Friday, October 14, 2011

Uh Excuse Me...

I am not dead, but the night is still young. The rabbit hole presented some unexpected dangers.


Cease and desist you naughty boy.


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Anonymous said...

ah, the religion of Beatles. Because they have all the answers. And they're cute!

I'll stick with the Bible, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I won the whole kit and kaboodle right under you nose while you were busy bitching about it

Said Lucifer

Anonymous said...

so don't be a hypocrite , dude

The bible told you EXACTLY what to do and where to look.

I'll stick with the Bible, thanks.

good, so do so.

Anonymous said...

you WON? The WHOLE kit and kaboodle? And we LOST? You are the WINNER?

some traits associated with Narcissism:

*Pretending to be more important than they really are
*Bragging (subtley but persistently) and exaggerating their achievements
*Claiming to be an "expert" at many things

let others trumpet your achievements lest they sound hollow.

Anonymous said...

Said Lucifer

said the Light Bearer

Anonymous said...

let others trumpet your achievements lest they sound hollow.

lest THEY sound hollow


thump thump

You're hallow

Anonymous said...

the Electric LIGHT Orchestra is the true light bearer

Anonymous said...

you WON? The WHOLE kit and kaboodle? And we LOST? You are the WINNER?

yes, and I totally did it for you

very imp pt to the equa-sion.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say you lost, BTW.

I don't want anyone to actually lose, ya know.

Anonymous said...

you WON? The WHOLE kit and kaboodle? And we LOST? You are the WINNER?

yes, and I totally did it for you

Well since the bible mentions nothing about your brilliant YouTube revelation, I would strongly suggest you read up on "messianic complexes" and get back to us. Also, I am quite sure if any person decodes the book of Revelation (which they will not according to the same book), they will not use the word "totally" in a sentence.

Anonymous said...

why not?

I total you.

Anonymous said...

Lucky for you, one is enough to get the job done.

Anonymous said...

why not?

I total you.

we need more people who played minor roles in movies here. So many self-styled prophets around here. Like the bible warned me about.

Not that I'm scared of you, because you strike me as an older, female Paul fan who loves looking at his photographs and listening to his music all day, coupled with a really weird sense of biblical teaching that somehow includes you in it.

So I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid for you.

Anonymous said...

this blog is clearly of the devil

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Not that I'm scared of you, because you strike me as an older, female Paul fan who loves looking at his photographs and listening to his music all day, coupled with a really weird sense of biblical teaching that somehow includes you in it.


is that actually what I do all day?

you missed out on a boatload of information, dude.

Anonymous said...

this room has grown cold with the presence of Satan and his false prophets

and annoying links to lame Beatle songs

Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid for you.

well, stay away from me then. Your fear is about to take a life of it's own.


Anonymous said...

this room has grown cold with the presence of Satan and his false prophets

and annoying links to lame Beatle songs

Yeah, Trust me, I'm REALLY sick of those people too.

Anonymous said...

If your cold, light a fire.

look at her walking said...



if you are cold, visit the fireman.

Anonymous said...

the only thing lamer than links to Beatle songs are links to super lame Fireman songs.

"There are important clues in his songs!"

see: Charles Manson

and a therapist. Soon.


there was a secret court said...

Her career is information. have you got yourself an occupation?

better get one! really really!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

the only thing lamer than links to Beatle songs are links to super lame Fireman songs.

ok pick a genre, and I'll work it.

If there's time..... if one stop shopping isn't your thing.

Anonymous said...

I totally plan on seeing MY therapist. Soon.


aa suitcase and a trunk said...

Like a lucifer She'll alway shine.


Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid for you.

hence why we are gathered here today

Anonymous said...

Operative words: "for you"

fer you

I carry you, ok?

shut up and get with the program

Anonymous said...

Picture yourself on a boat on a river.

Anonymous said...

This is the river, get in da boat.

Anonymous said...

This is the river, get in da boat.

cue cricket chirping sounds

Anonymous said...

That'll be the day that I die.

Anonymous said...

cue your blog being O V E R

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

see, he fell too


Anonymous said...

cue cricket chirping sounds

do it

cue it

music to my ears

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the lord giveth and the lord taketh away

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1500 to go

Anonymous said...

peace of cake

Anonymous said...

according to iaap folk lore, once you write "it's time" on the wall, we begin to move backwards.

