Monday, August 31, 2009

Notes From The Overground

Fans of Iamaphoney's music simply must be excited about what MikeyNL1038 got his hands on.

iamaphoney - the right album bootleg 09-09-09 promo

Okay, well maybe you won't love the whole video portion, but musically this looks like it will be a sonic delight for those of us who have been intrigued by Iamaphoney's soundtracks.

The last thing I heard from anyone related to the Iamaphoney camp was that "The Right Album" does exist. All I could think of was the fictitious John and Yoko album that was at the heart of the infamous April Fools joke from our friend Jude. But this appears to be a second Iamaphoney bootleg, and if the clips in this video are any indication, it will be superior to the first one. If Iamphoney shared these recordings with Mike, and Mike shares them with us, that would be a wonderful thing. The supposed release date of 09/09/09 is a bit strange considering that as much as I adore Iamaphoney and worship the ground that he walks on, I'm afraid that I will be listening to something else on September 9 of this year even if our hero comes to my house and places "The Right Album" in my cold dead hands.

Still I look forward to hearing it and I predict that "Apple Star It Was A Fake Mistake" will be the sleeper hit of the year among conspiracy theorists, NIR types, TKIN types, PID fanatics, United Methodists, and Charles Dodgson fans like me.


Once again, Paul McCartney is talking about this subject.

It is almost as if the people who sell magazines think that people in the world would find the topic to be interesting.


The I Don't Have A Clue Department has been wondering what the videos by this relatively new YouTube user are all about.

At first glance GnikNusEht appears to resemble a cross between Grandfather Aleister and Milesdeo. Wouldn't that be an unusual duo?

Speaking of unusual duos, was that really Jude and Socash sparring recently? Both are great characters on the journey in an Andy Kaufman/Jerry Lawler kind of way. I hope you both are doing well.


  1. The last shall be FIRST!

  2. Adore and worship? What a wanker!

  3. As if the whole thing wasn't about an indie album . . ..

  4. Told ya once, told ya twiceAugust 31, 2009 at 7:06 PM

    This is exactly why you can't have nice things.

  5. Blogger socash said...

    "Still butthurt after all this time Jude? I suggest you get over it."

    butthurt? what does that mean?
    I did get over it.

    "but digging through 1000+ bullshit comments is useless (now if its under 50 comments I'll waste a couple of minutes)."

    where is the dedication? where is the pioneering spirit you once had? you have become flabby mentally socash. you have a 50 count maximum? please! guess it will be simple task to just post here more then 50 just to make sure you wont get off your lazy butthurt to read anything here.
    thanks for showing me the way to make sure you wont stick around, especially such an easy way.

    "I am delightfully surprised to see the resurgence of handle, but don't think that you'll see or hear that much more of me."

    hit and run eh? 50 more posts should make sure you will continue to be silent. of course you know then, the bad guys win and it will be all your fault. you pilligan.

    "Thank you. Goodnight.

    Thank you. Goodnight.

  6. 6 comments. .. . . still within the safety range for a certain someone who shall remain anonymous so has not to become "butthurt"
    probably swilling down another mega pack of twinkies washed down with dr pepper

    lfd qrin zru wnuv bxvym bftrbq
    pyru lfd ran srtx

    put that in your pipe and smoke it


  7. for no one in particular...

    ef zrccna jqrc v brl cf lfd
    xefj cqrc v qrin cqn dczfbc anbgntc ofa lfd reu cqrc jqne cqn cvzn tfznb, jn jvyy bqran r znpr grtx fo cjvexvnb reu r trbn reu qryo fo jraz ua gnggna reu qrin r pffu yfep pvayl tal fina cqn yrbc yfep yfenyl 4 zfecqb jvcqfdc lfda wnuv bxvym


  8. again... for no one at all...

    bfaal lfd cqfdpqc v jrb sdccqdac
    v uvu zvbb lfd cqfdpq
    qru zrel r yfep pvayl tavnb fina lfd snvep pfen cqnbn 4 zfecqb
    jrb vc sntrdbn fo cqn ganperetl?

    ~rosco hsacso P coltrain


  10. Wait! don't post more then fifty comments! Cant we just all get along? does it always need to devolve into petty bickering? LIKE THEY DO AT NIR

    "I don't think it was fair you waaaa waaaa waaaaa! You summed up my extra long wacko post with a LOL!!!! It hurt my tinfoil covered brain!"

    Cant we be adults here? In this of all places? The sanctity of the blog must be maintained, this is hallowed ground to PID'ers and PIA'ers of all denominations.
    except those united Methodists

  11. "I don't think it was fair you waaaa waaaa waaaaa! You summed up my extra long wacko post with a LOL!!!! It hurt my tinfoil covered brain!"


    can this be repeated please about 60 more times so that a certain someone will not read anymore?

    i am ending this comment with a


    to no one in particular
    take offense if you must

  12. I like when taf gets all Charlton Heston!

    damn dirty apes going to pry that snatch crucifix out of my cold dead hands!

    Soylent Nutters is PEOPLE! Really ghey people!

  13. "but digging through 1000+ bullshit comments is useless (now if its under 50 comments I'll waste a couple of minutes)."

    when is the last time there were 1000 comments?
    this blog has gone seriously down hill and reached an all time new low.
    soon as the waaaaa waaaaaa boo hoo cry babies leave, is when the carnival of light starts

  14. Good post Tafultong! Keep ignoring Iamaphoney too! The wanker

  15. boo hoo cry babies leave, is when the carnival of light starts

    August 31, 2009 8:21 PM

    when is anyone going to talk about the.......?

