Sunday, May 11, 2008

Some More PID Videos

YouKnowMyName231 has some new 30-second clips:

Get a Clue (sub 1)
Connecticut Yankee (sub 2)
Fool's Gold (sub 3).

1234567AGCGTH gives us "Who Abel Omits" (Possibly and anagram for "Who Is To Blame"). The description contains the anagram "PPR SLAVES O.T.O." ("Passover Plot"). The audio comes from Iamaphoney, but I am not convinced that this video comes from him. I seem to remember him using a "Passover Plot" anagram before and he generally doesn't repeat himself outside of the videos themselves.

KnowGuitar provided "Paused Dial" (a rather simple anagram for "Paul Is Dead").

And finally there is Paul is dead- John Lennon - Idont believe in THELEMA from felolobos .Our old friend Alejandro Jodorowsky turns up on this channel as well.

Nothing Is Real members rbbrsoul, socash and skyward contributed to these discoveries.


  1. well now, what a profitable weekend, eh?

  2. Aside from YouKnowMyName231, these are all pretty lame. Now we're trying to say Sgt. Pepper was Hitler?

  3. The YKMN vids here contain some interesting coincidences (or not). Ira Levin, who wrote Rosemary's Baby, Boys from Brazil, and Stepford Wives, lived in Wilton Connecticut, which is where Jeremy Black, whose name is pointed out in the last video, went to High School. According the Wikipedia, Levin based the town of Stepford on Wilton. The new vids indicate, from the same piece of paper (program?) that has Jeremy Black's name written on it, the name "Amy Herot," who, if my Googling and Sherlock Holmes deduction is correct, was a producer for CBS/Sony, which was McCartney's label. The Beatle's Store in London is at 231 Baker street, so maybe this is the reason for the "231."

  4. I don't necessarily disagree with you, but look at This Picture

    Then compare it to That Picture

    Then do a little research on William Hitler and take two aspirin.

  5. Your Geoffrey Guiliano posting had a picture of George at home with a picture of Hilter in the background. Then there is Ringos’ heel click and salute in Hard Days Night. Now the toothbrush mustache in Magical Mystery Tour, I know John had wanted Hitler on the Pepper cover as well but didn’t get it. It is disappointing and disconcerting to think about the implications.

  6. Anonymous 2,

    Lots of people miss the Ira Levin book "This Perfect Day" which ties in wonderfully with the New World Order themes in the Rotten Apple Videos.

    Christ, Marx, Wood and Wei / Led us to this perfect day

  7. Anonymous 3,

    There is also a YouTube video of them giving salutes from the balcony in Australia. And in "Nobody Told Me" John sang, "There's Nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs. Probably (hopefully) nothing. Hitler was the butt of a lot of British humor.

  8. ok dumb question, and slightly off topic, but which video was it where they played peppers backwards and it kept saying "it was a fake mustache"?

    I can't seem to find it anymore...

  9. As far back as '63, McCartney used to wear fake beards/mustaches (i.e. disguises) so that he could stand around the girls waiting in line at the Cavern (or wherever) to hear what the girls were saying, and to find prospects. His wearing the disguise at the beginning of Hard Day's Night is probably an injoke reference to that practice.

  10. Not a dumb question at all. We are dealing with a large body of material.

    The backwards Fake Mustache was Rotten Apple 12

  11. Does anyone know who/what if anything inspired the story "Rosemary's Baby?"

  12. Wow, tafultong, I stand corrected on the Hitler references...

    Adolf Hitler in Liverpool

    He was my brother?

  13. we're so sorry, uncle...adolf

    Maybe is a anagram, but don't forget that O.T.O means "Ordo Temple Orientis" so, it's also making a relationship between Crowley & the Beatles

  15. Well, it looks as though this PID clue-hunting thing will go on as long as people have mirrors, an imagination, and free time. It doesn't appear that an end-game is in sight now that IAAP has jumped the shark (I think more than once by now.


    a retread, and probably not official?
