Friday, October 14, 2011

Uh Excuse Me...

I am not dead, but the night is still young. The rabbit hole presented some unexpected dangers.


Cease and desist you naughty boy.


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Anonymous said...

I suggest you speak 2 the Person who's just cheated death.
Clue:. it's in the lyrics.

the third messenger said...

taking the bull by the horns


Anonymous said...

so whens the fun stuff going to actually start

Anonymous said...

Well I guess it would be nice If I could touch your body I know not everybody Has got a body like you, mmm

*mitra, from the root mi- "to bind", with the "tool suffix" -tra- "causing to." Thus, etymologically mitra/miθra means "that which causes binding", preserved in the Avestan word for "covenant, contract, oath, agreement

Anonymous said...

so whens the fun stuff going to actually start?

Can't help but think of yesterday

hiiiiiiiiiiitttttt ahhhhhhhhhhhh said...

ohhhh yeah, lol

that magical mystery feeling is slowly starting to kick in

*lights cigarette*

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah

now this


is relaxing

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 said...

No where to go.

Anonymous said...

wish we could change that


Anonymous said...

We could.


Anonymous said...

I'll wish it.

Anonymous said...

I never been laid so low
In such a mysterious way

Anonymous said...

just had to give away the power of wishing -- right.. right.. right..

watch how quickly the wishes come true

Anonymous said...

oh kryptonite..

the wishing well said...

How about some wishful results in 24 hours?

Anonymous said...

i'd like that

Anonymous said...

me too

Anonymous said...

Come to the banquet, Macca!

Anonymous said...

he's got his own stuff to do

Anonymous said...

like what?

blink an eye?

Al Gore said...

I invented that.

Anonymous said...

i'm stuck having no other choice but to do that.

just eats me alive each night

Anonymous said...

why tarry?

Anonymous said...

no other choice?

this choice isn't working, is it?


Anonymous said...

John would be the first horse

And you would be the batshit crazy obsessed Beatle fan

Anonymous said...

i beg your pardon

because i haven't done anything lately

Anonymous said...

no other choice?

this choice isn't working, is it?


December 26, 2011 9:31 PM

a choice is a choice no matter which way you cut it. you can say the word so many times before you can't even understand the pronouncing of it, and it's still the choice.

if one is too ignorant to look past it then there isn't hope..

but if they actually look and go "you know what they're right.."

then things start to work

Anonymous said...

batshit crazy obsessed Beatle fan

No, I've shown you the exact same symbology a thousand different ways, or more.

Yet here is a most concise example, if you really wanted one.

batshit crazy like a fox, dear.

winning said...

YES! I know who the third person is in this conversation right now.

And you wouldn't possibly be able to win in an argument :)

Anonymous said...

then things start to work

uh, aren't some people like that already here?

Hey, I'm one. They were RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

hey batshit crazy beatle fan

wink wink

you see what i'm stuck dealing with?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
then things start to work

uh, aren't some people like that already here?

Hey, I'm one. They were RIGHT!

December 26, 2011 9:43 PM

I have to P after drinking all that T

Anonymous said...

And you wouldn't possibly be able to win in an argument :)

and why not?

Miss Marks said...

stuck dealing with?

oh really?

Anonymous said...

uh oh

struck a nerve

Anonymous said...

i would love it if this dream would finally like become interesting

Anonymous said...

And I would love it if the interesting would finally come to the dream.

what was that promise that you made? said...

If She Comes Along And Can Stay A Spell
I Will Promise Now That I'll Treat Her Right
And Will Rarely Keep Her 'Til Late At Night

Anonymous said...

something about waiting for someone, last time i checked..

doesn't mean that i can't complain about it ever so often.

they were right said...

Now Mister Marks When I Send Her Back
Will You Please Make Sure She Stays On The Right Track
Spoken: Well I Know How Hard It Is For Young Girls These Days In The Face Of Everything To Stay On The Right Track

He sent her back on the right track.

Anonymous said...

waiting for someone?

me too, and he's late

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
waiting for someone?

me too, and he's late

December 26, 2011 10:23 PM

a text message would be wonderful

or you say where to go for once

John, revisited said...

Being led to the door is not exactly keeping you waiting, Macca.

Anonymous said...

sooo tired

i need a massage

Anonymous said...

text message would be wonderful

or you say where to go for once

text message?

how's that ?

Expert Textpert said...

If you see mccartney, tell him I'm looking for him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being gracious about something that matters to me.
I appreciate that.

our name is our virtue reality said...

gracious is my name, you know that silly.

Now, get paul home in one safe peace, ok?

Anonymous said...

Do you look shit hot in a red leotard that's whar I wanna kmow

Anonymous said...

sweet dreams

Nancy said...

Anonymous said...
Do you look shit hot in a red leotard that's whar I wanna kmow

December 26, 2011 10:48 PM

Yeah, Paul just LOVES to dress up in those when nobodys watching him.

Anonymous said...

