Friday, October 3, 2008

Look What I Found

Update: Perhaps I passed some sort of a test because another document has surfaced from Iamaphoney.

I went back to the well where Iamaphoney had left me pictures and found something we have seen before, but never this clearly. Could this really be page 146 of the lost Mal Evans book "Living the Beatles Legend?" Click the image for the full sized picture.


  1. It's possible. All I see here is someone close to George getting fired and both Mal and George being upset about it while the other Beatles and Brian are just having a discussion. Who's this "Pete" that's mentioned? Peter Brown? Pete Shotton? Nothing PID related here though.

  2. Why all the erasures and blurs? I feel like I'm looking at a movie prop.

  3. Anonymous wrote:

    Peter Brown? Pete Shotton?

    Pete Bennett, Peter Asher, Peter Sellers, Pete Best? Your guess is as good as mine.

  4. Yeah, this far along and we still don't get to read all of it? Really, what's the point. I think he could let us read the whole page and it still wouldn't be the tell-all for everything in question. Why not remove the photoshopped blurs??

  5. Brian is alive at this point and there is a reference to SFF so if this page is legit and hasn't been doctored then it would place the conversation in 1966. What "Pete" was fired by the Beatles in 66-67? With all the minute detail on the Beatles daily lives available in books and online I'm sure we could come up with a name.
    Did John really say "Don't go there?". That's more late 90's slang which causes me to wonder.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the raw material for Mal's book already serialized in a London newspaper?

  6. Yes, I've known both of them.

  7. Did John really say "Don't go there?". That's more late 90's slang which causes me to wonder.

    "Friggin" right aboot that'n, mate.

  8. Anonymous wrote:
    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the raw material for Mal's book already serialized in a London newspaper?

    Extracts from his diaries were published in a newspaper in 2005. My understand is that the manuscript for his book was lost.

  9. Excellent observation, however, "Don't go there" could mean "Don't go to that specific place" in a literal sense rather than the expression.

  10. There is confusion online over what was the book and what were his diaries/memoirs. His co author John Hoernie could probably verify which is which. Like most autobiographies from non-writers I would presume that Hoernie did the actual writing based on Mal's diaries and interviews between the two. Apparantly the book does exist in some incomplete form.

  11. The "don't go there" doesn't seem to be a reference to location at all. And John probably would've said "fucking" (which he used a lot) rather than "friggin'" although it could be that Mal didn't want to use foul language . . .

  12. deja vu on the whole "don't go there" thing. that's the problem I see. we're left with the same document as before, nothing new. I would like for them to give us something a little better than this.

  13. Shall I ask someone in Beatledom to take a look at this?

  14. peter asher doesn't work a bit with this scenario.

  15. What difference? It doesn't say, "And then they replaced Paul with the greatest actor/musician in history. Thank God that worked out."

  16. Why would there be xxxx's through certain words and then pen marks on top of that? It almost looks like the person that wrote this tried too hard to make it appear as though a manuscript had undergone heavy rewriting, but who knows?

    I think the key part is when he got high, and John kept repeating "nothing is real" and showed them how it wasn't real(?)

  17. "We didn't really understand it until he showed us what wasn't real in the lyrics. John is a genius a real one(?) . . . it blew my mind when he played it [rubbed out] . . .a way to tell a story. Paul really gave him a new (direction?), a new way of art. Good and Bad. Black and White.

  18. Always, no sometimes, think it's me, but you know I know and it's a dream.

  19. retarded, recycled post. If the answer isnt clear by now...a well deserved, "well done" IAAP. people must be too dense to see the symbolism.

  20. here is one i made with overlay from RA101.

  21. Symbols in and of themselves have no meaning. Individuals attach various traditional or other meanings to symbols in accordance with tradition or subjectivity. Some think of a five pointed figure as a symbol of witchraft or satanism, when it is merely a geometric figure. The ancient Greeks saw it as a divine figure representing creation, the early Christians saw it as an emblem of Christ (symbolizing his five wounds).

  22. Do you guys remember this?

    www. jojoplace. org /Shoebox /RA_69_Stills /69m .png

    Did anyone ever google it?

    www. paulmccartney. com /news.php?filter =2006-10 &id =182

  23. Still #69v is the Manson "Star" letter from Miles Deo.

  24. yeah, we've already gone through this letter with more clarity than this one shows, why?

    I remember it being clear that he was saying Strawberry Fields was played backwards by John and it all made sense to them.

    Strawberry Fields has one of the clearest backwards messages, in my opinion. "We'll sing it man, we'll be reverse."

    What does that mean though? And if Mal wrote this page and it's this bad, I almost wouldn't want to read the whole book if it wasn't for the fact that according to IAAP legend, the subject matter touches on PID a good bit.

    Maybe "nothing is real" is talking about the "out-of-it" feeling that they shared during the replacement when they were getting high all the time.

