Tuesday, September 2, 2008

80020902 Rotten Apple 69

It is September 2, 2008.

Rotten Apple 69 from Iamaphoney has been posted.

The Iamaphoney organization is alive and well. The new video has a fascinating soundtrack. A new Iamaphoney recording that I would call "Crucify" is actually "Give Peace A Chance" backwards. Interspersed with the Iamaphoney voice is what appears to be a John Lennon vocal snippet that curiously sounds identical when played backwards. Absolutely amazing work!

The video features several quick images that we have not seen before and interview footage with Larry Kane...

Phil Spector...

and that white haired man with the thick accent.

There are glimpses of documents, presumably Mal Evans' journals and more "Magical Mystery Tour" planning. There is plenty of video trickery and out of context clips, but the presentation is effective. I'm also not sure if I buy into this "next level" business, but I am still interested. If the video is implying that John Lennon's assassination was faked, I still find that implausible, but I don't really know if the video is implying that at all. It is also reasonable to complain that many of the "revelations" are from the pages of Nothing Is Real and other sites, but I have not seen a video this compelling since the last Iamaphoney effort.

I am satisfied that despite whatever turmoil exists within the Iamaphoney organization, the quality of the video editing and musical performance has not declined one iota.

Someone pointed out that the http://www.youtube.com/neilaspinaII channel, which I believe is an Iamaphoney alias site, has experienced some activity recently. The background is interesting.

Admiral of the Beatles
from SirLarryMildew


  1. Wheres your phoney, now?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Admiral Halsey notified me
    He had to have a berth or he couldnt get to sea

  4. Can you tape it, Mike?


  5. Oh, so that wasn't mike?


  6. "He was just shouting whatever. He happened to pick on Roman Polanski as we have just seen him at several parties in a row over a period of a week or two. Nothing more."

  7. Oh, it was false information i received.

    It actually was about Catcher in the Rye, but presented in such a way that my friend thought it was a message from iamaphoney.

  8. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94129299

  9. "Next Level

    The Third Step

    The bells are ringing."

    What bells? Day almost over.

  10. Satanic reds:


  11. Anyone noticing any problems on the IAAP youtube site? Comments keep getting messed up...

  12. "Next Level

    The Third Step

    The bells are ringing."


  13. "http://www.youtube.com/neilaspinaII"

    "404 Not Found"


  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enok1qDgZP8
    new video up

  15. Oh terrific. He's moved into the "John Lennon is alive" stuff.

    (rolls eyes)

  16. It's NIR in video format.

  17. Wow! an Iamaphoney video WITHOUT someone going to get the suitcase

  18. Hey Taf,

    Are you iamawhich?

  19. If Lennon wanted to fake his own death e.g. "Passover Plot," he could have just made it look as though he died in his apt. from an accidental overdose or accident, not murder, for which someone went to jail for life. Alluding to this idea is a monumental insult to Lennon fans and decent people everywhere. It is also exculpatory towards Chapman, who deserves no conspiracy theory on his side from people who want to see good people made evil and evil people made patsy's.

  20. Looks like the suitcase is back in the ocean

  21. Looks like the series is in the ocean, where it jumped the shark for the fourth time.

  22. Look up the number: PAUL IS DEAD=92


  23. Iamaphoney dressed as Fonzie LOL Someone needs to make a hilarious video response.
    This latest video is like him admitting "Yes I ran out of ideas a long time ago. I've got nothing for you so here's a video about some things I saw on Tafultong's blog once."

  24. It's just me or the guy with distorted image that appears at the end of Rotten Apple 69 (6:23+)...

    It's like a picture with a fake mouth... like a photograph with a pasted mouth!?

    Look carefully, especially between 6:24-6:26... he looks like a cartoon, maybe that's why he blurred the image... because it's all FAKE.

    Pay attention to the mouth!
    Looks like BULLSHIT to me.

  25. felipegcs your eyes have been opened. We have known these videos to be BULLSHIT for a long time now. People are starting to wake up and they are getting PISSED OFF.

  26. You know, anonymous, it's curious that if i split oyur comment, it sounds like a mix of 1) YKMN/GFA/etc + 2) Zeitgeist, lol

    1) "your eyes have been opened".
    "WE" have known these videos to be BULLSHIT for a long time now.

