Wednesday, November 4, 2009

McCartney Freebie

Paul McCartney is giving away a free video of "Highway" and the mp3 of "Let Me Roll It" from his new DVD/CD set "Good Evening, New York City" to be released Nov. 17. As one of his roadies told a friend of mine years ago, "It cooks!" If my link doesn't work for some reason, try here.

The picture below is not an attempt to be cryptic on my part. It's just a little in joke to a reader.


  1. Why are those dudes in the cryptic picture kissing?

  2. Anonymous said...

    Why are those dudes in the cryptic picture kissing?

    To get to the other side.

  3. Three against two - consider their arses kicked!

  4. I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees.
    I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees.
    Asked the lord above for mercy, save me if you please.

    I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride.
    I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride.
    Nobody seemed to know me, everybody passed me by.

    Im going down to rosedale, take my rider by my side.
    Im going down to rosedale, take my rider by my side.
    You can still barrelhouse, baby, on the riverside.

    You can run, you can run, tell my friend-boy willie brown.
    You can run, you can run, tell my friend-boy willie brown.
    And Im standing at the crossroads, believe Im sinking down.

  5. What's the song that gonna be in the new Robert Dinero movie?

  6. Hey, Mr. NL,
    Are the RIGHT ALBUM MP3's at your site?


  7. Anonymous said...

    What's the song that gonna be in the new Robert Dinero movie?

    I think you mean this

    And yes, it is great.

  8. For so long I was out in the cold,
    but I taught myself to believe every story I told.

  9. Hey, Taf!

    Did you catch the TWO LINKS I posted on the previous post?

    The Trailer for "Nowhere Boy" and James & Yoko eat together?


  10. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. hay guys another nutters update

    Inside the org:13 Lightning strikes the house of wax

  12. nice to see you are back in the good game

  13. if they were really "in the Game" they would know enough to blue link it

  14. Probably easier, though, to keep making nutter montages and forcing people to cut and paste links that don't help anyone, even themselves.

  15. Rose
    23rd again
    A Blue Bird said
    Your friends lost their Way
    Because they went for a Drive
    To the Cuckoo's Nest

  16. "The teachers who taught me weren't cool
    You're holding me down, turning me round
    Filling me up with your rules."

  17. Loop-O-Plane MerrittNovember 4, 2009 at 6:47 PM

    Octopus Man
    The Turn, Turn, Turner of Turner Row
    L'enfant Dizzy Mad
    Eye o'er l'Evergreens
    Head in a cloud
    A ride in the sky
    Summer sets at Pablo Fair

  18. Lock Le Bish: Jah Panning for Glass Monocots
    Tulip Lock: Jah Panning for Dignity

  19. Lodged in the leafy tree tops
    Ever verdant
    On a Shabbat rodeo riot
    Like a rolling coaster
    Humpty Dumpty
    Sat on the Temple Stoop
    And cried

  20. Dick Shaw of Lorence
    Ley-lined Garvey
    Lois Carroll
    Karl and Marxy
    The Rockways
    The Soowees
    Treasure Chester

  21. Tawny Curds
    Und der Milch
    Queso Junes
    John L. Driver

  22. Got a good reason for taking the easy way out?

  23. Send me a postcard, drop me a line,
    Stating point of view
    Indicate precisely what you mean to say

    Yours sincerely,
    Wasting Away

  24. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    The ghost of Tom Joady
    Sister Sissy SpaceC
    Mr French Hen O' the Woods Cheese
    Uncle Bill ( Rita paid it )

  25. Cheesy monstrosity came creeping round the corner. He ate some gorgonzola and burped a layer of sticky orange fluff over Bonzo's face.

    "Mmmm....yummy little bastard!"

    The biscuit police hit the trail and were swift with punishment. Cheesy monstrosity's face and legs were hacked into a portrait of Martha Queer-Oop, the nation's best nextdoor neigbour.

    "Silly sausage. My mash has lumps in it!"

    A purple bluebottle was betting on the pink horse. Three tall glasses of rum sat on the side and waited. Mr Horrington spat out his gum and downed the three in one.


    The pink horse ran a country mile and was eventually served raw. Charles of Milwaukee licked his plate clean. "Excellent service!"