    I remember the NIR band's cover having weed leaves all over it. Is IAAP a pothead??

  25. really? in an iaap video?

    "Still #69v is the Manson "Star" letter from Miles Deo."

    same vibe I got....deo strikes, but a connection made

    and yes, we have see a clearer verion of this page.

  26. I had BBQ this afternoon, and you didn't! Haha!

  27. anonymous said...

    I remember the NIR band's cover having weed leaves all over it. Is IAAP a pothead??

    October 4, 2008 9:24 AM

    the NIR album is not made by iamaphoney!!!
    it's plastic paul's idea (on NIR).

  28. is NIR iamaphoney?

  29. no, NIR is not iamaphoney.

    unless JoJo is part of iamaphoney..
    don't think he is though : /

  30. Anonymous wrote:

    and yes, we have see a clearer verion of this page.

    Maybe I made a mistake, but I would like somebody to point out to me where "we" have seen a clearer version of this page. I know of a clearer fragment from this page and I know of a not as clear version of the whole page, but please help me with my amnesia.

  31. I guess we haven't seen this particular picture any clearer, but we have seen parts of the page clear whereas now they are smudged out.

    that's why i don't understand what the point of this one is. more phoney stalling i suppose.

  32. This reminds me a little of the "Letter" video that showed up a few weeks ago, where ominous-looking redactions were shown to be obscuring nothing more than a rather innocuous note from Paulie.

  33. Anonymous said...

    I guess we haven't seen this particular picture any clearer, but we have seen parts of the page clear whereas now they are smudged out.

    Well then, do you think it's possible that Iamaphoney put that picture in that directory just as a test to see if I was still checking it regularly?

  34. The Phoney's been busted out of prison this morning! More details soon!

    - Harold

  35. shut up Harold. lol

    "I guess we haven't seen this particular picture any clearer, but we have seen parts of the page clear whereas now they are smudged out.

    that's why i don't understand what the point of this one is. more phoney stalling i suppose.'

    OR is was the first version, forgotten to be deleted.


    miles? cahooter? cross reference with Iaap, Done?

  36. Thank you Taf for uploading the new letter that was in the IAAP well, but this new letter is even more useless. Why can't the phoney clan just give us SOMETHING for sticking around for so long. It's beginning to be a little insulting of them.

  37. hey mike, why the need to post videos on your youtube channel of you singing all of a sudden? trying to distract from the fact that you could be part of the IAAP camp and not just a contact? very interesting.

  38. Very interesting indeed! Good timing since it was just brought up again about how The Deceptionist and Co. could be iamaphoney.

  39. but of course you're an asshole if you ask about mike

  40. of course, my APOLLOgies

  41. Richard was busted out by his followers. They are now hatching a secret plot to kidnap Paul and force him to do STUFF for a future vid. This is really scary. Bern is scared. Keep your eyes open.


  42. Bern and Harold,
    You are a HARD couple to get in touch with! Would both of you be willing to come back on Sesame Street and do a few more skits? The kids miss you.

  43. the weird turn weirder

    odd vignette. you guys ok?

  44. "hey mike, why the need to post videos on your youtube channel of you singing all of a sudden? trying to distract from the fact that you could be part of the IAAP camp and not just a contact? very interesting."

    what's the link?
    gotta see this

  45. "pick your spots baby"

  46. well, there's still the space out side the spot, like it or not, whomever,anonym.


    did mikey just turn 26 when I wasn't looking?


    Mike-The Will To Death


    Mike-The Will To Death

    excellent find! now slow it down and listen to his voice.

    sound like phoney, perhaps?

  50. "Bern is the Bundesstadt (federal city, de facto capital) of Switzerland"

    someone's been looking at a map.

  51. omg

    uh, lyrics anyone?

    Harold and Bern.Yeah, we get it.

  52. "Who is Richard?"

    According to Harold, iamaphoney's real name is Richard Hurtz.

  53. ****Who's this "Pete" that's mentioned? Peter Brown? Pete Shotton?*****

    Pete Best?

  54. *****Brian is alive at this point*****

    And for that matter, Paul seems to be alive at this point, or didn't anyone notice?

    But Paul is supposed to have died before Brian.

  55. There's a phrase in this document that reads "They did a good job in (whited out)".

    I'm pretty sure that there is an iamaphoney video where that whited-out portion reads "Nairobi".

    In other words, "they did a good job in Nairobi".

    Chronologically, Nairobi is where the fake Paul makes his first appearance, and that phrase might otherwise suggest that Nairobi was where the deception started.

    And yet, as someone else has said, this document which discusses events that would have happened in 1967 talks about Paul as if he were still alive.

  56. Give me a typewriter and some tea and I can make you documents that have you all creaming in your pants thinking your hot on the trail....

