Saturday, October 11, 2008


UPDATE 2: Here is a video of the one-second snippet with a volume boost, EQ and looped. Click here for Video.

Update: Okay, here is the video with the quiet parts increased. Listen right after he says "20th of October" for the second time. I wished I could have worked with the audio more, but real life has limited my time.

It is still faint, but as I said, the first time I heard it, I almost fell over.


Excuse my language, but it has happened..

I am shaking nearly too much to type. Ringo's unusual speech patterns allowed for short pieces of silence, not only at the beginning, but interspersed along the way as well.

I made a digital recording of the entire message. If you take the silence before Ringo starts speaking in the video, there is something there in the background. I raised the volume 800% and heard an eerie rhythmical pattern of voices. I thought it must have been a television on in the background. I did the same thing to other pieces of silence in the background

If you go to the point immediately after the words "20th of October" the voices repeat as clear as a day "Iamaphoney Iamaphoney." This isn't backwards "Sleepy Red Moose" nonsense, it is as clear as a bell.

On Iamaphoney's pages, including his RINGOSTARR alias page, I have noticed a numerical sequence building 10 20 42 60. I don't know what is happening, but check out the Ringo video. Please by all means, feel free to debunk me. I am still shaking.


  1. level???

  2. Ok... Ringo seems to be behind Iamaphoney?.

  3. how can we hear this too?

  4. I tried this myself, I couldn't hear anything resembling iamaphoney being said.

  5. It is immediately after the SECOND time he says "20th of October." I'm hoping to prove it shortly.

  6. I was playing around with Ringo's speech using Audacity. I tried to cut his speaking out leaving only the in-between pauses, but I am having problems with my volume. Maybe someone else can do the same with better results.

  7. You can hear anything you want to hear. If you want to hear Iamaphoney, you'll hear it. If you want to hear Yoko saying "terribly nice" at the beginning, you can hear that as well.
    What freaked my out personnally is hearing "t zijn geesten" at the end, which means "these are ghosts" in Dutch.


  8. Why is this a shock? We knew iamaphoney's web address was the same as Ringo's PR office.

  9. "If you're trippin' on some trip, anything fits"

    John Winston O'boogie

  10. Somebody can probably do this better than me, but it should be up on YouTube shortly. I will post an update and the link as soon as it appears.

  11. I think Ringo needs to have a good talk with his son..

  12. On the Ringo site, that pic of him with glasses you can see the photographer which reminds me of the cameraman spotting in that Santa Sussana suitcase video.

  13. Well, I don't really hear it Tafultong, but either way, I am sure this will give iamaphoney some more material to work with.

  14. Here is the link to the video with audio adjustments. Ringo Video

    I wish I had time to do a better job with the audio, but I still believe I hear it right after the second time he says "20th of October."

  15. Sounds like he's in a busy cafe. You can tell by the shitty chair he's sitting in. Don't hear it Taf

  16. Listen carefully at 0:30-0:31. It's okay if you don't hear it. I need to get back to work anyway.

    When I have more time, I'll work on spin control to re-establish my credibility. But as of right now, I still hear it, but I gotta get back to work.

  17. working past midnight?


  18. note to self:

    Never try to get Ringo to act for you.

    "This is a serious message"

    His tone is silly.

  19. Okay, I slightly convinced someone in my house. Try this video with the sound boosted, EQed and looped.


    If you still don't hear it, I'm going to let it go.

  20. tafultong said...
    Okay, I slightly convinced someone in my house. Try this video with the sound boosted, EQed and looped.


    If you still don't hear it, I'm going to let it go.

    October 11, 2008 8:47 PM

    Not only do I hear it... I hear Paul saying it...

  21. Anonymous wrote:

    Not only do I hear it... I hear Paul saying it...

    (In my Jack Nicholson voice) Well, maybe I over shot, cause I was just trying to keep ya from gettin up and walkin out.

  22. You're not crazy, Tafultong. Not only do I hear it, but I also hear "and he's dead" after Ringo says the word "tossed". Also, at the very end of the video a man's voice seems to be saying "I think he's dead".

    It sure is a mysterious video..

  23. can i get a facepalm? amirite?


  25. Sorry I don't hear a damned thing just mumbling but if you notice after Ringo says "I want to tell you..." he mouths something and it appears to be edited out.
    Something is very wrong with this video and Ringo appears to be under duress to me.

  26. Did Iamaphoney set up a mailing address near Ringo's? I seem to remember he rented the next suite or something. Is it possible that someone may have intercepted Ringo's mail and sent some unwanted PID material out? That would explain why Ringo is shutting down all incoming fan mail and is vague about "any address" in the video. Maybe he's setting up a new address with better security.

