Friday, October 14, 2011

Uh Excuse Me...

I am not dead, but the night is still young. The rabbit hole presented some unexpected dangers.


Cease and desist you naughty boy.


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Anonymous said...


not him oh noo ;) said...

if I were PFPRap, you think I'd be dumb enough to write music when I could just post music that I love to listen to....

Anonymous said...

i like this one more

Anonymous said...

i swear, if one more idiot gets me mixed up for paul... i'll lose it

Anonymous said...

whatever brah

Anonymous said...

oh my god

i just had an epiphany

the beatles never created a rumor

the stupid people just thought of it


how lame is that

Anonymous said...

so hard i had to laugh twice

Anonymous said...

i swear, if one more idiot gets me mixed up for paul... i'll lose it

December 30, 2011 12:50 AM

Gem Archer?

Anonymous said...

LIfe ain't nuthin' but a funny, funny riddle.

take a sad song said...

The Clone?

Only Mama Knows.

Anonymous said...

Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people,

right on !

Anonymous said...

oh my god
i just had an epiphany
the beatles never created a rumor
the stupid people just thought of it

Yes they did. All on their own. And they still are. Admittedly some of the "clues" really do look as though they were planted, although just as many more are weak and a stretch (barefoot, hand over the head - which no one would associate with death unless they were trying too hard).

But coincidence and patterns and seeming associations, especially when one is putting effort into finding them, is a fact of reality, and that is more astonishing in a way than had the Beatles actually planted the clues.

"Truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." Leo Rosten

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Paul is Dead is a purely imaginative phenomenon - yet some insist on a literalist explanation for something that is in truth far more intriguing.

To say that Paul literally died or was replaced, and that the Beatles literally planted clues to that effect, saps the phenomenon of its richness.

One who literally investigates the apparent death of a rock star does not realize PID is really an investigation into the inner workings or his or her own imagination.


Rocky Racoon said...

No, there's a lot more to it than that only scratched the surface


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

and now a word from our sponsors

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What time are you picking me up for the Party?

it's STILL 2011 said...

Ypu sponsor is still waiting for that holiday bonus you promised.

Anonymous said...

opps, read YOUR

Dead Straight said...

it's a long road from Anguilla to 2012.... you gonna make it?

Anonymous said...

One who literally investigates the apparent death of a rock star does not realize PID is really an investigation into the inner workings or his or her own imagination.


Is that really you, YKMN? I thought you were PID lol

who's name do you know? said...

Cute, but not the lesson at hand.

Keep trying, and I suggest you speed it up.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What time are you picking me up for the Party?

December 30, 2011 4:43 PM

Ha, when I get the greenlight

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What time are you picking me up for the Party?

December 30, 2011 4:43 PM

Ha, when I get the greenlight

Do you also text yourself pretending you are on a date?

The unkind witch of the northwest said...

Can God like someone who doesn't like themselves?

Love aside, if you don't really like yourself, can you honestly say you like God?

Does love make this a moot point?

Anonymous said...

Can God like someone who doesn't like themselves?

Of course. He's God.

Anonymous said...

If God only "liked" those who liked themselves, He'd be liking a lot of narcissists and not liking a lot of humble people.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What time are you picking me up for the Party?

December 30, 2011 4:43 PM

Ha, when I get the greenlight

Do you also text yourself pretending you are on a date?

December 30, 2011 6:54 PM

oh yeah, all the time

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What time are you picking me up for the Party?

December 30, 2011 4:43 PM

Ha, when I get the greenlight

Rather than wait on your metaphorical party for years on end, perhaps hit the local watering hole. "Whatever whiskey won't cure, there is no cure for."


Anonymous said...

i'm so tempted to

Anonymous said...

turning water to wine LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore.

Anonymous said...

The garden of eden is closing in 24 hrs due to lack of reservations.

you SAID you wanted an EVE O L utio said...

New Year's Eve is sad you forgot Christmas Eve, really.

24 hrs and I'm gone.

There's no point to this if no one cares.

Anonymous said...

Suicide is illegal, right?