  57. "Give me a typewriter and some tea and I can make you documents that have you all creaming in your pants thinking your hot on the trail...."

    very good point, and with todays image programs, you won't need the tea!

  58. ...or the typewriter

  59. Anon1 said:"Give me a typewriter and some tea and I can make you documents that have you all creaming in your pants thinking your hot on the trail...."

    Anon2 said: very good point, and with todays image programs, you won't need the tea!

    Yes, yes. Here is an example of a letter made entirely with Photoshop:

    We are in an age where it is getting tough to believe anything we see or hear.

  60. You don't even need image programs. Just a typewriter.

  61. "You don't even need image programs. Just a typewriter."

    That has already been said. The point was, there are many ways to fake such things.

  62. Taf, you did pass a test in order to receive that letter from IAAP: you created a blog dedicated entirely to all things Iamaphoney.

    I'd say that's worth a photocopy of what might be one page from Mal Evans' memoirs.

  63. Tafultong said...
    Anonymous wrote:
    and yes, we have see a clearer verion of this page.

    Maybe I made a mistake, but I would like somebody to point out to me where "we" have seen a clearer version of this page. I know of a clearer fragment from this page and I know of a not as clear version of the whole page, but please help me with my amnesia.

    Anonymous said...

    I guess we haven't seen this particular picture any clearer, but we have seen parts of the page clear whereas now they are smudged out.

    that's why i don't understand what the point of this one is. more phoney stalling i suppose.

    Or perhaps that "anonymous" has really seen the clearer picture and realized that he/she hasn't shared the clearer picture with us yet... And had to backtrack on what they said...
    And I don't think Tafultong has seen the clearer picture and I know I haven't... But I bet we would both love to.

  64. sounds nice man, but that's not whats going on. when i said that we had seen a clearer picture i meant that words that are smudged right now, were'nt before. for example, sometime not that long ago miles or IAAP one put out the same page and we could see that it talked about Nairobi, strawberry fields being played backwards, and a few other things that didn't really matter.

    if these are the most interesting pages that phoney has, then we are in for a very boring ride.

  65. Yeah, the bottom half that is smudged here is clear in the photo still posted on JoJos site. The smudged out parts are not revealing, so the fact that they're smudged out here is obviously a ploy, as usual, to make it appear though there is some key evidence that was redacted.

  66. nothing relevant. nothing new. two years now. boring! tafultong should rename this blog to a general Beatles-Blog and leave IAAP out.

  67. what is this? Is this proof enough? They planned it?
    Who is George Kelly?

  68. anyone notice the IAAP group has stopped talking about a mind-blowing revelation?

  69. MikeyNL said that nothing will happen until someone goes to get one of the suitcases, so we're stuck in a holding pattern until then

  70. Does no one believe me?

    - Harold

  71. if you don't talk about MikeyNL approved subjects you will be labeled a "dillweed" or a "retard"

    was that a cleared subject?

  72. Anonymous said...

    anyone notice the IAAP group has stopped talking about a mind-blowing revelation?

    October 5, 2008 10:44 AM

    why the suitcases then?

    world traveling suitcase dropping for???

  73. "you will be labeled a "dillweed" or a "retard"

    was that a cleared subject?

    October 5, 2008 11:22 AM"

    Right, wondered why that person seems so angry!


  74. I believe you, Harold.

    where's phoney now?

  75. Phoney moved like water between the bars, he is now looking for Sarah Connor.

    Are You Sarah Connor?

  76. Cue the "dillweed" and "retard" comments, in three.... two..... one....

  77. i dont live near rome, cern or california.
    throw one in copenhagen and I will pick it up.

  78. "Are You Sarah Connor?"

    Terminator movie?

    That has NOTHING to do with Iamaphoney!

    You are a dillweed retarded retard with dillweed!

  79. The Suitcases were never intended to be got, otherwise MikeyNL would have it

  80. Dill Weed

    The Vikings cultivated a plant they called "dilla," or "soothing," as a remedy for colic in babies. The easy-to-grow dill weed has become an essential ingredient in cuisines around the world.
    The term "dill weed" refers to the green leaves (and sometimes stems) of the plant. "Dill seed" actually isnÍt seed but the flat, oval, dark brown whole fruits of the herb. Dill weed and dill seed have different chemical compositions, different uses in cooking, and different applications in herbal healing.
    If you want to grow dill in your garden, plan for success. The mature plant produces thousands of seeds, most dill seeds germinate, and the plant can invade other growing beds. Dill likes a most, well-drained soil in full sun, although it grows on most kinds of soils. Stress on the plant by heat or drought improves its flavor.If you let dill come up on its own, it will mature and go to seed before you have cucumbers. If you want to use dill in pickling, plant dill and cucumbers at the same time.

