Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quick Message

Just some comments in response to some of the comments on yesterday's blog post.

1) Special thanks to those who did their own audio work to help all of us try to determine if there was really something hidden in Ringo's message.

2) The bottom line seems to be that some people hear "Iamaphoney" and some people don't. I am one of those who heard it and that's why I wrote the post.

3) Thanks to those who let us know that they did NOT hear "Iamaphoney" in the video. I appreciate your sensitivity, but please don't feel you have to apologize to me for not hearing it. I respect your honest input. It caused me to re-evaluate my own opinion.

4) For those who felt a need to psychoanalyze me and identify my motives, I would just like to say that aside from spending time doing this, I am functioning pretty well in my life. Thank you for your concern, but I feel I have been pretty clear about my motives all along.

5) The application that I used to isolate and enhance that bit of silence has a preview feature that loops. When I heard what sounded to me like "Iamaphoney" repeating over and over again, it rather blew my mind. I think I let emotions get the better of me. Plus, I was working very hard on a real life project last night and didn't have the time to really evaluate my emotional reaction critically. I still heard it and I still hear it, but I regret being so overly excited and emotional in the post.

6) I was asked the question if I really believed that Paul is dead. As I have said from the beginning, I am using this blog to investigate the Beatles Mystery. I think (not believe, but think) they did intentionally put things in their art. I also think that because of the added visual dimension, along with musical and editing talent, Iamaphoney's videos are a terrific way to point out those intentional things. I am trying to investigate the clues. Sometimes I screw up and sometimes I hit upon some good insights. Anyway, I think it's cool to have a place to research this stuff and this blog has given me an opportunity to do that. As far as really believing that Paul is dead...there are very few things that I "believe" and Paul being dead is not one of them at this time. However, the time and energy that I have put in this blog hopefully shows that the Beatles Mystery is a thing that I take very seriously.

7) I don't hear anything when I play it backwards other than the word "Serious," but I'll keep checking and approach it with an open mind (and hopefully less emotion). It's interesting that the word "serious" can be found both backwards and forwards. On one of Ringo's live albums there is a track called "The Really Serious Introduction" because of Quincy Jones' unusual word choice when introducing the All Starr Band at the Montreux Jazz Festival.

8) I don't know what the reflection is in Ringo's glasses. I don't think there was a "cameraman" because if you watch all of Ringo's video updates you will know that the remote in Ringo's left hand is what controls the zooming in and out.

9) Number nine is intentionally left blank.

Have a wonderful day, everyone. And thanks again to those who participated constructively to help me evaluate if I really was hearing what I thought I heard.


  1. Hey Taf,
    It is all good! As I have said before, I appreciate your honest approach to The Beatles Mystery. Putting aside the tom foolery that occurs here now and again when the moon rises, a person can find some very interesting information amid these pages.

  2. That AbbeyRd Beatles site reporst that the title of the video was "no more autographs" originally and then it was changed to "sorry no more signing stuff". Reading between the lines I would gather that fans have been sending Ringo personal memorabilia to sign and there's simply no way to keep up with the demand, not to mention the cost of mailing all these things back. Ringo's warning of stuff "to be tossed" if it's sent after the 20th is a clever way of saying "Hey, I'm not responsible for your missing album cover...I warned ya we would throw it out!".


  4. anonymous wrote:
    Ringo's warning of stuff "to be tossed" if it's sent after the 20th is a clever way of saying "Hey, I'm not responsible for your missing album cover...I warned ya we would throw it out!".

    That makes sense. I hope that's all it was. If I were his P.R. guy, I would advise against posting that video. Alas, if I were MY P.R. guy, I wouldn't have to backpedaling today about what I thought I heard yesterday.

  5. But I like: "Holey Moley! This is it!!"
    No need to Apollo-gise. Adds to the suspense!

  6. Well Taf, You get excited about something you feel is a new discovery and post it in spite of what you know full well may well be the aftermath.. God knows I've been there, heh.

    I don't think.. one should hold back, although at times I have, but it makes things more fun and exciting if you don't. But I'll add the caveat that one shouldn't publish one's first thought without the least bit of self editing either. Not what you did here, this was more a burst of spontaneity.

    I appreciate what you do here, just want to tell you. ;-)

  7. Anonymous said...

    But I like: "Holey Moley! This is it!!"

    Yeah, that was one of those rare occasions when I cracked myself up. See Picture

  8. False leads often present the bigger picture of discovery, Taffy . It's all good. Thanks for your hard work.

  9. that post was the good old taf-style...

    yesterday it was nir-style

  10. Jojo wrote:
    Not what you did here, this was more a burst of spontaneity.

    Guilty as charged. It was an intense feeling when I heard what I thought I heard. It wasn't that unpleasant either. Thanks for the kind words and advice.

  11. I heard it, Taffy!

  12. Indeed - the most clues are on the site - listen carefully to the lyrics of people - like Ringos video


  13. The track "People" was written about the replacement


  14. They are the eggmen

    Allow me to eloborate; if you were you view their gallery, you would see that in the third picture on the top row to the left is Faul disguies and, the Walrus,

    Not the Mention that the logo is a Walrus.

    I am, I suppose a Walrus, in that I am a student of the esoteric.


  15. I can't really put enough emphasis on People - both backwards and forwards, in lyrics, hiding clips, the meanings behind the instruments


  16. Thanks for the tips, JNB. I'll check that out.

  17. now we know what all that "face" stuff was about

  18. Even the name of the band is a play on what happened - the 'no2' is, of course a reference to the Paul's replacement and Dhani is sometimes called George's double as he is, of course an identical son to George.

    Eg the 'new' Beatle double is Dhani



  19. In fact, the album You Are Here tells most of the story

    'Another John Doe' for example is about the man who replaced Paul, as John Doe is legal jargan for a party /parties who don't want to be named, so John Doe is a name place holder if you will (hence William Campbell, Bily Shears ect , ect)

    'Hiding Out' is about hiding in plain site - the real clues - eg. not 90% of the rubbish people string together but clues in plain site

    'Crazy Tuesday' - "Stupid bloody tuesday from I Am The Walrus - more on that later

    And 'Wind Up Dead' - well, you can work that out.

    The site is literally sauturated with clues - get your mirror out.

    And listen to People - that's why it's on MP3.