  27. That was kinda uncalled for, dude.

    About the address though, he never specifies WHO's or WHO's fanmail in question.

    "He" got early warning....

  28. Look at what's underneath the video in Ringo's news secction.

    There is always the possibility that the All Starr Band photo contest he had running on his website got out of hand. Up until Friday he had been actively encouraging fans to send him photos and it may have gotten out of hand with people sending him a ton of shit.

  29. "shut up, iameye."

    what? like I wrote fucking retard to someone? hahhaahh LOL!

    not my style, but yours, obviously. Nice try.


  30. What I don't understand is, why the date? He could've just put a statement out that said something like "Sorry, due to having a lot of shit to do, I won't be able to sign stuff anymore". Why make a weird video, acting drunk and giving a definite date?

    It's odd.

  31. October 20th will mark 17 years since the Oakland Hills (California) firestorm.

    It is also the birthday of the late Ian Macmillan, photograph of the Abbey Road album cover.

    On October 20th, 1965, Yesterday/Act Naturally was certified gold in the United States.

    And on October 20th, 2008 All Together Now will be in theaters...for one day only.

  32. "what? like I wrote fucking retard to someone? hahhaahh LOL!"

    the fact that you replied so quickly sure makes it seem like it was you. it would be just like you outright call someone retarded because you strongly disagree with them.

    "hahhaahh LOL!"

    hahahahahah bitch.

  33. I think what Iamaeye means by "YOU ARE A FUCKING RETARD" is that why does it have to be Iamaphoney? There are a thousand little Iamaphoneys running around out there, convinced that The Beatles are Satan's agents and chucking suitcases into trees...

    If you think this is bad you should see all the lunatics online who think Walt Disney is an agent of Satan too.

    Get Bill King and Rip Rense to look at the video and ask the usual sources...

  34. shows how little you know about me, Jude.

    I thought you had tried to mellow out, but thanks for proving, yet again, what a complete ass you are. Thanks for the update. Always amusing to see you.


  35. Iameye:

    I have no bone to pick with you. My NIR days passed long ago, and if you and I had any quarrels back then, trust me, they are long forgotten. I have better things to do than to be forever bitter against someone else (and for what? You tell me.), but judging from your oh-so-pleasant words, you don't.

  36. And hey, not long ago I had been tempted to join in the fun at NIR once more, you know, since bygones are actually bygones where I stand and everything, but if your idea of a welcome wagon is paranoidly accusing me of something I honestly did not write (since of course only I could oppose you, and the rest of world simply MUST be in your favor!) I think I'd rather stick to lurking in the shadows and providing amusement to grudge-holders such as yourself.

  37. iameye and Jude.

    Normally I would ignore this. PLEASE, kiss and make up or go somewhere else. This is a really interesting topic and I sense a flooding of nonsense taking over anything someone might come up with about this Ringo thing because the both of you find it impossible to get along. Email each other or ignore each other or something, none of us care about who called who what when on some board. Back to Ringo, please.

  38. "shows how little you know about me, Jude.

    I thought you had tried to mellow out, but thanks for proving, yet again, what a complete ass you are. Thanks for the update. Always amusing to see you."

    fuck jude! you know who i raelly am u asshole

  39. Stop freaking me out, Ringo!! Halloween isn't for another couple o' weeks!

  40. "Normally I would ignore this. PLEASE, kiss and make up or go somewhere else."

    hahahahah they cant kiss each other!! hes a fag and shes a dyke it would never work!!!!!! lol

  41. "hahahahah they cant kiss each other!! hes a fag and shes a dyke it would never work!!!!!! lol"

    This is why I post sparingly these days. I can't get a goddamn word in before the idiots come and ruin everything..

  42. He's right, I AM A HUGE FAG!!!!!!!!

  43. and i'm a huuuuuugge hairy dyke!

  44. Thank you, Mr. Troll, for bringing your hilariously stylistic brand of bollocks back to the Iamaphoney blog once more.

    Now Tafultong, please, is there ANY way to make it so you have to be logged in to comment?

  45. Is it any wonder 'pid' is generally not taken seriously if stuff like this is supposed to warrant excitement?

  46. This is why PID will always be a laughingstock. Iamaphoney's suitcase silliness and circle jerks like we're seeing today.

  47. Wow! We read each others minds.

  48. So...anyway... The noise in the background almost sounds like a song. Like Come Together backwards or something. And I'm fully convinced that the "Iamaphoney" line is Paul's voice.


  50. "This is why PID will always be a laughingstock. Iamaphoney's suitcase silliness and circle jerks like we're seeing today."

    What are we up to...five suitcases now? It's getting a bit ridiculous, I agree.