  26. Watched the Johnny Merser documentary on TCM last night. Forgot he actually STARTED Capitol Records!!

    Anyway, I was wondering; Does PAUL still OWN ALL HIS TUNES?? If so, then "JEEPERS CREEPERS", he sure does make a lot of money doing absolutely NOTHING!


  27. I know what it's like to be dead.

  28. Teacher's face on fire
    De Melt went in de Pyre
    Conquered Anne
    At Carol Land
    De mire times de Sire

  29. Miss Interpreted
    Miss Read
    Miss Understood
    Myster Fide

  30. Vinaigrette
    salad hero days
    Mc Cart knees boxed
    very stale, mate

  31. Would you prefer a check, mate? How much do you want?

  32. Am I supposed to be thrilled?

  33. Hey look at the day.

  34. 1) Am I the only kidd who knows about this, or the only one who doesn't know?

    2) Winter is coming. You can't possibly mean to suggest that I should go home and till the garden.

  35. One Kidd, one garten, keep tilling until you can till no more.

  36. As for any checks, talk to the cashier.

  37. He crossed paths with McCartney again when The Bootleg Beatles played the Queen’s Jubilee in 2002.

    “Paul was there because he was on last, we were on first, and we got a note saying ‘Don’t play Hey Jude’! And then I met him with Andre who is George Harrison in the Bootleg Beatles, and I was relating this story about having met him when I was a kid. And he’s nodding away and Andre said ‘You don’t remember any of this, do you?’ and he went ‘Nope’!”

  38. Another absolutely fascinating post, mikenl.
    Thanks for a stupendous effort!

  39. Any chance Chancy, we can seal the deal by the end of the year?

  40. Stuck inside these four walls
    no one here but mikenl
    never to see no one nice again
    like you....

  41. Miss Nomer:

    human race

  42. Been about the most comments from Vince in a long while! Welcome back!

    Hey MikeNL, you going to answer Vince's question?


  43. Just reminds me, the Beatles were frickin' ugly. Paul McCartney's a pretty normal looking cat, but I've had bowel movements that were more attractive than the other three, especially Ringo

  44. Anonymous said...
    Hey MikeNL, you going to answer Vince's question?
    November 5, 2009 6:37 PM\

    No......... I am not....

  45. Anybody else here feel that Jeff Leland being Jesus Christ is more important then the two kissing cryptic guy picture?

    God does... BIG TIME.

  46. He gave birth to Tom Joad's past
    She gave birth to the Grapes of Wrath
    The 12th Day of Christmas was the end of the line
    Epiphany was a year behind
    If 64 was the year of hell
    Then what's at the bottom of the top of the bell?

  47. Ringo seen in water drop said...

    Jeff Leland unimpressed.....

    November 5, 2009 7:03 PM

    These pictures prove that Iamaphoney is Ringo Starr

  48. I see this place STILL SUCKS. good luck with your future failures.

  49. Thank You. Thank you very much!

  50. " Yo Tafultong, your blog is cool and all said...

    Anybody else here feel that Jeff Leland being Jesus Christ is more important then the two kissing cryptic guy picture?

    God does... BIG TIME."

    Hey Jeff, can you do that loaves and fishes thing for me?

  51. ... and water. We need water too! It's hot in here.

  52. This little piggy pepper turned a nose twister into an elementary tongue twister. Where is he seated at Dmitri's table?

  53. How is a hot day like a cold birthday?

  54. " Tropus Majus said...
    This little piggy pepper turned a nose twister into an elementary tongue twister. Where is he seated at Dmitri's table?"

    Positions 3 and 4? LI BE?

  55. ...or did you have something more thallic in mind?

  56. It's getting chilly out there, huh?

  57. haha dudes! still wasting your time here? ..losers

  58. Hey, when you got a JOB to do, ya got to do it well.....

  59. No way to slow down....

  60. Tull it like it is, cistern!

  61. And the rest of you, just rattle your jewelry

  62. The cheap seats need more McCartney freebies!

  63. the cheap seats also need more cryptic pictures, until then, there is this...

    Macca: The Beatles weren't that good


    SIR PAUL McCARTNEY admits THE BEATLES weren't much cop when they first formed.

