Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mr. Pilgrim Joins the Fray

POP POF from Mr. Pilgrim

Update: Go here for links to all of the grandfatheraleister, joshblue and tesla videos.


  1. Dear George Martin/Rich and WILLIAM


    Did John say "I woke up in someone else's van", or band?

  2. The original title was POP IBM POF. Now its just POP POF. O_o

  3. following the logic that derives the 2001 computer HAL from IBM, "POP IBM POF" becomes "ONO HAL ONE"?

  4. Which i just realized is ONO HAL ONE


  5. anon asks:
    Did John say "I woke up in someone else's van", or band?

    In regards to POP POF vid from what I heard, it's definitely John talking about a car accident and it was 'really weird' when he 'woke up' (maybe a drug reference there) and looked around there was some other guy in the band. I don't think he said 'van' simply because he stated it was a 'car' accident. Oh well- I wish they would put more emphasis on the sound quality of some of these videos, so, who knows? Sounds like 'band' to me.


  6. tygrefyfe,

    I wasn't able to find the source of that quote, but it does seem legitimate.

    It is only a guess, but he might have been talking about an ambulance (van) ride after the accident which caused him to miss several of the early sessions for the Abbey Road album.

    Has anyone heard that quote before?

  7. There are a lot of quotes I've never heard in the RA series made by John or the others, so the question is, where is IAAP Inc getting them?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. On top of that note- anon also said-
    [Dear George Martin/Rich and WILLIAM "Remember"], in regards to the note about the song Please Please Me. At first the heading looked like "Dear George Martin/ Richard William". I looked at it again and to my surprise, it does look like "Rich AND William". Who is "Rich"? Is it Ringo(Richard)?
    If it was to the others in the band, meaning "Rich" was Ringo and "William" is Paul/Bill, where is George Harrison's name mentioned? Why was his omitted and referenced to only GM, Ringo and Paul (William)? If it isn't who is this "Rich" person?

  10. tygrefyfe said...

    There are a lot of quotes I've never heard in the RA series made by John or the others, so the question is, where is IAAP Inc getting them?

    Exactly! I am wondering the same thing. Interview material may be one of the weaker aspects of my extensive collection, but I do have a lot and I am familiar with a lot more. Same thing with video. Has anyone ever seen that footage from the "mask" video? It's poor quality and most likely contains some trickery, but it still appears to be real footage of Paul on a plane. I have never seen it before.
