four two, are humpydumpolis!

  133. Me, fir tree, am tannenbombalice!

  134. We are alltogatherless!

  135. For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

  136. alltogetherless now! (If you want it)

  137. altercationist now! (If you bump it)

  138. " A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bays, brings us by a commodious vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs."

  139. I saw you sitting at the center of a circle,

    I go back so far, I'm in front of me

  140. Now, as will pressantly be felt, there’s tew tricklesome poinds where our twain of doubling bicirculars, mating approxe-metely in their suite poi and poi, dunloop into eath the ocher. Lucihere !

  141. Our sailor king, who was draining a gugglet of obvious adamale, gift both and gorban, upon this, ceasing to swallow, smiled most heartily beneath his walrus moustaches...

  142. It was joobileejeu that All Sorts’ Jour.

  143. But what was the game in her mixed baggyrhatty? Just the tembo in her tumbo or pilipili from her pepperpot?

  144. ...he got the charm of his optical life when he found himself (hic sunt lennones!) at pointblank range blinking down the barrel of an irregular revolver of the bulldog with a purpose pattern, handled by an unknown quarreler who, supposedly, had been told off to shade and shoot shy Shem should the shit show his shiny shnout out awhile to look facts in their face before being hosed and creased (uprip and jack him !) by six or a dozen of the gayboys.

  145. hey, you are GOOD!

    "Moobius stripes meandering thou myopathic mines, Dedalus the Dead, He heard the s'now falling faintly through the universe, into a paper cusp
    and faintly falling, n'snide a letter box, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead - accost the yuni verse."

  146. we darkened for you, faulterer, in the year of mourning but we’ll fidhil to the dimtwinklers when the streamy morvenlight calls up the sunbeam

  147. rejoyce! for i am he as you are he as you are me and we are all to get her get to all are we and me are you as he are you as he am i for rejoyce!

  148. Does she lag soft fall means rest down?

  149. Hark !

    Tolv two elf kater ten (it can’t be) sax.


    Pedwar pemp foify tray (it must be) twelve.

    And low stole o’er the stillness the heartbeats of sleep.

  150. Three quarks for musty ol' me. :)

  151. ...our greatly misunderstood one we perceived to give himself some sort of a hermetic prod or kick to sit up and take notice, which acted like magic...

  152. ...at the summit of his climax, he toppled a lipple on to the off and, making a brand-new start for himself to run down his easting, by blessing hes sthers with the sign of the southern cross, his bungaloid borsa-line with the hedgygreen bound blew off in a loveblast (award for trover!) and Jawjon Redhead, bucketing after, meccamaniac, (the headless shall have legs !), kingscouriered round with an easy rush and ready...

  153. He is cured by faith who is sick of fate. The prouts who will invent a writing there ultimately is the poeta, still more learned, who discovered the raiding there originally. That’s the point of eschatology our book of kills reaches for now in soandso many counterpoint words. What can’t be coded can be decorded if an ear aye sieze what no eye ere grieved for.

  154. Missaunderstaid. Meggy Guggy’s giggag. The code’s proof!

  155. Three quarks for musty ol' me. :)

    November 20, 2008 10:10 AM

    You mussed der Mark.

  156. "Iamaphony is Paul and he is taking a piss at you all..."

    That's a neat trick for a dead guy

  157. You never heard of 'Corp(se) piss' Kristee?

    Hey, I tried...

  158. You never heard of 'Corp(se) piss' Kristee?

    Hey, I tried...

    Keep trying, Dear :-P

  159. Wow, Finnegan's Wake and Corp(se) piss' Kristee on the same page. I am impressed.

  160. (hic sunt lennones!) at pointblank range blinking down the barrel of an irregular revolver

    I didn't make this one up. Find a searchable Finnegans Wake and you'll see.

    Maybe there's something to this quantum connectedness idea after all?

  161. Live Radio Interview with The Lennon Prophecy author Joseph Niezgoda
    Saturday, November, 22nd @11PM (est)

    check the blog (http://thelennonprophecy.blogspot.com) for link or visit WBT Radio www.WBT.com to hear the live stream.

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