    Realising they sounded average at best, Macca wasn't surprised in 1962 when record label Decca refused to sign the band - who went on to become the biggest of all time.

    In an interview with Xfm's IAN CAMFIELD, he said: "We obviously weren't that good. We were formulating it all.

    "You wouldn't have thought we were that great. You'd have turned us down if you were a record company. And they did - Decca turned us down!"

    Soon after Decca snubbed the Fab Four, producer GEORGE MARTIN signed them to EMI's Parlophone label and the band - prior to sticksman RINGO STARR's arrival - signed up to play a 48-night residency in a Hamburg, Germany, club.

    It was during this formative era that they honed their sound and learned the art of wowing crowds.

    Macca said: "When we first went to Hamburg, and there'd be no-one in the club.

    The Beatles in 1962 - John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Pete Best who was the original drummer, later replaced by Ringo Starr
    Hardly the Best ... The Beatles circa 1962 with drummer Pete Best

    "You'd see a couple of students, maybe a guy and his girlfriend, and they'd look in a bit tentatively, look up at the price of the beer, see it was too much and start walking out.

    "So we'd go, 'Come on, everybody, get back in here! It's all happening!'

    "So we'd learned to attract an audience. After a few weeks, we'd be really packing those clubs.

    "It taught us that game of how to win over an audience.

    "We learned loads of songs, so by the time we got back to England, we had quite a big repertoire."

    Having played packed stadiums in The Beatles, WINGS and as a solo artist since the 60s, Macca says nothing beats the adrenaline rush of playing in a little pub.

    So much so, he's often tempted to bash out a few songs down the local boozer when he's on a break.

    "I've never felt bored, I've never felt like staying at home," he added.

    "I always said, if I wasn't allowed to do it, it'd be my hobby.

    "I'd show up at some pub, saying, S'cuse me, can I play? I'd love to do that.

    "Those are some of my happiest memories, being there among a group of people and having someone buy you a beer."

  64. Moon over Budwiser (use you imagination, because it really happened)

  65. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer....

  66. This time to the sky I'll sing if clouds don't hear me
    To the sun I'll cry and even if I'm blinded
    I'll try moon gazer because with you I'm stronger

  67. A Thousand Trees
    Maccabre Cheese Dinner of Love
    The Great Kraftwerk
    The Township of Noah's Pig
    A River and a University
    A Sylum

  68. Taking The Sand Inside An Oyster, Changing It Into A Pearl

  69. "The clever cat eats cheese and breathes down rat holes with baited breath."

    --Governor Marco

  70. ... and it's free!

  71. London Burning
    Paradise Lost
    Epitaph on the admirable Dramatick Poet, W. Shakespeare
    St. Giles, Cripplegate
    Ravenous Eye
    Marilyn, Hitler, and Me
    Preep (The Little Pidgeon of Trafalgar Square)
    Clever Piggy
    Head in a Cloud
    Nelson's Monument

  72. Shaw Croissant MontageNovember 6, 2009 at 12:17 PM

    Crabalocker Busters
    Bobbi P. McCarty
    Lost Sins

  73. Victory's within the mile. Almost there, don't give up now. Only thing that's on my mind, is who gon' run this town tonight.

    I could tell you the answer to that, really.

    But it's in one of my videos.


  74. If this scene is around in 2012..

  75. Lucy's House
    Atop the Asylum
    Crooked smiles await
    On the Dewsbury Road
    Invitation to a reservation

  76. iamaphoney
    Name: Billy
    Channel Views: 235,005
    Joined: July 23, 2006

    11 09 2009 apple star

    The calender has been replaced

    Does this mean on 2009 Novemeber 9 there will be a new video from iamaphoney???

    Or just like the October 3 no show, will there be none?

  77. 9 sliced black olives said...
    Or just like the October 3 no show, will there be none?

    November 6, 2009 1:14 PM

    My vote?


  78. Are those apple trees?

  79. what say you? said...

    My vote?


    November 6, 2009 1:22 PM

    What about the vegetarians?

    How about a nice veggie pizza you h8ter meat eater?
    Ever think of that?

    Vegetables dont have feelings, unlike cows.
    Cows have sad eyes. And they feel.
    They are sad because of McDonalds.

  80. Monday works for me.

    Goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, evoo and basil also works for me. I'll make the dough.

