Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fireman Hits Again!

Abbeyrd Beatles News has a link to an article in the LA Times about Firemen battling a blaze at the location of the Capitol Records Tower.

The fire started around 5:30 a.m. in a club where Lindsay Lohan, star of the movie "Chapter 27" had celebrated her 21st birthday.*

I had not taken the coincidental fires that occurred in Iamaphoney "Happening" dates that seriously, but this one is too close to home.

*The L.A. Times article said the club was the site of Lohan's party. That may be correct, but I can't find confirmation of that anywhere. There were lots of erroneous reports around the time of her birthday party because it was supposed to be a big sponsored event in Las Vegas, but that got canceled due to her various problems.


  1. Hope it wasn't that club across the street.
    Saw the SUPER FURRY ANIMALS there.
    What a show!


  2. wow! didn't knew this

    weird :s

    hope we get some info in RA67/76

  3. to paraphrase a certain goofy/creepy video clip:


  4. I'm trying to think of the name of the place........ it kind a looked like an old movie theatre, but it WAS literally ACROSS THE STREET!
    It was the first time I had seen the CAP. Building IN PERSON. Boy, it surprised both me and my wife: It looks smaller in person.
    My thoughts also move to the fact that my wife had 'lost her religion' when it came to music. I slowly got her to accept and enjoy SUPER FURRY ANIMALS. And when I told her they were playing LA, she actually wanted to go. She felt like a kid again. We were probably the oldest kids there, and that place will hold a special place in my heart, if that is, in fact, the place.


  5. So is it arson if the fire starts due to pineal gland activity? :D

  6. I cant find any news coverage that Lohan was celebrating her birthday there at that time.

    I only see she's planning it for June in Vegas.

  7. Ok. Vegas was cancelled. And she HAD it there previously.

  8. The AVALON!

    That what it was called!

  9. Hey No,

    Just click the link that says "LA Times" for the article and you'll see the bit about Lohan.



    an answer to a cypher, perhaps? is this an allusion to that film "the prestige"?

    lots of dopplegangering in that one, to be sure.


    ...could this be a hint at billy pilgrim? as in billy pilgrim, the time-travelling protagonist of slaughterhouse five?

    now getting it ready for you!

  11. I didn't know there were THREE fires. There's this one, and the London fire close to the Macca Eye. What was the 3rd one?

  12. 3 Fires

    November 12, 2007 - RA 66,6A and London Fire #1

    February 9, 2008 - RA 101 and London Fire #2

    May 1, 2008 - RA 67 O and L.A. Fire

    The fear is that that September 2, 2008 marks the anniversary of the great London fire of 1666. And yes, September 2, 2008 is one of the dates on Iamaphoney's calendar.

    Thanks to No/So for pointing out the slightly misleading phrase in my original post. It's difficult to be accurate when you are frantically typing and need to get back to real work.

  13. Well if he set the fires he's gonna draw a lot of heat himself. Someone will squeal once someone gets hurt.

  14. Well if he set the fires he's gonna draw a lot of heat himself. Someone will squeal once someone gets hurt.

    I'll do it right now.

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am a conspiracy theorist and I suspect that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-a-like or maybe a few people who continue to pretend they are him today. There is a guy who makes videos on YouTube that seem to suggest that this fake Paul McCartney has something to do with most of the serial killers of the last 50 years. Last November he made a video about the death of the real Paul McCartney and there was a fire in London. In February it happened again, new video and new fire in London. I heard there was a fire in Las Angeles today near a place that has historical significance in the Beatles story. And guess what, he put out a new video today too.

    You should pick him up for questioning. I don't know his name, but he seems to answer to Iamaphoney. I think he lives in Denmark, but he could have been born in Brazil. He might have an uncle in Kenya. He left a briefcase in California recently, but he seemed to think it was a suitcase. He sometimes rides in a yellow car, but he also has been seen in a limousine. He carries around colorful yellow and red signs with the word "Code" written on them, but it is actually the word "Love" with mirrors. He writes and records original songs, but if you play them backwards they don't seem that original at all.
    Caution: He may be capable of time travel.



  15. That doesn't quite match the tone of your original post though.

  16. Anyway back on planet earth. Ever hear of Acrowleyorder? Mysterious YouTube videos about Illuminati, Satanism etc. but it's known to be ficticious?

