Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why Now?

A reader asked: Why didn't the Beatles do anything sinister while they held so much power in the 60's? Hell, even afterwards in the 70's? To pull out something now when most people aren't interested in them anymore would seem ridiculous.

This is a complex question. No matter which of the various scenarios you choose to follow, what is done is done. It happened a long time ago. The most likely scenario remains that the Paul McCartney we know today is the same one who met John Lennon on Saturday July 6th, 1957, at Woolton Parish Church Garden Fete. But we are here because some other compelling scenarios exist.

The most well known alternate theory is that Paul McCartney died in a car crash in late 1966 and was replaced. Books have been published about this version. The problem with the story is that it just doesn't add up. There are too many holes that don't make sense. How could an unknown person step in and take leadership of the biggest rock band on the planet? But that initial idea spawned other theories that attempted to fill in the holes.

In the late 1970s, Joel Glazier came up with a story that tied together the McCartney car crash scenario with the story of Faust. The "man on the flaming pie" was the devil and the Beatles made a deal. I believe it was Joel Glazier who discovered the mirrored message on the Sgt. Pepper drum. That is his voice describing the discovery in Rotten Apple 47. Glazier was also the first to tie in the Manson murders with his devilish portrayal of the moptops. Despite its supernatural components and appearance of being nothing more than a work of historical fiction, Glazier's scenario was more cohesive than any of the others that preceded it.

More recently Apollo C. Vermouth arrived on the discussion groups scene to set people straight about the ridiculous stories that were being conceived there, including multiple replacements for all of the Beatles, a bogus George Harrison death bed confession, Masonic conspiracies, and the infamous story of Don Knotts replacing Brian Epstein. Apollo hinted that the original Paul McCartney was replaced (by more than one person), but he was still alive and may have even continued to contribute to the Beatles behind the scenes. This mysterious character told his story in a convincing way, often via personal messages, and remained remarkably consistent throughout the process. Unfortunately when Apollo made his exit last year, there were pieces of his story that remained missing, although he promised that all of them were still right in front of our eyes.

Finally we have Iamaphoney, who has built an incredibly complex story that, like Joel Glazier, includes supernatural elements and like Apollo C. Vermouth, includes specific insights about clues within the works of the Beatles collectively and as solo performers. There was another common element between Apollo and Iamaphoney. Many of those who interacted with Apollo believe that he was in fact, Beatles road manager Neil Aspinall. But who was the brains of the Iamaphoney organization? Interestingly, a person who claimed that he or she quit the Iamaphoney organization told me that things started to unravel when their leader, Neil Aspinall passed away. The problem of course is that we can't ask Neil if he was behind either of these scenarios. It is difficult to harmonize the stories of Apollo and Iamaphoney, but I'm not sure that it would be impossible. One thing that Apollo said was that in order to solve the mystery, you need to start at the proper point of entry. I believe that both Apollo and Iamaphoney have the same point of entry.

So, why is this all coming to a head now instead of back in the 1960s or at least the 1970s when the Solo Beatles were still topping the charts?

The impact that the Beatles had on society has already happened. When we try to explain the magnitude of that impact we encounter differences of opinions. Some feel that their influence has been exaggerated. Some suggest that the Beatles, by bringing peace and love into the mainstream had positive influences on women's rights, race relations, and the reduction of hostility around the world. It's easy to look around the world and say, "Yeah, right. Where is that impact? Things are worse now than they ever were." The other side of the "Beatles changed the world" coin is that the impact and the motivation behind it was sinister. These people suggest that the Beatles are responsible for the drug culture, Satanic messages in music, and yes, the Manson murders.

It is an exaggeration to call him the Savior or to call him the Anti-Christ, but there is some evidence that Sir Paul McCartney is a powerful guy. Look at some of the headlines from his recent trip to Israel.

Sir Paul McCartney gets 5000-strong security guard after Israel gig death threats.

McCartney security 'greater than Bush'

He has met with World Leaders, such as Vladimir Putin. The documentary portion of "Paul McCartney in Red Square" contains several testimonies from people who believe that Paul McCartney and the Beatles changed the world.

On his recent trip for a one off concert in Kiev, McCartney met with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.

He received an honorary doctorate from Yale University.

He is also a knight.

Dr. Timothy Leary said, "I declare that The Beatles are mutants. Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with a mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen."

So, it is fair to say that he has some power. That begs the question: Is he a force for good or for evil? This is where I differ from most people who watch the Rotten Apple videos and believe they present Paul as the devil. However, although I disagree, I certainly see their point.

But there are also images in the Rotten Apple videos that seem to present a different view.

So is he the sacred ram and sacrificial lamb or is he the goat and the beast?
This next image from Rotten Apple 65 shows the Beatles logo superimposed over a sculpture from Coventry Cathedral, the place where John and Yoko planted acorns for peace 40 years ago. But it quickly fades into a shot of Aleister Crowley.

In the sculpture by Sir Jacob Epstein, St. Michael is subduing the devil. I wonder which of those two characters is most like Paul. The answer may be neither. It could be that the Beatles, because of their talent and fame, were chosen to be the messengers for the end times. What if the Sgt. Pepper album was some type of prophecy? What if all of the clues since then are simply there to point us back to Sgt. Pepper? It sounds crazy, but it might answer the "Why now?" question. Maybe Iamaphoney is saying that the world was warned in 1967 and now is the time that the events are unfolding. I am not the only one who has suggested that the Sgt. Pepper album is a clock. Maybe it is like a Mayan calendar. You can look at it and listen to it as it ticks away. Hell, maybe it's a time bomb. I hope not.