  51. jude said:

    "What are we up to...five suitcases now? It's getting a bit ridiculous, I agree."

    There was only ever one picked up, right? That one that 65if got and then shortly after, went MIA?

    What happened to 65if?

  52. "There was only ever one picked up, right? That one that 65if got and then shortly after, went MIA?

    What happened to 65if?"

    He still posts here every now and then. And he still has the suitcase, too, from what I understand. I still wish he would listen to that Magic Christian record, as that was the only thing left unchecked.

  53. "What happened to 65if?"



    Don't start that again, Mr. "Coward Who Can't Be Arsed To Give Himself a Name" Anonymous. Everyone should know by now that I apologised to 65if2007, and the only thing keeping him back from the PID scene is himself.

  55. "I have a feeling you're the type who would have been mouthing off about some petty grudge even as Pearl Harbor was being bombed."

    i have a feeling u should shut the fuckup before i kick your ass son.
    u dont know who u are messing with!!!

  56. "He still posts here every now and then. And he still has the suitcase, too, from what I understand. I still wish he would listen to that Magic Christian record, as that was the only thing left unchecked."

    Are you implying that Phoney recorded over the record???

  57. I heard the "iamaphoney" in the video...
    And now trying to figure out what else I heard...

  58. Not that he recorded over the record (that's impossible...I think), but that it wasn't really a Magic Christian record at all. I think it could have been a record that IAAP himself had pressed just for that occasion. There was a video clip on the CD, so why not put something special on the record as well?

  59. Taf,

    Listen to the ringo recording backwards..
    even more in there

    welcome to the otherside

  60. "Yes I am serious" - Reveresed Ringo

  61. anonymous said...

    Listen to the ringo recording backwards..
    even more in there

    welcome to the otherside

    Tell us! What did you hear?!

  62. "Paul warned us" - Reveresed Ringo

  63. I suggest highly that you listen to it backwards as well

  64. Will someone post the video backwards?

  65. Notice the "moustache" hand gesture Ringo makes at :40 sec

  66. Anonymous said...

    Will someone post the video backwards?

    October 12, 2008 12:59 AM

    you're up MikeNL, start up the mac

    zoom zoom

  67. the manner of Ringo's speech is stylized in the video, the emphasis on certain syllables.

  68. oh no! now Taf is one of the crazies

  69. Taf retraction in three... two... one....

    "It was all a joke"

    reminiscent of the Roswell incident
    Nothing but weather balloons, and swamp gas

    jude sucks btw

  70. Blogger Felipegcs said...

    Ok... Ringo seems to be behind Iamaphoney?.

    October 11, 2008 7:12 PM

    ; )

  71. jude sucks btw

    October 12, 2008 1:06 AM

    You are a terrible person

  72. iamaretard said...

    Taf retraction in three... two... one....

    "It was all a joke"

    Tafltong is pulling your chain you loonies! Grow up, get a life, get out of the basement

  73. You may change your mind about all of this when you listen to it backwards

  74. Grow up, get a life, get out of the basement

    October 12, 2008 1:12 AM

    Then were are you?

  75. Anonymous said...

    Notice the "moustache" hand gesture Ringo makes at :40 sec

    October 12, 2008 1:00 AM



  76. Anonymous said...

    I suggest highly that you listen to it backwards as well

    October 12, 2008 12:58 AM

    How? Where is this backwards video?

  77. I'd have to agree... There are several strange anomalies you can pick up if you listen to it backwards. For those asking, I've uploaded an mp3 of the entire Ringo video. The audio plays twice; the first time in real time, the second time slowed down by about a third or so. Here's the link (split in half so it fits properly in the column - copy each line and paste the two together):

  78. you're up MikeNL, start up the mac

    zoom zoom

    October 12, 2008 1:01 AM

    Oh? So NOW you need me?
    Screw you guys, I am going home

  79. "How? Where is this backwards video?"

    there are ways of recording the audio and listening to it backwards dumbass

  80. thank you overdude

  81. You're welcome :)

    The only stipulation I have, is that everyone who downloads it and listens to it reports back here with what they, personally, think that they have heard.

    Enjoy freaking yourselves out!!!!

  82. there are ways of recording the audio and listening to it backwards dumbass

    October 12, 2008 1:18 AM

    Dumbass? Why did you add that word at the end?
    I have never done anything like that before and was asking for help

    That makes me a dumbass? Have you gone through life without anyone assisting you?

  83. That makes me a dumbass? Have you gone through life without anyone assisting you?

    October 12, 2008 1:21 AM

    I don't need anyone retard. I know it all, and can do everything myself with no outside assistance. I was born independent.
    I produce my own electricity and soldiered my own computer circuts.

