Thursday, November 12, 2009

Curious Thing

UPDATE: I have been listening to the Iamaphoney Bootleg #2 and you should too. Thanks Mike.


We have another one of those curious ads for a new McCartney product. One YouTube user named PauIMcCartney (I believe the first name is pronounced PAY-OOOWEE) has uploaded Paul McCartney's (I believe the first name is pronounced PAUL) 30-second trailer for Good Evening New York City with a little bit of spice added. I don't recall the original ad having quick flashes of Aiwass in it.

I found a few more little quickies in there including these two:

Check out the 30-second spot by clicking the image below:

This silly trick notwithstanding, there has been quite a bit of thought and work, along with some incredible expression of talent in the Rotten Apple Series over the years. Many fans and former fans have found the pace to be frustrating. Iamaphoney himself (or themselves as the case may be) has (have) expressed some frustration at the less than blistery pace of this long promised revelation. It's a bit like Alice In Wonderland. (Did I really say that?) At one point Alice found herself in a strange place where every time she seemed to get closer to an object, the more out of reach it became. Those who are looking in the Rotten Apple videos for that elusive thing called the truth have become increasingly frustrated. Several times it seemed like the vehicle was moving forward, but do we really know any more than when we started?

If you are looking for artistic expression and mystery and entertainment, there is no shortage of those things in the Iamaphoney saga. Truth is much trickier to nail down.

There have been some misleading things in Iamaphoney videos and I have pointed several of them out right here. But this is happening at a time when documentary makers are using many of the same tricks. So if we see footage of Derek Taylor speaking and the audio running simultaneously is Derek's voice from a different time, we can say that's a little misleading. But if there is no video footage to go with the existing audio, many filmmakers would do the same thing.

So, let's look at a couple aspects of Rotten Apple 78 again and evaluate what we have.

There is video footage of Paul McCartney talking to John Lennon. Most people who watch Rotten Apple videos can probably identify the footage from the movie "Let It Be." Many of them can probably recognize that the accompanying dialog is not from "Let It Be." When that video was shot, Paul was talking to John about live performances, but in the Rotten Apple video, a voice that sounds like Paul is saying, "I haven't the slightest doubt that we did the right thing and that we acted in accordance with the law. But he kept the book, you know, but you can't retain that book. It must be thrown away, burned or destroyed by... and what ever happened to him, is the invisible god. The world isn't ready for a revelation." If Iamaphoney has audio of Paul saying those words, that is pretty significant and relevant to the story he is telling. If that really is Paul's voice (and I cannot prove that it isn't) I don't have a problem with using footage of Paul talking to John as a companion piece.

Now, as I pointed out in a recent post at "Nothing Is Real" the John Lennon quote about hiring a phony was taken from his famous interview with Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone. He was actually talking about Alun Owen, who wrote the screenplay to "A Hard Days Night." You can find the Lennon quote with some context here.

So if the Lennon quote was presented as a piece of evidence, that would definitely be a deliberate attempt to mislead, right? But was it presented as a piece of evidence? Iamaphoney is telling a story in an artistic manner. So, I suppose some of us will grant him some artistic license. If you watch Rotten Apple 78 again more closely, you might notice that he gives us a little sign immediately before the Lennon quote.

That is the word "Imagine" more or less - Your brain has to fill in some of the holes. By preceding the out of context Lennon statement with this fragmentary representation of the word "Imagine", Iamaphoney may be telling us to use our imagination rather than our critical mind when interpreting the quote.

Just because he didn't have video of the statement that sounds like Paul saying "...we acted in accordance with the law" doesn't mean that he didn't say it. And I guess you could make a case that just because he didn't have audio of John saying that the Beatles hired a phony to take Paul's place, doesn't prove he didn't say that either.

He had audio of John saying words that went with the story he was telling and he used them. And he might have even tipped us off that he was exercising artistic license by showing the word "Imagine" up front.

In looking back on previous videos, there might be other examples of Iamaphoney guiding the viewer on how to interpret what they are watching. He lets us know when to fill in the holes. I wouldn't call it Journalism, but it certainly qualifies as Storytelling in my book. I haven't read the thing, but I'm guessing that it doesn't really violate any passage from Iamaphoney's book of the law. Curiously, I guess it all depends on what book you are using.


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Groovin' up slowly said...

He one holy roller.

Anonymous said...


Coming up said...

Like a flower!

Anonymous said...

Stick around, I say.....

Anonymous said...

Big man, walking in the park.
Wigwam, frightened of the dark.

Hey, I'm gonna get you too said...

Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine gun's ready to go
Are you ready? Hey, are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat, Yeah
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone
And another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

How do you think I'm gonna get along without you when you're gone?
You took me for everything that I had and kicked me out on my own
Are you happy? Are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat (Look out)
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone
And another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

Oh, take it
Bite the dust
Bite the dust yeah

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust, oh
Another one bites the dust, hey, hey
Another one bites the dust, heeeeey
Oh, shoot out

There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man and bring him to the ground
You can beat him, you can cheat him
You can treat him bad and leave him when he's down
But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you
I'm standing on my own two feet
Out of the doorway the bullets rip, repeating the sound of the beat. Oh yeeeah
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone
And another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
Shoot it

Anonymous said...

Hey, we're gonna get ya thru

Anonymous said...

A built-in remedy
For Kruschev and Kennedy
At anytime an invitation
You can't decline

Anonymous said...

And then the fireman rushes in
From the pouring rain,
very strange.

Anonymous said...

We would dance
Light up the sky
With your message
With your message
Bells will ring out for our love

Anonymous said...

A ver , vamos de se dan cuenta que les estan tomando el pelo, yanquis pelotudos, sigan creyendo esta boludez mientras mccartney se llena los bolsillos,,,sigan esperando la gran revelacion que nunca llega porque todo es ua farsa , a big phoney. Bye Ass holes

Anonymous said...

Play The Game

Anonymous said...

Hey Spanish guy. You are WRONG!

Anonymous said...

Nada preocupación de este, todavía es una ocasión que usted verá. Habrá una respuesta. Dejáis le sea.

Anonymous said...

Dance 'Till We're High sounds a bit festive for the season, no?

the bell tolls said...

Winters coming. It'll soon will be here! If we knew what it meant We would take care

Anonymous said...

They've got catfish on the table
They've got gospel in the air
And Reverend Green be glad to see you
When you haven't got a prayer
But boy you've got a prayer in Memphis

if we knew what it meant said...

We can do it
Gonna do it tonight
Sing till we fly together
Dance till we're high together
Gonna do it right now

Snow is falling said...

Don't let us down, Arnhem

Sgt Nostradamus said...

"one male"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Colored pencils draw the picture

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And Jesus, he wants to go to Venus

hold on tight! said...

Hold on tight to your dream
Hold on tight to your dream
When you see your ship go sailing
When you feel your heart is breaking
Hold on tight to your dream.

Anonymous said...

Accroches-toi à ton rêve
Accroches-toi à ton rêve
Quand tu vois ton bateau partir
Quand tu sents -- ton coeur se briser
Accroches-toi à ton rêve.

Hold on tight to your dream
Hold on tight to your dream

When you see the shadows falling
When you hear that cold wind calling
Hold on tight to your dream.

Anonymous said...

As we take our stand down in jungleland.

Remember? said...

Any damn place we choose, damn it!!!

Anonymous said...

So let's bungle in jungle, that's alright with me.

Fighting fire with fire said...

Watch out. You might get what you're after......

Anonymous said...


thetruthmustout said...

some how the movie less than zero hold the key to iamaphoney (guy in video) identity. He is an extra in the movie. No Kidding!! His name is Richie, I went to school with him, he is an old friend, but now he is fucking posh and looking forward to the worldfame he knows he is gonna get.

Here's your ticket pack your bags said...

Transportation is here.

The Titanic was a Myth too said...


portside out, starboard HOME. Are the words getting thru chicky baby?

Anonymous said...

Did we hit the little boy on Fifth Avenue? Yet?

Anonymous said...

In excelsis Deo!

Posh spice said...

Never too late to call an old friend, ya know.
maybe he can hook you up in the "zero" sequel or sumthin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You say you've seen the seven wonders
and your bird is green
but you can 't see me
you can't see me

Anonymous said...

Mr Vermouth .......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Hold on tight to your dream said...

Yup, and we ain't letting go either.

Anonymous said...

Reved up like a deuce another runner in the night.

See the world spinning round said...

The man with a thousand voices talking perfecly loud.

Pump it up! said...

They say you better listen to the voice of reason
but they don't give you any choice cus they think that it's treason
So you had better do as you are told
you better listen to the radio

Zero said...

some how the movie less than zero hold the key to iamaphoney (guy in video) identity. He is an extra in the movie. No Kidding!! His name is Richie, I went to school with him, he is an old friend, but now he is fucking posh and looking forward to the worldfame he knows he is gonna get.

He can have her!

Anonymous said...

(and the radio is in the hands of such a lot of fools)

Why don't we do it in the Road? said...

And the Lamb lies down

on Broadway

Anonymous said...

Give my regards to Broad sTREEt!

Anonymous said...

some how the movie less than zero hold the key to iamaphoney (guy in video) identity. He is an extra in the movie. No Kidding!! His name is Richie, I went to school with him, he is an old friend, but now he is fucking posh and looking forward to the worldfame he knows he is gonna get.

Richie King. He already has fame....and fortune.

All in a dream said...

