Thursday, August 21, 2008

Here Today, Gone Today

Perhaps the thing that we have learned in the past 24 hours is that you don't mess with Iamaphoney.

In a decidedly weird chapter in the Iamaphoney saga, we have a new song that might be by the person or organization or splinter group (not Bill Elliott and Rob Purvis -- I don't think so anyway) that we call Iamaphoney. We also have gotten a few new videos from those referred to as Wannabees (I wish we could come up with a name for them that is less disparaging).

It was a day like any other...I had posted an article here and was enjoying the comments as they rolled in. But suddenly there came three consecutive cryptic anonymous comments.

Anonymous said...

the singer paul chose

August 20, 2008 8:56 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when we where young - south america

August 20, 2008 8:57 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It turned out that "J0HN0N0LENN0N" was a YouTube identity. I was working in the real world at the time, but apparently MikeNL was right on top of it.

Then we got a link:
But, by the time most people had found it, the video, which I believe was called "Revelation #1" was privatized.

The user description was still up. It said, "G, I'm going to reveal it all right here and there is nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't have told Him.
24 hours."

According to the information on the "J0HN0N0LENN0N" YouTube page, the "Revelation #1" video was viewed three times before it became inaccessible.

Another video on the "J0HN0N0LENN0N" YouTube page, featuring a new song "when we were young - south america" was still available at this point.

The style of the song seemed to be similar to "The Beau" and the supporting information was just as cryptic regarding the identity of the artist. The singer did sound similar to tracks we have heard by Iamaphoney.

More cryptic comments followed with the implication being that this person or group was breaking away from Iamaphoney and producing their own 9-Part revelation in the next 24 hours.

Then a funny thing happened. "J0HN0N0LENN0N" claimed that he had been threatened about copyright infringement on his YouTube page.

This was the message posted on the"J0HN0N0LENN0N" channel:
By using the page identity, you are giving the misleading impression to fans that these videos are being posted and hosted by John Lennon and The Beatles.
You have hijacked not only John's identity and copyrighted videos, but have also re-edited them.
John Lennon has not sanctioned you to use his name and/or copyrighted materials.
As much as we support freedom of speech and fan support, we cannot accept misleading impersonation, identity & copyright theft and fraud, and request your assistance in a rapid resolution of this matter by immediate deletion of this account.

I doubt that there were many who perceived this as an official warning.

It was shortly after this marvelous setup that "J0HN0N0LENN0N" vanished from the face of the earth (well, at least from the face of YouTube).

I guess it was around that point that I was informed that I was the starting Right Wing for Iamaphoney's soccer football team. Then I became very confused and was informed that my name was part of the revelation. I waited by the phone fully expecting someone to call and tell me that I am not a real person, but a character in a Kurt Vonnegut novel. At that moment I realized that I had to fold laundry, if for no other reason, just to prove that I was alive.

Special thanks to MikeNL for giving us some hints about his interpretation of these crazy events and for keeping the song, "When We Were Young" available.

Here are the new video links from other characters inspired by Iamaphoney:

Perfect Pitch from JohnCharles2007
I AM NOT - WHAT I SEEM from MilesDeo
11 - I am not what I seem from footnotebot
Paul is Dead - 3 - Eleanor Rigby from iamawitch

In more interesting news:

No date for the new Fireman release yet.
Still no date for the "Love" DVD.
The deal for Paul McCartney to do a concert in Israel has apparently fallen through.
Several sources have reported that Paul wants Nancy to come with him on tour. I hope that means that a full tour really is in the works.

To J0HN0N0LENN0N, 65if2007 and any others have crossed Iamaphoney: Hope you are happy and well! May God bless...


  1. np, taf : ]

    I don't know what happened in the previous comment section... it just exploded

  2. ya a whole bunch of accounts shut down last week saying revealing myself
    IAAP is not to mess with!

  3. I stopped watching the videos months ago, but I still check in on this excellent blog from time to time just in case anything new has been uncovered.

    I can't help but suspect this "johnonolennon" business is just another rehash of the may pang april fool's joke.

  4. no, it seemed authentic.
    only thing that bothers me is that his account is "deleted".

  5. WOW the comments did blow up in the Ken Mansfield post! I couldn't figure out if it was 3 or 10 people!

  6. Perhaps what this really means is that whenever you bring up a name like Christof Dreher or Martin Lind the Iamaphonies go bonkers trying to create a distraction to get you to stop talking about those names.

  7. yes thats what I feel too, a

  8. could be that or just someone random trying to mess with everyone....