  1. I will be going back and have another read at that but GREAT POST Taf! Maybe it is a clock and if it is I wonder what time it is showing these days... About Sgt. Peppers, whenever I feel a bit down I always turn to that album for a pick me up but at the same time when I'm in a good mood and I listen to Sgt. Peppers it only helps to lift my spirits more... I find myself listening to that album more so than any other from The Beatles. I'll have another look at RA 62n by the way!

  2. the beatles? just a band

    sgt. peppers? just an album

    paul? just a talented guy

  3. That was the most insightful and level-headed piece I've ever read regarding this whole thing. I've always been a hardcore sceptic but that certainly made me think.

    If only every theorist presented their thoughts as clearly and plainly.

  4. Paul did say he originally wanted a floral clock on the cover of Sgt. Pepper.

    The whole Neil Aspinall/Apollo scenario is frustrating. We'll probably never know the truth.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. "If only every theorist presented their thoughts as clearly and plainly."

    Agreed. Great post Mr. T! I think most can appreciate your fair approach to this series.

  7. mikenl said...
    mccartney has lots of ducks

    October 2, 2008 2:14 AM

    Really? could you expand on this mike? I mean you are making a statement that this is something you know-


    a) you are aware these ducks exist
    b) you know the quantity of ducks
    c) you know mccartney has them

    Surely, you can answer this one. Do a little speed first (if that helps) ....quack.

  8. i'm becoming more convinced everyday that mikenl is either someone that's toying with us or he's lying about his age and he's actually 13.


    I think this was a great post and it was neat to see my question at the top of it, but I still don't see the reason why they wouldn't have done something at the peak of their career. I believe the headlines and the "power" of Paul are because of who he is. There aren't many other big musicians from that time period still around.
    In other words, I believe that if Elvis were still around, he would be living the same way, except Elvis would probably hold more "power."

  9. Ducks. I have never heard of that.

    The next article from Mr.T's link "The New Softies" was quite amusing.

  10. Forgot to log in.

    Ducks. I have never heard of that.

    The next article from Mr.T's link "The New Softies" was quite amusing.

  11. Wild that a guy names Glazier found the mirror trick.

    I wonder what an infinite reflection of ducks looks like? Maybe that's Maccas' requiem for a dream.....

  12. so many wierd things. how could phony write emi tac cam months ago and now macca is doing the so called EMI tag. its an other stone.

  13. How is "Macca Time" related? Not another stone.

  14. Thanks for a lovely post, Tafultong.

    Can anyone answer these questions...

    "Many of those who interacted with Apollo believe that he was in fact, Beatles road manager Neil Aspinall."

    ... based on what, exactly?

    "One thing that Apollo said was that in order to solve the mystery, you need to start at the proper point of entry. I believe that both Apollo and Iamaphoney have the same point of entry."

    What, or where, is this point of entry?

  15. Thanks for this one, Taf. As others have indicated, the tone of it is admirable and balanced.

    When you have a moment please direct me to anything you may have written re Clock/Sgt. Pepper, or add a few words about that here.

    ~ km artlu

  16. about the duck thing.

    one day i wanted to know if i could connect a random thought to mccartney somehow.

    so i typed in google: "mccartney ducks"

    i got a couple of news articles about mccartney and ducks.

    was weird.

  17. plugfive asked:
    "Many of those who interacted with Apollo believe that he was in fact, Beatles road manager Neil Aspinall."

    ... based on what, exactly?

    Several key members of NIR made a post as a committee indicating that they believed that Apollo was Neil Aspinall. I collected all of the Apollo posts that I could find and found his interpretations of clues to be uniquely focused, consistent and insightful. I can't provide any proof that it really was Neil, but I can tell you based on conversations that I had with several of the members since then, they still believe it was.

    "One thing that Apollo said was that in order to solve the mystery, you need to start at the proper point of entry. I believe that both Apollo and Iamaphoney have the same point of entry."

    What, or where, is this point of entry?

    My interpretation of Apollo's messages is that if you start from the time the rumors of the death of Paul McCartney emerged in 1969 and work backwards, you get a distorted story. You need to start at Sgt. Pepper and work forwards.

  18. km artlu asked:

    When you have a moment please direct me to anything you may have written re Clock/Sgt. Pepper, or add a few words about that here.

    That was one of my April 2008 posts.
    Pepper Clock

  19. Taf,

    Thanks for the answers.

    "I collected all of the Apollo posts that I could find and found his interpretations of clues to be uniquely focused, consistent and insightful."

    ... would you mind posting a couple of examples?

  20. carried over conversations

    A&U said:

    "but they are Magik beans....very precious beans to spill......"

    "Well....then gently place the beans one by one on a flat surface, describing in detail the meaning of each bean.""

    Count the magik beans one by one:

    the first bean is Paul

    the second bean is Faul

    the third bean is Tall

    It becomes the infinite "million mile" beanstalk when planted next to the first two. One and one and ONE is three, and three is infinite. Kind like multiplicity, only better.

