Friday, October 24, 2008

Some Other Guys

With criticism of Iamaphoney on the rise, several of the alternative players have become active again.

Bread & Circus: Episode Five by breadandcircusfilms reveals that Aldous Huxley was the inspiration for their name.

40 46 35 - 73 58 34
by MilesDeo reveals...well, Miles has never been one to reveal much.

Lonely Hearts by youknowmyname231 reveals some truth about all of us.

Paul is Dead - 32 - Helter Skelter by grandfatheraleister reveals that Hollywood loves Volkswagen product placements.

Although it is likely to be just the brain playing tricks, it appears to me that even though each of these videos is unique and consistent in style with previous efforts of each respective author, there is a strange connectedness that emerged when I viewed all four videos consecutively in the sequence in which they were uploaded to YouTube.

Beginning with Bread and Circus showing Huxley, who appeared on the cover of Sgt. Pepper...

Then we RISE with MilesDeo, who ends with a quick nod to Magritte...

Then in youknowmyname's video, Magritte flies through the Sgt. Pepper cover, at one point sliding right between Laurel and Hardy creating an image of three mad hatters...

Continuing its trek over to Huxley as the Beatles sing "Where do they all belong"...

Leading us in the final chapter with grandfatheraleister to ABC Salvage in Reston, Virginia...

Yes, we end up in a garbage dump with Charles Manson, who actually sang
You could feed the world with my garbage dump
What an unfortunate tie-in Grandfather gives us on our way to the center of the circle...

Which is oh, so reminiscent of Paul McCartney's video of "The World Tonight"...

And the brain can't help but make connections. It is the way we are wired, I'm afraid. Maybe that's why we ended up in that garbage dump. We could stop here, but the obsession continues as we play with anagrams for the phrase "ABC Salvage, Reston" and come up with "Clone at bass grave," which of course leads the brain back to this...

It is usually at this point where the jokester says, "Nothing to see here, move along." But I think that line is trumped by grandfatheraleister's question in the description of the last video: "How long are you going to keep playing your part in their game?"
How long indeed...

Note: For an exhaustive analysis of the symbolism in the movie the Shining, check out this blog on the subject.


  1. They're giving the game away - hey - hey

  2. Anonymous said...

    They're giving the game away - hey - hey

    October 24, 2008 9:02 AM

    It really seems that way!


  4. spilled my drink watching all these vids, spooky .seems plaanned too,
    you cant tell me these guys arent in cahoots with the multirelease of all these videos

  5. Anonymous said...

    October 24, 2008 12:13 PM

    ya! full moon brings them out

  6. Taf wrote
    Leading us in the final chapter with grandfatheraleister to ABC Salvage in Reston, Virginia... "Clone at bass grave,"

    omg, thts a interesting anagram.
    i wondered why gfa kept playing that clip over and over and over again. now i know

  7. Grandfatheraleister is making fun of Jebus which aint too cool in my book, let someone cast some of them first stones from around the majick circle at that LOONEY bastards glass house. Could someone call gramps and ask for my kitchen sink back? It was in my kitchen last night, and when I woke up it was GONE! Now I see he has used it, as well as every other kitchen sink that could be used. Full moon brings the LUNE-IES, you can hear Pink Floyd singing
    "The lunatics are in my head.."

  8. 40°46'35"N 73°58'34"W
    Dakota Building

  9. Brain Damage
    (Waters) 3:50

    The lunatic is on the grass.
    The lunatic is on the grass.
    Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.
    Got to keep the loonies on the path.

    The lunatic is in the hall.
    The lunatics are in my hall.
    The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
    And every day the paper boy brings more.

    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

  10. And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
    You shout and no one seems to hear.
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

    Just like the Beatles

  11. Who is Jebus?

    I've heard of Jesus, but not Jebus.
    Could you, in your hateful stupor, please clarify?

  12. "There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

  13. Anonymous said...

    Who is Jebus?

    Actually this term is often used as an attempt to AVOID controversy. This is from one of those urban dictionaries:

    Variant of Jesus, used because it's less offensive.

    Originated from The Simpsons. Generally used by the general public and webcomic authors so as not to spark religious debate. It does not "use the Lord's name in vain," and gets the message across.

    I personally am okay with it being used here.