  81. I miss the old days

  82. I bet if we ignore these guys they will go away

  83. "Dill Weed

    The Vikings cultivated a plant they called "dilla," or "soothing," as a remedy for colic in babies. The easy-to-grow dill weed has become an essential ingredient in cuisines around the world.
    The term "dill weed" refers to the green leaves (and sometimes stems) of the plant. "Dill seed" actually isnÍt seed but the flat, oval, dark brown whole fruits of the herb. Dill weed and dill seed have different chemical compositions, different uses in cooking, and different applications in herbal healing.
    If you want to grow dill in your garden, plan for success. The mature plant produces thousands of seeds, most dill seeds germinate, and the plant can invade other growing beds. Dill likes a most, well-drained soil in full sun, although it grows on most kinds of soils. Stress on the plant by heat or drought improves its flavor.If you let dill come up on its own, it will mature and go to seed before you have cucumbers. If you want to use dill in pickling, plant dill and cucumbers at the same time."

    haha, this sounds like a classic NIR post by iameye

  84. "

    did mikey just turn 26 when I wasn't looking?"


  85. Iameye Don Quixote,
    The Lord of la Mancha,
    My destiny calls and I go,
    And the wild winds of fortune
    Will carry me onward,
    Oh whithersoever they blow!

  86. You said "blow" dillweed

    You retard

  87. anonymous said...

    did mikey just turn 26 when I wasn't looking?"


    October 5, 2008 12:06 PM

    seriously, are you guys obsessed with me or what???

  88. u are obsessed with u

  89. Now Playing on MikeyNL1038!

    MikeyNL1038 (23 hours ago)
    Mike - Rain

    Now Playing on MikeyNL1038!

    Look at Me!
    Look at Me!

    Don't like attention???
    Stop calling attention to yourself!

  90. I bet if we ignore these guys they will go away

  91. MikeyNL1038 (1 day ago)
    for people who don't know yet:
    ALL the iamaphoney videos still on user/therottenappleseries.

    You ROCK MikeyNL1038!
    Now if you could just go get that suitcase!

    Then you would be G-D!

  92. Then you would be G-D!

    October 5, 2008 12:33 PM

    Now I know who you are

    you dillweed retard

  93. "G-D!"

    How you spell says so much

    It's spelled G-O-D retard

  94. Oh snap!

    Someone went old testiment on your ass!


  95. Now I know who you are Mr. Pottymouth

  96. Go here if you want to do this people!

    Don't clutter this great blog!

  97. Ever notice MikeyNL1038 is ALWAYS here when these "blowups" happen????

    Wonder if.... he has anything.... to do .... with....

    nah! IMPOSSIBLE!

  98. The purpose: To take the heat off Tafultong's Iamaphoney blog. Post all your blatherings here, not at Tafs. Period. Done and done. Chit-chat amongst yourselves. Leave 300 comments, I don't give a care. The more senseless the blatherings the better. WARNING: NO trolls allowed! If I catch trolls on my blog, I will unleash my magical powers upon this site and shut this blog down!! "Poof" Of course not. Puerile content will be posted periodically for your listening, viewing, and reading enjoyment.

  99. "WARNING: NO trolls allowed! If I catch trolls on my blog, I will unleash my magical powers upon this site and shut this blog down!! "Poof" Of course not"


    Joined: August 19, 2008
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    Brand Est. 2006.

    Impervious to trolls and disinformation

    Goodbye, Hallow.
    Country: United Kingdom

    Last Sign In: 15 minutes ago

    nah! IMPOSSIBLE!

  100. "CommenterGV
    Last Sign In: 15 minutes ago

    nah! IMPOSSIBLE!"

    Hence the "GEW" comments
    Look at his site


  101. "Ever notice MikeyNL1038 is ALWAYS here when these "blowups" happen????

    Wonder if.... he has anything.... to do .... with....

    nah! IMPOSSIBLE!

    October 5, 2008 12:44 PM"

    Yup! Everytime
    Then he comes on saying this shouldn't be happening

    Cue Plugfive

    "Me Thinks She Doth Protest Too Much "

  102. "Me Thinks She Doth Protest Too Much "

    October 5, 2008 12:52 PM

    MikeyNL is a MAN! NOT A GIRL!

  103. I dunno if MikeyNL is a man..

    notice the hair...

    MikeyNL1038 (23 hours ago)
    Mike - The Will To Death

    Now Playing on MikeyNL1038!

    MikeyNL1038 (1 day ago)
    Mike - Rain

    Now Playing on MikeyNL1038!


    Get a job hippy!

  105. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Get a job hippy!


  106. I think the problem here is MikeyNL1038

  107. Anonymous said...

    if you don't talk about MikeyNL approved subjects you will be labeled a "dillweed" or a "retard"

    was that a cleared subject?

    October 5, 2008 11:22 AM

    You were right!

