Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Channel, New Suitcase Video

A new video called "Suitcase Catcher" appeared today on a new account called STRAWBERRYFlELDS

MikeNL answered affirmatively when a reader asked if this was a genuine account. The channel's background image is shown below.

The same video appeared on another Iamaphoney alias channel, THEKINGOFCOSMANIA, with the title "Suitcase Warrior."

I'm pretty sure the two videos are the same although the total time for "Suitcase Catcher" is 1:03 and the total time for "Suitcase Warrior" is 1:02. The description for both is "let it out" and the tags are "berlin iamaphoney."


  1. I'm thinking this guy is nuts. Why bother uploading the same freaking video to multiple accounts? Who cared the first time?

  2. suitcase catcher
    Views: 58
    Comments: 3

    58 people cared....

  3. How does MikeNL know its genuine?

  4. Anonymous said...
    How does MikeNL know its genuine?

    October 21, 2008 10:42 PM




  5. 58 people cared....

    October 21, 2008 10:41 PM

    i watched it 5 times, so not quite 58 people.

  6. I watched a few times as well

  7. Seriously thank you MikeNL we would be lost without you. You are like the intercessory Priest between us and god

  8. intercessory Priest?

  9. glad the discussion is back on Mikey

  10. How does MikeNL know its genuine? I would really like to know that!

    I think the new videos are both FAKE!

    They are either re-edits by others or IAAP has run out of ideas. BORING!

  11. its not genuine! http://www.youtube.com/user/uknomemta
    is friends with kingofcosmania, ROTTENAPPLEARMY, and MikeyNL1038

    stop it mike!

  12. there are simple ways which show that its genuine. usually the pictures, and just clues on their member page. just like IAAP has the 'calendar' down the side of his.

    and yeah, i know people will ask things like "what kind of clues?" and "what are these simple things?"
    and all i can say to that is..

    sometimes you've gotta follow your hunch ;)

  13. lol, i have a lot of friends on youtube..
    that doesn't mean a lot.

    stop it anonymous!

  14. Well, let's face, Phoney has made something like 15 videos and the rest are re-edits. I think we all know what a new video from Phoney will look like by now. . .

  15. yeah but remember: Nothing is real!

    and: I am NOT the pieman, i am homer simpsons!

  16. no new nothing, a desparate attempt to look current? maybe Bern was right, and phoney is in Finland locked up.

  17. I had suspicions about this new video too, but it's appearance on THEKINGOFCOSMANIA channel caused me to lean toward MikeNL's conclusion, although I don't know how he was so certain about it. Either way, it doesn't look like anyone is impressed with this video.

  18. "I had suspicions about this new video too, but it's appearance on THEKINGOFCOSMANIA channel caused me to lean toward MikeNL's conclusion, although I don't know how he was so certain about it. Either way, it doesn't look like anyone is impressed with this video."

    Not even Jude, who used to scream a 'fuck you' at anybody who critisized Iamaphoney? Not even Mike? thats lame. no more fun if everybody agrees that IAAP is a fucking boring hoaxer

  19. Is there anybody who can write what's in the picture? I can't decipher any of it. I would appreciate your help.

  20. when it's a beam? (not dream)

  21. talismand said...

    Is there anybody who can write what's in the picture? I can't decipher any of it. I would appreciate your help.

    It appears to be an early draft of lyrics to "Strawberry Fields Forever." In fact, it contains the lines that songbooks and even the lyrics in the Beatles 1967-1970 Album seem to always have wrong.

  22. You know, time grows old in reverse...

  23. Anonymous said...

    when it's a beam? (not dream)

    Yes, what appears to be "beam" is on the lyrics photograph. You can find it independently here.

  24. Ok, thank you Taf!

  25. like all material the phoney uses, it comes from the internet, not from "mals evans suitcase". phoney=phony

  26. I think its almost time for a semi-permanent break from this mess. Maybe wait about 6 months, then come back later to see that jach shit still hasnt happened, and "suitcases still on location" (besides the cases that were picked up by homeless people who stumbled across them, and are then using them as pillows).

  27. Really, guys, what difference does it make if the video is officially from IAAP or someone else? If it turned out some or all the IAAP videos were by someone other than IAAP, it's irrelevant because there's nothing of any substantive value in 90% of them anyway. If you can't tell who made it, if you don't know what any of them mean, if none of them mean anything, what difference?