    2) People are starting to wake up and they are getting PISSED OFF."
    but seriously, you're right. Iamaphoney has lost a lot of credibility to me... although i still believe that PID means more than a simple joke... and that all the Crowley stuff is not casualty.

    I like more the GFA/Joshblue/etc videos, and the YKMN ones.

  27. It seems that i'm watching too much conspiracy vids :P

  28. I gotta hand it to IAAP, that "Give Peace a Chance" reversal is pretty interesting.

    It's not quite the 'NEXT LEVEL' though, is it?

  29. That reversal is very impressive. How the hell does he do that?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. No, I am not iamawitch. Why that particular one out of the hundreds?

  32. "It's not quite the 'NEXT LEVEL' though, is it?"

    O really?

    Do you believe that this revelation is conditional, or will it come no matter what happens?

  33. I can't help but wonder about the timing of this vid and the fact that the RNC is being conducted in the city of St. Paul this week (with Ron Paul having a little convention of his own on the side). With so many of the IAAP hangers-on apparently also interested in the "9/11 Truth" movement and assorted "secret society" conspiracies, I wouldn't be too surprised if the "next level" involves some sort of fringe political demonstration (with "Crucify" as an anthem, maybe???).

  34. @10:14 PM

    Have you got on your tinfoin?

  35. ...also, anyone notice all the "REVOLUTION" banners, with "EVOL" written in bright (satanic?) red?

  36. @10:16

    Why, should I?
    I'm a fuggin' reptilian.

  37. MDO: It doesn't matter much to me.

  38. "He was just shouting whatever. He happened to pick on Roman Polanski as we have just seen him at several parties in a row over a period of a week or two. Nothing more."

    ram says new

  39. lots of Saturn stuff here lately,

    now IAAP

    whats up with Saturn?

    and by whats up, please dont just say

    "SATURN IS THE KEY" of some of that ominous junk you insane pot smoking video makers from the netherlands are so well known for

    more of that Twin Peaks stuff that Aja just loves?

  40. look at macca's MPL logo.. saturn on top like cherry

  41. why do you pick on Aj?

  42. awwww yeah!

    here come the frickin phoney phoneys jumping on the fricken bandwagon


    now I KNOW those wannabees read this blog

    "Saturn is the Key"


    they get all their ideas from here I swear

  43. http://www.creativechoices.com/astrology/planet/saturn.htm

  44. try this


  45. on that phoney phoney vid, which is totally ripped off from the 69 by the way

    @1:18, the ends of the handle look like EYES! LOL


  46. Saturn

    The karmic teacher, bringing forth unresolved obligations and conflicts from other times.

    ; )

  47. MikeNL is awake, just read his comment on the 69 vid

  48. hay guys : ]

    i'm back. i had a real good sleep : ]

    the video is great, i absolutely love that sountrack. the clips are very interesting. where did that piece come from from phil spector, that sosia guy in the car etc... ?

    anyways, apparently it got delayed again. maybe they just removed the parts that showed the next level thing because the suitcase is still on location.

  49. ya love his yawn i sleep comment early, i not know new phony tonight, yawn i sleep la dee dee, i child knows every answere, so tonight i sleep

  50. How is this for a scenario? Iamaphoney begins making videos but he needs help so he enlists a few likeminded conspiracy buffs in exchange for some "information". They find out that he really has no information at all and his angry assistants splinter off to make their own PID videos and to call out Iamaphoney as a fraud. This would explain why Iamphoney continues to make new music but just uses recycled leftovers from past videos while his former phonies videos feature new footage but songs from other sources. Hm?

  51. http://www.creativechoices.com/

    now fit the profile

    Linda (b) Sept. 24 - Libra - Exaltation - Paul's Soul Mate

  52. nyways, apparently it got delayed again.

    you are wrong, it is still up Mikey

  53. MikeNL its still up but i have a feeling because of what you just said, that it soon will be gone LOL

  54. How is this for a scenario? Iamaphoney begins making videos but he needs help so he enlists a few likeminded conspiracy buffs in exchange for some "information". They find out that he really has no information at all and his angry assistants splinter off to make their own PID videos and to call out Iamaphoney as a fraud. This would explain why Iamphoney continues to make new music but just uses recycled leftovers from past videos while his former phonies videos feature new footage but songs from other sources. Hm?


