Friday, October 14, 2011

Uh Excuse Me...

I am not dead, but the night is still young. The rabbit hole presented some unexpected dangers.


Cease and desist you naughty boy.


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The Cock on Pepper's said...

I checked PAULMCCARTNEY's channel and I didn't see any PFP spam.

Sose Mikey is saying that iamaphoney's channel is Paul's?

That funny.

Anonymous said...

since you do not believe in hell

believe in it? no, i don't recommend it for the Holiday. Not much in the way of accommodations.

Anonymous said...

Sose Mikey is saying that iamaphoney's channel is Paul's?

Paul owns all of it. lol

The Cock on Pepper's said...

What do you think of "My Valentine" ?

Jazzy, eh?

Listen to it reversed.

Poultrygeist said...

Paul is coming soon to deliver us from the Faul.

Saying chicken jokes helps bring his Cuteness back home, where he came from.

You've not heard of our blessed assembly - the First Church of the Which Came First?

Anonymous said...

I think Mikey is saying that PRRAP is spamming the ACTUAL Paul McCartney YouTube page as well as Phoney's.

December 21, 2011 8:52 PM

nope, i checked.
pfprap2000 is on iamaphoney channel only.

so, now what?

mikeNL? man up , and apologize to PFPjesuslennonRap2000,

you owe jesus that mike.....

he died on the cross for you man!

Anonymous said...

Sose Mikey is saying that iamaphoney's channel is Paul's?

That funny.

December 21, 2011 9:23 PM


MikeNL clearly is saying that PFPrap2000 is trolling only Paul McCartney's channel.

PFP has never "trolled" iamaphoney's channel.


Never ever.

How dare you accuse MikeNL of accusing Jesus of trolling the iamapaul channel.

If your name has NL after it,

there is no wrong.


Anonymous said...

mike is still in a wheel chair fucker, so you are picking on a handicap-able individual.

Anonymous said...

mike is still in a wheel chair fucker, so you are picking on a handicap-able individual.

December 21, 2011 10:37 PM

so? JesusLennon is still nailed to a cross, he cant walk, run, or even get off the damn thing man.

Anonymous said...

so? JesusLennon is still nailed to a cross, he cant walk, run, or even get off the damn thing man.

December 21, 2011 10:38 PM

Dude, its Christmas week man.

Have you no shame?

I will pray for you

Anonymous said...

I checked PAULMCCARTNEY's channel and I didn't see any PFP spam.

Sose Mikey is saying that iamaphoney's channel is Paul's?

That funny.

December 21, 2011 9:23 PM

exactly, Mike is accusing jesus of trollin'


i think i can quote pfpJesusrap2000 here, and so i will go all caps on this


* god does swear, you can tell because swear words are in the dictionary, AND GOD MADE DICTIONARIES

Anonymous said...

this entire comments section of the blog is spam, because no one comments about Phoney any more.

December 21, 2011 9:03 PM

MikeNL is, because apparently Jesus is trollin' Phauls youtube channel.

Anonymous said...

God makes only good things......

god makes satan

Anonymous said...

pfprap2000 = mikeNL

Anonymous said...

so, mikeNL = JESUS

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I checked PAULMCCARTNEY's channel and I didn't see any PFP spam.

Sose Mikey is saying that iamaphoney's channel is Paul's?

That funny.

December 21, 2011 9:23 PM

exactly, Mike is accusing jesus of trollin'


i think i can quote pfpJesusrap2000 here, and so i will go all caps on this


* god does swear, you can tell because swear words are in the dictionary, AND GOD MADE DICTIONARIES

December 21, 2011 10:43 PM

I do troll actually lol

I'm the one everybody wants to hear from but I LOVE playing hard to get

No, not a girl typing this one..

Well, I'm very good at being a bitch (learn from the best afterall ;D *special shoutout wink wink*)

BUT I am however, mighty pleased of how great things will be in the future.

Full House. I win. Yay Wooooooo

Party up in heerrrrrrrr

Woah hey hey, watch that magical mystery stick lol

Easy quit shoving you angry pissed off beatle and bible fans

Holy shit

I get a slap on the wrist for swearing, boy...

Unbelieveable I tell ya.

