Friday, October 14, 2011

Uh Excuse Me...

I am not dead, but the night is still young. The rabbit hole presented some unexpected dangers.


Cease and desist you naughty boy.


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Anonymous said...

"i'm not even saying a word


say it

Anonymous said...

I didn't leave you with no direction, anyway.

Look at all those people at the crossing! let's count them.

maybe we have enough by now.

Cop on Campus said...

Link arms, sit in a circle, and I'll spray your mouth with pepper spray.

Anonymous said...

lol wha--

Anonymous said...

did i miss something lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I send you to reap what you have not worked for.


November 20, 2011 9:34 AM

let's see how this will turn out

Anonymous said...

Today is good.

Doris get's her oats said...

Oh, Didn't you, didn't you, didn't you see me crying

For the Day?

Dig it said...



Gets her oats

Anonymous said...

now the mystery of what the fuck is going on today begins

Anonymous said...

oh, i have a good memory too lol..

Anonymous said...

i'm still hoping that something will happen

that's all i can do

Anonymous said...

Pick up the White courtesy phone.

It''s for you.

Anonymous said...

didn't ring yet

Anonymous said...

this blog is just a bad joke now, really

Anonymous said...

It's not.

You just haven't learned how to deal with it.

Whoa, and when you do, it's going to blow your mind.

Anonymous said...

It's not.

You just haven't learned how to deal with it.

Whoa, and when you do, it's going to blow your mind.

You must have really low standards for what constitutes mind blowing.

electric arguments PT @ said...


the sky

is blue,

it makes you cry.


the sky

is blue.


who's hiding?

not me :)

Anonymous said...

i'm waiting for that prize to come back so we can actually talk normal

Anonymous said...

i'm waiting for that prize to come back so we can actually talk normal

Anonymous said...

when that takes place, that's when things will actually start to click

Anonymous said...

You must have really low standards for what constitutes mind blowing.

High standards are what got us here,
man. Make no mistake about that.

Ringo of Star said...

i'm waiting for that prize to come back so we can actually talk normal

Anytime. I'm ready.

everything will be fine said...

It's a cold day in hell when I surrender.

Then it heats up.


Y Not? said...

What I just tried to explain to you will soon blow your mind.

Anonymous said...

Bringing understanding every push and shove.

Anonymous said...

I don't have time with what time remains, Macca.

Are you hearing me?

Anonymous said...

lol, i'm game

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol, i'm game

then game on

Anonymous said...

that's when things will actually start to click

Anonymous said...

we're both game then what's the holdup. i've been waiting forever

Anonymous said...

i just want this to be over

that's all i ask

Anonymous said...

I'm right here.

There is no hold up.

Anonymous said...

i just want this to be over

that's all i ask

and what did I ask?

Anonymous said...

lol not getting mad over a couple of blog posts

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when things are cleared up in person, and i don't have to keep staying out late, going on no-sleep then i'll consider buisness deals

Anonymous said...

Is that actually what you wanted to say?

Anonymous said...

not really but you need to know that i am thinking clearer again and i'm telling you that in order for things to get better we need to work things out

worry about everything else after that, one step at a time

you know i didn't want to do what i did, the way i did it, but each time it needed to be done

Anonymous said...

not really but you need to know that i am thinking clearer again and i'm telling you that in order for things to get better we need to work things out

worry about everything else after that, one step at a time

you know i didn't want to do what i did, the way i did it, but each time it needed to be done

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the most important person out there, to me anyway

Anonymous said...

you know i didn't want to do what i did, the way i did it, but each time it needed to be done


but now it's different, right?

blink an eye. How much effort does that take?

Anonymous said...

One step is it.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Smiles await you when you rise.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

are we there yet

Anonymous said...

Anyone could see that the Road they walked on was paved in Gold


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i'm not waiting for anything lol

Anonymous said...

let's go

Anonymous said...

what exactly is going on?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


A real solution said...

You know it's gonna be

all right

Anonymous said...

not even close

Anonymous said...

what's not?

Anonymous said...

i can't even talk about it

Anonymous said...

Just try.

Anonymous said...

If you're all so choked up, blink

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

if i could talk about it, i would. if i had a real reason to wake up every day with a smile, i would.
if i could go back in time and re-do certain things, i would.

if you could only see the type of stuff that i have to deal with each and every day you would understand

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I send you to reap what you have not worked for.


November 20, 2011 9:34 AM

yea sure

Anonymous said...

i wished things would be nicer that's all

Anonymous said...

anyway, closer to 5000 atleast

oh hey

that's a good reason to wake up every day

Anonymous said...

careless AND sarcastic

my god

Anonymous said...

anyway, until tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow quit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it was fun while it lasted

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

statute of limitations is up.


Anonymous said...

no u

Anonymous said...

hey sad dude,

yo man, what you so sad about?

You got drugs man.

Drugs not enough for you?

Try more drugs.

If the drugs aren't working,
try better drugs.

And if that doesn't work, try more of the better drugs.

And if that doesn't work, try drinking alcohol with them.

It worked for Heath Ledger.