Night Night

Anonymous said...

Actually I was referring 2 david lee roth in the jump video.
Don't mum me up.

Anonymous said...

There are people round here that don't take too kindly to the killing of the buffalow.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Do you look shit hot in a red leotard that's whar I wanna kmow

December 26, 2011 10:48 PM

Yeah, Paul just LOVES to dress up in those when nobodys watching him.

December 26, 2011 10:50 P

Now why doesn't that surprise me?

Must be a famiLy trait.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Do you look shit hot in a red leotard that's whar I wanna kmow

December 26, 2011 10:48 PM

Yeah, Paul just LOVES to dress up in those when nobodys watching him.

December 26, 2011 10:50 P

Now why doesn't that surprise me?

Must be a famiLy trait.

December 26, 2011 11:02 PM

That wasn't me..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

gracious is my name, you know that silly.

Now, get paul home in one safe peace, ok?

December 26, 2011 10:44 PM

Do you care about the others?
Your Objective is ambiguous.
That's not a criticism.

Anonymous said...

Only mama knows.

Anonymous said...

The Objective is ambiguous.?

Now, get paul home in one safe peace, ok?

sounds like a clear objective, really.

Anonymous said...

from outer space back to the cavern

Anonymous said...

No, I've shown you the exact same symbology a thousand different ways, or more.

Yet here is a most concise example, if you really wanted one.

batshit crazy like a fox, dear.

Thanks Einstein. The prosecution rests your honor.

Anonymous said...

Now, get paul home in one safe peace, ok?

sounds like a clear objective, really.

December 27, 2011 6:06 AM

An empty vessel for carrying purposes has no feelings and is irrelevant.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

An empty vessel for carrying purposes has no feelings and is irrelevant.

empty vessel?

I don't see an empty vessel anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I think some of you spend a little too much time thinking about Paul McCartney and assigning meaning to his lyrics well beyond their scope of intention. Stating the obvious here.

Then again, that's what obsessed fans do. There are people who spend countless hours "deciphering" Bob Dylan lyrics, too ("Dylanology).

It's a way for fans to pretend they are (in a sense) "collaborating" with their idols by taking part in such a game. "Those ordinary fans only hear what's on the surface. But I am a superfan and understand what the artist is REALLY saying."

The more extreme version of this obsession is when fans believe the artists are singing/writing directly to them "John is sending me messages in his songs, I just know it." It is what you might call passive stalking. Rather than directly stalking the celebrity, these fans passively "include themselves" in their idol's lives and (they believe) in their idols' minds as well.

Throw religious beliefs into the mix and you have Charles Manson and Mark Chapman.

Predictable. Sad, but predictable.

Anonymous said...

Throw religious beliefs into the mix and you have Charles Manson and Mark Chapman.

Well luckily there aren't any Beatle obsessives who are ALSO religious fanatics here. Are there?

Anonymous said...

"The more extreme version of this obsession is when fans believe the artists are singing/writing directly to them"

Unfortunately there is an even more extreme version of stalking, which is the belief that one IS the celebrity he or she obsesses over. Seen a lot of that around here.

From Phoney's YouTube site:

"im doing research about PID because i made regresions to past lives and i saw me like i was a young Paul in a past life, but now i am a woman. Actually I am not sure of this, maybe i have a soul conection with him. I am asking for an etical and competent profesional in regresion therapy for solve my case."

Anonymous said...

From Phoney's YouTube site:

"im doing research about PID because i made regresions to past lives and i saw me like i was a young Paul in a past life, but now i am a woman. Actually I am not sure of this, maybe i have a soul conection with him. I am asking for an etical and competent profesional in regresion therapy for solve my case."

December 27, 2011 11:39 AM

Utter cobblers.
Never heard anything so ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

oh, fans.

on the topic of everyone thinks they were/are a Beatle, there is a book called "All you Need is Love" by Jewelle St James in which she claims to have been in a past-life relationship with John Lennon's 17th century incarnation - a dude named John Baron.

Victor Z said...

"The more extreme version of this obsession is when fans believe the artists are singing/writing directly to them."

I'm not going to argue that this doesn't go far too far in many, many cases, but maybe what's so great about great art, of all kinds, is that it really does speak to us. It can connect us. My first favorite songs made me feel less alone in the world, the two greatest of those being I Am The Walrus and Strawberry Fields Forever. And if you look at that clip from the documentary "Imagine" when John brings into his home (and feeds) the crazy stalker who'd been living within the confines of John's estate, John is nothing but gracious and understanding. Sure, he wrote off the guys theories and beliefs as delusion, but he wasn't rude to the guy. And I think that's because John had a bit of that in him too, this feeling of connection that can be so strong that it makes you feel like you're one in/and the same with other people whose thoughts/feelings seem to coincide with your own mental/emotional workings.