  9. agreed!it even slowed down the chatter on iaap's page! And thanks for loading the When We Were Young video up!

  10. I think that they forced j0hn0n0lenn0n to shut down.
    not the youtube, but the iamaphony team.
    there must be so problem in the phony camp some dicidents who have left the organesation and they stole somethings. it is obvious that when we were young was not supposed to hit the public yet.and the revelation video was the reason they made sure that he closed his account. maybe they worked something out moneywise. i dont know.i am looking forward to see a real iamaphony video again. not all the phonyphonys.

  11. i know how you feel milkman, i want some new action too.

    hopefully something is gonna happen on 2-9 despite the suitcase not being retrieved... :- )

  12. i know how you feel milkman, i want some new action too.

    hopefully something is gonna happen on 2-9 despite the suitcase not being retrieved... :- )

  13. phony have almost 800 subscribers
    Paul McCartney has 12.000
    I think that you cant measure popularity on the subscribers. phoney have almost 150.000 channal views. mccartney has 500.000

    and phony have at leaste 1.100.000 video views.
    i think they know ectsactly what they are doing
    and i think they works together after rotten apple 37
    whare he told he had the code

  14. what are you talking about w/ j0hn0n0lenn0n?

    what happened? and why is it important?

  15. Anonymous said...

    what are you talking about w/ j0hn0n0lenn0n?

    The account appeared on YouTube with a video containing a new song that sounded like Iamaphoney's music. There was another video that promised to be the first of nine that would be a "revelation."

    what happened?

    The first "Revelation" was privatized after three views. A few hours later the entire account was removed from YouTube.

    and why is it important?

    Is two out of three a passing grade? I don't know why it is important.

  16. SOMEONE must have seen the Revelation 1 video! C'mon, what was in it?

  17. darn, i'd wish i was 10 minutes earlier :( i could've seen it if it wasn't private from the start.

  18. Hey, what happened to the "40 posts per minuet" policy of last night?

  19. My goodness!Well I see the frat house had a party here last night.No wonder I kept tripping over beer bottles on my way to this blog.
    They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but whoever was imitating me last night had it all wrong.I'm supposed to be on the Iamaphoney team after all,not praying that someone turns him in to the FBI.At least try to get your stories straight.In any event it would seem the lunatics have taken over the asylum.I hope last night's free for all was a one time event and not a sign of things to come.As much as I'm not a fan of what Iamaphoney does I'm beginning to feel sorry for him.In the past everyone was so well behaved and we could discuss things like adults.I only check in here when I have downtime at work but I expect you all on to be on your best behavior tonight ok? so have a good weekend to all the regulars.


  20. Hello! *echo*

    Wow, I guess everyone is out enjoying their Friday night, and here I am. I'm posting on a PID blog.

    What the fuck has happened to my life?

  21. hellolllooolllooooo

  22. lol, dunno what happened to your life.

    i wasn't there last night.

    it's storming and thundering like crazy!

  23. ----To J0HN0N0LENN0N, 65if2007 and any others have crossed Iamaphoney: Hope you are happy and well! May God bless----


    Thank you for the kind words.

    I'm fine. I'm not "gone". If I have "messed with" someone very powerful or "crossed" someone very powerful (I doubt very much that I have) and if I am supposed to be "gone" because of it, it hasn't happened yet, though I suppose that this might depend on your definition of the word "gone".

    But nothing has happened to me. Did you think that I had spontaneously combusted?

    If I'm "gone", it's because I've chosen to "leave".

    I'm choosing to leave again.


  24. How's your trump card doing, mate?
    Were you able to put in a land fill like you always dreamed of doing?

  25. Vince here,
    Just heard through the
    Steve Hoffman forum that Paul will be performing on the Jools Holland show in September as THE FIREMAN!

  26. The whole johnonolennon thing was engineered by IAAP to accomplish 2things (which it did)

    1. Make it appear as though IAAPs channel is somehow "protected" by Paul insiders while other "fake" channels are not.
    2. "Accidentally" release an IAAP tune to create interest (complete with IAAP team members posting things like "Hey, that kinda sounded like IAAP. Do you think it was him?")

  27. 65if2007 said...

    Hey 65! Great to hear from you. Thanks for providing more evidence that no one has ever been harmed by walking away from a conspiracy theory.

    All the best to you.

  28. Vince wrote:

    Just heard through the
    Steve Hoffman forum that Paul will be performing on the Jools Holland show in September as THE FIREMAN!