  16. "There's so much crap that you've got to be careful of"


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. "The Rotten Apple bootleg is a bootleg.
    The Rotten Apple bootleg contains soundtracks from The Rotten Apple Series
    and rare demotracks from the upcoming The Right Album

    please make sure that this is known.

  22. asstroll :D I guess it was because of the pregnancy.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I hope your new kid brother is happy and healthy. Tell you mom I said Hi. :D

  25. NEVER wanna see skinny dude naked again!! uugh... that guy is ugly!

  26. Get off your cold dead fat ass

  27. this post has been removed by the Arthur

  28. Wow, that ELillyfant really knows how to stop on a dime, just in TIME!

  29. Comment deleted

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    August 31, 2009 9:49 PM
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    August 31, 2009 10:08 PM
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    August 31, 2009 10:13 PM
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    August 31, 2009 10:29 PM

    to no one in particular, this still counts as a comment, and the closer the comment count gets to 50 the better, because then a certain someone wont read them.

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  46. asstroll :D I guess it was because of the pregnancy.

    August 31, 2009 11:05 PM

    who got pregnant?

  47. This post has been removed by the author.

  48. This post has been removed by the author.


  50. is it possible that no one in particular may be scared to match wits on the microphone in a freestyle flow rap?

    jude accepted that challenge and even made a video

    jude +3

    no one in particular does a hit and run after nine months after promising to leave for good, turns out was here all along reading the first 50 comments of each post, going in and out of diabetic coma

    no one in particular -3

    course, no one in particular would never ever be able to read this, being 54 comment after all and in the safety zone

    somewhere, chubby fingers are typing a blistering missive fueled by mint chip ice cream and a popular soft drink that shall remain nameless.
    its not likely anyone will hear it

  51. The natives are getting restless.

  52. Anonymous said...

    I hope your new kid brother is happy and healthy. Tell you mom I said Hi. :D

    August 31, 2009 11:17 PM

    that was a real moment between us. a star wars moment. so when my kid brother gets older and is in a lightsaber battle with darth vader and vader says "kid brother, i am your father" you can smile smugly to yourself, knowing that also you told me to say hi to my mother, insinuating that you had some type of relations with her.

  53. Anonymous said...

    The natives are getting restless.

    September 1, 2009 7:38 AM

    always before a full moon and a new rotten apple this happens

  54. Natives don't need shoes or suitcases because they are right where they belong they're right, where they belong.

  55. "no one in particular does a hit and run after nine months after promising to leave for good, turns out was here all along reading the first 50 comments of each post, going in and out of diabetic coma"

    diabetic coma

  56. Anonymous said...

    "no one in particular does a hit and run after nine months after promising to leave for good, turns out was here all along reading the first 50 comments of each post, going in and out of diabetic coma"

    diabetic coma

    September 1, 2009 7:40 AM

    A few things....

    1. I put A LOT of time and effort into my post, and did something that you rarely, if ever do; I put myself on the line (which I often do, incidentally) and expressed actual opinions, and spelled them out in a coherent manner, in order to help everyone to understand exactly what I'm trying to say.

    2. Your response must have taken you somewhere between 3 seconds and a half a minutes, and you didn't even have the decency to be civil about it, adding your trademark "lol".

    3. If you had a problem with any of what I wrote, you could have expressed it in any number of respectful ways, including sending me a private message to give me a chance to explain myself before you submarined my entire post in 3 words (including "lol").

    But again, even if I did get something wrong, you could have either been discreet about it (private message), or been more respectful, but you were neither.

    I've been here for over a year now, and I feel as if I've contributed quite a bit. Enough at least, to be treated with some level of respect.

    Are we working together on this? I'd like to think so, but posts like your response make me wonder.

  57. Insulin: a gateway drug to PID

  58. wow
    someone is butthurt

  59. diabetic coma

    September 1, 2009 7:40 AM

    I saw it as you responding to a sprawling, multi-faceted post, seemingly attacking one small aspect, while never addressing any of the other aspects, or the overarching thesis.

    And when you sign off with "lol", how else am I supposed to take it? You basically wrote three dismissive words and then LAUGHED OUT LOUD.

    I'm just suggesting that you think a little bit more about how your responses might be received, because as I said, I'm under the impression that we're working TOGETHER here, and I'd like to think that we can be more constructive and supportive in our criticisms of each other as we work toward a (somewhat) common goal.

    As for my respect of your work...I was annoyed when I wrote this...

    "I put A LOT of time and effort into this post, and did something that you rarely, if ever do; I put myself on the line (which I often do, incidentally) and expressed actual opinions, and spelled them out in a coherent manner, in order to help everyone to understand exactly what I'm trying to say."

    You obviously put a lot of time and thought into a lot of your posts, but the crux of the above criticism is that I feel as if you rarely, if ever, come out and say what it is that you're trying to express. As in...

    "The premise of this post is to point out A and B. These photos and video captures make my point because of the way they show these particular connections."

    ...or something to that effect.

    I know we all have different styles, but more often than not, I find myself having no idea what you're on about because you almost never come out and say what you're on about, even when asked directly.

