Thursday, November 12, 2009

Curious Thing

UPDATE: I have been listening to the Iamaphoney Bootleg #2 and you should too. Thanks Mike.


We have another one of those curious ads for a new McCartney product. One YouTube user named PauIMcCartney (I believe the first name is pronounced PAY-OOOWEE) has uploaded Paul McCartney's (I believe the first name is pronounced PAUL) 30-second trailer for Good Evening New York City with a little bit of spice added. I don't recall the original ad having quick flashes of Aiwass in it.

I found a few more little quickies in there including these two:

Check out the 30-second spot by clicking the image below:

This silly trick notwithstanding, there has been quite a bit of thought and work, along with some incredible expression of talent in the Rotten Apple Series over the years. Many fans and former fans have found the pace to be frustrating. Iamaphoney himself (or themselves as the case may be) has (have) expressed some frustration at the less than blistery pace of this long promised revelation. It's a bit like Alice In Wonderland. (Did I really say that?) At one point Alice found herself in a strange place where every time she seemed to get closer to an object, the more out of reach it became. Those who are looking in the Rotten Apple videos for that elusive thing called the truth have become increasingly frustrated. Several times it seemed like the vehicle was moving forward, but do we really know any more than when we started?

If you are looking for artistic expression and mystery and entertainment, there is no shortage of those things in the Iamaphoney saga. Truth is much trickier to nail down.

There have been some misleading things in Iamaphoney videos and I have pointed several of them out right here. But this is happening at a time when documentary makers are using many of the same tricks. So if we see footage of Derek Taylor speaking and the audio running simultaneously is Derek's voice from a different time, we can say that's a little misleading. But if there is no video footage to go with the existing audio, many filmmakers would do the same thing.

So, let's look at a couple aspects of Rotten Apple 78 again and evaluate what we have.

There is video footage of Paul McCartney talking to John Lennon. Most people who watch Rotten Apple videos can probably identify the footage from the movie "Let It Be." Many of them can probably recognize that the accompanying dialog is not from "Let It Be." When that video was shot, Paul was talking to John about live performances, but in the Rotten Apple video, a voice that sounds like Paul is saying, "I haven't the slightest doubt that we did the right thing and that we acted in accordance with the law. But he kept the book, you know, but you can't retain that book. It must be thrown away, burned or destroyed by... and what ever happened to him, is the invisible god. The world isn't ready for a revelation." If Iamaphoney has audio of Paul saying those words, that is pretty significant and relevant to the story he is telling. If that really is Paul's voice (and I cannot prove that it isn't) I don't have a problem with using footage of Paul talking to John as a companion piece.

Now, as I pointed out in a recent post at "Nothing Is Real" the John Lennon quote about hiring a phony was taken from his famous interview with Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone. He was actually talking about Alun Owen, who wrote the screenplay to "A Hard Days Night." You can find the Lennon quote with some context here.

So if the Lennon quote was presented as a piece of evidence, that would definitely be a deliberate attempt to mislead, right? But was it presented as a piece of evidence? Iamaphoney is telling a story in an artistic manner. So, I suppose some of us will grant him some artistic license. If you watch Rotten Apple 78 again more closely, you might notice that he gives us a little sign immediately before the Lennon quote.

That is the word "Imagine" more or less - Your brain has to fill in some of the holes. By preceding the out of context Lennon statement with this fragmentary representation of the word "Imagine", Iamaphoney may be telling us to use our imagination rather than our critical mind when interpreting the quote.

Just because he didn't have video of the statement that sounds like Paul saying "...we acted in accordance with the law" doesn't mean that he didn't say it. And I guess you could make a case that just because he didn't have audio of John saying that the Beatles hired a phony to take Paul's place, doesn't prove he didn't say that either.

He had audio of John saying words that went with the story he was telling and he used them. And he might have even tipped us off that he was exercising artistic license by showing the word "Imagine" up front.

In looking back on previous videos, there might be other examples of Iamaphoney guiding the viewer on how to interpret what they are watching. He lets us know when to fill in the holes. I wouldn't call it Journalism, but it certainly qualifies as Storytelling in my book. I haven't read the thing, but I'm guessing that it doesn't really violate any passage from Iamaphoney's book of the law. Curiously, I guess it all depends on what book you are using.