Anonymous said...

eh hem..


I thought we were saying s3anl3nn0n was jesus awhile back if i'm not mistaken lol

not that it's a compliment or anything..

was THAT EVIL? LOL said...

and the person Bi-WINNING this campaign goes to........


da da da da

one question to ask everyone so we can all fucking laugh about it come this time next year

George Harrison said...

He fool us, leave me in the empty wall.. Please don't leave the challenge..

Anonymous said...

Well, was that evil... He was such a nutter.. The word was said..

Anonymous said...

He fooled us, give him the empty wallet, someone seemed to miss, should ask the 2 left beatle -- that must be that I live..

PFPCrap said...





Anonymous said...

I will.

Anonymous said...

So Jesus was predicting the destruction of the temple?

Well.. that happened.

Almost everything he said would happen.. has happened.

If you want to deny the Bible, alright. If you want to argue about the text you'd best go back and study.

You speak as though the NT has been deemed by all dispassionate observers to be 100% accurate and true. Well if such were the case everyone would have converted by now. The reason many people have not, aside from ignorance of the topic one way or the other, is that there are numerous logical, historical and other flaws in the writings that call into question the stories as accurate history. One example is the infancy narratives in Matthew and Luke, which are totally different stories. Christians know this and many attempts have been made to explain the contradictions but no one can because they are so different. This doesn't mean the story isn't true in *some* way, but it definitely means their historical value is questionable.

Listen to what the scholars have to say about that temple prediction. First, it's not a very implausible prediction to make under Roman rule that the temple would be destroyed - they destroyed temples all the time. Second, there is strong evidence Luke was written AFTER the fall of the temple in which case that was an ex eventu prophecy (after the fact prophecy), and not unusual at all in the world of religious writing. You know, you ARE reading books written by people who were believers. If you read books written by people who already believe in UFOs and aliens, those, too, will state things as though they are confirmed fact.

So, either Jesus' family fled to Egypt for fear the infant would be killed by Herod's men, or they went to the Temple to present him publicly (not a safe move at all) as the messiah 33 days after his birth. Both stories cannot be true. Read them yourself and decide.

Also, it matters not that Christianity is now "being preached" in some remote parts of China and elsewhere today. The FACT is that for the past 2,000 years countless people have ALREADY died BEFORE the gospel reached their ears. And there are people who died and will die today in China who have not yet heard or decided. Billions have lived and died already, BEFORE any knowledge of the story whatsoever, especially beofre the printing press and missionaries. Those people, including everyone who lived BEFORE Jesus (like Moses and Solomon etc) had zero chance of accepting Jesus as their savior. It isn't their fault. Maybe they would have, they just didn't know. No one has ever given a satisfactory answer as to how this system can be considered reliable or fair.

Anonymous said...

ring ring


Anonymous said...


what is lmao said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why am I not surprised that goofballs who think Paul is dead would also believe John is alive?

Anonymous said...

duh, because all of the PID songs were basically John inspired

ontop of that, why else would Paul and Nancy get married on HIS birthday?!

Where the FUCK have you been since 2006 brah?


The story is going to be so fucking insane that you will be forced to become thin after watching it all unfold because the fat will become so scared it will grow wings and fly away

Anonymous said...

See you at Comicon.
Bring your Bible.

Anonymous said...

Count me out.

Anonymous said...

beatles reunion

out of the question

Anonymous said...

who is this "John" that inspired so many songs and rules wedding day dates?

Will "John" be home for christmas ?

Anonymous said...

beatles reunion: your last and only hope left

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
who is this "John" that inspired so many songs and rules wedding day dates?

Will "John" be home for christmas ?

December 22, 2011 3:33 PM

Most likely, yeah..

Out of everyone, he probably has had the worst year ever


Anonymous said...

PFPrap. Definately

Anonymous said...

hey PFPRAP. . .if you are John Lennon, please tell us, what was the name of your A&R person at Geffen Records? And where was Sean's bedroom located in the Dakota?

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

I'm just looking for my three wisemen who better show up PDQ.


Nuk Nuk Nuk

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

beatles reunion: your last and only hope left

I'm so glad the Beatles never got back together, which would have been disappointing now matter what and it would have ruined their legacy. I'm glad John and Paul didn't even make it to the SNL taping as a joke.