  55. Taf said:

    "No, I am not iamawitch. Why that particular one out of the hundreds?"

    Just that iamawhich is very informative and thorough the way that you are. It was asked out of utmost respect for you. Check out his YouTube page again


    See what I mean?

  56. nyways, apparently it got delayed again.

    you are wrong, it is still up Mikey

    yeah must be the time delay from all the way to the Netherlands Mikey, kind of like the movie JFK when Donald Sutherland is explaining how he saw the newspaper of JFKs assasination in Austrailia BEFORE it had occured

    wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more

  57. iamawhich wishes he was Talftong

  58. *
    yeah must be the time delay from all the way to the Netherlands Mikey, kind of like the movie JFK when Donald Sutherland is explaining how he saw the newspaper of JFKs assasination in Austrailia BEFORE it had occured

    wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more

    I loved that movie

  59. vid is still up Mikey, Bern has not gotten to it

  60. *
    yeah must be the time delay from all the way to the Netherlands Mikey, kind of like the movie JFK when Donald Sutherland is explaining how he saw the newspaper of JFKs assasination in Austrailia BEFORE it had occured

    wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more

    Mikey is Donald Sutherland???????

  61. sombody bettr get thatsuitcase b4 IAAP trows it bck in2 da ocen !

  62. thank you for that sanguine111

  63. seriously sanguine is that really how you spell? are you doing this from your phone?

  64. you know who also says "trows?" besides sanguine111


    from the IAAP comments section

    dimebuckerpickups | August 31, 2008
    i see u dont need to make a new vid right now peaple still mashing on alot of different topics.keep givn em somethng to talk about and trow another vid in the mix[ive been waitn for a new one]...

    complete with his profile pic with a corna handsign

    these people spell almost as poorly as I do

  65. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    vid is still up Mikey, Bern has not gotten to it


  66. Anonymous said...

    That reversal is very impressive. How the hell does he do that?

    Listen to beatles songs backwards and write lyrics close to what the backwards song sounds like, thats how

  67. sanguine is OK. He's entertaining.

    text us again old chap!

  68. Anonymous said...
    Looks like the suitcase is back in the ocean

    well.... MikeNL says its still in place

    so there is still time...
    to go get it...

    and bern it

  69. "Listen to beatles songs backwards and write lyrics close to what the backwards song sounds like, thats how"

    exactly. and not any old crum can do that.

  70. next thing MikeNL may say

    "Hey dudes! We have to get that still in place suitcase before phoney throws it back into the ocean! Before it is LOST FOREVER"

    If you ignore these video people, they will eventually get around to making another video
    that suitcase can just stay there

    Call his bluff MikeNL, dont get the suitcase

    you think IAAP went to allll of this work to NOT tell you what else is next level?

    Build it and they will come

    Ignore IAAP video crew and they will make more videos

  71. Bern was this person who claimed several posts ago that he or his brother (who was a lighting technician for Paul McCartney) had tipped Sir Paul off to the whole IAAP /GFA etc tinfoil hat wearing video series and that the FBI was going to hunt down IAAP and everybody and take the Rotten apple videos off Youtube forever, that Sir Paul was PISSED and scared and pissed again and that the whole thing was going to end that week, FBI raids on the nightly news

    that was more then a week ago

    since Bern supposedly moved to switzerland, where according to some he is now #5 on the charts

  72. "exactly. and not any old crum can do that"

    well said, but that's still how its done, you asked how, not if could just anybody do it

  73. what is why all these people obsessed with saturn now iamaphoney is to?

  74. http://www.youtube.com/user/FlREMEN

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. O, Brother! Another suitccase video.