    You are a weak person because you asked for help. You dumbass

    Be like me, smart

    and MEAN!

  84. Enjoy freaking yourselves out!!!!

    October 12, 2008 1:21 AM

    This is an audio Ouija board

  85. You are a weak person because you asked for help. You dumbass

    Be like me, smart

    and MEAN!

    October 12, 2008 1:25 AM

    That person is mean! Says "retard" and "dumbass" at every opertunity

    I am sorry that your father used those terms to you in your childhood and placed impossibly high standards for you to live up to, and did not instill in you a basic social sensitivity and manners.

  86. This is an audio Ouija board

    October 12, 2008 1:26 AM

    the backwards ringo audio? what do you mean?

  87. I am sorry that your father used those terms to you in your childhood and placed impossibly high standards for you to live up to, and did not instill in you a basic social sensitivity and manners.

    October 12, 2008 1:31 AM

    I second that opinion, ready to vote that person off the island, metaphorically
    Person is lacking in the social interaction department, and is very angry lashing out like that

  88. I never comment, but this time I wanted to say that, using Audacity, I isolated the portion at :30 and repeated it, amplified it, and what I hear is "I'm okay", not "Iamaphoney".

  89. Name: Jacob
    Hello, I am Jacob, and I love you all, I dont know what to write about myself, apart from the fact that I wish dearly to profess my thoughts and merely share with you all, myself, via the medium we call "the Internet", of course I have the technology to access such medium, but I do not have the technology to communicate with you all, and that does depress me, because I do dearly love you all, so much, and if I don't love you, you're probably a total fucking cunt, so screw you, bitch.

    If it walks like a duck....

  90. oh geez people lighten up. she asked a stupid question and she got a stupid answer!! its not like you need a backwards video to hear a backwards message play.

    i calls it like i see it. a dumbass question asked by a dumbass. why waste space begging for other peoples help? are people so friggin lazy that they cant figure it out themselves?!?!

    maybe i am antisocial! there are too many freaks here for me to even care about associating with any of em.

  91. wrong! retard!

    what a dumbass DICKweed!

  92. Proud Believer in Bigfoot

    can i get a facepalm? amirite?

  93. Sorry Taf...

    But I've tried now for quite some time - about an hour or so messing around in Cool Edit Pro after isolating all the inbetween parts, separating them each by 2 seconds of silence, and then boosting the crap out of them - and I just don't hear "IMAPHONEY" in there. But at the beginning, just before Ringo starts talking, I do hear something like "Jude hurry back."

    I think if there's anything to be studied here, it's the backwards audio of Ringo's video... seems to me to be much more going on there.

    I'm not sure exactly what all the things I've heard in there are yet, so I'm gonna step away for now and give it a fresh listen with "new ears" in the morning.

  94. whats with the capitalized "dick"? u have an obsession with them or something?

  95. "maybe i am antisocial!"

    I see a meeting in your future.

    "Hi, my name is _______, and I am antisocial. It's been years since I have had any type of meaningful social interaction."

    You kill small animals in your childhood?

    Why such anger at women?
    "she asked a stupid question and she got a stupid answer!!"

  96. "
    You kill small animals in your childhood?"

    yeah just like crowley did.
    hes my hero lol

  97. Seems like many of you should have your computers taken away from you by your parents until you learn to play nice...

    And Since I'm the only one here right now who seems to want to be a productive adult, I think it's time I left the 'lil kiddies to squabble amongst themselves.

    'Night all..

  98. When the going gets weird, Taf turns pro

    I don't hear anything either on the forwards or backwards

  99. There is no "backmasked" audio message. Just jibberish.
    However let me take this opportunity to ask you Tafultong, do you now believe that Paul is Dead?

  100. Taf is pulling our legs, there is no such message from Ringo

    The joke is on you if you thought he was serious

  101. Listen and decide for yourself
    You be the judge

  102. Overdude?

    Questioner's avatar
    Questioner's avatar
    Why Do You Reject God?
    In Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
    Questioner's avatar
    How is your every day life?
    In Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered -
    What will it take to end discrimination against gays in america?

  103. We are not in toto kansas

  104. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I think Ringo needs to have a good talk with his son..

    October 11, 2008 7:32 PM

    And get him to stop making suitcase videos (YAWN)

    I am bored


  105. "i calls it like i see it. a dumbass question asked by a dumbass. why waste space begging for other peoples help? are people so friggin lazy that they cant figure it out themselves?!?!"

    Questions are a sign of intelligence.

  106. Questions are a sign of intelligence.

    October 12, 2008 2:19 AM

    Well, your questions are stupid.