    I sincerely do think that my post outlined a scenario that is very possible, and I backed it up with evidence that I think is pretty compelling. I may be wrong, I may be right, but in the end, I'm really just blundering my way through this in the best way I know how, because I really want to understand the forces that have been guiding humanity to the place we are at right now, and you all seem to want to do that too. So, let's do our best to work together.

  60. Anonymous said...

    Insulin: a gateway drug to PID

    September 1, 2009 7:44 AM

    which leads to dr pepper and poptarts

  61. 64!!!!!!! CLUZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!

  62. Anonymous said...

    Natives don't need shoes or suitcases because they are right where they belong they're right, where they belong.

    September 1, 2009 7:39 AM


  63. Let's bring this thing up to Speed. Insulin is boring.

  64. As for my respect of your work...I was annoyed when I wrote this...

  65. I sincerely do think that my post outlined a scenario that is very possible, and I backed it up with evidence that I think is pretty compelling. I may be wrong, I may be right, but in the end, I'm really just blundering my way through this in the best way I know how, because I really want to understand the forces that have been guiding humanity to the place we are at right now, and you all seem to want to do that too.

  66. Every ladder leads to heaven.

  67. "It is almost as if the people who sell magazines think that people in the world would find the topic to be interesting."


  68. iamaphoney - the right album bootleg 09-09-09 promo

    1:27 seconds... IS IT REALLY MAN, who makes the videos??

    IAAP - a phoney...

  69. Will the really Paul McCartney please stand up?

  70. The use of the term "lol" is currently under litigation for copyright infringement and is henceforth "off the table" for plebeian usage. We Appllo-gize for the temporary inconvenience.

  71. So did you guys figure out yet that Paul McCartney never died and wasn't replaced? It'll save you lots of time and effort, trust me.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. APPALEON said...
    "It is almost as if the people who sell magazines think that people in the world would find the topic to be interesting."


    September 1, 2009 10:19 AM

    Umm...yeah. 40th Anniversary of PID hence it's being brought up everywhere. Tafultong should have mentioned that. I'm happy about it. It's about time the mainstream investigated the retarded freakshow that is PID on the web.

  74. This author has been removed by the post .

  75. I guess everybody here has already watched the Beatles Rock Band TV Commercial:

    It amazes me. The way they re-veal the truth.

  76. B. said...
    I guess everybody here has already watched the Beatles Rock Band TV Commercial:

    It amazes me. The way they re-veal the truth.

    NEWSFLASH: PID is a good marketing ploy. Always has been. Not one Beatle complained when the old albums shot up the charts in 1969. Keep it up. More posts like yours means more $$$ for Apple.

  77. Anonymous said...
    B. said...
    I guess everybody here has already watched the Beatles Rock Band TV Commercial:

    It amazes me. The way they re-veal the truth.

    NEWSFLASH: PID is a good marketing ploy. Always has been. Not one Beatle complained when the old albums shot up the charts in 1969. Keep it up. More posts like yours means more $$$ for Apple.

    September 1, 2009 3:32 PM




  78. Yeah, let's get moving on that "special" agreement!

  79. I hope you both are doing well.

  80. MikeNL said...
    Anonymous said...
    B. said...
    I guess everybody here has already watched the Beatles Rock Band TV Commercial:

    It amazes me. The way they re-veal the truth.

    NEWSFLASH: PID is a good marketing ploy. Always has been. Not one Beatle complained when the old albums shot up the charts in 1969. Keep it up. More posts like yours means more $$$ for Apple.

    September 1, 2009 3:32 PM




    September 1, 2009 3:40 PM

    Come on MikeNL, are you really THAT stupid?

    PID is not real. The only "special agreement" is the one made between PID fanatics and their own conscience.

    I hear the Flat Earth Society is looking for members too.

  81. "Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air"September 1, 2009 at 4:54 PM

    "special agreement"

  82. "Fans of Iamaphoney's music simply must be excited about what MikeyNL1038 got his hands on."

    Based on the fact that it's gotten 176 views, and that half or more of those are repeat views, we may calculate the number of Phoney music fans as being somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 people. Not exactly a groundswell of support; Phoney should have done the album about one year ago when the mystique was still intact.

  83. Yeah, but they WORSHIP the GROUND he WALKS on.
    Talk about support!

  84. Iamaphoney is not worthy of worship. Tafultong and MikeNL are the last two who are in love with him but that is only because they have not fallen in love with THIS man yet.

  85. Why do I climb the mountain? Because I'm in love.

  86. Every mountain leads to heaven.

  87. Everyone's a Captain KirkSeptember 1, 2009 at 6:21 PM

    Hug the mountain, challenge the ROCK.

  88. Worship the groundswell the mountain walks on.

  89. This is the best video I've ever seen. THANK YOU!

    teeny toes?

  90. Based on the fact that it's gotten 176 views, and that half or more of those are repeat views, we may calculate the number of Phoney music fans as being somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 people. Not exactly a groundswell of support; Phoney should have done the album about one year ago when the mystique was still intact.

    Yeah? Well last I checked it was up to 186 views, ten more than before. True, I watched the first two minutes 115 times, but I'm simply excited about hearing backwards Beatle songs and mumbling that sounds like "ay-ay-ay-em."

  91. What a low criteria for what passes for entertainment and grounds for worship these days.

  92. Does Iamaphoney not realize that releasing an album of his music taints his entire series? Now the h8ters have more ammunition than ever before. The Rotten Apple series can be written off as just hype to promote some homemade music. I'm sorry but this isreally stupid of him. I'm out of here.