    I've given in to temptation and watched every single video, even those from the puppet accounts, but after doing this a million times I've decided not to bother--I already know what will and won't be in them. It's just like tuning in to a soap opera every week--just getting strung along without any resolution.

  28. "Maybe wait about 6 months, then come back later to see that jach shit still hasnt happened, and "suitcases still on location"

    Many people tried this back in early 2008 when everyone thought the big revelation was in February. If they came back now, they'd be happy with their decision.

  29. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyD6mSD8URE

  30. good to see he's still just copying images of beatle documents to pass of as content's of his magic briefcases.

  31. There must be a reason that the netherlands boy and his numerous youtube friends are faking these vids. Did iaap quit?

  32. Open letter to NIR people RE Paul's eye color.

    Guys, you don't see true colors in those old pictures. They are lit a certain way, shot a certain way, and most importantly, PRINTED based on the specs given by the photog/printer. In the old 2-color and 4-color prints, often they went for uniformity, which is why in those old pics they all look surreal, because they aren't true colors with high saturation like you see with later pictures and digital shots. You would never want to use as a color guide old photos or even old film (Hard Day's Night shot to look noir in Black and White). Cinematographers and photogs like Robert Freeman toyed with the color palettes, like on the Rubber Soul cover--those aren't "real life" colors. Lennon was actually nearly red-haired with lots of freckles, most people would never know that from old Beatle pics. Mary Tyler Moore and Michael Fox, to give another example, are fair skinned and very very freckled in real life. I have dark brown eyes (most people think) in real life, but when in bright light (sunlight, photographer's flash) they can look pretty green, because green is part of the brown hue. People say to me all the time (in certain light), "wow, what happened to your eyes . . .they look green!"

    Just an FYI.

  33. "Tafultong said...

    I had suspicions about this new video too, but it's appearance on THEKINGOFCOSMANIA channel caused me to lean toward MikeNL's conclusion, although I don't know how he was so certain about it. "

    - Yeah why Mikenl so certain!
    WHY? Because he is in iamaphoney circle

  34. "Anonymous said...

    There must be a reason that the netherlands boy and his numerous youtube friends are faking these vids. Did iaap quit?

    October 22, 2008 2:03 PM"

    its like when jebus was crucified and the disciples carried on with the "he is risen" crap. iaap is a zombie as well, but instead of being a carpenter he was a video editor

    and his disciples are thelma koolaid drinkers from the Netherlands who know that suitcases are "still in place" and which videos are "genuine"

  35. hey man
    believe it or not the suitcases are going to change the world!

  36. You really should capitalize Jebus

  37. You really should know there is no one named Jebus.

  38. Who is your next target--the Muslims who worship "Buhammad"?

    Couldn't you find anything better to do than mock people with different religious values than your own (assuming you have any)?
    Grow up.

  39. Jude said...

    Who is your next target--the Muslims who worship "Buhammad"?

    My next target is you, as it has always been. Don't you know Jude, it always is about you?

  40. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "I had suspicions about this new video too, but it's appearance on THEKINGOFCOSMANIA channel caused me to lean toward MikeNL's conclusion, although I don't know how he was so certain about it. Either way, it doesn't look like anyone is impressed with this video."

    Not even Jude, who used to scream a 'fuck you' at anybody who critisized Iamaphoney?"


    Iamaphoney was Jebus to Jude

  41. "Iamaphoney was Jebus to Jude

    October 22, 2008 3:55 PM"

    Now its the Risen Gardener, John "Bigger then Christ" Lennon, whom Jude feels is still alive, or was given a body made of light

  42. "My next target is you, as it has always been. Don't you know Jude, it always is about you?

    October 22, 2008 3:52 PM"

    The Time is Now for an EPIC Jude Rant

    You have the floor Jude, work your Majick!

  43. Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean everything isn't about Jude

  44. ol skool jude rant guddie! roxxx!

  45. "
    Couldn't you find anything better to do than mock people with different religious values than your own (assuming you have any)?
    Grow up.