  108. CommenterGV
    Last Sign In: 15 minutes ago

    I think that CommenterGV is doing this

  109. Anonymous said...

    hey mike, why the need to post videos on your youtube channel of you singing all of a sudden? trying to distract from the fact that you could be part of the IAAP camp and not just a contact? very interesting.

    October 4, 2008 3:29 PM

    I know! right!

  110. Good thing MikeNL is not reading all these comments he writes!

    He might think he is obsessed with himself!

  111. Good thing MikeNL is not reading all these comments he writes!

    He might think he is obsessed with himself!

    October 5, 2008 1:13 PM

    This made me laugh

  112. See, ignore them and they go away

  113. who else likes to say "trolls"?

    oh Mikey!

  114. haha, this sounds like a classic NIR post by iameye

    but wasn't

  115. "Did John really say "Don't go there?". That's more late 90's slang which causes me to wonder."

    John sings, "what's up with you" in You Know My Name(Look Up The Number). Many would feel that that term is relatively new as well. They would be wrong though. Dylan sings "He really wasn't where it's at" in Like a Rolling Stone. Where it's at is another slang that most would think is new but both songs are from the sixties.

    Most slang you hear nowadays isn't new at all it's just new to some peoples ears. Jack Kerouac and the Beats used the term yo in the fifties.

    I wouldn't say the document is a fake because of the "Don't go there" expression.


  116. the fact is at this point the authenticity of the page makes no difference. it's useless either way in it's blotted out form. it's especially annoying that the article had clearer parts in the past. phoney needs to help us a little here if he wants to maintain viewers.

  117. IF this is real, it is an amazing piece of history.

  118. u said...
    "u are obsessed with u"

    who the hell are U? this is so funny.

  119. "IF this is real, it is an amazing piece of history."

    haha, are you kidding? It doesn't say ANYTHING. It almost says a few things, but doesn't. there's nothing about the document that isn't something we didn't already know.

    please correct me if i'm wrong on that.

  120. (someone stole U's identity today, lol)

    good job!

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. John sings, "what's up with you" in You Know My Name(Look Up The Number). . . "He really wasn't where it's at" in Like a Rolling Stone. Where it's at is another slang that most would think is new but both songs are from the sixties.

    "Where it's at" was a well known 60s slang term, as in "where is your head at, man." Not sure John sings "what's up with you" in the other song, but that line is something thrown in there just to rhyme with "number 2," almost sounds like "rocks off with you," can't be sure. IN any event, "what's up with you" isn't the same as "what's up with that," the modern slang we all know. Heck, "What's up Pussycat" was a hit song in the sixties (or was it early seventies?)

  123. U said.

    "who the hell are U? this is so funny."

    Who the hell are U?

  124. "MikeNL said...

    Good thing MikeNL is not reading all these comments he writes!

    He might think he is obsessed with himself!"

    Nobody but me better be obsessed with me!

  125. But the other anonymous is correct: whether a genuine document or a forgery, it has no "wow" value as far as I can tell. Then again, the only real "wow" moments of the IAAP series have all turned out to be due to editing manipulation and other tricks.

  126. "IAAP series have all turned out to be due to editing manipulation and other tricks."

    yup, thats why he be the phoney

  127. U deleting comments? LOL

  128. Anonymous said...

    U deleting comments? LOL

    October 5, 2008 3:59 PM

    Y R U doing that? ? ?


  129. i bet iamaphoney is doing all of this

  130. Anonymous said...

    I think the problem here is MikeyNL1038

    October 5, 2008 12:57 PM

    Part of it, sure
    but not all

  131. U said...

    (someone stole U's identity today, lol)

    good job!

    October 5, 2008 3:23 PM

    read the way back machine, JGuilders was on a few weeks back claiming someone stole his identity as well
    Probably him back again, got so frustrated at the PID crowd now just lashing out indiscriminately

  132. Mean Mr. Mustard - with the candlestick - in the Conservatory did it

    So, who dares to challenge me at the next Clue night?

  133. I suppose the best "clues" from IAAP (if they are from IAAP and not NIR) would be the two hidden tracks "222" and "666," along with the anagram "Son of the Magickian" (the other anagrams he cites were already known). The reverse stuff is all subjective and weak imo. Neither of those clues, which may have been deliberate, has anything to do with PID. I can see Paul putting a 666 clue in there just to help with his ongoing battle to be seen as edgy.

  134. For me it's very clear that IAAP has the Mal Evans book.


  135. no, some one hacked
    I was logged off a few days

    very funny though.

  136. InsectRepellant

    InsectRepellant (2 hours ago)
    I'm subscribing to you because you suck!