And the Archer spli the tree

Anonymous said...

oh, forgot the "T"

and if you ever saw it said...

you would even say it glows

I'm telling you "why" said...

Santa Claus is coming to town!

yes, Virgina, there is a Santa Claus said...

No I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reu-nion
Is only a motion away

Burning Bush said...

Bring 'em on!

later we sit by the fire said...

In the meadow we can build a snowman!

Anonymous said...

play the game

Anonymous said...

pa rum pa pum pum
rum pa pum pum
rum pa pum pum

thetruthmustout said...

some how the movie less than zero hold the key to iamaphoney (guy in video) identity. He is an extra in the movie. No Kidding!! His name is Richie, I went to school with him, he is an old friend, but now he is fucking posh and looking forward to the worldfame he knows he is gonna get.

Richie King. He already has fame....and fortune.

December 8, 2009 5:02 AM

I am fucking serious! In the movie there is a party by a pool, our stars are standing in the doorway,
DONT LOOK AT THEM, look behind them while they are talking, a man with thick blondhair is walking by, you cant miss him, Thats RICHIE AKA TPF , the movie is from 1987 so its a very young Richie approx. 18 yo. see for yourself "less than zero"

Anonymous said...

Listen to the music playing in your pretty little head.

Bret Easton Ellis said...

Hey, I'll see what I can do to get him in the next movie too.

Imperial Bedrooms
Sequel to Less Than Zero (June, 2010)

Anonymous said...

see how they run?

Anonymous said...

it's an invitation

Anonymous said...

sorry, wrong link. Mea Culpa.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha
this is the real link

Anonymous said...

get baaack

Anonymous said...

I wanna get back too!

Anonymous said...

Loose me in your power, now and every hour.

Anonymous said...

Would you care to sit with me
For a cup of English tea?
Very twee, very me
Any sunny morning.

Anonymous said...

All you need is a pint a day!

the fireman once said...

Were you wasting your red wine?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

less than blistery pace, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you all have no clue for what is about to happen tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

people are gonna rub their junk

Anonymous said...

what's happening tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

"rub their junk? how eloquent. Give us a little hint.

Anonymous said...

what people?

Anonymous said...

I guess we'll just have to wait and see tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

Does this involve Macca?

Anonymous said...

sounds like a mikey thing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Next level.

The Great Johnny Ace Lennon said...

Are we there yet?

Anonymous said...

900 CHML!

Anonymous said...

ten more minutes

J...L..... said...

I'mm baaaaaaaaack ;]

Anonymous said...

But when I see you darling, it's like we both are falling in love, again? It'll bee.. Just like starting over

Anonymous said...

War is over (If he wants it)

Anonymous said...

Anybody seen the new iamaphoney video tonight? I have! I watched ALL THE OLD ONES

Anonymous said...

kraft dinner time....

Anonymous said...

Mac and cheese, together again.

Hi ho the dariry-o said...

The cheese stands alone.

Apollo C Vermouth said...

A final hint to those who refuse to see....

Anonymous said...

Waiter? May I please have one spinal cracker to go with my wine and cheese? Merci buckets.

Anonymous said...

Pretty little policeman in a row.

Anonymous said...

^ 911

Anonymous said...

And the jailer man and sailer Sam were searching everyone.......

Anonymous said...

So this is Christmas

Anonymous said...

And what have you done?

Anonymous said...

Another year over
And a new one just begun

Anonymous said...

And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun

Anonymous said...

The near and the dear one

Anonymous said...

The old and the young

Midnight Oil Suitcase said...

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back

Anonymous said...

Say hi to paul for us, Mikey. Have a nice time at the show.

Anonymous said...

Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel IV, their universal translators befuddled.

Anonymous said...

read the holy script

Anonymous said...

Be Bop 'N' Holla

Anonymous said...

see how they fly like Lucy in the sky

Anonymous said...

A certain softness in her eyes
got me hooked, got me hooked

Anonymous said...

Chaos And Creation In The Back Yard

Anonymous said...

Picture yourself in a boat on a river

Anonymous said...

Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,

A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Jet said...

Climb on my back and we'll go for a ride in the sky

Anonymous said...

Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight - Berlin O² World

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sky of blue and sea of green

Anonymous said...

but if you try sometime
you just might find

Anonymous said...

It was fake Marshall stack.

Blue Spirals R Us said...

Wasn't something supposed to happen today?

Song of the South said...

'Tis only a Northern Song.

Anonymous said...

Think tafultong will come back if we post 1000 posts?

Anonymous said...

Think tafultong will come back if we post 1000 posts?

Anonymous said...

Think tafultong will come back if we post 1000 posts?

Anonymous said...

Think tafultong will come back if we post 1000 posts?

One more for the road said...

Think tafultong will come back if we post 1000 posts?

Anonymous said...

doesn't sumthin' happen every day?