Just sayin

Anonymous said...

Definition of lurk;


1. to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively.
2. to go furtively; slink; steal.
3. to exist unperceived or unsuspected.
4. to read or observe an ongoing discussion without participating in it, as in an Internet newsgroup.

5. an underhand scheme; dodge.
6. an easy, somewhat lazy or unethical way of earning a living, performing a task, etc.
7. a hideout.

Anonymous said...

Not dissimilar to the definition of 'burke',
Or perhaps more aptly, 'berk'.

Mephistopheles said...

this blog is clearly of the devil

The name is associated with the FauL-st legend of a scholar — based on the historical Johann Georg Faust— who wagers his soul against the Devil.

The name Mephistophiles already appears in the 1527 Praxis Magia Faustiana, printed in Passau, alongside pseudo-Hebrew text. It is best explained as a purposely obscure pseudo-Greek or pseudo-Hebrew formation of Renaissance magicK.

Johann Georg Ringo Faust said...

Aw, you don't believe in that silly stuff, do ya?

Anonymous said...


what ever happened to boy meets girl and they live happily ever after, THE END?

Home Coming Queen 2012 said...

let vote!


Anonymous said...

The King and I would like to go home now.

Where, O death, is your sting? said...

I will turn your face to Alabasterr when you find you servant is your master.

Tabby Cat said...

That's a trip.

I know a girl who's constantly carrying around ointment (tiger balm) and meowing. Lotta girls meowing nowadays, but the ointment...

That's a trip

Anonymous said...

hypergraphete batshit crazy beatle obsessives with pseudo religious and pseudo metaphysical ideas


Anonymous said...

Originally she was viewed as the protector goddess of Lower Egypt. As protector, she was seen as defender of the pharaoh, and consequently of the later chief male deity, Ra, who was also a solar deity, gaining her the titles Lady of Flame and Eye of Ra.

Lady of Flame and Eye of Ra

there you have it


There are seven different hieroglyphs used to represent the eye, most commonly "ir.t" in Egyptian, which also has the meaning "to make or do" or "one who does."

Anonymous said...

hypergraphete batshit crazy beatle obsessives with pseudo religious and pseudo metaphysical ideas


oh good, it finally left.

Anonymous said...

I forgot the other thing where you automatically lose credibility -

Egyptian references

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

eye of horus, got it.

really cutting edge stuff here

what's next - the pineal gland or ever popular double helix?

Anonymous said...

I forgot the other thing where you automatically lose credibility -

Egyptian references

automatically? what other Anthropology
lessons do you ignore also?

Anonymous said...

what's next - the pineal gland or ever popular double helix?


there's a way longer list than THAT

Anonymous said...

Just a shot of sad Ringo.

Anonymous said...

And you're to blame.

Anonymous said...


get to sleep kids.

you've got all day tomorrow to keep posting the same crap

Anonymous said...

and the next

Anonymous said...

and the next

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt.

time after time said...

you don't mind to know what you are missing.

Anonymous said...

you've got all day tomorrow to keep posting the same crap

are you sure about that? about there even being a tomorrow?

maybe yes

maybe no

we'll see

Anonymous said...

you've got all day tomorrow to keep posting the same crap

actually, your postings are what's crap if you really want to know

Anonymous said...

Subversive behavior is to undermine somebody with various trick (lies, cheats, backstabbing, false advice etc...) where the intent or goal is not visible at all.

unless you have really good eyesight

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is, these are the very same people who profess to love me so.

And this makes them big fat liars in my book.

All together, now said...

what's next - the pineal gland or ever popular double helix?

Sail the ship,
Boom, bam, boom
Chop the tree
Boom, bam, boom
Skip the rope,
Boom, bam, boom
Look at me!

Anonymous said...

Oh look!

they translated it for us too



Anonymous said...

Hey, do ya think Apocalypse Nowstole it's title from all together Now?

Anonymous said...

Apocalypse Now

An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.

It's Time!

if a tree falls..... said...

Victor Z said...

But I honestly did want to expose myself. I'll keep to posting from this account if/when I want to self-promote or brag

December 28, 2011 11:22 AM

If someone "self-promotes" on a blog that almost nobody reads, can it really be called "self-promotion"?