Anonymous said...

you can't do it

i need you

Anonymous said...

New Year's Eve is sad you forgot Christmas Eve, really.

24 hrs and I'm gone.

There's no point to this if no one cares.

December 30, 2011 9:00 PM

I'm the only person here that actually cares about things.. It's wonderful to see how I'm the only one with actual relevance to everything BUT nothing interesting has popped up for me. So of course I won't talk about anything until I get what I want..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Suicide is illegal, right?

December 30, 2011 9:06 PM

Try standing in My shoes for a day. You wouldn't last 5 hours.

Anonymous said...

And now, I'm in..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Suicide is illegal, right?

December 30, 2011 9:06 PM

If you're NOT PFPrap, it's illegal..


arts said...

should have known what iamaphoney was asking for...

Anonymous said...

oh well

Anonymous said...

whatever brah

Anonymous said...

we need to get to the post limit before new years

with or without ya brah

Anonymous said...

creepy wrestling guy dude

not cool brah

Anonymous said...

i only say brah because i'm chewing gum since i'm so cool brah

Anonymous said...

i wear sunglasses at night because of my groovy complexions brah

Anonymous said...

i could masterbate to myself

Anonymous said...

my ego is sooooooooooooo big


Anonymous said...

lovelyrita wants a piece of this bad boy you know what i'm sayin ;)

cha chinggggggg

Panicky Idiot #2 said...

I heard a story about someone falling into a hole and seeing hell, and he said Jesus was there with him, Jesus had taken him down to show him what hell's like, and he saw someone deep down, and they looked to Jesus and asked for forgiveness and to be set free, but Jesus said it was too late, and so the guy who was burning in hell started cursing and blaspheming Christ.

And to this day, the thing that scares me most about not making it into the Garden with all the best of us, is the idea that I'll not have love for God in my heart and I'll be full of the worst in me and stuck like that.

Not that I don't think I might make it, I just don't feel ready, deserving, smart, strong, or good enough to make it.

Anonymous said...

I heard a story about someone falling into a hole and seeing hell, and he said Jesus was there with him, Jesus had taken him down to show him what hell's like, and he saw someone deep down, and they looked to Jesus and asked for forgiveness and to be set free, but Jesus said it was too late, and so the guy who was burning in hell started cursing and blaspheming Christ.

And to this day, the thing that scares me most about not making it into the Garden with all the best of us, is the idea that I'll not have love for God in my heart and I'll be full of the worst in me and stuck like that.

Not that I don't think I might make it, I just don't feel ready, deserving, smart, strong, or good enough to make it.

December 31, 2011 1:10 AM

Thank you for calling "Dead-Person BodyGaurds"

To speak with Michael Jackson, please press 1.

To speak with Elvis, please press 2.

To speak with John Lennon, Dean Martin, or Frank Sinatra.. Please hold..

No seriously, the part you need to realize is that the person given the power of knowing something, also knows the image they have to become pretty easily.. And that you just have to be there and smile and let the big old angry dead rockstar handle that one.

Moth in the Incubator said...

No seriously, the part you need to realize is that the person given the power of knowing something, also knows the image they have to become pretty easily.. And that you just have to be there and smile and let the big old angry dead rockstar handle that one.

I passed high school because at least two teachers gave me Ds when I deserved Fs. One kind of liked me, the other I thought wasn't a fan of me. But that's how I feel now. That last month of 12th grade, I know what I've actually earned and deserve, I'm just hoping my Spanish teacher decides to give me a break, despite my apathy towards learning Spanish.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we're on the same boat.. want to pass me a paddle, por favor?

Rowan Boaterson said...

I'm trying. Though someone did cut off my arms with a chainsaw in a dream a while ago, so I may have to use my feet like a chimp. Excuses, excuses, I know.

Anonymous said...

I don't sleep.. Keeps my mind off of dreams

My own habit

Sleepy and Dopey said...

My new interpretation of John Lennon's "how do you sleep?" is that he was honestly asking. Connected to the song "I'm So Tired." Like, he really wanted to know, how does one sleep?

paul click here ;) said...