John Really said...

I'm not dead!

MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
Pot calling the kettle black mikenl,

you are admonishing pfp for "being" jesus and lennon, while you are claiming that iamaphoney is mccartney.

leave poor PFPjesusraplennon2000, he is only slightly more crazy then you.

December 21, 2011 8:52 PM

He can believe that he is jesus, that's fine with me...

He doesn't have to do it every single day though.
It's getting annoying.

If he is Jesus, then i think he's still annoying.

Wait a minute...
Is he Asshole Jesus?

Colonel Sanders said...

Jesus didn't waste time posting comments on some damned website.

Anonymous said...

that'll show them mikey!

Anonymous said...

good for you buddy! tell that jesuspfprap2012lennon to get a life!

Anonymous said...

ass hole jesus

best line of christmas mike

Anonymous said...

oh snap!

Anonymous said...

ummmmmm hmmmmmmm!

Secret Recipe said...

The PFP Paradox

PFP rapper claims to be both Jesus and John Lennon reincarnated, but John Lennon said he was bigger than Jesus and later that he did not believe in Jesus, only Yoko and himself.

Anonymous said...

and if pfp2000 show up around here, by god, we will rap him back into the stone age!

there once was a man name mike
his power was that of a bike
(10 speed)!

bustin' moves all over assholejesuslennonrap2012!!!!

Anonymous said...

The PFP Paradox

...., but John Lennon said he was bigger than Jesus and later that he did not believe in Jesus, only Yoko and himself.

December 23, 2011 1:22 AM

john lennon doesn't believe in HIMSELF!?!?!?!!??!?!

ask pfp about that!

ask him.

do it.

Anonymous said...

its his birthday mikeNL, c'mon... "asshole"???

that was a low blow mate.


Pfprap2000's name is ALSO mike, the same as you dude.

you are in a sense, calling yourself an asshole.

because your name is also mike

do unto others brah

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
ass hole jesus

best line of christmas mike

December 23, 2011 1:20 AM

A little harsh, really

Anonymous said...

gonna find out who's naughty and nice

Anonymous said...

Preterism is a Christian eschatological view that interprets prophecies of the Bible, especially Daniel and Revelation, as events which have already happened in the first century A.D.

Anonymous said...

Rob Preter to pray Praul

Anonymous said...

Witchcraft is spreading like fire among the young people and in the churches. America and the other nations of the world are being led into a New Age religion which centers on Lucifer. The goal is to promote the spirit of antichrist in preparation for the worship of Antichrist and to prepare people for a coming one world economic system and the biochip implant, which will be the mark of the beast......

Anonymous said...

The goal is to promote the spirit of antichrist in preparation for the worship of Antichrist and to prepare people for a coming one world economic system and the biochip implant, which will be the mark of the beast......

that is so 1992. Revelation has turned out in every age to be a non-self fulfilling prophecy because Christians have always been on the lookout for the deception and have never been so aware as the past 15 years.

It doesn't say in Revelation, "And in the last days, millions will be accusing world leaders, rock stars, and religious figures of being the Beast. They will figure out who the Beast is, and what his name is based on his number 666 and warn everyone in advance. And prior to that, for thousands of years, believers will mistakenly accuse their contemporaries of being the Beast, and wow will they ever be wrong. And in every age they will tell their brethren Jesus will appear in their lifetimes, and all of them will be way off by centuries and will have wasted their time and energy worrying about it. Also, a lot of dudes will think they are John Lennon, who has nothing to do with this prophecy, and who won't every work great miracles and wonders, so ignore those idiots, too."

Anonymous said...

He can believe that he is jesus, that's fine with me...

He doesn't have to do it every single day though.
It's getting annoying.

Sure Mikey, Kinda like how Phoney doesn't have to pretend he's Paul McCartney or works for Apple? You see, dudes who pretend to be something they are not, and who create fake YouTube accounts to make it appear as though they are rock stars, or insiders, and who pretend they are going to reveal a great secret, influence other goofballs to pretend they are rock stars who are going to reveal a great secret.