    O RLY?
    Lets break down your youtube page


    Joined: September 18, 2008
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    I am a jelly-mold that will categorize all of you into small little pigs and make you play MARIO!!!! all day long!
    Name: Carlos Chinchilla
    Age: 21
    Um, well here's the thing... those coke bottles you kids are using too, uh, I think I'll just leave it at that!
    Country: United States
    Schools: bu
    Interests and Hobbies: As you might have guessed, I'm obsessed with MARIO!!! I am at a highly advanced level of math, and orchestra, which means I can read music pretty DAMN efficiently!!! Oh yeah, and my code-name, (in case any of you want to know) is Jatson Watson Frankenfurter. (If you are wondering, I'm not on drugs, I'm just very creative...which is why I respect Frank Zappa so much...)
    Movies and Shows: Nothing, really. I don't have cable so... yeah there ya go! That's pretty much it.
    Music: The Beatles, Jimi Henderix, Led Zeppelin, Tom Waits, Elvis Costello, U2, Phish, Primus, Moby, Beck, Modest Mouse, Genesis, B-52's, Talking Heads, Stranglers, Cure, Clash, Warren Zevon, Billy Joel, Mr. Bungle, Tom Waits, School House Rock(?), Tenacious D, Rush, The Residents, Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Weezer, Outkast, Pink Floyd, Weeen, Queen, David Bowie, They Might Be Giants, RHCP, Disco! Yes I said it! Disco! Neil Young, Aaron Copeland, Video Game Music, The Bare-Naked Ladies, Jimmy Buffet, Asian Pop, Death, Metallica, ELO, Rob Conde, Butthole Surfers, Robe Zombie, Slayer, All bands Les Claypool has ever been in, 1 blind melon song, every Beatle's solo career, except for Ringo, Radiohead, Coldplay, Tears for Fears, New Order(?) everything punk, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, Judy Collins, "Rainbow Remix," "Apologize", 1 elton joh song, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan...nearly everything. Oh yeah, and speaking of music, you guys who are very, very VERY, high out there probably know the Residents have their own account, here on you-tube...HELP ME MAKE THEM FRIEND THE CRAP OUT OF ME!

  137. Oh yeah, and my code-name, (in case any of you want to know) is Jatson Watson Frankenfurter. (If you are wondering, I'm not on drugs, I'm just very creative...which is why I respect Frank Zappa so much...)

    Oh yeah, and speaking of music, you guys who are very, very VERY, high out there probably know the Residents have their own account, here on you-tube...HELP ME MAKE THEM FRIEND THE CRAP OUT OF ME!


  138. you are so busted vince

    "Books: I read quite A LOT but I especially like one author in particular, Avi. Probably because he has so many different genres of books. Oh yeah, and TO ALL YOU KIDDIES OUT THERE. GO TO YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY AND PICK SOME OF HIS BOOKS UP. MIGHT LEARN SOMETHIN, EH? "

    How is your book coming along Tafultong? Er I mean Vince

  139. Tafultong is NOT Vince Dillweed
    That is so retarded!

  140. Tafultong is not Iamaphoney either!


  141. "dilltard isn't defined yet. "


    it is now

    its u

  142. O snap!
    mikenl vs vince rumble!

    MikeyNL1038 vs InsectRepellant

    Place your bets!

  143. I vote on the hippy, even though I think he should get a job

    $2 bucks on MikeNL

    How much is that in the Netherlands? 25 cents?

  144. My vote, the precious RESIDENTS!
    I hope they FRIEND the FUCK out of VINCE!

    Put me down for $1.38, which is 20 cents in Florida

  145. Yeah, that Vince,
    he'll throw the book at you!

    If he ever could write one

    Put me down for 50cents on MikeNL
    and 50cents for Vince
    that way I win no matter what!

    Come sit on the fence with me everybody!

  146. you are incorrect Anonymous

    Anonymous said..

    My vote, the precious RESIDENTS!

    I hope they FRIEND the FUCK out of VINCE!"

    He did not say that, what he said was

    "you guys who are very, very VERY, high out there probably know the Residents have their own account, here on you-tube...HELP ME MAKE THEM FRIEND THE CRAP OUT OF ME!"

    Big difference between CRAP and FUCK, get it straight DILLTARD!

  147. Anyways, back to THE SUBJECT AT HAND

    talismand said...

    For me it's very clear that IAAP has the Mal Evans book.


    October 5, 2008 4:14 PM

    Why do you say that talismand?

  148. watch?v=cmfAAm8cW4Y

    John Lennon
    Catcher in the Rye

  149. Dont mess with olimpicus vince or MikeNL, check out olimpicus's favorites page 2

    and I quote

    Mixed Martial Arts & Cage Fighting Basics
    How to Do Sambo Martial Arts
    Stand-Up Grappling Techniques
    Judo master
    Attacking Armlocks by Joe Moreira
    SideMount to Triangle
    North South Choke
    Head Lock Escapes
    MMA Instruction - Arm Bar/Arm Lock

    My vote, olimpicus takes you BOTH out

    I put $10 on olimpicus, which is like $100 in Chile

  150. Where's Vince?

    We're ready to FRIEND the FUCK out of him?