    Thanks, Vince. I finally did update the schedule on this blog last night. Hopefully we will get release dates for the Fireman CD and Love DVD soon.

  29. Anonymous said...

    The whole johnonolennon thing was engineered by IAAP to accomplish 2 things (which it did)

    I hope that's true, especially after a few moves that seemed to be miscalculations lately. BTW, like McCartney's music, the songs seem to improve with repeated listening.

  30. ok you guys
    what I have heard is that a few people left the Iamaphoney org a couple ago because they have a more militant view at the revelation, and they think that, after the first plan was destroyed by Neils death in march, that the ideas to continue was too soft and taking the long road, so a few people left with some of the revelation material and they are now blackmailing Him Himself. Apparently He stopped them in time,
    so it wouldnt destroy the next month plan to take the whole thing to the next level. Look at the word LEVEL,
    there is a reason that they used that.

  31. i told you the truth

  32. I believe you, allisbliss. No doubt Neil initially played an important role in the Revelation, but Ian and co. have been a bit lost since he died.

  33. i can confirm the Neil thing.

    thanks : ].

  34. what I heard was that iamaphoney was neils retirement gift, therefore no copyright problems
    and Paul coundnt resist taken the whole thing over i juli last year when neil was getting real ill


  35. Retirement gift? What did Neil get out of it?

  36. i can confirm the Neil thing.

    thanks : ].

    That's a bit brief Mike.

    Ya know, when we told the story of Apollo C. Vermouth, we explained it in detail, the only thing we left out was the name the person posting under ACV signed off as.. It wouldn't really matter as he said "just call me ****" Okay, so the inevitable thing that happens when you tell everything, you open yourself up to some unfriendly comments.. Point is, we put on our flak jackets and stepped into it, let the chips fall where they would.

    Do I know for sure it was Neil posting or dictating the ACV material, whichever? No, nothing that confirmed in a way that made me 100% sure.. Perhaps Mikey is more confident for whatever reason. All the same, Apollo wasn't wrong about the things he discussed IMO.

  37. Apollo said that Paul had left the band, and was replaced for a time.

    I thought it was his way of leading the PIDers away from the myth, but giving them something to land on where they could save face.

    So, Paul gave the viral marketing campaign to Neil for something to do after his retirement. What was going to happen if Neil had lived, and continued the project?

  38. I thought it was his way of leading the PIDers away from the myth, but giving them something to land on where they could save face.

    Hah that's one way of looking at it. Playing the role of the gentle shepherd.. and while this is a nice thing to say, that he was saving us from our own misconceptions, (and coming up with a "face saving" way to do so to boot) I think he ultimately had something to share and used carefully chosen words to communicate his ideas.

    Sounds like the ploy of a well thought out bullshitter, many have said that in so many words.. Oh well..

    Post passing of Neil, the APOV poster said something: That Neil was involved with Klaatu.. Look at the front and back covers of Sir Army Suit. On one side, the official members, on the other.. Who is that long haired guy looking backwards?

  39. Check this page out, It's from the Many Years From Now book

    " After French customs Paul put on his disguise. When the Beatles were making A Hard Day's Night, he had asked Wig Creations, the film make-up company, if they would make him a moustache. 'They measure you and match the colour of your hair, so it was like a genuine moustache with real glue. And I had a couple of pairs of glasses made with clear lenses, which just made me look a bit different. I put a long blue overcoat on and slicked my hair back with Vaseline and just wandered around and of course nobody recognised me at all. It was good, it was quite liberating for me.' "

    "...he made a film of his trip, trying out a few experimental techniques of his own invention. Paul had been making home movies for more than a year." ... "They were not like ordinary people's home movies. There were over-exposures, double-exposures, blinding orange lights, quick cuts from professional wrestling to a crowded car park to a close-up of a television weather map. There were long still shots of a grey cloudy sky and a wet, grey, pavement, jumping Chinese ivory carvings and affectionate slow-motion studies of his sheepdog Martha and his cat. The accompanying music, on a record player and faultlessly synchronised, was by the Modern Jazz Quartet and Bach."...

    "In March 1966 Paul ran a competition in a little underground magazine called the Global Moon Edition of the Long Hair Times, the direct forerunner of International Times, edited by Miles and produced by John Hopkins on his own hand-cranked offset-litho machine. Paul, using his pseudonym Ian Iachimoe, offered twenty guineas for a film script:

    "Ian Iachimoe, the Polish 'new wave' film director, is offering a prize of 20 guineas to anyone who can supply the missing link in the following script. The dialogue is not needed, just the idea."...