I guess the telltale signs are:

Pretend to be a Beatle
Caps lock
Speak figuratively or in puns to enhance your "I know a secret" image
quick to anger (angry bible guy syndrome)
Eager to believe celebrities are replacements
Eager to believe you are yourself a replacement
Make YouTube videos with creepy music
Slowed-down video clips to make stuff seem creepy
Promote your own music and claim it will change the world (and that it is better than Beatle music)
Your idea of science is to stare at record covers and listen to music backwards

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Also, a lot of dudes will think they are John Lennon, who has nothing to do with this prophecy, and who won't every work great miracles and wonders, so ignore those idiots, too."

than you

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it was a fake mustache

Anonymous said...

it was a fake YouTube account, a fake McCartney insider, and fake in general.

you're worried about a mustache?

Anonymous said...

All that stuff is a decoy. The real suitcase is sitting patiently right under your nose.

Anonymous said...

Making the Nation prove the Glories of his Righteousness.

c.1300, from O.Fr. nacion, from L. nationem (nom. natio) "nation, stock, race," lit. "that which has been born," from natus, pp. of nasci "be born" (Old L. gnasci; see genus).

Just like Generation


see you at come icon!

Anonymous said...

Scroll Down

Gotcha! lol

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if I didn't have to work tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

We have PFPrapJesus


Asshole Jesus

and Asshole Douchebag Jesus



Anonymous said...

queen says no to pot smoking fbi members

Anonymous said...

So John's an uppers maniac (allegedly cokehead)

Ringo's a drunk

George does cough medicine

and Paul smokes pot

who would have thought

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Preterism is a Christian eschatological view that interprets prophecies of the Bible, especially Daniel and Revelation, as events which have already happened in the first century A.D.

Yes. It's not an atheistic eschatological view. LOL

There are no Preterists who believe that Jesus was only making stuff up and that his prophecies were not fulfilled. They believe ALL Biblical prophecies were fulfilled by 70ad, even the return of Christ.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Preterism is a Christian eschatological view that interprets prophecies of the Bible, especially Daniel and Revelation, as events which have already happened in the first century A.D.

Yes. It's not an atheistic eschatological view. LOL

There are no Preterists who believe that Jesus was only making stuff up and that his prophecies were not fulfilled. They believe ALL Biblical prophecies were fulfilled by 70ad, even the return of Christ.

ruh ruh said...

don't forget about the hussler jesus

Anonymous said...

and lil wayne bob marley jesus

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous idiot said...
So, either Jesus' family fled to Egypt for fear the infant would be killed by Herod's men, or they went to the Temple to present him publicly (not a safe move at all) as the messiah 33 days after his birth. Both stories cannot be true. Read them yourself and decide.

I read them for myself. It says..

Luke 2:21 And when EIGHT DAYS were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

It's so funny when people speak against the Bible and make fools of themselves by showing just how little they can remember, not having read the text enough at all to know what it even says.

Anonymous said...


Matthew 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.

How old was Jesus when Joseph was told by this angel to flee into Egypt?

It doesn't say. So to say that the circumcision and the flight to Egypt cause contradiction is a false.

The only apparent contradiction is in Luke 2:39, where it says they went back "to their own city Nazareth" and not to Egypt.

Anonymous said...

How old was Jesus when Joseph was told by this angel to flee into Egypt?

Mat 2:7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.

Mat 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.

step on the gas said...

the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

Anonymous said...

Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.

easter, and the plane was delayed too then.


Three Wise Men and a Baby said...

Someday I'm gonna be a Star.

Anonymous said...

I see we have a newbie who believes he can harmonize Matt and Luke.


Anonymous said...

fuck off and die

Anonymous said...

where do you usually go to get your dick sucked? am a bit curious

Anonymous said...

and by curious i mean


Anonymous said...

He has raised up a horn[a] of salvation for us
in the house of his servant David


Anonymous said...

and by curious i mean



Anonymous said...

relax. it's really over.

I saw the shanks.


Anonymous said...

is this a goood thing or a bad thing

Anonymous said...

I see we have a newbie who believes he can harmonize Matt and Luke.

I don't believe the Synoptic Gospels require harmony.

Why do you think I pointed out an apparent contradiction between the two books?


Anyway.. tgoMatthew and tgoLuke agree a lot more than tgoJudas and tgoJohn.