    Or you could think of it like this:

    Sail the ship, Chop the tree
    Skip the rope, Look at me

    (apollo told me, in not so many words ;) )


  21. Taf, you forgot to mention the Rolling Stones Album
    "Their Satanic majesties Request" in which you can find the heads of the 4 beatles.

    Also, the meaning of "love" is probably related to Crowley's meaning of love.

  22. Great post Tafultong!
    I'm a big fan of this blog but never posted because I was comfortable being a spectator.
    "Why now?" Well, I think the answer is that we are getting close to 2012 or the end of the world like IAAP as suggested in the last video.

    Congratulations for your excellent blog Tafultong!



  23. aha

    see now what happens when you divert the steam?

    absolutely nothing

    chalk one up for Le Phoney.

    Viola. Nada

  24. ps


    waiting on the duck comment.

  25. ok, good luck with that... i guess?


    McCartney has a lot of money. He can do whatever he wants... to be safe he hired 5000 body guards... :- ). seems logical to me.

    Pepper... how is it that nobody can see the obvious? is it there? i think so...

    maybe we have to look at pepper with another perspective.

    anyone ever saw Con air? that guy, cirus the virus had a picture of a lot of people. the eyes were cut out... and if you put it over a piece of text (i can't remember what they used) but it made out words

    what if we cut out all the eyes on pepper? and then put it on the backcover.

    after all, it's the first LP with covers printed on the back.

    might be worth a try... or not. maybe...

    copy back and front on a scanner, then you can digitally cut out the eyes.

    anyone has other crazy ideas? :P

  26. part 4
    watch from 8:20 to 8:36

    then part 5
    from 0:47 to 0:56
    from 2:24 to 2:37
    from 3:53 to 4:48

    don't touch anything :P !
    oeh he did touch it. and now they're dead.

  27. I used to read mike's comments ( ok, that's a fib), but now it's just a gloss over when I see his name. You tu?

  28. Sun is shinin' in the sky
    There ain't a cloud in sight
    It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play
    And don't you know
    It's a beautiful new day hey,hey

    Runnin' down the avenue
    See how the sun shines brightly in the city
    On the streets where once was pity
    Mister blue sky is living here today hey, hey

    Mister blue sky please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long
    Where did we go wrong?

    Hey you with the pretty face
    Welcome to the human race
    A celebration, mister blue sky's up there waitin'
    And today is the day we've waited for

    Hey there mister blue
    We're so pleased to be with you
    Look around see what you do
    Ev'rybody smiles at you

    Mister blue sky, mister blue sky
    Mister blue sky

    Mister blue, you did it right
    But soon comes mister night
    creepin' over
    Now his hand is on your shoulder
    Never mind I'll remember you this
    I'll remember you this way

    Mister blue sky please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long
    Where did we go wrong?

  29. con air ? exactly

  30. Insufficient data coming through
    What can I do~~~~?

  31. I thought about that cut-out idea Mike, or that perhaps the insert with the cut-out was supposed to be applied in some way to the cover. But it didn't seem workable but.. The idea of the insert pointing to the words "cut out" utilized in some other fashion.. Interesting, and you may have a not so bad crazy idea.

    Great post Taf!

  32. Sadly Iamaphoney's ideas about Sgt.Pepper are of the same twisted thinking as Charlie Manson's interpretation of the White album. Charlie believed it was prophecy about a coming race war between blacks and whites where he would wind up as overlord. Once again, the ravings of a madman watching inner city riots on TV at the time and doing a lot of dope. These prophecies, to all of our benefits, did not come to pass. Iamaphoney is riding the crest of the conspiracy mania brought about by 911 and, to a lesser extent, the popularity of conspiracy themed websites that have cropped up over the last 15 years to give voice to topics not covered by mainstream media. Ironically his theories are so extreme it alienates most of the people who would normally be receptive to NWO conspiracy theories.
    He's parroting from the incredibly naive playbook of the more extreme conspiracy buffs who believe the most powerful people in the world are showbiz celebrities. This is an idiotic position to take as it shifts responsibility and blame away from world leaders and world institutions and projects it onto abstract figures like movie stars and pop idols. As much as some like to play with the idea of The Beatles as a world changing event, and they obviously did change the world of music at that time, history has proven that the change they brought was isolated to their era and slightly beyond. When was the last time you heard a Beatle-ish song grabbing the public's attention? It could be argued that Grandmaster Flash, RUN DMC and the Sugarhill Gang have surpassed the net of the Beatles influence here in 2008. Are they prophets as well? This is just one area alone where the theory is exposed for what it is. Psychedelic tingeed brainstorming.

  33. Let's address McCartney's power. As a musician and performer and ambassador of good will, he obviously does have power. The same sort of power that Elton John surely has or Elvis, as someone mentioned, would have had if he were alive. REAL power though? McCartney's concert in Tel Aviv was marketed as a goodwill mission of peace and while that's a nice way to package it, it was simply a rock concert. What difference in the middle east did McCartney's concert create? Did Palestinian and Israeli forces throw down their arms and embrace? Are all conflicts in the region resolved because McCartney played "Hey Jude" in Tel Aviv? While it was a fun concert, it acheived nothing politically and socially in the middle east. The unrest continues as it always has and probably always will. McCartney made as much a historical impact as when Queen played Budapest in 1986, a nice gesture, a fun time and nothing of any political consequnce. That's power how again?