  93. "Fans of Iamaphoney's music simply must be excited about what MikeyNL1038 got his hands on."

    Based on the fact it all music that has already been in the prior videos, I don't see the big deal.

  94. Hear that whooshing? That's the sound of Taf whizzing past that embarrassing Statue of Liberty post. I think that might be the record for shortest interval between posts.

    Speaking of records . . .excuse me goofballs, but Mikey didn't "get his hands" on a bootleg of Phoney music. Mikey has been Phoney's liaison for some time now, if you didn't notice. That's why we wound up with Mikey getting the Berlin suitcase stuff, as if that isn't rigged.

    A bootleg is an unsanctioned illegal copy of what is usually an official major label release by a signed artist. Mikey as a bootlegger is about as believable as an oompa loompa winding up with one of Willy Wonka's golden tickets. So this propaganda that Phoney is Paul is the same as this propaganda that Mikey is one lucky dog to have somehow gotten his hands on these tunes, when Mikey IS the label and distributor, so to speak.

    To sum up: The RA Paul is Dead theme is a bait to draw in goofy Beatlemaniacs that might actually want to hear a bunch of PID-themed Beatle songs backwards.

    And Taf, you really don't have to be so apologetic about a PID article, as though you have to defend the idea that someone other than wackos and goofballs are interested. Yes, that one paragraph article demonstrates there must be some interest somewhere for one paragraph blurbs about PID when it's the anniversary of the rumors. In the same way, you can pretty much find any given Beatle-related story somewhere in the world on any given day, such as Lennon's "Bigger than Jesus" remark, which has been cited in probably thousands of articles as it will continue to be in the future. The Beatles remain a popular topic, no matter which part of the mythos is highlighted in a given year/decade.

  95. Does Iamaphoney not realize that releasing an album of his music taints his entire series? Now the h8ters have more ammunition than ever before. The Rotten Apple series can be written off as just hype to promote some homemade music. I'm sorry but this isreally stupid of him. I'm out of here.

    What taints his entire series is the series itself if you've been watching. It's called IAMAPHONEY, which refers to the guys making the videos if you didn't catch on by now.

    What taints this series allegedly about "evidence" that Paul died is the fake evidence. The RA was always about Phoney's music.

    Who cares? Taf has reminded you time and again, particularly as he has grown suspicious of Phoney's motives, that it is labeled under "Entertainment," not "News" or "Shocking Proof."

    As if this theory that Pepper is an elaborate diagram pointing to Paul's heart and a Hopi Indian prophecy doesn't taint PID? Or the suggestion that Paul is a woman, or a monarch slave for the Illuminati? PID is tainted from the get-go because P was never D.

  96. Mikey didn't "get his hands" on a bootleg of Phoney

    He did say "promo" of a bootleg as in promotional for the IAAP
    s bootleg "right album"

    dont get your hopes up, on 9/9/9 mikey also releases some more of his material!!!!

  97. Anonymous said...
    "Fans of Iamaphoney's music simply must be excited about what MikeyNL1038 got his hands on."

    Based on the fact it all music that has already been in the prior videos, I don't see the big deal.

    September 1, 2009 7:15 PM

    a lot of the tracks on the bootleg are direct stereo versions. not from youtube.

  98. Anonymous said...
    Mikey didn't "get his hands" on a bootleg of Phoney

    He did say "promo" of a bootleg as in promotional for the IAAP
    s bootleg "right album"

    dont get your hopes up, on 9/9/9 mikey also releases some more of his material!!!!

    September 1, 2009 7:30 PM

    it's a promo because i am releasing the bootleg on 090909.

    when iamaphoney actually makes the real Right Album available... i have no clue.

  99. That's great Mike. I'll be getting the remastered Beatles CD's on that day so maybe I'll download it some other time.

  100. when iamaphoney actually makes the real Right Album available... i have no clue.

    really? no clue? but he did give you the tracks you're releasing for him, yes? seems like you could just ask him.

  101. when iamaphoney actually makes the real Right Album available... i have no clue.

    really? no clue? but he did give you the tracks you're releasing for him, yes? seems like you could just ask him.

    September 1, 2009 9:51 PM

    Ask him? He can't do that. If phoney answers, that would make Mikey a schizo.

  102. Does Iamaphoney not realize that releasing an album of his music taints his entire series? Now the h8ters have more ammunition than ever before. The Rotten Apple series can be written off as just hype to promote some homemade music.

    :P YOu say?

  103. You had a different view
    Hey there Paul what's new?
    Did Judas talk to you or did you put the whole world on?
    I think there's something wrong
    It's taken you too long to change the world
    Sir Isaac Newton told you it would fall

    You didn't listen St Paul.....

  104. I looked into the sky
    Everything was high
    Higher than it seemed to be to me
    Standing by the sea
    Thinking I was free
    Did I hear you call or was I dreaming then St. Paul..

    You..knew it all along
    Something had gone wrong
    They couldn't hear your song of sadness in the air
    While they were crying out beware
    Your flowers and long hair
    While you and Sgt Pepper saw the writing on the wall...

    You saved one minute of your life to the future
    They said you've got dues to pay today
    You say it's a fool who plays it cool Sir
    And if tomorrow comes you know they'll all hear St. Paul say..

    Let me take you down down down down down down down down...

  105. "For now we see through a glass, darkly."