  77. "He was just shouting whatever. He happened to pick on Roman Polanski as we have just seen him at several parties in a row over a period of a week or two. Nothing more."

    ram says new


    ram says new = May's answer

  78. Mikey wrote:

    "anyways, apparently it got delayed again. maybe they just removed the parts that showed the next level thing because the suitcase is still on location."

    it's all bullshit

  79. that video is still up on the iaap channell, not erased

  80. maybe Sir Paul is funding all sides of this war

  81. This post has been removed by the author.

  82. Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the author.


    many post being deleted


  83. paul is dead - the rotten apple 1
    Added: 1 year ago
    Views: 66,001

    74 videos later

    last several months worth of videos
    6,000 or less views each one

    if John is really still alive, its going to be big and iaap is going to be famous for real

  84. are you in california Tafultong ?
    could you go get the suitcase?

  85. are you in california Tafultong ?
    could you go get the suitcase?

    then we could be sure it would be done journalistically and not all hyped

  86. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wheres your phoney, now?

    September 2, 2008 12:51 PM

    making awesome videos! FACE!

  87. Guy with the Mediterranean accent seems to be saying, "There were four and now they're all dead. And there's only Ringo Starr".

    So while I find the message and the direction of this series to be as baffling as ever, I don't understand that there is supposed to be any implication that "John is alive".

  88. Ron Paul's speech was actually quite good.
    I have to admit the tin-foil is firmly on my head.
    I caught his speech on C-SPAN 2, while all the other so-called 'news networks' pretended he wasn't there.

    There lots of people at his event, too.

    The news did nothing.
    The news said nothing.


  89. The map at 03:00 shows where the suitcase is.

  90. Saturn and Lilly

    Philosopher's Stone, " Stone of Saturn"

  91. good point about ron paul vince
    amazing how the media pays no attention

  92. Even Ventura didn't suck!

    I'm sorry to take this elsewhere, but dead or alive, alistare lover or not, Paul isn't HALF as scary as the pentagon!

    imaphony and friends aren't HALF as scary as
    FOX & friends!

    If Paul has any 'power', we'll see if, in Isreal, he either 'lights up' or EXPLODES!


  93. vince said...
    "If Paul has any 'power', we'll see if, in Isreal, he either 'lights up' or EXPLODES! "


  94. Yeah, he playing there, right?

  95. Tafultong and 65if2007:

    I would have thought that the multiple shots of the fellow looks like John Lennon would have tipped you off. Or how about the many IAAP videos which contain "Mr Pilgrim" in the tags, or the scene of Phil Spector calling MDC a patsy?

    Also, "Mr. Pilgrim sends his regards" (IAAP's words, not my own).

    Then there was Oscar Rakos who claimed to see John Lennon, the IAAP actor, and Paul McCartney at a gas station in Los Angeles, but no one believed him..

    Also, send a message to MrPilgrim via YouTube and see what kind of response you get. I asked him "How long has it been?" He replied: "28 Years".

    Come on, everybody. The RA and RA-related videos are rife with implications of John Lennon being alive and living, presumably, under the name Bill Pilgrim. It's time to stop scratching your head and saying "That's silly, of course IAAP isn't implying that".

  96. So.....what if the IAAP camp is headed by John and not Paul?

  97. " anonymous said...
    So.....what if the IAAP camp is headed by John and not Paul?"

    That would make John a bit obsessed with Paul then, huh?

  98. '..there was Oscar Rakos who claimed to see John Lennon, the IAAP actor and Paul McCartney at a gas station in Los Angeles, but no one believed him.'

    Well, if you replace 'Lennon' with 'Elvis' in that sentence it would be about as likely a story - perhaps that's why no one believed him.

    'I asked him (MrPilgrim)"How long has it been?" He replied "28 years".

    Must be Lennon then. How could you refute evidence like that?

  99. Come on, everybody. The RA and RA-related videos are rife with implications of John Lennon being alive and living, presumably, under the name Bill Pilgrim. It's time to stop scratching your head and saying "That's silly, of course IAAP isn't implying that".

    - Well said Jude !

  100. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

    Arthur Schopenhauer

  101. All we are saying is give fish a chance

  102. " anonymous said...
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

    Arthur Schopenhauer

    September 3, 2008 11:18 AM"

    So now we're in LEVEL 3? What about these bells? Are those self-evident too?

  103. "....John Lennon being alive and living, presumably, under the name Bill Pilgrim..."