  1. Curious thing indeed, very nice blog post Tafultong! Thank you!

  2. wonderful you are in a rare form tonight

  3. IAAP's recent twitt lolNovember 13, 2009 at 12:41 AM


  4. finally back to the origin.this is what it is all about.
    give us more of that! I love it!

  5. more of what? what origin?

  6. iamaphoney, aaah tafultong, was quick this time for posting the excuse.

    blablabla, after all the phoney is a phony

    have fun waiting for the revalation

  7. You call this "fun"?

  8. An' here I sit so patiently
    Waiting to find out what price
    You have to pay to get out of
    Going through all these things twice.


    you know, my life could have gone a different way...


    More audio from GENYC - Live and Let Die and Paperback Writer...



  12. Behind the shelter in the middle of the roundabout
    A pretty NURSE is selling poppies from a tray.

  13. OH TAFanboy


  14. Iamaphoney

    Yenoh Pamai

    amaiY enohP

    am aiy enoph

    am i enough

  15. Am I enough? really?


  17. Anonymous said...
    You call this "fun"?

    November 13, 2009 1:14 AM

    Dude, why not?
    There's a lot of 'fan-fiction' out there..... why not incorporate PID?
    "It's a hell of a toboggen ride."- Superintendent Chalmers.


  18. why not incorporate PID?


  19. Yes indeedy, incorporation would be a beautiful thing.

  20. Remember when IAAP used to run around in that purple t shirt with Helter Skelter written on the back? Remember that? Those were the days, man, we thought they'd never end......

  21. Aiwass in a pic ? are talking a lot of shit man.

    Stu Records

  22. Well, the audio of "McCartney" sounds like it might have been tampered with or cut and pasted from various other sentences. Difficult to tell. Whatever it is, the voice was being recorded, at fairly high quality, so it probably comes from the Let it Be sessions, and Paul knows he is being filmed/recorded. There are hundreds of hours of audio guide tracks and music from Let it Be that were recently rediscovered (I believe they were stolen way back when and recovered). The people who stole that audio had 30 years to listen to and bootleg that material, which they did. So it seems unlikely, then, that what Paul is saying was in those tapes (at least in that form), or we would have heard it by now.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Remember when IAAP used to run around in that purple t shirt with Helter Skelter written on the back? Remember that? Those were the days, man, we thought they'd never end......

    November 13, 2009 5:47 AM

    "We'd sit and stare,
    forever and a day."


  24. A crowd of people stood and stared.

    They'd seen his face before.....

  25. .... and they didn't care.

  26. Winter's coming
    It'll soon will be here
    If we knew what it meant
    We would take care

  27. now we know how many....November 13, 2009 at 6:47 AM

    Last night Paul brought the house down at the Royal Albert Hall for the Children In Need Rocks the Royal Albert Hall Concert, a star-studded event organised by the Take That front man Gary Barlow. An all-star cast list stood in the wings to watch Paul storm the stage with 'Back in the USSR' followed up by 'Get Back'. As Paul struck the opening chords of 'Hey Jude' Take That appeared on stage to provide backing vocals, they were soon joined by Leona Lewis, Lily Allen, Cheryl Cole, Robbie Williams, Dizzee Rascal, Dame Shirley Bassey, Katherine Jenkins and many more. The sea of stars provided an energy packed finale to a fantastic evening.

  28. it is a marveless site mikeNL hafe done

  29. Just slip us some MP3's, if you please.


  30. oH THANK god mIKEY the bootleg is out! Now we don't have to hear about it any more!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  31. carry your shame a long timeNovember 13, 2009 at 12:31 PM

    Because everybody knows, the bootleg is the only thing anyone is interested in around here.

  32. Instant karma's gonna get you phonies, just you wait and see.

    Don't forget your MP3's to keep you warm at night.... that's about all you'll ever have, anyway. Fucking wankers.

  33. Move your ass Macca. The BOOTLEG is OUT!!!

  34. That little bootleg is gonna cost some people dearly. Not like they don't know why, though. Was it really thatworth it?