I'm not arguing for insanity (if we're thinking MDC and CM), that seems quite obviously unhealthy. But when we start knocking/putting down people for having incredibly strong spiritual connections with art, even to the degree where they feel they're connected to an artist on some metaphysical/supernatural level, then we're sort of trivializing how significant, important, and beautiful that art can be in the world.

I didn't proof read, I hope this comes across.

Anonymous said...

Who Art in heaven?

The creator, that's who. It's not complicated.

oh, she'll dance and dine said...

Like a Lucifer, she'll always shine

what's in a lyric?


Anonymous said...

Plenty of proof to read about that


Anonymous said...

But when we start knocking/putting down people for having incredibly strong spiritual connections with art, even to the degree where they feel they're connected to an artist on some metaphysical/supernatural level, then we're sort of trivializing how significant, important, and beautiful that art can be in the world.

that came across, well put. I would say, however, that the previous post I believe referred to people who literally believe the artist is speaking to them, which can be dangerous.

I think there are not a few PIDers who trivialize McCartney and his art by rewriting history and claiming some cabal wrote his music or was responsible for his success, or that he is in some way evil or a magician or all that nonsense. That goes beyond art and into accusation.

and it's all subjective. I don't take music all that seriously on a personal or spiritual level, but maybe I'm jaded.

Victor Z said...

Hmm. Yeah. I guess if God can speak to anyone and everyone whenever he sees fit, then hearing God through music or television commercials wouldn't be all that crazy of a concept, if you think God can communicate in that way.

But I definitely agree that no one should be going out to get John Lennon a ham sandwich because they listened a bit too closely to Watching the Wheels.

As for the wild theories about how all this came about, and how the Beatles and McCartney's music got here, my guess is as good as mine. But it's probably a lot safer to keep it to guesses until proven otherwise.

buying the next round said...

Depends what you want to prove.

Figure out that premise and suddendly your eyes will be full of nothing but proof to solving the enigma.

take a guess said...

Happy new year


Victor Z said...

A merry goo year to all.

Off to look for work. Again. In Cambodia.

You may not realize it, but this is the same Victor Z. Isaac who played Stuart Singer in The Social Network. I talk to Mark Zuckerberg after the Bill Gates speech. So, yeah. All this time you've had a celebrity in your midst and were none the wiser.

Anonymous said...

Victor Z said...
A merry goo year to all.

Off to look for work. Again. In Cambodia.

You may not realize it, but this is the same Victor Z. Isaac who played Stuart Singer in The Social Network. I talk to Mark Zuckerberg after the Bill Gates speech. So, yeah. All this time you've had a celebrity in your midst and were none the wiser.

December 27, 2011 7:11 PM

Mark Zuckerberberg probably heard of me.. lol

I'm the one that flipped my lid on facebook..

then hell broke loose :)

Fireman2 said...

Victor Z said...
A merry goo year to all.

Off to look for work. Again. In Cambodia.

You may not realize it, but this is the same Victor Z. Isaac who played Stuart Singer in The Social Network. I talk to Mark Zuckerberg after the Bill Gates speech. So, yeah. All this time you've had a celebrity in your midst and were none the wiser.

December 27, 2011 7:11 PM

Oh, hey, I'm the dead John Lennon that everybody wants to find.

You might not realize this but Paul McCartney is in on this too along with David Letterman

Don't worry

Everything is just peachy

Anonymous said...

And I'm Not PFPRap

I told him he could try to be me a couple years ago and now his ego is up his ass.

Anonymous said...

I'm still Paul's BIGGEST fan


scratch off lister, post xmas said...

is it really?

A LOT of people have run around claiming friendship, yet at the END, it's all a no show.

Anonymous said...

I'm still Paul's BIGGEST fan


for what?

Anonymous said...

You might not realize this but Paul McCartney is in on this too along with David Letterman

fuck you

Anonymous said...

oh and BTW

I'm the dead John Lennon that everybody wants to find.

fuck off and die

Anonymous said...

You might not realize this but Paul McCartney is in on this too along

no, actually I realize he abandoned love at the airport.

Anonymous said...

Not a thing to do.

Anonymous said...

You still mad over that little Valentines Day fluke?

Don't think I didn't see that

Anonymous said...

Don't worry

I'm NOT worried. Worry implies hope, and as of this minute, I know there is none.

Anonymous said...

Lost weekend

Sorry me eyes were a bit blurry


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't worry

I'm NOT worried. Worry implies hope, and as of this minute, I know there is none.

December 27, 2011 9:22 PM

For you maybe

Knowing who you're going to be stuck doing it with

Anonymous said...


jolly good christmas must say

Anonymous said...

You still mad over that little Valentines Day fluke?

Don't think I didn't see that

more what you did't see, sherlock

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You still mad over that little Valentines Day fluke?

Don't think I didn't see that

more what you did't see, sherlock

December 27, 2011 9:25 PM

Oh, right right..

Anonymous said...

I'm NOT worried. Worry implies hope, and as of this minute, I know there is none.