    So BOTH John and Paul are supposed to be named Bill? Paul was Bill, but now he's Paul and John was John but now he's Bill.

    "I am he as you are he as you are me..."

  104. Farewell Angelina
    the bells of the crown
    Are being stolen by bandits
    I must follow the sound...

    There is use in talking
    And there's no need for blame
    There is nothing to prove
    Everything's still is the same...

    What cannot be imitated
    Perfect must die

    the clinging of the church bells blew far into the breeze
    Leaving only bells of lightning and its thunder
    Striking for the gentle, striking for the kind
    Striking for the guardians and protectors of the mind
    - also Dylan -

  105. the usual suspects:

  106. So now we're in LEVEL 3?

    are we?

  107. First, it is ridiculed.

    Second, it is ridiculed.

    Third, it is ridiculed.


    Paul is Alive
    John is Dead

  108. i agree mildew

    Paul, the real Paul BTW, is spinning his index finger to his temple like in your videos to prove how crazy these people are


  110. First, it is ridiculed.

    Second, it is ridiculed.

    Third, it is ridiculed.


    Paul is Alive
    John is Dead

  111. "All we are saying is give fish a chance"

    anyone got any fish in here?
    I am fucking starving !

  112. the usual suspects:

  113. the usual suspects:

  114. http://devan1.tripod.com/Sounds/FORESEEN.WAV

  115. Star Wars to the MAX

    Emperor-"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen it."

    you are the emperor MDO!

  116. DUDES!!!

    wake up.

    this is not about Paul McCartney only. it's Thebea T les revelation.

    the revelation on what the hell happened back then, and still is happening to this very moment.

    "It's a kind of magick... it's a kind of magick..." (F.M.)

    There is something going on in this universe that most of us don't know about, don't see it, and don't believe it. The Beatles are a part of that.

    Nothing is Real.

    Mal broke the oath. a big cover up. it didn't start with Paul's death, it started a long, long, long time ago.

    Brian Epstein isn't who he said he was.

    Everybody is a phony.

    How is it that Paul's death remained a secret? They swore... At Savile Row They Swore.

    The bus is 10 miles north on the DewsBURY Road, and they're having a lovely time!

    Sit back and let the evening go.

    Crusifix... ahh, Saint Paul...

  117. "Brian Epstein isn't who he said he was."


  118. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    MDO: It doesn't matter much to me.

    September 2, 2008 10:24 PM

  119. "it started a long, long, long time ago."


  120. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "it started a long, long, long time ago."


    in a galaxy far.. far... away

  121. so whats next Miles Denton Oliver?

  122. "Everybody is a phony."

    Catcher in the Rye

    which page??????

  123. the usual suspects:

  124. the usual suspects:

  125. the usual suspects:

  126. the usual suspects:

  127. the usual suspects:

  128. the usual suspects:

  129. i watched it Anonymous

  130. MikeNL...


    wake up.

    I think you are being used. The greatest "revelation" I'm seeing here and on the IAAP page is that there's a sucker born every minute (and I think a certain circus promoter said that same thing over a century ago).

    I'm still listening. Show me where I'm wrong.

  131. Rubes on the midway

  132. " anonymous said...
    the usual suspects:

    September 3, 2008 12:39 PM

    anonymous said...
    i watched it Anonymous"

    Tee hee, anonymous.

    I watched it too, and Anon #1, it's stupid.

  133. which one of you is bylcote?

  134. Tee hee, anonymous.

    I watched it too, and Anon #1, it's stupid.

    As is the assertion that John Lennon is alive and well, just farting around on YouTube all day and night.

  135. I saw one of Mikes comments:

    "This is not about Paul McCartney only. it's Thebea T les revelation."

    I did a search for Thebea and found this:

    The picture of the book doesn't show in my browser, but the book is:
    Jesus' Pattern for a Happy Life:
    The Beatitudes

    St. Paul Publications
    CODE: Thebea

    There is that "code" again!

    They file it under:

    The Beatitudes are a blessing, and are the beginning portion of the Sermon of The Mount.

  136. The idea is to set up the myths for Sir Larry McCartney to knock down.

    The only mystery to me is why he bothers.