  35. Pay no attention to the boot behind the curtain. Until it kicks you in the ass. Then you might want to pay attention.

    Just sayin'.

  36. 20 views, wow. I hope those 20 views were really really worth it.

    Know what I'm sayin' mikey and friends? Read between the lines.

  37. too many bootlegs, not enough feetNovember 13, 2009 at 1:33 PM

    You took your lucky break and broke it in what can be done for you? You broke it in two.

  38. you guys might not even realize it
    but the stuff on iamaphoneymusic now is just half of it.

  39. Where are all the self-professed good kids supposedly out there? Huh?

    I guess they were all just bootleggers, too. What a disgrace.

  40. MikeNL said...
    you guys might not even realize it
    but the stuff on iamaphoneymusic now is just half of it.

    You really don't get it, do you mike. ok, well, you just keep up that pretense and see how far it gets you down the line.

  41. BTW, it is now the end of the line.

  42. MikeNL said...
    you guys might not even realize it
    but the stuff on iamaphoneymusic now is just half of it.

    Good luck with that.

  43. Anonymous said...
    MikeNL said...
    you guys might not even realize it
    but the stuff on iamaphoneymusic now is just half of it.

    You really don't get it, do you mike. ok, well, you just keep up that pretense and see how far it gets you down the line.

    November 13, 2009 1:58 PM

    rule 19.

  44. You broke the rules. Too bad for you.

  45. I LOVE the bootleg Mike

    thanks a lot mate!

  46. 23.5 degrees and climbingNovember 13, 2009 at 2:39 PM

    London bridges the Capital

  47. take the key, rule 1November 13, 2009 at 2:47 PM

    I LOVE London
    thanks a lot mate!

  48. MikeNL said...
    you guys might not even realize it
    but the stuff on iamaphoneymusic now is just half of it.

    So Mikey, am I supposed to care whether Paul McCartney is an impostor or satanic crowleyite or am I supposed to care about a bunch of whack-ass Phoney tunes?

    More important, does Phoney care more about whether Paul is a Crowley disciple or whether WE care about his whack-ass novelty tunes?

  49. Hello! Mike, could you please put the "iamaphoneymusic" available foir download in mp3? It would be very kind. Thank's.

  50. Mikey,

    If there is ONE thing I have gotten out of the RA series, it's actually the LAST thing Phoney would have suspected: I no longer care about Love Codes and Crowley. That stuff bores me to tears, especially when nothing ever comes of it. What I'M REALLY interested in is listening to Phoney's novelty tunes. Please upload them. Please make more bootlegs because I want to hear them before the major label release. Hearing novelty songs before they are released on an indie label with no distribution is very important to me, more important than whether Phoney makes unbalanced people think Paul is a liar and a child sacrificing satanist.

  51. It's the fact that they refuse, still, after even all this time, to address the source of inspiration. Big mistake, huge.

    Jarve was one of the few to man up to the deal, and he did the right thing and honored what he was asked to do. Ah. But don't ask now, seeing how involving the bootleg is. You had many chances, for sure.

  52. Yeah Taf's right it's all harmless fan fiction or a "harmless game" as Iamaphoney has said over and over again. Some people are too stupid to listen. They want their fantasy to be real.

  53. You really don't get it, do you mike. ok, well, you just keep up that pretense and see how far it gets you down the line.

    November 13, 2009 1:58 PM

    What does this mean?????

  54. Anonymous said...

    It's the fact that they refuse, still, after even all this time, to address the source of inspiration. Big mistake, huge.

    Jarve was one of the few to man up to the deal, and he did the right thing and honored what he was asked to do. Ah. But don't ask now, seeing how involving the bootleg is. You had many chances, for sure.

    November 13, 2009 5:27 PM

    What?? What did Jarv "man up to"? what was Jarv asked to do??

  55. Anonymous said...

    That little bootleg is gonna cost some people dearly. Not like they don't know why, though. Was it really thatworth it?

    November 13, 2009 1:03 PM

    Cost whom? What cost? What are you talking about?