    And then it goes on to talk about the making of Pepper.

  40. now, I know, how much shit you people just make up




  41. I have always been looking for something that adds up. The truth always adds up, but sometimes a lie adds up.

    I am reading, watching and listening very carefully to all of this.

  42. Listen

    do you want to know a secret

    Do you promise not to tell whoa....


    Closer, closer,
    Closer, closer,
    Closer, closer, closer, closer.

  43. Im sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites

    Ive had enough of watching scenes
    Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas

    All I want is the truth now
    Just gimme some truth now

  44. 4 new phoneys. All pointing to the 10 days from now...

    Its gonna be an interview, I just know it!!! Just like April.

    A time to come clean. Show us your bigfoot.

  45. "Im sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites

    Ive had enough of watching scenes
    Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas

    All I want is the truth now
    Just gimme some truth now"

    great jude

    start w/ yourself

  46. Iamaphoney has some descent music. For multiple years now, he couldn't have kept this up without a little help from his friends.

  47. "great jude

    start w/ yourself"

    Oh fuck off, man. Since when did I claim to know anything? I'm friends with Mike, who's close to the IAAP group. Almost everything I know is through Mike; at best, I am just a third-rate information source. Do I have stories and brand new delicious PID clues to share? Hell yes. Will I find a better place and time to share those stories? Perhaps.

    You know who Iamaphoney is (I sure as hell hope you've figured it out by now), and you know, as crazy as it may seem, that I firmly believe that John Winston Ono Lennon is alive and well. Now, those bat-shit crazy ludicrous pipe dreams are all the "inside information" I have. If you don't believe in any of it half as much as I do, you have no right to be banging on my door for answers, because I haven't got any. IAAP has the answers that I'm still looking for. Me, I've got no secrets to hide.

    - Jude

  48. Jude

    "Ive had enough of watching scenes
    Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas"

    who are you talking about?

  49. It's just a song. I was only echoing Tafultong's sentiment of, well, wanting to know the truth.

    Although I can think of at least one schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donna who haunts IAAP's comment box.

  50. guys, i uploaded a new version of the rotten apple tunes to the rotten apple forum : ]

  51. ps: jude can you come online?

    got something to ask : ]

  52. Wow Jude! Someone nailed your impression last night...

    Here's my Jude impression:

    If you guys would ever just stop to look more closely, you would realize that IAAP has given us everything we need to know about the revelation. More than I even know, even though I already sort of know, but I might not know for all you know.

    Just for you to complete a perfect 180 and say: Oh fuck off, man. Since when did I claim to know anything?

  53. "Wow Jude! Someone nailed your impression last night...

    Here's my Jude impression:

    If you guys would ever just stop to look more closely, you would realize that IAAP has given us everything we need to know about the revelation. More than I even know, even though I already sort of know, but I might not know for all you know."

    Uh...yeah, and I also agreed that it was a terrific impression, remember?

    Just for you to complete a perfect 180 and say: Oh fuck off, man. Since when did I claim to know anything?"

    How exactly did I just complete a perfect 180? Do you even know what that is? A 180 is a complete turnaround. In the impression (which I thought was pretty good) the impersonator said he thought he might know, but might not really know for all he knows.
    So how different is that to what I just told you:

    "Almost everything I know is through Mike; at best, I am just a third-rate information source...IAAP has the answers that I'm still looking for..", etc..

    It's easy to come up with smartarse comebacks when you only read the first line of a comment. It's a pity that you wasted your breath only to make yourself look like an idiot.

  54. But go ahead and blame Mike for your misinformation.

  55. "If you guys would ever just stop to look more closely, you would realize that IAAP has given us everything we need to know about the revelation. More than I even know, even though I already sort of know, but I might not know for all you know."

    Again, let me say that I couldn't said it better myself. Really, I am sure of nothing but convinced of everything; just ignore me if I say anything so much as resembling a cryptic statement. These are exciting days, and I find myself uncontrollably chatty amidst all the commotion.

  56. yes you are uncontrollably chatty, but yet you still have nothing to say...

  57. "But go ahead and blame Mike for your misinformation."

    Misinformation? When have I ever (A) blamed Mike for anything, or (B) claimed that I had misinformed?

    Once again you simply scan the text, picking out words that you like, and utterly failing to absorb it's weight. Socash, is that you? ;)

  58. Jude likes to say: Almost everything I know is through Mike; at best, I am just a third-rate information source.

  59. "Jude likes to say: Almost everything I know is through Mike; at best, I am just a third-rate information source."