  14. from that website taf mentioned about the shining

    "It’s similar to the clues to Paul’s death on Beatles albums and Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” synchronizing with The Wizard of Oz. Both are suspected but have never been admitted to by the artists, were well hidden, and discovered by fans."

    almost spilled my drink again. freaky lunch break friday. neo matrix cubical action starting

  15. I will return your kitchen sink a little later tonight once I am done washing my laundry in it. I had a little accident in my trowsers when I jumped the shark a few videos ago. I shouldn't play dead, and really shouldn't PLAY DUMB.
    I know this for certain.
    My plastic JEBUS on the dashboard of my Volkswagon Beatle told me.
    Or MikeNL wrote it to me in comment.
    I can't remember.
    How does he always know when a video is coming out and comment first?
    He is my best friend. That's why.
    We may be the same person. YOUNEVERKNOW231

  16. Mike stills sucks, whatever you want to call him.

  17. Iamaphoney just called about my latest video that Paul paid for.

    He said...


    He is pretty mad. Almost lost my job at the Rotten Apple. Almost lost my glass house.

    They will let me keep my secret decoder ring however.

    And a brand new tinfoil hat every friday before a full moon.

    But that is required by law so they really didn't leave me much. Mom won't let me live in the basement anymore, MikeNL is always bumming euros and wants a ride everywhere, YKMN231 wants more pithy declarative sentences for my video descriptions,
    and Jude takes a vicious swing at me and tells me to fuck off every time we go out to dinner with Mr. Lennon, so you might say I have hit rock bottom. Need to talk to Vince about bankruptcy and how to start that proceeding, but I borrowed one of his Venture Bros. DVD and never returned it so he probably won't talk to me either. Last time I slept on Jude's couch I woke up with him starring at me and he said "Why did you leave the toilet seat up? Are you trying to kill me?" He had a cricket bat and I feared for my life.
    How was I to know that he pissed sitting down?

    ANYWAYS, Now I know better, and every single video from now on will be suitcasecentric. More suitcases then you could possibly fit in a Miles Deo 20 second movie. Suitcase-centric all the way.

    Matter of fact.... Great title!
    coming to youtube video soon!

  18. this guy is the don rickles of PID, talk to Vince about booking you in Vegas


  19. Why are you trying to piss everyone off? You pretty much included the "kitchen sink" in your festering rant!
    You must not have a job, or a family, or a girlfriend, to be so hateful!

  20. Number 9.... Number 9....

    Nine sheep!

  21. grandfatherTAFultonNL?


  22. iamahacker strikes again it looks like, they hacked into GFA's page and erased all the video's replacing them with a Sesame street video about 9 sheep

    Did anyone save the new vid taf mentioned? Could you mirror it mikey if you saved it?

  23. Someone needs to get their lawn mowed, more likely.

  24. pid has become professional wrestling


  25. they keep jumping the shark like this one of these times..... just saying...
    they may fall in

  26. Lily:

    the virgin? or is lily a symbol of high eroticism and sexuality.

  27. " Anonymous said...

    they keep jumping the shark like this one of these times..... just saying...
    they may fall in

    October 24, 2008 1:50 PM"

    NOOOOOOOO... Actually GFA will then find a way to tie in Steven Speilberg's movie JAWS into the paranoid crap. He already used Close Enocounters of the Third Kind.

    It is a little know fact that the JAWS robotic shark used the engine from a Volkswagen Beetle in it.

    Google that shit! IT'S TRUE!

    That to me smacks of high level masonic conspiracy. May just as well had the damn Abby road 28if car under the waves with a shark fin on top as deadly as that sun of a bitchen car is!

    Roy Scheider will look at the camera and say "We're going to need a bigger video" to contain all the bat shit crazy lunatic crap all these people are cranking out.

    PAUL IS ALIVE people.



  29. Why are you yelling all the time? Do you feel small?

  30. "That to me smacks of high level masonic conspiracy. May just as well had the damn Abby road 28if car under the waves with a shark fin on top as deadly as that sun of a bitchen car is!"

    Speaking of MASONIC conspiracy... Look at the album "Dark Side of the Moon". Look who wrote several of the songs on the album.

    Speak to Me
    (Mason) 1:16

    (Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour) 7:06

    Any Colour You Like
    (Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 3:25


    There! That proves this whole sheebang! Tavistock masonic beatle manipulation


  31. "The Great Gig in the Sky
    (Wright) 4:44

    "And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I
    don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?
    There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."