Rock on Z.
Brag on brah

1,00Z,000 chickens on Farmville owned by newly minted English speaking Cambodians thank you sir.

Thank you!

And thank you for killing Kim Jong Il too, bet he's "ronery" in hell.

Anonymous said...

it was developed by a nerd in order to pick up chicks. THAT'S how the world works.

December 28, 2011 11:39 AM

how come you never see him with chicks brah?

I told you said...

Anonymous said...

Lucifer (as a noun)
means "light-bearer"
and she'll always shine

December 28, 2011 12:41 PM

so lucifer............

is a match????!?!?

like, "light a candle" match????!


I know a demon when I see one.....

Victor Z said...

if a tree falls..... said...

Victor Z said...

But I honestly did want to expose myself. I'll keep to posting from this account if/when I want to self-promote or brag

December 28, 2011 11:22 AM

If someone "self-promotes" on a blog that almost nobody reads, can it really be called "self-promotion"?

Rock on Z.
Brag on brah

1,00Z,000 chickens on Farmville owned by newly minted English speaking Cambodians thank you sir.

Thank you!

And thank you for killing Kim Jong Il too, bet he's "ronery" in hell.

I honestly can't tell if you were joking with me or at me. I'm pretty sure I was being facetious, but I'm not actually sure I know what that word means.

The whole quote of mine that you cut-off was, "But I honestly did want to expose myself. I'll keep to posting from this account if/when I want to self-promote or brag about accomplishing absolutely nothing in a third-world country in order to kill time before the world ends."

That's the truth. I was admitting I'm not accomplishing a thing here. The whole English teaching system here is a joke, like most of the rest of it. I didn't know this coming here, but I also didn't know if I could actually do any good. I just wanted to run away. And run out the clock. And, yes, maybe make the lives of some Cambodian children more entertaining.

The one thing I enjoy is playing The Beatles while having my students read along to the lyrics, analyzing and defining as we go. And showing them the Beatles movies with English subtitles. Those are fun days. You can get an amazingly good DVD copy of Yellow Submarine here. Illegal, but so is just about everything else in this place.

Anyway, if you were joking with me, forgive my lack of comprehension.

Victor Z said...

if a tree falls..... said...

Victor Z said...

But I honestly did want to expose myself. I'll keep to posting from this account if/when I want to self-promote or brag

December 28, 2011 11:22 AM

If someone "self-promotes" on a blog that almost nobody reads, can it really be called "self-promotion"?

Rock on Z.
Brag on brah

1,00Z,000 chickens on Farmville owned by newly minted English speaking Cambodians thank you sir.

Thank you!

And thank you for killing Kim Jong Il too, bet he's "ronery" in hell.

I honestly can't tell if you were joking with me or at me. I'm pretty sure I was being facetious, but I'm not actually sure I know what that word means.

The whole quote of mine that you cut-off was, "But I honestly did want to expose myself. I'll keep to posting from this account if/when I want to self-promote or brag about accomplishing absolutely nothing in a third-world country in order to kill time before the world ends."

That's the truth. I was admitting I'm not accomplishing a thing here. The whole English teaching system here is a joke, like most of the rest of it. I didn't know this coming here, but I also didn't know if I could actually do any good. I just wanted to run away. And run out the clock. And, yes, maybe make the lives of some Cambodian children more entertaining.

The one thing I enjoy is playing The Beatles while having my students read along to the lyrics, analyzing and defining as we go. And showing them the Beatles movies with English subtitles. Those are fun days. You can get an amazingly good DVD copy of Yellow Submarine here. Illegal, but so is just about everything else in this place.

Anyway, if you were joking with me, forgive my lack of comprehension.

Victor Z said...

Sorry for the double post.

Commie Cambodian Cassanovas said...

Joking WITH you Z, not at you in any way.

You are the best thing to happen in a long time on this blog, since

Big fan of your work indoctrinating the commies with Beatles.

3:18pm Thursday (ICT) - Time in Cambodia

Take that commie money brah, and smile all the way to the bank.


tell the commies that brah means "comrade"

then teach them other words too dude.


tell the commies that dude means brah.

also, marry one of their women.


the commies are stealing our females

Commie Cambodian Cassanovas

Tell them that we see what they are doing, tell them dude brah.