Anonymous said...

Is there something he can give you better than what here right now? Are you fucking serious?

Anonymous said...

Jesus fucking Christ

PaultheRevelator said...

December Dream

George Kush said...

Paul is Dead - The Beatles And Astrotheology 9 and El-even

Anonymous said...

I was dreaming of the past [life]

And my heart was beating fast [Amphetamines]

I began to lose control

I began to lose control.

Bad to the bone said...

If I'm a marked man, I won't go down without a fight.

Anonymous said...

Let's rock

Anonymous said...

It's lonley at the top.

Anonymous said...

Paul McCartney - Got To Get You In To My Life - Good Evening Holland - Gelredome Arnhem (09-12-09)

Anonymous said...

All You Need Is Love

Anonymous said...

Love is crying.

Anonymous said...

let it be

Anonymous said...

there is still a light that shines on me....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the one after 959

the one after 959 said...

is this one!

the challenger said...

This One's getting pretty close to thowing in the proverbial white towel. Not that anyone will notice this time.

Anonymous said...

But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I aint gonna lose -

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are the champions - of the world

Anonymous said...

You either want to win or you don't. Make a choice.

He's gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha! said...

Maybe this video from Mikey will purse-suede you one way, or another.

Anonymous said...

He's really really really late for dinner.

It's getting cold. And I want to go home.

Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah! said...


I say Yeah! said...

I say we make it 1000 by tonight, eh mates?

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, Mikey, where the hell were you sitting? Outside?

Little Stevie Wonder said...

Clap your hands just a little bit LOUDER!

Anonymous said...

970 KCMD

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, Mikey, where the hell were you sitting? Outside?

I was thinking maybe he was hiding inside the speakerz!

Any damn place we chewz! said...

One way or another...

Anonymous said...

Guess macca didn't git Mikey flipfone either.

Anonymous said...

Filmed in awfishal Euro Blur !

Anonymous said...

Call me, I'm alive.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Filmed in awfishal Euro Blur !

December 10, 2009 2:51 PM


Die Young; Stay Pretty said...

That's not a clue, oh no.

Anonymous said...

Like anyone's even gonna see that diNero flick.....

Anonymous said...

Die Young; Stay Pretty said...
That's not a clue, oh no.

you're dissin' Blondie? oh the humanity

Firenze Man said...

I wish I could help, but I tend to fuck things up with my bullshit. I'd best sit this one out, you know, seeing as how I don't do well with innuendo.

Flondie said...

Deteriorate in your own time
Deteriorate in your own time
Tell 'em you're dead and wither away
Are you living alone, or with your family?
A dried up twig on your family tree?
Are you waiting for the Reaper to arrive,
Or just to die by the hand of Love?

Love for you
Love for you
So die young, and stay pretty
Leave only the best behind
Slip in sensibilities
Tragedy in your own dream

You sit down alone on your rocking chair
Transistor pressed against an ear
While you're waiting at the bus stop for your life
Or just to die by the hand of Love.

Love for you
Love for you
So live fast 'cause it won't last
Deal in near senility
Deal in near senility
Was it good or maybe you won't tell.

Die young, and stay pretty
You got to live fast 'cause it won't last
No no no

Anonymous said...

Lies never felt like love; they still don't.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes we'll keep on trying
Hey tread that fine line
Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah
And whatever will be - will be
We'll just keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
Till the end of time

Blondie - Love At The Pier said...

another clue for ya all...

And the pictures are worth it!

Anonymous said...

What's yours and mine the fishings fine
And it doesn't have to rhyme so don't you feed me a line

636-1636 said...

In the "Call Me" video, the guy at 1:05 is wearing a red carnation!

Anonymous said...

(See 2:52 post for further details)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder how the paris show is goin'

Anonymous said...

or went


Sunday Girl said...

Sunday's on the phoney to Monday

Anonymous said...

is this a blondie fest?

Anonymous said...

heart of glass

Paris Hilton said...

is this a blondie fest?

Count me in!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light
Ooh ooh ooh whoa

Anonymous said...

Paris has a bit of splaining to do....

Who said blondes are dumb? said...

Seemed like the real thing
But I was so bliiiiiind!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

999 like 666

Anonymous said...


Walt Disney said...

1001 Dalmations!

DalmatiAns that iz! said...


This thread has gone to da dogs!

Anonymous said...

You've had a busy day today.

Anonymous said...

Peace on Earth.

POE said...

That would be a really nice way to end the year on a high, huh?

Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty good to me!

Anonymous said...

Man, they really kicked Edgar Allan POE around.

Anonymous said...

you can take that to the bank!

Tiny Tim said...

God bless us, everyone!

Anonymous said...

Tafultong (and crew) has given up on you hopeless brainwashed retards... The game is over, and all you fags fell for it..

So sad...

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