  81. Any other pizza orders?


    What you want on YOUR pizza??

    My friends call me Pizza Jesus, or they call me Jeff. Mostly they call me Pizza Jesus when I bring pizza over on a friday night.

    My enemies don't call me, because I block their numbers. And they never get pizza. Ever.

  82. Can we get a cryptic chicken pizza? That way Taf's joke about the kissing dudes getting to the other side makes more sense.

  83. My cat and I will dine on pizza this evening, while looking at pictures of you know who, comparing noses and ear lobes. And drinking wine. Lots and lots of wine.

  84. Jude wants arse on his pie
    vince wants a job pizza with spellcheck
    Taf wants 1/2 a slice ( other half to phoney)
    Mikey wants to roll his up and smoke the oregano

  85. You wish you had a telepathic cat like mine. I know you do. My cat told me. But now that I compare the pictures.... I am getting the suspicion that my cat has also been replaced!

  86. order in said...
    Mikey wants to roll his up and smoke the oregano

    November 6, 2009 1:49 PM

    I live in the Netherlands. I can get something other than "oregano"


  87. order in said...

    Jude wants arse on his pie

    November 6, 2009 1:49 PM

    Pizza Jesus is a frickin genie when it comes to pizza!
    Your pizza wish is a command!

  88. what, youre going to pick on someone who's not even here?

  89. 6, 2009 at 2:01 PM

    "I live in the Netherlands. I can get something other than "oregano""

    oh really mikey?

  90. low pizza blow said...
    what, youre going to pick on someone who's not even here?

    November 6, 2009 1:58 PM

    My thinking exactly!


  91. oh really mikey?
    November 6, 2009 2:01 PM


  92. Your cat has gained weight...
    should have seen it coming.

  93. My Psychic kitty just told me what Miles Deo wants on his pizza...

    about 5 seconds

  94. meatless monday, what a fun dayNovember 6, 2009 at 2:10 PM


  95. grandfatheraliterTOON wants a VW Beetle on his

  96. and good water, not that tap shit loaded with rat poison

  97. the bass in Sgt Pepper has been reproduced. in pizza...

    it clearly says "10 3 HE DIE"

  98. Bet some of you h8ters didnt know about Linda McCartney's Pizza, did you?

  99. when all the starving peopleNovember 6, 2009 at 2:18 PM

    living in the world.......Oh for god's sake, just pick a date for the pizza party.

  100. To my soulmate LLM Pizza said...

    Bet some of you h8ters didnt know about Linda McCartney's Pizza, did you?

    November 6, 2009 2:17 PM

    Looks like another abbey road album cover clue... in pizza

  101. Theres a fog upon LA, and my friends have lost there way...

    Paul is Pizza, please dont be long, for 30 minutes it should be free, wait take longer

  102. You can continue to look for clues, or you can have the best pizza party ever. Mikey style.

  103. Now you have done it. Mr. Peppers is mad! You should have been psychic enough to have seen that coming h9ner

  104. don't burn the crust said...

    You can continue to look for clues, or you can have the best pizza party ever. Mikey style.

    November 6, 2009 2:23 PM

    I was just thinking about how much pot the Nutters would have to smoke to eat that worlds largest pizza.

    Speaking of which, didn't one of the nutters visit you Mikey?

  105. 252-411-3511
    Thats who i am calling for pizza. the pizza dude flashes the satan horns and gives exact change

  106. "I was just thinking about how much pot the Nutters would have to smoke to eat that worlds largest pizza."

    Thai (the cuisine) style peanut sauce is excellent on pizza btw.....

    order more nutters, order more pizzas

  107. Fake Peel and Aldous! This is not a pizza. Alice and Lucy are in the drum.

  108. I thought the janitor was in the drum

  109. pardon the intrusionNovember 6, 2009 at 4:13 PM

    Do you realize how suddenly wealthy you really are?

  110. Actually the tea is in the drum. Time for tee indeed, Doctor. Ten and two or six to fore.

    I can only imagine.

  111. a coin, a sheep, a favored son
    were welcome guests at the twin freaks pizza party!