  34. Not so much on the topic of WHY NOW, but I see over at NIR there has been a discussion of Ringo's drum skin from MMT. I believe one way to read it is simply "Paul N The Beatles". The word "love" made to be perceived as "Paul". It has been said that Paul is a very hard person to work with on a professional level. I believe that can be substantiated from the Let It Be sessions through recorded conversations between George and him. There are other cases as well. I think Paul might have abandoned the group effort of The Beatles to go on a crusade of his own, so to speak. One of the said reasons for the album "McCartney" was to show that he could do all the music and instruments on his own. Sort of an "I don't need you guys" attitude. On the album it specifically declares "Instruments and voice by Paul, Manufactured by McCartney Music" All this seems to have started back in 1966 with "Yesterday". The first time a Beatle performed a song solo. I would say "bad blood" between the three and Paul was one of the reasons for the coined "Paul is Dead".

  35. "What if the Sgt. Pepper album was some type of prophecy? What if all of the clues since then are simply there to point us back to Sgt. Pepper? It sounds crazy, but it might answer the "Why now?" question. Maybe Iamaphoney is saying that the world was warned in 1967 and now is the time that the events are unfolding. I am not the only one who has suggested that the Sgt. Pepper album is a clock."

    I couldn't agree more. I could see "When I'm 64" addressing the time on which to focus; a time of consequence.
    I could see "Fixing a Hole" as pointing to CERN - Again pointing to the time of consequence. (Now!) (I could see Soundgarden's "Black Hole Sun" as prophetic in the same way.)
    "Good Morning" means that the time of consequence (now)
    is the time of awakening!
    The reprise: "it's time to go",
    "it's getting very near the end"
    (of the world as we know it) as coming in this time, now.
    And then "A Day in the Life": the time of actual departure,
    akin to "the rapture". To make the grade is to escape!
    People driving their cars, having their minds blown as they feel themselves suddenly shifting away from this reality.
    In the words of Paul Simon, who dreamed of "Now":

    "And I dreamed I was dying
    I dreamed that my soul rose unexpectedly
    And looking back down at me
    Smiled reassuringly
    And I dreamed I was flying"

    Other songs like "Joy Ride" by Roxette or "And She Was" by Talking Heads have the same message.

    I think Sgt Pepper was encouragement to us all to "make the grade" and to experience the "magical mystery tour" when it happens.
    - from Jesus to Paul -

  36. I agree with the two above posts--well said. I would, however, take slight exception with the more obvious argument that the Beatles influence was limited to the sixties and slightly beyond. Their influence extended to the way todays albums are produced from top to bottom, both from a technological and creative standpoint. All "Indie" music, for example, has its direct roots in Beatles. There are a lot of writers and producers where the influence is not always obvious but there all the same. Their main influence, which will always be in vogue, was their songwriting craftsmanship. Great songwriting doesn't really have an expiration date, only the production values change in accordance with current styles. And there are still Beatle influenced groups and songwriters around today such as Radiohead, The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Death Cab, etc.

  37. "- from Jesus to Paul -"

    Would you be saying that is in essence like a present that is labeled:

    To: Paul

    From: Jesus

    It is a fact that Paul says that from his first? "toke" he learned the meaning of life. Has his perception of that meaning ever been published? Who or what does he believe inspired that meaning?

  38. "It is a fact that Paul says that from his first? "toke" he learned the meaning of life."

    Was he even being serious?

  39. " Has his perception of that meaning ever been published? Who or what does he believe inspired that meaning?"

    answers are?:

  40. Oops! I don't agree with the two above posts about prophecy--I meant the ones about the Beatles supposed "power."

    "I could see "Fixing a Hole" as pointing to CERN - Again pointing to the time of consequence. (Now!) (I could see Soundgarden's "Black Hole Sun" as prophetic in the same way.)"

    To this, I have to say, "Are you kidding me?" Gang, you could take just about any song by whomever, including my own songs, and see resemblances to other topics or themes, including biblical or otherwise, because most songs speak on life, love, sorrow, loss, philosophy, etc, all of which can be forced into rough analogies with whatever one desires. CERN is a particle accelerator, little particles colliding, so you could say the line "Two hearts collide" is a prophecy about CERN.

    This phenomenon of PID-related (and bible prophecy or whatever related) Beatle and other pop songs has gotten ridiculous. It's more of that Manson mindset: start with the bible, listen to songs for any words that seem to fit the desired idea, and plunge headlong into madness. "Last Train to Clarksville" must be about the Rapture because "Clarksville" represents heaven, and we have to catch the last train. "I don't know if I'm ever comin' home" because I'll be in heaven. How about David Cassidy's prophecy about NWO? "I don't know what I'm up against (Illuminati), I don't know what it's all about (Masonic symbolism), I got so much to think about. HEEYYYY! (clear reference to Hey Jude) I think I love you (liberal disinfo about biology).

  41. "Anyway, in the morning, Mal gave me this little slip of paper. And written on it was . . ."

  42. mikey has a awesome command of the english languge! magna cum laude!

    actually mike, sorry ' bout that. try the eye thing someone. Could be cool ( a T shirt!)