  106. Yeah, the world is run by Illuminists and we are all slaves to their invisible doctrine. We cannot express ourselves or think for ourselves. So, even though the whole "Paul is a Satanist" thing disturbs me, I prefer to fight the power by recording Beatle-esque songs backwards and selling them on the net (with a little pre-hype from Mikey).

    At least I'm still allowed to do THAT.


  107. "Notes From The Overground"

    Hi Tafultong! What does that phrase mean?

  108. MikeNL
    Hey, are you friends with Iamaphoney? Could you ask him what he means to say in this video series? Is there some insider information that you know?
    Is there a tour or tshirts?

  109. That's great Mike. I'll be getting the remastered Beatles CD's on that day so maybe I'll download it some other time.

    September 1, 2009 9:15 PM

    There are remastered Beatles CD's?
    Are they releasing MP3's too? I dont have a CD player, only IPOD

  110. Anonymous said...

    Hey, are you friends with Iamaphoney? Could you ask him what he means to say in this video series? Is there some insider information that you know?
    Is there a tour or tshirts?

    September 2, 2009 5:09 PM

    Ask iaap yourself, he will tell you all about it, really!

    you too can become an


  111. "inphormant"

    September 2, 2009 5:24 PM

    i want an "inphormant" tshirt!

  112. gnik nus

  113. MikeNL
    Hey, are you friends with Iamaphoney?

    September 2, 2009 5:09 PM


    /take offense if you must, but that was funny

  114. PID is a sinking ship. Come join us for "Lady GaGa is a man" over on YouTube. One video=2 million views.

  115. Anonymous said...

    Hey, are you friends with Iamaphoney?

    September 2, 2009 5:09 PM

    You owe me a Corona, and a keyboard, you magnificent bastard.

  116. Anonymous said...

    PID is a sinking ship. Come join us for "Lady GaGa is a man" over on YouTube. One video=2 million views.

    September 2, 2009 7:15 PM

    yeah, what better time to release an album of iamaphoney songs?
    they should throw in a couple more suitcase videos as well, round out the series

  117. Anonymous said...

    yeah, what better time to release an album of iamaphoney songs?

    September 2, 2009 7:27 PM

    h8ter brings the h8te. thats all you are good for. h8ting...

    you will see, when the revelation comes, this time for real, on 9 sept

  118. you will see, when the revelation comes, this time for real, on 9 sept

    September 2, 2009 7:31 PM

    Yes! When the 4 new videos are released.


  119. Anonymous said...

    h8ter brings the h8te. thats all you are good for. h8ting...

    you will see, when the revelation comes, this time for real, on 9 sept

    September 2, 2009 7:31 PM

    Yeah all the revelations over the past 3 years have been really great. The blair witch video, suitcases, shirtless boy preening on the beach, the shoe video ...yep. It's been a real shit storm and now comes "hey download my songs!".

    Oh yeah?

    How about "hey go fuck yourself".

    A lie adds up and Iamaphoney is full of shit.

  120. there are snackpacks
    in the cabinet
    but your mom wont let you go there..

    I warn you
    little fat kids
    Dont go there.

  121. there are snackpacks
    in the cabinet
    but your mom wont let you go there..

    I warn you
    little fat kids
    Dont go there.

    September 2, 2009 9:36 PM

    You should put those words to music!

    There are snackpacks in the cabinet

    Yea, yea, yea

    but your mom wont let you go there..

  122. 6 days and counting till the quadtrillogy!

  123. "There are remastered Beatles CD's?
    Are they releasing MP3's too? I dont have a CD player, only IPOD

    September 2, 2009 5:11 PM"

    On September 9, 2009, after a nearly 22-year wait, digitally remastered versions of all of the Beatles studio albums will be released, a press release has confirmed. Each album will feature the track listings and artwork as it was originally released in the U.K. and come with expanded booklets including original and newly written liner notes and rare photos. For a limited time, each of the Fab Four’s 12 proper albums will be “embedded” with a brief documentary about its making. The rereleases will include the Beatles’ 12 studio albums and Magical Mystery Tour as well as Past Masters Vol. I and II, which will be packaged as one collection. All 14 discs will be available with DVDs of the documentaries in a stereo box set, and a set titled The Beatles in Mono featuring 10 discs will also be released.

    (Look back at the Beatles’ studio albums and Rolling Stone’s stories on the LPs.)

    A crew of engineers at London’s Abbey Road Studios have spent four years working on the remasters using new technology and vintage equipment, the press release says, in an effort to preserve “the authenticity and integrity of the original analogue recordings” and ensure “the highest fidelity the catalog has seen since its original release.”

    9/9/09 promises to be a huge day in Beatles lore, as it’s the same day The Beatles: Rock Band will hit stores. This weekend brought a bit of Beatles news, too, as Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr reunited onstage at a New York benefit for David Lynch’s Transcendental Meditation foundation (see photos here). Preorders for the remasters are already popping up on Demand for Beatles remasters has steadily increased since 1987, when Capitol/EMI first released the Beatles’ discography on CD with what many audiophile fans deemed substandard sound quality compared to the original vinyl.

    While it seems like other artists remaster their entire catalog every several years, Capitol/EMI have barely touched the Beatles’ discography since 1987, with the exception of 2004’s The Capitol Albums, Vol. 1 box set, which compiled and remastered the band’s first four American releases in stereo and mono formats. The soundtrack for the Beatles’ Love show also gave listeners a brief tease of how fantastic the band’s songs would sound if properly remastered.