I wouldn't go that far...

Anonymous said...

just so you know when it's me :D

Anonymous said...

the sound you make is music to my ear

still does <3


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ring ring

Anonymous said...

5,000 posts brah

what's taking so long

Anonymous said...

somebody had better start doing their job

Anonymous said...

I heard a story about someone falling into a hole and seeing hell, and he said Jesus was there with him, Jesus had taken him down to show him what hell's like, and he saw someone deep down, and they looked to Jesus and asked for forgiveness and to be set free, but Jesus said it was too late, and so the guy who was burning in hell started cursing and blaspheming Christ.

And to this day, the thing that scares me most about not making it into the Garden with all the best of us, is the idea that I'll not have love for God in my heart and I'll be full of the worst in me and stuck like that.

You misheard Him.

It's not too late if the time is right now.

So dig around the heart and see if that helps change anything.

Tomorrow, yes, will be too late.

Today is your last chance. Use it!

Anonymous said...

And to this day, the thing that scares me most about not making it into the Garden ....

don't you see? that's where you are now.

Anonymous said...

The Garden is EverGreen. I told you.

Beautiful this time of season, too :)

Anonymous said...

seven for two

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and Fair.

Killer Combo

Anonymous said...

i'm aware of that lol

Anonymous said...

keep your head up

please for me :)

Anonymous said...

what more can I do?

Just look at my face.

Anonymous said...

I'll telling you flat out, now is the TIME, ok?

Anonymous said...

The head is on a silver platter.

Give me my price.

Anonymous said...

it sounds like somebody is in need of an old friend for once?

i would hope that's true

Anonymous said...

That would be very nice, So show up.

Anonymous said...

to where exactly

nobody ever invites me

Anonymous said...

to where exactly

nobody ever invites me

B.E. Shears said...

I get High with a little help from my friends.

I get bye with a little help from my friends.

B. LightYear said...

to where exactly

nobody ever invites me

ah, but you were.....

to the Heart of the UniVerse, and beyond!

Anonymous said...

Go to Evergreen Terrace. Ask the Pope for directions.

Anonymous said...

Consider yourself invited, Paul.

Get your ass back to the Garden.

Anonymous said...

The Light is Green.

Go Go Go!

Anonymous said...

I'll say goodbye and you'll say hello

hello hello

Anonymous said...

Then all our friends will arrive and we'll be one big happy family again.

Sounds good, right?

Anonymous said...

.....because as of tomorrow, I don't want to play anymore.

I'm sure you can understand why.

Anonymous said...

give me some time today dear i'm helping with the parents but i'll get back on as soon as possible

Anonymous said...

Do you remember those days hanging out at the village green?

Engineer boots, leather jackets and tight blue jeans.

Oh you drop a dime in the box play a song about New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

give me some time today dear i'm helping with the parents but i'll get back on as soon as possible

you have all day and half the night

and that's it. Sorry, either it's go time or no time.

Anonymous said...

Go Go Go

is a little 666ish, huh?

Anonymous said...

are you still there

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tyme for t

Anonymous said...

paul and nancy over for buiscuits and tea ;)

and some pot too

oops wait can't say that lol

Anonymous said...

And to this day, the thing that scares me most about not making it into the Garden with all the best of us, is the idea that I'll not have love for God in my heart and I'll be full of the worst in me and stuck like that.

Hmmm. . . but what about the 10-year old Chinese girl who never heard of Jesus at the time of her death?

Theory debunked.

Anonymous said...

Jesus has many names. I'm sure she heard of him, at least a little.

on the eve of 12 said...

So, how's it going out there? Making progress? Or are you all still in denial?

Anonymous said...

At the risk of repeating myself,
playtime is over if the price is not collected.

Anonymous said...

And since I'm not seeing anything good anywhere like a spark of fire around the world, it kinda looks like you're losing.

Remember: It's not what I will do, it's what I won't.

And this really is your last chance.

Anonymous said...

So, how's it going out there? Making progress? Or are you all still in denial?