  43. Have you guys become so bored with clue hunting that you're going to resort to cutting out the eyes on a 40-year old album and then re-pasting them on the front? Wow. Seriously, it's one thing to discuss the videos, but I think some of you need to join a gym or something.

  44. Yes, it's come to poking their eyes out.

  45. "Have you guys become so bored with clue hunting that you're going to resort to cutting out the eyes on a 40-year old album and then re-pasting them on the front? Wow. Seriously, it's one thing to discuss the videos, but I think some of you need to join a gym or something."

    I wouldn't go about it quite that way, but I would almost do it for curiosity sakes. Putting aside PID, PIA, or PWR, I think most will agree that The Beatles did put "clues" so to speak on the album covers and in the songs. It is an interesting concept.

  46. Thank you, Taf, for the clock link.
    I had read through all your posts after discovering this blog; I knew it was here somewhere but you saved me the search.

    Just wondering -- why would someone possesed of such skill to articulate numerous points of a debunking nature (my upstairs neighbor here) be spending their time in the comments section of a blog exploring premises to which they are so opposed?

    ~ km artlu

  47. That's power how again?

    I appreciate the thoughtful posts that challenged the perception of Paul's "power." However, if the standard is "Did Palestinian and Israeli forces throw down their arms and embrace?" then no one on the earth has power.

  48. km artlu wrote:

    Just wondering -- why would someone possesed of such skill to articulate numerous points of a debunking nature (my upstairs neighbor here) be spending their time in the comments section of a blog exploring premises to which they are so opposed?

    I don't know, but I appreciate their presence. My thoughts would get rusty if they went unchallenged.

  49. "Just wondering -- why would someone possesed of such skill to articulate numerous points of a debunking nature (my upstairs neighbor here) be spending their time in the comments section of a blog exploring premises to which they are so opposed?"

    Maybe I can explain. My goal is not to specifically debunk anything. I have always found The Beatles "clues" concept fascinating. The "clues" are there. Some so blatant, they could not be coincidence. What do the "clues" mean? Many have speculated, but nothing has been officially accepted. For that reason I am here. I just take in the information and try to make sense of it the best I can. You have to admit, whatever the meaning, the concept was genius. I don't believe any other group had attempted it previously, but many have tried to imitate.

  50. "Just wondering -- why would someone possesed of such skill to articulate numerous points of a debunking nature (my upstairs neighbor here) be spending their time in the comments section of a blog exploring premises to which they are so opposed?"

    I believe it was Pope Gregory who said, "Not to oppose error is to encourage it."

    Even if one believes PID or some related theory, they cannot move "forward" or work toward any purpose if some or most of the alternate theories are not debunked. Only one scenario can be true. That means all the others are false. If PIDers and PWRers don't debunk each other, they end up with the PID equivalent of a Universal Religion upon which all can agree.

  51. The story about paul learning the meaning of life, "There are 7 levels" actually comes from the first time he dropped acid, not when he smoked pot.

  52. Anon said "The story about paul learning the meaning of life, "There are 7 levels" actually comes from the first time he dropped acid, not when he smoked pot."

    Was that it - "there are 7 levels"? Do you or anyone else know what all he said?

    Even has Mal in the story... Maybe Mal took the real answer..

  54. For the Seven Levels as part of PID watch?v=-T9m_AbhVzU

  55. "I was this great discoverer, on this sea of pot, in New York. I was sailing this sea and I had discovered it. . . "

    "looking back, it's actually a pretty succinct comment; it ties in with a lot of major religions but I didn't know that then. We know that now because we've looked into a lot of that since, but that was the first thing. We were kind of proud to have been introduced to pot by Dylan, that was rather a coup. It was like being introduced to meditation given your mantra by Maharishi. There was a certain status to it." Paul

  56. he talks a little bit about it on the anthologies tapes.

  57. An announcement to all my Taf/phony friends:
    I, Vincent Cannata, have put my copy of "Thirty Days" up on eBay!
    For those who don't know, it's a BIG 17 disc set featuring EVERY song The Beatles play in that first month of 1969!

    So, if you have the cash to spare, head on over there and place a bid.
    A couple of unheard fights, Heather doing her best Yoko impersonation, and much. much more!

    check it out!

  58. What a great post, Taf!

    There certainly is something "out of this world" concerning The Beatles, continuing on with Sir Paul. Since he is the one who took over real Paul's identity, then, I feel that the mystery or the essence of what The Beatles represent continue with him. This is far from an ordinary story and that story has not ended yet.

    Maybe it's a story of good vs evil - and The Beatles are NOT the evil ones. And there are messages they left for us. I see messages of love and peace and the death and replacement of the real Paul. The clues they left for us are real and not some joke they played on us.

    The continuation of Paul by his replacement, Bill/Faul/Sir Paul, only continues The Beatles saga. It's evident, at least to me, that he deliverers a message of peace and love.

    There is no way I can believe anyone who suggests that the real Paul is alive. I have seen enough to believe that this man is no longer around and has not been since 1966. And, I believe I have very good instincts, or inner knowing, about things. So for me to even consider reading anything by anyone who says that the real Paul is alive or possibly alive is a waste of my time.

    Again, Taf, a really great post!

  59. Referring to my post above, I'm referring to the person who used the name ACV on NIR.

  60. "So for me to even consider reading anything by anyone who says that the real Paul is alive or possibly alive is a waste of my time."