    "If you can hear this whispering you are dying."

    "I never said I was frightened of dying."

  32. I hope everyone realizes that the person posting here as GFA is spelling his name incorrectly.

    I will say again that dissenting views are respected here. Please engage in conversation and stop attacking my site. I have not done anything to invite this kind of disrespect.

  33. Al, dear, tell your little friends goon night, it's time for the early bird special.

  34. it really is a full moon is it not? man the jerks are starting early with the party favors

  35. "Tafultong said...

    I hope everyone realizes that the person posting here as GFA is spelling his name incorrectly. "

    Someone earlier thought that GFA site was hacked, it actually is a "joke" site someone did several months ago
    Notice that the letters are switched

    grandfatheraleister-RIGHT "EI" grandfatheraliester-WRONG "IE"

    GFA site still up, and videos are still there

  36. "grandfatheraliester said...

    "That to me smacks of high level masonic conspiracy. May just as well had the damn Abby road 28if car under the waves with a shark fin on top as deadly as that sun of a bitchen car is!"

    Speaking of MASONIC conspiracy... Look at the album "Dark Side of the Moon". Look who wrote several of the songs on the album.

    Speak to Me
    (Mason) 1:16

    (Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour) 7:06

    Any Colour You Like
    (Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 3:25


    There! That proves this whole sheebang! Tavistock masonic beatle manipulation


    I will return your kitchen sink a little later tonight once I am done washing my laundry in it. I had a little accident in my trowsers when I jumped the shark a few videos ago. I shouldn't play dead, and really shouldn't PLAY DUMB.
    I know this for certain.
    My plastic JEBUS on the dashboard of my Volkswagon Beatle told me.
    Or MikeNL wrote it to me in comment.
    I can't remember.
    How does he always know when a video is coming out and comment first?
    He is my best friend. That's why.
    We may be the same person. YOUNEVERKNOW231

    October 24, 2008 1:05 PM

    grandfatheraliester said...

    Iamaphoney just called about my latest video that Paul paid for.

    He said...


    He is pretty mad. Almost lost my job at the Rotten Apple. Almost lost my glass house.

    They will let me keep my secret decoder ring however.

    And a brand new tinfoil hat every friday before a full moon.

    But that is required by law so they really didn't leave me much. Mom won't let me live in the basement anymore, MikeNL is always bumming euros and wants a ride everywhere, YKMN231 wants more pithy declarative sentences for my video descriptions,
    and Jude takes a vicious swing at me and tells me to fuck off every time we go out to dinner with Mr. Lennon, so you might say I have hit rock bottom. Need to talk to Vince about bankruptcy and how to start that proceeding, but I borrowed one of his Venture Bros. DVD and never returned it so he probably won't talk to me either. Last time I slept on Jude's couch I woke up with him starring at me and he said "Why did you leave the toilet seat up? Are you trying to kill me?" He had a cricket bat and I feared for my life.
    How was I to know that he pissed sitting down?

    ANYWAYS, Now I know better, and every single video from now on will be suitcasecentric. More suitcases then you could possibly fit in a Miles Deo 20 second movie. Suitcase-centric all the way.

    Matter of fact.... Great title!
    coming to youtube video soon!

    October 24, 2008 1:31 PM

    Dude, please go away
    You are not even trying anymore are you?

  37. "Tafultong said...

    I hope everyone realizes that the person posting here as GFA is spelling his name incorrectly.

    I will say again that dissenting views are respected here. Please engage in conversation and stop attacking my site. I have not done anything to invite this kind of disrespect.

    October 24, 2008 2:13 PM"

    sorry Taf i will stop, you are right these people are nuts, paul is ALIVE
    thank you for asking nicely

    grandMOLESTERaliester out

  38. tfltng!
    seems like spammers are having fun, ehh?
    all my respect to you, Tafultong!

  39. well said Tafultong!

  40. spammers were kinda funny tonight


  42. Do you write in CAPS because you have a small penis? ( just askin') or is there a revelation to follow?

  43. Is that overhead circle shot culled from "The Last Temptation of Christ"? From the desert meditation scene? If so, it would be an interesting play on mirroring/reversing the "Celestine Prophecy" thread that pops up every once in a while. i.e. Paul's not really dead, but what if???