Most contradictions between the four are minor, which is impressive for a text that has been copied and copied and translated and retranslated for nearly 2000 years.

Anonymous said...

of course the forces of good AND evil

so it's a good thing that it's over

and it's a bad thing that i have to worry about the sex

Anonymous said...

can anyone say

freak of nature


Anonymous said...

get it


because sex

from someone who's under the impression you're a dead beatle




Anonymous said...

to show mercy to our ancestors
and to remember his holy covenant,
73 the oath he swore to our father Abraham:
74 to rescue us from the hand of our enemies,
and to enable us to serve him without fear
75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days

Anonymous said...

[ii]in holiness and righteousness before him [/i]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so it's a good thing that it's over

and it's a bad thing that i have to worry about the sex

what are you worried about?

Luke Sky Walker, Jedi Knight said...

And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High;
for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him,
to give his people the knowledge of salvation
through the forgiveness of their sins,
because of the tender mercy of our God,

by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
to shine on those living in darkness
and in the shadow of death,

to guide our feet into the path of peace.”

And the child grew and became strong in SPIRIT and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.

Anonymous said...

the fuck you think i'm worried about

wondering when the crazy house wife is going to show up

Anonymous said...

so i'm under the impression i'm talking with letter b and iameye

hint hint

two phoney mustaches


caught ya

Anonymous said...

answer? maybe..

huh, odd..

You Too said...


Anonymous said...

The name Immanuel consists of two parts:

1a) The Hebrew preposition (im), meaning 'with'. It comes from the unused root ('mm) that also yields ('am), a people; (me'im), from or with; ('am), paternal kinsman; ('umma), against, beside (see the name Ammi).

1b) The nu-part in Immanu comes from the plural form in which the Im-part is put. The Hebrew language only very sparsely utilizes the verb 'to be,' and when it should be obvious that some form of that verb should be somewhere in the sentence, it's simply omitted. In English the plural goes to the pronoun ('with me' becomes 'with us'), and that makes the plural of the preposition 'with' impossible to translate literally. The word (im) means 'with me' and the word (immanu) means 'with us.'

2) The Hebrew word (El), the common abbreviation of the word Elohim, denoting the genus God.

The name Immanuel consists of two parts:

1a) The Hebrew preposition (im), meaning 'with'. It comes from the unused root ('mm) that also yields ('am), a people; (me'im), from or with; ('am), paternal kinsman; ('umma), against, beside (see the name Ammi).

1b) The nu-part in Immanu comes from the plural form in which the Im-part is put. The Hebrew language only very sparsely utilizes the verb 'to be,' and when it should be obvious that some form of that verb should be somewhere in the sentence, it's simply omitted. In English the plural goes to the pronoun ('with me' becomes 'with us'), and that makes the plural of the preposition 'with' impossible to translate literally. The word (im) means 'with me' and the word (immanu) means 'with us.'

2) The Hebrew word (El), the common abbreviation of the word Elohim, denoting the genus God.

Anonymous said...

so i'm under the impression i'm talking with letter b and iameye

hint hint

two phoney mustaches

I'm Crying

Anonymous said...

From laughing.. or is it just.. you know.. uhm... I don't know what to say

Silent Knight said...

They still don't get it, Macca.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it..

You wouldn't want me to... but I do..

Hey does LovelyRita complain alot on here?

Just curious.. because clearly, I don't get it..

I am sleepy said...

And that means that when God calls Himself I AM, He means that He's very busy doing His thing. The name Immanuel, however, lacks the verb to be, and denotes a passive presence of the Most High.

Immanuel means God Resides Among Us.

in pieces said...

Oh, oh, my goodness, I wasn't suppose to say anything lol


sry guys will try harder next time lol kk

Anonymous said...


I quit, ok?

it is what it is

Uncle Mother said...

Which came first - the chicken or the egg ?

dont listen to pfprap said...

h3nc3 the 3

iameygine said...

the ring

sneek peak from theimaginerings said...

this is how it will happen after christmas ;)

Anonymous said...

Uncle Mother said...
Which came first - the chicken or the egg ?

December 23, 2011 9:59 PM

I'm pretty sure the egg came first,

Unless the chicken wanted to be a jew.