    Then you are calling everyone McCartney has ever known personally and professionally a liar or an accomplice. That's an extremely cynical view of the human race.

  61. not to mention showing how close-minded they are.

  62. Many thanks to Taf, and anons 10/2 at 10:01 and 10:03. The comments by the latter two really affirmed the value of welcoming the views of others to help keep one's own investigations rigorous.

    I'll admit I was a little grouchy with the question I posed, but then pleasantly surprised to read those stimulating replies.

    ~ km artlu

  63. "i'm becoming more convinced everyday that mikenl is either someone that's toying with us or he's lying about his age and he's actually 13.


    You fucking dickweed. It took only 19 minutes for Tafultong to post a link to the site about McCartney having a bunch of ducks. Whoops! Who has egg on their face now? But now you're still asking Mike for an answer to the question about ducks. You're hellbent on making him out to be the loser when you're the retard who can't even bother to read the posts that do just that: make YOU out to be the loser and the retard.

    Get off MikeNL's back already, douchebags. Doesnt the fact that he never fights back sort of ruin the fun for you anyway? Find something better to do than constant attack this guy who has done nothing but contribute to the PID scene, not take away from it (the way you all steal other people's enjoyment of this blog by post random shit as other people; it's fucking PATHETIC).

  64. thanks, anon!

    i appreciate that :- )

    but let's be reasonable.. i skip some comments too sometimes. though there is no real need to attack me like that.

  65. You're right, I should feel like a retard for not knowing what Mike was talking about in his vague comment about Paul McCartney and ducks.

    I would feel like an asshole if McCartney having lots of ducks was in any way interesting at all. It was pointless. Yay for Mike's contributions...

    p.s. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that wasn't Mike defending himself and then signing in to thank himself.

  66. well, i couldn't do that, really...

    i posted:
    mikenl said...
    mccartney has lots of ducks

    October 2, 2008 2:14 AM

    i wanted to see if anyone knew what i was talking about.
    tafultong said...
    McCartney Duck Rumor(link)

    October 2, 2008 7:51 AM
    then when i came back online, i saw that.. then i explained:
    mikenl said...
    about the duck thing.

    one day i wanted to know if i could connect a random thought to mccartney somehow.

    so i typed in google: "mccartney ducks"

    i got a couple of news articles about mccartney and ducks.

    was weird.

    October 2, 2008 12:28 PM

    do you want me to document every move i make?

    if i posted under anonymous... the comment wouldn't do much to you... but because i'm posting under mikenl you get all crazy..

    we were going great with the comments this time, let's keep it that way :- )


  67. Very good post Taf although I feel the title (and the question) "why now?" is a bit misleading. It's obvious that the majority of people who post here are the same people on NIR and the same people on Iamaphoney's page. Outside of this small handful of people the urban legend of "Paul Is Dead" is a relic from a more innocent time and not a going concern. PID in this day and age is a far cry from it's 1969 heyday so I'm not seeing anything "coming to a head" anywhere. Just adding some perspective to an otherwise well written piece.

  68. "It is an exaggeration to call him the Savior or to call him the Anti-Christ, but there is some evidence that Sir Paul McCartney is a powerful guy. Look at some of the headlines from his recent trip to Israel."

    McCartney is powerful for the same reason anyone else on this planet would be powerful...


    If Bill Gates were to have suicide bomber threats on his life I'm sure he could round up at least 5,000 bodyguards to make sure his appearance was a safe move.

    In other words, I don't think that the 5,000 body guards just signed up to take a bullet for McCartney.

  69. By the way, can anyone expound upon the rumor about IAAP being held by the FBI? I found it quite ridiculous but I'm interested in how it was started.



  70. There was a prankster on here named Bern/Harold who started it. Remember that the internet is 95% bullshit and 5% truth.

  71. ANONYMOUS REPLIED: "Then you are calling everyone McCartney has ever known personally and professionally a liar or an accomplice. That's an extremely cynical view of the human race."

    ***I'm saying that everyone McCartney has every known personally or professionally has had to keep the pretense, or lie if you want to call it that, that he is the original Paul.

    It is a far cry from having a cynical view of the human race!!!!

    ANONYMOUS REPLIED: not to mention showing how close-minded they are.

    ***"Closed Minded"? not hardly. I know what I think and believe! This is after all PID, "Paul Is Dead", not, PIA, or PWR. The name of the Rotten Apple series is "Paul Is Dead"!, not, "Paul May Be Alive".

  72. Will the Dweeb attacking MikeNL, SHUT UP!

    I think we've all heard about enough from you on that subject!!

  73. "I know what I think and believe!"

    Ha. You're still a close-minded tool.

  74. But that IS a very cynical view of the human race. Do you have any idea just how LARGE McCartney's family is? He's also very close to many many friends from his schoolboy days. So the "actor" who plays Paul managed to keep up a friendship with Ivan Vaughn for 30 years after the "original" Paul died and then wrote a poem about him after he passed away just to make it look good?
    Poor "original" Paul....his friends, family and every associate he's ever had have been bought off by the NWO. I guess "original" Paul must have been a real prick if no one ever felt the slightest bit of remorse once he "died" and immediately took up with "actor" Paul and hung out with him.
    This urban legend is so ridiculously stupid it's maddening to think a few people fall for it.