    By third-rate I mean third-string.
    I'm just the third man down the line. It's IAAP and Co. who talk to Mike, and Mike who shares things with me. I'm not a part of the Rotten Apple team, if that's people think I am.

  60. I think people think I am part of the Rotten Apple team.

  61. Well two can play at this game, socash.

    I'm not me either.

  62. I am number 3 suck it!!!!

  63. do you think that Sept 2 2008 will be some big news?

  64. Well 3 can play at this game socash

  65. Jude, I am so gay for you. Really, I am.

  66. I think people think I am part of the Rotten Apple team.

    I didn't say that.

  67. Just shove it in, deep as you can. I want you, Jude, I really do.

  68. Jude, I am so gay for you. Really, I am.

    Just let it ride... Go with it.. Your parents already knew.

  69. HAHAHAHA I AM 13!!!

  70. "Just shove it in, deep as you can. I want you, Jude, I really do."

    But you did say that, you queer buffoon. Let's both be childish and keep at this all night. What do you say?

  71. I; Jude, am sorry. I let my emotions grab ahold of me. Taf, please forgive me. I'm sorry to make a mockery of your blog.

  72. That last comment wasn't mine.

    - REAL Jude

  73. That last comment wasn't mine either.

    - REAL (my parents accept me) Jude

  74. I will win this argument. Thats what I do.

    - REAL Jude

  75. Why do I ruin this blog?!

  76. I can see that I'll have to create a Blogger account so that I can end these shenanigans.


  77. -Bern --erhm Jude.

  78. please don't do this!
    the other night was enough of this type of behavior, I beg of you!

  79. BERN is Jude? is that true?

  80. I'll make me a "google" account, and I'll make a blog that proves Iamaphoney is lord.

    That way I cant call people gay.

  81. Lets get this bitch to 250 completely useless comments!!

  82. "It was at this time that the reprehensible 'Paul Is Dead' notion was born, providing virtually unlimited fodder for a legion of pot-smoking idlers around the globe to further squander their limited lifetimes from that day to this."

    -Geoffrey Giuliano

  83. Actually, I had already made a blog quite some time ago. I just never got off my arse and did anything with it. I am nowhere near as prolific in my PID studies as Tafultong. If I ever did make a blog, I honestly think it would pale in comparison. I'll just stick to my videos instead, thank you.


  84. Please don't make Aja trip over anymore beer bottles ! 250 unless comments will do more harm then good !

  85. I created my own account. So now I can accuse anyone of anything!!!


  86. I think it will be like this for another 10 days until either revelation or another let down

    and if I was a betting gal, I would say "let down" is a better then even money proposition

    I know I've got ants in my pants over this whole situation, makes me want to sit in mojo's hot seat

  87. I can see that I'll have to create a Blogger account so that I can end these shenanigans.

    I should've known that soon after I wrote that cretin (*cough*, *cough* socash *cough*, *cough*) would go on and register it just to screw with me.

    Well, no matter. Most readers of IAAP's blog are clever enough to discern who the real Jude is. I shall take my leave, and return when this foolishness has ended.
    Meanwhile the immature will continue to use my name to write things that should be apparent to anyone who has watched my videos or read my comments that I would never, ever write.

    - Jude/RockXLight

  88. fail

    Is the only word I know, apparently.

  89. Back to serious discussion.

    No trolling anymore.

    Please, tafultong doesn't appreciate this trolling behaviour.


  90. Yes. Please Tafultong, I am sorry and I should have taken the higher road.. I'm not whats wrong with your site. I just post under other peoples name's to get my point across

  91. Lets start a petition?!? That will fix it!!

  92. My nipples smell like cheese.

  93. oh no, now you've done it

    we had a good thing going on here, and now it's probably over

    this is a sad day

  94. WHen I saw there were now 105 comments, I thought maybe there was an intelligent and heated discussion that had occured here.

    I was wrong.

  95. Any press is good press?
    Vince, here.

    I STILL say the whole 'she-bang' is an attempt for "The BEATLES" to be more than just a 'rock combo'.

    'coz 'the biz' really is DEAD!
    I believe this.
    When the only way to hear 'new music' is through FREAKIN' CAR COMMERCIALS,........

    Your pal,

  96. "WHen I saw there were now 105 comments, I thought maybe there was an intelligent and heated discussion that had occured here.
    I was wrong."

    so true!