Anonymous said...

Victor Z said...

"in order to kill time before the world ends."

December 28, 2011 11:47 PM

killing time.....

so you are the one doing that....

Victor Z said...

As best I can.

Off to show Yellow Submarine to one of my more advanced classes, no joke.

If I don't log back in, Happy New Year. Hopefully the last. Haha. Seriously.

toad stool said...

Eat me!

Hey Hey We're the Monkees! said...

And we're too busy singin', to put anybody down.

Anonymous said...


raw meat said...

"in order to kill time before the world ends."

mission accomplished

congrats on a job not well done

Anonymous said...

Yankees rule

Anonymous said...

Look out!

That Yankee headgear may be coming your way soon. too

Anonymous said...

If I lose any more weight running around the world like this, there wont' be much left to hold except my soul, which weighs about 3 oz.

may it serve you well

Anonymous said...

Above the planet on a Wing and a Prayer,
My grubby halo, a vapour trail in the empty air

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr October

to illustrate my last remark said...

And the Yanks win the world series! Yay!

you use me for a tool said...

We need more remark illustration, Macca.

illustrate (v.)
1520s, "light up, shed light on;"

Macca said...

though fortune may forsake meSweet dreams will ever take me home.

When the hills conceal the setting sun,
Stars begin a-peeping, one by one.
Night covers all,
And though fortune may forsake me,
Sweet dreams will ever take me home.


Anonymous said...

lol paul on twitter

the overlooked hotel said...

Guess of the name of the movie!



Anonymous said...

you know it, babe

Anonymous said...

illustrating my last remark

Anonymous said...

When shadows fall
And trees whisper, "Day is ending",
My thoughts are ever wending home.
When crickets call,
My heart is forever yearning
Once more to be returning home.

Stars appear
And the shadows are fallin'
You can hear
My heart callin'
A little bit of lovin'
Makes everything RIGHT
And I'm gonna see
My baby tonight!

How long must I dream? said...

Sweet dreams will ever take you home, really.

Anonymous said...

How long must I dream? said...

Sweet dreams will ever take you home, really.

Let's hope they take YOU home, really. You are the biggest bore on here.

Anonymous said...

How long must I dream? said...

Sweet dreams will ever take you home, really.

Let's hope they take YOU home, really. You are the biggest bore on here.

oh don't be a stick in the mud. this blog is dead anyway, let her do her thing.

@#&&U said...

This all sounds like one person talking to themselves on dope.

I'm not sure who I am said...

I the point is we're all Jesus Christ (God) and The Devil, I'd agree. But only if we're counting all of us. Jesus on his own was the shit.

The 21 club said...

I'm going to bore you to death. That's the plan.

And when you're finally down, you get a fast kick in the teeth for being the asshole.

you know, exactly what you did to me.

that's fair, right?

Everyone else said...

Yes, it is.

Anonymous said...

I want to go home.

Anonymous said...

the comments on Phoney's channel - wow, what a shit show. Worse than here.

One chick who thinks she's McCartney and some idiot who thinks he's Lennon.

and then Phoney saying he's got a revelation and five other goofballs saying they have one, too.

someone really needs to make a documentary about all these goofballs to demonstrate how easily people fall under the spell of their own delusions and self-aggrandizing tendencies. Not to mention the obsessed Beatle fan angle and the Beatles are Satan angle.

it's quite hilarious but unfortunately we all know a percentage of them are probably dangerous like Chapman.

Anonymous said...

that's why they called it "BeatleMANIA" lol

they used to lose their minds screaming at them now they've just lost their minds altogether

Anonymous said...

So here is why people are easily duped.

From NIR: Ok I'm pretty much convinced IAAP IS Paul now.

"In the video below, there are what I would consider to be very sensitive documents regarding Linda McCartney's primary physicians and treatment center of choice. I recognize the letter head as being the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center's slogan."

Like the alleged "rare" footage of Paul in Kenya (which can be purchased on DVD), this PIDer thinks a glimpse of a letter from Sloan-Kettering is proof that Phoney is Paul.

Hello? It was a PRESS RELEASE regarding Linda's cause of death meant for the PUBLIC and it was shown on various TV shows at the time of Linda's death (Access Hollywood, etc) because there was some backlash that Paul and Linda's family kept her death a secret for a couple of days to keep away the media vultures.

suckers are born every minute.