  75. "This urban legend is so ridiculously stupid it's maddening to think a few people fall for it."

    This world needs more pople like you in it.

  76. To me, the Rotten Apple series is not about Paul literally being dead.

  77. In related PID

  78. everyone who is dead... is still alive

    except for the original paul mccartney, who tragically died...

    Mind Games.

  79. Elvis Is Alive Museum =

    Umm, Valise Is Elusive...

  80. "This urban legend is so ridiculously stupid it's maddening to think a few people fall for it."

    This world needs more pople like you in it.


  81. "Count the magik beans one by one:
    the first bean is Paul
    the second bean is Faul
    the third bean is Tall

    It becomes the infinite "million mile" beanstalk when planted next to the first two. One and one and ONE is three, and three is infinite. Kind like multiplicity, only better.

    Or you could think of it like this:

    Sail the ship, Chop the tree
    Skip the rope, Look at me
    (apollo told me, in not so many words ;)"

    That is fascinating. Thank you for posting that. (I'm serious.)

  82. The Rotten Apple Series...

    Ethereal Pop Interests

    Perpetrate Honest Lies?

    Site To Enthral Peepers?

    The Pointless Repeater?

    Epistles Prate Thereon

    "Its Art", The People Sneer

  83. To the person who said the Beatles didn't leave clues to play a joke--
    No one has been able to demonstrate the the Beatles intentionally left the death clues, either as a joke, for publicity, or for some noble reason. There is no doubt, however, that the Beatles put "clues" and other little tidbits into their songs to have some fun with and at the expense of their listeners, such as the "tit tit tit" backing vocals in "Girl," the sly "fish and finger pies" line and so forth. Lennon said repeatedly that he enjoyed throwing seemingly cryptic lyrics into his songs just to keep people guessing in the spirit of Lewis Carroll and James Joyce. We know that the Beatles got a kick out of goofing on their fans' hysteria, witness their glee as they mock their own Hitler-like audiences by doing the Nazi salutes and how they approached their press conferences. They saw the humor in their situation and made fun of it because it was funny and because it was necessary for them to keep their heads. So we know the Beatles were pranksters. We know they liked to play sonic tricks (the abrupt ending of "She's so Heavy" the dog whistle at the end of "Day in the Life" and the run out groove on Pepper). We know for a fact that they liked to put nonsensical lyrics into their songs for the sheer literary pun of it all ("tanto mucho que can eat it carousel"). These are facts that no one disputes. IMO, in any investigation, particularly one that involves much speculation, one should not discount the known facts.

  84. ""- from Jesus to Paul -"

    Would you be saying that is in essence like a present that is labeled:

    To: Paul

    From: Jesus"

    That works, but what I actually meant was more like a timeline of the message of "love" being passed through time from the time of Christ all the way down through to the time of Paul (Now).
    I think that may have been how John was using the phrase when he wrote:
    "I've seen religion from Jesus to Paul".
    The idea of having a song called "St. Paul", or a line in A Day in the Life saying "Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords" is meant to convey the idea that he was of a holy lineage.
    Since the B side of Sgt. Pepper started began with
    "Within You / Without You", an argument could be made that it was the spiritual side of that album.
    And "Lovely Rita" is about a time limit. She was a meter maid, after all. The "subliminal" message being: the meter is running, and time is running out. There's just so much time until: "it's getting very near the end". So the baby boomers were being gently told that the 'end of time' was coming in their lives. (The end of the world as we know it.)
    I repeat myself: Sgt. Pepper was a timed message, pointing to NOW. This time we're in - is the time to awaken from "death".

  85. "or a line in A Day in the Life saying "Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords" is meant to convey the idea that he was of a holy lineage."

    No, the House Of Lords is the upper house of Parliament. Tara Browne came from a very wealthy background and usually that's a free ticket into the government, such is the class system in Great Britain. The song allegedly includes allusions to Tara and John's experience filming "How I Won The War".

  86. This idea that Pepper is a prophecy about the End Times is no different than Manson's whack ideas about the book of Revelation and the White Album. Even if the Beatles put some stuff about Armageddon in their songs on purpose doesn't make it a prophecy--a true prophecy predicts something specific will happen that could not have been known in advance. The reason many scholars don't put much stock in Revelation as a prediction is because it predicts things that have always happened and are therefore safe bets: plague, famine, war, rumors of war, decline in morals. For the past two thousand years people have said that those things were so obviously coming to pass in their lifetimes. You could make a much better case for the End Times during WWII or even during the 100 years' war.

  87. Browne was the son of Dominick Browne, the 4th Baron Oranmore and Browne, a member of the House of Lords since 1927 who later became famous for having served in that house longer than any other peer, finally being evicted during government reforms in 1999; and Oonagh Guinness, heiress to the Guinness fortune and the youngest of the three "Golden Guinness Girls". One of his older brothers was the Hon. Garech Browne, of Luggala, County Wicklow in Ireland, an enthusiast of traditional Irish music and a founding member of The Chieftains, Ireland's leading group of traditional musicians.