  56. Exclusive Rehearsal Footage from this week

  57. "Sometimes I wish we take a shortcut, jump into a wormhole, and get this over with, really. Sometimes I wish some very close friends of mine could have stayed on this earth a little longer than they did. Once in a while I wish that communication could be just a bit more open and clear and Now and Then I wish this was only a harmless game. "

  58. Loving conversation, Innocent solution.

  59. I think that Iamaphoney is PaulMccartney.

  60. The King is in the Fields

  61. The rain in Spain...

  62. Mouse in the house...

  63. Is this the part about Jarvitronics manning up?


  65. one of the few does not mean he was first......

    as far as "manning" up goes, that's another story


  67. with friends like these, who needs life?

  68. You're really not that swift, Aaron.

  69. we can't stop here
    this is bat country

  70. Alright, I'll do it. But do me one last favor, will you? Can you give me two hours? That's all I ask man, just two hours to sleep before tomorrow. I suspect it's going to be a very difficult day.

  71. No point in mentioning these bats, I thought. Poor bastard will see them soon enough.

  72. How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?

  73. All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him.

  74. 275
    00:15:35,517 --> 00:15:38,458
    ...hamburger stand.
    She was a waitress about 16 years old.

    00:15:38,528 --> 00:15:41,618
    They chopped her goddamn head off right
    there in the parking lot...

    00:15:41,699 --> 00:15:43,789
    and cut all kinds of holes in her
    and sucked out the blood.

    00:15:43,859 --> 00:15:47,390
    They were after the pineal gland,
    I think. Yeah.

    00:15:47,470 --> 00:15:50,601
    - No. How's your mama ?
    ignore this terrible drug.

  75. 1553
    01:30:19,763 --> 01:30:22,854
    I didn't dare
    to turn the creep down.

    01:30:24,364 --> 01:30:28,635
    He might have picked up a letter opener
    and gone after my...

    01:30:28,705 --> 01:30:31,296
    pineal gland.

    01:30:31,376 --> 01:30:33,367
    - You know ?
    - Yeah.

    01:30:33,447 --> 01:30:35,878
    - Crazy.
    - Why not ?

    01:30:35,948 --> 01:30:39,248
    Shit. We should
    get some of that.

  76. 1559
    01:30:39,318 --> 01:30:42,679 a big handful
    and see what happens.

    01:30:42,819 --> 01:30:45,580
    Some of what ?

    01:30:49,121 --> 01:30:51,062
    Extract of pineal.

    01:30:51,132 --> 01:30:53,963
    Sure, that's a good idea.

    01:30:54,033 --> 01:30:58,164
    One whiff of that stuff will turn you
    into something out of a goddamn...

    01:30:59,904 --> 01:31:02,305
    medical encyclopedia, man.

    01:31:04,346 --> 01:31:06,746
    fucking tits.

    01:31:06,816 --> 01:31:10,277
    Man, your head would
    swell up like a watermelon.

    01:31:10,357 --> 01:31:14,488
    - You'd gain about
    a hundred pounds in two hours.
    - Right !

    01:31:14,559 --> 01:31:16,989
    Grow claws,
    bleeding warts.

    01:31:17,059 --> 01:31:18,690

    01:31:18,760 --> 01:31:22,861
    And then you'd notice
    about six huge, hairy tits...

    01:31:22,931 --> 01:31:24,991
    swelling up on your back.

    01:31:25,072 --> 01:31:26,872
    Fantastic !

    01:31:26,942 --> 01:31:29,033
    You'd go blind.

    01:31:30,443 --> 01:31:33,284
    Your body would turn to wax.

    01:31:33,354 --> 01:31:35,444
    They'd have to put you
    in a wheelbarrow.

    01:31:35,514 --> 01:31:37,485
    And when you scream for help...

    01:31:37,555 --> 01:31:40,386
    you'll sound
    like a raccoon.

    01:31:42,526 --> 01:31:45,397
    Man, I'll try
    just about anything...

    01:31:45,467 --> 01:31:48,658
    but I'd never in hell
    touch a pineal gland.

    01:31:48,738 --> 01:31:51,569
    Finish the fucking story, man !

    01:31:51,639 --> 01:31:54,910
    What happened ?
    What about the glands ?

    01:31:54,980 --> 01:31:58,471
    Jesus, that stuff got right
    on top of you, didn't it ?