Anonymous said...

So here is why people are easily duped.

From NIR: Ok I'm pretty much convinced IAAP IS Paul now.

lol. These "detectives" haven't thought it through enough to realize Paul wouldn't put out a video with a clip of Heather (stolen from a TV show by the way, not original footage) with added reverb to make her sound more ominous, with her stating that Paul is a liar.

Aside from the fact that everyone knows who Phoney and his video team is, duh.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I can remember when this brain trust thought GA was Paul or Sean or Julian and they thought YKMN was Paul or Julian.

this credulity demonstrates their frightening willingness to believe things absent hard (or even soft) evidence.

Anonymous said...

well they say it's easy to fall in love but really hard to fall out of love.

one can easily fool people by hoaxing, and once they believe, it can take a long time to get them to disbelieve. Even when the hoaxer admits he was hoaxing or has been caught red-handed. It's actually commonplace.

the long road to 2012 said...

The above poster demonstrates his frightening willingness to to ignore actual "evidence" that counteracts ALL those arguements.

Like if you were smart enough to really listen.

But you're not, so be it. You lose!

It is the shining time station said...

though fortune may forsake me,

Sweet dreams will ever take me home.

Anonymous said...

The above poster demonstrates his frightening willingness to to ignore actual "evidence" that counteracts ALL those arguements.

Which argument? Phoney revealed himself so if you don't believe him you're calling him a liar. I'd say he's more of a hoaxer (which has been proved), but liar, not as much.

Anonymous said...

It's a long Road TO 2012

But if you guys want to take the short cut I told you about, please do.

seek 'ye first said...

Which argument?

the one I gave you that neatly solves this entire thing in about one second.

That agument

Anonymous said...

the one I gave you that neatly solves this entire thing in about one second.

That agument

oh, the batshit crazy argument.
You've given nothing to anyone. If anything you've "said" or linked to or posted amounted to anything remotely of interest, surely Taf would have at least commented on it by now. Or anyone else here. No one has.

People around here are more interested in what the believe Phoney will reveal next year, not anything you have to say.

Anonymous said...

can we get Victor Z back here to tell us about the commies watching Yellow Submarine?

now THAT'S interesting

Anonymous said...

the one I gave you that neatly solves this entire thing in about one second.

If you can "solve" whatever it is you think you've solved, why do you allow all the Phoney fans to spend money on the private cloud, and all the people on NIR to continue wasting their time?

That makes you a complete jerk off

Anonymous said...

the one I gave you that neatly solves this entire thing in about one second.

I spend every day staring at the Sgt Pepper cover and making loose associations with Beatle lyrics and bible stuff.

So if you can end my ten-year quest please do today!

otherwise yeah, you're a jerk!

Anonymous said...

I would also like to know what this evidence is you "gave" other than links, which everyone here does. And how does anyone know which links are yours?

first, post with your name so we can know which evidence is yours so we don't confuse it.

second, you aren't allowed to say "I already gave you what you need" as an answer.

that would be considered batshit crazy, and anyone here could say that.

the stage is yours.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have made the evidence any clearer or plainer, so if you can't figure it out then it's your problem. Sorry! I win. You lose!

Anonymous said...

whatever. the REAL action if over at the Rotten Apple Forum lol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I couldn't have said it better myself.

If you want to reject "it" at this point IN TIME, then prepare for the consequence of that decision.

Then you can sit around with all you bored friends while the rest of us party like it's 2012.

cus it is

Anonymous said...

oh. lets just see what Julian says

Julian wrote the song "Lucy" about the real Lucy Vodden, his childhood friend whom he drew a picture of, which became the title of Lucy in the sky with Diamonds. She died of lupus and Julian wrote the song for her.

I suppose if you are batshit crazy you will think the song is about Lucifer.

Anonymous said...

If you want to reject "it" at this point IN TIME, then prepare for the consequence of that decision.

You didn't provide any explanation or answers other than to say you are correct and that others will pay a consequence, which reveals you to be a crazy ass who is so deluded you want us to believe you are a "winner" who will be at the Big Beatle Reunion Party (which would suck by the way).