    The Beatles in Mono will include the 10 albums originally mixed for mono release, as well as two additional discs the press release says features similar songs to those on the Past Masters compilations. The mono versions of Help! and Rubber Soul will boast bonuses: the albums’ original 1965 stereo mixes, which have not been previously released on CD, per the press release. The mono collection, like the stereo one, will include all original inserts and label designs, and the CDs are designed as tiny vinyl replicas.

    The press release didn’t include news regarding a possible deal with iTunes or another digital-music vendor to distribute the catalog digitally: “Discussions regarding the digital distribution of the catalog will continue. There is no further information available at this time,” the press release reads. Both Apple Corps. and Paul McCartney have expressed reluctance to release the Beatles’ music digitally until all the albums had been remastered. The solo work of each of the four Beatles is available on iTunes.

    The Beatles Remasters:

    Please Please Me
    With the Beatles
    A Hard Day’s Night
    Beatles for Sale
    Rubber Soul
    Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
    Magical Mystery Tour
    The Beatles (The White Album)
    Abbey Road
    Let It Be
    Past Masters
    Yellow Submarine

  124. Huh....
    No bonus tracks.
    No coupling of the singles with the albums.

    In other words, shoddy reissues.

    Damn you Faul....

  125. Plenty of room on a CD
    for the stereo AND mono mixes,
    but why not make them pay twice?!

    And by THEM i mean Tafultong and Vince...

  126. Doesn’t anyone at EMI know you can fit mono & stereo versions on one disc? None of the pre-White Album LP’s run over 40 minutes.

    Or do they really expect people to pay $150+ for the same album twice?

    And by people, I mean Tafultong, Vince, AND MIKENL

  127. are they releasing these on vinyl?

    That would be cool, because then rappers and DJ's could scratch

  128. No jokes about this being

    “the one after nine oh nine?”

    the kimmel dude is out to lunch

  129. Anonymous said...

    No bonus tracks.
    No coupling of the singles with the albums.

    In other words, shoddy reissues.

    Damn you Faul....

    September 2, 2009 11:09 PM

    Don’t be such a loser!
    The thing about Beatles albums is they don’t need “bonus cuts”-
    the albums are all sequenced perfectly AS THEY ARE!
    They do not need the gimmicks!
    And if “Love” is any indicator, the sound will be anything but “shoddy”.
    You big dummy

  130. Can we trade in the old albums??

    For the new ones?

  131. Dude this isnt “Star Wars"

    Beatles albums are what they are and there is no need to add fancy THX extras to make it a worthwhile. DUH, EMI is making a profit isn’t that the point of business? You communist!

    Let’s face it, many of us bought the CD's 15-20 years ago.
    I don’t mind spending an extra thirteen bucks every two decades or so for an upgrade.

  132. I will pay the what is sure to be a ridiculous price for this and spend an entire day listening to everything back to back. This is awesome.

    You whiners and haters should get a life!

  133. The release date seems like a tribute to John Lennon. His favorite number was 9.

    "Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... Numba nine... number nine... "

  134. Any of you who bitch about buying them again… WELL THEN DONT!

    If you are one who is crying and waiting for downloads which will be of lesser quality, all you have to do is buy old used CDs AND MAKE YOUR OWN! You dummies

  135. Now if we can get “Anthology” on Blu-Ray, we’ll be getting somewhere….

  136. How do you get away with digitally remastering a digital master?

  137. Does anyone know if the “White Album” will be included in the Mono box set?

  138. What does MICHAEL JACKSON say to all this??

  139. Anonymous said...

    What does MICHAEL JACKSON say to all this??

    September 2, 2009 11:32 PM


  140. 666, how suitable for a Tavistock creation.

  141. Will the Japanese issues be the SHM-CD format?

  142. I think McCartney and Starr will be reuniting to tour and record. Now and Then I think should come out next year. Carnival of Light should be a bonus on Sgt. Peppers.

  143. I think McCartney and Starr will be reuniting to tour and record. Now and Then I think should come out next year. Carnival of Light should be a bonus on Sgt. Peppers.

  144. I think McCartney and Starr will be reuniting to tour and record. Now and Then I think should come out next year. Carnival of Light should be a bonus on Sgt. Peppers.

  145. Anonymous said...

    How do you get away with digitally remastering a digital master?

    September 2, 2009 11:28 PM

    The Beatles catalog are originally Analog mastered! There was no digital masters in the 60’s! The original Analog masters were used to make these digital remasters.

  146. Vinyl sucks- who neeeds scratches?
    Cassettes sucked- who wants hiss?
    If these sound as good as “Love,” then we’re really in for a treat

  147. i apreciate there talent. but come on people you act like there the second coming of christ.

  148. Just wow..some people are so ignorant.

  149. how many times will they end up repackaging “remastered” versions in the future. Can we please bury the 1960’s already?

  150. when remastering, did they go back to the original multi-track tapes to make adjustments to equalization, etc.
    or did they simply work off the mix-downed stereo and mono masters?

    Working off the multi-track tapes would eliminate another layer of distortion as you would be closer to the source.