  17. Anonymous,

    You're right. I keep bouncing back and forth, and maybe the humor is a defense for the discomfort. But, how would anyone report this and not look ridiculous? The "tone" might be different, but my silly letter is pretty close to a factual representation of pretty much all that I could tell someone about this. This is a bizarre esoteric topic that survives among a small group of individuals. I just don't think law enforcement would be interested.

    Do you?

  18. The acrowleyorder page has a link to a video of a song called, "Billy, Don't Be A Hero". Hmmm.

  19. No but as I said in my post if someone gets some good information and feels that he has crossed the line they'll be moved to do something about it. It could very well be that Iamaphoney wants everyone to think that he's evil.

  20. What about anonymous tipping?

    I don't think it would hurt to call someone at Apple and see what they think of all this.

    After all, the letters included in the original RA titles added up to a date and something like "Paul in Danger", right? Veiled or no, that counts as a threat in my book.

    Most of this material is pretty crazy sounding, yes, but not really any crazier than the notions that motivated Mark David Chapman and all those Mansonite sh*theads.

  21. It is possible that iamaphoney is just being used as a channel. All he did was post dates. He didn't predict any fires.

    The big questions is, where does he get his information?

  22. Tafultong,thanks for the laugh, the letter is hilarious, they say you only laugh when there's truth. I am only a hanger on in this fire/date dept. Because the date list looks like a mess to me. I have a question for those who have been following this since the beginning (I went on my first PID/iamaphoney binge in Decemeber '08) and there was alot of material already out there. I want to know when the first appearance of the moniker "the Fireman" happened and if possible the context...maybe someonewould be kindenough to help me navigate/organize the information or isthere a timeline already available. OK many quesitons....the missing billisher videos did anyone here see them and if so did you see any reason why they wouldhave been removed? Long-winded I know. I've been watching for a little while now I want to chat...

  23. Welcome mojollikins,

    I started to answer your question, but it became so long, I decided to make it a post. Thanks for writing.

  24. Tafultong, your fake "letter" omits the most compelling evidence linking IAAP to the fires, even if in a roundabout way. First, IAAP makes much of the London Eye (All Seeing Eye, get it?), and when the fire near the London Eye took place (coinciding with his video), he used the fire photo as his BACKGROUND image, as if he were taking credit for it, remember? He makes use of the FIREMAN theme throughout. He lets us know he is traveling to London and LA, specifically to Beatle-related sites in those two cities. Those facts alone would be enough for some to dig deeper. That his videos are strange and filled with references to Manson (as though Manson was really onto something)only fortifies the notion that the videomakers are unstable and have a mindset like Manson and Crowley. London Yard could figure out the videomaker's identities quite easily from the IP addresses etc.

  25. Yes, the Iamaphoney YouTube page fire backgrounds were a little unsettling. But I don't think either one was added until after speculation that "the fire" might have been the promised event.

    I think it is possible that the anonymous tip that you speak of has already been given.

  26. Regarding whether IAAP had foreknowledge of any of the fires . . .probably not, is my take. But the fact that he trumpeted the London fire with the background image is enough to give me pause, and I wouldn't put it past that crew to be eco-terrorist types, if not Satanists (or wanna-be occultists). It is interesting, though, that when IAAP retitled Thelema to "I am the risen son of Man" after the solution to that anagram came out, you said he probably knew it already because of the context of some of his videos (though let's face it, it could have come out "I am Charles Manson's Son" and you would have made the same argument). So based on video context, then, there is as much reason to believe he threw up the fire background image because he knew about the fire (he's got just as much fire stuff as Jesus stuff going on) as there is to believe he changed the title because he knew about the anagram. You can't have it both ways. Personally, I believe both are examples of IAAP reacting after-the-fact to give the appearance of foreknowledge.

  27. Regarding whether IAAP had foreknowledge of any of the fires . . .probably not, is my take. But the fact that he trumpeted the London fire with the background image is enough to give me pause, and I wouldn't put it past that crew to be eco-terrorist types, if not Satanists (or wanna-be occultists). It is interesting, though, that when IAAP retitled Thelema to "I am the risen son of Man" after the solution to that anagram came out, you said he probably knew it already because of the context of some of his videos (though let's face it, it could have come out "I am Charles Manson's Son" and you would have made the same argument). So based on video context, then, there is as much reason to believe he threw up the fire background image because he knew about the fire (he's got just as much fire stuff as Jesus stuff going on) as there is to believe he changed the title because he knew about the anagram. You can't have it both ways. Personally, I believe both are examples of IAAP reacting after-the-fact to give the appearance of foreknowledge.