  137. I am aware of the iamaphoney is fake theory.

    I think that there is a possibilty for that to be true,(Nothing is real, i am a phoney of course) i've always kept it in the back of my head...

    this is the internets : ] if i'm being used, i'm honored of being used by such great musicians, video makers etc, etc... : ]

    but if i find out IAAP is fake, really, i would say: why the fuck all the trouble? don't u have a life or something.. trolling on the internets, posting fake paul is dead videos and going around the world and stuff, leaving suitcases behind? is that funny to you?

    nahh, thinking about that sort of stuff takes me back into faith in IAAP.

    it's a great game, which isn't actually a game.

    people died, and i don't like that at all.


  138. What's next?

    I'm in the States.
    Can you guess what's next? ;)

    Project Pettycoat Stage 1 was all about .. securing my identity. Just ask Elias Crowe and Larry Mildew. Hell, even Mike helped me.

    Nothing without planning, and allowing others to do their own thing.

    Who will win the game?
    Running out of time, IAAP.

    Remember this; the "revelation" IS conditional!

    As for my own unveiling, you can find the answer in the imagery of Mia Melodies.

  139. http://therottenappleseries.proboards80.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=iaapmusic&thread=151

    real lyrics to the new song!

    RA forums exclusive.

  140. MikeNL said...
    where did that piece come from from phil spector...?

    Phil Spector on Lennon Murder

  141. Regarding the "Is Tafultong iamawitch?" thing...

    Anonymous wrote:
    Just that iamawhich is very informative and thorough the way that you are. It was asked out of utmost respect for you. Check out his YouTube page again

    Thank you for the kind words. I confess that I have a YouTube channel, but I don't really talk about it because my videos are awful. My videos are usually either questions with the hope of eliciting a reaction from someone in the Iamaphoney camp or clips that someone requested.

    iamawitch makes much better videos.

  142. i (Not I as in me, but some other I, possibly Iameye who isn't me, myself, or I either) wrote:

    At this point, that [John Lennon alive] could be reasoned as a possibility. NIR. Saying that Chapman was perfect to play the ROLE of a patsey. Because John was about to become "active"

    While it is true that it would be a great story, I just want to be careful with the John Lennon thing. I have not closed my mind about it, but unlike many of the other theories (even some of the wilder ones) I don't really see the "art" backing it up. Most of it just seems to be based on what some people said they saw or heard. The couple of things you mentioned were the first attempts I have seen to actually connect the Lennon theory to the Beatles artistic output. I will continue to do my best to keep my mind open, but this is still a touchy area for any of us who loved John. So, I'm not going to speculate wildly about John being alive if I have nothing to back it up. More importantly, I'm still not convinced that Iamaphoney is saying that.

    Has it really been almost 28 years?

  143. Anonymous said...

    Comment deleted
    This post has been removed by the author.
    many post being deleted


    Those comments were deleted by the persons who wrote them, not by me. When that happens it is usually because they noticed a typo or wanted to express something more clearly. Sometimes they want to post anonymously and forget they are logged in. In almost every case, a new comment with the same basic message follows shortly after the deletion.

    If I get a revelation of some kind and it gets deleted, I will tell you about it.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. paul is dead - the rotten apple 16
    "LOVE" Commercial

  146. about Savile Row:
    (Takes a while to load)
    and looky:
    James & James!

  147. i'm posting under yer name now ya dirty sod.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. lol, you've got that right!

  150. That was me : ]

    sorry, i couldn't resist.

  151. Ok, i did my research:


    Here is the true Phil Spector interview. Iaap manipulated the image and distorted the voice. But there it is.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. Anonymous said...

    are you in california Tafultong ?could you go get the suitcase?

    then we could be sure it would be done journalistically and not all hyped

    That's very nice of you to say. Unfortunately, I am nowhere near California.

    I also have to say, that 65if2007 was forthcoming about what he found in first suitcase. He posted pictures of everything and was very willing to answer questions at first. Eventually things got very nasty, which closed the door on Suitcase #1. That's probably something we'll all laugh about over a beer when this is all over.

  154. Jude wrote:

    Come on, everybody. The RA and RA-related videos are rife with implications of John Lennon being alive and living, presumably, under the name Bill Pilgrim. It's time to stop scratching your head and saying "That's silly, of course IAAP isn't implying that".