  44. Well said Tafultong but by now even you must know that the majority of PIDers are under the age of 18 and therefore find this sort of thing hilarious. What is said in the comments here is identical to the braindead pap on any video game blog or forum populated by teens anywhere on the net. That doesn't make it any less annoying but that is indeed the audience for this kind of thing. Isn't IAAP's #1 fan 17 years old? That speaks volumes for all of this (and I mean no disrespect to Mikenl who is just a fan and gets unfairly trashed here...I'm just sayin' that generally teenagers are not known for their maturity level).

  45. Well, I love to talk to teenagers about this stuff. Many have given me unique insights about this and conspiracy theories in general. I was on the receiving end of a Tupac history/mystery lesson recently, which featured many similar elements to what we have here. I just have a problem with unprovoked attacks by people of any age.

  46. Taf, did you plan this post with these guys videos? It amazing how fast everything came togeter, well done how fast you make sense of it all! Are you a knower of what they do?

  47. Are you a knower of what they do?

    October 24, 2008 7:19 PM

    R U a knower of engrish?
    Taf is IFONY/GFA/MlesdEO All of em
    That how he knows! Ask him, he say "I AM HE"

  48. taf is a fast video editor as well!

  49. Man, not only a fast writer but a good video dude too, he is a triple threat! Write, vid, and a great singer/dancer.

    Much like MikeNL, IMHO

  50. R U a knower of engrish?
    Taf is IFONY/GFA/MlesdEO All of em
    That how he knows! Ask him, he say "I AM HE"

    October 24, 2008 7:29 PM

    buddy, this blog is worldwide
    i seriously would like to see you try to talk in anyother language then english. Some smart smart people are here, and your hate does not even hold a candle to their abilities. It is easier to burn down a house with a match then it is to build a house, its easy for you to be mean and critical. How about trying to help here, or go away.
    Maybe you could spend your hate time learning a new language, and then go on a blog in some far off land and see how they will be accepting of you, not spiteful like you are.

  51. Do they have iamaphoney blogs in far off lands?

  52. buddy, pick a different hobby besides meanness and iamaphoney ok. its really old. and really silly.

  53. Much like MikeNL, IMHO

    October 24, 2008 7:32 PM

    Mike writes?

  54. Mike writes?

    October 24, 2008 7:40 PM

    Mike sings?

  55. Mike sings?

    October 24, 2008 7:40 PM

    Mike DANCES?

  56. Mike DANCES?

    October 24, 2008 7:41 PM

    like the wind honey

  57. maybe Mike is Tafultong? or they could be a duo, like Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin

    Taf is Dean Martin, suave
    Mike is Lewis, always falling down

  58. Johnny said...

    buddy, pick a different hobby besides meanness and iamaphoney ok. its really old. and really silly.

    October 24, 2008 7:39 PM

    johnny your down home folksy wisdom has given me a change of heart.

    Going to learn Mandarin Chinese and go on the "Mao is Dead" website and try my luck over there.

    Believe it or not, there are quite a few clues he is really dead, despite his picture being up everywhere in public places and his books still being published in China.

    Maybe I can connect Paul is Dead with Mao is dead, as John Lennon sang "But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow"

    There are a lot of Chinese people, and maybe some of them will think I am funny, and invite me over for fortune cookies, you never invited me over for squirrel did you? Where are your manners!

    Your buddy hayseed basic country fairness won the day. You are right,I am really silly and this is really old.

    Good day sir!

  59. Thanks. I did have to be a fast writer today because I had so much on the agenda. Jumping on the new releases isn't hard when you subscribe to all of them. I actually missed one (actually more than one) by the ever prolific Sunssoul. I think he is doing 2 or 3 videos a day lately.

  60. "and invite me over for fortune cookies"

    That is racist!

  61. Anonymous said...

    "and invite me over for fortune cookies"

    That is racist!

    October 24, 2008 7:56 PM

    i eat bagels, does that make me a.... er... wait.....

  62. 〰 〱 〲 〳 〴 〵 〶 〷 〸 〹
    ア ィ イ ゥ ウ ェ エ ォ オ カ ガ
    亣 交 亥 亦 产 亨 亩 亪 享 京

    Mao is dead,

    going to see if I can "make it" with a girl in china while carrying a picture of Chairman Mao.