    01:31:58,551 --> 01:32:02,422
    Look at your face.
    You're about to explode.

    01:32:09,724 --> 01:32:12,255
    Maybe you could just...

    01:32:12,335 --> 01:32:15,526
    shove me into the pool.

    01:32:15,606 --> 01:32:20,337
    Man, if I put you in the pool right now,
    you'll sink like a goddamn stone.

    01:32:20,407 --> 01:32:25,109
    You took too much, man.
    You took too much. Too much.

    01:32:27,489 --> 01:32:29,420
    Don't try and fight it.

    01:32:29,490 --> 01:32:32,291
    You'll get brain bubbles,
    strokes, aneurysms.

    01:32:32,361 --> 01:32:36,382
    You'll just wither up
    and die.

    01:32:36,462 --> 01:32:40,963
    They continue
    killing innocent people !

  77. Haven't pored through it yet, but is this related to the bootlegs you've posted?


  78. Can we please end the game?

  79. I'd ask Mikey to elaborate on these snippets, but I have a feeling he won't. Even so: PLEASE ELABORATE, MIKEY.

  80. @4:31 in Rotten Apple 78 I noticed something new: James Joyce! Looking back at the official sleeve, it appears his headshot was placed just behind T.E. Lawrence's... I knew about the Gandhi/Hitler omissions, etc., but I never realized Joyce was there till now. Neat.

  81. Yeah Mikey! Did you carve up some 16 year old hottie
    and eat her pineal gland? Again?
    You wouldn't be the Zokiad Killer wouldja?
    We're onto you now! Miles Deo is on his way to shut you down!
    Your mother would be so ashamed!
    :guilt trip:

  82. Mikey's mother wrote him off A LONG TIME AGO.

  83. Your mother knows, Mikey.

    She knows everything.

  84. my mother will be in surgery tomorrow morning...


  85. guys should check out the rotten apple thread every once in a while u know!

    i posted the picture of TPF there.. now you can see his eyes

  86. Macca

  87. Hate to play the game too much, but the shape of Paul's shirt in that photo IS rather evocative of IAAP's pineal/upside-down mustache meme.

  88. sorry to hear about your mom mike, let us know how her surgery goes
    hope that she is going to be in complete remission, lost several family to that terrible disease so i know what you are going through

    good job on the bootlegs too

  89. My mother is in too. This is probably it for her.

  90. say, say, say
    pray, pray, pray

  91. And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
    speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

  92. Mama don't go,
    Daddy come home.

  93. Some kind of Druid dudes, lifting the veil.

  94. Sorry to hear about your mother, Mike, but I'd still
    like to know what those cryptic posts you made are about.

  95. He discovered Thompson on meth . B F D

  96. What about that other reader's mom ? No well wishes for her?

  97. Someone got more pixs of PAULSON!
    "His name is Robert Paulson."

    Boy, he's a little 'tubby', ain't he!
    I'm already rootin' for him!


  98. Remember that time we found the 77
    million dollar powerball winning ticket and we just ripped it up! That was really funny , right ? Right?

  99. I don't know why I bother posting anything here anymore.

  100. I'm saying a prayer for the other mOther.
    Won't be long, mom. Peace and love.

  101. Remember that time we found the 77
    million dollar powerball winning ticket and we just ripped it up! That was really funny , right ? Right?

    When I was a kid a local grocery store was having a contest sort of like BINGO. Every time you bought stuff, you'd get a "secret number" which was on a piece of paper similar to the receipt from the cash register, except that it had "magic ink" over the number that had to be washed off with water.
    We had 4 of the 5 numbers we needed to win.
    One day I came home with a number.
    The plumber had just put in a new-fangled lever thingy on the kitchen sink to turn the water on, and when I put the number under the faucet, I accidentally turned the water on full force.
    For about a second we saw the winning number, worth $1000, and then the paper turned into mush from the blast of water coming from the faucet.
    To this day my mom remembers me doing this, and it was back when the Beatles were on the Ed Sullivan show.