He isn't sad anymore, is he?

bonus time for cry baby said...

It made him MORE famous too

Anonymous said...

hey pall, they're in jersey, pall

can i spell your name like that

because i spelled your name like that

Anonymous said...

make them work


so we can have our fucking right album with paul and ringo

Anonymous said...

boo-hoo, i'm going to die for telling

i'm soooo scared

Anonymous said...

sister powell is playing stupid by saying words backwards while brother jeff went crazy on facebook to fill everyone in

sister obnoxious

P(D)enny La(i)ne said...

No wonder why things are so confusing..

Gaga and Elton said...

getting closer

Anonymous said...

if they can do it...

Anonymous said...

oh i'm tempted


Anonymous said...

so you mean to tell me that....

oh i'm dying of laughter





oh my god this is sooooooo funny lmao

Anonymous said...

What a shame you don't laugh your head off instead and do us all a favour.
Crashing Bore.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What a shame you don't laugh your head off instead and do us all a favour.
Crashing Bore.

Buzzkill, really

Julia said...

Hey guys!
Let's get this party started!

Anonymous said...

stop crying

my ears hurt

Anonymous said...

i'll jerk to that!

i mean, drink

Anonymous said...

lol shutup shutup

the basemint tapes said...

Paul and Heather

Anonymous said...

uh huh

Anonymous said...

this blog used to make me drink heavily....

now, i am drinking heavily.

the problem?


or this blog.....

i blame the blog, shame on you blog.....

Anonymous said...

ring ring

oh dead guy and ringo

i'm game

make sure you turn paradise into a recording studio

Anonymous said...

lol oh god

Anonymous said...

don't worry the crazy malaka is doing fine

he's going around giving the deathsign to everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

when he cuts people off on the highway, they give him the highbeams and he gives them the finger and pours windshield fluid with piss inside!! lollll

Anonymous said...

oh my god lol

Anonymous said...

what is the death sign?

Anonymous said...

hey guess what, i didnt drink that much buddy... so you were wrong, about that.

i didn't do drugs either.

so put that in your pipe and don't smoke it.

Anonymous said...

HEY! i never said anything >_>

a bunch of people came to ME and said a bunch of stuff so i'm like "yea, about that"

and nobody wanted to listen lol

it doesn't work said...

Anonymous said...
what is the death sign?

November 21, 2011 11:18 PM

i can't tell ya

'tis a secret ^.^

Bill Clinton said...

golly, i always thought it meant to be a rockstar lol

Anonymous said...


get it

get it

rock star


like a star from the sky but like a rock


MilesDeo said...

Today we celebrate The White Album.

Anonymous said...

Ah, The Right Album


Anonymous said...

By the way, I know the actual secret.

Not saying a word about it because that's how hilarious it actually is.

Oh, he knows me well enough to know that I wouldn't say what really happened.

oh yeah. said...

that was last year, or 4 years ago

MilesDeo said...

::Anonymous said...
Ah, The Right Album::

The What Album?

MilesDeo said...

::Anonymous said...
By the way, I know the actual secret.::

What's so actual about it?

Anonymous said...

oh, it's nothing, miles

believe me

Anonymous said...

By the way, I know the actual secret.

Not saying a word about it because that's how hilarious it actually is.

Oh, he knows me well enough to know that I wouldn't say what really happened.

Ah, so now it's gone from mind-blowing to something that's only hilarious. Well, who needs it, then? We have hilarity just reading PID posts. We all have secrets, some more or less hilarious than others. If someone says they know a secret and never reveal it, and if no one ever reveals it, it's no different than the sound of a tree falling in the forest.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to your treasure map, Miles Deo?

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to your treasure map, Miles Deo?

It was b.s. like the rest.

Treasure maps and that sort of thing on the internet, especially when coupled with PID stuff, are to be trusted as much as hidden briefcases.

It's a symbol of leading the gullible backward. . .you search, you hope, you look, you waste your time, you end up with a Blair Witch video and egg on your face.

D B Cooper said...

Speaking of treasure maps, I'll make you rich in 7 easy steps!
And a couple of jumps! :-)

Anonymous said...

hopefully we can end this soon

i'm tired of it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hopefully we can end this soon

i'm tired of it.

It won't end. It'll keep going and there will be more talk and nothing will happen. Like the dude who checks in once a year to scoff at how nothing happens, he will check in next year and be correct once again.

Get out now and reclaim your life.

I know I am.

Anonymous said...

well, guess we're all dying next year

oh well

tagalong said...

DeCease and resist you naughty boy!

Anonymous said...

at eleven o'clock

i'm still here

Anonymous said...

yea real nice holliday


Fish said...

Julian was exactly 922 weeks old when John was killed.

Cheese danish?

Anonymous said...

It won't end. It'll keep going and there will be more talk and nothing will happen. Like the dude who checks in once a year to scoff at how nothing happens, he will check in next year and be correct once again.
November 23, 2011 8:27 AM

You called it dude, I AM BACK

i am checking in like i did last thanksgiving.

and yup, nothing changed.