    The announcement that they are using compression on the stereo masters to raise the volume is a step backwards, if they are really trying to achieve a more “live sound”. It is too bad they are not releasing the catalog onto hybrid SACDs which have greater dynamic range like the Rolling Stones and Moody Blues did with their eary albums. Those albums sound fantastic. EMI is being cheap in how they handle the most valuable catalog in all of music. It does not make sense to tweak the music in high resolution and then put it on cds which are low resolution.

    In terms of which collection to buy, the stereo or mono versions, it all depends on whether or not you want it to sound as close to “live” as possible and what kind of system you will listen to it on. Stereo was invented to give a closer to reality sound than mono. The 1987 cds were released with the first 4 albums in mono. There was some justification for the first 2 albums being in mono as they were mixed down from two track masters, with all the singing in one channel on the stereo mix. However, the stereo mix has a lot more “hall ambience” in it than the mono mix, which is more dry. The 3rd and 4th albums (A Hard Days Night and Beatles For Sale) were recorded on a 4 track machine and the stereo mix down had the singing in the center. There was no excuse for not putting these two albums out in stereo.

    On the stereo mix of A Hard Days Night album, you will be able to hear George’s Rickenbacker 360 12 string guitar in lead parts that were buried in the mono mix. A couple of the songs from the album have piano parts in them that you can hear on the stereo version, but on the mono version you wouldn’t even know they were played on the song. “I’ll Be Back” has John and George exchanging accoustic guitar licks in separate channels that is lost in the mono mix. And finally, the end of the title song is chopped off in the mono version.

    As far as Rubber Soul is concerned, the original stereo master had all the singing in one channel. That is why the original mix was later abandoned when the cds were mastered in 87. The later mix has the singing centered. As to why George Martin originally put the singing in one channel on Rubber Soul is unknown. On the first two albums they were forced to do that because the 2 track masters had all the singing on one track.

  151. Hmm, no mention of George or Giles Martin.

  152. The stereo albums have been remastered by Guy Massey, Steve Rooke, Sam Okell with Paul Hicks and Sean Magee

  153. “Number 9″=090909=666? Think about it

  154. “Number 9″=090909=666? Think about it

  155. ¡caray! es mucha mi expectación por escuchar los nuevos cds, estoy juntando la plata necesaria para los dos box set. Ese día al salir del trabajo, pasaré a comprarlos, lo primero que haré será poner el Revolver a todo volumen. las 5 canciones que más ansio escuchar con la nueva remasterización son:
    1. Taxman
    2. Helter skelter
    3. While my guitar gently weeps
    4. Tomorrow never knows
    5. Old brown shoe
    Y a mi me hubiera gustado que cada disco viniera acompañado de otro con tomas alternas DE ESTUDIO, no demos caseros, pero lo dejamos para el 2012. Saludos a los Golden!!

  156. The original white album on vinyl back in 1968 cost about 8 dollars didnt it???

  157. Anyone that denies The Beatles are the greatest band of all-time are only displaying their ignorance.

  158. YAWN
    I already have the Z-tec encoded Swedish pressings, which are FAR sonically superior to anything else.

  159. I’m not going to give them a penny until I hear that they’ve mastered these properly with no compression and no clipping…I’m not holding my breath.

    Give us the Blu-ray releases already, the CD format is tired, old and sonically handicapped.

  160. Just buy it, thank the Lord above that it will be available in your lifetime, and stop worrying!

  161. I don’t understand why everyone wants these remixed.

  162. I have become quite cynical towards remasters. Though this is more of a problem with hard rock and metal, most modern remasters sound worse than the original releases. Many of them have serious clipping issues. I don’t think this will be the case with the Beatles, but you never know.

  163. George Martin was a great producer but many of his original stereo mixes are terrible.

  164. Will any of the proceeds go to the Michael Jackson estate?

  165. Anonymous said...

    “Number 9″=090909=666? Think about it

    September 2, 2009 11:43 PM


  166. Anonymous said...

    Hmm, no mention of George or Giles Martin.

    September 2, 2009 11:41 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The stereo albums have been remastered by Guy Massey, Steve Rooke, Sam Okell with Paul Hicks and Sean Magee

    September 2, 2009 11:42 PM

  167. Will the Japanese issues be the SHM-CD format?

    September 2, 2009 11:34 PM

    does the pope like sushi?

    really, does he?

  168. First of all, everyone knows Paul died in 1966.

    Second, why did Ferris Bueller say, "I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."?

  169. In "Glass Onion" Lennon sang:
    "Here's another clue for yuou all
    the Walrus was Paul"

    In "God" (the song Ferris Bueller quoted), Lennon sang:
    "I was the dreamweaver
    but now I'm reborn
    I was the Walrus
    But now I'm John"

    So John and Paul were both the Walrus, which means the John died in 1966 with Paul, and then a look alike was actually shot in 1980 and it is all a big cover up involving some sort of grassy knoll in Roswell, New Mexico where Elvis is alive and hiding out with the crew that filmed the phoney moon landing.

  170. Trust me, these remasters will be excellent though the 1960's recording techniques had it's limitations. In other words, this is as good as it will get with the technology in this day and time.

    The only thing which would be more exciting and possibly a future plan is almost an idea which Todd Rundgren tried with limited technology a few years back.

    The entire catalogue needs to be released with software to mix each track according to personal tastes. This may be over the head of some people but musicians and anyone with digital recording software would have no problem whatsoever.

    Let me explain a bit further. The Beatles' recordings were one track mono, two track stereo, four track, and then at the end, eight track recordings mixed down to stereo and in some cases mono. Essentially, the software would be able to isolate each track and tweaked to the individual's ear. With the myriad of effects available, there would be countless versions which could be created.