    October 22, 2008 3:43 PM"


  46. notice the time of this, kids done with school

  47. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    notice the time of this, kids done with school

    October 22, 2008 4:05 PM"

    Notice the time?
    How about notice the person involved? It's either Jude or MikeNL when this junk occurs. TYPICAL
    Where there's smoke there's fire, where there's RANT and BULLSHITE it's MikeNL and JUDE

  48. "Now its the Risen Gardener, John "Bigger then Christ" Lennon, whom Jude feels is still alive, or was given a body made of light"

    oh, that's would explain the beam thing. JL is now a Ford Taurus.

    "Oh my Ford! (obsure 1984 reference)

  49. (excuse the typos)

  50. See! Jude didn't take the bait! YOU LOSE!

  51. jebus chrystler! I meant Brave New World!
    totally fucked that up

  52. no worries, Jude will take the bait....eventually

  53. "no worries, Jude will take the bait....eventually

    October 22, 2008 4:34 PM"

    he will, because he knows, that in every way it's always about him, and it's always an attack.

  54. I hate these Double Entrendes.

  55. One wonders why yhshvh goes by that moniker, a transliteration of what in Hebrew is "Joshua," from which the name "Jesus" derives. Should we call you Jebeshua or something to that effect? Just sayin' bro.

  56. does a Jew care about Jebus?

  57. Boy that shut him up didn't it?

  58. yeah those guys can dish it out but can't take it!

  59. it's all about the Jude

  60. Anonymous said...

    Jude 1
    Them 0

    October 22, 2008 5:31 PM

    More like

    JUDE 3,000,000
    Them -3,000,000

  61. i think somebody already has the berlin suitcase.

    look on eBay. maybe somebody is trying to sell it.

  62. the comment section changed by the way, it's different...

  63. Wait . . . Jude is Jebushua?

  64. Since he's a yes man for IAAP, we'll call him "Yes-ua."

  65. The comments changed so we can track these people making strange comments. AND YOU CANT PRETEND TO BE OTHER PEOPLE

    You are so BUSTED!

  66. It is I, The Unknown Bastard, who comments on this blog. And what comment that is. A comment so hugely big that your littleness and my hugeness are like opposite poles. In any case, Iamaphoney: Stop leaving those suitcases around. I heard this would be his last suitcase, so I hope it will be, his reputation is suffering because of it. Of course, how could his reputation suffer anymore, you may ask, as that's the case: He's an idiot. I doubt HE even believes in PID. Because, how much you may dislike my conclusion, Paul is alive. Still, the man goes through great lengts to prove that PID but never ever succeeded (or will). Tafultong, I deeply respect you for this blog, I like to read it from time to time, but if I am really honest I don't think iamaphoney deserves a blog. Still, you do good research and always fascinate me. So let's start believing the truth, which is that Paul is Alive and all is well, and all will be well...in the garden...

  67. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0zXiClnK8oE

    david hasselhoff has the suitcase.

  68. another jump the shark moment brought to you by.....

  69. I can't find the suitcase on ebay Mike. Can you post a link please?

  70. I can't find the suitcase on ebay Mike. Can you post a link please?

  71. The double post was an experiment of my registration, sorry for that.

  72. there is no suitcase on ebay...

    just keep your eye open for such things, that's what i was trying to say.

  73. some keywords i try every couple of days:
    suitcase, briefcase, berlin, iamaphoney, iamaphony, mccartney briefcase, paul briefcase, iamaphoney briefcase... etc etc.

  74. "Suitcase is on ebay, for less then 150 euros"

    make up your mind

  75. that wasn't me.

    only with the orange blogger icon is me.

  76. tafultong, a lot of people think that i'm the mikenl without the blogger icon, can you please remove those? i keep seeing messages that aren't me!!!

    i'm sure Jude and others feel the same way.

  77. Mikey, it's really no big deal. There are only about 15 people in all who post under different names. The rest became disgusted with the frat house, after already giving up on IAAP's suitcases.

    Party was over about two months ago.

  78. "Blogger MikeNL said...

    i think somebody already has the berlin suitcase.
    look on eBay. maybe somebody is trying to sell it.

    October 22, 2008 6:20 PM"

    the icon is orange, it is you that said someone found it and that we should look on ebay.

    people ask questions and you answer them. You respond that the "suitcase is on location", the "youtube website is genuine", the video is "definitely genuine".