You wackos going to keep doing this?


Abbey Road PROOF/ FOORP said...

i am checking in like i did last thanksgiving.


November 24, 2011 9:42 AM

well then you MISSED IT..



And you will only see it next year.

too bad and sucks to be you

Anonymous said...

omfg how could we have missed it?

Anonymous said...

jesus, the world is going to change now.

The Name of the Road said...


And you will only see it next year.

I dunno about YOU, but I can see it NOW.

You're seeing it now too, btw.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

rated "T" for Thanks Giving

Anonymous said...

And you will only see it next year.

who won't let you see it now?

sez who?

let's get together! said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

or creation

Anonymous said...

time's up!

Anonymous said...

so a cop pepper spraying paul on the abbey road album cover is proof of what?

Anonymous said...

so a cop pepper spraying paul on the abbey road album cover is proof of what?

November 24, 2011 8:44 PM

police brutality.

Anonymous said...

so a cop pepper spraying paul on the abbey road album cover is proof of what?

November 24, 2011 8:44 PM


Anonymous said...

so a cop pepper spraying paul on the abbey road album cover is proof of what?

November 24, 2011 8:44 PM



Anonymous said...

in other words....

police brutally seasons paul in a unjust Cajun spice attack.

PPL, its time for the Occupy Faul movement!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
in other words....

police brutally seasons paul in a unjust Cajun spice attack.

PPL, its time for the Occupy Faul movement!

November 24, 2011 8:48 PM

oh, that already happened

Anonymous said...

Buffy the dragon slayer, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

you tell me

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what's my birthday gift going to be this year?

odds are nothing


Anonymous said...

oh hey what did i do for thanksgiving

absolutely nothing


Anonymous said...

paul mccartney is iameye

oh my gosh


Happy Birthday! said...

nothing is real

good choice!

Anonymous said...

paul mccartney is iameye


Anonymous said...

I am you and you are me.

Anonymous said...

i don't know if i should laugh at that or not

Anonymous said...

i'd like to laugh, but i'm not obligated to at the moment

Anonymous said...

time for bed

to do nothing tomorrow


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what do YOU suggest i do then

Anonymous said...

Get some Scot's Guard, fast.

Anonymous said...

why lol

Anonymous said...

im gonna nap

invisible nothing job


Anonymous said...

Sgt Pepper-Cop and the Fireman walk into a bar,,,,,

////// said...

see? now you may laugh.

Anonymous said...

i would but

no prize

oh well

time for nap

Anonymous said...

here let me do this because it's funny

.. ok ok

wait for it

wait for it

here it comes


The Right Album said...

this is getting ridiculous

Anonymous said...

*gone shoppin'*

Anonymous said...

This blog has gone the same way as Nothing Is Real, everyone is talking in code like they suggest they know something..

But let's face it.. This is not a pipe.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling I can't wait for iamaphoney to come out in 2012 and say it was all a load of bollox and some mugs actually bought my songs along the way #AWESOME

This IS a pipe! said...

in the conservatory with miss scarlet

Anonymous said...

That's her chair.

It's a-thrown.


Anonymous said...

real real close to the chair, that's an INDIAN pipe.


right it is

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for iamaphoney to come out in 2012 and say it was all a load of bollox

That won't happen.

Anonymous said...

i would but

no prize

Stop. There is a prize. Everybody knows it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In the beginning....

Anonymous said...

Let there be Light!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I feel disappointed that the trail has gone dead recently

Anonymous said...

Really in the last 8-12 months there has been nothing.

Like I said earlier everyone likes to play sing a song a six pence, but they really know nothing!?

Anonymous said...

yeah, nothing has been going on..


Anonymous said...

you must be borderline retarded to say something like that

Anonymous said...

Borderline retarded is letting that scenerio go on this long.

So, who's actually more wrong?

Who cares? Both parties suck at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

lol kk

Turn Right at Album said...

I feel disappointed that the trail has gone dead recently

Me too, so it must be.

I'd much raher prefer the trail go "live" if you catch my drift.

Anonymous said...

sorry, there isn't going to be any album.

sucks, doesn't it

Anonymous said...

live lol

Anonymous said...

Does anyone want to point me in the direct of learning how to speak this code one speaks of?

I've too read noting is real and what seems to happen is that someone mentions something.. Say ringo has a third nipple and was replaced then next thing there are 17 new pages with pictures of different types of nipple arrangements, and everyone post another useless picture then attaches a smilie.


Anonymous said...

so..... when does the right album?

know what i'm sayin'?

Anonymous said...

Follow the white rabbit.......

Anonymous said...

Oh gr

Anonymous said...

Basically the guy that looks after this website got a dose of reality and realised he needs to get a proper job and pay the bills, and stop following a phoney.

Rights US, Brother said...

sorry, there isn't going to be any album.

sucks, doesn't it

No, the Right Album is definitely O-U-T.

Anonymous said...

NIR = Now It's Righteous


Anonymous said...

Agreed NIR is just a vehicle for iameye and letterb to send messages to each other, get a hotmail account and stop posting shite

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