  107. ""i calls it like i see it. a dumbass question asked by a dumbass. why waste space begging for other peoples help? are people so friggin lazy that they cant figure it out themselves?!?!""

    Your words are going to haunt you in real life. What goes around is going to come around.

  108. I am sorry that your father used those terms to you in your childhood and placed impossibly high standards for you to live up to, and did not instill in you a basic social sensitivity and manners.

    October 12, 2008 1:31 AM

    Here Here! That bloke is not at all a gentleman

  109. Oh? So NOW you need me?
    Screw you guys, I am going home

    October 12, 2008 1:17 AM

    Mad at overdude are we MikeyNL?
    There is a new sheriff in town got your code goat huh?

  110. Anonymous said...

    "Paul warned us" - Reveresed Ringo

    October 12, 2008 12:56 AM

    Where is that?

  111. "iameye and Jude.

    Normally I would ignore this. PLEASE, kiss and make up or go somewhere else. "

    Yeah! And film it so that guy who gets all upiddy about the DILL/DICK confusion can relax in the basement watching tranny porn and stop the "meme" patrol

  112. "meme" patrol?

    Its DICKweed, not DILLweed!

  113. Hurry iameye and Jude!

    Make that kissing video before a torrent of "retard" comments bury this great blog

  114. Sorry to stay on topic, but one of the weirdest things about this video to me is that Ringo appears to be reading everything from a script. (Isn't he?) His laboured delivery doesn't jive at all with what you'd think would be a very casual (if apologetic) comment to his fans. PEACE & LOVE. PEACE & LOVE. ...WTF?!?

  115. I reversed it for the hell of it. For what it's worth, "Peace & Love, Peace and Love" sounds eerily like "Paul is evil, Paul is evil" on the flipside. Try it and prove me wrong.

  116. "Yes I am serious" - Reveresed Ringo

    I can confirm this as a potential reversal. It actually comes across as "Yes I am serious! So listen!"

  117. All I can hear is "phone bit" or "phoney" followed by gibberish. I think the "I am a" is complicated to decipher. Anyway, it was a very weird and unusual message from Ringo that probably means something more. Maybe he's starting to reveal himself. I also think Paul is doing some revelation with the Fireman project. The Revalation is coming? Well, who knows...


  118. I concur with talismand. Clear as it is, I only hear the "phoney" bit...

  119. Body language - what if he is zipping his mouth?

  120. Aja said:

    I am bored

    Hey, Aj!
    long time, no see.

    Hope the world is treating as decently as it can.
    Like I said, you want a little cheer-up, go see "Religulous".
    Other that that, it's nice to see you still around here.
    "Friends are few"- The Residents.
    "These days, you need all the friends you can find."- Frank Zappa.

    your pal, Vince.

  121. all i hear is: "i don't know"

    not "i am a phoney"


  122. I hear it, Tafultung!
    Oh man I wish I could get one of those suitcases, I am suree it all adds up with the Ringo statement.

  123. im a phony - im a phony
    sure sounds like Paul.


    a better listen imaphony

  125. no offend.. but.. ARE YOU CRAZY?

    that doesn't sound like "Iamaphoney"!!

    Not at all!

    now tafs blog has become as stupid as the rest of the PID discussion boards

  126. come on! It is so crystal clear. Thanks to the person that made the megaupload. There is no doubt.
    It is Pauls voice in the background.

  127. chrystal clear?

    that megaupload?

    you are joking right?

    Oh i get it now, you ARE joking!

  128. All Together Now to be released October 20th

  129. "If your children ever find out how lame you really are, they're gonna murder you in your sleep." - FZ

  130. "No commercial potential."- some record guy from CBS.

  131. I sent Ringo this idea....

  132. Tried my hand at isolating the quiet parts and boosting them. I put three together, with the first and third from 13 and 41 seconds, respectively. I lost track of where the second is from, probably 26. I guess what is most interesting, at least to me, is that 13 and 41 are just about identical, if not exactly so.. Wonder why?

  133. interesting, is there.

  134. sorry didnt hear it...

    hope it's not total BS

    cause if it's real then Ringo is deeply and clearly involved

  135. uuuhhhh creepy stuff

  136. Hi guys,

    Iameye here. Just a quick note to clear he air about last night....


    Since have no other way to reach you, I have to do it here: I apologize for assuming it was you making rude comments out of the blue towards me with no provocation. I don't understand why that happened though....

    If you say it wasn't you, then I will choose to believe you. I really don't have a problem with you, and was not involved with all the trolling that followed in that conversation- just so you know. Reading what followed afterwards just points to some immature individual(s) looking to flame old fires, so sorry if I hurt your feelings in anyway.

    so let's move on :)


  137. His laboured delivery doesn't jive at all with what you'd think would be a very casual (if apologetic) comment to his fans. PEACE & LOVE. PEACE & LOVE. ...WTF?!?