Anonymous said...


Adam said...

Merry Christmas Eve.

EVE said...

You call this a party?

animals who talk at midKnight said...

Maybe the Bass will have something to say.

Rudolph said...

The stable is full!

Pass me an Apple with cranberry sauce.


Anonymous said...

on what should be a very joyous occasion, crickets.

what a loss, huh?

Anonymous said...

Do you have the Prayer?

Anonymous said...

Merry christmas tuftybum Rings and Johnnykins. X x x x x x x

Anonymous said...

(And Iameye LB et al. )

Anonymous said...

And Georgie wherever u r.
And yes u r a lovely angel.


Anonymous said...

confederacy of dunces is what it is

Anonymous said...

Fucked up how everyone wanted to be in the game, but when the truth rolled into town, everyone's struck with amnesia.

Merry Christmas indeed.

Game over

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what wisdom does it take to whisper the words


Anonymous said...

wheres my prize

i'm sick of this

Anonymous said...

by the way

i used to love christmas

thanks for ruining it.

Anonymous said...

wheres my prize

Anonymous said...

overdosing and chain smoking

good job

Anonymous said...

you had an option, so stop whining.

Anonymous said...

oh i'm sorry -- there was an option? you have to fill me in because i don't remember seeing one

Anonymous said...

I filled you in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

there was an option? you have to fill me in because i don't remember seeing one

I remember for you.

christ you know said...

his message is: "STILL ALIVE"

Anonymous said...

light it up

David kelly said...

It would be nice to see some kind of justice for this brave man who had the decency to speak up and ultimately paid with his life.
Please consider signing this petition so that this matter remains active and is not buried.

Anonymous said...

notes for the wife:

hint hint




i like to argue with myself

i like to walk around in my underwear but i never do so when i get more time to do nothing i will consider it more


yup thats about it for now

oh and smoking habits terrible

but ill chew gum

just so you dont taste like ashtraybreath

no these aren't fbi encoded messages if you play them backwards btw :)



A good apple said...

And a TRUE patriot. :)

just a profitable laugh said...

Paul sets the record straight for fans!

Anonymous said...

it's only a matter of time before this happens again


Lennon & McCartney said...

If you watch in the mirror, I'm right-handed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The Right Album said...

Actually, it's done by mirrors......

It's amazing, really.

Anonymous said...

oh my god

i'm a fucking fallen angel

Z said...

Maybe you're just a stumblin' one.

Hark, the herald Angel said...

Take these broken wings and learn to fly.

Anonymous said...

What else does the Moon do but reflect light?

Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies,
And placed therein a lamp (siraaj)
And a moon which has reflected light.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


vic said...

I'm not sure why, but this song got stuck in my head the other day. I used to like it but had thought it was a little too eerie and spooky sounding so
i'd often skip it.

Now, as time's passed, it actually has me feeling groovy while
i hear it.

Anonymous said...

That sounded like such good attempt at a rick roll.

Picture yourself said...

And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

Anonymous said...

Never Gonna Give you Up

Anonymous said...

"We had this idea that we'd make a record, and the record itself would go on tour for us. "That came from a story we'd heard about Elvis' Cadillac going on tour. We though that was an amazing idea: He doesn't go on tour, he just sends his Cadillac out. Fantastic!"

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's done by mirrors......

It's amazing, really.

Mr. Hide said...

Hello people here. I'm new here. Again.

Something I wanted to throw out there in case it trips anyone out as it did me. When you look at wave lengths, it starts at a point, goes up, hits a crest, goes back down, passing through a middle point, hits a trough, or a valley, and then heads back up towards that first crest not before passing the middle point again, only to continue over and again.

So it’s these four points, with correlating connections that I'm going to explain in a trippy way that came into my mind a short bit ago.

A wavelength starts at the same level where the bottom/trough will be later on, which is the bottom point (the valley) of the wavelength. So this very first point would only be an immobile, non-vibrationary, and un-rhythmic, still point - until or unless something got it going.

So, if you can humor my insanity while I go horizontally into the rabbit hole, I've got some thoughts on the four horsemen/four living beasts from my Biblical interpretations of these details.