  63. 亣 交 亥 亦 产 亨 亩 亪 享 京 said...

    〰 〱 〲 〳 〴 〵 〶 〷 〸 〹
    ア ィ イ ゥ ウ ェ エ ォ オ カ ガ
    亣 交 亥 亦 产 亨 亩 亪 享 京

    Mao is dead,

    going to see if I can "make it" with a girl in china while carrying a picture of Chairman Mao.

    October 24, 2008 8:03 PM

    Dont you know its gonna be....

  64. coo-coo

    all of you.

  65. You lost your love, nor you never had it.

    GFA, despite me not watching his new video is trying to tell you some truth. By reading some of these comments, even if it isn't the one and only GFA, OPEN YOUR EYES.

  66. And it appears YKMN has deleted most of his videos.


  67. "More suitcases then you could possibly fit in a Miles Deo 20 second movie"

    More fake photoshops? More serial-garbage? More lies from a patho-non-european-non-60-year-old who sits in the southeast in his early/mid 30's and enjoys lying to people - passing off his garbage as "art".

    Miles calls that shit "art".

    We know its you that post at least ten times, replying to your shit acting like 9 different anon's who admire you. Your that pathetic and your blog sucks that bad. I've crapped art prettier that gamedeo.

  68. "Alcohol and reefer is a hell of drug"

    So I bought myself some guns

  69. ::Anonymous said...
    from that website taf mentioned about the shining

    "It’s similar to the clues to Paul’s death on Beatles albums and Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” synchronizing with The Wizard of Oz. Both are suspected but have never been admitted to by the artists, were well hidden, and discovered by fans."::

    Here is something interesting all should read:

    The Wizard of Oz
    Posted March 5th, 2008 by usavsus

    People cannot say that they did not receive Notice. Notice is given sometimes by books or movies such as the "Wizard of Oz" (1939), "The Matrix" (1998), "'V' for Vendetta," (March 17, 2006) and "The Truman Show" (1998) staring Jim Carrey whereby Truman (Carrey)discovers the Truth and finds a way out of the corporation that intended to take care of all his needs from cradle to grave in exchange for his life in the fiction world.

    Herein lies a study of the "Wizard of Oz" in which Notice was given and remains current even to this day. The following is from the Library of Halexandria :

    The Wizard of Oz

    The Wizard of Oz was produced as a motion picture in 1939 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. (Book by L. Frank Baum; Adaption by Noel Langley; Screenplay by Florence Ryerson, Noel Langley, and Edgar Allan Woolf; Lyrics by E. Y. Harburg; Produced by Mervyn LeRoy; Directed by Victor Fleming.)

    Many people believe that The Wizard of Oz was (and is) an allegory for the radically new state of affairs that existed in America in the 1930s, following the stock market crash and the bankruptcy of the United States Government which occurred immediately thereafter. For all extents and purposes, it can still be viewed as the current state of affairs, inasmuch as the allegorical nature, the clues strewn throughout the story, are still relevant today. The authors of Redemption in Law, Theory and Practice [BBC of America, 2000] have, for example, provided an interesting interpretation of the story of The Wizard of Oz, one which bears a considerable amount of attention being paid. Much of what follows, comes from pages 180 to 185 of their book.

    The initial setting of the story is, of course, Kansas, the geographical center of the USA, and the symbol for the heartland of America. The tornado (twister) that arrives is all about the whirling confusion that existed after the stock market crash, the theft of the country’s gold, the US Bankruptcy, and the Great Depression. The twister takes Dorothy and her dog, Toto, into a new, artificial dimension, above the solid ground of Kansas. Upon their arrival, Dorothy notes: “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

    Right on, Dorothy. After the bankruptcy, Kansas was no longer “Kansas”, but now “KS”, an artificial corporate venue of the bankrupt US, a newly established “federal territory”, and part of the “Federal Zone”. Dorothy and Toto were “in this state”, which according to Redemption in Law, implies they were for tax jurisdiction purposes in the “District of Columbia” (aka “United States”) -- whereas Kansas is not included in “this state”, “KS” is.