    October 12, 2008 4:03 AM

    Almost like its one of those Vietnam hostage videos where the pilot is blinking morse code messages. Ringo trying to signal under duress

  138. Hey, Aj!
    long time, no see.

    your pal, Vince.
    Your wife know you take such an Aja interest? You perk up a bit and are quick to puppy follow her when she comments. First its unemployment, then you will be living in your car after the divorce

  139. Iameye:

    Apology accepted. :)

    And I'm sorry too, if I said anything hurtful.

  140. "Hi guys,

    Iameye here. Just a quick note to clear he air about last night...."

    Excellent, let's.


    Since have no other way to reach you, I have to do it here: I apologize for assuming it was you making rude comments out of the blue towards me with no provocation. I don't understand why that happened though"

    Apology accepted

    "I really don't have a problem with you, and was not involved with all the trolling that followed in that conversation"

    Whether or not it was you I will take you on your word and I thank you for coming forward.

    Who ever did it, they did magnify the senseless cruelty of someone arbitrarily using such mean spirited perjoritive comments such as retard, dick, and dumbass towards someone asking for assitance.

    I sincerely hope that those type of comments can be left at the door like dirty shoes, and that we can keep the discussion here on a higher level that does not devolve into those types of attacks. It does not reflect well on the person or persons saying those things. Typically people of that nature are insecure and can dish that out, but cannot take the same re-directed back at them, hence they lash out at the world.

    I take you at your word that you will not engage in that and that we have another ally in you to keep this blog at a much more civil level.

    Thank you Iameye

  141. "Almost like its one of those Vietnam hostage videos where the pilot is blinking morse code messages. Ringo trying to signal under duress

    October 12, 2008 10:15 AM"


  142. Anonymous:

    You're a little late in pretending to be me, aren't you?


    October 12, 2008 10:37 AM

    What? What do you see?

  144. Just because you're paranoid.....

  145. why is it so weird that after 40 years Ringo is tired of signing all of your shit???

    how many people are still interested in all of this stuff after the 5th suitcase?

    you've killed it.

  146. Jude has the MikeNL disease.

    Weird comments just "happen" to happen when he's around, conveniantly to be refuted.

    Almost like that Curb your Enthusiasm episode where Larry asks Leon to attempt to rob someone so that he could thwart the robbery and look like a hero.

    We all shine on Jude

    Sing this to the tune of Mighty Mouse

    "Here Jude comes to save the day, MikeNL can help along the way"

    In the words of Billy Shakes Spear,
    Me thinks the Jude doth protest to much


  147. another fire!

  148. Just because you're paranoid.....

    October 12, 2008 10:43 AM

    Man alive Jude, is EVERYONE out to get you?

    So we can check off from Jude's mental health checklist


    Jude said...


    You're a little late in pretending to be me, aren't you?

    October 12, 2008 10:39 AM


    "I saw John Lennon alive"

    and *delusions of grandure*

    You made the trifecta, someone owes me $20

  149. another fire?? are you kidding? this is ridiculous!! fires happen everyday! seriously, does anyone think that phoney is burning random places while he's dropping suitcases off all around the world? and how come he hasn't been busted for dropping said suitcases in public areas. if the Aqua Teen Hunger Force guys got in trouble for their advertising that was thought to be an act of terrorrism, how is phoney getting away with it???

    this is all so stupid

  150. i'll kick in sum dough that a jude rant comes soon

  151. "if the Aqua Teen Hunger Force guys got in trouble for their advertising that was thought to be an act of terrorrism, how is phoney getting away with it???

    this is all so stupid

    October 12, 2008 10:54 AM"

    Because the suitcases are not left in place.

    That's why MikeNL never bothered to "go" retrieve the one in his back yard.

    The joke is on you if you go try to get them.

    How do I know?


    "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"
    John Lydon AKA Johnny Rotten

  152. don't do it Jude, they're just baiting you.

    you have friends here, you have nothing to prove

  153. "That's why MikeNL never bothered to "go" retrieve the one in his back yard."

    700km is not a backyard

  154. "and *delusions of grandure*"

    where did you get that idea?

  155. of you "Anonymous"es posted an "apology accepted" message to Iameye. It clearly wasn't me, because I had posted mine a minute before.

    I pointed this out, and...."jude doth protest too much?"?

    I think some of you need to get a life. You're just sitting around waiting for me to say something you can pounce on, but these days you're desperate enough to grab anything. That said, one of you leech on to this very message that I'm typing, calling it a rant or some other nonsense. I've seen it all before---everyone has.