Enjoy yourself and your pet rabbit Harvey

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
whatever. the REAL action if over at the Rotten Apple Forum lol.

fuck them

they took the greatest thing in the world and reduced it to this comedy, and won't even come out and explain the premise of the story to their so called friends.

that would be you

Yet I give you every detail in detail of how you need to view this enigma, and yes it's an enigma, and you hate every minute of it.

oh well

I suggest you begin to walk backwards to take the faster route home.

Anonymous said...

Yet I give you every detail in detail of how you need to view this enigma, and yes it's an enigma, and you hate every minute of it.

The reason Mikey and Phoney and Taf and Sir Larry and Jude and Yeshua and the rest of us (11-15 in total here) don't take you seriously is because you're nuts. You only speak in past tense about how you already did something and never clarify it except with yet another vague statement.

That's why the real action is at the Rotten Apple Forum.

Anonymous said...

don't forget Vince!

Anonymous said...

You didn't provide any explanation or answers

that's where you are dead wrong

I did give you the answers.

Not one peson in this room can say otherwise. Oh, you will, but you can't

nope, I think it's pretty wrapped up now. You don't get it yet, you never will.

Totally your problem

Anonymous said...

the only sane one who actually knows what he's talking about is PFPrap resurrected Lennon brah dude

and Social Network guy subverting commies with Yellow Submarine

Anonymous said...

And you, the resident douchbag

what a dream team

Have fun with that!

Anonymous said...

I did give you the answers.
Not one peson in this room can say otherwise. Oh, you will, but you can't

nope, I think it's pretty wrapped up now. You don't get it yet, you never will.

Totally your problem

Huh. I'm a person in this room and I can say otherwise. I'm actually at least 7 of the people in this room. You were put to the test, asked to prove your case, and you chickened out ba-GOCK!

Victor Z has some chickens from Farmville he wants to sell you.

Anonymous said...

The joke is on you.

There is only ONE person on this blog who only believes other people are here.

And that person is me.

So the joke is on me. And you, who are me.

And there will be no party because everyone knows I'm cheap.

Anonymous said...

everyone, meaning myself.

So to anyone else (i.e. me) that comments here, the jig is up.

Anonymous said...

and I can't believe I called myself a resident douchebag, but I deserved it.

I also can't believe I've been trying to convince myself (get it, CON + VINCE) that I'm not understanding the enigma I myself created, although I can argue with the best of them, mostly because I am the best of them. And the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

that just blew my (our) mind.

discuss amongst yourselves (myself).

Anonymous said...


I'm the bravest person on this planet.

and take a little guess who that bravery was for

YOU! that's right!

everything else is gravey

and I expect plenty of it.

Anonymous said...

Get a job, Vince.

Anonymous said...

I'm the bravest person on this planet.

I'm also the only person on this planet. So obviously my bravery was for me: who else would it be for? I've become a narcissist with delusions of grandeur. Then again, since I'm the only one, that's to be expected.

Also, note to self: "gravy" doesn't have an "e" in it.

Anonymous said...

Vince here!

I already knew I was myself but I like to remind myself to watch Venture Brothers.

I had a job writing comedy for Kimmel but that didn't pan out because it was enough work being everyone at once.

Anonymous said...

I'm so brave that I went to cambodia to teach english to commies which is more than I can say for *some* people around here, who are me.

Anonymous said...

Be sure to enjoy that whack on the head.

We'll see how that works for you.


Anonymous said...

and since I'm the only one who has that particular information,

It ain't so bad.

If You're me that is.

Anonymous said...

Give the other fellow hell.....

do do do

do do
do do do do do do do

Anonymous said...

oh hey me, i see you're enjoying everything

by the way, can the king have his balls back? you're having way too much fun with them

Anonymous said...


The King can have anything he wants.

Anonymous said...

and since I'm the only one who has that particular information,

It ain't so bad.

If You're me that is.

I like how I say I'm the only one with the information when I'm the only one.

with that particular information.

Anonymous said...

Wait, me?

You said you gave everyone the information. Now you say only you have the information.

this is starting to sound like I'm scamming myself, like an infomercial where the guy says he can make you rich but you have to give him money first. But if he knows how to get rich why does he need your money?

so I hope the information you have is the same information you said you gave me, otherwise I'll be paranoid that I'm joining Amway or something.

I'm really beginning to distrust myself now.