    One of the first entities Dorothy met was the Scarecrow, who represented the legal Straw Man which had been created as an artificial aspect of the former American sovereigns. The legal term, Straw Man, describes a fictitious or artificial person created by law at one’s birth via the inscription in all-capital letters on the birth document/certificate -- the latter being document of title and a negotiable instrument. It is allegedly by way of the Straw Man that the creditors of the US Bankruptcy can so effectively (and legally?) take for their own use the benefits of individuals’ labor, creativity, talents, and productivity.

    In the movie the Scarecrow, describes his straw-man persona by noting: “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Of course, I’m not bright about doing things.”

    The Scarecrow then succinctly describes himself in the classic song, “If I Only Had a Brain.” The lyrics include: “I’d unravel every riddle, For every ‘individdle,’ In trouble or in pain.”

    The translation is that for every individual, who discovers the existence of his or her legal Straw Man, all political and legal mysteries, complexities, and confusions begin to be resolved. And once that same individual takes legal title to his or her Straw Man, he or she can protect themselves from legal trouble or legal damage.

    The Tin Man arrives next on the scene. I.e. the “T-I-N” (Taxpayer Identification Number) Man is a hollow man of metal, a “vessel” or “vehicle”, the newly created commercial code words for the Straw Man. Just as the Scarecrow/Straw Man has no brain, the Tin Man has no heart. Both are “artificial persons”. Natural person are created by nature or God, while artificial persons are created by human laws, for the purposes of society/government (“bodies politic” or “corporations”).

    One of the definitions in Webster’s Dictionary is “counterfeit”. Thus the Tin Man might also represent the mechanical and heartless aspect of commerce and commercial law. As they are reputed to say in the Mafia: “Nothing personal, it’s just business.”

    The Tin Man also carries an ax. Did you ever wonder about that? The ax is a traditional symbol for that which is above a King. In this case, commercial law, i.e. Corporate Rule is above the sovereign! It’s not a nice connotation -- any more than the “Axis Powers” of World War II included Nazi Germany, Italy (a fascist state) and Japan; or the more recent “Axis of Evil”, coined by President George Bush in 2002, but curiously not yet applied to Cheney, Ashcroft and himself -- the ABC’s of such.

    The Tin Man, expressing relief after Dorothy had oiled his arm, said: “I’ve held that ax up for ages.” And perhaps he is still having to do so. For the symbol for fascism is the “fasces”, a bundle of rods with an ax bound up in the middle, but with its blade projecting. This fasces may be found on the American Mercury-head Dime (the Roman deity Mercury was the God of Commerce), and on the wall behind, and on each side of, the speaker’s podium in the US Senate (each gold fasces being approximately six feet in height). At the base of the podium of the seal of the US Senate are two crossed fasces. Hmmmm...

    Dorothy, the Scarecrow and Tin Man are soon joined by the Cowardly Lion. Known as the “king of the beasts”, it’s surprising to find one so cowardly. It appears to represent the once-fearless American people who had lost their courage, the courage to denounce the US Bankruptcy, and inform its creditors that they were not the chattel that could be used as collateral for the moneys allegedly owed. Of course, dealing with the IRS tends to leave most of us in the cowardly state; but that is due in large part to the heartless, brainless actions of an organization operating strictly under the laws of Commerce.

    In order for Dorothy and the gang to find the Wizard (the supposed answer to their prayers), they had to “follow the yellow brick road.” In other words, follow the money -- the trail of the gold taken from America -- and find who had absconded with it.

    It’s important to recall from the beginning of the movie, that the Wizard was represented by a traveling mystic, a “Professor Marvel,” whom Dorothy had first encountered when she ran away with Toto. The Professor’s shingle claimed that he was “Acclaimed by the Crowned Heads of Europe, Past, Present, and Future.”

    That’s quite a claim -- to include the future -- but seems well justified in that the Wizard is still acclaimed by the “crowned heads of Europe.” Before the Banksters looted America, they had already disempowered the monarchies of Europe and looted their kingdoms. And with a human skull atop the perch above the door to his wagon, the Wizard began to lecture Dorothy about the priests of Isis and Osiris and the days of Egypt’s pharaohs.