December 27, 2011 9:22 PM

For you maybe

Knowing who you're going to be stuck doing it with

no sense, whatsoever

I CALL said...

Oh, right right..

Oh, right right......WHAT?

Anonymous said...

For you maybe

for me maybe is a big freakin; monkey wrench in the works.


Anonymous said...

You may not realize it, but this is the same Victor Z. Isaac who played Stuart Singer in The Social Network. I talk to Mark Zuckerberg after the Bill Gates speech. So, yeah. All this time you've had a celebrity in your midst and were none the wiser.

Odd, just finished watching SN for the first time and then saw this.

Well if you ever achieve big celebrity status be prepared for people to say you work for the Illuminati, bro.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You may not realize it, but this is the same Victor Z. Isaac who played Stuart Singer in The Social Network. I talk to Mark Zuckerberg after the Bill Gates speech. So, yeah. All this time you've had a celebrity in your midst and were none the wiser.

Odd, just finished watching SN for the first time and then saw this.

Well if you ever achieve big celebrity status be prepared for people to say you work for the Illuminati, bro.

December 27, 2011 10:41 PM

Oh, I'm an illuminati prick for starts..

Got to start somewhere

Anonymous said...

Got barked at for not doing anything on May 21st.. then called an illuminati douchebag with the music I like to listen to..

Oh, that's ME?! said...

It's ok though, I can't wait to hear it next year.. that's when the real barking is going to start lol

strange thread.. said...


Anonymous said...


got to love the tabloids

Stuart S. said...

Anonymous said...
Odd, just finished watching SN for the first time and then saw this.

Well if you ever achieve big celebrity status be prepared for people to say you work for the Illuminati, bro.

Well, I'm teaching English in Cambodia now so I'm not too worried about . . . anything at this point. At least as far as my acting career and perception thereof goes. It's really one of my favorite movies ever, despite me being in it. Funny you just saw it though, I must be "in" on something. I'd take a job with CRS if they were hiring.

Anonymous said...

You may not realize it, but this is the same Victor Z. Isaac who played Stuart Singer in The Social Network.

December 27, 2011 7:11 PM


Anonymous said...

just watched SN, there is no scene that you describe.

watched the credits, no person named
"the same Victor Z. Isaac"

just checked google and wikipedia, there is no actor named Stuart Singer

as if some famous person would read this blog, LET ALONE POST ON IT....

whatever brah. whatever.

Anonymous said...

For the person that wanted to know who he was, why don't you use some of your christmas money (unless you don't celebrate it) and buy yourself a newer computer and a better internet connection so you can actually take the time to type in the Social Network Movie on Google rather than play a role of a clueless moron

Love, #3

Anonymous said...

they speak english in cambodia?

Anonymous said...

No you idiot, Mark Zuckenberg's (facebook creator) is friends with this Z guy..

Anonymous said...

They speak Chinese

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
they speak english in cambodia?

December 28, 2011 1:09 AM

I'm not from Cambodia

I'm the one that loves to stay up late.

Maybe it's british time lag or something..

Royalty speaking here, peasent.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No you idiot, Mark Zuckenberg's (facebook creator) is friends with this Z guy..

December 28, 2011 1:10 AM

and you are also a farmer in farmville.

google it brah.

he has 1,000,000 chickens

Anonymous said...

In your face


Anonymous said...

Don't piss this guy off

He has connections


glitter said...

it's mid afternoon here gary. in vietnam.
you should come here and teach the viet cong english too.

they speak chinese,

damn commies.

Anonymous said...

plug 5

Z said...

Anonymous said...
they speak english in cambodia?

December 28, 2011 1:09 AM


Anonymous said...

plug 5

December 28, 2011 1:18 AM

plug 6

Anonymous said...

Victor Z said...

Hmm. Yeah. I guess if God can speak to anyone and everyone whenever he sees fit,

December 27, 2011 4:22 PM

and when god speaks to them, he speaks ENGLISH.

teach on brah

Anonymous said...

oh is this me speaking

Anonymous said...

and when god speaks to them, he speaks ENGLISH.

teach on brah

December 28, 2011 1:27 AM

wouldn't it be cool if Z was god, and he was teaching them english so that when he speaks to them later they will understand him?
and then when they watch the social network they'll be all "HOLY FUCK! THAT GUY TAUGHT ME ENGLISH!"

Yeah, god taught them to swear too.

Shame on you Z

lead us not into tempation, but deliver us from evil.

and then when they wrap their heads around that, then they learn he is god as well, they will say "GOOD LORD"

and z will be like

yeah, yeah i am. good.
a good lord.

Anonymous said...


December 28, 2011 1:21 AM

do you use curse words on the Cambodians?

Anonymous said...

poor Z

i wouldn't want to imagine the 4 morons he must be managing right now..

Anonymous said...

no, i tell them i love them when i really don't..

Z taught me

chicken said...

glitter said...

it's mid afternoon here gary. in vietnam.
they speak chinese,

damn commies.