    (From Wikipedea)

  88. Ah well there you go. Thanks to Plugfive

  89. The comparison between the book of Revelations and the music of The Beatles is a loaded one. Personally I see no correlation between the two and furthermore to elevate the Beatles' music to such hallowed levels is to insult Christianity. Let us assume for the sake of harmony within the blog that the book of Revelations is prophecy because, unlike the Beatles, it does present itself as such.

    I do agree with you that studying Beatles music in hopes of gaining a greater insight into the apocalypse is Manson territory. The similarities between what was fermented in Manson's twisted mind and what's in Iamaphoney's videos are startling. I would enjoy reading a future blog entry comparing the two.

  90. Anonymous wrote:

    The similarities between what was fermented in Manson's twisted mind and what's in Iamaphoney's videos are startling. I would enjoy reading a future blog entry comparing the two.

    Consider the seed planted. I am still having trouble with one common assumption that is often stated here. Are you sure that if we took every reference to Manson from the Rotten Apple videos and edited them together that it would show Manson in a positive light?

  91. Manson isn't really portrayed in a positive or negative light in the series--there is no narrative, only images and inference. IAAP doesn't realize that he thinks like Manson, so according to his logic, he is demonstrating what he thinks are connections with Manson, Crowley, and Beatles, the same way he sees connections with Egyptian ram gods and Paul calling an album "Ram." Ironically, IAAP is guilty (at least in terms of what we've seen), of the same magical thinking he ascribes negatively to Manson and Macca. There is a book called "Illuminati 666" that I read back in 1995 that speaks on the evils of magic and witchcraft. It details with great skepticism the methods magicians use to accomplish their Great Work, calling it a lie of the devil. And yet, this same writer uses the very same magical techniques (e.g. numerology) to make his case against the Illuminati. He speaks of Manson and how his view of prophecy was twisted, and how he misinterpreted the White Album lyrics and that his connections were delusional because he was under the sway of the great liar Satan. And yet, the same writer accuses the Beatles of being witches and of using backmasking--the very same case Manson was making! I find this to be the same dynamic at work here.


  92. One of the YKMN videos is about magical theory, and it syas that one of the main ideas of magic is to look for connecting clues, analogies, and correspondences. This is exactly what PID enthusiasts do on a daily basis. This clue connects to that, this image is like this one, and so on. There is a quote in the video (don't recall from who) that said something like, "People who are into clues and puzzles and anagrams and wordplay and such are magicians without knowing it." Well, that's us! Everyone's putting mirrors to things and listening to stuff backward and trying to match this symbol to that one---it's like unwitting Witchcraft Class 101 around here.

  93. Anonymous-- this is that video /watch?v=YPiUexdbkqQ

    I just watched it and was struck by something. It describes cabala as the belief in the universe as a MIRROR image of the creator. He shows the He Die mirror image juxtaposed with the As Above, So below mirror image of god symbol. So if I have this right, the idea here is that the MIRROR image (corrupted world) is HE DIE, when the original image is HEARTS, which is God? Nah, that doesn't make sense. Disregard. Either way, I guess we are supposed to be the upside down version of God, sort of like your eyes, which take in the image upside down and then the mind puts it right side up.

    Unrelated: Go Cubs!

  94. Anonymous wrote:

    Either way, I guess we are supposed to be the upside down version of God, sort of like your eyes, which take in the image upside down and then the mind puts it right side up.

    Rene` Descartes? I am reminded of "Out of the Silent Planet" by C.S. Lewis. The earth, being the only planet to experience the fall from grace was likely a source of fascination and speculation for all others in the universe.

  95. "There is a quote in the video (don't recall from who) that said something like, "People who are into clues and puzzles and anagrams and wordplay and such are magicians without knowing it." Well, that's us! Everyone's putting mirrors to things and listening to stuff backward and trying to match this symbol to that one---it's like unwitting Witchcraft Class 101 around here."

    This is a very perceptive comment. At what point do we become exactly what we fear? The PID angle in all of this could be irrelevant when you take a step back and really look at what is going on here.

  96. "Are you sure that if we took every reference to Manson from the Rotten Apple videos and edited them together that it would show Manson in a positive light?"

    My anonymous friend upstairs said it best. If Iamaphoney is the same "Bill" on 60IFTKIN and based on what he's written there then he is under the delusion that Manson's belief that the Beatles were personally sending him messages was true. Was there not a Manson themed video in the Rotten Apple series with the desription "I didn't kill anyone" briefly? The assumption there being that the Beatles or Paul specifically were ordering Manson to order his family to murder. Iamaphoney has removed all of the Manson videos from his favorites list on YouTube so whatever value he saw in Manson's rantings is lost to the ether.
    Is his "It's time" video still up? The one with the clip from a Manson t.v. movie that was posted before some big event Iamaphoney predicted would happen but then of course never happened? Was this around the time of his "Paul in danger" warning?

  97. "He shows the He Die mirror image juxtaposed with the As Above, So below mirror image of god symbol. So if I have this right, the idea here is that the MIRROR image (corrupted world) is HE DIE, when the original image is HEARTS, which is God?"


  98. If in fact Apollo C Vermouth was Neil Aspinall, his story should be explored further. Although it was less than fantastic, it did offer logical insights to what actually may have happened. Not to say that there were not replacement(s), but it can be argued that Paul living on makes as much sense or more than PID. Does anyone find it a little odd that after all these years there is no trace of physical evidence nor any witnesses to corroborate this supposed death?