    I don't know who you are or what I ever did to you, but I think I already apologised for it in an earlier post, so....if you could just, you know, LEAVE, I think the blog would be a better place for it.

    *waits for some fool who thinks he's clever to inevitably say "hey jude, don't make it bad!" or to write another stale "jude and mikenl are like..." comment.*


  157. Yeah! And so does MikeNL

  158. "It clearly wasn't me, because I had posted mine a minute before"

    That post didnt say it was you
    No where in that post does it identify with you personally

  159. someone owes me $20 for the Jude rant

  160. Anonymous said...

    i'll kick in sum dough that a jude rant comes soon

    October 12, 2008 10:57 AM

    wow you weren't kidding
    Happened quick too!

  161. Jude, they're just baiting you.

    you have friends here, you have nothing to prove

  162. "That said, one of you leech on to this very message that I'm typing, calling it a rant or some other nonsense"

    someone owes me $20 for the Jude rant

    As predicted.


    You're not even trying any more.

  163. "if you could just, you know, LEAVE, I think the blog would be a better place for it."

    you make the blog so much better Jude

    Rant away!

  164. You're not even trying any more.

    October 12, 2008 11:20 AM

    Jude you have rejoinders the equivalent of "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I"




  166. That post didnt say it was you
    No where in that post does it identify with you personally

    Really?! That's surprising, since...


    Since have no other way to reach you, I have to do it here: I apologize for assuming it was you making rude comments out of the blue towards me with no provocation. I don't understand why that happened though"

    Apology accepted"

    Do you need reading glasses? She was only making an apology to me. Anyone who accepts that apology is (in this case, posting as "anonymous") is implying that he/she is me.

  167. Jude Nanny Nanny Boo Boo Rant in

  168. "Anyone who accepts that apology is (in this case, posting as "anonymous") is implying that he/she is me.

    October 12, 2008 11:23 AM"

    So we can infer using your example that posting as "anonymous" is synonymous with JUDE.

  169. Anonymous said...

    Jude Nanny Nanny Boo Boo Rant in

    October 12, 2008 11:25 AM

    Thats another $20

  170. Jude, that Anonymous person was just commenting on the trolling situation, and thanking me (yes? thank you!) for trying to clear the air, which was much warranted....which I did, ok? that's it. relax now . Like someone said, they are just baiting you at this point.


  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. i don't care about jude or any of this BS. let's get back to topic ok?

    what the f-ck is wrong with ringo??

  173. "if you could just, you know, LEAVE, I think the blog would be a better place for it."

    you make the blog so much better Jude

    Rant away!

    October 12, 2008 11:21 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You're not even trying any more.

    October 12, 2008 11:20 AM

    Jude you have rejoinders the equivalent of "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I"

    October 12, 2008 11:22 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...




    I wasn't ranting before, but I suppose I am now. Just shut up. With every annoying little post you make I try to imagine how God could have allowed such a disgusting human being such as yourself to live. You're a leech---you get your kicks annoying other people, trying to goad them into situations where they're not really to vulnerable to anything but more senseless idiocy from you. You want to talk petty rejoinders? You've been posting nothing but those for the last few months of this blog's existence. I'm speaking for everyone---EVERYONE on this blog when I say we would all be happier if you'd disappear. You want to talk about friendlessness? YOU'RE FRIENDLESS. You want to talk about making the blog a worse place? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

    I'm 999% fed up with your bullshit, and you wouldn't have it any other way. As good as it feels to let you know how much I hate your guts, I'm giving you exactly what you wanted, aren't I? You're a miserable human being so you like watching other people be miserable.

    "So we can infer using your example that posting as "anonymous" is synonymous with JUDE."

    As I said earlier, you're not even trying any more, are you? Anyone with half a brain knows that that is clearly not what I said, just like anyone with half a brain realises that "apology accepted" sort of implies that you're the one who just got apologised to!
    You can't really find a way to twist my words around, so you just make things up.

    You are both shallow and pathetic, and to such degrees that I am simply astounded with each every thing you post.

  174. thursday you will all know.

  175. Reports of my death are grossly exaggerated.

  176. IAAP has changed his featured video on his channel...

    what is the significance?
    what is he trting to imply?

  177. ringo is not talking weird.. it's just the way he is now.

    he is nearly 70 years old..

    watch this:

  178. Jude Said...
    "I wasn't ranting before, but I suppose I am now. "

    Yes you are now, and you have been ranting.

    "Just shut up. With every annoying little post you make I try to imagine how God could have allowed such a disgusting human being such as yourself to live."

    Indeed Jude. I am a disgusting human being that should not be allowed to live? To live?
    These asymmetrical responses of yours are interesting to me. You perceive attacks where there are none.