  112. (bring some of that rock-star tea, too)

  113. See the world spinning 'round......


    and Round and round and round and round oh

  114. The Hendersons will dance and sing
    As Mr. Kite flies through the ring

    don't be late

    Mrs. K assures the public
    Their production will be second to none

  115. Looking through the bent backed tulips
    To see how the other half lives

  116. Well, The Night Was Falling As The Desert World
    began To Settle Down


  117. And The County Judge,

    who held a grudge

    Will search for evermore

    For the band on the run, Band on the run, Band on the run, Band on the run

  118. Breaking eggs in a dishNovember 7, 2009 at 3:27 AM

    However absurd, however absurd... It may seem.
    However absurd, however absurd... It may seem.

  119. and when the cart broke down, they started


  120. Lily-white purple Barney on the road, again.

  121. Anonymous said...
    To my soulmate LLM Pizza said...

    Bet some of you h8ters didnt know about Linda McCartney's Pizza, did you?

    November 6, 2009 2:17 PM

    I DO remember that line in "Absolutely Fabulous" about, "Linda BLOODY McCartney's Tofu Treats"!


  122. Will one of you please explain the fixation some of you seem to have with using my name in association with the word "arse"? I honestly don't get it.

  123. Bruce Cockburn's PillowNovember 7, 2009 at 8:16 AM

    This is going to be awkward...

  124. Swifter Suede will think I am crazy. Hell, I think I am crazy.

  125. what is with all these constant references to the prodigal son? (coin, sheep, favored son).

  126. That's what you are here to figure out, dear.....

    Noobs are just going to have to start in the beginning... unless, of course, you know the shortcut.

  127. .... and no one ever said "prodigal". It's simply favored.

  128. .... and no one ever said "prodigal". It's simply favored.

  129. Like nickels in cake.

  130. The mood is right, the spirit's up, We're here tonight and that's enough.

  131. Nickels in a cake? I'll bite , what does THAT mean?

  132. mellow yellow submarineNovember 7, 2009 at 12:10 PM

    Too Many People Going Underground
    Too Many Reaching For A Piece Of Cake

    that was your first mistake....

  133. "The audio tracks 'Sing The Changes' and 'Flaming Pie' from Paul's new CD/DVD Good Evening New York City have been uploaded to Paul's MySpace page"

  134. Making love underneath the bed
    Shooting stars from a purple sky
    I don't care how I do it
    I'm the man on the flaming pie

  135. Everything I do has a simple explanation
    When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation
    I took my brains out and stretched 'em on the rack
    Now I'm not sure I'm ever gonna get 'em back

    Cut my toes off to spite my feet
    I don't know whether to laugh or cry
    Never mind, check my rhythm
    I'm the man on the flaming pie

    I'm the man on the flaming pie
    Now everything I do has a simple explanation
    When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation
    I took my brains out and stretched 'em on the rack
    Now I'm not sure I'm ever gonna get 'em back

  136. Like the sun playing
    In the morning
    Feel the quiet
    Feel the thunder
    Oh every ladder
    Leads to heaven
    Call it ransom
    Draw the picture

    Sing the changes
    Oh as you're sleeping
    Feel the quiet
    In the thunder
    Sing the changes
    Calling over
    Feel the quiet
    In the thunder

    Like the sun playing
    In the morning
    Feel the quiet
    Feel the thunder
    Oh every ladder
    Leads to heaven
    Colored pencils
    Draw the picture

    Sing your praises
    As you're sleeping
    Sing the changes
    Any wonder
    Feel the sense of
    Childlike wonder
    Sing your praises
    As you're sleeping
    Sing the changes
    Oh as you're sleeping
    Feel the quiet
    In the thunder
    Sing the changes
    Calling over
    Feel the quiet
    In the thunder
    Sing your praises
    As you're sleeping
    Feel the quiet
    In the thunder
    Sing the changes
    Calling over
    Everybody has a sense of
    Childlike wonder

    Sense of wonder
    Sing your praises
    As you're sleeping
    Feel the quiet
    In the thunder
    Sing the changes
    Calling over
    Everybody has a sense of childlike wonder

  137. Be sure to see previous page for the Karnival of Lite!

  138. You are sucking the life right out of the carnival.

    Still proud of yourselves? No doubt. Add yourselves to the fucking Polanski list.

    You wouldn't know a carnival of light if it whopped you in the ass.