John would be the first horse, the white one, bent on conquest (he was the leader of the band)… He was the one who got things rolling, the initiator of the “band” of four.

Ringo would be that first crest, the second “point” (second horse) in the wave length. Why? He was the red horse or war. His point then split and that first one line became a two-way wave. Division. One side against (apart) from another. Side note, Ringo’s mom jokingly said he started the second world war in correlation to the time of his birth It’s in the first disc of the Beatles Anthology.

George, the black/dark horse, and somewhat of the dark Beatle, (dark maybe meaning many things, not necessarily offensive) - George would be that first trough, or valley, in the wavelength. The third horse, the one who brings famine, might be the one who brings some sort of black mood or “dark” aspect (or lack of something thereof) to the downward part of that whole wavelength. From Ringo’s crest, falling to George’s dark valley of apathy/apathy, we have only one other point to get to.

Paul. He would have to be the middle ground, the straight line that runs through whichever two are flying and whoever’s underneath. Like how the point in the middle of an equilateral triangle is never either above or below any of the other points. Though, in my humble opinion, Ringo would have to be the top point. If he is the beast with wings.

Because. John would have to be the lion. Loudest roar. Slightly lionish face. Then Ringo would be the eagle. The flapping wings, up and down, like a drub beat, causing a division (challenge, war), and, who like an eagle, is always slightly raised from the band in performances. Not to mention the Eagle-like beak, HA.

George would be the Ox. Can be difficult but doesn’t cause much trouble. Basically does what the man says. Even though he may or may not have been getting sick and/or tired of it.

Anonymous said...

just wait a second there...

it's the four horsemen OF THE

Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation"), the horsemen belonging TO the REVELATION.


I heard the voice of America
Callin' on my wavelength
Tellin' me to tune in on my radio
I heard the voice of America
Callin' on my wavelength

Singin' "Come back, baby
Come back
Come back, baby
Come back"

Anonymous said...

"As righteous
Irenaeus, an influential Christian theologian of the 2nd century, was among the first to interpret this horseman as Christ himself, his white horse representing the successful spread of the gospel. Various scholars have since supported this theory, citing the later appearance, in Revelation 19, of Christ mounted on a white horse, appearing as The Word of God. "

This theory works best, as the first pure white horse crosses first, " John" being the Word of God.


people out there waiting said...

the righteous album

Anonymous said...

The Word is back,

about the town

To lift a glass

Ah, don't look down

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, a Brand New Star

Anonymous said...

Celestial navigation

Anonymous said...

Author Topic: Paul IS NOT DEAD!!! (Read 167 times)
Hard Day's Night

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Re: Paul IS NOT DEAD!!!
« Result #5 Today at 4:18pm »

Dec 20, 2011, 10:35am, wallflower wrote:
everybody involved could be arrested!.

And if her Majesty, MI5 were behind this who is above them?
before you jump to the conclusion, you should do some research even investigation
I had the same reaction when I've heard about Paul's death BUT there are so many things didn't make sense

there are some 3 main convincing evidences

1/ he denied to be the father of Bettina from Germany after 1966 , he failed his paternity test, of course Paul already died , btw, Paul paid to Erica to bring up Bettina until 1966
2/ what Heather Mills said about FAul ?
if you tipped me off, I have a box of evidence, the truth will come out, it will be devastated
3/ The Italian Forensic, they even suggest that if FAul is willing to do a DNA test to end the rumors....

besides, I've seen many videos and pics Faul was using his right hand, you can manipulate the pics but not Videos, he inclined to use his right hand then he switched to his left hand to play the guitar

Please try to debunk them
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Result 6 of 100:
Author Topic: some questions (Read 18 times)
Hard Day's Night

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Re: some questions
« Result #6 Today at 4:00pm »

Today at 3:04pm, eyesbleed wrote:
Different people here have different theories, but I'm convinced JPM didn't die & is still around today. There are 2 "Pauls"...nobody died.
There are too many pics of JPM after 67 & at least one authentic vintage pic with Bill & JPM in the same shot. I think the whole car accident thing was brought into the story as a diversion.
The music representing the "real" JPM can be found on Ram, Chaos & Creation in The Back Yard, some of the Wings stuff, & The Fireman.
Granted, Bill is a great artist. I'm a big fan. But there are some obvious differences in the quality of work they do.