    Jude wrote:
    "I'm speaking for everyone---EVERYONE on this blog when I say we would all be happier if you'd disappear."

    I am a reader of this blog.
    Being a reader of the blog, one of the EVERYONE, I would rather not disappear. So you are incorrect in your assumption that EVERYONE wants me to disappear.

    How is it that you would like me to disappear? Should I die because you perceive me as someone who is saying things you disagree with?

    Are you going to make me disappear?

    Do you make a practice of threatening people with whom you disagree with?
    God should kill me, because I disagree with you?

    Should Tafultong choose to restrict access to this blog without registration then you will be unable to post anonymously as well, and that will be a fine day as far as I am concerned. I would support that move so that everyone's cards can be on the table. Until that happy day, I will exercise the same option that you have availed yourself of by posting anonymously.

    Jude wrote:
    "I'm 999% fed up with your bullshit"

    Tell me what I can do to give you that extra one percent Jude. Your vitriol is priceless. You respond to a toe stub with a sledgehammer.

    Jude wrote:
    "You are both shallow and pathetic, and to such degrees that I am simply astounded with each every thing you post."

    I agree with you. I am shallow and pathetic. You are correct. You will get no argument from me.

    You are a very angry individual who perceives attacks from all angles and suffers from paranoia that causes you to lash out.

  179. Jude wrote:
    "I'm 999% fed up with your bullshit"

    Jude has reached a supersaturated state well above the normal 100%, and or he is really really really good with math, and/or if you flip is upside down he is 666% fed up which would make him satanic.

  180. Jude is a supersaturated satanic math wiz

  181. Anti appears in the tale The Contendings of Horus and Seth which describes the settlement of the inheritance of Osiris, seen as a metaphor for the conquest of Lower Egypt (whose patron was Set) by Upper Egypt, at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. In this tale, one of Set's attempts to gain power consists of his gathering together the gods, and providing good arguments, convincing all of them (in later traditions, all except Thoth). Set fears magical intervention by Isis, Horus' wife (in early Egyptian mythology), and so holds the gathering on an island, instructing Anti not to allow anyone resembling Isis to be ferried there. However, Isis disguises herself as an old woman, and unknowingly Anti takes her across after being paid a gold ring, having rejected the first offer of gruel, resulting in the disruption of the council by her use of magic. Anti is punished for his error, by having his toes cut off, which is more severe than it appears, since as a falcon, he would no longer be able to perch, and thus would not be able to reside on the boat

    Anti-Jude toe stub? Cutting off toes that are stubbed

  182. Holy Jebus!

    Jude and this guy love attention do they not?

    Reminds me of this RESIDENTS song.....

    And listen to Ringo! PEACE AND LOVE PEACE AND LOVE!

  183. "And listen to Ringo! PEACE AND LOVE PEACE AND LOVE!

    October 12, 2008 2:18 PM"

    listen to it backwards, different message

  184. This goes out to all the Judes, Anti-Judes and all the other annoying people here:


    peace and love

  185. Jude sucks btw
    and so does anti-Jude

  186. can 666% Jude stay?

    Please? Crowley will miss em!

  187. Jude "I don't care what you think" rant coming soon!

  188. Jude wrote:
    "I'm 999% fed up with your bullshit"

    Jude has reached a supersaturated state well above the normal 100%, and or he is really really really good with math, and/or if you flip is upside down he is 666% fed up which would make him satanic.

    October 12, 2008 2:12 PM

    I knew it!

  189. soon everybody will be happy again :- ).

  190. Shit. Somebody needs to save poor Ringo. He's being held hostage.

  191. I've listened to the videos you put up Tafultong and I'm sorry I don't hear "Iamaphoney" in anything. To me it sounds like TV is on in the background and the din is so garbled you could make a flimsy case for anything being there. I suppose if you desperately "want" there to be an Iamaphoney in there, your mind will hear what it wants. I'm taken aback by this blog since you always seemed so rational and levelheaded and it would appear that you've ventured into tinfoil-hat-wearing territory. I'm sorry to see that happen.

    Vince, I don't believe Aja posts here any longer so I doubt it's really her.

    Jude, I would recommend you create another identity. Your name is just a target for ridicule. I'm sure you don't deserve it but that's just the way it is.

    Prankers, grow up! Are you PID or anti-PID? Why do I get the feeling that the issue of PID is the furthest things from your minds and you just enjoy verbally bitchslapping people and watching them react?

  192. Taf-
    Okay so, Ringo is part of this, it seems, so what is it really saying to us? What do we do now that we know? Who has the means to get the other suitcases and if no one is going to get them or release info on the contents, what good is it all anyway?