No, no one has made any progress and all of us are in denial. Clearly you have failed. Again. And you will continue to fail.

Can we get someone who knows how to do their job around here?

Anonymous said...

And since I'm not seeing anything good anywhere like a spark of fire around the world, it kinda looks like you're losing.

Remember: It's not what I will do, it's what I won't.

Don't worry. Every year for the past 2,000 years someone like yourself has said same things. And whatever it is you won't do will have no effect, so either admit your defeat, as some false prophets are forced to do, or do what the rest of them do: change your story to save face.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And since I'm not seeing anything good anywhere like a spark of fire around the world, it kinda looks like you're losing.

Remember: It's not what I will do, it's what I won't.

And this really is your last chance.

December 31, 2011 1:00 PM

And exactly you are?

Oh, right.. somebody making threats towards someone else.. not mentioning names, no backround to what you are saying.. just straightout making threats to someone who probably doesn't even read this..

Great job.. really

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So, how's it going out there? Making progress? Or are you all still in denial?

No, no one has made any progress and all of us are in denial. Clearly you have failed. Again. And you will continue to fail.

Can we get someone who knows how to do their job around here?

December 31, 2011 1:18 PM

If only things went my way then maybe you would... but since they're not I'm not saying anything anymore

Anonymous said...

oh well

Anonymous said...

If only things went my way then maybe you would... but since they're not I'm not saying anything anymore

Maybe things haven't gone your way because no one knows what in the fuck you are talking about. Try condensing whatever it is you want to say into a few paragraphs and post it as a single comment.

Anonymous said...

that won't be needed


Anonymous said...

that won't be needed


thanks for clarifying. I'll alert the media.

Anonymous said...

lol kk

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I'm happy to be here. Even though it's to the point of ridiculousness and un-wellness beyond what I could measure (and maybe if I could, I wouldn't say this), I am still happy to be here. If there was a lottery back in heaven to determine which souls go to what time period, I'd feel like I got what I'd have wanted. Not even that's it's in my benefit or I'm dealing with it well. I'm just happy to be here.

PS This has nothing to do with post new year's eve 'not-quite-sobriety' state of sobriety, I really do mean it.

Anonymous said...

Though I am wasted right now.

Anonymous said...

Gee, now that's suprising

Anonymous said...

Hey drunk person

Anonymous said...

yeah, i'm getting blocked to start new years .. definately

must say though it's wonderful to have your own bedroom and be able to smoke cigs (wink wink) and get away with it

Drunk Person said...

No, the alcohol's basically out of my system. I'll admit to being high. And a little masculine-looking.

Anonymous said...


glad you admit that

Anonymous said...

on second thought..

what in the blue hell...

masculine looking...

it's one of those things when you read it, it's hilarious the second you see it.. but when you stop and think about it...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

of course not i'm having the best new years of all time staring at a wall

Wonder Wall said...

But maybe it's going to be the one that saves you.

Anonymous said...

of course this is the one year where i'm not actually having fun right now.. but hey, what can i do..

Anonymous said...

When will it though that's the question

Captain Oblivious said...

That is the question. I imagine, on individual levels and on mass levels, it happens when people are ready for it to happen.

Anonymous said...

where did I put that little white flag

Anonymous said...

If I had it in my hand I'd hand it to you.

Anonymous said...

i hate this

Anonymous said...

gee thanks

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

no this is really being bored to death

Anonymous said...


It's 2012 said...

Well here we are!

Anonymous said...


JL said...

Is Paul at least as cool as Jesus by now?

Anonymous said...

who cares

Anonymous said...

don't tell me you think paul's jesus -_-

Anonymous said...

the hell

Now you're in Heaven said...

I think so.

Anonymous said...

certainly doesnt feel like it

doublefantasy1980 said...

The one pretending to be, isn't the one you see..

Really, that's all it is..

Anonymous said...

of course things are going to go from bad to worse by tomorrow

if they don't i'll be amazed

Anonymous said...

how the fuck do you get paul mixed up with jesus

thats like saying bill gates is buddha

Get A Clue said...