December 28, 2011 1:16 AM

do they all speak chinese?

and do they all pay actors to teach them english?

chicken said...

glitter said...

it's mid afternoon here gary. in vietnam.
they speak chinese,

damn commies.

December 28, 2011 1:16 AM

do they all speak chinese?

and do they all pay actors to teach them english?

Anonymous said...

no, the actors pay THEM

the only difference between an artist and an actor

Victor Z said...

and do they all pay actors to teach them english?

December 28, 2011 1:38 AM

Yes, they do. They pay VERY well. Almost as well as my role in The Social Network, my favorite movie I was also in.

In the class, we watch the movie, over and over.

They all speak perfect english now, they are also starting their own social networks, and when someone doesn't quite hear them and that person says "Sorry?"

they say, yes....

yes you are.

Anonymous said...

You tell 'em Z

I'm about to add you to my network

We can go into car buisness together

Anonymous said...

But they want me to make movies and write music someday :(

Z Systems Inc. said...

They all speak perfect english now, they are also starting their own social networks, and when someone doesn't quite hear them and that person says "Sorry?"

they say, yes....

yes you are.

December 28, 2011 1:43 AM

those commie bastards are smug.
Z, that actor technology you are teaching them , soon they will all be billionaires.

then what will we do?

we are either going to be out of work, or those little bastards are going to hire us for other things.

like laundry.

you should devise a ticket system.

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure he's smarter than that

Sea hunt said...

I just re-re watched Social Network, and Z is in it.

There is a scene with a dude sitting in the commons area of the college reading childrens books to a group of Koreans. Its out of focus and in the background when Justin Timberlake walks by, but if you zoom in on it you can see Z rockin it with the Asians.


Teaching "Cambodians" english..... yeah,


The rumor is when Z put Jim jong il down, he taught him the phrase he used before he killed him.

The rumor is the phrase he used was

"This is the same Victor Z. Isaac who played Stuart Singer in The Social Network."

Z, international man of mystery, actor, language coach, assassin, staying up late SO THE FREE WORLD CAN SLEEP

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure he's smarter than that

December 28, 2011 1:58 AM

god damn right he is.

Single-handedly teaching the Asians English and fighting communism.

007 ?!??!?




Victor Z said...
A merry goo year to all.

December 27, 2011 7:11 PM

"goo" is "007"..... in CAMBODIAN...

google that shit brah....

Victor Z said...

007 ?!??!?

December 28, 2011 2:02 AM


Its how many chickens I have in Farmville.

Mark Zuckerberg gave me unlimited chickens in Farmville after he saw my acting in the movie "Social Network", his favorite movie, and mine too, even though I am in the movie myself.

I sell the chickens to the Cambodians for the extra cash.

I also teach them english.

And I act. In movies.

In Hollywood.

Also, I post on the Iamaphoney blog.

Also, I know people in the Illuminati.

They have even MORE chickens on Farmville, they sell them to the Chinese.

Mark Zuckerberg. My friend.


Anonymous said...

I sell the chickens to the Cambodians for the extra cash.
I also teach them english.
And I act. In movies.
In Hollywood.

Also, I post on the Iamaphoney blog.

December 28, 2011 2:09 AM



God said...

And I run the whole wide world.

Nice to meet you.

Paul McCartney said...



December 28, 2011 2:13 AM

You have to read what he says carefully, darling.

Go run along and make me a sandwhich

Go on now, shoe shoe.

Anonymous said...

Victor Z said...

Also, I post on the Iamaphoney blog.

December 28, 2011 2:09 AM

no wonder you teach english in Cambodia.......

Anonymous said...

Ahh, see what I did there.. I said shoe when I really meant shooo..


Anonymous said...

Go run along and make me a sandwhich

Go on now, shoe shoe.

December 28, 2011 2:17 AM

running along now, have an audition.

an acting audition.

the role is about an actor who teaches english.

he also posts on a blog.

to prepare for it, I watched Social Network, went to a Asian Buffet, AND POSTED HERE.

Wish me luck brah

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ahh, see what I did there.. I said shoe when I really meant shooo..


December 28, 2011 2:17 A

good one brah, you are also FUNNY

Anonymous said...

why thank you :)

Anonymous said...

time for dinner

sorry from england lol

i wear glasses too

nothing like a spot of tea to go down with some biscuits

really must say

;) ;)

Anonymous said...

enjoy the T

Anonymous said...

will do man

really tasty after a while

Anonymous said...

Z has better connections than Phoney, unless you count New Age Nutters and the Italian photographer.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Denny Laine and the Nabisco factory cookie voice over guy


Anonymous said...

by the way, for the goofballs who think the line "Like a Lucifer she'll always shine" refers to Satan, you are incorrect.

The reason he says "a" lucifer instead of "Lucifer" (proper name) is because he's associating her with a lit match. In England, even today, lucifer is slang for matches because they were once sold as Lucifer Matches.