    Between 1916 and 1933, most of America’s gold was rounded up -- aided by President Franklin Roosevelt (whose physical problems may well have symbolized America’s “crippled state”). The gold went to The Federal Reserve private Bank, and was shipped off by the Fed owners to England and Germany. This was accomplished because of the fact Federal Reserve Notes could be redeemed in gold, and their use carried an interest penalty that could also only be paid in gold. The US traded its gold for paper, while its previous currency, United States Notes, carried no such interest requirement. When the US Bankruptcy was declared in 1993, there was the added caveat that all Americans were required to turn in all gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates by May 1 --

    Our heroine was Dorothy Gale. Did you know her last name? Or that a gale, with the impact of water as well as wind, is considered potentially more powerful than a tornado? In any case, when she and her friends emerged from the forest, they were elated to see the Emerald City only a short distance away. The Wicked Witch of the West, desperate for the ruby slippers that Dorothy was wearing, knew she had to make her move before Dorothy and the others were inside the walls of Emerald City. But what was so special about Dorothy’s slippers? Was the Wicked Witch an earlier version of Emelda Marcus? Or something else?

    Obviously, Dorothy’s red-colored, ruby slippers were the same color as blood, as in flesh and blood, thus symbolizing a living, breathing man or woman -- i.e. a non-corporation, a natural person. As such her slippers also symbolized “private” as opposed to “public”. (Even a Social InSecurity card uses a red serial number, signifying the private-side account and its attachment to the public-side.) It is likely the ruby slippers symbolized the blood in the veins of the American people -- as opposed to “citizens of the United States”, where the blue and black ink on a birth certificate is the “corporate blood”. The Wicked Witch wanted the life blood of the living human beings -- not just their Straw Men.

    Her tactic was to cover the countryside with poppy flowers -- i.e. the source of heroin, opium, and morphine -- symbolically drugging Dorothy, et al into unconsciousness, and then just step in and snatch the slippers. I.e. dull the senses of the American people and then slip in and swipe the gold.

    The drugging worked on Dorothy, the Lion and Toto, the flesh and blood friends, but did not effect the artificial persons of the Scarecrow and Tin Man. The latter two cried out for help, and the Good Witch of the North came to the rescue with a blanket of snow to nullify the narcotic effect of the poppies on Dorothy, the Lion and Toto. [So, who’s the “Good Witch of the North”? Perhaps, that remains to be seen.]

    The identity of the Wicked Witch of the West is pretty clear. Recall that her counterpart in the first part of the film was “Almira Gulch”, who supposedly “owned half the county” (or perhaps half the country). Miss Gulch had arrived at Dorothy’s farm with an “Order from the Sheriff” (an Executive Order from President Roosevelt?) demanding that Toto be handed over, because allegedly he had bitten Miss Gulch.

    Despite Aunt Em’s assertion about Toto (“He’s really gentle, with gentle people, that is.”) Miss Gulch pressed her case saying that to withhold Toto would be to “go against the law”. When Dorothy refused to surrender toto, Miss Gulch lashed out with, “If you don’t hand over that dog I’ll bring a damned suit that’ll take your whole farm!”

    70% of the attorneys in the world reside in the West -- America. 95% of all lawsuits in the world are filed under US jurisdiction. The Wicked Witch of the West (Miss Gulch) was dressed in black, the choice of color for judges’ robes. Thus she represents judges and attorneys, essentially the American legal system (including the attorney-run US Congress). These are the executioners and primary henchmen for transferring the wealth of America from the people to the banksters.

    The “Bar” has a curious history. It represents the body of attorneys, counselors, judges and the members of the legal profession. It has been alleged that Black’s Law Dictionary, for example, is copyrighted British law and that the so-called American Bar Association is a branch or subset of the Bar Council (the sole bar association in England and Wales). As the copyrighted property of a British company, all state Codes in the US are commercial, private British-owned law. Attorneys may be even worse, if possible, than we thought!

    Apparently, the Wicked Witch of the West is nothing more than an operative of the “crowned heads of Europe” (who are owned by the Banksters), and desperately wanted not only the precious metals of America, but the life blood of America’s labor. Her counterpart, of course, wanted to take Toto. The word, Toto, comes from the phrase, “in toto”, which according to Black’s Law Dictionary (the British “rule book”) is: “in the whole, completely.” In other words, she wanted everything!

    Once Dorothy and the gang had encountered the mighty Wizard of Oz, they initially fell for the illusion. But with Toto’s aid in pulling back the curtain, they quickly realized the Wizard was nothing more than a con man. Even when he supposedly helped Scarecrow about getting a “brain”, he cited “the land of ‘E Pluribus Unum,’”, which is Latin for “one out of many.” This phrase appears of the American One Dollar Bill, but might be thought of as “converting the many into one”, i.e. establishing a “New World Order”.