    We're not going to FRIEND the CRAP out of him though, we may be Avant-garde but not in that way.

    Oh, and...

    Anybody got any Dillweed?

  151. watch?v=cmfAAm8cW4Y

    or I beat you

  152. olimpicus said...


    or I beat you

    I predict an ARMBAR in your future MikeNL, if you step in the ring with olimpicus

    easiest $10 bucks I ever made

  153. thought this was a joke, but from the IAAP comment section

    olimpicus (44 minutes ago)

    InsectRepellant (3 hours ago)
    I'm subscribing to you because you suck!

    MikeyNL1038 (1 day ago)
    Mike - The Will To Death

    Now Playing on MikeyNL1038!

  154. " u said...

    "dilltard isn't defined yet. "


    it is now

    its u"

    why me?

    stop fake U

    you're freaking me out

    U the real

    how and why are you doing this false U thing?
    very timely


    the real U

    dill dough? what?

    so funny

  155. Anonymous:

    "$2 bucks on MikeNL

    How much is that in the Netherlands? 25 cents?"

    You sound a bit ignorant.. They use Euros, one of which costs MORE than one US dollar to buy.

  156. Man I´m the real olimpicus and I´m not going to fight anyone

    I like martial arts as a sport and a way to get a healthy life
    olimpicus (the real one)

  157. You sound a bit ignorant.. They use Euros, one of which costs MORE than one US dollar to buy.

    October 5, 2008 7:03 PM

    I am more then a bit ignorant, I am all the way ignorant. It is Bliss

  158. Sounds like someone trying hard to make people think they don't know the value of the Euro is way above those greenbacks you Yanks use or that's what they would like you to believe.

  159. You sound a bit ignorant.. They use Euros, one of which costs MORE than one US dollar to buy.

    October 5, 2008 7:03 PM

    I am more then a bit ignorant, I am all the way ignorant. It is Bliss

    As you said before, I am a dillweed, and a retard.

  160. Hey, gang!
    What's all this 'hoo-pla' goin' on 'round here?

    All this fuckin' and-a fightin'....
    one things fur sure, I'll take Prince Paul over 50 cent aNY DAY!

    Your friend (and mine),

  161. Oh, that's the WORLD-FAMOUS HIP-HOP producer PRINCE PAUL.
    There's a track off of his "A Prince Among Theives" CD where he has rappers sayin', "Somebody's knockin' at the door, somebody's ringin' the bell."

    Not since, "We're Only In It For The Money" has an album been made in the style it's trying to condemn!


  162. "Where it's at?" sounds current? I've always associated that with the 60's and "groovy" and "far out" or "where my head is at", etc. Can't say the same for "Don't go there" which is really "Don't go there girlfriend" in it's original form.

  163. Can you dig it?

    John was paralyzed. "Just don't go there", he said, snapping his fingers to and fro in front of his face.

  164. I'm the anonymous who called the other anonymous a dickweed the other day. That's right, DICKweed.

    Not DILLweed, retards. Get your fucking insults straightened out before you start your own popular little meme with it.

  165. The comment section of this blog has become festering shit..

    Tafultond will delete this.

    You can post the craziest, fucktarded, 12-year old kiddie shit but he will let it stay. THE SECOND YOU COMPARE THIS COMMENT SECTION TO THE FESTERING PILE OF HORSE SHIT THAT IS IAAP'S COMMENT SECTION (which led IAAP to delete his comment history) TAFULTONG WILL DELETE IT.

    He does, tho, thrive off of letting ANON's comment, just for the number of comments he recieves.

  166. and on that note IAAP is FUCKING GARBAGE!! Instead of creating a descent viral campaign they fucked it all up

  167. "He does, tho, thrive off of letting ANON's comment, just for the number of comments he recieves."

    How is he benefiting from comments on a site without ads?!

  168. well.... it strokes the ego...

    How many comments do you receive a day,guy above me?

  169. money driven fool

  170. Do a commercial, you're off the artistic roll call, every word you say is suspect, you're a corporate whore and eh, end of story.

  171. and now a nice song by mr. McCartney:

  172. Anonymous said...

    I'm the anonymous who called the other anonymous a dickweed the other day. That's right, DICKweed.

    Not DILLweed, retards. Get your fucking insults straightened out before you start your own popular little meme with it.

    October 5, 2008 8:45 PM

    I Love the way you say retard

  173. anonymous said...

    I'm the anonymous who called the other anonymous a dickweed the other day. That's right, DICKweed.

    You are what you eat
    Thank you for clearing that up

  174. anonymous said...

    I'm the anonymous who called the other anonymous a dickweed the other day. That's right, DICKweed.