Google Lucifer matches brah

Victor Z said...

I don't know if I was laughing at me or with me but that had me in hysterics.

God said...
And I run the whole wide world.

Nice to meet you.

That did it. That was the point. Like bragging about the same thing on Mark Zuckerberg's blog, only times 500,000,000 friends.

Just in case anyone got as confused as I did get, my actual last post was,
"Stuart S. said...
Anonymous said...
Odd, just finished watching SN for the first time and then saw this.

Well if you ever achieve big celebrity status be prepared for people to say you work for the Illuminati, bro.

Well, I'm teaching English in Cambodia now so I'm not too worried about . . . anything at this point. At least as far as my acting career and perception thereof goes. It's really one of my favorite movies ever, despite me being in it. Funny you just saw it though, I must be "in" on something. I'd take a job with CRS if they were hiring."

And nobody referenced the CRS reference. It's from The Game, another Fincher movie. That's one of my favorites too, despite me not being in it.

I wish I'd gotten to post this before it was at the top of a new page, I really didn't expect that much . . . activity. But I honestly did want to expose myself. I'll keep to posting from this account if/when I want to self-promote or brag about accomplishing absolutely nothing in a third-world country in order to kill time before the world ends.

Otherwise I'll stick to the anonymous tomfoolery.

The Riddler said...

"Tear one off and scratch my head; what was once red is now black instead."

A Lucifer match.

Anonymous said...

by the way NWO believers, Facebook is a perfect example of how the world doesn't work the way you believe or fit into your scheme.

It's one of the most influential and powerful social media tools that in some cases has helped change the course of history (such as the uprising in Libya) and it was developed by a nerd in order to pick up chicks. THAT'S how the world works.

candle : matches said...

by the way, for the goofballs who think the line "Like a Lucifer she'll always shine" refers to Satan, you are incorrect.

The reason he says "a" lucifer instead of "Lucifer" (proper name) is because he's associating her with a lit match. In England, even today, lucifer is slang for matches because they were once sold as Lucifer Matches.

Google Lucifer matches brah

Lucifer (as a noun) means "light-bearer"
and she'll always shine

Anonymous said...

Like a lit match, she'll always shine.

Feel better?

Mother Nature said...

Such a human being so divine!

Blue Light Special said...

We have a Match!


Anonymous said...

Lucifer (as a noun) means "light-bearer"
and she'll always shine

Thanks Iameye.

Point being, Lucifer (bright morning star) has one mention in the Old Testament and has zero to do with the character Satan. And Lucifer is the Latin translation and it isn't a noun. No one ever says "a lucifer" unless they are talking about the brand name matches, and certainly no one ever uses Lucifer as a noun in the bible.

Christians, searching around for clues like PID people, saw the passage and thought it fit the description, even though the passage is about a Babylonian King, not a supernatural figure at all.

And force fit all you like, but "Lucy" in the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds comes from the name Julian gave to his drawing and that's been confirmed by multiple sources. Nothing to do with LSD or Lucifer.

Anonymous said...

No one ever says "a lucifer" unless they are talking about the brand name matches.


Anonymous said...

"And Lucifer is the Latin translation and it isn't a noun.I

oh, really?
In Latin, from which the English word is derived, Lucifer (as a noun) means "light-bearer" (from the words lucem ferre). It was the name given to the dawn appearance of the planet Venus, which heralds daylight.

Anonymous said...

Look for the girl with the Son in her eyes and she's gone.

Anonymous said...

if you were from the UK or even the Netherlands and mentioned "a lucifer" no one would think you meant Lucifer from the bible. And if you said "pass me the torch" they would think you meant "flashlight."

It's because lucifer means "light" in the first place.

In the US, if I ask someone for a Starbuck's I mean coffee, even though everyone knows Starbuck is a character from Moby Dick.

candelabra abbaacadabra said...

And force fit all you like, but "Lucy" in the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds comes from the name Julian gave to his drawing and that's been confirmed by multiple sources. Nothing to do with LSD or Lucifer.

oh. lets just see what Julian says

Anonymous said...

I think it was more of how the character of Lucifer in the Old Testament was described that has Christians thinking he's Satan.

If he's one of the two, Satan or Immanuel, he would most certainly be Satan.

"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?"

Just sayin. If he's one of the two, he ain't Jesus. Jesus, if he is the Word, and the the Word was God from the time God was God, for all eternity, then it wouldn't make much sense for him (as this Lucifer in Isaiah 14) to have sentiments such as those.

Anonymous said...

It's because lucifer means "light" in the first place.

well, light-bearer, or carrier

as in the weight, a long time


Anonymous said...

We'll see you soon.

You know I Do

Anonymous said...

he name given to the dawn appearance of the planet Venus,

do matches shine? yes and no


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I think it was more of how the character of Lucifer in the Old Testament was described that has Christians thinking he's Satan.