Radio Station KLUE in Longview, Texas, one of the stations which organised the public bonfires of Beatles records on August 13, was knocked off the air the next morning when a bolt of lightning struck their transmission tower, causing extensive damage to their radio equipment, and according to the book Beatles In Their Own Words edited by Pearce Marchbank, knocking their news director unconscious."

Anonymous said...

bill gates is buddha

Amazon said...

of course things are going to go from bad to worse by tomorrow
if they don't i'll be amazed

Maybe you're amazed!

Anonymous said...

Well Shirley John is as cool as Jesus by now, eh?

Oh my love said...

nice song!

Anonymous said...

sleepy early

Anonymous said...

Don't let me down tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I want to say, when I really think of love and what it really is (not merely physical but something that exists in perception and communication on deeper levels)and I look at this replacement, it's hard to imagine there being more love within and about someone.

I might be wrong but I'd like to think I have a good enough understanding of love to be right.

the Greek C-horus said...


hey iamaphoney said...

So here we sit like birds in the wilderness
birds in the wilderness
birds in the wilderness
Here we sit like birds in the wilderness
Waiting for the show to start

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I want to say, when I really think of love and what it really is (not merely physical but something that exists in perception and communication on deeper levels)and I look at this replacement, it's hard to imagine there being more love within and about someone.

I might be wrong but I'd like to think I have a good enough understanding of love to be right.

January 1, 2012 12:36 AM

your funeral not mine

Anonymous said...

I should have been with you again.

Anonymous said...

i know right

what happened

Anonymous said...

replacement lol

Anonymous said...

your dead not me

Anonymous said...

my dead? pay you taxes

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And that's why they call it the wilderness -

Thieving Nazi assholes

Anonymous said...


Going out for a flaming zombie.

Anonymous said...

suck it

Anonymous said...

The chewing gum I like

Anonymous said...

suck it?

you suck it

Anonymous said...

Hey, call the fireman.

The cat's still up in the tree.

Anonymous said...

Did Santa do you right?
If not, lots of bargains this week!

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah yeah

Anonymous said...

found a secret stash of pain pills

ohhhh shit

now its aparty

Anonymous said...

coming down, coming down, coming down fast

Anonymous said...

JL said...
Is Paul at least as cool as Jesus by now?

December 31, 2011 9:41 PM

and the biggest ironic moron of 2011 is....

Anonymous said...

At the risk of repeating myself,
playtime is over if the price is not collected.

December 31, 2011 12:55 PM

Who are you talking to?
At least give us a clue.

Or don't you know?

Anonymous said...

you know what i can't STAND one bit


women singing

just hate it

especially the half-clothed music videos just terrible

might have to ring up some people and get a band going again

Anonymous said...

Is that your subconscious speaking?

What's the price for collecting the prize?


Anonymous said...

oh mr. vermouth, the white courtesy phone is for you

stop texting on your iPhone

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is that your subconscious speaking?

What's the price for collecting the prize?


January 1, 2012 2:41 PM

You know, I'm on the down LOW now lol

Long hair and cheeky sideburns, queen says are in this year

Oh boy.. long year already, me thinks

Anonymous said...

Mr vermouths dead.
He's locked in my basement

Anonymous said...

Mr hat will collect the prize on his behalf.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Paul Jesus..

You know, the one that looks exactly like Lennon but a bunch of morons claim he's McCartney..

Anonymous said...

wait you mean...... uh oh..

Anonymous said...

so, how was this DNA obtained, out of interest?
Can someone enlighten us please.

Anonymous said...

O yeah, it's a secret, I forgot.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
so, how was this DNA obtained, out of interest?
Can someone enlighten us please.

January 1, 2012 3:04 PM

Lady Gaga told Mr. Pilgrim to pee in a cup

then the LightBearer that Paul and Yoko knew about smoked a few cigs with him

Anonymous said...


secret right

Anonymous said...

Paul and Yoko knew the lightbearer

John didn't know the lightbearer

Anonymous said...

da da dum bum bum

if when she tries to run away

and he calls her back

she comes

da da da

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