    Good case, Jude. I will keep your points in mind. I see some alternative explanations, but you could be right in terms of the implications in the videos. We'll see.

  155. At the risk of being flamed...

    65if2007, if you are reading this: What became of the original suitcase? And did you ever listen to the record?

  156. Anonymous said...

    the usual suspects:

    yhshvh10 is the Satirist Laureate of PID.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/08/08/article-1042745-0232BFE900000578-596_468x286_popup.jpg

    He asked for Stephen King memorabilia. That's somewhat disturbing, considering this:


  160. Miles Denton Oliver said

    "... What's next?
    I'm in the States.
    Can you guess what's next? ;)

    Who will win the game?
    Running out of time, IAAP.

    Remember this; the "revelation" IS conditional!

    As for my own unveiling, you can find the answer in the imagery of Mia Melodies."

    Well Miles, that and 80 cents will get you a cup of coffee. I hate to say this, but I'm more inclined to root for Iamaphoney than your efforts to shut him down.
    He seems to be more forthcoming with information than you, though
    I don't mean to suggest that you haven't put out some interesting material as well.
    It's like you're saying: "I'll shut down the Beatles, but don't worry; I'll let you listen to Frank Sinatra." Gee thanks. :-P
    Letter B

  161. I have a question for Tafultong. You seem to be a Beatles fan and you seem to know some scripture and that leads me to believe you may be a man of faith. How do you reconcile that morally with being a fan of Iamaphoney who appears to embrace evil/Crowley/Manson, is known to fake footage in order to slander someone, orders Mikenl to spam Paul's YT account, has inspired his fans to quote Crowley on their message board, announces on his site that "Paul will disappear" to the genuine horror of many, generally upsets people and who you yourself admitted on here to being scared of one night when a fire went down in Los Angeles? How do you remain a fan of his? Also if you believe Iamaphoney's conspiracy theories about Paul McCartney and John Lennon, how do you remain a fan of the Beatles?

  162. Uh... someone mentioned the Mark David Chapman letter which got me looking...


    "Lennon was shot by Chapman on December 8, 1980; back then he was returning home accompanied by his wife, Yoko Ono.

    In the transcript, Chapman said that he initially got the urge to kill Lennon after looking at the Beatles' classic album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

    "I perceived him at that time, and wrongly judged him, to be a phony," Chapman told the board. "Here he is at this ritzy building, and he had been singing of love and other things, at that time, it angered me.""


  163. www (dot) efluxmedia.com/ news_Mark_David_Chapman_Admits_Shame_For_Lennons_Murderer_ 22591 (dot )html

  164. And in the streets the children screamed
    The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed
    But not a word was spoken
    The church bells all were broken

  165. Miles Denton Oliver doesn't know shit, and isn't shutting anyone down. He just needs attention.

  166. We were singin' ...
    My my this here Anakin guy
    May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
    And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
    Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

    -Weird Al

  167. This post has been removed by the author.

  168. This author has been removed by the post(s)

  169. This removed is posted by the author.

  170. Mia Melodies?


  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. Some think they have me figured out.

    They "doesn't know shit." ;)

    I would bet that they can't even tell you whether I think Paul is Dead or Alive.

    I've worked well to make sure that no one can trust me. And since that you can't - I'm free as a bird.

  173. I'd prefer you be a hot toon chick, Miles

    Get the suitcase yet?

  174. Who said that I'm going to get the suitcase?

  175. I don't know if it is there for you to get, but you will look.

  176. Anonymous said...

    I have a question for Tafultong.

    How do you reconcile [being a Beatles fan and man of faith] morally with being a fan of Iamaphoney who appears to embrace evil/Crowley/Manson, is known to fake footage in order to slander someone, orders Mikenl to spam Paul's YT account, has inspired his fans to quote Crowley on their message board, announces on his site that "Paul will disappear" to the genuine horror of many, generally upsets people and who you yourself admitted on here to being scared of one night when a fire went down in Los Angeles?