  102. Sorry about Mike's mom, and the other anonymous bloggers mom's cancer. Will keep you in prayers and well wishes. Please keep us informed about them

  103. Hope your mom's surgery goes well today Mike, and the other anonymous mom's cancer surgery when ever that was too. just signed up for a 5k run for charity benefiting cancer research

    whats your moms name? i will wear a ribbon with her name on it during the run

  104. Anonymous said...
    (sigh link )

    November 15, 2009 5:37 PM

    Don't worry, Kyoko! That guy who make my links his name will do it soon!


  105. Not cancer, Pneumonia.

  106. operation went well
    can see her in 3 hours

  107. Thats good news mike!

  108. No comments for 2 days on iamaphoney channel, the last comment was from rapper dude PFPrap2000......

    136 comments on Iamaphoney blog,
    comments are about cancer surgeries

    Iamaphoney is dead....
    the "revolution revelation" I mean.

    someone cue j3ff l3land to come in here and take credit for this

  109. Iamaphoney is dead....
    the "revolution revelation" I mean."

    That's because you are fucking blind.

  110. Free suspenders with every purchase

  111. YFbwyfmpyfac. Wtfftybotmbwitw! hdycmawmft! Gyfafh.

  112. hahahah well, hearing Paul's son James perform only demonstrates just how hard it is to sing and play well (or to be able to mimic Macca), even when he grew up around Paul McCartney. James in a million years wouldn't be able to sing or write as well as his dad.

  113. Too bad the secret Illuminati music coaches and writers didn't train James. He sounds like a guy that has a smidgen of talent, but amateurish. Guess there is no Satanic coven behind it after all. Just human beings trying their best. Just like you, phoney watchers.

  114. Iamaphoney is dead....
    the "revolution revelation" I mean."

    Anonymous said...
    That's because you are fucking blind.
    November 16, 2009 12:36 PM

    Lets recap some more iamaphoney highlights from recent days...

    37 videos of "Iamaphoney bootlegs"
    between 20-40 views on most of them. Some have 60-80....
    the highest viewed is "shoes" at 176 views.

    Taking the world by storm???

    It must be that iamablind

  115. Anonymous said...

    YFbwyfmpyfac. Wtfftybotmbwitw! hdycmawmft! Gyfafh.

    November 16, 2009 5:29 PM

    LOsjlozglort. Jcooclsfczsjvcj! qultzrjzoc! Ploroq.

  116. Anonymous said...
    James in a million years wouldn't be able to sing or write as well as his dad.

    November 16, 2009 5:33 PM

    there is always a pact with the devil.... he could do that.

  117. 37 videos of "Iamaphoney bootlegs"
    between 20-40 views on most of them. Some have 60-80....
    the highest viewed is "shoes" at 176 views.

    Taking the world by storm???

    It must be that iamablind

    November 16, 2009 8:31 PM

    no you are iamah8ter!

    if you made a video, you would have exactly 8 views. because you are such a h8ter!

  118. Blogger iamah8ter said...
    37 videos of "Iamaphoney bootlegs"
    between 20-40 views on most of them. Some have 60-80....
    the highest viewed is "shoes" at 176 views.

    Hey! Its only been up one day! Give it time! By this time next year, there will be millions of views!

    And even a dyed in the wool card carrying hater like yourself have to admit, shoes was frickin COOL.

    You try and do something better!

  119. so... when are the "bootlegs" going up?

  120. sure would be nice if someone could put the bootlegs up on mp3's or on youtube.

  121. The sound iamaphoney makes is muzak to my ears.

  122. 17, 2009 at 5:55 AM

    Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain

  123. Baby you can drive my car
    Yes I'm gonna be a star
    Baby you can drive my car
    And maybe I'll love you

    Beep beep'm beep beep yeah

  124. Only love can stand the test,
    only you outshine the rest,
    Only fools take the rest,
    Only fools take second best, but it's so,
    Some people never know.

  125. for real love was the best thing we could do
    breaking up to a second of tune
    now i believe i'm completely on my own
    you turned my world
    my world into stone
    my world

  126. What do random Beatle song quotes mean? Is this part of the revelation?

  127. Anonymous said...

    November 17, 2009 8:14 AM

    Are random Beatle quotes part of the revolution?