you are of the rare persons who thinks Paul is still alive ? it doesn't even make sense, why they want to replace him if he was alive ?

there are some convincing evidences,there are 3 main

1/ he denied to be the father of Bettina from Germany after 1966 , he failed his paternity test, of course Paul already died , btw, Paul paid to Erica to bring up Bettina until 1966
2/ what Heather Mills said about FAul ?
if you tipped me off, I have a box of evidence, the truth will come out, it will be devastated
3/ The Italian Forensic, they even suggest that if FAul is willing to do a DNA test to end the rumors....

besides, I've seen many videos and pics Faul was using his right hand, you can manipulate the pics but not Videos, he inclined to use his right hand then he switched to his left hand to hold the guitar

Please provide evidence if you think Paul is still alive ?

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You're a fkn numbskull.
Brain frazzling has all sorts of undesirable effects.
Look closer to home.

Anonymous said...

I ain't talkin 2u eyesbleed

Ask yourself if the Magical Mystery Boy consented to his treatment.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you he didn't.

Anonymous said...

what treatment?

Anonymous said...

George said his friends had lost their way.
Why do you assume that means geographically?

Anonymous said...

on blue jay way

Why do you assume that means geographically?

Anonymous said...

The dice was loaded from the start.

Anonymous said...

ask a policeman on the street, there's so many there to meet

Anonymous said...

The dice was loaded from the start.

exactly, can't lose

Anonymous said...


Panoramic View said...

Blue Jay Way is at the top of the hill. Really.

Anonymous said...

The Mystery Boy's torso is Paul's.

Find the head.


Anonymous said...

Don't understand how some dozy bint being "up the duff" is of any consequence.
It's really not relevant
And you're making yourselves look unnecessarily shallow.

Anonymous said...

It's the Mother and Child reunion.

Anonymous said...

The Mystery Boy's torso is Paul's.

Find the head.


For what purpose?
His spirit is still very much alive.
What else matters?

Anonymous said...

It's really relevant

Anonymous said...

Only the head could find it's right body.

Anonymous said...

For what purpose?
His spirit is still very much alive.
What else matters?

Finding his alive spirit, to connect head and body.

The term "Mystery" derives from Latin mysterium, from Greek mysterion (usually as the plural mysteria μυστήρια), in this context meaning "secret rite or doctrine." An individual who followed such a "Mystery" was a mystes (a mystic) "one who has been initiated," from myein "to close, shut," a reference to secrecy (closure of "the eyes and mouth"[

n2 said...

The real is Paul coming back in 2012. to happen in 2009, but change it for people.

Anonymous said...

Maybe theres a bit of Paulie Shady in all of us.

Anonymous said...

this 2012 fixation isn't scoring any points in my book, btw

Anonymous said...

Maybe theres a bit of Paulie Shady in all of us.

Maybe you're born with it in your DNA

Anonymous said...

n2 said...
The real is Paul coming back in 2012. to happen in 2009, but change it for people.

Will Paul be back as superman?

Anonymous said...

For what purpose?
His spirit is still very much alive.
What else matters?

Finding his alive spirit, to connect head and body.

The term "Mystery" derives from Latin mysterium, from Greek mysterion (usually as the plural mysteria μυστήρια), in this context meaning "secret rite or doctrine." An individual who followed such a "Mystery" was a mystes (a mystic) "one who has been initiated," from myein "to close, shut," a reference to secrecy (closure of "the eyes and mouth"[

December 26, 2011 7:26 PM

Do you not think that will correct itself, if he was indeed on a virtuous path?
Or am I missing something?


Anonymous said...

Maybe theres a bit of Paulie Shady in all of us.

Maybe you're born with it in your DNA

You don't say?

Anonymous said...

Didn't I just?

Anonymous said...

"Do you not think that will correct itself, if he was indeed on a virtuous path?"

what do you mean?

Anonymous said...

O yeah
U gotta have faith faith faith,
Ya gotta have faith faith faith..

Terribly old fashioned concept.
Silly me for bringing it up.

Anonymous said...

Like you would be having this conversation if it didn't exist. Right.

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