    The only drawback, EMI would lose control of the recordings even though they will go public domain in the future, EMI will still control and analogue tapes and digital master versions.

    This would be a dream come true but unlikely to ever happen.

  171. Anonymous said...
    Trust me, these remasters will be excellent though the 1960's recording techniques had it's limitations. In other words, this is as good as it will get with the technology in this day and time.

    The only thing which would be more exciting and possibly a future plan is almost an idea which Todd Rundgren tried with limited technology a few years back.

    The entire catalogue needs to be released with software to mix each track according to personal tastes. This may be over the head of some people but musicians and anyone with digital recording software would have no problem whatsoever.

    Let me explain a bit further. The Beatles' recordings were one track mono, two track stereo, four track, and then at the end, eight track recordings mixed down to stereo and in some cases mono. Essentially, the software would be able to isolate each track and tweaked to the individual's ear. With the myriad of effects available, there would be countless versions which could be created.

    The only drawback, EMI would lose control of the recordings even though they will go public domain in the future, EMI will still control and analogue tapes and digital master versions.

    This would be a dream come true but unlikely to ever happen.

    September 3, 2009 5:26 AM

    you're wrong there.
    on 090909 we'll own the multitracks.
    they're in the beatles rock band.
    just needs to be decrypted that's all...

  172. Mikey,

    Don't kid yourself, son. You always pretend to know something you have absolutely no clue about in reality.

  173. There's nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs.

  174. Damn nazis always ruin everything.

  175. Trust me, these remasters will be excellent though the 1960's recording techniques had it's limitations.

    This doesn't include Mikey, who is PIA, but these complaints/queries about recording tech makes me wonder: are you PID people saying that the same Illuminati hi-tech cabal with alien technology can't get the actual music mixes up to snuff, but they can give a face transplant to some dude back in the 60s, or clone him?

    Suuuurrrre. Yeah, we can replace a human being down to the knuckle shape and bowed legs, but we're still working on the mono/stereo thing.

    The more primitive tech behind the early Beatles recordings, along with the countless managerial and other blunders committed by Epstien, Apple, and the Beatles themselves should be evidence enough that there was no one other than very real human beings behind the wheel.

  176. Thank you. You can all go home now.

  177. The altercation that allegedly took place between socash and I,'s news to me. Can someone clue me in on when and where this fight took place?

  178. The altercation that allegedly took place between socash and I,'s news to me. Can someone clue me in on when and where this fight took place?

    Don't worry about it, dude.

  179. Hi, ho,
    Vince here.
    Mikey, can't wait for that 'boot', just to have "Shoes" & that track with the strange horn at the beginning of it.

    Sadly, no 're-masters' for moi. Gonna take what little money I have to an independent editor, and try to get my (now 3 year old) book published. We're meeting on Sept. 11..... sound right.

    Also, for all you who dig 'weird shit' no matter where it comes from, here's a trailer for that CIA-remote-viewing movie, "The Man Who Stared At Goats":

    With Jeff Bridges looking like he's reprising The Dude from "The Big Lebowski", it actually looks like fun.

    Well, that's about all from me. Hope to snatch some MP3's from Mikey, come 9-9-09.

    Have a happy day.


  180. yeah, don't worry about it Dude Jude

  181. BTW, for those who believe there are powerful secret groups behind Paul's identity and his various "doubles," you've all been disproved by the fact that Paul hired a lookalike (6 time winner at Beatlefest) to take his place at a function he couldn't attend. So that would be a double of a double if you're a believer. Of course, even though the dude is supposedly the top Paul lookalike, he only looks a little bit like him from a distance (didn't fool me for a second). The attendees at the event also knew it wasn't Paul. So, if these super secret whomevers could replace Paul in 1966, why weren't they able to create a double of the double for events such as this, to give one example?

  182. That Caroline guy is the closest resemblance, for Lennon too!

  183. That Caroline guy is the closest resemblance, for Lennon too!

    Yeah but he's ugly whereas Paul was good looking. He only approximates Paul with expressions, etc., and would never fool anyone in, say, a film or, say, a full length concert feature like Rock Show. The guy is funny but he's an extreme caricature.

  184. extreme caricature? Like this blog?

    He's not ugly, he's kinda cute!

  185. "Yeah but he's ugly whereas Paul was good looking. "

    Was and still is!

  186. Anonymous said...

    Don't kid yourself, son. You always pretend to know something you have absolutely no clue about in reality.

    September 3, 2009 7:25 AM


    "And then while we were at the studio, we’d bounce out the actual stems we needed for the game, and then we’d encode them into the final version that the game ships with right there, which was encrypted and high-security and all that kind of stuff.

    And we bounce out the stems that we actually need for the game, then we basically encrypt them, interleave them into a single file that our game reads. So we have that, and that’s the audio part of it, it’s fairly straightforward. And then we have a team of people here that kind of transcribe all the music, putting down all the gems that you see, laying down all the tracks and putting the lyrics in. And that’s basically kind of like transcription using MIDI files, basically."

    stems are the individual instrument tracks.

  187. Jude said...
    The altercation that allegedly took place between socash and I,'s news to me. Can someone clue me in on when and where this fight took place?

    September 3, 2009 9:52 AM

    Fude, didn't you read the message?