  128. As we live a life of ease(life of ease)
    Every one of us(every one of us) has all we need,(has all we need)
    Sky of blue,(sky of blue) and sea green,(sea of green)
    In our yellow(In our yellow) submarine.(submarine) ( Haha! )

  129. I am here with you. We are all gonna protect ourselfes
    as the aftermath is clearing up, its making the road ready for the revelation. Now, friends, we know what we can do but as a small hint to what the hell this thing is about, I will say to you Life is nothing more than a holiday from The Death. Remember, Life must be understood backwards

  130. Mr Vermouth,

    Please pick up the white courtesy phone.


  131. DYING to take YOU awayNovember 17, 2009 at 4:20 PM

    the love for the Mystery Tour

  132. step right this way >>>>>>

  133. Mr Vermouth,

    Please pick up the white courtesy phone.


    November 17, 2009 4:06 PM

    all i see is a Ouija board....

  134. Satisfaction Guaranteed


  135. all i see is a Ouija board....

    All I see is a squeegee, bored!

  136. Who will walk through the mirror door
    Will there be music, or will there be war
    Will we be rich, or will we be poor
    Who will walk through the mirror door?

  137. Read the record mirror.

  138. You must be at least this blurry to ride this blog

  139. When a man buys a ticket, for a Magikal Mystery Tour, he knows exactly what to expect


  141. Don't give up
    until you drink from the silver cup
    And ride that highway in the sky

  142. there is always a pact with the devil.... he could do that.

    Hahahah well the devil obviously sucks at music. Look at all the metal bands he influenced. Not to mention Barry Manilow.

  143. interesting point. Obviously the "devil" or "illuminati" or whomever can't create or promote music to win people over because it's . . .yes, subjective. Pretty sure that's why there are countless artists out there with wildly different styles and as many different fans.

  144. Satan pretty much is pissed. People should really just listen to the Devils playlist..

    the devil went down to georgia, he was lookin' for a soul to steal..

    that kind of a thing..

  145. I dunno about you, butNovember 17, 2009 at 5:37 PM

    I'm on my way back home...

  146. Satan is drawing pretty deep into the iamaphoeny well... check out the bootlegs and play them backwards, fun for the whole coven!

  147. du du du du du duh yeahNovember 17, 2009 at 5:40 PM

    All that Satan shit was just invented to make you THINK!

  148. got me thinking indeed

  149. Play this blog backward, and see what you git.

  150. I won't let you down
    I will not give you up
    Gotta have some faith in the sound
    It's the one good thing that I've got
    I won't let you down
    So please don't give me up
    cause I would really, really love to stick around, oh yeah

  151. It's been a hard day's night alright!

  152. Yeah, it's been too long, now I want to come home.
    Been too long, now I want to come home.

  153. are we going to talk about the new iamaphoney???

  154. GENYC is released in the UK on Monday 7th December and from November 30th across the World.

  155. are we going to talk about the new iamaphoney???

    See: past two years of blog posts and NIR comments. Where did any of THAT chit chat get ya?

  156. I wonder if anyone here or at NIR, what with all that detective work, ever stood back and said, "Hmmm. . .come to think of it, we really ARE just talk."

  157. See: past two years of blog posts and NIR comments. Where did any of THAT chit chat get ya?

    November 17, 2009 7:30 PM

    wait, this has been going on 2 years? huh, so.... whats the big news? how much longer is this going to go on? what, till 2012? oh man...maybe someone could email him...
    has anyone thought to interview this gentleman? find out his thoughts on all this?

  158. good point! why is it no one every thought to interview iamaphoney?

  159. right
    now if only we could elect a spokesman for us, some one in an intercessory capacity , someone to speak with iamaphoney FOR us.

    the question is... who? who could we get for us to talk to iamaphoney?

  160. well who ever we vote for, make sure that person will answer questions as well... like about bootlegs, and such
    and not duck every single question, with a Beatles song quote, or random Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas all night quote frickin marathon

    ~fake vince

    /i am talking about MikeNL

  161. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


    ~super fakey vince

  162. Can I ask a dumb question? How is it that MikeyNL1038 has this Rotten Apple Bootleg?

  163. Can I ask a dumber question? When is the Right Album going up? And the Carnival of Light?

  164. c'mon mates its great...iamaphoney could be me...he could be you...