But he isn't the character Satan, who is never described by name as having those characteristics. Those are characteristics of human vanity and hubris. The character Satan meets with God and even challenges him in the book of Job. God gives Satan permission to test Job, but only because Satan asked for it.

Satan in the Old Testament can only act under orders.

In 2 Samuel 24.1 the passage reads, "The anger of the LORD was aroused against Israel, and He moved David against them to say, “Go, number Israel and Judah.”

but in the passage written in a later parallel account (1 chronicles 21), the verse says, "And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel."

So in the earlier text God provokes David and in the later text Satan is at fault. classic example of later writers shifting away from God being the author of good and evil (which He clearly states in Isiah) and blaming sinfulness on a single figure.

She's got it said...

planet Venus


Buzz Kill Lightyear said...

and He moved David against them to say, “Go, number Israel and Judah.”

to infinity, and beyond

Anonymous said...

I actually do think it makes perfectly fine sense that the Lucifer in the Old Testament is more of an archetype of a rebellious and ego-maniacal human being who wants to rise above God. I don't think he has to be one of either Satan or Jesus.

But if Jesus Christ is the true "light bearer," then that passage in Isaiah is a bit of a head scratcher.

(I want to) Come Home said...

Home, to the place where truth lies waiting, we remember who we are.

It was fun hanging onto the moon
Heading into the sun
But it's been too long
Now I want to come home

Anonymous said...

anyway the Beatles were just a pop band and that's it.

zero to do with prophecy, Satan, or anything other than what people want to make up.

none of them worshiped Satan or even believed in Satan. One must first be Christian, or at least believe Jesus is the Son of God, in order to believe Satan is his adversary. That's why some Satanists think Jesus is the bad guy, claiming to be God, elevating himself above God, while Satan is the guy with the bad press who is actually Jesus, the Morning Star.

some who are not even Satanists believe this, such as this dude:

swan song match game said...

anywayPaul McCartney was just a pop band and that's it.


Anonymous said...

There never could be a better moment than this one, this swan!

Anonymous said...

I'll calm the waters, I'll bright the rainbow!

Anonymous said...

A rose is a rose is a rose.

It would always smell just as sweet, no matter what we called it.

But would we have called it a 'rose' if it didn't smell so sweet?

In any event, the letter killeth and the spirit giveth life. I'm holding on to the spirit of Christ as I read of him in the Bible. I'm battling the forces in my head and body that would have me go against this 'holy' spirit. Loving God, this eternal energy force of love that created us. Loving others. Avoiding self abuse of all kinds. (These are on the good days, or moments). I happen to agree with the lessons taught by Christ and his disciples which can be found in the KJV. Or at least I believe they're true.

It's the spirit of love, for one another and for our loving creator, that I believe the spirit of the Anti-Christ is at war with. If Satan is just doing his job, if Lucifer was just a Babylonian king, and if Jesus is really named Paul, I don't care.

This should be obvious to anyone who cares about the message enough to try to spread and uphold it. Let's not distract ourselves, and certainly not others who might get the wrong idea about love.

Anonymous said...

it is true that the only human being in history that truly fits the description of the Beast or even Satan would be Jesus, which is totally confusing unless the whole of the NT is satanic and the book of revelation is the only legit book, even though it's probably the least legit book in the canon, and almost didn't get voted in.

but in terms of a worldwide religious deception (other than the usual argument that it's the Catholic Church or the Pope), Jesus is the closest match.

a man who claims to be God
His "mark" taken by multitudes (either the cross or some other token representation)
deceives the very elect
speaks as a lamb
worshiped by billions

I don't believe any of it personally but it's intriguing

Anonymous said...

But if Jesus Christ is the true "light bearer," then that passage in Isaiah is a bit of a head scratcher.


Anonymous said...

if you believe Macca is some supernatural or even important figure in the grand scheme of history (especially religious history) than you don't know your history or religion.

and you look foolish for elevating him beyond uneducated pop singer (with a pretty crappy if not embarrassing solo career to boot).

Anonymous said...

Convincing me that Jesus is really Satan would be like convincing me that the roses in my garden really smell like shit.

I don't have any use for it.

I don't have any bloody use for it.

Anonymous said...

Convincing me that Jesus is really Satan would be like convincing me that the roses in my garden really smell like shit.

Well wouldn't that be a great deception? One so great you would not countenance it?

Anonymous said...

one nice argument I've read is not the actual Jesus is Satan or is evil, but the worship of the iconic Jesus and the institution of the church is evil and a twisted version of the truth.

I mean, you can't carve or engrave or make images of God in any way, right? Well there are bajillions of carvings and likenesses of Jesus everywhere. That sort of thing. Mary, too.

What's that all about?

And people do stand before these likenesses (idols) and worship them. They might not intend it that but it looks like that's what they're doing.

Anonymous said...

Well wouldn't that be a great deception? One so great you would not countenance it?

No. I think we share different definitions of deception. It's a paradox that I have very little patience for.