    The Wizard was also supposedly amenable to taking Dorothy back in his balloon, but ended up leaving her behind. Fortunately, the Good Witch of the North (Santa Claus?), stepped in to tell Dorothy, “You don’t need to be helped. You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas.” All she had to do was to use her slippers!

    The contention is that everyone has the right and power to reclaim their Sovereignty, but just forgot. The actual act of reclamation -- the Remedy and Recourse, is telling the Banksters that you are no longer collateral, i.e. filing with a Secretary of State. Because the IRS (Infernal Revenue Service) is an accountancy firm and collection agency for the private Federal Reserve Bank, having been constituted under the UCC at its inception in 1954 (and operating strictly in that realm ever since), filing or not filing income tax returns becomes an interesting study in itself. Just be sure to do your own research!

    The title of the movie also carries a message. A “wizard”, of course, is “a very clever or skillful person.” “Oz” on the other hand is an abbreviation for “ounces”, which is always the unit of measurement for gold, silver, and other precious metals. Even for large quantities of gold, etceteras, the amount is expressed in million ounces of gold, and not tons or pounds.

    In the end, Dorothy (i.e. the American people) and Toto made it home. There is, in fact, Remedy and Recourse in law. It’s there, disguised, camouflaged, encoded. (Why do you think States call their statutory laws, “codes” and not laws?) It’s a matter of learning the law. All of it. It’s the necessary condition for becoming sovereign once again.

    Unless, of course, you’d prefer to continue to be conned by the Banksters.

    The Wizard of Oz is really a delightful movie. The fact that it symbolizes one of the worst episodes in the world’s history of the denial of freedom or justice, should not be construed to imply that the movie and story are not entertaining. In fact, once the symbolic nature is seen and understood, it is a simple step to smile, take the next step to go beyond it, and go forth as if you knew where you were going. It’s all just part of The Fool’s Journey, and the strange path we have each chosen to fulfill our diverse and unique destinies.

    We always have that choice! It’s called Free Will.

    Meanwhile, it is worth while recalling the sage advice of Lao Tzu (c. 600 B.C.E.) and more recently and succinctly in our Oz analogy, Frank Zappa (May 1977):

    "The more prohibitions there are, the poorer the people will be."

    "The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see a brick wall at the back of the theater.


  70. Originated from The Simpsons. Generally used by the general public and webcomic authors so as not to spark religious debate. It does not "use the Lord's name in vain," and gets the message across.

    It's in that episode where Homer licks a toad and Marge says, "Hello, hello... Is there anybody IN THERE?" from "The Wall"!


  71. Thanks,Tygrefyfe!
    Killer analogy of "The Wiz"!
    I've been waiting for someone to put that piece of 'entertainment' in such terms!


  72. Absolutely amazing, Tygrefyfe. Could you post the source please?

    Maybe PID is going to the same way...

  73. "Paul is Dead" is not even half way complete (when it comes to the collective knowledge here and other places.. even locations.)

    2008 is not the End, and 2009 is but another beginning.

    I tell you the truth, you have plenty more to see.. all in due time.


  74. "'Spect you're all wondering where I've been!"
    Watched "Salo", unfortunately, no subtitles. Could'nt understand most of it. Of, course, I understood "Manga!", when the kids were forced to eat shit!
    Turner Classic Movie showed "200 Motel" last night...
    A happier Ringo I haven't seen in along time.


  75. The other Oz theory is that is represented the movement to move off the gold standard, gold being weighed by the ounce ("Oz"). The scarecrow was the American farmer, the Tin Man the steel industry, the lion corporate America, or something like that. Baum denied all that, saying "Oz" came from his filing cabinet, alphabetized letters o-z.

  76. Miles Denton Oliver said...

    "Paul is Dead" is not even half way complete (when it comes to the collective knowledge here and other places.. even locations.)

    2008 is not the End, and 2009 is but another beginning.

    I tell you the truth, you have plenty more to see.. all in due time.


    I like when Miles speaks in full sentences! Please continue!

  77. Maybe this is related to Oz:

    The Liber Oz, by Aleister Crowley

  78. cool oz article thanks!