Anonymous said...

hey, it's me here.. remember who gave you that info about something lol

oh and a special shoutout to the one that thinks i'm here to haunt them.. i'm not here for that but i'd just love to have you over for some tea and buiscuits someday

Anonymous said...

I'm not going anywhere.

It's you that comes to me, remember?

Anonymous said...

I'm not going anywhere.

It's you that comes to me, remember?

You have that backward. You come to me. I have the particular information.

But it's understandable, seeing as how I'm you.

I have given you the proper information but it's my fault if you don't follow through.

Anonymous said...

um, whatever

My game, My rules.

Wouldn't you rather walk now than crawl later?

Dr LivingStone, PhiD said...

and btw, enough with the sophomoric comments.

It's Graduation time.

Anonymous said...

and if i were graduating, i'd love to know where my magical mystery wand went.. whoever stole it for giggles must have had a fun time putting it places where it doesnt belong

Anonymous said...


try Viagra, dude

Anonymous said...

did you leave it in DC?

i think I saw it there.

Anonymous said...

and btw, enough with the sophomoric comments.

Because PID is for intellectuals.

Anonymous said...

no, it's just for love.

Anonymous said...

no, it's about clones.

love is about love. We had that before Paul was murdered by the CIA.
Clones, I tell you.

Anonymous said...

who said anything about viagra lmfao

Anonymous said...

that little blue pill

Anonymous said...

that little blue pill

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did we mention the pill is blue?

Anonymous said...

Cloning? Like DNA? Genes? and the double you-know-what?

if we talk about it, that bitchy guy shows up and stick his fingers in our ears. yuck

I hope he goes away soon

do you own research

connected beyond belief



Anonymous said...

90% says the same lightbearer paul and yoko talked about behind john's back..


sounds like it

we have ourselves a winner(s)

Anonymous said...

As long as it's me, I'm cool.


Anonymous said...

90% ?

where is the 90% ?

Anonymous said...

Give me 2% NOW, the rest, LATER.

so easy

Anonymous said...

well 50% of it is sitting in some parking lot just trolling this for fun

Anonymous said...

oh lol

queen says thats an in-joke you know

Anonymous said...

well 50% of it is sitting in some parking lot just trolling this for fun

they don't count if they're are just ton the fence

I want the real %

2 is not that much, the rest will follow

gimme skelter or I'm gonna fade away

Anonymous said...

She's a Pretty Nice Girl, in case everyone forgot. She dosen't ike that you forgot /

Anonymous said...

someday is now

Anonymous said...

what do you want me to do

Anonymous said...

just give an order

you know i'm the first one there lol

Anonymous said...

Victor Z said...

If I don't log back in, Happy New Year. Hopefully the last. Haha. Seriously.

December 29, 2011 1:59 AM



Anonymous said...

The reason Mikey and Phoney and Taf and Sir Larry and Jude and Yeshua and the rest of us (11-15 in total here) don't take you seriously is because you're nuts. You only speak in past tense about how you already did something and never clarify it except with yet another vague statement.

December 29, 2011 2:36

fuck yeah brah
you nailed it dude brah brah dude

Anonymous said...

don't forget Vince!

December 29, 2011 2:37 PM

hey brah, didnt forget about you dude brah

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the only sane one who actually knows what he's talking about is PFPrap resurrected Lennon brah dude

and Social Network guy subverting commies with Yellow Submarine

December 29, 2011 2:39 PM


the only people, pfprap2000/cambodiancommieteacher2012ENDofTHEworldGUY

they are telling us how its going to hit the fan

dude brah.... they are.
its over dude brah dude dude brah brah

leave it to a commie teacher of asians dude and jesus to show the end.

thank you dude brahs....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Victor Z has some chickens from Farmville he wants to sell you.

December 29, 2011 2:42 PM

1,00Z,000 chickens dude.

thats a lot of farmville chickens brah

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1500 to go

December 28, 2011 6:21 PM

5,000 comments seals this blog like the pyramids dude brah dude.

we really need to get there before the first day of 2012. i am not joking brah dude.

Anonymous said...

or are you

Anonymous said...

For the benefit of MystaKyte

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
and btw, enough with the sophomoric comments.

Because PID is for intellectuals.

December 29, 2011 6:43 PM

good point man,

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