I like the smell of my roses. I always have. I want to keep them and smell them.
I don't like the smell of shit. I understand that it's a part of life, but I dispose of it and avoid smelling it.

How could I possibly be being deceived into enjoying the smell of shit and despising the smell of roses when it's my own belief, my own opinion, as to what I like to smell? Someone trying to sway me otherwise would have to have a pretty good reason, but the simple truth is, the only reason is the smell. I likes what I likes. So I'll continue lying to myself about the false, illusory, beautiful smell of roses while others can go sniffing shit and telling themselves they're clever.

Bring on the Lucie, I wanna hold your hand said...

if you believe Macca is some supernatural or even important figure in the grand scheme of history (especially religious history) than you don't know your history or religion.

I don't think you know much at all . lol

Beauty, It's in the Eye of the Beholder.

Anonymous said...

I believe the point isn't that you are supposed to exchange what you inherently find pleasing for something you detest in order to be deceived.

how could anyone be convinced to like something unlikeable?

a deceiver offers you something he knows you'll want and like. Something you will love, in fact.

Satan wouldn't be the biker with tattoos smelling of b.o., he'd be the little girl holding a flower or something equally precious.

that's why the Cathars repudiated anything of the flesh, anything material or pleasing. They thought the whole material world was a scam to keep our thoughts turned from God.

again, just theories people create to explain stuff.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you know much at all . lol

Beauty, It's in the Eye of the Beholder.

Okay, Paul is super-important.

oh, obsessive fans.

Apocalypso now said...

This is it boys, over the Hill.

late 14c., "revelation, disclosure," from Church L. apocalypsis "revelation," from Gk. apokalyptein "uncover, disclose, reveal," from apo- "from" (see apo-) + kalyptein "to cover, conceal" (see Calypso).

sea nymph in the "Odyssey," lit. "hidden, hider" (perhaps originally a death goddess) from Gk. kalyptein "to cover, conceal," from PIE *kel- "to cover, conceal, save," root of English Hell

Anonymous said...

well both Lennon and McCartney have often been described as selfish, greedy, egomaniacal hypocrites (even by each other) so that rules them out of the antichrist sweepstakes automatically.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Paul is super-important.

oh, obsessive fans.

you really don't get it, do you? oh well,

win some, lose some

Anonymous said...

you really don't get it, do you? oh well,

win some, lose some

I don't recall you ever winning some.

We had a winner, long time ago said...

so that rules them out of the antichrist sweepstakes automatically.


sez who? you?

Anonymous said...

no one knows anything about the meaning of revelation until and unless they are able to suspend the known laws of physics under controlled conditions.

otherwise, link to Paulie songs.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I believe the point isn't that you are supposed to exchange what you inherently find pleasing for something you detest in order to be deceived.

how could anyone be convinced to like something unlikeable?

a deceiver offers you something he knows you'll want and like. Something you will love, in fact.

Satan wouldn't be the biker with tattoos smelling of b.o., he'd be the little girl holding a flower or something equally precious.

that's why the Cathars repudiated anything of the flesh, anything material or pleasing. They thought the whole material world was a scam to keep our thoughts turned from God.

again, just theories people create to explain stuff.

Ok, just merely concerning the idea that Jesus, in any way, shape, or form, is not God Himself, but is in fact a deceiver, is what smells of shit to me. For whatever reason, I went from being up in the air about Christianity to being, at the very least, a believer. When people argue that Jesus, and his message, and any of the New Testament, are deceptive, I contest.

You're right, the deceiver would be offering what we'd want. Paul, in Romans 7, goes into all of that. Doing what he doesn't want, and wanting what he doesn't do. That whole battle. But the idea that those texts, those ideas imparted in the Bible, are actually there to trick us, that makes no sense. Why would I want to take the narrow, difficult path when the broad, easy one is so much easier? It's because I smell roses through the eye of the needle and everything around it smells like shit.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall you ever winning some.

sounds like a personal problem at this point. I won the whole kit and kaboodle right under you nose while you were busy bitching about it,

better luck next time, really

Anonymous said...

It's because I smell roses through the eye of the needle

Too bad you couldn't get through that eye, or we wouldn't still be here, per say.


Anonymous said...

no one knows anything about the meaning of revelation until and unless.......

uh, I know, remember?

Anonymous said...

well Jesus did say to take the narrow path so I don't know what you mean by wanting to take the broad path. Who doesn't?

and there are some who will say those NT ideas aren't there to trick you, just as allegory and parables are "technically" literary tricks in order to get you to understand the text differently.

the way you understand them is a test, because how you understand them reveals your spiritual understanding. So people with hate in their hearts look around for "other" people they think are evil, and accuse them of being so, because that's where they are spiritually. They cast stones.

you know, having ears but not hearing, reading but not reading.

some say those paradoxical ideas are there as a way of getting you to think differently. It's a way of "knocking" at the door in order to find the hidden kingdom.

The Hidden Kingdom said...

Take this road Home. Really.

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