    Right, wouldn't want people thinking that you were messing around with dill, let them know in your proud way that the only thing that touches your lips is DICK
    Cleared that up nicely.
    You are fixated on retards and dicks, got it

  175. Can't wait to see you sporting your DICKtard t-shirts there mate

    On the back, "No Dill, Just DICK"

    Way to put us "retards" in check

  176. Anonymous said...

    Can't wait to see you sporting your DICKtard t-shirts there mate

    On the back, "No Dill, Just DICK"

    Way to put us "retards" in check

    October 5, 2008 10:42 PM

    Well its the PRINCIPAL of the thing, when I say emphatically that its DICK not Dill I am letting the world know what is important to me. Retards and dicks

    So get it right! Otherwise I will be back, with other.... insults to hurl at you.. and if you get those wrong too , then I will come up with.. more of the same... you DickTards

  177. Dilltards wasn't gay enough apparently, thank you anon from the otherday. Glad you chose that hill to die on.
    I am writing on the blackboard 100 times....


    Now everyone will think of you fondly when they see it

  178. "Not DILLweed, retards. Get your fucking insults straightened out before you start your own popular little meme with it."

    you can have that meme allll to yourself

    More dick for you!

  179. "Right, wouldn't want people thinking that you were messing around with dill"

    No, I don't really give a shit what people THINK I said. I just wanted to remind you that you can't even fucking read a goddamn word properly before mocking the person who said it. You went on this whole "Whoever disagrees with MikeNL is a dillweed" tirade thinking that you were so cleverly retorting the person who stood up for Mikey, when really you just proved to me even more than you can do one think without fucking up, write one thing without giving everyone a big, hearty reminder of what a dolt you are.

    " let them know in your proud way that the only thing that touches your lips is DICK
    Cleared that up nicely.
    You are fixated on retards and dicks, got it"

    Case in point. I don't need to dignify that comment with a direct response: the comment itself speaks volumes of both your immaturity and your lack of intelligence.

  180. "Dilltards wasn't gay enough apparently, thank you anon from the otherday. Glad you chose that hill to die on.
    I am writing on the blackboard 100 times....


    Now everyone will think of you fondly when they see it"

    Hey, you're the one who for whatever inane reason couldn't see the CK in DiCK to begin with. If anything they'll be reminded of your illiteracy! :)

  181. Dolt is a good one too!
    I like it!

  182. Retard


  183. I just choose to see the good in people

  184. "No, I don't really give a shit what people THINK I said. "

    Glad this doesn't bother you at all

  185. "Case in point. I don't need to dignify that comment with a direct response: the comment itself speaks volumes of both your immaturity and your lack of intelligence.

    October 5, 2008 11:22 PM"

    You don't need to dignify that comment with a direct response?
    What do you call alllllll those words you just typed for something you don't care about?

    I do lack maturity to be sure, and my intelligence is questionable no doubt... care you point that laser intellect at your self?
    Waiting to see what other arrows you have in your quiver..
    Those excellent ad hominem attacks
    Dolt, retard, dickweed....

  186. Glad mikenl has a friend!
    You are a good one!

  187. "If anything they'll be reminded of your illiteracy! :)"

    thats why I am practicing at the blackboard friend

  188. "when really you just proved to me even more than you can do one think without fucking up, "

    Can't even do one think? You mean thing??

    Looks like you too could use some spelling lessons too dolt dickweed retard

  189. talk about the pot calling the kettle retarded

  190. All that swearing makes me think of Mr. Pottymouth, hows that ol time religion working out for you?
    He also liked using the word "fucking".

    Loving your neighbor lately? Out there in the dickweeds

  191. For me it's very clear that IAAP has the Mal Evans book.


    October 5, 2008 4:14 PM

    Why do you say that talismand?

    Well, the documents received by Taf look authentic. And IAAP always seemed to me that he know something more than the rest of us. Just see the videos carefully and don't believe in coincidences.


  192. lol, are you answering your own question :P

    anyways... i think they have the book... they have shown a lot of stuff that supports this. sure, you can fake it... i'm aware of that.

    but still, why the hell buy a couple of LOVE/CODE cars with different colors... put suitcases everywhere and make very good videos, and predict "fireman dates".

    i know know... the suitcase game seems pretty lame after the second one came. but i still think it has some sort of purpose.

    is he fooling us all?
    after all, he's I Am A Phoney...

    in the conversations that i had with him it, he always was very sincere...

    he also told me once that he has no reason to lie.

    i still believe in iamaphoney. and that the word about paul's death or replacement will eventually take place in time. but im also aware that it is possible that it is all a big joke, heh... a VERY big joke then.

    we'll have to keep our eyes out for other things too... like the okt. 14th federation of light stuff...

    higher vibration of LOVE.