    Thanks for the ONE question. You are correct that I am a Beatles fan (collectively and as solo artists) and I am an Iamaphoney fan. And I do not subscribe to any philosophy resembling "Do what thou wilt." Iamaphoney uses evil in his art, but that's not a very exclusive club. I don't feel that Iamaphoney slandered anyone. He has taken some things out of context to tell a story and he has used the work of other artists in his own art. The same can be said about The Beatles, Bob Dylan and a bunch of other people. Iamaphoney makes collages. If he truly slandered Paul McCartney, why do several people appear to believe that Paul is behind the Iamaphoney phenomenon?

    Are you sure that Iamaphoney "ordered" MikeNL to spam Paul McCartney's YouTube channel? I would have a problem with that. Maybe Mike would be willing to shed some light on that.

    I'm not sure how many fans he "inspired" to quote Crowley. Many people take unusual routes on the way to the truth. I worry more about people being silenced than I worry about people saying things I don't believe. I think my friend Vince is correct. Many people came to the Bible via a fascination with Charles Manson and Helter Skelter. But, once they adopted a faith from what they found in the Bible, some of them decided that other people should never read anything about Charles Manson or Helter Skelter.

    I don't recall "Paul will disappear." I recall "He will disappear" flashing in a video just before Iamaphoney disappeared for a while. But, if I felt that Iamaphoney was a threat to Paul or anyone else, I would not be his fan.

    I also don't feel that Iamaphoney generally upsets people. I have seen people threaten Iamaphoney, or flood his channel with obscenities and nonsense about bodily functions. I would not write a blog about them.

    The fire thing did concern me. I was satisfied with his response. These were not unsolved fires, so I feel confident that Iamaphoney had nothing to do with them. It was a little sick that he used them to increase his mystery, but I think the speculation by fans was too tempting for him.

    Also if you believe Iamaphoney's conspiracy theories about Paul McCartney and John Lennon, how do you remain a fan of the Beatles?

    I find Iamaphoney's work fascinating, but even though I am as familiar with it as anybody, I don't think he has provided a cohesive conspiracy theory yet. In some ways it seems to be coming together and in other ways it seems to be becoming more convoluted and irrational. But it's still fascinating. Plus, I hope that this blog doesn't come off as purely fan adoration. I try to study, clarify, critique, analyze, and have a bit of fun.

    As far as the Beatles go, I love their music. All of them have done things in their lives that they should be ashamed of, but they are not demons. I just love 'em.

    If Iamaphoney were a politician, or military officer or policeman, I would probably judge him more harshly and consider him dangerous. Historically artists have always been given more slack. I think that's a good policy.

    Thanks for the questions. I did try to answer as best I could. I will continue to think about your concerns.

  177. mikenl says the suitcase is still in place

  178. "I worry more about people being silenced than I worry about people saying things I don't believe."

    WELL SAID Tafultong!

    thank you for saying that!

  179. Blogger Miles Denton Oliver said...

    Who said that I'm going to get the suitcase?

    September 3, 2008 9:57 PM

    I say you should go get the suitcase Miles Denton Oliver

  180. I second that Miles

    go get it

  181. http://www.myspace.com/milesdeo

  182. you are voted to go get it, in a petticoat


  183. http://www.gaiaonline.com/

    check out the email address

    Miles ia a hot toon chick again, but in a green bikini

    I'll find you Miles, I'll find you.

  184. Anonymous said...

    mikenl says the suitcase is still in place

    September 3, 2008 10:11 PM


    65if2007 says its not there


    PIDgame said he/she/they looked at it and left it in place last month


    One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same.....

  185. I miss sesame street

  186. http://www.gaiaonline.com/

    Notice that this person uses
    little ~ symbols...just like Miles.

    I'll find you Miles.

  187. I hope you do find me because I am sad and lonely,

    Bop bozadee bozadee bop zitty bop

    Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla
    hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop

  188. so i see you are a david lee roth fan eh Miles?


  189. If this is you Miles:

    As far as I'm concerned, you can be lonely.

    Oddly enough, all the Mia Melodies/MilesDeo's I find are supposedly in the UK.

  190. Miles Deo is Youth.

  191. The Satanic Bible ends with a mysterious stamp reading only "YANKEE ROSE"

  192. satan worshiper eh miles?


    I think your true colors are coming out !