    You said that someone had the berlin suitcase, and you said to look for it on ebay. The icon is orange, it was you, Blogger MikeNL

  79. So watching an Icke video (i don't believe his rubbish, but I'm bored) it seems that every strange element of the IAAP videos has been touched on. (Mengele, pineal gland, Janus, etc)

  80. My words:
    i think somebody already has the berlin suitcase.
    look on eBay. maybe somebody is trying to sell it.

    Your intepretation:
    You said that someone had the berlin suitcase, and you said to look for it on ebay. The icon is orange, it was you, Blogger MikeNL


    Indeed, those are my words. The difference is, is that i said that i THINK somebody already has the suitcase.

    to support my thoughts: it's a well known tourist attraction, and most likely somebody picked it up already. if not, someone who works there might have picked it up.

    and if someone has that suitcase, which contains mindblowing revelations about the beatles mystery... he might want to put it on ebay.

    whoopdiedoo for me, anon!

  81. only more symbolism to be seen watching more of this [icke] video.

    now to think about it, at the same time IAAP shows McCartney with 1 reptilian eye. This is proof to me that IAAP is full of shit and just having fun with us, poking fun at tin foil hat types (I hope - yet it appears he's endorsed Obama, and earlier, Clinton.... He's a tool either way).


    Blogger MikeNL said...

    "to support my thoughts: it's a well known tourist attraction, and most likely somebody picked it up already. if not, someone who works there might have picked it up."

    Why don't you contact IAAP and ask if the suitcase is still on location?

    He/they have told you in the past.

    Now you say you "think" the suitcase has been found, and "may" be on ebay?
    Go to the source as you have so often in the past.

  83. more likely the Berlin suitcase was never actually left there, or was picked up by authorities.

  84. The Berlin suitcase would generate almost no interest on ebay.
    MikeNL couldn't even scrape up 25 euros to go get it by car, or 160 euros by train. The suitcase likely contains the same type of material as was in the first suitcase.

    Do you remember what was in the first suitcase? Do you?

  85. According to the bona fides "it is genuine" nod mikey gave that STRAWBERRYF1ELDS youtube site...

    suitcases still on locations

    Plural, as in they are all still there.

    More likely, never left in the first place.

  86. Check mikey's closet,



  87. "According to the bona fides "it is genuine" nod mikey gave that STRAWBERRYF1ELDS youtube site..."

    Didn't MikeNL also claim knowledge of a interview that never happened?
    Maybe MikeNL isn't the go to source, just a kid trying to be a part of something.

  88. I for one am glad it's the subject is back to Mikey

  89. I don't think he likes all of this attention, and that you should just leave the man alone

  90. "Didn't MikeNL also claim knowledge of a interview that never happened?"

    It will happen. He said so. MikeyNL did.
    On his personal youtube page. It just hasn't happend YET. The suitcases are dominoes, once one is found it will create a chain reaction. MikeNL the Orange said this

  91. Blogger MikeNL said...

    tafultong, a lot of people think that i'm the mikenl without the blogger icon, can you please remove those? i keep seeing messages that aren't me!!!

    i'm sure Jude and others feel the same way.

    October 23, 2008 2:21 PM"

    "tafultong said...
    Unfortunately, the comments section allows html code. As a result, anyone can write my name in blue with a link to my blog profile, which means that only I know the comment is bogus.

    If I were to try to police that for every anonymous person who drops a comment here, I would be wrong half the time and I would never have time to write another post.

    Since anybody can imitate a registered blue blogger identity, restricting the blog in that way would be a waste of time, not to mention the fact that some of the best comments come from non-registered readers. Remember Aja refused to give up her first born to obtain a blogger identity.

    I understand your frustration, but these people are doing this with the intention of ruining the conversation here. These unprovoked attacks do hurt me, but I think it is best to ignore them."

  92. iamaphoney "is a tool"

    That's funny.

  93. Miles Denton Oliver said...
    iamaphoney "is a tool"
    That's funny.

    October 23, 2008 9:26 PM

    I like when you speak in declarative sentences

  94. gramps is back with strange

  95. I still have a suitcase in Berlin
    That's why I have to go there sometime soon.
    The joys of days gone by
    Are all still in my little suitcase.

    I still have a suitcase in Berlin
    It stays there, too, and that makes sense.
    In this way it's worth a trip,
    Because whenever I'm homesick, then I go back.

  96. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKLt3n-Jy5w
